Radio Aids - Student Notes
Radio Aids - Student Notes
Radio Aids - Student Notes
These notes have been adapted by the Kenya School of Flying for
students undertaking PPL to CPL/ATPL courses. The notes can also
be used for Flight Operations Officers/Flight Dispatch course.
1` 5]
1. Basic Radio Theory 01
2. VDF Direction Finding 15
3. NDB & ADF 18
4. VOR 27
5. ILS 34
6. Radar Theory 41
7. DME 45
8. SSR 49
9. Weather Radar 52
10. Radio Altimeters 57
11. RNAV 59
12. GPS 61
13. GPWS 66
If an alternating current is fed to an aerial some of the power will be radiated outwards from
the aerial in the form of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIO WAVES. A similar aerial, parallel to,
but at some distance from the first will intercept the electromagnetic radio wave and an
alternating current will be induced in the aerial which is identical to the alternating current
fed to the transmitting aerial. This is the basis of all radio systems.
162 000 Nautical Miles per Second 300 000 000 Metres per Second
186 000 Statute Miles per Second 300 000 Kilometres per Second
If the transmission frequency is 2 Hertz, then the physical space covered by 2 cycles is
300 000 000 metres or the space covered by 1 cycle is 150 000 000 metres.
FREQUENCY = 300 000 000 Metres /Sec Or 162 000 Nautical Miles/ Sec
in HERTZ WAVELENGTH in Metres WAVELENGTH in Nautical Miles
WAVELENGTH = 300 000 000 Metres / Sec Or 162 000 Nautical Miles /Sec
Frequency = 300 000 000 metres per second x 100 = 9 375 000 000 Hz
3.2 cms 9 375 000 Khz
9 375 Mhz
9.375 Ghz
(1GHZ = 1 000 000 000Hz)
Phase refers to a particular point in one cycle. The start of the cycle is referred to as phase
0, the mid point of the cycle as phase 180 and the end of the cycle as phase 360 which
is the start of the second cycle.
If two signals are transmitted on the same frequency the two wave forms would
superimpose each other and their phase can be compared. If they reach the same value at
the same time they are in phase, otherwise they will be out of phase and the phase
difference can be measured. Phase comparison is used by VOR. The amplitude of the two
transmissions need not be the same.
NDB transmissions are Vertically polarised while VOR transmissions are Horizontally
A polar diagram represents the field strength or the power radiated from an aerial. The
polar diagram of an NDB (Non Directional Beacon) is a circle, while the polar diagram of an
ILS is a lobe, it transmits along the approach path to a runway. All points on the polar
diagram are equal signal strength.
The human hearing range is in the order of 50 Hz to 15 Khz, frequencies outside this range
cannot be heard. The human voice has a frequency range of 100 Hz to 5 Khz. To transmit
and receive such low frequencies demands very large aerials and high transmission power.
Radio Frequencies are outside the human hearing range. To transmit a frequency of 400
Khz is relatively simple but cannot be heard by the human ear. To make the signal audible
a Beat Frequency Oscillator is used. The BFO in the receiver produces internally a
frequency (398 Khz) similar to that being received (400 Khz). It then takes the difference
between the two frequencies (2 Khz) which is an Audio Frequency and is fed to the
headphones, thus a steady tone is heard. This is the principle of ADF/NDB reception.
This method may be used in one or two ways to transmit coded messages at audio
frequencies (AF) or to radiate speech, music etc.
As the name suggests in this method the amplitude of the carrier is varied in conformation
with the amplitude of the audio modulating signal, keeping the carriers frequency constant.
With amplitude modulation, the audio frequency (AF) is impressed on the carrier frequency,
the amplitude of the carrier wave (RF) is varied by the amplitude of the audio frequency
(AF) keeping the carrier frequency constant. When transmitting complex information such
as speech, we have the problem of transmitting an extremely large number of sine waves.
Since the effect of each modulating sine wave on the radio frequency (RF) carrier is similar,
only a single sine wave modulating frequency (AF) is shown below.
Carrier Wave
Carrier Wave
Over modulation causes distortion of the Audio Frequency. The ideal depth of modulation is
slightly less than 100 %.
This technique of conveying information was developed in the USA after the shortcomings
of AM transmission due to external unwanted noise became apparent during the 1 st World
War. It is achieved by varying the frequency of the carrier in accordance with the change in
amplitude of the carrier of the audio, keeping the amplitude of the carrier constant.
