Ground Studies For Pilots Radio Aids
Ground Studies For Pilots Radio Aids
Ground Studies For Pilots Radio Aids
Frequency =
(or f =
Frequency in hertz =
Wavelength in hertz =
Frequency =
Wavelength =
5) How many wavelengths, to the nearest whole number, of frequency 150 MHz
are equivalent to 52 ft?
Wavelength =
= 2m
= 2 3.28 ft
= 6.56 ft
= 8 (approx)
If the vector is stopped at some stage of its revolution, say at point E (30
anticlockwise from OR position), it will have traced the cycle from zero position
on the horizontal axis up to point E'. E' is then the instantaneous phase of that
cycle. In other words, any stage in the cycle of an alternating current is referred to
as its phase.
If two transmissions were taking place on the same frequency, two waveforms
would superimpose each other, providing the transmission commenced at the same
instant. Then, the two waveforms are said to be in phase. A fractional delay in
sending off the second transmission would cause them to be out of phase. To
define the term -if two alternating currents of the same frequency (therefore their
amplitudes need not be the same) do not reach the same value at the same instant
of time they are out of phase. The phase difference is the angular difference
between the corresponding points on the waveform and is measurable. This forms
a principle of some of the navigational aids. Two waveforms having any number
of degrees of phase difference between them can be drawn by considering
revolutions of two vectors placed similarly apart and by tracing their instantaneous
values. The point is illustrated in Fig. 1.3(a) and Fig. 1.3(b).
Fig. 1.3(c) is a further illustration showing two signals 240 out of phase.
(With regard to the shapes of the a.c. waves in these diagrams it should be noted
that in strict theory, the waves take the shapes of a sine curve.)
As mentioned earlier, when a suitable a.c. is applied to an aerial,
electromagnetic waves are radiated from the aerial. These waves alternate with the
same frequency as that of the a.c. applied to the aerial. The two components,
electric and magnetic, thus radiated travel together at the speed of light. Both
travel at right angles to each other (see Fig. 1.4) and also at right angles to the
direction of propagation.
When the transmission is being made from a vertical aerial the electrical
component, E, travels in the vertical plane and its associated magnetic component,
H, in the horizontal plane and the emission is called vertically polarised. Similarly,
for a horizontal aerial the electrical component travels in the horizontal plane, the
magnetic component in the vertical plane and the emission is horizontally
polarised. Where the electrical and magnetic components spin about the axis of
advance, the signal is circularly polarised. This technique is used in reducing rain
clutter in radar.
chapter) the only signal heard is a constant audio tone but still nothing is 'read'.
Therefore, some form of intelligence must be impressed upon such a wave if it is
to convey information. The process of impressing such intelligence is called
modulation. It is done in a variety of ways, but since in all cases the radio waves
simply act as a vehicle for the information, they are commonly called carrier
waves (CW). The waveform of information, which is being impressed on this
carrier, is called a modulating wave. Some of the ways in which the carrier wave
may be changed to transmit information are given below.
Keying. This is radiotelegraphy. It consists of starting and stopping the
continuous carrier so as to break it up into the form of dots and dashes. The
communication is by a code, groups of dots and dashes having been assigned
particular meanings. The technique is primarily used for long-distance
communication; a radio navigation facility may break its carrier to identify itself
by dots and dashes. The receiver requires beat frequency oscillator (BFO) facility
to make the signals audible.
Amplitude Modulation. This method may be used in one of two ways: to
transmit coded messages at audio frequencies (AF) or to radiate speech, music,
As the name suggests, in this method, the amplitude of the carrier is varied in
conformation with the amplitude of the audio modulating signal, keeping the
carrier's frequency constant. To transmit coded information, e.g. identity of a
navigation facility, breaks must be caused in the audio. This is done either by
keying on/off just the audio tone, or both audio and the carrier.
In Fig. 1.6, audio signal B is impressed on radio frequency (RF) A. Suppose
the amplitude of both A and B is one unit. It will be noted that the resultant
envelope of the carrier wave is the picture of the modulating audio wave and that
its amplitude has increased to 2 units, now varying between values 0 and 2.
In Fig. 1.6 the modulation depth is 100%. If the carrier's amplitude was 2
units and the audio's 1 unit, the resultant audio would vary between 3 and 1 and
the modulation depth would be 50%.
The degree of modulation is an important design consideration. Here we are
concerned with two factors: the strength of the outgoing audio and the power
required to produce it. The variation in the amplitude of the outgoing modulated
signal controls the strength of the audio being carried. Thus, a signal with 100%
modulation depth will be stronger compared to a 50% modulated signal. High
modulation depth would appeal to broadcasters whose speech and music would be
heard loudest when 100% modulated. In practice they keep their modulation depth
to slightly below 100%. Over-modulation causes distortion in the reception.
As for the power considerations, extra power must be supplied to amplitudemodulate a carrier. The power requirement increases by half for a 100%
modulated signal but it falls rapidly when the modulation depth is decreased.
Thus, for a given power output and the other conditions being equal, an unmodulated signal will travel further than an amplitude-modulated signal.
Broadcasters in low frequency (LF) and medium frequency (MF) bands
employ amplitude modulation, so does civil aviation in very high frequency
radiotelephony (VHF RTF).
Frequency Modulation. This technique of conveying information was
developed in the USA after the shortcomings of amplitude modulation (AM)
transmission due to external unwanted noise became apparent during the First
World War (1914-1918). It is achieved by varying the frequency of the carrier in
accordance with the change in the amplitude of the audio, keeping the amplitude
of the carrier constant (Fig. 1.7). The extent of frequency deviation depends on the
modulating audio; it is more than the mean carrier frequency when the audio
amplitude is positive, and less than the mean when it is negative. The maximum
deviation occurs at the positive and negative peaks. In the receiver a frequency
discriminator unit detects these deviations and converts them into useful
Sidebands are additional frequencies, which occur whenever a carrier is
modulated by a frequency lower than itself, particularly audio frequencies. When a
carrier wave is amplitude-modulated, the resultant radiation consists of three
frequencies made up as follows:
carrier frequency
carrier frequency + audio frequency
carrier frequency -audio frequency.
All these frequencies travel together and the new frequencies are called
sidebands. In Fig. 1.8, a carrier frequency of 500 kHz is shown being amplitudemodulated by an audio tone of 2 kHz. The resultant side frequencies are 498 kHz
and 502 kHz. The former is called lower sideband and the latter is called upper
sideband. The complete range, from 498 kHz to 502 kHz is called bandwidth,
which is 4 kHz in this illustration.
Unlike AM, a frequency-modulated signal carries with it a multiple of
sidebands and consequently its bandwidth is greater.
In the process of modulation, it is the sidebands and not the carrier, which
carry the intelligence. Therefore, the receiver must be capable of admitting an
adequate range of frequencies on either side of the carrier when the carrier
frequency is being tuned in. The receiver's bandwidth may be broader than
necessary for a particular reception. In this case, by means of a band pass control
this may be narrowed down to reduce external noise or interference from another
And because of the sidebands associated with carrier frequency, two stations
operating on the same or similar frequencies must have sufficient geographical
separation between them to prevent an overlap. This is the primary cause of
congestion in the MF and LF bands. The precious frequency space may be utilised
more economically by radiating just the single side banded (SSB) transmission
with an additional advantage of economy in the power requirement, or even both
sidebands but each carrying different information, and utilising a common carrier.
The following are examples of bandwidth requirements:
speech transmission -3 kHz
music- between 10 and 15k Hz
radar- 3 to 10 MHz.
Designation and Classification of Emissions
All radio transmissions used in civil aviation are designated by ICAO
according to their description and required bandwidth.
Emission Designators
HF (Communication)
VHF (Communication)
Test Questions
1) Describe an A3E emission and give one-radio facility, which you associate
with it.
2) Show by means of a diagram two radio signals of the same frequency and
wavelength but one 330 out of phase and twice the amplitude of the other.
3) In what plane does the magnetic field of a radio wave lie if it is:
a. vertically polarised?
b. horizontally polarised?
4) By means of suitable diagrams show the following radio emissions:
a. a frequency-modulated wave
b. an amplitude-modulated wave.
5) What do you understand by the terms (indicating type of emission) NON
A1A, PON, NON A2A? Suggest one facility to which each might refer.
6) Show by means of a diagram a radio wave, which has NON, A1A emission.
7) What is a J3E emission?
8) What do you understand by the term frequency modulation? State one facility,
which might use this type of emission.
9) What do you understand by 'sideband'?
10) Explain briefly the terms phase and phase difference.
11) A Hertz is:
a. the frequency in cycles per second
b. a frequency of one cycle per second
c. the wavelength corresponding to 1 cycle per second.
12) If wavelength is 8 mm, the radio frequency is:
a. 37.5 GHz
b. 375 GHz
c. 3750 GHz.
13) For a frequency of 200 kHz, the wavelength is:
a. 1500 m
b. 150 m
c. 1500 km.
time the two radio
14) In the diagram
waves represented are out of phase by:
a. 45
b. 180
c. 90,
15) AM at frequency fm carried on a transmitted frequency fc produces:
a. a sideband of transmission at fc + 2fm
b. two sidebands of transmission at (fc + fm) and (fc -fm)
c. a sideband of transmission at fc - 2fm
Radio Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum starts at the lower end of the radio frequencies,
that is 30 Hz, and stretches to over ten million, million giga hertz where the
radiation takes the form of gamma radiation. In this vast spectrum, radio
frequencies occupy only a very small part. Different frequencies are found to have
different characteristics and in order to identify frequencies having similar
characteristics the full range of the radio spectrum is divided into various groups
called frequency bands. The frequency bands shown in Table 2.1 are
internationally recognised.
Table 2.1
Frequency band
extremely low
voice frequency
very low frequency
low frequency
medium frequency
high frequency
very high frequency
ultra high frequency
super high frequency
extremely high
Radar L band
Radar S band.
Radar C band
Radar X band
30-300 Hz
10000-1000 km
300-3000 Hz
3-30 kHz
30-300 kHz
300-3000 kHz
3-30 MHz
30-300 MHz
300-3000 MHz
3000-30000 MHz
30000- 300 000
1000-2000 MHz
2000-4000 MHz
4000-8000 MHz
8000-12500 MHz
1000-100 km
100-10 km
10000-1000 m
10-1 m
100-10 cm
10-1 cm
1-0.1 cm
Surrounding the earth, our atmosphere is rich in water vapour right up to the
height of the tropopause. Water vapour is the major cause of the weather and the
weather means precipitation, thunderstorms, lightning and so forth. Electrical
activity may be expected in any of these attributes of the weather. The other
characteristics of the atmosphere, pressure, density, temperature, all vary
continually, both horizontally along the surface and with height.
And finally, well above the earth's surface we have electrically conducting
belts of ionised layers caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Radio waves travel best in the free space. On and around the surface of the
earth they are influenced to a varying degree by the factors discussed in the
preceding paragraphs. We will now study these influences in detail.
Propagation: Surface Waves
When electromagnetic waves are radiated from an omni directional aerial,
some of the energy will travel along the surface of the earth. These waves, gliding
along the surface are called surface waves or ground waves. As we learnt earlier,
it is the nature of radio waves to travel in a straight line. However, in appropriate
conditions they tend to follow the earth's surface giving us increased ranges. But,
what causes them to curve with the surface?
Primarily there are two factors. One, the phenomenon of diffraction and
scattering causes the radio waves to bend and go over and around any obstacles in
their path (see Fig. 2.2). As the earth's surface is full of large and small obstacles,
the waveform is assisted almost continually to curve round the surface. The extent
of diffraction depends on the radio wave's frequency (see Fig. 2.3). The diffraction
is maximum at the lowest end of the spectrum and it decreases as the frequency is
increased. At centimetric wavelengths (SHF) an upstanding obstacle stops the
wave front, causing a shadow behind it. It is because of this effect that LF
broadcasts give good field strength behind a range of hills but there is no reception
on your car radio when going under a railway bridge.
This bending downward is further assisted (the other factor) by the fact that as
a part of the wave-form comes in contact with the surface it induces currents in it,
thereby losing some of its energy and slowing down. This is called surface
attenuation. This slowing down of the bottom gives the wave forms a forward and
downward tilt encouraging it to follow the earth's curvature (see Fig. 2.4).
3) Polarisation of radio waves. Vertically polarised waves are normally used with
minimum attenuation.
In combating attenuation, we have no control over the surface over which the
propagation is to be made. The primary consideration therefore, is the choice of
frequency. We are now ready to summarise the ground ranges expected from
frequencies in various frequency bands.
VLF. Attenuation is least, maximum bending is due to diffraction. Given
sufficient power, ranges of several thousand miles may be obtained.
LF. Attenuation is less and the signals will bend with the earth's surface;
ranges to a distance of 1500 nm may be expected.
MF. Attenuation is now increasing, signals still bend with the surface and the
ranges are approximately 300 to 500 nm, maximum is 1000 nm over the sea.
HF. Severe attenuation, bending is least. The maximum range obtainable is
around 70 to 100 nm.
VHF and above. The signals do not bend and the radio waves travel in a
straight line, giving line-of-sight ranges.
are critical periods for the operation of the automatic direction finding equipment
Seasonal Activity. The amount of intensity depends on where the sun is with
regard to the position under consideration. There is maximum activity when the
sun is closest. Sporadic ionisation occurs in the E layer in summer.
11-Year Sun-Spot Cycle. Very marked changes in ionisation occur during
this sunspot activity period. This is due to enhanced ultraviolet and X-radiation
from the sun. At this time, ionisation in D and E layers causes an increase in
absorption disrupting communication, and signals at VHF frequencies may return.
As mentioned earlier, radio energy is absorbed in the ionosphere. The extent
of attenuation depends on various factors.
1) Density of the Layer. The greater the density, "the greater the attenuation.
Maximum attenuation occurs around midday.
2) Penetration Depth. The deeper the signal penetrates into the layer, the more
loss of energy due to attenuation will occur.
3) Frequency in use. The lower the frequency, the greater the attenuation. This is
one of the reasons why a higher frequency is used for communication in the HF
band during the day.
Conditions of Refraction
Critical angle. The angle at which the signal strikes the layer decides, among
other factors, whether the signal will return or not. If it strikes the layer at a small
angle to the perpendicular, it will not be refracted sufficiently to return. As this angle
of incidence is progressively increased, the signals will bend progressively more
until an angle is reached for a given frequency and ionospheric distribution when the
first reflection will occur. The angle this wave makes with the normal at the
transmission point is called the critical angle (see Fig. 2.8) and the returned wave is
called the critical ray or first sky return. At this angle, and higher than this, there will
be an uninterrupted flow of sky waves.
Ranges Available
The ranges available from the sky waves depend on the following factors:
1) Transmission power
2) Depth of penetration. This depends on the frequency in use and the ionospheric
distribution. The deeper a signal travels before being refracted, the larger the
ranges it produces. (Higher frequencies require a higher density to refract them.)
3) Critical angle and angle of incidence. The critical angle will determine the range
at which the first sky return occurs, and the prevailing conditions might produce
a dead space (see below) where no reception is possible. Similarly, maximum
range is given by that wave which leaves the transmitter tangential to the earth.
Figure 2.8 illustrates critical angles and first sky returns at various frequencies
during day and night. Skip distance and dead space. The distance between the
transmitter and the point on the surface where the first sky return arrives is called the
skip distance. For a given frequency the skip distance varies with the time of day
and also the seasons.
Where a signal produces both surface wave and sky wave, there may be an area
where no reception is possible. This is because the surface wave's limit has been
reached and the sky waves have not started returning (see Fig. 2.9). This area, that
is, the area between the limit of the surface wave and the point of reception of the
first sky wave is termed dead space.
Dead space is possible in HF where the surface wave is very short and the
refraction occurs at higher layers. As the frequency is lowered to MF and LF the
surface wave increases whereas the sky wave is returned from lower layers at low
critical angles. In these circumstances generally there is no dead space.
Multi-Hop Refraction
If the returning signals are sufficiently strong they will be reflected from the
earth's surface back to the ionosphere where they will be refracted and returned
again. This process may continue several times until the signals are finally
attenuated by passage through the ionosphere and contact with the earth's surface at
the point of reflection (Fig. 2.10). This phenomenon is known as multi-hop
refraction and very long ranges are obtained using this type of propagation. When
multi-hop propagation is taking place the first return is called the Ist hop and its
subsequent reflections are called 2nd hop and so on. If the angle of incidence is
right, the signals can travel round the world and an 'echo' of the previous reception
may arrive l/7th of a second later.
Fading (Fluctuation)
Fading is always present, to a greater or lesser extent in sky wave reception
because of continuous fluctuations in the ionosphere. The relative phases of the sky
waves arriving at a receiver vary in random fashion affecting the amplitude of the
It is also possible to receive two sky waves, which have travelled different
routes, or to receive both 1st hop and 2nd hop signals. Since they have not travelled
the same distance there will be a phase difference between them. When the two
incoming signals are in phase they augment each other giving stronger reception;
when they are directly in opposition they cancel themselves out.
Tropospheric Scatter
This is the term used when direct refraction from the ionosphere is used, for
example in long-range military radars, to give increased range.
Summary of Properties, using Sky Waves
VLF, LF. Some sky waves are present during the day and also at night. Low
frequencies reflect at relatively low heights, ionospheric attenuation is very large
and the propagation is mainly by surface waves.
MF. This frequency band is in mid-position between surface wave and sky
wave. Surface wave distances are getting shorter (compared with VLF and LF); the
sky waves increase these distances, particularly at night. Sky wave attenuation is
less; atmospheric interference is also less but still troublesome. Sky waves in this
band are a blessing to such facilities as Loran but are a nuisance to ADF operation.
HF. Surface waves travel only a short distance but very great ranges are
achieved using sky waves. Comparative power requirements are less, ionospheric
attenuation being only slight.
VHF and above. All frequencies above 30 MHz escape into free space. The
ionospheric density is not sufficient to refract them back to the earth.
Space Waves
We have seen that above HF neither sky waves nor ground waves may be
usefully employed. At frequencies in VHF and above, the only radiated wave, which
can be used is the one which travels in a direct line from the transmitter aerial to the
receiver aerial. This type of transmission is called line-of-sight transmission and it
means that if a straight line can be drawn joining the transmitter and receiver, the
signals can be received (but see below). The signals thus received are called direct
waves. Sometimes an aircraft may pick up the same signal from two directions: one
having travelled direct to the aircraft and the other having first been reflected by the
surface (Fig. 2.11). Such a signal is called a ground reflected
HF communication
The principle of HP communication relies on choosing a frequency appropriate for a given set of ionospheric conditions that will produce the first
return at the required skip distance from the transmitter. If the height of the
refracting layer is known, the ray's path from the transmitter to the receiver
via the ionosphere can be plotted and, from this, the angle of incidence the
ray makes at the ionosphere can be ascertained. The frequency to use, so that
the ray travels along this path, is derived from the knowledge of the angle of
incidence, 8, and the critical frequency, fc. The critical frequency is that
frequency which just starts to escape at vertical incidence to the ionosphere.
The mathematical'relationship between the two, fc x secant 8, gives us what
is called maximum usable frequency (MUP). This is the highest frequency
the reflection height increases, and the wave is returned from a higher
level, giving a greater skip distance
the density of the layer decreaseswhich requires the same wave to travel
still higher in denser density layers before being returned, giving the
same consequence as (1).
For these reasons, the working frequency is lowered at night. This lowering
of the frequency adjusts the skip distance because
It may be pointed out here that in lowering the frequency at night the signal
is not being subjected to an increased attenuation since the density is less at
night. In practice, the night frequencies are approximately half of the daytime
On the matter of the choice of frequency, if you are calling a station
without success, but you are hearing another station which is at a greater
distance in the same direction, you are operating on a frequency which is too
high. The station you wish to contact is in the zone of skip distance. Lower
the frequency.
The frequency band allotted to commercial aviation ranges from 2 MHz to
22 MHz -in practical use it is limited to around 18 MHz. The ground stations
publish a number of frequencies for use, and the communication is generally
addressed to the A TCC or ACC. The service range depends on the requirement (around 1000nm). The transmission is amplitude-modulated and an
SSB emission is used to economise in power and channel space.
In the early days when MF/HF WT was in the forefront, aircraft were
equipped with a trailing aerial. It consisted of a coil of wire which was wound
out and held downward by a weight. Normally it disappeared at the first sight
of thunder or lightning. In another system a permanently fixed wire was used,
stretching the length of the fuselage. These aerials have now been replaced
by recessed aerials conveniently located to give an all-round reception.
Radio Aids
VHF is practically free from static, but being vertically polarised, the
signals do pick up some background noise. If absolute clarity of reception is
required, the choice should be shifted to UHF where room may be available
to accommodate FM sidebands.
Factors affecting VHF range
(1) Transmission power both at aircraft and ground station.
(2) Height of the transmitter .
(3) Height of the receiver .
(4) Obstacles at or near the transmission site will block the signals or scatter
them with inevitable attenuation.
(5) Any upstanding obstruction in the line of sight between the aircraft and
the ground station will have an effect similar to (4) above.
(6) In certain circumstances the aircraft may receive both direct and ground
reflected waves which may cause fading or even short term loss of
communication .
Selective calling system (SELCAL)
This system of communication relieves a pilot from the tiresome task of
maintaining a continuous listening watch on the RTF while in flight. It is most
beneficial when an aircraft is flying in peaceful areas, e.g. on a long ocean
crossing, where the only need for the RTF is to make its periodic position
reports. The advantage of the facility is taken by installing a SELCAL
receiver in the aircraft. The Air Navigation Order prescribes rules with
regard to its use.
For its use outside of the UK ensure that the ground station concerned is
designated as transmitting a signal suitable for the purpose.
A TC must be informed of the codes carried in the aircraft and a preflight
functional check must be carried out. If at this stage or at any stage en
route it is thought that either the ground or the airborne equipment is
unserviceable, listening watch must be resumed.
When on SELCAL, if the ground station wishes to contact you, it will
transmit a group of two coded tone pulses. The decoder circuit will accept the
signal if it is meant for it, and activate the cockpit call system by flashing a
lamp or by ringing a bell or a combination of both.
Secondary surveillence radar (SSR)
Secondary surveillance radar is another method of communication from A TC
to the aircraft. With the use of SSR, A TC derives an aircraft's identity, flight
level and follows its track. For fuller information on SSR see chapter 11.
Radio Aids
c ommunications
on the use of radio
The provisions (paraphrased)
are prescribed
in the Air
Radio Aids
c ommunications
polar orbiting
equatorial orbiting.
Classification of bearings
According to the judgment of the operator the bearings are classified as
follows. When the controller passes the bearing to the pilot he adds this
classification to it, e.g. 'your true bearing 247, class alpha'.
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
to within
to within
to within
less than
:t 2.
:t 5.
:t 10.
Class C.
Radio Aidl\'
is vertically polarised. Best results are obtained when the transmission arriving at the ground DF aerial is vertically polarised. When an aircraft is in an
attitude such that its transmission aerial is in the horizontal plane, the transmitted signals will be horizontally polarised and no signals will be received. In
between the two extremes, poor reception on the ground may give poor
The effect due to coastal refraction on VHF is negligible.
VHF let-down service
The VHF let-down service, available throughout the world, has the primary
advantage that the aircraft does not require any specialist equipment to carry
out a let-down. The stations which provide this service are listed in the COM
section of the UKAIP where you also extract frequency and the callsign.
Details of the procedures are published by Aeradio and other aviation publishers. These details are also found in the RAC section of the AlP and it
should be consulted whenever any details on terminal approach procedures
(TAP) are not clear.
Two types of procedure are in current use: the VDF procedure and the
QGH procedure. Generally, the VDF procedure is available and the UKAIP
annotates in the remarks column against the station where QGH may be
carried out. Where both procedures are available at the same station, the letdown pattern is usually the same.
For a VDF let-down, the pilot calls the station and requests VDF. The
pilot is subsequently given a series of QDMs which he uses to achieve the
approach pattern for landing, as published in the aerodrome landing chart.
With the QGH procedure the pilot is given headings to steer instead of
QDMs. Based on the pilot's frequent transmission, the aircraft is first homed
to the overhead (aerial) position at correct height. This height is the lowest
available flight level or the safety altitude. When overhead the pilot will be
given instructions for descent on the timed outbound leg. The aircraft will
turn inbound on completion of this leg and further instructions to decision
height will follow. Heading corrections will be given on the inbound leg until
the pilot is in visual contact.
Test questions
(1) On a VHF let-down, the controller passes a true bearing of 127 class
Bravo. The class Bravo means that the bearing is accurate to within:
(a) ::t2 (b) ::t5 (c) ::tl0.
aircraft's true track to the station
aircraft's true bearing from the station
aircraft's magnetic bearing from the station.
~ A
-E --maximum
to the
Loop aerial.
the signals (or voltage) finally passed to the receiver will be the difference
between the two, see Fig. 5.1. Notice that with the loop in position (a)
the distance between the two arms is at a maximum. Therefore the phase
difference and the resultant current flow to the receiver is also at a maximum.
If the aerial is now rotated through 90, both arms will face the transmitter
together and the incoming wave will reach them at the same instant, that is,
at the same phase (Fig. 5.1 position (c)) and the resultant current flow is nil.
Thus, as the loop is rotated from position (a) to position (c) the current
flow is reduced from maximum to nil. Therefore at any intermediate angle
(b) the current flow is a function of the cosine of the angle the aerial makes
with the incoming wave.
If the loop is further rotated beyond 90, current will start flowing again,
but in the reverse direction. If a polar diagram is traced out showing the
signal strength produced by the loop at different angles through 360, the
result is a figure of eight, see Fig. 5.2.
Polar diagral
Radio Aids
In Fig. 5.2, xy is the loop, with its centre at 0, and A to F and A' to F'
are various positions of an NDB at 30 intervals. With the transmitter in
position A, the loop is lying parallel to the incoming wave, X end leading, the
current produced is at a maximum. Plot this as a vector, one unit in length,
distance Oxl in Fig. 5.2.
