HRT 2104 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
HRT 2104 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
HRT 2104 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
2. INSTRUCTOR(S): Mr. Wanyama David (BSc. Hort., SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania; MSc. Hort., JKUAT, Nairobi,
Kenya; PhD (on-going), JKUAT, Nairobi, Kenya)
4. COURSE STRUCTURE: Three (3) credit units: 30 lecture hours (2 contact hours per week for 15 study weeks)
and 30 practical hours (1 contact hour per week for 15 study weeks).
The course covers all aspects of plant propagation using both sexual and asexual means. General management and
production practices related to plant propagation are also discussed with emphasis on nursery management and
Specific objectives
To provide the student with:
Basic principles in plant propagation of horticultural plants.
Practical, hands-on experience in plant propagation methods.
Principles, practices and skills required in the culture and management of nursery plants.
Hartmann, H.T.; Kester, F.T. and Geneve R.L. Jr. 1997. Plant Propagation- Principles and Practices. 6th
Edition. Prentice-Hall of India, Private Limited, New Delhi.
Hartmann, H.T.; Kofranek, A.M.; Rubatzky, V. E.; and Flocker, W.J. 1988. Plant Science. Growth,
Development, and Utilization of Cultivated Plants. 2nd Edition.regents/Pretince Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
11. The Nursery Growing Soil and nutrient management for field- Black board
Media grown nursery plants and Chalk
Media and Nutrient Management for Interactive Lecture
Container-Grown Nursery Plants (2hrs)
12. Irrigation (Water Water supply and its sources Black board
management) of Nursery Water treatment and Chalk
Water recycling Interactive Lecture
Irrigation systems (2hrs)
Continuous assessment 2 quizzes will be done during 6th and 14th weeks of the semester 20%
Continuous assessment A practical report will be prepared on the various propagation 20%
(Practical report) techniques covered during practical sessions in the 15 th week of the
University Examination This will be done between the 16th and the 17th weeks of the semester 60%