The amplitude of the Radio Frequency is kept constant but the frequency varies as the
amplitude of the Audio Frequency varies. When the amplitude of the AF is positive the RF
frequency increases and when the amplitude of the AF is negative the RF frequency
decreases. In the receiver a frequency discriminator unit detects the frequency deviations
and converts them to useful information.
Sidebands are additional frequencies which occur when a carrier frequency is amplitude
modulated by a lower audio frequency. The three frequencies are :-
Carrier frequency
Carrier frequency + Audio frequency
Carrier frequency - Audio frequency
A carrier wave of 400 Khz is amplitude modulated by an audio frequency of 2 Khz resulting
in a lower sideband of 398 Khz and an upper sideband of 402 Khz and a bandwidth of 4
Khz. Each sideband is a mirror image of the other and carries the same information. If one
sideband is transmitted there is a saving of transmission power and a narrower bandwidth.
With SSB transmissions the carrier frequency has to be reinserted by a BFO at the receiver
to resolve the incoming signals.
The bandwidth is expressed by three numerals and one letter. The letter occupies the
position of the decimal place and represents the unit of bandwidth.
A Double Sideband
H Single Sideband full carrier
J Single Sideband suppressed carrier
P Unmodulated pulse transmission
Radio waves fall into one or two of the following three categories. Direct waves, ground
waves and sky waves.
Direct waves follow a straight line path, they do not follow the Earth's curvature or are
refracted by the ionosphere
Frequencies in the VHF, UHF, SHF and EHF bands are DIRECT WAVES. Due to their high
frequencies they pass through the ionosphere and escape into space. They do not bend
with the surface of the earth thus their range is limited to 'line of sight'. There is a slight
improvement in range due to atmospheric refraction and the range of VHF in nautical miles
is calculated by :-
Diffraction causes the radio waves to bend and go over obstacles in their path. Diffraction
can be considered as the obstacle creating ‘friction’ in the part of the wave close to it,
causing the wave to curve towards it as it passes it. The extent of diffraction depends on the
frequency, being maximum at very low frequencies, reducing as frequency is increased.
This downward bending is assisted by surface attenuation.
The lower part of the radio wave comes into contact with the surface and induces currents
in it, losing some of its energy and slowing down. This slowing down of the bottom gives
the radio wave a forward and downward tilt encouraging it to follow the curvature of the
Earth. Surface attenuation varies on two factors - Frequency and the type of surface. The
higher the frequency the greater the attenuation. Surface attenuation is least over water
and greatest over the Polar icecaps and deserts.
Sky waves are radio transmissions that are refracted by the ionosphere and returned to
earth. They were the principle method of long range communication before satellites.
The ionosphere completely surrounds the earth. Ultra-violet radiation from the sun striking
the gas molecules of the ionosphere causes electrons to be discharged. These free
electrons form a refractive layer which will refract certain frequencies and they will return to
earth. Absorption of solar radiation is uneven at various levels of the atmosphere and three
separate layers (D, E and F1 may be formed).
As solar radiation is the cause, the maximum electron density of the ionosphere occurs at
midday in the summer. As the D layer disappears at night the apparent altitude of the
ionosphere increases at night.
Radio energy is absorbed by the ionosphere. The amount of attenuation depends on:-
1. The electron density of the layer. The greater the electron density the greater the
2. Penetration depth - The deeper the signal penetrates into the layer the greater the
3. Frequency - The lower the frequency, the greater the penetration and attenuation
and the less the diffraction, therefore lower frequencies are used at night.
The angle at which the radio wave enters the ionosphere is one of the factors which
determines whether the radio wave will pass through the ionosphere or be refracted and
return to earth. If it strikes the layer at a small angle to the vertical it may bend, but not
enough to be returned to earth. As the angle is increased bending increases until an angle
is reached where the radio wave will return to earth - this is the first sky wave return and the
angle is called the critical angle. At greater angles there will be an uninterrupted flow of sky
Dead space occurs mainly in the HF frequency band where the ground wave is very limited
(in the order of 80 to 100 nm) and the first sky wave return occurs at some distance from the
transmitter being refracted from the upper layers of the ionosphere. With VLF, LF and MF
the ground wave increases and the sky wave returns from the lower layers of the
ionosphere. Usually there is no dead space at these low frequencies.