In position B, the current induced is shown by vector Ox2 and its value is
0.86 vector units. In position D, cosine of 90 is 0, and when the transmitter is
at E, cosine of 120 is -0.5. As you go through 360 you will have traced out
a figure of eight, half of it will be positive and the other half, negative.
The polar diagram has two positions where maximum signals are being
received (A and A ') and two positions where no signals are being received
(D and D'). The zero strength positions are known as null positions.
When establishing the direction of the ground station, the loop can be
aligned so that the plane of the loop is parallel to the incoming signal, that is,
the loop-transmitter relationship as in position A. This is done by turning the
loop until maximum signal strength is heard, and calling that the direction
of the station. The disadvantage of ascertaining the station direction from
maximum signal is that the field strength on either side of the maximum falls
very slowly and consequently the determined direction can be in error .
For this reason the null position is used to determine the transmitter
direction. Nearer 90, (loop-transmitter relationship as at D) the value of
cosine falls rapidly and a total null is more easy to recognise than a total
maximum. However, it should be noted that just as a total maximum may
occur at A or A " the null may occur when the transmitter is in the D or D'
position. In other words, there is a 180 ambiguity in the bearing indication.
This is resolved by the use of a sense aerial. It is an omni-directional aerial
and its polar diagram is a circle, the radius of which is electronically adjusted
to fit on top of the figure-of-eight polar diagram. To resolve the ambiguity
these two fields are mixed together. The resultant polar diagram is a heartshaped figure, called a cardioid (Fig. 5.3). It will be noticed that a cardioid
has only one null position, even though it is somewhat 'blunter' than the null
positions appropriate to D and D' of Fig. 5.2.
the station
Resolution of ambiguity.
Rei erg
Radio Aids
weak or the signal/noise ratio is low. With experience the operator is able to
assessthe degree of accuracy of the indications.
Occasionally, in conditions of heavy static or interference from a powerful
transmitter on a nearby frequency it might be advantageous to operate on
manual loop if this facility is available on the equipment. The loop aerial is
turned manually until it arrives at the null position, but the indication must
then be checked for sense.
Ambiguity may be resolved from knowledge of the OR position. You can
also resolve it by observing changes in bearing with time. Unless you are
homing directly to a station (or away from it) the bearings increase or
decrease as the flight progresses. Study Fig. 5.4 which is self-explanatory .
Locators. These are low powered NDBs in the LF/MF band, usually installed
as a supplement to ILS and located at the sites of the outer and middle
markers. A locator has an average radius of rated coverage of between 10
and 25 nm. The type of emission is NON A2A and they identify by a two or
three-Ietter morse group at seven words per minute once every ten seconds.
During the ident period the carrier remains uninterrupted to ensure that the
pointer does not wander away. The ident is effected by on/off keying of the
amplitude-modulating tone.
Homing and holding NDBs. These are intended primarily as approach and
holding aids in the vicinity of aerodromes, with rated coverage of around
SOnm. The class of emission and method of ident are similar to the locators.
En-route and long-range NDBs.
These provide en-route coverage along the
airways and a long-range bearing facility for ocean trackin~ and similar
operations. The NDB at Cocos Island may be heard from several hundred
The recommended type of emission is NON A2A unless the required rated
coverage is not practicable because of interference from other radio stations
or high atmospheric noise or other local conditions, in which case NON AlA
emission may be used. With this type of emission the identification is effected
by on/off keying of the carrier (during which period the pointer may wander
away), and the NDB identifies at least once every minute.
The amplitude-modulating signal causing identification for NON A2A
emission is either a 1020Hz or a 400 Hz tone.
The choice of frequency band
The requirement is to produce surface ranges of intermediate order .
Frequency bands from VHF and above, being line-of-sight propagation,
may be ruled out from consideration. HF would produce a very short ground
wave, and the sky waves would interfere with the ADF operation day and
night. VLF installation and running costs are high and require large aerials.
Static noise is excessive.
The frequency bands chosen are upper LF and lower MF. In these ranges,
aerial requirements are acceptable, static is less severe than VLF, there is no
interference due to sky waves during the day time and the bands are ideally
placed to produce the required ranges.
Although the frequencies are allotted from LF/MF, by convention an NDB is
an MF aid. Frequencies assigned by ICAO are from 200kHz to 1750kHz. In
the UK and Europe, NDB frequencies are normally found between 255 kHz
and 455 kHz.
Functional checks
ICAO provides for monitoring of NDBs for radiated carrier power (not
allowed to fall below 50% ), failure of identification signals, failure of the
monitor itself or other malfunctioning. In the UK the NDBs are not regularly
monitored but functional checks of NDB and locators are carried out at eight
hour intervals during the period of service.
Automatic direction finder (ADF)
The ADF is a radio receiver that is able to identify the direction from which a
signal is being received. It uses a loop aerial to determine the direction and a
sense aerial to resolve the 180 ambiguity. An aircraft equipped with ADF
may 'home' to the transmitter or use it as an aid to navigation. The relative
bearings are displayed on the relative bearing indicator (RBI) and QDMs are
indicated on an RMI.
Although there are many varieties of ADF, which used to be called 'radio
Radio Aids
compass', on the market they are all basically the same. The main components of the system are:
Fig. 5.5
The ADF control units illustrated in Figs. 5.5 and 5.6 cover just about every
type of control on ADF equipment. Not all ADFs have all the same facilities.
Function switch. The number of positions for a function switch varies with
the equipment. The purposes of the various positions are as follows:
Off position. This is the normal position when the ADF is not in use.
In this position the sense aerial is in the circuit and tuning of the
station is carried out in association with the frequency band selector
and the selectivity switch(es). This switch is variously named as REC
(receiver), ANT (antenna), OMNI or SENSE.
In this position both sense and loop aerials are in operation and
the ADF gives a continuous indication of the bearing of the station to
which the receiver is tuned. This position is also known by other names,
e.g. COMP .
1: Frequency
2: Mode
7: Audio
and illuminates
3, 4, 5: Frequency
8: Transfer
10, 1
TONE or BFO or CW/RT or RTF. The need for this facility arises because
the NDB emission may be NON AlA or NON A2A. It will be recalled that in
NON and AlA, parts of the emission are at a radio frequency which cannot
be heard, being beyond human ear range. When the CW /RTF switch is in the
CW position or the TONE or BFO switch is in the 'ON' position, these
emissions are made audible. This is done by the use of an oscillator inside the
receiver which produces internally a frequency slightly different from the
frequency being received from the NDB. For example, if the received frequency is 400 kHz, it may produce 399 kHz internally. It then takes the
difference between the two (1 kHz in our example) which is an audio frequency. This difference is called the beat note and hence the name BFO beat frequency oscillator .
Commercial broadcasters may sometimes be used to take a bearing. In this
case, since the transmission is in audio frequency the BFO is not required.
In NON AlA emission, NON is the carrier part and it is transmitted for
Radio Aids
about 10 seconds; it is then interrupted to give the AlA part, which is the
ident and may last for around 5 seconds. During the ident breaks the pointer
may wander away. For this reason NON AlA emission is not in favour with
ICAO and the long range NDBs generally give idents at longer intervals to
minimise breaks.
Similarly NON A2A emission is again an unmodulated carrier for about ten
seconds but the ident part, A2A, is an amplitude-modulated carrier. The
ident lasts a few seconds and generally the carrier is not broken during ident
If fitted,
this position
is used to reduce
the amount
of spurious
Uses of ADF
(1) As an en-route navigation aid, position lines may be obtained. Ey taking
two or three bearings on the same or different NDEs, fixes are obtained.
(2) Flying airways -there are many airways in the world still marked by
(3) A fix is obtained when overhead an NDE -useful on airways for
position reporting.
An NDE can be used for holding at an en route point or at the
destination aerodrome, for homing to the station and carrying out a letdown.
to the right
If the signal strength in the earphones decreases, the bearing is correct
Rei Brg
Fig. 5.7
RBI indications
Homing to a station
When homing to a station on the ADF, the point to bear in mind is that the
station is directly ahead of you (if not, you want it to be so) and therefore,
the ADF indication is 360 or around 360, Similarly, if you are leaving a
Radio Aids
station on the ADF, the station is directly behind you and the indication you
are looking for is 180 or around 180.
Theoretically, a station may be reached by maintaining 360 on the ADF,
but if there is any wind blowing (and when doesn't it blow?) you will fly a
curved path to the station. Further, consequent upon wind, you will be
continually altering heading to combat displacement caused by the wind and
ultimately you will arrive overhead from a direction facing into the wind. See
Fig. 5.8.
Fig. 5.8
The above method of homing, apart from being time-wasting, may not be
possible due to track maintenance requirements. In congested areas and on
airways, when homing from beacon to beacon you are required to fly notified
tracks. This may be done by simply making allowance for the wind velocity
right at the start, adjusting as the flight progresses if a wind change is noticed.
Suppose the drift is 10S at the start (Fig. 5.9). Steer 350 to allow for
the drift. The ADF will then read 010 (take away from the nose, add to the
indication). As long as 010 remains indicating, you are maintaining the
track, and you will arrive overhead. If the indication starts a gradual decrease,
you are drifting to starboard, and you must allow for more than 10S drift.
For the same reasons, if the reading starts to increase, you have allowed
for too much drift and should alter the heading accordingly. After one or two
such alterations you will hit on a heading which is right.
If while juggling with headings you managed to get off the track, or if you
wish to join a given track, the technique employed is to intercept the desired
track at a convenient angle, generally 30- that is, at an angle of 30 between
interception heading and the desired track. To calculate what bearing the
ADF will indicate when you arrive at the track, the rule is:
Add on the nose (i.e. heading), take away from 360;
Take away from the nose, add on 360.
Thus, if you intercept at an angle of 30 and your heading is smaller than your
track (that is, you have taken away 30 from the nose) ADF indication of 030
will tell you that you are crossing the track.
An aircraft in position 1 in Fig. 5.10 wishes to intercept and follow a track
of 070; drift 5P. Follow stages 1,2 and 3.
Tracking away from the station
As the station approaches, a rapid buildup in volume is noticed; when passing
the station, signals will momentarily fade, followed by another rapid increase
in volume indicating station passage. The station passage is also indicated
by increasing oscillations of the needle, subsequently settling down to an
indication near 180. When tracking away, the relative bearing indicated will
be greater than 180 if starboard drift is being experienced (Fig. 5.11), and
less than 180 if port drift is being experienced. The procedure is to fly out
with the drift applied to maintain the track. Then you know what ideal
bearing you are looking for. As the flight progresses if the aircraft is not
tracking correctly, the pointer will start drifting slowly to one direction or
the other. If the readings are increasing, you are experiencing starboard drift;
port drift if they are decreasing -the same rule as stated earlier .
Radio Aids
on ADF.
Holding patterns
Generally the holding patterns are race-track type patterns and all turns in
the pattern may be either right-hand (RH pattern) or left-hand (LH pattern).
This is indicated on standard terminal arrival route charts (STARs) and
they are studied carefully as a matter of pre-flight preparation. Holding
procedures are carried out in two phases: entering the pattern and subsequently, holding in the pattern. To enter the pattern, depending on the
direction of approach to the NDB, it may be necessary to carry out a preentry manoeuvre. 360 approach directions round a holding NDB (as well as
any other holding facility) are divided into three approach sectors as shown in
Fig. 5.12. Each sector has its own procedure to get you in the pattern.
To clarify the sector arrangements, let us examine the RH pattern in Fig.
\ ..0
AH pattern
Holding patterns.
5.12. The inbound track is 270 (M). The sector divisions based on this track
are as follows:
Sector 1 when approaching NDB between 090 (M) and 200 (M).
Sector 2 when approaching NDB between 090 (M) and 020 (M).
Sector 3 when approaching NDB between 020 (M) and 200 (M).
If your approach track is one of the dividing lines you may choose either
sector. Procedures to be adopted in individual sectors in an RH pattern, are
as follows:
Sector 1
On arrival overhead, fly parallel to the reciprocal of the inbound leg for
the appropriate time.
(2) Then turn left and home back to the NDB.
(3) On second arrival over the facility turn right and commence the pattern.
Sector 2
(1) On arrival
of the
Sector 3
On arrival overhead, join the pattern directly.
Actual holding at the facility commences now. Turn right through 180 rate
one and start timing when abeam the NDB. How do we know when we are
abeam? Well, in zero wind conditions, an RBI pointer indicating 090R
indicates abeam position. To this figure add the amount of drift if it is
starboard, subtract from it if it is port. In Fig. 5.13 the aircraft having a 10S
drift would wait for its ADF to indicate 100R.
The outbound track is parallel to the inbound track. Apply drift and adjust
Radio Aids
Race track.
the leg timing for your ground speed to maintain the track. At end of the leg,
turn right through 180, rate one and fly inbound track by ADF.
NDB let-down
On a terminal approach procedures chart, a typical let-down looks something
like Fig. 5.14. The let-down pattern is given in both plan and elevation and at
2 min
NDB let-down
the bottom of the chart there is usually a scale showing distances in nautical
miles from the NDB position. All bearings shown on STARs are magnetic. A
procedure turn may be a level turn or a descending turn. The outbound track
may not be the reciprocal of the inbound track. In this case, a rate one turn
through 180 generally brings the aircraft on to the inbound track. This turn,
again, may be a level turn or a descending turn. Rate of descent on all
approaches, unless otherwise shown on the STAR, is 650:t150ft/min. At
certain aerodromes 'shuttle' procedures are available permitting an aircraft to
descend to the altitude from where a let-down may commence. Heights given
on a STAR are related to aerodrome elevation with QFE equivalents in
During a let-down, maintain tracks by applying drift and flying with reference to ADF. Where a leg is time-controlled, adjust that time to compensate
for your ground speed. A procedure turn is a 45 second leg followed by a
turn on to the inbound track.
A careful study of all possible destination and alternate let-down procedures
should be made as part of the pre-flight preparation. As many details as
possible are extracted in advance and arranged in a convenient form so
that you are ready to commence the procedures at your destination with
a minimum of work at that end. In case of any doubt in interpretation
of information in T AP , the UKAIP should be consulted. The following
information is needed for an NDB let-down:
Ideal Brg
on ADF
True airspeed
Rate of
Finally, a pilot must not descend below his decision height (DH) unless the
conditions are equal to or better than those specified in the operations
Angle of lead
A turn on to the track must be commenced before the track is reached,
otherwise the track will be overshot and a further alteration of heading in the
opposite direction will be necessary. This angular allowance that you will
make for the turn is known as the 'angle of lead'. It is dependent upon
various factors, e.g. aircraft's TAS which governs its radius of turn, its
distance out from the station, wind velocity and the aircraft's rate of turn.
Two points must be noted:
For a given airspeed, the angle of lead decreases as the distance from
the station increases (Fig. 5.15).
1 min out
a given
out from
of aircraft
a station,
Radio Aids
1 min
1 min
Radio Aids
Night effect
is masked and efforts to find a mean over a wavering area can lead to error
since the mean is not necessarily the centre of a wavering needle. If the
aircraft is only receiving sky waves, there will be a good null but that
indication can again be erroneous since there is no guarantee that the reflecting plane is parallel to the earth's surface. In other words, the signal may not
arrive from the station direction.
This effect on the ADF is called night effect. It is minimised when using
a station in the lower section of the frequency band, thus reducing the
incidence of the sky wave. Dusk and dawn are critical periods for ADF
operation -extreme care must be exercised. Also, use a more powerful
beacon if you have a choice. Lastly, choose the station nearest to you.
The presence of sky waves is indicated to the operator in two ways:
excessive oscillation of the needle, and fading of the signals.
Further, the E layer gains height at night, increasing the ranges where
sky waves could be received. In other words, the sky wave from a
distant NDB operating on a similar frequency will extend its range and
produce interference within the protection range of your NDB.
Broadcasters and other high-powered radio beacons will gain field
strength at night. This means that at a given place, where during the day
time you would receive wanted signals at a level of at least lOdB higher
than the unwanted signals, the unwanted signals now increased in field
strength will produce higher noise, and the protection minimum will
A forecast of interference-free ranges could not be made for night
periods since the height of the ionospheric layer is variable and its
density is also variable. Among others, these two factors decide the
range of the return of the sky waves.
Therefore, the principle of protection ranges breaks down at night and the
useful ranges are greatly reduced. Extreme caution should be exercised when
using the ADF at night and it is most important to ensure that correct tuning
is done to the exclusion of any unwanted signals.
Static. All kinds of precipitation (including falling snow) and thunderstorms, together with solid particles such as dust in the atmosphere
can cause static interference of varying intensity to ADF systems. Precipitation static reduces the effective range and accuracy of bearing
information. Thunderstorms can give rise to bearing errors of considerable magnitude, even to the extent of indicating false station passage.
Radio Aids
Loop misalignment. If the loop aerial is not exactly aligned with the
fore-and-aft axis of the aircraft all bearings subsequently measured by
the equipment will be in error by the amount of misalignment. This
error is eliminated by careful fitting and aligning of the loop.
Lack of failure warning device. Because there may be no cockpit indication of a ground or airborne equipment failure, a serious situation can
arise if the pilot continues to follow a steady indication when in fact no
information is being fed to the pointer. This can occur for a variety
of reasons: the pilot throwing the function switch to standby position
through habit or absentmindedness, the ground transmitter stopping
radiation, airborne receiver going unserviceable and so forth. The only
way to prevent such an incident, in the absence of a warning flag
or other built-in indication, is to constantly monitor the identification
Signals/noise ratio
To improve signals/noise ratio:
narrow down receiver bandwidth ensuring that you do not cut out your
own signals.
tune the wanted station carefully, and
if it is thought that the unwanted signal is the result of a more powerful
beacon encroaching on your bandwidth, see if you can exclude it by offtuning your own station.
Radio Aids
If an aircraft flies from one beacon to another and the relative bearing
remains fairly steady, the wind velocity may be found on arrival over the
second beacon. The time between the two beacons should not be too
short. For example, an aircraft passes over beacon A at 10.00hrs, TAS
180kt, Hdg(M) 157. Later the ADF tuned to the NDB, A, gives a
steady relative bearing of 186 and the aircraft passes over beacon B,
49nm from A at 10.20hrs. Var 8W.
Test questions
(1) List the factors that affect the accuracy of ADF indications.
List the factors that affect the field strength of the NDB radiation.
Why is the promulgated range for an NDB valid only during the day
NDBs transmit:
(a) vertically polarised signals in the MF band
(b) horizontally polarised signals in the HF band
(c) phase comparable signals in the MF/HF band.
When using ADF for en-route navigation, the bearing obtained is:
(a) magnetic bearing (b) true bearing (c) relative bearing.
An earlier navigation aid, radio range, operating in the LF/MF band served
aviation for a period following the Second World War. It had its limitations
inherent with lower frequencies and at best it could produce only four fixed
tracks. A need for a more flexible and reliable aid soon became apparent
with the expansion of aviation and VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR)
emerged as its successor. It was officially adopted by ICAO in 1960 as a
standard short-range navigation aid.
VOR theoretically produces an infinite number of tracks, it is practically
free from static and does not suffer from night effect. Consequently it could
be used with confidence at any time throughout the 24 hours. The indications
are in terms of deviation to the left or right from the selected track. Information may be fed to an RMI to give QDMs. When frequency is paired
with distance measuring equipment (DME), range and bearing information
provides instantaneous fixes.
Principle of operation
The principle of VOR is bearing measurement by phase comparison. It will
be remembered that an NDB transmits an omnidirectional signal and the
aircraft's loop aerial converts it to a directional one. A VOR transmitter
does this work on the ground and the airborne receiver receives directional
information. The ground station transmits two separate signals as follows:
Reference signal
The reference signal is an omnidirectional continuous wave transmission on
the station's allocated frequency. It carries a 9960 Hz sub-carrier which is
frequency-modulated at 30 Hz. Being an omnidirectional radiation, its polar
diagram is a circle. This means that at a given range from the transmitter, the
same phase will be detected by an aircraft's receiver on all bearings around it.
It will be noticed in Fig. 6.1 that the phase pattern produced is independent
of the receiver's bearing from the station. In the receiver, the 30 Hz component of this transmission is used as a reference (or datum) for the purpose
of measuring the phase difference.
Radio Aids
30 Hz
30 Hz
,, /
Derivation of limacon.
Rx here receives
Rx here receives
strength 7
constant phase as shown in Fig. 6.1 and the variable signal giving a bearingdependent phase, as shown in Fig. 6.4. It will be seen in Fig. 6.5 how the
comparison between the two can yield the direction of the receiver. It will
also be noted that the receiver north of the station receives both the signals at
the same phase, that is, the phase difference between the two is zero. It is
deliberately arranged that this zero difference should occur on the station's
magnetic north to provide a measuring datum.
It will be observed from Fig. 6.5 that an aircraft on a magnetic bearing of
090 receives a phase difference of 90 and when on 270, it receives a phase
difference of 270. Therefore, when on a bearing of 045, it will receive a
phase difference of 45 and when on 227, it will receive a phase difference of
227 and so on. Conversely, when it receives a phase difference of 329, its
magnetic bearing from the station (QDR) is 329, and when it receives a phase
difference of 063, its QDR is 063.
Fig. 6.4
Radio Aids
Rx 270(
phase diff.
Fig. 6.5
Rx 090
---Y( M)
Fig. 6.6
various components of the indicator. The two signals are processed through
two different channels, and their carriers are filtered out at appropriate
stages. A 30 Hz FM reference signal is converted by a discriminator to a
30 Hz AM signal (see Fig. 6.7) and it is then compared in phase with the
30 Hz AM variable signal in the phase detector unit. If the two signals are in
phase, the circuits are in balance and the indicator is indicating correct
bearing. If the two signals are not in phase an error signal is produced in
Fig. 6.7
of airborne
the phase detector which energises the servo motor. The servo motor is
connected to a phase shifting circuit via a rotating shaft. On being energised,
the servo motor turns the shaft in one or other direction to shift the phase.
When the two phases are made alike in the phase detector, the error signal is
cancelled and the system comes to rest. The angular rotation of the shaft is
the measure of the phase difference.
Indicator. The indicator consists of three basic components which may all be
mounted in a single unit or installed separately or in combination. The three
basic components are:
selector (OBS)
deviation indicator.
Two different types of indicators 6re shown in Fig. 6.8. The function
and the method of use of these components is explained in the following
OBS. The OBS control knob is used by the pilot to select the magnetic
track he wishes to fly to or from a VOR station. To home to the station
he may select the track which will take him to the station (or the track
he is required to follow) or its reciprocal, which is the radial from the
station. For example, a VOR is to be reached on a magnetic track of
Ao ~
Fig. 6.8
VOR indicators.
050. The pilot may select 050 or 230 on the OBS. Similarly when
flying away from the station on the same track, he may again use either
of the above settings. As we will soon see, the selected track affects
TO/FROM and L/R indications and so he chooses the best setting.
When the track is selected, the vertical left/right needle is displaced from
its central position either to the left or to the right, unless the aircraft is on
that selected radial at that time. Alternatively, a pilot may use his VOR just
to obtain a bearing, in which case he centralises the needle by use of the
OBS control.
Fig. 6.9
TO/FROM indications.
deviations. The movement is against an angular scale shown by a number of dots. When the aircraft is on the radial the needle stays in its
central position. When the aircraft is not on the selected radial, the
needle indicates the difference between the selected radial and the radial
the aircraft is actually on by moving out to left or right. The amount of
deflection is the measure of the angular distance to the selected radial
and is estimated from the dots scale.
A full-scale deflection occurs when the aircraft is 10 or more away from
the selected radial. This means that no movement of the needle takes place
from its maximum-deflection position until the aircraft is within 10 of the
selected radial. The instrument may have either a four-dot scale or a five-dot
scale. If it is a four-dot instrument then one dot deflection indicates a
deviation of 2!0; similarly, on a five-dot instrument it will equal 2.
Whether you would follow the needle by steering in the direction of
the displaced needle or you would go against the needle depends on your
physical position with regard to the selected radial, and is independent of the
aircraft heading. However, since we must steer the aircraft to gain the radial
we must translate this indication in terms of our present heading. The rule is:
follow the needle to regain the radial if your heading and the selected bearing
are in general agreement.
This rule immediately makes it clear that when homing to/from a station if
Radio Aids
the track set on OBS is the same as the track we want to follow then the L/R
indications will be correct. When the aircraft deviates, say, to right of the
track, the needle will move to the left, indicating that the pilot should turn to
the left. To make this clear, say you are flying to a VOR on track 090 and
you are going to continue on that track past the VOR, select 090 and not 270.
Going back tb Fig. 6.9 with this in mind:
Aircraft A will have its needle central.
Aircraft B will have a left turn indication as its heading is virtually the
reciprocal of the selected radial.
Aircraft C has 010 selected and its heading is in general agreement and
therefore its indication is correct, that is, it should turn left to intercept the
Aircraft D will have an incorrect indication of a right turn.
Aircraft E will have a correct turn right indication.
Now study Fig 6.10 for further familiarisation with indications.
Failure warning flag. All indicators employ a device to warn the pilot when
the system has failed. An OFF flag indicating a failure will appear on the face
of the indicator in the event of any of the following occurring:
operates in 108 to 117.95MHz
band as follows.
Band 108-112 MHz. This is primarily an ILS frequency band but ICAO
prescribes that it may be shared with VOR if it is not fully subscribed. Thus,
normally this band is shared between ILS localiser and short range (terminal)
VORs (TVORs). VOR uses frequencies on 'even' first decimals (108.20,
108.25, etc.) and ILS uses 'odd' first decimals (108.10, 108.15, etc.).
Band 112-117.95. VOR (odd and even decimals).
ICAO's recommendation that the frequency spacing should be reduced to
50 kHz has been approved by the CAA and the future allocations will be
based on this spacing. We thus have VORs operating on frequencies, for
example, 112.30, 112.35 and so on.
Use of VOR
VOR, like ADF, may be used in a variety of ways; it is more reliable and
certainly easier to use once the principles are understood. You may home to
your destination aerodrome from any direction. You may fly cross-country
r~16. ~o.
left turn
on track
on track
I track
QDR 190
Indicator readings.
tracks from beacon to beacon, as on an airway. If your route does not take
you over VOR stations, you may still make use of them in your navigation.
