Ibt Syllabus Rouche
Ibt Syllabus Rouche
Ibt Syllabus Rouche
Upon entering class you will be seated and complete your warm up activity.
There is to be no walking around the classroom without permission.
You are expected to only be on websites pertaining to classwork.
You are expected to listen and follow all directions.
You will submit all completed assignments on EDMODO unless otherwise instructed.
You are expected to be responsible, respectful, and ready for class each day. Cell
phones are to be turned off and put away during class. Do not plug any
electronic accessories into computer. They are only to be used when instructed
by myself.
Challenge yourself to continually improve.
No Gum, Food or Drinks allowed in classroom
IBT-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
IBT-2 Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity by creating, editing, and
Introduction to Technology
Word Processing Applications
Effective Communication Skills
Introduction to the World of Marketing
All assignments are designed to show whether students have met the standards for the
course. Any unit test or project assessed as poor quality will be expected to be
REDONE for higher credit.
Extra Help:
There will be tutorials available to you with me on Mondays until 3:45 in room B-3. There
will be computer labs open throughout the week for you to complete work if necessary.
The tutorial schedule for the business classes is listed below.
Monday: Mrs. Rouche B3
Tuesday : Ms. Davis-McArthur D4
Wednesday: Mr. Exley D-1
Thursday: Mr. Turner D-3
Please sign and return to indicate you have received and read this syllabus.
Print Student Name
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Class Block___________________