At night the ionosphere is higher and weaker than during the day, thus at night, the 18 MHz
frequency penetrates further into the ionosphere before refraction and returns from a higher
layer, the dead space increases and the first sky wave returns at a much greater distance
from the transmitter. To restore communications the day frequency (18 MHz) is halved (9
MHz), the critical angle reduces and the distance to the first sky wave return also reduces
restoring communications.
Due to fluctuations of the ionosphere, relative phases of skywaves arriving at the receiver
vary in random fashion affecting the amplitude of the receiver output. It is also possible to
receive two sky waves from different heights in the ionosphere. Since the distance travelled
is different, the two signals could be out of phase thus their amplitudes will cancel giving a
weak signal. If they are in phase the signal is stronger.
VHF receivers in aircraft incorporate a SQUELCH CONTROL which disables the receiver
output when no signals are being received to prevent noise being fed to the crew
Frequencies 2 to 22 Mhz
Transmission A3E Double Sideband J3E Single Sideband (SSB) Amplitude Modulated
Selcal allows a ground station to call an aircraft using HF or VHF without the flight crew
having to wear headphones continuously to monitor the station frequency. A coded signal is
transmitted from the ground station and received at the aircraft. The Selcal decoder in the
aircraft activates aural and visual alerts on the flight deck if the received code corresponds
to the aircraft Selcal code.
Each Selcal transmitted code consists of two radio frequency pulses. During each pulse
the carrier wave is 90% modulated with two tones, giving four tones per code, the
frequencies of the tones determine the code. An individual code is assigned to each aircraft
e.g. FJ-AC which is entered on the ATC flight plan.
The MUF Maximum Useable Frequency is the highest frequency at which radio waves are
refracted and returned to earth. At higher frequencies the radio waves are not refracted and
escape into space. The MUF changes from day to day and even from hour to hour. It
depends on the state of the ionosphere and at times can drop as low as 5 MHz.
Major airports in South Africa have a VDF service, it is usually on the Approach frequency
and will provide radio bearings to aircraft on request. The aircraft transmits on the
appropriate frequency and direction finding equipment at the airport will sense the direction
of the incoming radio wave. The bearing will be passed to the aircraft in Q-code form.
± 180º ± 180º
As the VDF operator does not know the magnetic variation at the aircraft the magnetic
variation at the station is used for magnetic bearings (QDM and QDR).
EMISSION DESIGNATION A1A Long Range NDB’s and A2A Short Range NDB’s
TYPE OF EMISSION A1A CW with IDENT by on/off keying of the carrier wave
ADF needle wanders during transmission of IDENT
BFO on to make IDENT audible
RANGE Varies as power available. To double the range the power must
be increased by a factor of four. Long range NDB's use A1A as
the range is greater than A2A for a given power
The two vertical arms of the loop aerial intercept the vertical electrical field of an incoming
radio wave from a NDB and a voltage is induced in each arm. The induced voltage will be
proportional to the angle between the loop and the direction of the radio wave.
When the plane of the loop is parallel to the incoming signal one vertical arm will be closer
to the NDB than the other. There will be a phase difference between the signals arriving in
the two arms. The current flow in the two arms will be in opposition and difference between
the two will be fed to the receiver. The distance between the two vertical members of the
loop is maximum therefore the phase difference and current flow will also be maximum.
This maximum position is not clearly defined and errors can result.
When the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the incoming signal the two vertical arms of
the loop will be the same distance from the NDB, thus the incoming signal will arrive at both
arms at the same instant and at the same phase and the resultant current flow is nil. The
zero position is clearly defined and is far more accurate than the maximum position and is
used for bearing measurement. However there is a 180 ambiguity.
The 180 ambiguity is resolved by a sense aerial which is omni-directional and its polar
diagram is a circle. The polar diagram of the loop aerial is a figure of eight. The radius of
the sense aerial polar diagram is electronically adjusted to fit the figure of eight polar
diagram. When the two fields are mixed the resultant polar diagram is a CARDIOID and
has only one null resolving the 180 problem.