You may carry out holding procedures and make an approach to let-down at
your destination.
Radio Aids
Before you actually use the VOR in the air for any of the above purposes it
is important that you go through the following routine.
First check that you are within the designated operational coverage
(DOC) of that station. This information is given in the communications
section of the UKAIP. Outside the UK you may find this information
listed under 'range and altitude' or 'protection range and altitude'. If
you are not within the quoted DOC of the station which applies both
day and night, you must not attempt to obtain the information even if
the display units seem to give reliable indications. This is because the
signals are not protected from interference from other beacons.
Having satisfied yourself that you are within the coverage, switch on the
equipment. It may take a couple of minutes to warm up.
Select the station frequency, and if the indications are required on RMI,
select VOR on the green pointer.
Check that the warning flag clears out of the window.
Identify the station.
You are now ready to use your VOR. Let us discuss the procedures.
Homing on VOR
It is possible that you may be able to home to a station from any direction,
that is, on any radial. In that case, as soon as you are receiving satisfactory
signals you are on a VOR radial and ready to proceed.
But it is more likely that your approach direction is restricted for one
reason or the other, e.g. a danger area in the way or presence of high ground
and so forth. A TC imposes movement restriction to ensure a smooth traffic
flow by prescribing inbound and outbound routes. These routes are defined
by VOR radials and to home to the station you must use one of the routes
most conveniently placed. Well, how do we get on this radial? With VOR it
is relatively simple. In Fig. 6.11, the aircraft in position 1 wishes to join radial
090 from VOR A. The inbound track is 270(M). The pilot has some idea of
his position in relation to the required radial. If he is not sure, his QDM to
the station is quickly checked by turning the OBS control until the needle is
central and TO is indicated. The following procedure is adopted.
Set your track, 270 on the OBS counters. TO/FROM display will indicate
TO (as this is your track to the station) and the L/R needle will swing to
maximum deflection, indicating a right turn in our illustration. The indication
of right turn is ignored as your own heading is not near 270. With the
knowledge of your position with regard to the selected radial, set a heading
that will give you a comfortable angle of interception.
When in position 2, you are 10 away from the selected radial and the L/R
needle will show an inward movement. Assess your angle of lead, taking into
account your radius of turn, the angle through which you have to turn and
the distance from the station. The movement of the L/R needle may give you
an indication of how fast or slow you are approaching your radial. The
further the distance from the station, the slower its inward movement.
Radio Aids
the needle oscillates hard from side to side, the OFF flag may momentarily
appear and TO/FROM display swings between TO and FROM, not being
sure whether it is coming or going!
The cause of these erratic indications is the presence of what is called the
'cone of confusion' overhead the beacon.
The propagation specifications, as recommended by ICAO, require the
signals to be transmitted up to 40 in elevation. In practice, the modern
equipment is capable of radiating signals of up to 60 to 80 above the
horizon. But it still leaves a gap overhead, in the form of a cone where no
planned radiation takes place. While passing through this zone the receiver
comes under influence of weak overspill, causing confusion to the indicators.
Once through the cone all indications settle down to indicate correctly,
TOIFROM indication changing over to FROM. The time you will remain in
the cone depends on your height and the ground speed.
In the UK, VORs transmit a 3-letter aural morse group at a rate of approximately seven words per minute, at least once every ten seconds. This is the
ICAO recommendation. Ident may also be given in speech form, e.g. 'This is
Miami Omni Range', immediately followed by ident in morse. The voice
channel may also be used to pass significant weather information to the
All VOR ground stations' transmissions are monitored by an automatic
monitor located in the radiation field near the station. The monitor will warn
the control point and either remove the identification and navigation components from the carrier or switch off the radiation altogether in the event of
any of the following circumstances:
Transmission power. The higher the power, the greater the range subject to altitude. En-route VORs with a power output of 200 watts
achieve ranges of around 200 nm. TVORs normally transmit at 50 watts.
(2) Transmitter and aircraft height. Because VOR transmissions are in the
VHF frequency band, the theoretical maximum range depends on
line-of-sight distance (in practice, slightly better due to atmospheric
refraction). For calculating theoretical ranges for various heights, the
VHF formula given earlier is used. This is repeated here for convenience.
Max range (in nm) = 1.25 v'HT + 1.25v'HR
where HT is the height of the transmitter amsi, and HR is the height
of the receiver amsi.
The three factors involved in VHF formula are range, transmitter
height (am si) and the aircraft height (am si). Knowing any two of these,
the value of the third factor can be found.
(a) If the transmitter's
altitude is 100 ft and the aircraft's altitude 12500 ft,
at what maximum range would the aircraft receive the VOR signals?
Range =
1.25VHT + 1.25VHR
1.25V(100) + 1.25V(12500)
(1.25 x 10) + (1.25 x 112)
12.5 + 140
152nm (near enough)
+ 1.25VHR
130 = 1.25V(500)
130 = 1.25(V(500)
+ 1.25VHR
+ VHR)
104 = 22 + \lHR
\lHR = 104 -22 = 82
HR = 822
HR = 6725ft
DOC: Protection range and altitude. At present there are only 20 channels
in the 108-112MHz band and a further 60 channels in 112-117.95MHz
band. Thus, the VOR band is very limited in channel space and like
NDBs it is necessary to protect the wanted signals from interference due
Radio Aids
Separating VORs
But this figure is derived from consideration of only one factor, that is,
the line-of-sight propagation. There are other calculable factors which must
be considered, e.g. the relative radiation strength of the two transmitters,
attenuation of the signals due to range and altitude and the degree of
protection required. The planners normally work on providing a protection of
20dB. At a fair estimate these factors would add another 100nm. Thus, to
establish this VOR, the planners must ensure that no other VOR within a
radius of 500 nm transmits on the same channel.
In a practical approach, a transmission is protected only to the extent
necessary, in range and altitude, and not necessarily to the maximum line-ofsight range. Further, by increasing the radiation power of one transmitter,
the separation distance from other co-channel transmitters may be reduced.
Fig. 6.13 illustrates the practical scheme of providing protection. In the UK
these values are published under the term designated operational coverage
In Fig. 6.13 let us say that the protection range and altitude for VOR 1 is
Nature ofte"ain.
Uneven terrain, intervening high ground, mountains,
valleys, man-made obstacles: all these features affect VOR propagation.
The signals are screened, shadowed, reflected, bent, split and so forth,
giving erroneous information. Where such effects have been known to
exist, sectors giving errors are marked out and noted in the UKAIP .
Typical information reads: 'errors up to 5!0 may be experienced in
sector radials 315 to 345'. You may also find VORs in respect of which
more than one protection altitude and range are prescribed.
Radio Aids
These errors are easily calculable by taking the square root of the sum of
the squares of the two types of errors. For example, if the error due to
ground propagation is 3.5, and the error in the airborne equipment is 3,
aggregate error =
V(3.52 + 32)
V(12.25 + 9)
Pilotage e"or.
As the VOR station is approached, the signal strength
increases rapidly and the radials get closer. The needle becomes sensitive to minor deviations and the pilot cannot or may not keep his
aircraft precisely on the radial. However, because at this stage the
radials are very close to each other the lateral displacement of the
aircraft from its intended track is small. In planning calculations, this
error is given a fixed value of :t2.5.
Interference e"or.
This is an avoidable error which affects the indications when using a VOR outside the DOC or when below the line-ofsight altitude. When below the line of sight, if the signals are being
received it is obvious that they must be weak signals arriving in the
receiver due to reflections and other scatter effects.
The overall accuracy of the information displayed is :t5; in the worst case
due to other random variable errors this may deteriorate to :t7!o.
On the basis of a worst accuracy of :t7!o on an airway where the navigational information error should be limited to :t5 to :t5!o (to keep the
aircraft within the airway limits), two VORs should not be further apart than
80nm, as can be seen in the following calculation using the 1 in 60 rule.
Track error =
60 x dist off
dist to go
dist to go
dist to go =
60 x 5
= 40nm
Thus a 5 error occurs at a distance
the limit to its use.
of 40 nm from
the transmitter,
Test VORs
These are installed at certain aerodromes to enable the pilots to test the
airborne VOR equipment during preflight checks. The transmitters are called
VOTs and the frequencies are published in the States' AlPs. To test the
airborne equipment from any position on the aerodrome, just tune in to the
channel and centralise the needle. OBS counters should indicate 000 FROM
or 180 TO. If they do not indicate within :t4, the equipment requires
Advantages of VOR as a navigational aid
.In comparison with the system it replaced, VOR gives its indications in a
form which is easy to see and follow
.In theory it provides an infinite number of tracks
.It is free from night effect and practically free from static
.Being a VHF aid its ranges can be accurately forecast before the beacons
are sited, thus avoiding interference
.Its left/right deviation indicator can also display ILS signals
.It can be frequency-paired with DME to give fixes
.It incorporates an equipment-failure warning device
.Its channel spacing is much better than NDBs
.Being in the VHF band, its aerials are smaller .
Doppler VORs
Doppler VORs (DVORs) are the second generation VORs, the main aim
being to improve the accuracy of the signals.
Conventional transmitters suffer from reflections from objects in the vicinity
of the site. It was found that the errors due to this could be reduced if the
horizontal dimensions of the aerial system were increased. However, this
could not be achieved with the conventional method of transmission and a
new approach was necessary.
In the DVOR system the reference (or constant phase) signal is transmitted
from a central aerial and it is amplitude-modulated. The variable signal is
transmitted from a system of about 50 aerials encircling the central aerial and
it is frequency-modulated (Fig. 6.14). Thus the modulations are employed in
reverse roles. The circle of aerials is 44 ft in diameter to give the necessary
Doppler shift, compared with the lOft high 6ft diameter dustbin-Iike structure of earlier conventional VORs. The resultant propagation is much less
sensitive to obstructions in the vicinity, i.e. site error is less. The Doppler
principle involved is explained in chapter 16.
However, the transmission frequencies are the same, the same airborne
equipment can receive and process the signals and, as far as the operation on
the flight deck is concerned, there is no difference between VORs and
DVORs. Having said that, the CAA has found it necessary to issue a
pink Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) alerting pilots of light aircraft
to reports it has received of improper DVOR operation. The improper
operation can be in the form of either:
(2), (3) and (4) may occur together and mayor may not be accompanietl
by the warning flag, and all of them may occur when flying within the
DVOR's coverage area. The AIC alerts pilots to the fact that the effects
may be encountered in Europe and identifies a particular UK station. Pilots
with the types of receivers/converters fitted in their light aircraft specified in
the appendix to the AIC are advised to have the equipment tested by the
manufacturers for alternating sideband (ASH) DVOR compatibility. They
are also advised to take every opportunity to monitor the operation of their
aircraft's installation with ASH DVORs.
Would the L/R needle indicate left or right, if the bearing selected
is 055?
Answer: Turn right (if you draw a simple sketch you will notice that
the radial 055 is to the right of the radial 060 when extended to the
opposite side of the transmitter).
Fig. 7.1
shows a typical RMI. The thin pointer is coloured red and the wide pointer
green. By convention the red pointer is called number one needle and th~
green pointer number two. And again, by convention, number one needle is
used for ADF, and number two for VOR indications. In the extremely
unlikely event of an errant compass card, only relative bearings can be
deduced from the RMI.
RBI relative bearings
In the following illustration, Fig. 7.2, an aircraft on heading 0300(M) has
tuned to NDB, X. The ADF gives a relative bearing of 090oR. The measuring
Fig, 7 ,2
bearing 090,
datum on the indicator is 000, that is, the fore-and-aft axis of the aircraft.
From Fig. 7.2 we can see that the QDM to the NDB is 120 and thus, the
relationship between a relative bearing and a QDM is the aircraft's heading.
ReI Brg
+ Hdg(M)
In an RMI, this addition of the heading to the relative bearing is automatically carried out by adjusting the measuring datum. By measuring the
pointer's indications from the aircraft's magnetic heading for datum (Fig.
7.3), the aircraft's QDM is read off. It will be noted that as the aircraft
" ,,
Fig. 7.3
QDM assessment.
Radio Aids
VOR phases
VOR airborne equipment receives phases of two different signals (reference
and variable) and derives QDR by taking the difference between the two. Its
reciprocal is QDM. An RMI accepts relative bearings and not QDMs. Therefore the VOR phase difference giving QDM is first converted to give relative
bearing. This is achieved by use of a differential synchro in the VOR navigation unit which subtracts the aircraft's magnetic heading to give relative
bearing before the information is fed to the RMI. The RMI subsequently
adds the aircraft's heading to give the QDM. In the illustration Fig. 7.4, the
aircraft is heading 030(M) and the RMI indicates 120 QDM from VOR, Y.
The magnetic variations at the VOR station and the aircraft position are
different. The process of indication is as follows.
Var 15W
Fig. 7.4
Rei Brg
+ Aircraft H(M)
.Q.;?:QRMI card, aircraft variatiol
Indicated QDM
aircraft variation
Station variation
Thus, first the magnetic heading is subtracted, and then the same value is
added. These two operations mutually cancel each other out and the resultant
indication is affected only by the variation at the VOR station. Therefore,
when converting QDM to true values for plotting, variation at the station
position is applied.
For reasons of mutual cancellation, the use of the aircraft's heading introduces no error in the indication of VOR QDM. What would be in error is
the calculation as above to the stage where the relative bearing is found. This
is because the aircraft is using a variation which is different from the station
variation. We will look into this in detail.
Discrepancies in indications
(1) If the aircraft's variation is different from the station's variation, the
indication of the relative bearing is incorrect but the QDM indicated is
still correct .
In Fig. 7.5, aircraft A and B are on a magnetic heading of 030. The
variation at A's position is 20W, the variation at both B's and the station's
position is 10W. Both aircraft are on a QDM of 100 from VOR, X. From
the figure it will be apparent that the relative bearing of the VOR transmitter
from aircraft A is 080R and from aircraft B, 070R. Both aircraft calculate a
QDM of 100 as follows.
a/c B
a/c A
Fig. 7.5
Variation effect
+ Hdg(M)
Rei Brg
If an NDB is located on the VOR site, QDMs from the VOR and the
NDB as displayed by an RMI will be different, if the variation between
the aircraft and the station positions is different.
In Fig. 7.5, the VOR gives a QDM of 100. This is measured at the VOR
site. An NDB on the same site would give a relative bearing of 080R to the
aircraft, using local variation. An RMI adds relative bearing to the heading to
give the QDM. Thus the QDM displayed is (0800 + 030) = 110. simultaneously, the VOR pointer will indicate a QDM of 100.
Similar discrepancies in the indications will be observed due to convergency between aircraft and the station positions. This is because, like variation
Radio Aids
effect, the aircraft's true north (from which it derives its magnetic heading) is
different from the true north direction of the station. When QDM from a
VOR is displayed, the relative bearing indication will be approximate and
when QDMs from VOR/NDB are displayed, the two QDMs will show a
difference. The discrepancy will be the value of convergency.
Thus, variation and convergency affect the indications as explained above.
However, these considerations are more of academic nature than practical. In
practical use of the equipment, an aircraft not too far from the transmitters
will experience only minor discrepancies and these may be disregarded. And
the QDMs from VORs are always shown correct.
However, if these two QDMs are required to be reduced to plotting values,
the procedure should be as follows:
QDM derived from an NDB: apply variation at the aircraft and plot the
reciprocal; QDM derived from a VOR, apply station variation and plot the
reciprocal. For fuller explanations on plotting techniques, the student should
consult Ground Studies for Pilots volume 2.
Advantages or RMI
are indicated continuously and read off directly. The tail end
of the pointers indicate QDRs
two beacons, instantaneous fixes are obtained
indications provide a very useful guide when initially joining a radial
for VOR homing
indicator itself can be used for homing
headings can be read off together with QDMs
relative bearings may be read off against a fixed RBI scale
or assessedvisually.
Homing to/from a station
Fig. 7.6 shows the indications on RMI and RBI and Fig. 7.7 shows indications on the VOR L/R deviation indicator and RMI when homing to/from
a station.
VOR -NDB -RMI exercises
(1) An aircraft bears 220(T) distance 20nm from a VOR beacon. Its
heading is 055(M) and variation is 20W.
(a) What selected bearing should make the L/R needle central?
(b) Would the L/R needle indicate turn to left or right if the selected
radial was 055?
Brg Mag =
...QDM =
Also, its reciprocal, 240 will make the needle centra!.
060 TO and 240 FROM
Fig. 7.6
Radio Aids
Fig. 7.7
using VOR
L/R deviation
and RMI
Fig. 7.8
= 060(T) + 10W
= 070(M)
Aircraft's track is 078(M) .'. aircraft has 8 starboard drift:, NDB will read 360 + 8 = 008
/ ')'{80
Fig. 7.9
An aircraft is flying a constant heading with soP drift and is making good
a track parallel to the centre line of an airway, but 5 nm off to the left of
the centreline. Estimate the ADF reading of an NDB sited on the
centreline of the airway, but 30 nm ahead.
In Fig. 7.10, the angle between the aircraft's track and the radio station is
worked out using the 1 in 60 rule.
Tr Error
1 in 60 rule.
Dist off x 60
dist to go
5 x 60
= 10 -8
= 2
Radio Aids
On an RMI
would appear
"' ,
Answers: (a)
032 (b)
030 (c)
120 (d)
158 (e)
On the L/R indicator, the selected bearing is 3 off from his own radial,
and to his right. Therefore the indications are: 1! dots in five dots or slightly
over one dot in four dots. As the aircraft is heading against the selected radial
and FROM is indicated, the left/right display will give him a left turn.
Fig. 8.2
Radio Aids
coverage in this sector
provided orl!y if necessary
G p
Fig. 8.4
Fig. 8.5
ILS indicator
ILS uses the VOR's L/R deviation indicator (OBS being inoperative), incorporating an additional horizontal needle. This needle is inoperative when the
indicator is displaying VOR information. The indicator is also described as
the VOR/ILS meter (Fig. 8.6). The indicator illustrated in Fig. 8.6 is a fivedot indicator, dot 1 being the outer edge of the centre circle.
12 dots
fly left -
ILS indicator.
Radio Aids
When used with ILS, the vertical pointer indicates the aircraft's deviations
in azimuth, and the horizontal needle indicates its position with regard to the
glide slope centreline. Both needles remain in the central position when
The bottom of the dial is coloured blue to the left and yellow to the right.
This indicates to the pilot the localiser sector he is in, e.g. if the vertical
needle has swung to the left, the aircraft is in the blue sector.
All ILS indicators employ two failure warning flags; one operating in
association with localiser signals (this flag also operates in association with
VOR), the other with the glidepath signals. They fall into view in the
windows and the needles return to the central position when:
or airborne equipment has failed or is switched off, and
of the service area or the signals being received are too weak. (The
signal strength falls off quickly once outside the service area. )
Monitoring of ILS transmissions
Both localiser and glidepath transmitters are automatically monitored by
monitoring equipment located in an area of guaranteed reception within the
normal service sector. It will act in one of the following circumstances:
3 x 0.075 = 0.225
In any of the above circumstances, the monitoring unit will provide warning
to a designated control point and cause any of the following to occur before a
standby transmitter is brought into use:
Localiser indications
The vertical pointer is used for localiser indications. The needle tells you
which way to turn and the horizontal deflection scale gives you an estimate of
the angular displacement from the centreline. The coloured sectors at the
bottom tell you which sector you are in. Follow the illustration in Fig. 8.7.
Aircraft A is in the blue sector, and the needle indicates left turn. Aircraft
B is in the blue sector, and the needle indicates left turn. Thus, the indication
is given according to the sector the aircraft is in, not according to its heading.
Fig. 8.7
In this case aircraft B is on the right-hand side of the centre line and on
reciprocal heading, therefore it will have to reverse the indication. The same
applies to aircraft D which is on the left-hand side (or yellow sector) with
reciprocal heading. Its turn right indication is reversed if it wishes to regain
the centreline. In all cases notice that the needle indicates the sector the
aircraft is in and 'follow the needle' rule applies when making an approach.
Reverse the indication if going away on the QDR.
As for the deviation scale, presentation of the centreline beam is 5 wide,
that is, 2~oon either side of the centreline. Maximum deflection of the needle
occurs when the aircraft is 2~o or more from the centreline. On a four-dot
indicator, one dot represents a deviation of approximately 0.6, on a five-dot
indicator, 0.5. (Remember that the same needle will give a full deflection
when a 10 deviation from a VOR radial occurs.)
Glidepath indications
The horizontal needle is used in conjunction with the glidepath transmissions.
If the aircraft is below the glidepath the needle moves upwards, indicating
that the aircraft should fly up to regain the glideslope. This indication will
occur irrespective of the heading, that is, whether the aircraft is on QDM or
QDR. Therefore, a departing aircraft wishing to climb along the glideslope
will obey the needle. If an aircraft (approaching or departing) is above the
glidepath the needle will move downward, indicating that the pilot should
come down (see Fig. 8.8).
Radio Aids
Fig. 8.8
Glidepath indications.
Full deflection of the needle occurs when the aircraft is 0.7 or more above
or below the glidepath (1 dot = 0.14). A two-dot fly-up indication out of
four dots or 2! dots out of five dots (in other words, half full deflection) is to
be regarded as the maximum safe deviation below the glidepath. On seeing
any indications below this, an immediate climb must be instituted: remember
this at all costs.
In Fig. 8.6, the indicator gives the combined indications of localiser and
glidepath deviations. The interpretation depends on whether you are approaching the runway (on QDM) or going away from the runway (QDR):
on QDM, the indications in Fig. 8.6 instruct you to turn left and climb
on QDR, the instructions are to turn right and climb.
Marker beacons
Usually two, some times three marker beacons are installed along the
extended centreline to give range indications on approach. This enables the
pilot to check his height as he passeseach marker. All markers transmit on a
single frequency of 75 MHz and radiate a fan pattern upward to a calibrated
height of approximately 3000ft. The marker farthest from the touchdown
point is placed approximately 3 to 6 nm, average 4 nm, from the touchdown
point and is known as the outer marker (OM). It transmits a low-pitched
400 Hz modulation signal and identifies itself in morse as well as visually.
When crossing the beacon, a series of dashes is heard in the earphone, the
rate being two dashes per second. Simultaneously the blue marker light will
flash dashes at the same rate.
The next marker on the approach path is called the middle marker (MM),
placed approximately 3500ft (5000 ::t 500ft in the UK) from the touchdown
point. It transmits a series of alternate dots and dashes at a higher pitch,
1300Hz, which are heard in the earphones and also seen flashing on the
amber marker light.
The marker nearest to the beginning of the runway is called the inner
marker (IM). It transmits six high-pitched (3000Hz) dots per second and the
white light flashes. When installed, it is located between 250 and 1500ft.
Summary of the markers associated with ILS
Outer marker
Middle marker
Signal characteristics
Transmission modulated by
400 Hz, 2 low-pitched
dashes per second -blue
light flashes
1300Hz signal keyed to form
alternate dots and dashes
-amber light flashes
3000Hz signal, 6 highpitched dots per second white light flashes
Thus the markers are identified in three ways: by audio signals, visual
signals and the transmission pitch.
One or two locators may be used to supplement the ILS. These locators
are low-powered NDBs and share the sites of the OMs and MMs. If only one
locator is used, it is usually installed on the site of the OM. The transmission
frequencies of these locators (where two are being used) should not be closer
than 15 kHz, otherwise mutual interference may result. Also, they should not
be further apart than 25 kHz to permit a quick tuning shift when operating on
a single indicator. These locators serve a three-fold purpose:
assist the pilot to home to the station and subsequently join the ILS
may be used for holding purposes
provide a double check when passing over the markers.
On approach charts they are indicated by a standard abbreviation LOM
(locator, outer marker) and LMM (locator, middle marker).
DME is used as an alternative to the markers. Its radiation is then so
adjusted as to give zero range at or near the touchdown point. It may be
frequency-paired with the ILS localiser so that when the ILS is switched
on, the DME automatically starts functioning. One DME may serve both
approaches to a runway.
Radio Aids
Airborne equipment
The airborne equipment consists of:
control box
localiser receiver
glidepath receiver
.75 MHz marker beacon receiver
meter or VOR/ILS indicator
separate aerials for the three receivers.
A block schematic diagram of the airborne equipment is shown in Fig. 8.9
90 & 150Hl
s indicator
Fig. 8.9
Airborne equipment
Localiser. Frequencies allocated to ILS in the VHF band are: 108 to
112MHz at odd 'first' decimals. e.g. 108.10, 108.15. In the UK the military
uses some even decimals as well. Future ILS frequency assignments will be
on frequencies ending in odd tenths plus a twentieth of a MHz.
Glidepath. Transmission takes place in the UHF band on 20 spot frequencies
from 329.3MHz to 335MHz at 300kHz spacing, e.g. 329.3,329.6,329.9, etc.
The use of UHF is to produce more accurate beams. In the future, glidepath
channel spacing will be reduced from 300 kHz to 150kHz.
Frequency pairing. Localiser and glidepath transmissions are frequencypaired. This means that for each one of the twenty localiser spot frequencies
there is one glidepath frequency allocated to it. For example, frequency of
109.3 is paired with 332.0 and 111.5 is paired with 332.9. (You need not
memorise these paired figures -they are for illustration only.)
The advantages of frequency pairing are as follows:
By means of one switch, two receivers are activated- this reduces the
Frequency selection is quicker and easier. There is no need to look up
the glidepath frequency in the flight information documents.
A potential error in frequency selection is prevented.
Separate identifications are not necessary.
Type of emission
The type of emission
transmissions .
As localiser and glidepath frequencies are paired, whenever the localiser
frequency is selected, the glidepath receiver circuits corresponding to the
paired frequency are automatically energised. Therefore, if you are subsequently receiving glidepath signals, they can only be from the correct
transmitter. Hence it is unnecessary for both localiser and glidepath transmitters to identify themselves separately.
The ident takes place on the localiser transmission. Its carrier is amplitudemodulated by a horizontally-polarised 1020Hz tone to give the ident. The
ident itself is by two, three or more letters in morse, seven words per minute.