With the modern ADF the loop antenna consists of an orthogonal pair of coils wound on a
single ferrite core mounted in the horizontal plane which intercepts the magnetic (H)
component of an electro-magnetic radio wave from a NDB. One coil is aligned with the fore
and aft axis of the aircraft and the other with the athwartships axis. The radio wave imparts
magnetism to the ferrite core which in turn induces a current in each coil which depends on
the direction of the magnetic field or the direction of the incoming radio wave. The induced
currents in the coils are transmitted to two starter coils of a goniometer where the magnetic
field detected by the loop will be recreated. If the rotor or search coil is turned through 360°
there will be two maximum and two null positions exactly as in the rotating loop (a figure of
eight polar diagram). The output from a sense aerial is combined with the figure of eight
polar diagram to give a cardioid. A motor drives the rotor coil and the ADF needle to the null
position of the cardioid thus the ADF relative bearing is shown at all times.
Night Effect
During the day sky waves from NDB transmissions are absorbed or fully attenuated by the
D layer of the ionosphere, thus there are no sky waves and no error by day. At night the D
layer disappears and NDB transmissions are refracted by the E layer of the ionosphere.
An aircraft may receive both ground and sky waves, the sky waves entering the horizontal
members of the loop. The ground and sky waves mix and give a false null. As the sky
wave is unstable, the null will vary rapidly and the ADF needle will oscillate and become
difficult to determine an accurate bearing. If the aircraft is receiving sky waves only, the null
may be sharp, but the bearing incorrect as the reflecting plane of the ionosphere may not be
parallel to the earth's surface.
Quadrantal Error
Incoming radio waves are reflected by the fuselage and wings of an aircraft. Signals arriving
from the nose, tail, 090ْ relative and 270° relative are not affected. Signals from the
quadrantal points (045°, 135°, 225° and 315° relative) can give large errors. Many years
ago aircraft ADF installations were calibrated by an airborne swing, similar to a compass
swing and a quadrantal correction card was prepared. With modern techniques the aircraft
is mapped electronically and corrections are made to the ADF receiver.
Terrain Or Mountain Error
High ground may reflect a NDB transmission resulting in multi-path reception. The ADF
needle will indicate the mean bearing between the two signals, thus an error. The error can
be minimised by climbing.
Static Interference
Static can affect ADF readings. Operation in the vicinity of thunderstorms can produce
large errors, even to the extent of the ADF pointing to the Cb instead of the NDB.
Precipitation static caused by flying in rain causes errors.
Coastal Refraction
As a radio wave passes from land to sea its velocity increases and the radio wave bends
towards the medium with the higher density (land). The error is zero if the radio wave
crosses the coast at 90° and increases as the angle becomes more acute.
A running fix from a NDB or a fix from three NDB's shown above will give a position towards
the coast from the correct position.
Coastal refraction may be minimised by :-
Question 1
The coast line lies in a North/South direction. An aircraft over the sea receives an ADF
bearing of 225° Relative. The true bearing of the aircraft from the NDB is :-
Station Interference
If two NDBs are on similar frequencies large errors may result. The ADF needle will take up
a position which is the resultant of the field strengths of the two transmissions.
Transmission Power
The greater the power output the greater the range. To double the range the power must be
increased by a factor of four.
The lower the frequency the greater the ground wave and thus the range.
Due to the better conductivity of the sea longer ranges are obtained over water than over
Type Of Emission
For a given transmission power the A1A NDB will give a greater range than the A2A NDB as
the former does not require power to transmit the ident. Long range NDB's are normally of
the AIA type.
ADF bearings are presented to the pilot by either a RELATIVE BEARING INDICATOR (RBI)
ADF bearings are measured clockwise from the fore and aft axis of the aircraft and are
termed RELATIVE BEARINGS, that is relative to the aircraft's fore and aft axis.
Tracking Inbound To A NDB Or Tracking Outbound From A NDB (with a RBI)
With zero drift maintain ADF 360 Relative INBOUND to the NDB
With zero drift maintain ADF 180 Relative OUTBOUND from the NDB
An aircraft is maintaining track outbound from a NDB with a constant relative bearing of
185°. To return to the NDB the relative bearing to maintain is :-
355˚ Relative.
ADF Relative bearings must be converted into True Bearings (QTE) before they can be
plotted on a chart.
±180° ±180°
An aircraft heading 157(T), Variation 15W has a relative bearing of 193 from NDB CD.
The QDM to NDB CD is :-
The RMI is a remote gyro compass on which radio bearings (both ADF and VOR) are
shown. As it is a compass, the heading index is heading compass and it may suffer from
deviation, for which a correction must be made to ADF bearings. The sharp end of the
pointers are referred to as RMI readings or QDM. The opposite or blunt end of the needle
will be a QDR.
The RMI usually has two needles for aircraft fitted with twin ADF receivers. VOR Radials or
bearings can also be shown, or one needle tuned at a NDB and the other a VOR.
If an aircraft is flying abeam of a NDB a simple calculation will give the approximate
distance to the NDB or the time to fly to the NDB.
These questions can also be found at the end of the chapter (24,25,26)
(a) 050(M)
(b) 060(M)
(c) 070(M)
The alteration of heading required to intercept the 120° track inbound to the NDB at 50° is:-
Heading 040 + ADF 060 Relative = QDM 100 + 180 = QDR 280
The VOR is the primary ICAO navigation facility for civil aviation. It is a VHF facility and
eliminates atmospheric static interference and other errors of the NDB/ADF.
VOR operation is based on the principle that the phase difference between two AC voltages
may be used to determine the direction of an aircraft from a transmitter. Imagine two light
signals at the same position. The first is an omnidirectional flashing white light which can be
seen by all aircraft and flashes once in 60 seconds. It is the reference signal. The second
is a narrow red beam which rotates through 360° in 60 seconds. It is the: directional signal.
When the red directional light passes through magnetic north the white reference light
flashes, the two lights are in phase and the bearing is 360°. At any other position the
bearing is determined by the time interval between seeing the flashing white reference light
and the red rotating directional light. If the time difference is 20 seconds the bearing is 120°
and if the time difference is 40 seconds the bearing is 240°. The VOR transmitter uses the
same principle, and transmits carrier wave modulated with a reference phase signal (the
white light) and a variable phase signal (the red light). The phase difference between the
two signals determines the aircraft's bearing or radial (the time interval between the white
and red lights).
Also transmitted on the stations allocated frequency. It is a rotating signal at 1800 RPM or
30 revolutions per second which gives an apparent amplitude modulation of 30 Hz. The
signal rises to a maximum and falls to zero 30 times a second. The polar diagram is that of
a rotating figure, of eight. When combined with the circular polar diagram of the reference
signal the result is rotating cardioid or limacon.
The VOR is calibrated so that zero phase difference occurs on magnetic north. Phase
difference equals magnetic bearing out (QDR) or radial.
Transmission horizontally polarised - not affected by static
All VOR transmissions are monitored for accuracy. Accuracy of VOR radials at the
transmitter are better than 1°. If the transmission error is greater than 1° the monitor will
remove the IDENT or the navigation components.
At certain airports a test VOR is available for testing the aircraft's VOR receivers during pre-
flight checks. They transmit zero phase difference so that regardless of the aircraft's position
relative to the VOR the indication in the aircraft will be radial 360°. If a CDI is used to check
the equipment the indications will be :
Left/Right needle central FROM OBS 356 to 004 or TO OBS 176 to 184
VOR receivers usually have a self test circuit independent of a VOT. During a self test the
RMI needle should indicate radial 360° or 180° RMI reading.
Site Error
Caused by buildings, obstacles, trees or uneven ground in the vicinity of the transmitter.
Propagation Error
The signals leave the transmitter with an accuracy better than 1° but they may be affected
by uneven terrain enroute to the aircraft (Scalloping).
Interference Error
Interference from a second VOR on the same frequency may produce errors for high flying
aircraft. If a VOR is at sea level, an aircraft at FL 250 should receive bearings at 198 nm. A
second VOR on the same frequency should not be positioned closer than 198 nm x 2 + 100
nm = 496 nm from the first VOR.
Accuracy of VOR radials at the transmitter is better than 1°. Errors in the aircraft equipment
should not exceed 3° giving a maximum error of 4°. If the accuracy of VOR readings in an
aircraft exceed 4° IFR flights should not be attempted. If there is a twin VOR installation in
an aircraft and both VOR receivers are tuned to the same VOR the spread between the two
readings should not exceed 6°. Fluctuations of 6° may occur at certain propeller or
helicopter rotor RPM.
A VOR transmits in the horizontal plane but the signals radiate up to 70° in elevation.