Where it is necessary to distinguish an ILS quickly from other facilities, the
ident may be preceded by the letter I. And since the localiser carries the
ident, if it becomes unserviceable or it is withdrawn from service for any
reason, the ident will be automatically suppressed.
Ground-to-air voice communication may be conducted on category 1 and
category 2 ILS localiser carriers provided it does not interfere in any way with
the navigational or ident function of the localiser .
ILS reference datum
This is defined as a point at a specified height (usually around SOft) located
vertically above the intersection of the runway centreline and the ILS landing
threshold through which the downward extended path portion of the ILS
glidepath extends.
Radio Aids
ILS categories
Background. The ILS project, originally conceived to develop a blind
landing system, did not quite reach its objective and turned out to be an
instrument 'approach to landing' aid. But still it was a great step forward in
those days: its faults were forgiven by the operators and it received ICAO's
blessing in 1946.
As civil aviation developed, the operators became increasingly more
weather-conscious. They disliked the thought of delaying a flight or wasting
time and fuel while holding overhead an aerodrome waiting for the weather
to clear. The ILS had its faults, the main one being production of bends in
the beam. These were produced by reflections from obstacles on and around
the aerodrome, e.g. airport structures, vehicles, aircraft flying overhead the
localiser aerial, and so forth. The airborne equipment, similarly, was just
adequate to handle the existing system.
In 1958 British Airways (then BOAC) announced its intention to go for allweather-operation and a positive move in that direction began. Improvement
had to come to both the ground and the airborne equipment. As for the
ground equipment, it was decided to develop an entirely new landing system
based on modern technology, but in the meantime to retain and improve
the system. For an improvement, new transmission data were prescribed,
course structures and course bends were tightly defined, the forward beam
was narrowed down to reduce the reflections and, to assist in the overall
advancement, the airport and environment needed to be 'cleaned up' from
interference. As the improvement progressed, a system of categories was
established to define the capability of a particular ILS. As a matter of interest
in the UK, ILS serving runway 10L (now 09L) at London Heathrow was the
first one to be upgraded to category 2. These categories are called ILS facility
performance categories, and they are defined as follows.
ILS facility performance categories
Category 1 -an ILS capable of providing accurate guidance from the coverage
limit down to a height of 200 ft above the ILS reference point
Category 2- an ILS capable of providing accurate guidance from the coverage
lil;nit down to a height of 50 ft above the ILS reference point
Category 3 -an ILS capable of providing accurate guidance from the coverage
limit down to the surface of the runway.
calculated from the published obstacle clearance limit (OCL) or 200ft above
the runway threshold, whichever is higher .
False glidepaths
These are defined as those loci of points in the vertical plane containing the
runway centreline at which the DDM is zero, other than that locus of points
forming the ILS glidepath.
What all this means is that, in the process of producing the glidepath,
due to the inherent metallic structures at the point of transmission, and
the aerial's propagation characteristics, the radiated twin lobes are repeated
several times above the true centreline. These produce several other equisignals (see Fig. 8.10). The number of such false glidepaths produced at any
ILS site depends on several factors such as the design of the transmitting
aerials, obstructions around the transmitter, transmission power and such
like. These false glidepaths, however, are not a danger to the pilot for the
following reasons:
Fig. 8.10
False glidepath.
The first false glidepath does not occur until above 6. Thus, if you
caught it, you would soon appreciate the mistake.
False glidepaths always occur above the true glidepath, and therefore
cannot bring the aircraft dangerously low.
It is a normal practice, when intending to carry out an ILS approach, to
establish on the localiser first and then to meet the glideslope from
underneath. It is most unlikely that a pilot would miss the true glideslope
and continue flying level until the next equisignal is reached.
With the recommended localiser coverage in elevation of 7 and the
glidepath coverage of 1.75 x GP angle, the signals being received on the
false glidepath will be weak and the warning flags may operate.
It is a recommended practice that establishment on the promulgated
glidepath be confirmed by the relationship between aircraft height and
the distance to the runway threshold.
may be checked
The failure warning flags should remain clear of the window. The
warning flags are actuated by the sum of the two modulation depths,
and as we saw earlier, in the case of total unserviceability, the monitor
removes a navigational component. As soon as this happens, the flag
will appear in the window.
A pilot monitoring the identification signals will soon be warned if the
ident signals stop coming.
As a further precaution, where a ground precision approach radar is available, it is mandatory for the radar to monitor ILS approaches in certain
weather conditions.
ROD = GP angle x
x 100
ROD = 2.9 x
for a glidepath
angle of 2.9
x 100
With ILS, the aircraft height, the ground distance to go and the glideslope
angle make a right-angled triangle. Consequently, if two of the above factors
are known, the third one can be calculated. In the absence of maths tables,
and in any case for the practical usage, the 1 in 60 rule may be used to solve
the problems.
(1) What
is the approximate
of an aircraft
at 2nm
of 2.7?
is our
GP angle)
60 x ht(it)
dist to go (it)
60 x ht(it)
2 x 6080
Ht =
2.7 x 2 x 6080
Radio Aids
0.7 x 6080 x 3
= 213 ft
The vertical clearance of the aircraft from the obstacle = (590.8 -285)
= 305.8 ft
Limitations of ILS
ILS has the following limitations:
The CAA normally has a pink AIC current on the use of ILS in the UK.
implemented so as to become the primary approach and landing aid from the
year 2000 onwards. However, the subsequent development of DGPS has led
certain countries (in particular the USA and Canada) to abandon MLS in favour
of DGPS as the landing aid of the future (see Chapter 20).
In contrast to the ILS principle, which embodies a localiser and a glideslope
providing a clearly defined approach path above the runway's extended
centreline, MLS allows approaches anywhere within its horizontal and vertical
fan-shaped coverage area. See Fig. B.II.
.--l20000 ft
30 nm
Fig. 8.11
Radio Aids
good guidance capacity
to geographical site, which enables it to be established where an
ILS installation cannot be accommodated
channels available (200)
wide three-dimensional coverage, allowing curved flight path captures
and final approaches on different glide slopes
means of controlling and expediting aircraft movements in terminal
Fan markers
Fan markers transmit a narrow vertical fan-shaped beam of horizontally
polarised radiation.
All markers operate on a single frequency, 75 MHz.
Because of the shape of the transmission, they cannot be heard unless the
aircraft is in the fan, and therefore, they cannot be used as directional aids.
Fan markers have two main uses: they are used to mark reporting points
and they are also used in conjunction with ILS to provide a precision approach
At a reporting point, a fan marker is identified by a high-pitched (3000 Hz)
audio signal giving out identification
in morse, 6 to 10 words per minute
A2A emission. Further, the white light in the airborne installation flashes to
identify visually. The vertical coverage of the fan is limited to the operational
there are low power fan marker beacons and high power
beacons. Because in the horizontal plane the area of coverage increases with
height, if accurate navigation is required, the time of entering and leaving the
fan should be noted and the mean time taken for the fix. On some equipment
a high/low switch is fitted which may be used to reduce the coverage area
inside the fan.
When the word 'radar' was coined, it expressed precisely the function it
performed, that is, rudio Qetection .!!nd !anging. The use of the pulse technique clearly distinguished it from 'radio' which used continuous waves. With
the subsequent advance in the technology, what we would have originally
described as radio (a continuous wave) can now perform the tasks of radar detecting and ranging (for example, a radio altimeter). Radar, in its turn,
now performs a variety of tasks not included in its original definition. These
tasks include turbulence indication by weather radar, navigational assistance
from hyperbolic systems such as Loran, and ground speed and drift from
Doppler. Radar may now perhaps be described as radio systems performing
particular functions inside the range of the radio spectrum.
Radar frequencies
Radar occupies frequencies from VHF upwards. The reasons for the choice
of higher frequencies are as follows:
Timing in radar
It will be appreciated that where timing is required to be carried out for radar
operation, these times must be essentially very small, considering that a radio
wave travels 300000 km!sec. Fortunately, radar can measure these small
time intervals very accurately. The times are measured in microseconds,
occasionally in milliseconds.
1 second = 1000 milliseconds or 1 000 000 microseconds (1!8)
Radio Aids
these two, the pulse technique is far more widely used and we will discuss this
Pulse technique
Primary radar, secondary radar and Doppler radar all employ the pulse
technique although performing vastly different tasks. The technique involves
transmission of energy not in the form of a continuous wave but in very short
bursts. Each tiny burst of this CW is given a predetermined shape and
radiates in the form of a pulse. The mechanism of pulse transmission is shown
in Fig. 9.1. The duration or size of the pulse is called the pulse width or pulse
length. Although the pulse width is very small it can contain many radio
frequency cycles. For example, suppose a radar pulse is transmitted on a
carrier frequency of 1000MHz (DME). If the pulse length is 3.5 ~, the
number of cycles of the carrier frequency that occur in each transmitted pulse
may be calculated as follows:
Thus, each burst contains 3500 complete cycles and if the transmission was at
10000MHz, each pulse would contain 35000 cycles. These figures give us
some idea of the dimensions and magnitudes we are talking about.
Fig.9.1 Pulsetransmission.
The distance between two pulses in time is called pulse recurrence period
(PRP) or interval (PRI) and the number of pulses transmitted in one second
is called pulse recurrence frequency (PRF) or rate (PRR). The relationship
between these two terms is
PRP = ~
Example ;
Pulse shape. A pulse is given its shape by the process of pulse modulation
and it is a design consideration. Although rectangular pulses can be produced
by applying an instantaneous rise in the voltage, followed by an instantaneous
collapse to zero, a practical pulse has a finite buildup time and decay time.
The amplitude, pulse width, rise and decay times (all these factors defining a
pulse) are subject to ICAO approval in respect of individual systems. A
typical ICAO approved pulse as used in DME is shown in Fig. 9.2.
Radio Aids
of the transmitter
of the reflecting object
material and attitude of the reflecting object
of the object in relation to the wavelength.
This reflected energy will be processed through the receiver and fed to the
indicator in an appropriate form to give the information. In this process the
object's co-operation is not required.
Distance measurement- echo principle. Radar finds the distance of an object
by timing the interval between the pulse's despatch and its return as an echo.
This timing is done electronically (we will see later in this chapter how a
cathode ray tube (CRT) could be utilised to do this) and knowing the speed
of the electromagnetic waves, the formula, distance = speed x time, can be
solved. It will be noticed that the distance found in this formula is the oneway distance to an object. As the pulse has travelled out and back, the
range of the object is half the distance so found, or, range = (speed x
An echo registers
tance in kilometres
75 OO(Jill
75 kill
is the dis-
An alternative way of expressing the formula for the speed of radio waves
in terms of a nautical mile is:
1 nm in 6 microseconds or
i nm per ~sec.
In implementing the above principle, two assumptions are made: that the
speed of the electromagnetic waves is constant and that the waves travel
in straight lines. Neither assumption is valid in the earth environment but
the variations are so small that they can be ignored without incurring
sizeable penalty.
Determination of direction. The search light principle utilises transmission of
radio pulses concentrated into a very narrow beam. The beam width should
be kept as narrow as possible for accurate bearing discrimination. Narrow
beams can be produced either by shortening the wavelength or by increasing
the aerial size. With advanced techniques an aerial can be adjusted electronically to give a beam of the required width. The beam is made to scan through
azimuth or elevation, starting from a fixed datum point. The direction of the
object then is the direction in which the beam is pointing at the time when
the echo is received. It is read from a scale, calibrated from the starting
Transmission power. It is obvious that an increase in power will increase the range subject to altitude. However, with radar, the signal not
only has to travel to its destination (reflecting object) but must travel
an equal distance back to the receiver with sufficient strength to predominate the internal receiver noise. Thus, the power/range relationship
for primary radar is given in the expression, max. range = 4y'(power).
This means that the power must be increased 16 times to double the
Characteristics of the reflecting object. The size and shape of the object,
the reflecting material (metal will reflect more efficiently than wood),
aspect of the target: these factors determine the strength of the echoes
coming back. An aircraft reflecting from the length of the fuselage will
give a better echo than when its nose and tail are in line with the
incoming wave. Further, an aircraft in an unusual attitude may shift
polarisation of the waves, causing polarisation fading at the receiver .
'Stealth' bombers are designed specifically to be poor reflectors.
Pulse recurrence frequency (PRF)/Pulse recurrence rate (PRR). This
determines the maximum unambiguous range of the equipment. Each
pulse must be given time to travel out to the most distant reflecting
object as planned, and return, before the next pulse goes out. Otherwise
it will not be possible to relate a particular echo to a particular pulse.
= 2220 ~s
The second pulse can only go out 2220 ~s after the first pulse. The
number of pulses that can be transmitted in one second is given by
PRF = 1 000 000
= 455 pulses.
Taking the problem in reverse, let us say that the PRF of the equipment is 1000 and it is required to find the maximum unambiguous range.
Radio Aids
PRP X Speed
1000 x ~
= 83nm
In the above problems, 455 pulses gave us the range of 185nm whereas
a PRF of 1000 reduced ihe unambiguous range to 83 nm. Thus, an
jncrease in PRF results in a decrease in the operational range.
(4) Pulse width. The pulse width decides the minimum range of the equipment. Radio waves travel 300 m in one microsecond. Therefore, for an
example, a pulse one microsecond wide would extend that distance
along the line of propagation. If an object at a distance of 150m was
reflecting the pulse, it would arrive in the receiver at the instant that the
tail end of the same pulse was leaving the transmitter. Any object closer
than 150m reflecting the pulse will not be received as the transmitter
would still be transmitting. Further, two objects in line and 150m or less
apart will appear as a single echo. Thus, if short range operation is
required, for resolution and accuracy short pulses are employed, e.g. 0.1
microsecond. Larger pulses are generally employed on long range work
as they carry relatively more energy in them. In practice, lor 2 microsecond pulses are used in medium range radar and about 5 microsecond
ones for long range work.
(5) Aircraft height. Radar waves in the frequency bands we are discussing
travel in straight lines. Because of the curvature of the earth, a considerable proportion of the surface will remain in the shadow no matter what
maximum range is possible at height. The VHF formula given earlier
gives an approximation of the expected ranges for given heights.
(6) Elevation of radar head. As you will recall, this is another factor in the
VHF formula.
(7) Precipitation and cloud returns. At wavelengths of 3cm and below one
cannot neglect the absorption and scattering of radiation by droplets of
water in clouds and falling precipitation. Cloud returns can have a most
damaging effect on the performance of 10 cm and 3 cm radars and the
scatter from raindrops and other weather can clutter up the display
areas. Various suppression devices (e.g. circular polarisation having a
rotating field) are now available to reduce rain clutter, but most work at
the expense of power or range.
(8) Intervening high ground. If there is no clear line of sight between
the transmitter and the target, radar signals will be stopped by the
intervening object and that will limit the effective range in that particular direction.
Fig. 9.3
Radio Aids
received in the aerial they are delivered to the receiver unit which, after
appropriate treatment presents them to the display unit. Here they are
displayed on a trace which commenced at the start of the operation under
instruction from the master timer .
Secondary radar
In this system, a transmitter (called interrogator) transmits a group of pulses
on a given carrier frequency. The transmission is either omnidirectional
(DME) or directed towards an object (scanner sweep of SSR). An aerial in
the path of these pulses receives the signals and passes them on to the
receiver. If the signals are recognised at the receiver, it instructs its transmitter (called transponder) to give a reply. The reply then goes out on a
different carrier frequency.
The differences between primary and secondary radar are as follows:
primary radar, the operation of secondary radar depends on the
active co-operation of the other object
secondary radar the information is exchanged in the form of groups of
pulses and not by individual pulses
secondary radar system requires a transmitter and a receiver on different frequencies, both in the aircraft and on the ground.
Radio Aids
Fig. 9.4
The cathode consists of a small cylinder, one end of which is coated with a
small quantity of barium or other similar oxide. The cylinder covers a low
voltage heater which heats the barium oxide. Barium oxide when heated
emits electrons.
The grid is a metal cylinder and surrounds the cathode. Its purpose is to catch
as many electrons as possible emitting from the cathode and direct them in a
narrow beam towards the anodes. This is done by applying a potential (called
grid bias) which is negative with respect to the potential of the cathode.
Electrons are negative charges and when they find that the walls of the grid
are more negative than they are, they tend to be repelled from the wall and
pass through the grid in a narrow beam at the centre. By varying the grid bias
we can control the number of electrons passing through the grid. This is the
brilliance control.
Anode system
As soon as the electrons are emitted from the cathode, the cathode becomes
positive relative to the electrons and the most natural thing would be for the
electrons to return to the cathode. This must be prevented; the electrons are
in fact encouraged to travel forward to the screen by means of three anodes.
First and third anodes have the shapes of plates while the second anode has
the shape of a cylinder (Fig. 9.5).
The first and third anodes are positive, the second anode is negative. The
first anode attracts the electrons which pass through its centre and then start
diverging. This tendency to diverge is checked at the second anode (being
negative) and the electrons deflect back and pass through the third anode
under the attraction of positive potential. When they hit the fluorescentcoated screen they show up as a glow. How sharp the glow is depends on how
much divergence took place at the second anode. The potential of the second
central anode can be varied to give different sharpness -this is the focussing
control. As to where on the screen the electrons will hit depends on the
potential of the X and y plates.
x and y plates
The set of plates nearest to the third anode is called the y plates. As the
electrons pass through the pair of y plates, if, say, the top plate is positive
and the bottom plate is negative, the beam will be deflected upward towards
the top of the plates. This means that the beam will hit at the top of the tube,
the Y axis. If we had the bottom plate positive initially and varied the
potential gradually until the top plate became positive, the beam hitting the
screen during this time would appear to move from the bottom of the tube
towards the top. If the potential was varied quickly enough we would only be
able to see a continuous vertical trace.
'y' plate
'x' plate
Radio Aids
IoEFig. 9.7
tiny signals travel on to the CRT via the y plates and show up on the screen
as multitudes of small blips in the vertical axis. These blips are known as
'grass' because of their appearance. Their presence is an essential check that
the CRT is serviceable to a stage beyond producing the time base. The size of
the required signal (i.e. echo) and grass is controlled by the gain control.
Cockpit displays in colour
With the rapid advances for both domestic and commercial uses of colour
televisions during the 19705, it was not surprising that by the end of the
decade flight-decks would also be enjoying the facility. Now in the 19905, for
both large, wide-body commercial aircraft and much smaller, executive class
aircraft, there are available -often in a single-box presentation -bright,
sharp colour displays of radar information on which can be superimposed
additional data, readily-interpretable symbolic displays, cautions and warnings. Many of the equipments described in the following chapters are thus
available on the flight-deck with either a black and white or a colour presentation, e.g. weather radar.
(1) What is the maximum unambiguous range of a radar having a PRR
(PRF) of 380 pulses per second?
219 nm.
Principle of operation
The system on the ground is called the transponder, a concocted name to
describe that it is a transmitter which responds. It consists of a receiver and a
transmitter. The aircraft interrogator interrogates the transponder on a given
carrier frequency by sending out a continuous series of pulses in pairs. The
distance between two pulses of a pair is 12 ~s and the time interval between
the pairs is varied at random -a technique called transmission at random
PRF. At the same time that the interrogation goes out, the aircraft's receiver
starts timing and commences a search for the transponder's replies.
The transponder replies to the interrogation by sending out pairs of pulses
on a carrier frequency 63 MHz removed from the interrogation frequency.
The receiver receives all the responses that the transponder is sending out to
different aircraft but only accepts those responses which match its own PRF .
The receiver searches the responses through the maximum range of 200 nm
in a matter of a few seconds (four or five seconds in newer models, 25-30
seconds with older models). During this time the pointer or counters on the
indicator revolve rapidly. If no response is achieved by the time the search
reaches the maximum range, the pointer (or counters) swiftly return to zero
range and the search starts again. Once the response is found the receiver
locks on to it and tracking commences. This is the condition which exists
when the interrogator has acquired replies in response to its own interrogations and is continually displaying the slant range distance to the ground
station. This distance is computed from the knowledge of the speed of the
radio waves and the time taken for the pulses to travel out and back.
During the search period, the interrogator transmits at a high rate (150
pulses per second, (pps) ) to achieve a quick lock-on condition. But if the
lock-on is not acquired after 15000 pairs of pulses have been transmitted, the
PRF is lowered to 60 pps and maintained at this rate until the search is
successfully completed. The system then operates on a random PRF between
25 and 30pps.
Illustration of random PRF technique
Random PRF was mentioned above. This random variation in time between
successive pairs of interrogation pulses prevents locking on to responses
meant for some other aircraft. We will now take a closer look and see how it
is done.
To keep the arithmetic simple, let us say that our equipment's PRF is
25 pps. This gives us the pulse recurrence period of
1 000
This means that if this was the PRF of a primary radar, one pulse after
another would be despatched exactly at 40000 microsecond intervals. With
the DME, this time interval is intentionally varied, and it is a random
variation. A pulse may be sent out 39956 J.1S
behind the previous one, and it
may be followed by another pulse at 40115J.1sdistance. The transmission
pattern would look like Fig. 10.1. In the meantime the transponder is reply-
Interrogation pattern
ing to all aircraft triggering it. Since all these responses are on the same
carrier frequency, they all arrive in the receiver. The transponder's transmissions arriving in the receiver would look as in Fig. 10.2. Some of these
responses must belong to us and they are the ones which arrive with a regular
Radio Aids
delay from the interrogation pulses. A narrow gate in the receiver admits
only those pulses which fall inside it, and the delay or the distance between
the two pulses is the measure of the aircraft's range from the transponder.
This arrangement is shown in Fig. 10.3. It will be seen in the figure how
the pulses arriving after a regular time interval t (shaded dark for easy
recognition) enter through the gate whereas the other responses are excluded.
Of course it will be appreciated that this regular distance t is only momentary
because unless the aircraft is circling round the beacon at a constant range, its
range relationship with the station is changing all the time. However, on the
microsecond timing scale this change is only minute but progressive. The gate
is wide enough to accommodate these changes and it in fact moves along with
the progressively changing time delays so as to keep its own responses in the
lock. This technique is called the lock-follow technique. This movement is
shown in Fig. 10.3, the last pulse arriving at t time delay.
The varieties are legion; presentation of information is either by pointer or by
digital counters (Fig. 10.4). In most installations the DME is channelled
by the VOR navigation frequency selection and both pieces of equipment
become active together. Alternatively a separate frequency selector may be
available which enables the pilot to select VOR and DME (or TACAN) as
The basic information is slant range from the selected station up to a
distance of 199nm. To this, an additional small computer can add the luxury
of rate of change of distance display, indicate instantaneous GS, give time
in minutes to the station and so forth. The advent of the course-line computer
opened up the prospect of area navigation. The indications are in the form of
L/R deviation from your track and distance to your destination. This is in
spite of the fact that your destination is not the VOR/DME station you are
tuned to.
Failure indications
If the transponder reply detected by the aircraft is below a pre-set value the
equipment will go on 'memory mode' for a period of around eight to ten
seconds (depending on the equipment) and continue to indicate the ranges
based on the last known change of range. If no signals of acceptable strength
are received after this, the equipment will unlock and commence a fresh
search. It will only lock on when correct signals of sufficient strength are
again detected.
The unlock condition will be indicated to the pilot by an OFF warning flag
on the rotary types of indicators and a bar falling across the face of the digital
types. In addition the needle of the rotary indicator will rotate continuously
and the numbers on the digital indicator will run up to the maximum value.
Failure indication will be displayed when the equipment is switched on and:
And of course the flag is in view when the equipment is not switched on.
Frequency and channel spacing
As we noted earlier, DME using secondary radar technique transmits and
receives on different frequencies. This is a matter of necessity, because if
both transmitters operated on the same frequency, assuming that this was
Radio Aids
With the use of different frequencies, the airborne receiver will not accept
its own reflections and the ground transponder will not be activated by its
transmission frequency.
DME operates in the UHF (1000MHz) band in the frequency range of
962 MHz to 1212MHz. The frequency allocation is divided into two bands,
low and high, as follows:
(at -63MHz
High: Aircraft transmits from 1088 to 1150MHz; ground replies from 1151
to 1213MHz (at +63MHz difference).
For example, for an interrogation frequency of 1100MHz, the response
will come on 1163MHz. Under this arrangement 63 channels are formed in
each band. Channels in the low band are numbered from 1 to 63 and those in
the high band from 64 to 126. These 126 channels are collectively called X
channels. There is a provision for expansion into another 126 channels, to be
called Y channels. We will then have, for example, a 22X channel and a
22Y channel. The channels 1 to 16 are reserved for national allocation and
channels 17 to 56 are paired with VOR/ILS frequencies, as shown in the
following illustration:
20X frequency paired with 108.3; 21X frequency paired with 108.4.
20Y frequency paired with 108.35; 21Y frequency paired with 108.45.
= (slant rangef
= 802 ~
= 802 -6.582 (approx)
= 6400 -43 (approx)
= 6357
ground distance = V(6357)
Fig. 10.5
d (
ID Icate
s ant
= V916
= 30.26nm
From the above two examples it will be noticed that the slant range errors
at long distances are practically negligible. But the inaccuracy does exist
which is revealed at closer range and higher altitudes.
When directly overhead the beacon, the DME will indicate the aircraft
height in nm above the beacon and not zero range. For example an aircraft
overflying a beacon at a height of 30400 ft will indicate
(When overhead, there is a small cone of silence but the range indications
will continue to operate on memory. )
The actual ranges available depend on
aircraft height
transmitter height
intervening high ground; this will cut off the signals and reduce the
range in that direction. I
The ranges for various heights are worked out using the VHF formula.
Range = 1.2Sv'HR + 1.2Sv'HT
Radio Aids
We are familiar with this formula but we will give you one more example
of its employment.
Example: Give the approximate theoretical maximum range that an aircraft
at 26000 ft may expect if the DME transponder is 81 ft amsI.