Overhead the VOR weak erratic signals may be received and the indicators will oscillate
and the bearings are unreliable.
VOR transmitter aerials should be sited on flat terrain to minimise site errors. If such a site is
not available, a complex aerial system may be employed to transmit the VOR signal. This
type of station is known as a Doppler VOR (DVOR) beacon and produces a signal which is
reasonably free of site errors even when the transmitter is sited in hilly terrain.
The way in which the bearing signal is produced is quite different from conventional VOR,
the received signals are indistinguishable from each other and the airborne receiver will
operate on either with equal facility. In Doppler VOR the reference signal is amplitude
modulated at 30Hz, whilst the bearing signal is frequency modulated at 30Hz. Because this
is the reverse of CVOR, the bearing (or variable) modulation is made to lead the reference
signal by a phase angle equal to the aircraft magnetic bearing FROM the VOR ground
Course is the American term for Track. The CDI is a command instrument. It gives steering
commands to the pilot to maintain a selected course/track/radial TO or FROM the VOR.
By turning the OBS the desired course/track is selected. This may appear in a window or
under an index.
The LEFT/RIGHT needle moves laterally across the dial. The needle is central when the
aircraft is on the selected radial or its reciprocal. Full needle deflection from the centre (left
or right) indicates that the aircraft is 10˚ or more from the selected radial or its reciprocal.
The TO/FROM indicator shows whether the selected course will take the aircraft TO or
Rotate the OBS knob until the Left/Right deviation needle is central. Assuming the needle
centres with 090 and FROM indicated. This means the aircraft is on the 090 Radial, all
three aircraft shown on the right side of the sketch below will have the same indication. The
CDI presentation is totally independent of aircraft heading.
Assuming the needle centres with 090 and TO indicated. This shows that the aircraft is on
the reciprocal of the OBS 090 SETTING that is Radial 270. All three aircraft shown on the
left of the sketch will have the same indication.
osition 4 aircraft, one in each quadrant, with the aircraft heading similar to the OBS
4. Determine whether the aircraft are flying TO or FROM the VOR.
5. Determine whether the aircraft have to FLY RIGHT or FLY LEFT to intercept the 090
6. OUTBOUND or the 270 Radial INBOUND.
The TO or FROM indication and the LEFT / RIGHT needle displacement are correct for any
aircraft in each quadrant REGARDLESS OF THE AIRCRAFT HEADING.
VOR information can be presented on the RMI in a similar manner to ADF bearings.
The ADF measures Relative bearings which are passed to the RMI. If the bearing is 045
relative the ADF RMI needle is positioned 45 clockwise from the heading index. Thus
aircraft variation and deviation must be applied.
The RMI cannot accept VOR Radials from the VOR receiver, only Relative bearings.
Therefore Radials have to be changed into Relative bearings by a differential synchro.
Assume that an aircraft is on Radial 090, heading 155(C), deviation 5W, heading 150(M)
In case 2 aircraft heading 155 (C) which includes deviation has been subtracted from the
QDM and then added to the relative bearing to give the RMI reading, thus deviation cancels
and is not applied.
Provides guidance in azimuth and is located about 300 metres from the upwind end of the
runway in line with the runway centreline. It transmits a horizontally polarised carrier wave
on the stations allocated frequency. The carrier wave is modulated by two tones of 90 Hz
and 150 Hz.
If the aircraft is to the left of the extended centre line of the runway during an approach it will
be in an area (Yellow sector) where the 90Hz modulation predominates and will have a fly
right command. If the aircraft is to the right of the extended runway centre line it will be in
an area (Blue sector) where the 150 Hz modulation predominates and will have a fly left
command. The receiver in an aircraft on the extended centre line will receive the carrier
modulated to a depth of 20% by both the 90 Hz and 150 Hz notes. Deviation from the
centre line is given in DDM (Difference in Depth of Modulation) which controls the
Left/Right vertical command bar of the ILS indicator.
The Glide Slope or Glide Path transmitter is located about 150 metres to the left or right of
the runway centre line and 300 metres upwind from the landing threshold. The carrier wave
is transmitted in the vertical plane and is modulated by a lower lobe of 150 Hz and an upper
lobe of 90 Hz. The line along which the two modulations are equal in depth is the centre line
of the glide slope.