Range =
1.25\!(26000) + 1.25\!(81)nm
(1.25 x 161) + (1.25 x 9) nm
200 + 11.25 nm
Uses ofDME
(1) It provides a circular position line when a single DME is used: fixes are
obtained when it is used in conjunction with VOR or other DME
(2) Its range indication is very useful when carrying out an instrument
It eases the task of the A TC in identifying for radar when an aircraft
reports its position in terms of range and bearing from a VOR/DME
When two aircraft are using DME and flying on the same track, the
positive ranges from these aircraft enables the A TC to maintain accurate
Accurate ranges to touchdown are read off when a transponder is
operating in conjunction with ILS
It provides a basis for more accurate holding patterns
With an additional computer, area navigation may be carried out with
It will be seen in Fig. 10.6 that an active cloud not directly in line
between the aircraft and the ground beacon will have little effect in
causing interference or clutter .
Transmission power required is only that which is sufficient to carry the
signal up to the station. In other words, the signals need not be strong
enough to survive a two-way journey.
The ground beacon uses a different frequency from that used by the
aircraft and therefore self-triggering will not occur .
Beacon saturation
Like a shopkeeper who opens the doors of his shop in the morning and
makes available any and all of his wares to the customers, once he is sold out,
he puts the shutters down; the ground equipment, when switched on, does
likewise. The transponder transmits 2700pps at random whether or not it is
being triggered for information. These pulses are available to its customers.
When an aircraft interrogates the transponder it replies by using some of
these random pulses. Now, unless an aircraft is in search mode, its normal
operating PRF is 25-30pps, average 27. One aircraft triggering a transponder and in lock-on condition replaces 27 transmitter random pulses.
At this rate if 100 aircraft are simultaneously triggering a station, the transponder's capacity will be exhausted and the beacon would become saturated.
In arriving at this figure we did not consider those aircraft which are operating on higher PRF in the search mode. They would put excessive loading on
the transponder's capability. However, the search mode at higher PRF runs
Radio Aids
for such a short time that it can be discarded for practical purposes, and the
search at 60 PRF is not normally continued for a long time because if it is not
locking, it is very likely that you are still out of range.
When the beacon becomes saturated it adjusts itself to cope with the
situation by reducing receiver gain, Fig. 10.7. If you are receiving strong
Fig. 10.7
Beacon saturatior
Where both VOR and DMEfTACAN transmit the same callsign and in
synchronism, the stations are called associated and they are always
frequency paired. The term 'associated' means that
(a) the two transmitters are co-located (i.e. the two antennae are co(b)
they are a maximum distance of 100ft apart where the facilities are
used in the terminal areas for approach purposes, or
they are at a maximum distance of 2000ft apart where their purpose is other than (b) above but where the highest position fixing
accuracy is required.
Synchronised idents are transmitted every 7! seconds, that is, each 30second period is divided into four equal parts. The DME transponder transmits its ident during one of these four periods, and the VOR in the other
Those VOR and DME stations which are not associated but serve the
same area (approx 7nm) and which may be used in conjunction with
each other are also frequency paired. But in this case, both VOR and
DME will identify separately and one of the two will have a letter Z in
the callsign, e.g. STN-STZ.
Where VOR and DME stations are at entirely different locations, they
mayor may not be frequency paired. Both facilities will have independent idents. Note that when a VOR is frequency paired with military
TACAN the system is called VORTAC.
The type of emission is 'PON'. A typical UKAIP entry records transmission
and reception frequencies, e.g. transmit 1174, receive 1111. These apply at
the station and mean that the aircraft transmits at 1111 and receives at 1174.
In any case you select a channel number which in this case is 87X.
Radio Aids
Principle of operation
The present route Air Traffic Service (A TS) structure, which is particularly
complex in the European/Mediterranean region, evolved from 'point-source'
aids between which aircraft are required to fly. Initially there were radio
ranges then NDBs followed by VORs and DMEs. This structure offers little
scope for expanding traffic capacity, the options open to pilots or to improvement on present levels of efficiency which already impose high workloads on
air traffic controllers and pilots, especially in terminal airport areas. It is
believed that development of RNA V throughout the 1990swill overcome the
present deficiencies and enable A TS systems to accommodate the increasing
need for operators to enjoy a greater route flexibility and traffic capacity,
handled safely and efficiently.
In ICAO Annex 11, RNA V is defined as a method of navigation which
permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within station-referenced
navigation aids, or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or
a combination of these. Thus, in general terms, RNA V may be considered as
any system of navigation which is capable maintaining track and time to a
specified degree of accuracy without having to overfly a point-source aid.
This can be done by simultaneously fixing position with VOR/DME or
DME/DME etc.
Advantages and disadvantages
Unfortunately RNA V cannot be immediately implemented because aircraft
using airways vary considerably in their age, their performance and the
degree of sophistication of their on-board equipment. This leads to varying standards of navigation even though the flight crews are meeting the
internationally-agreed mandatory minimum requirements for airways flying.
Even the national A TS systems in adjoining countries may differ in operating
concepts and procedures, although they are within the international parameters. The advantages of adopting the RNA V principle over the current
fixed-route system stem from the introduction which will then be possible of
more direct routeing of aircraft so reducing flight distances, times and fuel
required. It could also lead to increasing existing, or new, route capacities by
enabling the use of dual or parallel routes, reduced separation horizontally
and vertically between routes and of the basic volume of protected airspace.
It will allow pilots and operators to exercise greater freedom of choice while
also giving A TC greater flexibility.
Accuracy, reliability and coverage
There must inevitably be a transitional stage with the introduction of RNA V
because there will still be aircraft operating wholly dependently on overflying
point-source aids. In Europe, time scales are being established through the
19905and initially RNA V will be used within the existing A TS route system.
Then it is envisaged that as most aircraft come to meet the minimum equipment standards, there will be the following types of RNA V routes:
Within the RNA V concept itself, there are two recognised levels of accuracy
of operation: B-RNAV and P-RNAV. Basic RNAV (B-RNAV) has an
accuracy comparable with that of aircraft currently operating the present system on routes defined by VOR/DME. Precision RNA V (P-RNA V) requires
a track-keeping of O.5nm standard deviation or better.
Presentation, interpretation, FMS
Already many UK-registered aircraft are fitted with RNA V capability equipment and as the phases of introduction are implemented so, in the UK, the
Air Navigation Order will be amended to lay down the rules for the approval
of RNA V equipment. It will also lay down the installation and maintenance
rules for equipment together with the operational procedures to be used. The
current position is laid down in Articles 39, 39A, 39B of the ANO and
expanded in a yellow (Ops/ATS) AIC. The intention is that carriage of
RNA V equipment will be mandatory from 1 January 1998 within the airspace
of ECAC member states.
The interpretation of the individual instruments, VOR, DME, ADF, etc.,
has been described earlier when considering the basic systems. In companion
volume 3, the FMS to be found on the flight deck of modern airliners
is described together with its use. With the availability of the on-board
computer and predetermined waypoints, pilots will be able to fly any fixed,
contingency or random RNA V route stored in the FMS memory in the same
way as the airways are currently flown between the fixed-point aids.
Test questions
(1) Describe the basic principles of DME operation.
Radio Aids
The variety of aircraft types with wide differences of speed and altitude in a
crowded airspace demands positive identification of each aircraft for adequate
safe control by ATC. Primary radar is insufficiently informative, and has the
added disadvantages of clutter on the screen and a necessarily high power
output for the two-way journey of the wave. Secondary radar, when used
in conjunction with the primary radar, does away with these drawbacks,
but does demand the co-operation of the aircraft in that the appropriate
equipment must be aboard. When such equipment must be carried in designated UK airspace is firmly and legally laid down.
A ground based transmitter/receiver triggers off a reply aircraft's
receiver/transmitter when the correct operating procedures are followed: the
reply is on a different frequency from the interrogator. The interrogator is
the name for the ground equipment, the transponder for that in the aircraft.
The aircraft not only identifies itself positively without manoeuvres, but gives
its height. On the ground, range and bearing are displayed on the screen,
nice and clear, while the aircraft's height, destination or point of leaving
airspace and callsign are also shown on the screen as computer-generated
symbols on a synthetic clutter-free display. All signals are coded; the code of
the interrogation signal is called the mode.
Frequency (UHF)
Ground transmits on 1030MHz, receives on 1090MHz;
Aircraft transmits on 1090MHz, receives on 1030MHz.
The ground interrogator aerial is directional while the aircraft transponder
aerial is non-directional.
The method used is the transmission and reception of pulses, and it is
essential to eliminate weak or spurious signals, since the coding system
depends on the 'presence' or 'non-presence' of pulses. The interrogator
transmits two pulses with a known spacing, and there are four modes, each
mode having a different spacing.
Mode A has pulses (always O.85~s wide) 8~s apart
Mode B 17~s apart
up to 128000 ft, with a change of output every 100ft. The controller is thus
automatically provided with the aircraft's flight level. If your allocated flight
level is 65 and you let the aircraft wander below the cleared level, then as
soon as you pass from 6450 ft to 6445ft the controller's 'blip' coding will
immediately show you flying at 6400ft rather than your cleared 6500 ft.
Unwanted echoes
The interrogator aerial sends out a wide vertical beam and a narrow one in
azimuth: the azimuth beam, though, has side lobes which could produce a
transponder response, spreading the echo on the indicator tube and denying
the required accuracy of range and bearing. To correct this, an omnidirectional radiation transmission is introduced, whose signal strength is greater
than the strongest side lobe but less than the main beam. By fitting a circuit
in the transponder for comparing the amplitude of pulses, it can be arranged
not to reply to side lobe interrogations; for example, the first pulse of the
mode can be transmitted in the omnidirectional pattern, and the second in
the interrogator pattern; the transponder will only reply if the interrogator
pulse is equal to, or greater than, the amplitude of the omnidirectional pulse.
Or, by a normal transmission of interrogator pulses with an omnidirectional
pulse intervening 2 J.lSafter the first: the transponder will not reply if the
omnidirectional pulse is greater in amplitude than the interrogator .
Despite the circuitry , some 'fruiting' and 'garbling' may occur. If aircraft
are within the range of two or more SSR stations they may cause nonsynchronous interference to one of the stations by responding synchronously
to another station, which is called fruiting. Also if two or more aircraft are
close enough together, such as when in a holding pattern or overtaking, so
that they are in the aerial beam at the same time and produce overlapping
replies, this is known as synchronous garbling.
The aircraft equipment is kept on Standby until required; this keeps the
display on the ground clean. The range of SSR is of the order of 200 nm, and
the PRF is about 250 per second. Several aircraft in an area with similar flight
plans may have been allotted the same code; identification of one would be
demanded by A TC, and the resultant echo on the ground display would show
as a 'filling-in' of one of the echoes already showing; or ATC might of course
order an aircraft to turn to another code.
clutter, no unwanted echoes from cloud, high buildings, high ground,
and so on
signals give range, bearing, height, aircraft identity, destination or
point of leaving airspace positively and automatically
Radio Aids
effort required by the pilot -well,
very little anyway
other communication
channels are left free
of A TC is instantaneous and unambiguous
aircraft manoeuvres required
power needed.
Disadvantage is that the aircraft must carry the necessary equipment.
In UK airspace, stringent regulations for the carriage of SSR transponders
It is compulsory when flying in the Upper Airspace and whole of the UK
controlled airspace under instrument flight rules (IFR) to carry Mode A 4096
codes and also Mode C.
Gliders are exempt from the above requirement, as are aircraft below FL
100 in controlled airspace receiving an approved crossing service.
Most ICAO States have now published some form of mandatory requirements for carriage of SSR, the details of which are generally available from
the State's AlP as well as from the Aerad Supplements.
There is a standard RTF phraseology for SSR, the operative word being
'Squawk'. For example: 'Squawk Alpha Code 7600' means 'Select Mode A
Code 7600 on your control box, and switch on transponder'. 'Squawk Ident'
means 'Stay on present mode and code, but press the Identification button'.
Mode S data link
In chapter 3, reference was made to ground/air two-way communications
by means of VHF or Satcom. A further datalink is now being introduced
through what is known as SSR with selective addressing- Mode S, specified
in ICAO Annex 10. Whereas the SSR modes and codes so far described
handle only 4096 identities with altitudes in 100ft increments, Mode S has
enormously greater capacity, while the equipment will still be compatible with
the current Modes A and C units. It will handle over 5 x 1033different uplink
and downlink messages and have a capacity for over-the-horizon service
because it will also have a widely-distributed ground data network. The
uplink message will be specifically addressed to a particular aircraft and the
system permits for over 16000000 discrete aircraft addresses-far in excess of
the number of aircraft of all types in existence world-wide! (see Fig. 11.1.)
Mode S is designed to serve two main functions -communications and
surveillance. It is foreseen that the great bulk of RTF messages will be
eventually be exchanged by datalink, whether air-initiated or ground-initiated.
With FMSs becoming commonplace, messages to and from the flight crew
can be managed via the CDU. From the small aircraft aspect, the proposed
Mode Sierra transponder kit will, compared to the panel of the current Modes
A and C transponders, also have a CDU format on which messages on
weather, destination, A TC, etc. , can be displayed to the pilot in flight. As
regards surveillance, the encoding altimeters will have a capability to report
3 'carriers'
Ground radars are used extensively in civil aviation, particularly by the ATC
services, for which they now form an essential part of their equipment. The
main types of ground radars may be summarised as:
Precision approach radar (PAR). Gives very accurate azimuth and
elevation guidance relative to the approach path to an aerodrome
runway. Used originally by a ground controller to 'talk down' a pilot to
the runway; in the UK this procedure has now been withdrawn from
most civil aerodromes.
(5) Surface movement radar. Installed at major airports to provide a very
precise radar picture of the aerodrome surface. It is used in poor
visibility to control the movement of traffic on the aprons, taxiways and
runways. Maximum range approximately 2.5 nm.
(6) Weather radar. A primary radar used by the meteorological service to
supplement their knowledge of current weather conditions, varying from
thunderstorm location to finding upper winds.
Note: Short-range radars, e.g. surface movement radar, employ very short
wavelengths (e.g. 1 to 3 cm) to achieve short rectangular pulses which give
superior resolution and accuracy. Long-wave radars, e.g. surveillance radars,
employ longer wavelengths (e.g. 10cm) with larger pulses to achieve greater
ranges with less attenuation.
To enlarge upon (3) and (4) above, an approach surveillance radar (RAD)
and PAR may be utilised for approach and landing down to zero conditions.
Radio Aids
It may be necessary to ensure firm identification, to call on the aircraft to
perform a simple manoeuvre (e.g. a procedure turn) and follow its blip on
the radar screen. Other methods of identification acceptable are a VOR/
DME fix, a response from the aircraft's SSR transponder or a direct handover
from one radar unit to another. Once identified, the aircraft is guided verbally
to the approach path at 1500ft and is handed over to the precision controller .
ICAO lays down a minimum specification of being able to identify a small
single-engined aircraft at a distance of 20 nm at 8000ft. The equipment must
give a position accuracy of ::!:2of the true position and be able to see two
aircraft separately when 4 apart from each other in azimuth. This is achieved
by radiating a beam 2 in azimuth to an elevation of 30. The scanner rotates
at 10, 15 or 20 rpm and the system is duplicated. The display face is switchable
to scales of 10, 20, 40 or 60 nm range.
The use of a relatively long wave produces only weaker rain echoes and
when working on a 50cm (600MHz) band it is completely clear of the rain
clutter and therefore no suppression device is necessary.ASR is essentially
an instrument approach system where the air traffic controlofficer (ATCO)
issues instructions so the pilot can bring his aircraft on to the final approach
path on the extended runway centreline. It is an azimuth and range facility
but has no elevational data.
Precise information must be readily visible for immediate instructions to
the aircraft, so two discriminators of 3 cm wavelength are available. The
beam sweeps both in azimuth and in elevation along the approach line.
The antennae are sited to one side of the runway near the touchdown point.
The system requiremenrs are that it should be capable of detecting and
indicating the position of an aircraft of 15 m2 (165 ff) echoing area (or larger)
which is within a space bounded by a 20 azimuth sector and a 7 elevation
sector to a distance of at least 9 nm. The maximum permissible error from
on-course indication is 0.6% of the distance from antenna plus 10% of
deviation from the on-course line or 30 ft whichever is greater. Similarly,
elevation accuracy is 0.4% of the distance from the antenna plus 10% of the
actual linear displacement or 20 ft, whichever is greater .
The information is displayed on two screens mounted one on top of the
other and the controller is able to pass instructions to the pilot by watching
two blips in relation to the centre lines on the screens.
General notes
It is important that when p AR is on a location also served by ILS that
glidepath and azimuth indications are coincident inbound from the outer
marker. Two pilots in CA VOK will practise the two approaches, one monitoring the other. In certain weather conditions it is mandatory for ILS
approaches to be monitored. In this case the precision controller will advise
Ground Radars
the pilot that his approach is being monitored, but the controller will take no
action as long as the pilot remains inside the ILS funnel <!0 above/below the
glidepath and 2 either side of the centreline). The pilot will be warned if he
goes outside the funnel and the PAR will take over if the pilot requests.
The procedures are precisely laid down in the UKAIP, and the pilot on the
approach is on airfield QFE, azimuth and elevation information is given
absolutely and in relation to the on-course and glidepath line. See Fig. 12.1.
air speed
PAR procedure
Radio Aids
adjustments for the QDM to make good. He usually, too, gives the range
every mile until four miles off, every! mile thereafter -sometimes every i
mile after 2! miles off. The last range given is! mile, when all the crew
are searching for the approach lights.
Surveillance radar approaches
At airfields where either PAR is not available or the glidepath element of the
PAR is unserviceable, approaches may be made on surveillance radar but this
is without the benefit of the glidepath. The instructions passed to the pilot are
similar to PAR except that in the absence of the glide slope, check heights
are passed, e.g. 'your range is 4nm, your height should be 1200ft'. Depending
on the accuracy of the surveillance radar, the approaches are terminated
either when !nm from the threshold or 2nm. These terminal distances are
also given in the UKAIP .
The frequencies given in the UKAIP are the actual RTF frequencies and
not the frequencies on which the radar operates.
Range or the surveillance radar
The range that a primary radar produces depends upon:
of suppressor in use.
The range at which an aircraft will be detected depends upon
aircraft height
high ground
aircraft shape, size and material
weather conditions.
Within the limitations of the radar, the accuracy of the approach depends
primarily on the skill of the controller and also the ability of the pilot to
rigidly follow the instructions.
The advantages are clear: no special gear is required in the aircraft, the pilot
has only to obey RTF instructions, no interpretation of meters is involved
and the search system provides a means of partial traffic control. Above all,
the system is movable from runway to runway to be operational within half
an hour .
The disadvantages are: several RTF channels are needed at busy airfields,
landing rate is limited, ground controllers must be highly skilled (as well as
pretty durable), identification of blips can be difficult and there will be some
Ground Radars
A WR is a primary radar. In both mapping and cloud detecting roles, the
requirements are to find the range and bearing of the objects. The range
is found by the echo principle and the direction is found by use of the
searchlight principle. Both these techniques are discussed in the chapter on
radar .
Weather radar
The requirement is to detect turbulent cloud, provide information on weather
severity and indicate safe routes round, if any. The efficiency of the equipment in discharging the above functions depends on the following two
If the wavelength is increased above 10 cm the waves will be too large and
no reflections will occur. On the other hand if it is reduced too much below
3cm, a relatively large amount of energy will be absorbed instead of being
reflected, although some radar does work on a 2 cm wavelength.
Thus, the choice being limited between 10 cm and 3 cm, for a given power
Weather Radar
output, the energy on a 3 cm wavelength will give a better range and a more
comprehensive picture of the situation. On the other hand, at a shorter
wavelength it will possibly not look behind a reflecting cloud. A 3.2cm radar
is quite popular with commercial transport aircraft.
(2) Beamwidth. The beamwidth must be kept as narrow as possible for
good target resolution. Two targets less than a beamwidth distance apart
will appear as one single target, see Fig. 13.1. The beam widens with
range. Therefore, for example, two objects at 100nm distance may
appear as a single target, but as the range is closed and the beam
narrowed, each will establish a separate identity. To an operator this
may give a false impression of fresh activity being developed at a close
range. Therefore, the narrower the beam, the better the resolution; and
for airborne equipment this again means the use of shorter wavelengths.
giving single echo
of the
From the above study we can conclude that the factors which determine
whether or not a cloud within the equipment's range will be detected or not
Map-painting radar
Mapping, again, should be done on a narrow beam in the interest of resolution (the beamwidth used is around 3!0). It should be broad enough to cover
a maximum possible horizontal distance. Such a beam would be a fan-shaped
beam, see Fig. 13.2.
It will be appreciated that with this type of beam the surface illuminated
below and closer to the aircraft will give stronger (and thus brighter) reflec-
Radio Aids
tions than the ground further away. The picture on the CRT will appear
progressively fading away with distance. This in itself may not be an inconvenience but radar maps are essentially read from the differing brightness of
the dissimilar objects. Some objects come up very bright, others not so much,
and yet others which do not reflect at all. For a reliable interpretation we
would like all similar objects to produce similar brilliance. This difficulty is
overcome by adjusting the power spread so that maximum power is directed
to the farthest point to be covered. The power ill progressively reduced
as distances decrease so that the power directed to the closest object is
minimum. This reduction in power with decreasing range is the function of
cosecant of the depression angle and the beam so produced is called a
coseca!lt (or mapping) beam.
Theoretically, for the maximum range the upper edge of the fan should
radiate horizontally ahead of the aircraft, that is, at a depression angle of
00. This cannot be achieved in practice as the cosecant, of 0 is infinity. A
practical beam is tilted down by about 5. In flight the aerial tilt angle can be
adjusted to give a most advantageous display.
As the cosecant beam is more widely spread out than the pencil beam used
for weather detecting, and as the power available to both is the same, the
distance of coverage available using a cosecant beam will tend to be more
restricted. The actual range available depends on the power, the aircraft's
altitude, the reflecting property of the surface and the angle of depression
in use. With older equipment 70 nm is just about the limit. Use a pencil
beam where distances beyond the cosecant beam's range are required to be
The shapes that you will see on the CRT, such as a coastline, or the
contours of a hill or the outline of a town, will not be identical to what you
would see with your naked eye. Figure 13.3 shows a straight coastline across
track 6nm ahead, Fig. 13.4 how the beamwidth affects the size of the echo
Little or no energy will come back from a calm sea. This makes a coastline
easily separable from the landmass. Similarly fine sand or flat terrain will not
give reflections. Brighter echoes will occur in built-up areas, taller buildings
showing up brighter still. Hills and man-made structures cast shadows behind
them, Fig. 13.5, sometimes giving a false impression of water or a lake. If you~
Weather Radar
is in contact
I duration
of the image
on PPI
are used to a route and seeing the same picture, it is worth bearing in mind
that the picture can change substantially with seasons in the middle and
higher latitudes. For example, rivers and lakes show up nicely in normal
circumstances and also when iced up (ice has jagged edges which reflect), but
Radio Aids
will not show at all when covered with snow. The same is true for landmasses.
Snow reduces the detection range of the equipment and the responses from
the features are toned down, irregularities being removed by the snow
When using the equipment for weather detection, falling rain, wet hail or
snow -in fact any liquid concentration -will show up. The three stages of a
thunderstorm can be observed. The first appearance of the echoes indicates
the beginning. The echoes grow in size and when the fuzzy edge is replaced
by a well-defined edge the mature stage is reached. At this stage in monochrome a black hole will be seen when operating on contour function (see
later). The dissipating stage is the process in reverse. The black hole gets
smaller, ultimately disappearing, the cloud echo becoming ill-defined and
weaker .
If a cloud shows up at a very long distance, say a hundred mile range, it
indicates a presence of high liquid concentration -a cloud that must be
The airborne equipment
aerial scanning unit
indicator, and
control unit.
Transmitter /receiver
Transmission frequency varies with equipment within the range stated earlier .
A typical A WR used by commercial airliners operates on a frequency of
9375MHz (SHF or X-band). This gives a wavelength of 3.2cm. The range
covered is 320 nm. The mapping beam is 85 deep and scans a sector of 90
either side of the aircraft's centre line, ahead of the aircraft. With some
equipment, a scan extending to 120 is available. The beamwidth of the
conical pencil beams (weather beam) depends on the size of the scanner
employed. An 18-inch scanner produces a beamwidth of 5 and a 24-inch
scanner, 3.5.
Aerial scanning unit
The scanner unit consists of a paraboloid
A typical indicator is shown in Fig. 13.3. Bearings are marked on the face of
the CRT with bearing lines at 15 intervals and the range markers are
electronically produced. The intervals between range markers vary according
to the selected range.
Radio Aids
Function switch
MAP: In this position ground mapping is done by use of the cosecant beam.
Manual gain control is used in conjunction with this position. This is because
the signal strength can vary with altitude and type of terrain over which the
flight is being made.
this is the next position after MAP and, again, is used for map
painting. But the beam in use is the conical pencil beam and because of the
concentration of energy inside a narrow beamwidth, the ranges obtained are
greater than when operating on MAP position. And because ground mapping
is being done, manual gain control is still operative in this position.
WEA: this is the normal position for observing weather. Manual gain
control is inoperative; instead sensitive time control (STC) is brought into
operation. It automatically reduces gain at short ranges so that with decreasing ranges the same target continues to produce the same contour
separation, or all clouds at short ranges may be compared on equal terms.
this position is used to examine the cloud structure for severity,
and it shows up the turbulent areas on an iso-echo display (see below).
Marker brilliance. Varies the brightness of the range rings and azimuth lines
which may be shown either as a 135 forward segment or as a 360 display
around a central aircraft position.
The other controls (in Fig. 13.6) are self-explanatory.
On the latest models the controls are often positioned around the colour
CRT and include the following pushon/pushoff switches:
this enables the test patterns of various bands of colour to be
displayed for checking, after the system has been warmed up ( after approximately
60 seconds).
this allows the display to be frozen so that the storm movement
be assessed. See later paragraph on the procedure.
this operates in conjunction with Wx (or WEA) to notify
the pilot of a thunderstorm return of contour strength. When TGT ALERT is
selected and there is no relevant contouring weather ahead, the screen shows
a yellow. T' in a red square in the top right corner. If a contouring target is
detected ahead of the aircraft, typically within 60nm and 160nm and ::t15 of
dead ahead regardless of the range selected, the yellow letters TGT enclosed
in a red rectangle flashing on/off once a second replace the 'T'.
this switch selects whether or not the five azimuth (or bearing) lines are
STAB: this is to stabilise the antenna in pitch and roll, and is usually kept
on the ON position.
There will be a fault-monitoring circuit with a priority over any mode that
has been selected. If there is a power interruption or the transmitter fails, the
word FAULT flashes on the screen. The system is reset by momentarily
selecting STBY and then the required mode.
Although the operator can see on the screen the complete cloud distribution
ahead of him, without sufficient experience he would find it difficult to pick
out dangerous clouds from among the less dangerous ones on a black/white
display. The iso-echo type of display simplifies this distinction. It is known
that strong turbulent clouds produce strong echoes compared with weak,
inactive clouds, and this fact is utilised in the production of iso-echo display.
All reflections above a predetermined echo level are cut off from reaching the
screen. About the turbulent centre there is usually the remainder of the cloud
whose activity is below the predetermined level. This will be seen on the
screen. This signifies that a cloud on the screen with a hole in the centre is
dangerous. The hole or the blacked out portion of the cloud is particularly
dangerous, containing the highest concentration of large drops; the degree of
the danger from the turbulence in the cloud depends mainly on the steepness
of the contour (Fig. 13.7). On some screens, the hole may be drawn to the
pilot's attention by being flashed cyclically.
very steep gradient-avoid
~ -,
normal display
Fig. 13.7
Similarly on colour CRTs with a three or four colour presentation, increasing severity is shown by echo colours ranging from green to yellow to
red and/or magenta for the areas of strongest echoes and heaviest rainfall.
Radio Aids
The area of greatest turbulence occurs where the colour zones are closest
together on the screen (i.e. the steepest contour gradient or paint).
Operation on ground
If the equipment is required to be switched on while on the ground take
precautions, e.g. , first check that there are no large hangar or other reflectin~
objects in the vicinity. The radiation can damage the health of personnel and
the reflections can damage the equipment. And for the same reasons do no1
select mapping beam on the ground.
The usual pre-flight start-up check for a colour airborne weather radar is as
Select 25 nm range.
Select AZ switch to ON .
Select 10 nm range and note the new range rings and their annunciators.
Adjust the tilt control over the whole range noting ground returns
at the low settings and any thundery weather returns at the higher
Operating on weather
Select maximum range to detect presence of clouds in good time. When the
clouds close up to around 50-60nm, select lower scale and operate on
CONTOUR function. Ensure from the beginning that no ground returns are
being received -the aerial tilt may be adjusted to exclude them. Any storms
detected at very long ranges are potentially dangerous. Take avoiding action
when the range gets below 20 nm. If possible avoid all response areas; if
this cannot be done, then at least avoid responses with black holes or
red/magenta areas.
Apart from the points already made under iso-echo display, there are other
characteristics of the returns of which pilots should be aware. Hail associated
with thunderstorms may well produce 'fingers' or stubs out from the main
echo up to 5 nm long. Other shapes can be in the form of hooks, scalloped
edges and U-shapes which even if there is no hail can usually be relied upon
as good indicators of areas of severe turbulence. The extreme case of a
thunderstorm is a tornado associated with cumulonimbus-mammatus. In the
same way as the actual tornado cloud has a writhing funnel cloud beneath it,
the tornado cloud echo often shows a narrow, finger-Iike extension from its
main outline, which quickly curls into a hook and then closes on itself.
Fortunately, tornadoes are infrequent in Europe and indeed most of the
world but they are common in the USA.
Storm movement
From basic meteorological principles, cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms move in the direction of the 700mb flow (approximately the 10000ft
winds). Self-propagating storms usually generate on the forward side of the
storm. When fitted, the HOLD facility enables the storm movement to be
assessedby th.e flight crew. The procedure when, say, a storm is detected on
the 100 mile range, is to select the push/push HOLD switch while maintaining
constant heading. HOLD and Wx then appear alternately on the screen.
After a couple of minutes, select the push/push HOLD switch again. This
brings back the current display and the storm echo moves from its previously
held position to the current position so showing its movement relative to the
Operating on mapping
Cosecant beam is used for short range mapping (up to 70nm). To obtain
optimum ranges use pencil beam for reasons given earlier. Give the aerial a
large downward tilt initially and then reduce the tilt angle very slowly,
Radio Aids
= ! nm or 3040ft
This is the height above the aircraft height. Alternatively, the makers
provide pre-computed graphs from which the height is read off against tilt
A rough estimate of the height may be made mentally from the
formula: relative height = 100 x range in nm x elevation in degrees. In
our illustration it is 100 x 30 x 1 = 3000ft.
Height ring
With conical radiation there is an overspill of radiation vertically downwards
(Fig. 13.8). This is reflected back to the aircraft and the echo appears like a
ring. This ring indicates the aircraft's height and therefore it is called the
Fig. 13.8
height ring. The presence of the height ring indicates that the equipment is
serviceable. Its absence normally means that the receiver requires retuning. It
may be possible to retune the receiver in flight -follow the manufacturer's
drill and if the height ring is still not visible, the equipment may be considered
unserviceable. It should, however, be remembered that there are few reflections when flying over calm water or fine sand particularly when flying
above 30000ft. Also, as 4.93nm equals 30000ft, if you are flying at that
height, the height ring may merge with the 5 nm range marker. To ensure its
presence, turn the marker brilliance down. Finally, it is also possible to see a
second height ring, at twice the aircraft height. If it is present, it will be faint
because it is due to double reflections.
Other uses of A WR
The equipment may be used to ensure a safe terrain clearance over high
ground. By tilting the aerial slightly downward, keep a watch as the high
ground gets closer. If it does not disappear from the picture at a reasonable
range, a climb must be initiated immediately.
Test questions
(1) How does the use of the iso-echo function on an airborne weather
radar enable a pilot to detect areas of severe turbulence?
(2) What are the main factors which determine the most suitable wavelength to be used in airborne weather radar? Say why.
(3) Using A WR, the conical beam should be used for map painting in
preference to the fan-shaped beam when:
(a) there are thunderstorms in the vicinity
(b) maximum range is required to be scanned
(c) approaching a coastline.
(4) A WR equipment operation on the ground is:
totally prohibited
unrestrictedly permitted in aerodrome maintenance areas
only permitted with certain precautions, to safeguard the health
of personnel and to protect equipment.
Radio Aids
FM altimeters
Radio altimeters are designed to give indication of actual height above the
surface. Those operating on the principle of PM are mostly used for low level
flying where a high degree of accuracy is required. They are otherwise
unsuitable for level flight since they indicate the contour of the ground below
instead of a constant level. When installed, however, they may be used to
check the accuracy of a pressure altimeter if the elevation of the ground
below is known. In the past much use was made of them in flying 'pressure
pattern'. In the latest development, they can be used to feed 'height' information to an automatic landing system.
The principle of FM is utilised to measure time (and thereby, height) taken
by a radio wave to travel to the surface directly beneath, and to return. They
operate in the band 4200 to 4400 MHz.
The aircraft transmits radio signals vertically downward. The transmission
frequency, however, is not constant but it is varied progressively and at a
known rate from its start frequency to 'start + 60' MHz, and then back to the
start frequency. This constitutes one complete cycle of modulation.
Some of these transmitted signals will be reflected and return to the
aircraft. The frequency of these returning signals, however, will be different
from the frequency actually being transmitted at that instant. Further, the
higher the aircraft, the greater the difference between the two. Since the rate
of change of frequency is fixed this difference must be proportional to the
time taken, that is, the height of the aircraft, as the speed of the radio
propagation is known.
Difference in frequency = rate of change of frequency x time taken
This frequency difference is measured and the time obtained is registered on
the indicator as height.
in conjunction
Radio Aids
Radio Altimeters
Fig. 14.3
logarithmic scale from 500 to 2500 ft. Digital displays are available, while with
an EFIS (volume 3), a comparative display of radio altitude and decision
height are shown on the EArn (Fig. 14.3).
Decision height indicator
Many indicators are equipped with a DH selection/control knob (see Fig.
14.2). The DH control knob may incorporate a press-to-test facility. Either
pre-flight or in-flight, the DH knob is used to position the DH bug at the
required DH setting. When the aircraft descends below the set decision
height, the DH lamp comes on, and in some systems an audio tone is also
Mainly when flying at low level. Most instruments cater for height up to 2000
or 2500ft and are compatible with GPWS (Chapter 15).
Fixed e"or.
This error arises in the method of transforming frequency
difference into height and feeding the current to the indicator. The indicator
pointer moves in steps of 5 ft, which means an error up to 2!ft may be
present any time. Overall accuracy is of the order of 5 ft ::t 3% of the
indicated height.
In some installations, the radio altimeter may indicate less than zero altitude
when the aircraft is parked on the ramp. This is because the altimeter reads
Radio Aids
zero ft on the point of touchdown and where the antenna is nearer the
ground when parked.
Pulse modulation altimeters
These altimeters operate in the frequency band of 1600MHz. Originally
height was indicated by a blip on a circular time base, and was read off in
terms of its distance from the start of the time base which also appears as a
blip. On current equipments the flight-deck display is of the pointer and dial
type already described for the frequency modulation altimeter (Fig. 14.2).
The principle utilised is the echo. The time taken by a radio pulse to travel
out and back is the direct measure of the distance (height in this case) on the
assumption that the speed of the radio wave is constant. This assumption is
not an unfair one, since the speed of a radio wave is known to a considerable
degree of accuracy. The timing, of course, must be done electronically by the
process of leading edge tracking.
The master circuit instructs the transmitter to transmit, and at the same
instant, starts the timing process. The transmission takes place vertically
downward in the form of a series of pulses in a wide conical beam from the
antenna. Signals reflected from the ground underneath will be picked up by
the receiver aerial, provided that the aircraft is not banking excessively
(usually of the order of 400).
The maximum range of modem equipments (Fig. 14.2) depends upon the
surface reflectivity. The best surface reflector is water, whilst the worst is
dry , fine, loose soil. Hard-packed earth gives better reflection than snow.
Nevertheless the manufacturers claim that the height is measured from the
top of the snow cover. Such indicators may have a loss of lock due to lack of
reflectivity at altitude (say 2000 to 2500 ft) , either due to a steep bank
or to the nature of the terrain beneath the aircraft. Under the impetus
of developments required for military purposes, there has been a steady
improvement in the accuracy of radio/radar altimeters. Most have a capability
of reading down to 20 ft and an accuracy of ::!:2ft or 2% up to 500 ft.
Advantages of radio/radar altimeters
The radio/radar altimeter has the following advantages:
It gives actual height above the ground -a very useful piece of information when flying low level.
It provides a cross check capability with the pressure altimeter for
terrain clearance purposes.
Models working in the SHF frequency band of 4200-4400 MHz produce
Radio Altimeters
Test questions
(1) Radio altimeters operate in the:
(a) VHF band (b) SHF band
VLF band.
This highly desirable piece of flight-deck equipment came into general use in
the 1970s with the development of microprocessors and sophisticated voice
synthesisers. It has been estimated from the GPWS statistics that possibly as
many as 60 accidents have been averted in the first decade of its installation.
Mandatory carriage of ground proximity warning systems has been introduced
in many countries. In the UK the CAA has published CAP 516 Guidance
materialon GPWS.
The purpose of the system is to give visual and audible warning signals
to the pilot when the aircraft is entering a potentially dangerous ground
proximity situation. Such situations as inadvertent sinking after take-off,
inadequate terrain clearance, excessive rate of terrain closure, and dropping
below the couect glidepath when using ILS, would all activate the GPWS to
alert the pilot to the potential danger. It is a system to enhance safety and not
a foolproof means of preventing collision with the ground.
a caution
by the GPWS
a command generated by the GPWS
variously described as genuine, nuisance or false.
Genuine warning .
specifications .
one generated by the GPWS in accordance with its
but the pilot is actually flying an accepted safe
False warning:
one generated
by the GPWS
not in accordance
and false
warnings. The limits of protection provided by the aircraft's GPWS and other
relevant details are included in the Operations Manual, Training Manual and
Input. The basic equipment comprises a small digital computer or central
processing unit (CPU) which accepts inputs from:
radio altimeter with failure signal
speed sensor or a barometric altitude rate computer with failure
ILS glide path receiver
activated when the landing gear is down or is selected down
activated by any crew selection uniquely associated with final
approach to landing (usually flaps selection to, or are in, the landing
Output. If, after assessment, a potential danger of colliding with terrain is
found to exist, the CPU will put out warning signals to the pilot in both visual
and audible forms. The CPU will also put out indications of computer failure
and any failures which may occur in the five input signals, to a monitor
indicator. A block schematic diagram of how the system works is shown in
Fig. 15.1.
Radio Aids
The formal
in flight
to confirm
Sink rate
Don't sink
Too low -gear
Too low -flaps
generates a warning, the pilot should imthe wings and initiating a maximum gradient
until the minimum safe altitude is reached.
Pull up
Too low -terrain
Mode lor
Mode 4A or Mode 4B
~- 01)
~ ~
0 ~
Q) .~
.~;>'0 ~
"' 0.
~..."' .~
~"' 0.
Q) Q)
.~;>0. O
e~e~...~...~Q) 8
"' .~
Q) -"
Q) -Q)
Radio Aids
Fig. 15.2 Block diagram: windshear detection and recovery guidance system.
(1) All alerts and warnings should be responded to by pilots immediately.
However in the case of a warning in the following circumstances only, a
pilot can limit his response to that of an alert when:
(a) the aircraft is operating by day in meteorological conditions which
will enable the aircraft to remain 1 nm horizontally and 1000ft
vertically away from cloud and in a flight visibility of at least 8 km ;
(b) it is immediately obvious to the aircraft commander that the aircraft
is not in a dangerous situation with regard to terrain, aircraft
configuration or the present manoeuvre of the aircraft.
(2) It must be remembered that GPWS is not a forward-looking equipment.
Any warning that the aircraft is flying towards high ground will be
minimal and dependent upon the steepness of the rising ground. Hence
a sheer cliff, escarpment or mountainside will not generate any warning
at all.
(3) Unwanted warnings still occur under normal and safe operating conditions such as when aircraft are carrying out standard terminal approach
procedures or radar vectoring approaches at aerodromes surrounded by
hilly terrain.
(4) The Operations Manual specifies conditions when the flight crew may
inhibit the GPWS. Typically these would cover when gear or flap position
inputs are known to be non-standard or if the aircraft is being flown
Windshear detection
The serious hazards associated with low-Ievel windshear and microbursts (see
Ground Studies for Pilots volume 4) have been extensively explored in recent
years. Equipment has been developed to provide a specific windshear detection and recovery guidance system (WDGS) operating through the flight
director system.
Typically the windshear is detected from a comparison between the rate of
change of groundspeed (measured by accelerometer) and the rate of change
of airspeed (measured by pitot and static sensors). A shear adversely affecting
performance illuminates a red warning light on the panel and gives an aural
FAIL annunciator which illuminates in the event of a power loss.
The recovery guidance for an adverse effect on aircraft performance is
based on angle of attack, modified by radio altitude and pitch attitude and is
displayed via the flight director, through the pilot's attitude director indicator
(Am) or the EFIS primary flight display (PFD).
There are a number of stories about Doppler saying that after he noticed the
change in pitch of a passing train's whistle he was stimulated by the challenge
and produced his theory of frequency shift. The fact of the matter is, Dr C. J .
Doppler was a scientist and a Professor of Experimental Physics in Vienna
and he was engaged on a research project to establish the relationship
between waveform and motion. His primary interest was to calculate movements of the stars and it was to this end that the theory was immediately put
into practice. In 1842 he published his work in a paper entitled Uber das
larbige Licht der Doppelsterne in which he explained the relationship between
the frequency of a waveform and the relative motion of an object.
The paper establishes that whenever there is a relative motion between a
transmitter and a receiver, a frequency shift occurs. This frequency shift is
proportional to the relative movement. It is now variously known as:
Doppler shift, or
Doppler frequency, or
Doppler effect
and is abbreviated Id. If the distance is closing, the received frequency is
greater than the transmitted frequency and it is described as a positive
Doppler shift. Similarly, if the objects are moving apart, the received frequency will be smaller and it is a negative Doppler shift.
Why does frequency shift take place?
Consider a radio signal, transmitted from a stationary source at a carrier
frequency of f Hz. The receiving object, R will receive f waveforms each
second, each say A metres apart. Further, they are approaching R at the
speed of electromagnetic waves, say c metres per second.
Thus, R receives a frequency which is equal to c/A which in fact is the
transmission frequency. Now suppose that the object R is moving towards the
transmitter at a speed of V metres/second. Although the waves still travel
at the same speed, because of the object's motion towards the source of
transmission, each wave will arrive at the receiver at a progressively shorter
time interval than its predecessor, the first wave taking the longest time and
the last one the shortest time to reach the receiver. This progressive closing
up of the waves is sensed by the receiver as a reduction in the wavelength.
this formula
may be rewritten
as fR = f + Yl,
Radio Aids
= f
Depression angle
As pointed out above, ideally the signals should be beamed straight ahead
for maximum frequency shift. This is, however, impossible. Therefore, the
signals must be beamed downward towards the surface at an angle from the
The angle of depression may be kept small, for example, to achieve a good
measure of the frequency shift. However a signal striking the surface at a
shallow angle loses quite a lot of energy by way of scatter away from the
aircraft (see Fig. 16.1). If the depression angle is made too large on the other
hand, strong reflections will be obtained but the value of id, that is, 2Vi
cos 8/c becomes too small for accurate measurement. The value of cosine
decreases as the angle is increased and if the transmission was vertically
downward, the cosine of 90 is 0 and there will be no frequency shift.
Therefore, the depression angle of Doppler equipment is a compromise
between strength and frequency shift. Or, it must be an angle which would
ideally give the best of both. Most Dopplers operate between a depression
angle of 60 and 70.
Principle of ground speed measurement
Electromagnetic waves are transmitted from an aircraft at a given depression
angle either in the form of a series of pulses (pulse radar) or continuous wave
(CW radar). On striking the surface these will be reflected. Some of these
reflected signals will be received in the aircraft receiver but the frequency of
these signals will be different from the original transmission frequency. It will
be higher if the signals are reflected from forward of the aircraft, and lower if
reflected from the rear of the aircraft. This change in the frequency is due to
the Doppler shift and because it occurs due to the relative movement it
expresses the aircraft's GS. This is continuously indicated on the indicator.
The GS displayed is 'spot' GS, that is, correct only at that instant.
Doppler aerials
Single beam systems. These represent the earliest thoughts on aerial deployment with Doppler equipment and are no longer in use. A beam is transmitted to the fore of the aircraft to the surface. When the reflected signals are
received and id is available, the aerial is rotated until the value of id is
maximum. The angle through which the beam is thus displaced is the measure
of drift and the id is the direct measure of the aircraft's ground speed.
Fixed aerials. One beam is directed forward, the other abeam of the
aircraft. The Id produced by the two beams thus disposed represents the
aircraft's speed along its heading and at right angles to it. The two
values are compounded to give drift and as.
Rotating aerials. The two beams at a fixed angular distance are rotated
about the fore-and-aft axis of the aircraft until the Id produced by both
the beams is of equal value. Then the bisector of the angle between the
two beams is the aircraft's track and the ground speed is calculated from
the extension of formula 3
case cascj>
where <I>is half angle between azimuth beams, i.e. skew angle, a known
fixed value.
Three-beam systems. Where three beams are employed, two beams are
directed to right and left forward and the third beam almost vertically downwards, as shown in Fig. 16.2. Printed antennae for transmission and reception
are mounted under fibreglass radomes on the underside of the fuselage. A
single transmitter is switched sequentially into each of the three beams in the
Janus configuration, the sequence being repeated approximately ten times a
Modem three-beam systems have the advantages of:
of number of components
of weight
of cost
presentation of information on the flight-deck.
Radio Aids
line of constant
Doppler frequency
Fixed aerials.
Four beams are transmitted from two transmitters. One
transmits beams 1 and 3 (see Fig. 16.3) simultaneously.
Beam 1 is directed to forward port and beam 3 to rearward starboard.
Half a second later the second transmitter
transmits beams 2 and 4
to forward starboard and rearward port. Beams 1 and 3 produce a
In Fig. 16.4, suppose the aircraft is experiencing port drift and the aerial is
aligned with the fore-and-aft axis of the aircraft. The frequencies received
will be something like this: From beam 1: it is forward transmission and
the return frequency will be higher than the transmission frequency, say
+ 10 kHz. From beam 2, it will still be higher than the transmission frequency, but not as high as the return from beam 1, since the aircraft is
drifting away from beam 2 to beam 1. Say, the frequency received is +8kHz.
Beam 3 will produce -10 kHz and beam 4-8 kHz. Beat note from beams 1
and 3 = + 10 -( -10) = + 20. Beat note from 2 and 4 = + 16. This difference
between the two is entirely due to the direction of the aircraft aerial and the
aircraft's track not being the same. As soon as such a difference arises
Radio Aids
between the two beat notes, a signal is raised which actuates a motor. The
motor turns in the direction of the track, turning the aerials with it and will
continue to turn until the difference between the two pairs of aerials is
reduced to zero. At this time the aerial is aligned with the aircraft's track
(Fig. 16.5) and the motor switches off.
The angular move of the aerial from the fore-and-aft axis of the aircraft is
the drift which is indicated on a suitable indicator. (It will be noticed in Fig.
16.5 that the aerial is aligned with the track and the Doppler spectrum is
symmetrical about the track axis. ) This is a condition for the ground speed
measurement to be correct.
Thus, drift is measured directly and the ground speed is computed from the
Id = 4V
T cos6
4vi cos6
using only one pair of Janus aerials i.e. 1 and 3 (or 2 and 4).
Notice that in the above formula, 2V of formula 4 has increased to 4V. This
is because a four-beam system is being used and the responses from the front
(F) and rear (R) beams of one of these pairs are compared directly and not
with the transmitter frequency. Mathematically:
front response: fR,F
rear response: fR,R
fR,F -fR,R
cos 6
4V rose
Note: while a lanDs four-beam system obtains ground speed by measuring the
Doppler beat frequency from a single pair (front/rear) of lanDs aerials, i.e.
utilises only two aerials, drift is obtained by comparing the beat frequencies
from both pairs of lanDs aerials, i.e. utilises all four aerials.
Janus aerials
A name given to the aerials which transmit forward as well as rearward, and
comes from the Roman god who could simultaneously look forward and
behind. These aerials are used with advantage in various ways.
With systems which require the reflected energy to be compared with the
transmission frequency, the only transmission frequency that is available for
the comparison is the frequency actually being transmitted at that instant. If
this is not the same as the frequency to which the reflection relates, an error
in the beat note will occur .
With the Janus system this coherence is not critical because signals are
transmitted simultaneously forward and backward. The signals return to
the receiver simultaneously. These two signals contain a component of the
transmission frequency fin them and therefore, when mixed, a beat frequency
is extracted correctly. With the pulse system the transmission errors may be
completely ignored and with CW systems, they can be compensated.
Fig. 16.6 Effect of pitch
is pitched
cos(e + p)
Radio Aids
mixed to extract the beat note and around a depression angle 8 of 67 changes
of cos 8 are nearly linear for small values of p, pitch errors are significantly
reduced even if not completely eliminated.
Doppler spectrum
Although the Doppler equipment transmits signals at a given depression
angle, because of the beamwidth, an area of the surface rather than a single
point is illuminated (Fig. 16.7). The beamwidth varies between 1 to 5
depending on the type of the equipment and because of this, the reflected
signals are not composed of a single frequency but a spectrum of frequencies.
In Fig. 16.8, the angle of depression is assumed to be 60 and the beamwidth
is 4. The polar diagram of the spectrum, that is, the shape of the curve, is
determined by the aerial design. In this particular illustration the energy
Fig. 16.7
Airborne Doppler
Transmitter / receiver
The Doppler transmission
and 13500 MHz.
is necessary for
The receiver, having carried out a search for the returning signals and
having accepted them, locks on to them. It delivers the signals to the tracking
unit in the form of a Doppler beat frequency spectrum.
Tracking unit
The tracking unit accepts the frequency spectrum from the receiver and finds
the mean frequency. It uses this to measure the aircraft's ground speed. It
also controls the rotational movement of the aerial. The operation of the
tracking unit is shown in block schematic form in Fig. 16.9.
Where the aircraft is fitted with a compact navigation computer unit, this
will process the inputs from the four-beam or three-beam system within the
single unit and output the data to the indicator unit.
Radio Aids
Dist gone
to the
in early RACAL Doppler systems are shown in Fig. 16.10a but these have
been superseded, first by the position bearing and distance indicators using
LED displays (Fig. 16.10b), and subsequently by their CRT-type CDOs.
(Fig. 16.11)
With some early systems, before the equipment would lock on to the
correct values of drift and ground speed the indicator pointers had to be
set manually, by means of 'inching' switches to the approximate values of
expected drift and ground speed. Thereafter, the pointer would pick up the
position to indicate correct drift and ground speed automatically, and any
changes due to WV or alteration of headings would be followed.
Distance to go/distance gone indicators. The facility to obtain alternative
presentation is sometimes incorporated in the equipment; otherwise you
express your choice when buying the equipment. The counters are initially
set to read either 000 or the leg distance. Alternatively in navigation management systems, waypoints are entered which can become the reference points
from which distances can be expressed. In flight, the indicators are operated
by electrical impulses originated in the tracking unit or airborne computer .
The ground speed indicated on the GS meter is a spot GS and therefore,
where a track plot is being maintained, the ground speed should be calculated
from the readings taken from the distance gone meter over a period of time.
DriftIZ2] Deg
' 20
(a) early
A: Display switch. B: Lat/long selection switch. C: Slew switches (centre-biased and used to
update data). D: Light bars to indicate EIW variation, N/S lat, EIW long, etc. E: Track error
indicator. The more bars on the right the more the heading must be altered to the right to regain
the required track. F: Warning bars (flash to draw pilot's attention) .G: Power supply test bars
(used with J) .H: Numeric displays. J: Function switch. K: Display illumination brilliance control. L: Waypoint selection switch.
(b) position bearing and distance indicator
Fig. 16.10
Memory facility
Most equipment incorporates a memory circuit which takes over when the
received signals are weak, that is, below a predetermined value and the
receiver unlocks. In these circumstances, the drift and ground speed pointers
remain locked to the last strongly measured signals. When strong signals
are received again the pointers are released. If drift and ground speed
information is being used to give position indications, the resultant position
Radio Aids
Fig. 16.11 Navigation computer presentation of Doppler position ground speed and
drift .
When flying over calm sea. Calm sea reflections are not sufficiently
scattered to give strong echoes back. It needs at least a 5 kt wind to
produce sufficient sea surface irregularities for satisfactory operation.
Atmospheric conditions .The
receiver will unlock if severe thunderstorms are present around the aircraft. The outgoing signals will be
reflected by the water drops and admit radio noise whereas the reflected
signals will be weakened due to attenutaion.
When flying very low. The Doppler receiver is short-circuited when
transmission is taking place. At very low levels, by the time the receiver
circuit is in operation again the reflections will have passed the aircraft.
Limits in pitch and Toll. If the limits in pitch and roll as given by the
equipment manufacturer are exceeded, Doppler will unlock and the
'memory' circuit is activated. Typical limits are ::t20 in pitch and ::t30
in roll.
Height hole effect. For a pulse transmission system, this occurs when
the aircraft is at such a height that the time taken for a signal to reach
the ground and return is equal to the time interval between pulses, or to
a multiple of that time. While a pulse is being transmitted, the receiver
is switched off, and the reflections are not received.
This effect is not usually a prolonged one when flying over a landmass
because of the surface irregularities. For pulse radar, the effect is
avoided by gradually changing its frequency; for CW radar, by further
frequency modulating the signal.
and longitude
and distance from a selected waypoint
flown along track and across track
in terms of a square grid.
With the more sophisticated systems, WV, required track and GS, ETA,
steering information, etc. , may be provided and the Doppler data may be
used to run a moving map display. Typical indicators have evolved from
the early displays of Fig. 16.10(a) to the later Figs 16.10(b) and 16.11 and the
navigation display on the EFIS.
Latitude and longitude. Using the ground nautical miles flown and the TMG
information, the airborne computer solves the triangle shown in Fig. 16.12 to
display latitude and longitude of the aircraft.
= ch lat
Radio Aids
Sea bias
Heading error
Altitude and latitude
Vector error dependent upon time
spent over tidal water, direction of
movement of water and the wind
(affects latitude
and longitude
Updating Doppler
The fact that Doppler may unlock on occasions and go into memory has
already been mentioned. Resultant errors together with the system errors and
errors in climb/descent accumulate with time. If during flight a better fix is
available at any time, it is compared with the information being indicated
from the Doppler and if there is any discrepancy, the Doppler co-ordinates
can be brought up to date by the computer. This process of adjusting the coordinates to the latest and accurate fix is called updating Doppler. The fix
being used for updating must be of a high accuracy, e.g. Decca, global
positioning system (GPS) or derived from two simultaneous DME ranges.
In spite of all these errors of Doppler, when flying at a high level a pinpoint
beneath the aircraft is not considered sufficiently accurate to be used for
updating Doppler .
Advantages of Doppler
is an independent aid
has no range limitations
can be used world-wide
is of high accuracy
has area navigation capability
Radio Aids
Fig. 17.1
Perpendicular bisector/hyperbola.
Join M-S by a straight line. The straight line thus drawn is called the base
line between the two fixed points. BAC is the perpendicular bisector of MS.
Point A is halfway between M and S and, say, the distances A-M and
A-S are Snm respectively. The difference between the two ranges = S -S =
Point B is 8nm from M. Therefore, it must be 8nm from S, BAC being the
perpendicular bisector of MS. Differential range equal to 8 -8 or 0.
If point C is 'n' nm from both M and S, its differential range is also 0.
Draw up a smooth curve (it will be a straight line in this case) BAC which
Radio Aids
is a hyperbola. The curve BAC may be extended in both directions and any
point on that curve will yield zero differential.
Curve BAC would not be the only hyperbola between M and S. Any
number of hyperbolae may be constructed to cover the area. Take point P, a
distance of 7nm from M and 3nm from S, along the base line (Fig. 17.2).
Fig. 17.2
QPR of d = 4.
will take 1nm) and the signal from S will take 30.9J.1Sto
arrive at the aircraft. The differential of 24.72 J.lSwill be labelled against the
hyperbola QPR instead of 4nm as in Fig. 17.2.
However, as has already been mentioned, we have moved on from the
days when position lines were first plotted on hyperbolic lattice charts on the
flight-deck then to be plotted as a fix on a Mercator Chart and compared to
the airplot to navigate our aeroplanes. Modem technology has relieved us of
this chore and pilots now enjoy a continuous display of position derived from
the hyperbolic aid, directly on the flight-deck panel.
Loran is a hyperbolic navigation system, deriving its name from 'Long Range
Aid to Navigation' and was originally designed to cover the open oceans,
having a range of up to 2000nm.
Loran-C works on LF (100 kHz) on the principle of differential range by
pulse technique. Transmitting stations mainly operated by the US coastguard
are arranged in 'chains', each chain comprising a master station (M) with two
or more secondary stations or slaves (S) arranged around the master. There
are wide variations in the length of the baselines between the master and
slaves of a chain depending upon requirements and suitable locations, but the
maximum baseline length is about 1000nm. The slaves are designated Z, Y,
X and, where there are four slaves, W.
If both the master and slave in a chain transmitted synchronously it would
be impossible to determine which was which. Also, it is necessary to be able
to identify stations in different chains when within the coverage of more than
one chain. In the original Loran of the 1940s, single pulses were transmitted
and slaves operated on different frequencies with particular allocated pulse
recurrence frequencies (PRF). Now Loran-C signals are transmitted in groups
of pulses. The pulse groups recur at a fixed group repetition interval (GRI),
the value of which is different for each chain (and designated by a code). In
order to achieve the greatest efficiency, the time difference is read from the
third cycle within a group of pulses from the master and from the chosen
slave (Fig. 17.3). (This process is also known as 'indexing'.)
The master station in a chain transmits a group of pulses in all directions.
Its slave station receives this signal and the slave's transmitter is triggered but
delays transmission for a specific time interval called the coding delay. It then
transmits in all directions, the coding delay having been long enough to
ensure that the slave's signal could not arrive at the aircraft before the master
signal, whatever the aircraft's position in the chain's coverage area.
With the first Loran sets the operator, having tuned in a chain, measured
the time difference between and M and S signals on a CRT screen. This was a
complicated process requiring experience and dexterity in identifying the
master and slave signals, switching the signals to a double timebase where
they had to be balanced, reading their time difference from a superimposed
calibration scale and, if necessary, making ground wave/sky wave correction
Radio Aids
Fig. 17.3
before the position line could be plotted on a Loran chart. Such a Loran
chart for a particular area usually bore the hyperbolic lattice for two or
three chains, overprinted in a different colour to avoid confusion. Often the
hyperbolae were shown at 100 ~s intervals and interpolation was necessary for
intermediate values.
The advent of the airborne computer and multi-chain receivers has enabled
the modern Loran-C system to have a direct and continuous display on the
flight-deck of the aircraft's position in latitude and longitude, derived from
the Loran signals it is receiving. It can be coupled with a navigation system
containing predetermined waypoints of a stored flight plan. On departure the
pilot turns on the equipment, selects a pre-stored route, and the system then
operates automatically without any further pilot intervention. The chains
and stations are acquired and deleted as necessary between the successive
waypoints. Some equipments are capable of tracking up to eight stations in
four different chains simultaneously and using all of these stations in the
navigation solution instead of being restricted to three stations in a single
On the modern flight-deck, Loran-C also usually offers alternative navigational data to be presented against the waypoints which have been either
stored pre-flight or set up in-flight in the navigation system, e.g. as bearing
and distance, track and track error, etc.
Depending upon the CDU on the flight-deck, the pilot may be presented
with either the time difference between specific stations to a resolution of
0.1 ~s or, more usually nowadays when used in conjunction with an airborne
computer and selected on the CDU, the aircraft's position in latitude and
longitude or relative to chosen waypoints.
Normally the accuracy of Loran-C is in the order of 0.1 to 0.2 nm in areas
of good cover, decreasing to 0.5 to 1 nm at 1000nm. When the CDU is
displaying time-difference for the master and two slaves, it is desirable to get
the best angle of cut between the position lines. In these circumstances it may
be necessary to discard one of the slave signals being tracked and acquire
another slave which will give a bigger angle of cut.
Most modern Loran CDUs have 'status' indicators which enable pilots to
have a visual indication of the quality of signal reception. In the event of a
malfunction or irregularity originating at a Loran-C chain, the stations of that
chain transmit warning signals. These actuate a visual indication on the CDU ,
e.g. 'blinking' signals. Similarly, the CDU is usually provided with BITE
which enables overall system performance to be checked without external
equipment, on the ground or in-flight, whether or not Loran signals are
Test questions
(1) Loran is:
(a) the name of the inventor of the system
(b) an acronym of Longwave Oceanic Radio Aid to Navigation
(c) derived from Long Range Aid to Navigation.
Decca is another hyperbolic navigation system, operating on the masterslave basis. It differs from Loran-C in many ways. First of all, the basic
principles employed by the two systems to produce differential ranges are
different. Decca measures differential ranges by comparison of phases of
the master and slave signals arriving in the aircraft. The presentation of
information may be different -Decca originally displayed information by
means of three decometers, on the dial and pointer system, although it is now
usually presented as navigational information on a CDU. Decca operates on
yet lower frequencies, the LF band in fact, and lastly, Decca is a short range
navigation aid.
A standard Decca chain consists of a master transmitter and three slave
transmitters, the slaves being known as red, green and purple. The slaves are
placed around the master, approximately 120 apart from each other and at a
distance of between 40 and 110nm from the master. One master-slave pair
gives one position line and information from all three pairs is continuously
acquired to give the aircraft's position.
The principle of Decca is differential range by phase comparison. Let us see
first of all, how it is possible to have a knowledge of range simply by
measuring the phases of two signals and comparing them. See Fig. 18.1.
It is an M-S combination, each transmitting at two cycles per second. At
any given instant, the signals relationship is as shown in the figure. The
master's signal is shown as a continuous line from M as wave A, the slave's as
the pecked line from S as wave B. Both waves are phased locked, that is,
their crests and zero values occur at the same instant.
Let us now consider the phases produced by these two waves at different
positions in the area MW. Signal A (master) will produce phases of 045,090
and 135 respectively at positions a, b and c. At these same positions signal B
(slave) will produce phases, 315, 270 and 225. Both signals will produce 0
phases at M and 180 at W.
Now, if we had a meter sensitive to phases, at position M it would read 0
phase from both the signals. Further, if this meter was capable of displaying
the result as a difference of the two phases, it would still read 0, as shown by
a meter in the figure. If we now move to position a, the phase meter will read
a phase of 045 from A signal, 315 from B signal, and the result displayed will
be 045 ( + 360) -315 = 090.
At b, the phase difference will be 090 ( + 360) -270
At c, the phase difference will be 135 ( + 360) -225
= 180
= 270
Radio Aids
In this figure, master and slave waves are shown every 90, master's
transmission being continuous curves, slave's pecked curves. Hyperbolae are
determined as follows:
Starting at M, the phase due to master signal at point V is 90, the slave
phase is 270. Difference is 090 + 360 -270 = 180.
Now we want to find all other points in the vicinity of M which will give the
same phase difference, i.e. 180. Take point w. Master's phase here is 180,
slave's phase 360, difference 180. Points X, Y and Z are similarly found. A
smooth curve joining these points gives a hyperbola of 180 phase difference.
This means that an aircraft anywhere along that curve will read a phase
difference of 180, and a small portion of that hyperbola in the vicinity of the
aircraft's position is its position line.
By a similar process hyperbolae at any convenient interval may be drawn
up between master and slave and then the original wave pattern erased.
Note that the perpendicular bisector is a straight line curve. Note also that
ambiguity exists behind master and slave.
We are now ready to see how this principle is implemented in practice. In
our illustration in Fig. 18.1, we have both master and slave transmitting on
the same frequency. In practice, this is not possible since two signals on the
same frequency arriving at the aerial will merge and appear as a single
voltage. Unless separate identity is maintained the phase comparison cannot
take place. Therefore, a Decca master and the three slaves transmit on
different frequencies. Each station (i.e. master and three slaves) has a basic
or fundamental frequency called f. The value of f is always in the region
of 14kHz. Master and its slaves then transmit on fixed harmonics of that
fundamental frequency. Harmonics are the multiples or divisions of a given
frequency and they are easier to produce. These fixed harmonics in respect of
the four transmitters are as follows, and they are valid for a Decca chain
anywhere in the world:
Master- 6!
Green -9 !
Purple -5 !
Just to repeat for the sake of emphasis, the multiples remain constant
throughout, the value of! varies from chain to chain. A typical chain
operating on a basic frequency of 14.2kHz is shown in Fig. 18.3.
8f = 113-6 kHz
5! =71 kHz
By staggering the four transmission frequencies we solved the problem of
keeping the signals separate. But in doing so, we created a new problem.
Radio Aids
Phase comparison cannot take place between any two signals which are not
on the same frequency for the simple reason that they do not bear phase
relationship. Now we have two signals in the receiver but not on the same
frequency and we cannot compare their phases. So where do we go from
here? The obvious solution is to step them up now to a common frequency
and then take the phase difference; Decca has done just that. Each masterslave combination is stepped up in the receiver to the value of their lowest
common multiple (LCM) and phase comparison is then taken. These stepped
up values are called comparison frequencies, and they are as follows:
and red
M transmits
at 6!
IS the
Similarly, the comparison frequency for master and green is 18! and master
and purple, 3Of.
Thus, the principle is finally implemented and the result of phase comparison could be displayed by a pointer on individual Decca meters called
Decometers. The only observation that remains to be made is how the
receiver converts the received frequencies into comparison frequencies. This
is shown in Fig. 18.4 which is self explanatory.
81 X
X 43 =
= 241
} compare
X 3 = 18f
X 2 = 18f
61 X 5 =301
51 X 6 =30f
With the information coming to the Decca receiver in the form of phase
differences it is now necessary to create a system of presenting this information in a convenient form so that the operator can rapidly utilise it.
For a start, the very fact that a 360 phase change occurs over a known
distance can be adopted to give us a basic unit of measurement. On a
decometer (which is a Decca indicator) these 360 phase changes are indicated
on the fractional pointer- Fig. 18.4. The pointer indicates the position inside
anyone of the numerous 360 phase change areas that occur between a
master and a slave by taking the phase difference between the two signals.
The next step is to be able to locate the exact area we are in. To enable us
to do this, these 360 phase change areas, called Decca lanes are numbered,
the numbering system being explained below. A lane is defined as an area
enclosed by two hyperbolae of 0 phase difference. On a decometer, the lane
number is indicated by the lane pointer geared to the fractional pointer .
The physical distance that anyone lane would occupy, that is its lane
width, depends on the slave's comparison frequency, because it will be
remembered that the fractional pointer is placed by the phase difference
taking place at this frequency. Along the base line, the lane width is the
distance occupied by half the wave at comparison frequency -see Fig. 18.1.
Taking a typical Decca fundamental frequency, I, of 14.2 kHz, the lane width
for the three slaves is calculated as follows:
Red slave: compares at 241, comparison frequency = 24 x 14.2 = 340.8kHz.
T,ane wIdth
= 340.8
Green slave:
at 18/, comparison
= 18 x 14.2 = 255.6kHz
= 30 X 14.2 = 426kHz
426X2 = 352m
From the above it will be noticed that the different slaves produce lanes of
different widths, green for example is 587 m whereas the purple is merely
352 m. It is further pointed out that no two slave transmitters can be expected
to be located at exactly the same distance from the master. In a Decca chain,
the green slave may be, for example, 160km from the master and the red
may be 180km. These variables call for some kind of grouping of the lanes
for the sake of standardisation of the calibration of the decometers.
This standardisation is achieved by the establishment of Decca zones, so
that a zone provides a fixed distance measurement for all three slaves. A
zone is defined as an area enclosed by two 0 phase hyperbolae formed by
comparison at the basic frequency, f. The basic frequency, I, being the same
for all three slaves in a chain, the zone width for all three slaves will also be
the same. Along the base line, the width of a zone is the distance occupied by
half the wave at the fundamental frequency, f. Zone width for any slave may
be calculated as follows:
I= 14.2kHz
zone width =
14.2 x 2
= 10563m
Radio Aids
lane width = 587 m and the number of green lanes in a green zone
= -=587
18 , and lastl y
lane width = 352 m and the number of purple lanes in a purple zone
The original Decca equipment employed three decometers, one for each
slave and the information provided was in the form of a zone, lane and the
fraction of the lane, as below.
Zones. All the decometers read up to ten zones. These were lettered from
A to J (including I) and the indication was on moving counters. If in a
particular chain the master-slave distance exceeded ten zones, the letters
then repeated. It will be appreciated that this repetition was not likely to
cause an ambiguity because, on average the first ten zones would occupy a
distance of around lOOkm along the base line (and more elsewhere) before
the repetition would occur .
Lanes. As mentioned earlier, the number of lanes in a zone differs according to the slave, and different calibrations for different slaves may be
expected. The lane pointer moves round the dial calibrated as follows:
Red decometer- 24 lanes to a zone, numbered 0 to 23 (incl)
Green decometer -18 lanes to a zone, numbered 30 to 47 (incl)
Purple decometer -30 lanes to a zone, numbered 50 to 79 (incl)
Fraction of lane. 360 travel of the fraction pointer round the dials was
shown in decimals, that is, from 0 to 0.99 rather than as 360 phases. This
made it easier to read and the dial required fewer calibration marks which
enhanced the accuracy of the reading.
To recap, when the fractional pointer completed one full revolution, a
flight through one lane was complete. The lane pointer which was geared to
the fractional pointer would then indicate the next lane. When the lane
pointer completed one full revolution, the aircraft would have flown through
24 red lanes or 18 ~reen lanes or 30 purple lanes. The zone indicator which
was geared to the lane pointer would now have moved to indicate the next
zone. An operator took the zone reading first, this being the slowest moving
counter. The number of the lane was then read, followed by the fraction
inside the lane. A typical reading D 41.75 is illustrated in Fig. 18.5. D is the
zone letter, 41 is the lane number and. 75 is the position inside that lane. Or ,
the aircraft has progressed three-quarters of the way inside lane 41 of zone D.
Fig. 18.5
reading D 41.75,
Lane identification
It will be appreciated that the length of a Decca lane is a very small distance
indeed. For example, for a purple slave, if the master-slave distance is
100nm, (and we know that there are 300 lanes in that distance) the length of
a lane is a mere 1/3rd of a nm. If you are taking off from an aerodrome and
planning to use Decca straightaway, this causes no problem, since you will
have set the base co-ordinates in terms of zone and lane (fractional pointer
will pick up correct position automatically) before the start. In that case,
Decca will continue to indicate the correct reading throughout the flight. The
problem arises in cases where temporary failure of the equipment occurs or
when entering a Decca chain from outward or when changing over from one
chain to another. In these instances accurate information on lane number is
required. On the basic Decca, this information was provided on a lane
identification (LI) meter, a single indicator calibrated in decimals just like the
fractional pointers of the three decometers and which catered for all three
slaves. The identification meter consisted of two pointers, one was wide and
was called the sector pointer. The other was a six legged one and was called
the vernier pointer (Fig. 18.6).
In the above illustration the reading is. 72. If this was a green reading (that
is, a reading taken when green light was on) and we wished to set the lane on
Radio Aids
the decometer in Fig. 18.5, we would move the lane pointer to cover. 72 on
fractional scale. This would put us in lane 43.
As for zone setting, it is wide enough to be ascertained by DR navigation.
On later Decca models zone identification also takes place automatically.
We shall now look at the theory and see how LI is achieved, and particularly, how the lane number ties up with decimals on the fractional scale. Let
us forget for a minute the LI meter and concentrate on the decometer in Fig.
18.5. As pointed out, the need for LI arises because of the shlallness of the
lane distances. The obvious answer to this would be to momentarily widen
the lanes. In Decca the lanes are widened momentarily for LI purposes by
providing suitable ground transmission to phase-compare the signals at If
and 6!. Fig. 18.7 represents a master and green comparison pattern. 180
Fig. 18.7
lanes are produced which are contained in 10 zones, each zone having 18
lanes in it. This is so during normal transmission. At If, we know from
earlier calculations, that there will be 5 waves between master and green
(distance 60nm) or 10 lanes. This If transmission forming 10 lanes between
master and green is also shown in Fig. 18.7. Distance X- y which marks the
boundary of D zone (shown exploded for clarity) is now covered by half a
wave from master and half from slave. This resembles the wave pattern
between M and W in Fig. 18.1. Thus, as the aircraft travels from X to
Y, 360 phase change will occur and the fractional pointer will complete one
Under this arrangement the distance X- y (or original zone D) is a lane,
and the fractional pointer at any time indicates position inside this lane in
terms of decimals.
For example, when the aircraft is at Z, the fractional pointer of the
decometer will have gone round 2/3rds of the dial, say, it indicates. 72. Now,
if against position. 72 on the fractional scale, the decometer was calibrated to
give lane numbers under normal comparison frequency, the reading would be
43 (30 + 13) from Fig. 18.7. If you examine Fig. 18.5, it is calibrated just that
way. Fractional value at If indicates lane number at normal comparison
frequency. As for the fractional pointer on the decometer, it would be
most inconvenient if LI readings were fed to it. The needle would jump
periodically to indicate a lane. Hence the use of a separate LI meter. The
result of 1I is displayed on the sector pointer .
Comparison for lane identification also takes place at 6I simultaneously
with If. The reason for 61 comparison is to improve the accuracy of the LI. If
you examine the If curve above you will notice that the curve is very gentle
and the phases change very slowly. A comparison on its own would only yield
an approximate result, and this accounts for the shape of the sector pointer .
6I will produce six lanes in the original D zone ( 6I = 60 lanes in place of
original 180. Therefore, the original three lanes will equal one new lane or ,
there will be six lanes in one original zone). So there will be six positions in
distance x- y where the same phase difference will be measured -hence the
shape of vernier pointer. The leg that falls in the area covered by the sector
pointer indicates the lane in decimals.
To enable the receiver to carry out phase comparisons at If and 61 the
transmission pattern has to be modified.
Up to the late 1950s, with the early Decca system, for the purpose of lane
identification the normal transmission was interrupted every minute. Since
then, a multipulse (MP) type of LI has been in use and derives the required
If signal from each station by a method in which twice as much information
is transmitted as in the previous mode.
The complete transmission sequence of an MP chain is shown in Fig. 18.8.
Every 20 seconds the stations transmit the MP signals in the order MRGP
together with an 8.21 component (for chain control and surveillance). The
MP signals last 0.45 seconds and are spaced at 2.5-second intervals.
The interrupted and re-grouped chain transmissions enable the receiver to
Radio Aids
extract a signal of frequency f from the master and from each slave. Comparing the phase of these signals generates a coarse hyperbolic pattern cofocal
with the fine pattern such that one cycle of phase difference embraces 18
green, 24 red and 30 purple lanes. An additional phase difference meter
responds to the coarse pattern and gives periodic readings which indicate in
turn the correct lane of each pattern within a known zone. Now, instead of
actuating a meter, the lane identification transmissions automatically resolve
the cycle ambiguity in the individual signals, thus eliminating the lane
ambiguity at its source.
Use of Decca
For ease of explanation of the principle of operation, the original equipment
of decometers and LI meter have been described. With the decision not to
discontinue Decca in the 1990s (as had been a possibility) but to extend its
operation until at least 2014, together with the advent of airborne computers,
the Decca Navigator became one of the options available on the CDU of say
the RACAL RNA V system, and is selected by the HYP (hyperbolic) switch.
When the RNA V computer is fed an initial fix, it starts a search through its
data bank for the appropriate Decca chain. It determines the 'best' chain
on the basis of nearness to the master station and the hyperbolic pattern
geometry .Generally the computer uses two master /slave position lines to
determine position, only exceptionally (when close to a master station) using
the third position line. When another Decca chain would provide better
service, the computer will automatically switch to this new chain.
Pre-flight, after switching on the power supply to the RNA V system and a
few seconds' warm-up, the self-test procedure can be completed on the
CDU. On the ground and in-flight, by selecting NA V AID on the Display
Mode Select switch and HYP on the Sensor Select switch, various Decca
presentations can be obtained. The CDU can display particulars of the chain
automatically selected and the station in use. If a chain has been selected
manually, the computer can be triggered to see if it recommends a better
chain. The CDU can be selected to indicate on the alpha-numeric display
either the red, green or purple zone, lane and fraction or the derived latitude
and longitude, waypoint bearing and distance, etc. Other EFIS present the
Decca-derived position on a moving-map display.
300 nm by day; 200 nm by night
Accuracy of the equipment is very high indeed. If the phase difference is read
to the accuracy of 6, the theoretical accuracy for the red slave would be Lane width = 240 lanes in 60 nm
..Accurac y = -:360
In practice the accuracy is 1 nm on 95% of occasions at maximum range.
The degree of accuracy also depends on the area the aircraft is in in relation
to the master and slave stations. See Fig. 18.9.
(1) Height e"or.
AU Decca charts are made up for ground level pro.
pagation. Therefore, a slight error occurs, particularly at very high altitudes
Radio Aids
There will be no error, however, when the aircraft is along the perpendicular
bisector of the base line, and there will be maximum error when overhead the
master or slave station. If high accuracy is required correction charts must be
used in conjunction with the readings obtained.
(2) Night e"or.
Decca assumes that transmissions to the receiver are the
shortest distance and the most direct, the ground wave. Being a low frequency
aid there will be sky waves present in the aerial at night, when at distant
ranges. At night, therefore one must use caution when 200 nm or so from the
master. Dusk and dawn are critical periods.
(3) Lane slip. Although LI signals occupy but half a second, the data
flow in the receiver is interrupted for about one second. However, modern
equipments include a memory device which takes over when the signals are
interrupted to ensure continuous position indication to the pilot.
(4) Static. Rain static and atmospherics can blot out signals entirely or give
incorrect readings through interference.
Decca problems
(1) Given f = 14.2, what is the zone width of a purple zone along the base
= 10560m
= 30 f
= 30 x 14.26kHz
= 427.8kHz
Half wavelength
Given f = 14.2, and there are 14 red zones between the master and the
How many kilometres
300 000
x ?
= 10560m
If the width of a Decca lane along the base line is 440m, what is the
comparison frequency?
Lane width = 440m; therefore wavelength = 880m and
comparison frequency =
300 000
k Hz
VLF is the lowest frequency band in the radio spectrum and comprises the
frequencies ranging from 3 kHz to 30 kHz. In this band, the signals suffer
the least surface attenuation, and travelling between the surface and the
ionosphere by the ducting process, they produce very large ranges. Given
sufficient transmission power, ranges of the order of 6000 to 10000nm may
be obtained.
Thus, VLF is a very attractive frequency band in which to develop long
range navigation systems but it was totally neglected until around the mid1950s. Interest was aroused following Decca's success. The investigations
which followed revealed that such a proposition was feasible and that a
global navigation system could be produced in the VLF band. Against the
advantages of the ranges, there are two disadvantages inherent in any system
working with such a low frequency band: its variable propagation characteristics must be thoroughly understood and such a system calls for colossal
ground installations.
Omega system
Ground installations. The system consists of eight ground transmitting
stations, their locations round the world carefully chosen to give a global
coverage, owned and operated by the countries in which they are located,
but are monitored (for frequency accuracy and stability and for signal transmission characteristics) by the US Coast Guard. The frequencies used are
10.2kHz, 11.33kHz and 13.6kHz. Of these, 10.2kHz is the navigation frequency and the other two are transmitted to provide lane identification. Of
the eight Omega stations, only three stations are on the air at anyone time.
The transmission is in the form of pulses of 0.9 to 1.2 second duration and
there is a silent period of 0.2 second between the end of one set of three
transmissions and the beginning of the next one. The whole non-repetitive
sequence takes 10 seconds. For interest, the sequence of transmission from
the eight stations is shown in the following table.
x z
Airborne equipment. The airborne equipment consists of a small, flushmounted aerial, a receiver/computer and a CDU. At the commencement of
the flight, enter the date, time, present position and the way points in the
CDU. The date and time are necessary to make allowances for the variations
in the propagation characteristics and the system will accept the position
accurate to within 36 nm, Subsequently the present position will be continually
Radio Aids
indicated as left and right display in latitude and longitude. Depending on the
type of the equipment, other types of display may be selected as follows:
XTKfIKE -Cross track error, track angle error
DIS/ETE -Distance to way point, ETA to way point
GS/DA -Ground speed and drift
TK/DTK -Track angle for desired track
CH/OFS -Compass heading, magnetic variation.
The system can operate with magnetic, true or grid compass reference, can
hold variation in memory and if less than three stations are being received it
will automatically go into DR mode. A typical equipment may accept up to
nine way points. The signals may be fed direct to the auto-pilot and the
system may be integrated with Doppler or INS. With suitable airborne
equipment, Omega signals can be used to provide range position lines, i.e.
Omega Rho/Rho. (See later in chapter.)
E"ors of the system. The errors of the system mainly arise from two sources:
propagation anomaly and ground conductivity. Both these factors affect the
phases of the signals. Propagation anomaly arises from the effect of the sun's
radiation on the ionosphere, which causes the ionosphere level to rise and
fall with time. This up/down movement of the ionosphere level affects the
radiation pattern of the signals contained under the base of the ionosphere
and causes variations in the phase velocity.
Ground conductivity which varies widely over the earth's surface causes
varying attenuation of the signals and changes the speed of the radio waves.
This has a similar effect on the signal phases. Generally the greatest attenuation occurs over the ice-covered surfaces of Antarctica and the Aretic
and the least attenuation over exposed ocean areas.
Both these errors have been thoroughly investigated, the variations with
time and place are known and are allowed for in the computer. Any resultant
inaccuracy of the system arises from incorrect predictions of the behaviour of
the signal phases. There is a programme for keeping the propagation characteristics under observation and updating the present information as new data
become available.
Apart from the above, there are frequent unpredicted variations in the
ionospheric state on account of the sudden flare-up of sun spots, the disturbance reaching us as X radiation. These may simply cause lane slips or
at worst, a total disruption of the signals. Even here, however, a limited
warning is possible in advance. The warnings of any abnormal conditions are
given out in the NOTAMS and in some countries there are regular broadcasts
as well. The station status and the warnings of any unpredicted conditions are
checked by the crew as a matter of pre-flight briefing. The overall accuracy of
the system is given as 1 nm during the day, 2 nm at night .
Another VLF system is that known as Rho/Rho or Ranging system, or just
VLF system.
Radio Aids
initial power supply, the atomic standard will have stabilised and a light signal
will indicate that the system is ready to navigate. The computer is initially fed
with the accurate start position and a continuous display of the present
position is then maintained. Other types of display may be selected: distance
to go, distance across, heading to a way point, ground speed, time to a way
point and so forth. As the flight progresses the receiver will continue to
adjust to the best incoming signals. Basically a very reliable system, it may
lose signals when flying in cloud with high ice crystal content. Then the
system will go in the DR mode but it will pick up from where it left off when
stronger signals are received again.
Test questions
(1) The correct name for the 'Omega' fixing system is:
(a) Omega (b) Oceanic Omega (c) Omega Radar System.
Omega is:
(a) a Doppler navigation system (b)
(c) a hyperbolic navigation system.
Like many other radio navigation aids, satellite assisted navigation systems
were initially developed for military use but the facilities on which they are
based are now made available to civil users. Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) have become possible by the launching of constellations of
satellites orbiting the earth, each satellite carrying an extremely accurate
atomic clock. Basically, by timing the period that is taken for a satellite's
transmission from a known position to reach the aircraft's receiver, the
distance satellite to receiver is determined so enabling a range position line,
or strictly a section of the surface of a position sphere with centre the
satellite, to be established. Signals received simultaneously from three or
more satellites enable a fix to be obtained and simultaneous ranges from four
satellites provide a three-dimensional fix (Fig. 20.1). GNSS can therefore be
-- --
Fig. 20.1
Fix by GNSS.
Satellite constellations
The global positioning
of satellites
of Defense
is a military
It will
Radio Aids
Fig. 20.2
GPS constellation
have 21 active satellites plus three operational spares in six circular orbital
planes around the earth (Fig. 20.2) inclined at an angle of 55 to the equator .
Each ~atellite weighs about one metric tonne, has an expected life of about
seven to eight years and orbits the earth once every twelve hours at a height
of 20200km (10900nm). At least four GPS satellites should always be in
view from any place in the world enabling highly accurate determination of
latitude, longitude, altitude, velocity and time from the satellites' signals
received by an aircraft in flight or on the ground.
The Soviet Union, now the CIS, also launched a broadly similar system
.er '0-
Fig. 20.3
GLONASS constellation
N avigation
(global orbiting navigation satellite system) (GLONASS) which too will have
21 active and three spare satellites with the constellation in this case in three
orbital planes inclined at an angle of 60 to the equator (Fig. 20.3).
As with GPS, although originally provided as a military facility, GLONASS
is also available for civil aviation use, the satellites having a 12-hour orbit at a
height of 19000km (10250nm).
Fixing position
The satellites used in GNSSIGPS give the same information as a DME, i.e.
the distance of the aircraft from the beacon. Consider a DME giving a range
of 200 nm. This locates the aircraft on the surface of a sphere centred on the
beacon and with a radius of 200nm. Normally we assume that the aircraft is
on the surface of the earth, as even at FL 350 this only represents a negligible
error and therefore we can locate the aircraft on a small circle where the two
position spheres (of the earth and of the DME range) meet.
To obtain a fix a second DME range may be used and now the aircraft will
be located at one of two positions where the two DME range spheres cut
each other and the surface of the earth. To resolve this ambiguity requires a
third DME to be used. The intersection of the three DME range spheres and
the surface of the earth will give a positive fix. Notice that we are using four
position spheres (the earth and three DMEs). If no assumption is made about
the aircraft's location in relation to the earth, a fourth range sphere will
be required. This will then provide a fix in space -latitude,
and altitude, (i.e. a 3D fix). Four satellites are therefore required for 3D
navigation. In GPS, if only three satellites are available, the aircraft altitude
can be fed in manually so effectively producing a fourth position sphere with
its centre at the centre of the earth and its radius the earth's radius plus
aircraft altitude.
GPS satellites transmit on two L-band frequencies of l575.42MHz (LJ and
l227.6MHz (~) although the satellites' control is through up-link and downlink frequencies (2227.5MHz and l783.74MHz respectively) in the S-band.
The Ll signal is modulated with two pseudo-random codes: P (precise) code
and CIA (coarse acquisition) code, while the ~ signal is modulated with the
P-code only. Only the Ll CIA code is available to civil aircraft and although
having an inherent accuracy of fixing position within about 30 m, it is
deliberately degraded to an accuracy of approximately of lOOm (on a 95%
probability basis) so that no-one can use the system effectively, for example
for the guidance of so-called 'smart bombs', contrary to the United States'
national security. (For military aircraft using also the ~ P-code, the claimed
accuracy is 1 to 3m.) The 'pseudo-random' coding of the signals is so called
because although it may appear to be random, in fact it is generated according
to a complicated set of instructions, repeating itself every seven days. The
whole CIA code has a duration of one millisecond.
Both the satellite and the GPS receiver have to generate exactly the same
radio signal at exactly the same time and to embody the identical coding to
Radio Aids
GPS Ax internal
comparison code
Fig. 20.4
Measurement of dT.
enable the signals to be compared (Fig. 20.4) although the GPS comparison
signal is not transmitted externally. As shown diagrammatically in Fig. 20.4,
the GPS receiver matches up the code received from the satellite with the
code that the GPS receiver has been generating for its own internal timing
system to determine the time interval (dT) since it was generated.
If for example, dT is 0.1 second, then the signal was transmitted from the
satellite 0.1 seconds earlier when it was
0.1 seconds x 186000 miles/sec = 18600 miles
from the aircraft.
The satellite's transmission also includes the precise time of the transmission, its orbital position, atmospheric propagation data and any satellite
'clock bias' information. While the satellites' timepieces are atomic clocks
and the GPS receiver clocks are accurate crystal oscillators there is nevertheless a timing bias error or clock bias in the measurement of the time
\ PR2
Fig. 20.5
intersect in a
'cocked hat'
PAs adjusted equally
for clock error to give fix
N avigation
interval and hence the range, so the measured ranges are called pseudoranges. However as the clock bias at the receiver will be the same for all of
the pseudo-ranges measured at a particular time it can be removed by using
three simultaneous equations (one for each pseudo-range) to solve for the
three unknowns of clock error, latitude and longitude, as illustrated in Fig.
Other errors inherent in GNSS are
Satellite clock e"or. The integrity of the satellites is continuously monitored
and if the satellite clock becomes even a few nano-seconds in error (1 nanosecond = 0.000000001 second) it is corrected so that the stated error due to
this cause is up to 0.5 m in range.
Satellite ephemeris error. This occurs if the satellite is not precisely where it
is believed to be in its orbit. The satellite control however is so exacting that
the range error due to this cause is also quoted as kept within :to.5 m -i.e.
the width of the pilot's panel!
Atmospheric propagation e"or (ionosphere e"or).
The density of the charged
particles (ions) in the atmosphere changes diurnally and seasonally. The
delay due to the effect of the ionosphere on the satellite signal also depends
upon its angular path to the receiver but fortunately this error is predictable
and not expected to cause a range error of more than 4m.
Instrument/receiver error. This may arise from electrical noise, errors in
matching the pseudo-random signals and computational errors but even then
only to the order of a range error of one metre.
Satellite geometry error. This is not truly a GPS error at all but a basic
principle when using position lines to obtain a fix. If the angle of cut of two
position lines is very shallow, the effect of any error is much greater than if
the position lines intersect at a right angle or nearly so (Fig. 20.6). In the
Fig. 20.6
Radio Aids
application of GNSS, this means that if two or more satellites are close
together when being used for two-dimensional navigation, range position
lines obtained from them will intersect at a shallow angle and any signal error
effect is therefore larger. The term used in GPS is 'geometric dilution of
precision' (GDOP) which may be sub-divided into time dilution of precision
range equivalent of clock bias (TDOP) and position dilution of
precision- based on satellite geometry less clock bias (PDOP), which in turn
may be sub-divided into vertical and horizontal components (VDOP and
HDOP). It is in order to avoid this source of error that the GPS constellation
has its orbital planes all inclined at 55 to the equator; each orbital plane has
four satellites; each orbital satellite takes 12 hours to complete an orbit.
GNSS receivers which can use both GPS and GLONASS satellite data simultaneously will suffer least from the problem of satellite geometry.
GPS differential correction (dGPS)
The only significant errors in fixing position by GPS are atmospheric
(ionosphere) error and the deliberate error introduced by the DoD, called
selective availability (SA) which as already mentioned is designed to prevent
unfriendly users exploiting the extraordinarily high accuracy of GPS navigation to threaten the US with offensive military actions. For civil aviation a
correction factor -called the differential correction -can be determined for
aircraft navigation which eliminates the effects of ionospheric error and SA,
which is then transmitted to the aircraft (by ACARS or similar -see chapter
3). The principle is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 20.7. GPS signals are
I "
" ~ :, /
GPS position
surveyed antenna
Fig. 20.7
GPS position
\ 1//
\ItUncorrected GPST~ground position
N avigation
and the computed (raw) position is the differential correction -a vector with
direction and magnitude in three dimensions. When this correction is applied
to the raw position the refined position will be accurate to 1 to 3 m. The
dGPS correction is sent by ACARS uplink to the aircraft's GPS sensor if
it is within 70 nm of the dGPS station. The dGPS correction is updated
periodically and sent via the datalink to GPS-navigating aircraft.
Airborne equipment
Externally there is a small streamlined antenna which is normally mounted on
the fuselage, while on the flight deck the receiver/CDU appears in various
models with either a CRT or more likely a LCD presentation giving various
alternative items of information such as:
Latitude, longitude, altitude
Offset range and bearing from a
specified waypoint (WPT)
Parallel track navigation
TAS, GS, TMG, desired track
Heading to steer and time to WPT
Time, upper winds, magnetic
The controls range from push/push or rocker type switches for ON/OFF,
keyboard to enable pilots to
input/extract any of the listed information. The GNSS unit can also be
interfaced with EFIS, autopilot and moving-map displays. For the pilots of
general aviation (GA) aircraft, personal portable models are available which
can be unplugged from the panel and the aircraft's power supply, to be taken
to the office, club or home to plan the next flight or to the marina for use on
a yacht using portable batteries.
Ad vantages / disadvantages
(1) Capable of use worldwide at all operating speeds and altitudes
Available throughout the 24 hours with no diminution of accuracy
Provides three-dimensional positioning on a continuous basis
Unrestricted range
Entirely space-based
Coupled with inertial navigation systems, can make terrestrial-based
aids such as NDBs, VORs, DMEs, etc. , redundant
When GPS/GLONASS development is complete and all satellites
available, the accuracy of GNSS will enable aircraft separations to be
Radio Aids
(I) Basically it is a military system which civil aircraft are allowed to use;
currently the US has agreed to providing GPS to civil users free of
charge until AD 2002 and similarly the CIS is providing GLONASS free
until AD 2007
(2) As a military system, the existing GNSS may conceivably be interrupted
if a serious military need develops
(3) The system, although it has evolved rapidly, is still technically under
Not as accurate in the civil mode as it is in the military mode (by
deliberate policy)
Present system cannot guarantee the pilot with immediate indication of
satellite malfunction or GNSS degradation; this makes it currently
unsuitable as an approach aid for high category landings.
Latest developments
Chapter 8 referred to international disagreement on the use of MLS and DGPS
as a future landing aid. Europe favours the continued use of MLS until DGPS
has the same CAT3 performance ability. America wishes to phase out MLS and
concentrate on the development of DGPS to the same CAT3 capabilities and
integrity. This they hope to achieve much sooner (2001) than Europe deem
possible (2015)!
Undoubtedly DGPS will provide the final answer. Meanwhile ICAO is
approving both systems and a multi-mode receiver (MMR) for their reception.
Test questions
(1) Position fixing by satellite is by means of:
(a) simultaneous bearings from a number of satellites
(b) range and bearing from each known satellite's position
(c) simultaneous ranges from a number of satellites.
N avigation
The reason that the satellites of GPS and GLONASS do not collide is:
(a) the GPS orbit is at 55 to the equator while the GLONASS is at
(b) the GPS satellite orbits are 1200km higher than the GLONASS
(c) GLONASS has only three orbital planes while GPS has six orbital
GPS can:
provide two-dimension and three-dimension positions
only provide position in latitude and longitude
indicate two-dimension positions or position lines in the horizontal
It may be claimed that GNSS has the advantage over other air navigation systems in that it:
(a) is basically a military-based system made available to civil users
with solar-powered satellites which have an infinite life
(b) has no possible input by the pilot
(c) is entirely space-based.
In the earlier chapter on SSR reference was made to the enhanced detail of
data from aircraft (both actual and flight intentions) via Mode S, hopefully
leading to better information on conflicting traffic and resolution of potential
problems together with unambiguously identified aircraft. ICAO Annex 10
which specifies the SSR standards and procedures also covers ACAS (Airborne Collision Avoidance System). It is an unfortunate fact that mid-air
collisions although rare, have occurred since the first one in 1910 in which the
Wright brothers were involved. The investigators' collision reports over the
years, have concluded that the various accidents have been attributable to a
number of causes.
Particularly since the collision over Grand Canyon in the mid-1950s,
strenuous efforts have been and are being made to devise a system to avoid
any future collisions and the equipment development has been accorded a
high priority. ICAO defines ACAS at three levels:
the aircraft carries not only a transponder but also a means to interrogate
other aircraft transponders, making air-to-air interrogation and reply
possible. (It is an interesting fact that over 50 years ago in the Second
World War, allied aircraft carried IFF (identification friend or foe))
replies from aircraft up to a range of 30 nm are triggered
the reply data is used in the airborne computer to assessthe threat if
any, from any nearby aircraft
the pilot has a display of the approximate relative position of nearby
aircraft together with their altitude if the other aircraft are fitted with
altitude decoders
the reply data is put into one of two categories:
(a) those aircraft which constitute no threat, resulting in a TA
(b) those aircraft which do present a threat, resulting in an RA being
given to the pilot advisin~ him to manoeuvre to avoid collision.
a threat:
a hollow
or blue
Radio Aids
'Proximate' traffic within 6nm and :!:1200ft: a solid white or solid blue (cyan)
Traffic advisory (TA): a solid yellow circle
Resolution Advisory (RA): a solid red square
Each of these aircraft symbols is accompanied by a 'data tag' the same
colour as the symbol. The data shown comprises a number to show the other
aircraft's height relative to one's own in hundreds of feet, i.e. +02 indicating
200ft above. If the target is climbing or descending (at more than 500ft/min)
an up or down arrow beside the number indicates this. If the target is not
reporting altitude, although the radar will show the aircraft's relative position,
there will be no data tag. On those models of EFIS where the primary flight
display (PFD) embodies a strip type of V SI along one side, when an RA is
generated a corresponding indication may be displayed on the strip. Part will
be illuminated green as the 'fly to' area while part of the strip is illuminated
red as the forbidden manoeuvre.
TCAS III, corresponding to ACAS III, at the time of publication is still
being developed. When it is operational, as originally defined by ICAO, it
will offer manoeuvres in the vertical and horizontal planes. This will require
the target aircraft's path to be tracked accurately. In TCAS II, measurement
and presentation of the relative bearing is sufficient to indicate the risk of
conflict but with TCAS III, it must be known precisely and it is particularly
this element which is causing the longer development time.
Reservationsand limitations
(1) The concern of ATCOs over the introduction of TCAS has been mentioned earlier. The traditional principle may be quoted of 'Navigation in
the air -Control
from the ground' and the possible conflict between
A TC instructions issued to a pilot and what his TCAS is advising. For
example, in a terminal control area (TMA) in an aircraft fitted with
TCAS, before the carriage of TCAS is mandatory in that TMA. The
ATC units throughout Europe, especially those newly built, will have
equipment compatible with or technically in advance of TCAS by means
of which pilots' clearances and routeings will be monitored. Pilots should
not abandon their Ie:gal separation requirements. An ICAO Circular of
1985 warned "Manoeuvres initiated as a result of ACAS indications
must not result in unsafe reduction of separation between affected
aircraft and other non-conflicting aircraft in the same air traffic environment". A possible future development has been suggested, as well
as TCAS III, of a G-CAS for airspaces such as TMAs. This would
be a ground-based collision warning system when Mode S equipments
are commonplace, bringing controllers firmly back into the conflictresolution loop.
(2) It is to be hoped that by the time that TCAS is a legal requirement in
Europe, experience in the USA will have eliminated, or action taken
to combat, false alarms which accompanied TCAS introduction. The
<a: a:
Radio Aids
Test questions
(1) In a TCAS, RA stands for:
(a) Radar advisory (b) Resolution advisory
Radar activate
alternating current
aircraft communications addressing and reporting system
airborne collision avoidance system
Area Control Centre
automatic direction finding equipment
attitude direction indicator
audio frequency
aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
above ground level
aeronautical information circular
Aeronautical information publication
amplitude modulation
above mean sea level
Air Navigation Order
Aeronautical Radio Inc, a non-profit organisation owned
by member operators to define form, fit and function of
aviation avionics equipment
alternating sideband
approach surveillance radar
Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control Centre
Air Traffic Service
airborne weather radar
beat frequency
basic area navigation
compass heading
centimetre( s)
Glossary of Abbreviations
drift angle
direct current
difference in depth of modulation
direction finding
GPS differential correction
decision height
difference/ differe ntial
distance measuring equipment
carrier wave/continuous wave
Radio Aids
lowest usable high frequency
medium frequency
microwave landing system
middle marker
magnetic north
miles per hour
metres per second
Glossary of Abbreviations
omnibearing selector
obstacle clearance limit
outer marker
degrees port
precision approach radar
Rei Erg
Radio Aids
satellite navigation
selective calling system
super high frequency
single sideband
secondary surveillance radar
standard terminal arrival route(s)
short take-off and landing
traffic advisory (in TCAS)
terminal approach procedures
true airspeed
traffic collision advoidance system
traffic conflict alert system
track error
track made good
terminal VOR
(Air Pilot)
co-ordinated universal tune
T, (T)
magnetic variation
VHF direction finding
voice frequency
visual flight rules
degrees west
windshear detection and recovery guidance system
wireless telegraphy
wind velocity
Chapter 1
Qll (b), Q12 (a), Q13 (a), Q14 (c), Q15 (b).
Chapter 2
Qll (c), Q12 (b), Q13 (c), Q14 (b), Q15 (c).
Chapter 3
Q3 (b), Q4 (b), Q5 (c), Q6 (b), Q7 (c), Q8 (b), Q9 (a), QI0 (b).
Chapter 4
Ql (b), Q2 (c), Q3 (b), Q4 (c), Q5 (a).
Chapter 5
Qll (a), Q12 (a), Q13 (c), Q14 (c), Q15 (a).
Chapter 10
Q4 (b), Q5 (c), Q6 (b), Q7 (c), Q8 (a), Q9 (b), QI0 (a).
Chapter 13
Q3 (b), Q4 (c), Q5 (a), Q6 (a), Q7 (b), Q8 (c), Q9 (a), QI0 (b).
Chapter 14
Ql (b), Q2 (a), Q3 (b), Q4 (b), Q5 (b).
Chapter 17
Ql (c), Q2 (b), Q3 (a), Q4 (a), Q5 (b).
Chapter 19
Ql (a), Q2 (c), Q3 (b), Q4 (a), Q5 (a).
Chapter 20
Ql (c), Q2 (c), Q3 (b), Q4 (a), Q5 (a), Q6 (a), Q7 (c), Q8 (a), Q9 (a),
QI0 (c).
Chapter 21
Ql (b), Q2 (a), Q3 (b), Q4 (b), Q5 (a), Q6 (c), Q7 (a), Q8 (a), Q9 (b),
QI0 (c).
abbreviations, 236-40
ADF (see automatic direction finding)
airborne collision avoidance system
(ACAS), 230
airborne weather radar (A WR), 156-68
aircraft communications addressing and
reporting system (ACARS), 40
altimeter, radio, 169-73
amplitude, 2
amplitude modulation, 9
angle of lead, 63
anode system, 128
anomalous propagation, 29
area navigation, 141
attenuation, 19,32
automatic altitude telemetering, 146
automatic direction finding (ADF),
range and accuracy, 64-67
use of, 56
beacon saturation, 139
bearings, classification of, 45
beat frequency oscillator (BFO), 55
beat note, 55
BFO (see beat frequency oscillator)
cardioid, 50
categories (ILS), 112
cathode ray tube, 127
clock bias, 224
cloud warning radar, 156-68
coastal refraction, 65
coding delay, 199
colour weather radar, .63
communications, 36-43
comparison frequency, 205
cone of confusion, 83
cone of no bearing, 45
cosecant beam, 158
critical angle, 24
data-Iink, 148
dead space, 25
chart, 204
comparison frequency, 205
holding patterns, 60
homing, 57,81-3,96-8
hyperbolic systems, 197-201,204
ICAO operational performance
categories, 112
ILS (see instrument landing system)
instrument landing system, 102-118
facility performance categories, 112
false glide path, 114
frequencies, 110
glide path transmitter, 104
localiser transmitter, 102
marker beacons, 108
inversion, 29
iso-echo display, 163
Janus aerial, 187
retraction, multi-hop, 26
relative permittivity, 29
resolution advisory, 230
R-Nav (see area navigation)
132, 145
scatter, 27