For an aircraft below the glide slope the 150 Hz note will predominate and a fly up
command will be shown. For an aircraft above the glide slope the 90 Hz note will
predominate and a fly down command will be shown. An aircraft on the glide slope will
receive equal amounts of the 90 Hz and 150 Hz notes and the horizontal command bar will
be central.
Marker Beacons
Two or three marker beacons are positioned along the approach path provide range to
runway threshold check points.
The Localiser and Glide Slope are frequency paired. Each localiser frequency has a glide
path frequency allocated to it.
The pilot selects the localiser frequency only, the glide path receiver automatically selects
the appropriate glide path frequency.
The ILS reference datum is a point at a specified height (usually 50 feet or 15 metres)
located vertically above the intersection of the runway centre line and the ILS landing
threshold through which the downward extended path portion of the ILS glide path extends.
CAT 1 Accurate guidance down to 200 feet above the ILS reference point
CAT 2 Accurate guidance down to 50 feet above the ILS reference point
CAT 3 Accurate guidance down to and along the surface of the runway
CAT 1 Decision Height 200 feet RVR 550 metres VIS 800 metres
Both localiser and glide path transmissions are automatically monitored by equipment
located in the guaranteed reception area. The monitor will provide a warning in any one of
the following circumstances:
operates in a similar manner to the VOR and gives commands to intercept and maintain the
localiser centre line. if an ILS localiser frequency is selected the VOR OBS setting control
becomes inoperative. If the aircraft is on the localiser centre line the needle will be central
regardless of the OBS setting. The horizontal needle gives commands to intercept and
maintain the glide path. The centre of the instrument is the aircraft and the needles give the
commands. In the above sketch the command is fly up and left.
After passing the Outer Marker, half full scale fly up indication is considered to be the
maximum safe deviation below the glide path. At this indication an immediate climb must be
initiated and the approach abandoned.
Warning flags operate if a malfunction of the ILS ground installation or the aircraft
equipment occurs. They also operate if the aircraft is out of range.
Marker beacons, transmitting on 75 Mhz, are installed along the approach path centre line.
They radiate a fan pattern up to 3000 feet and their distance from the runway threshold is
published, also the aircraft height overhead the marker if on the glide path.
Low powered NDB's are often sited at the middle and inner markers.
False glide paths may be produced above the true glide path. The first of these is
encountered at about 6°. They are not considered a danger to the aircraft for the following
Some ILS installations radiate a Back Beam. When an aircraft passes the localiser
transmitter during a missed approach, signals will be received to enable the aircraft to
maintain the extended centre line. If the aircraft strays to the left, a fly right command will
be indicated (needle right of centre). If the aircraft strays to the right, a fly left command will
be indicated (needle left of centre).
If runway 09 has an ILS, an approach may be made to runway 27 using the back beam of
runway 09. The back beam is less accurate than a front beam and there are no marker
beacons or glide path, only localiser signals. The Left/Right needle commands do not apply,
if the needle is to the left (indicating fly left on the front beam) then, as the needle sense is
reversed, the aircraft must fly right.
The 1 in 60 rule may be used to calculate the rate of descent on the glide path.
For example:
An aircraft is inbound on a 3˚ ILS at a groundspeed of 140 knots. Using the 1:60 rule, what
should the rate of descent be?
RADAR is the transmission of radio energy in short bursts or pulses. Radar frequencies are
VHF and higher.
A radar pulse travels at 300 000 000 metres per second or 162 000 nm per second
The number of pulses transmitted per second. 500 pps (pulses per second)
The length of the pulse in time, 2 s x 300 metres per s = 600 metres pulse length
A radar pulse is transmitted and is reflected by a target and returns to its point of
transmission. The direction from which it returns can be measured. The time taken for its
journey out and return is measured and knowing the speed of propagation the range of the
target can be calculated. Thus the position of the target is known.
The range of primary radar depends on the power output. As primary radar is an out and
return trip, to double the range the power must be increased by a factor of 16. Other
important factors which govern range are Pulse Recurrence Frequency, Pulse Recurrence
Period and Pulse Width.
if the PRF is 500 pps (pulses per second) then PRP = 1 = 0.002 sec = 2000s
PRF 500
The pulse has 2000 s to travel out and return before the next pulse is transmitted
If a target is 450 metres from the transmitter, the first cycle of the returning pulse or echo
would be received as the last cycle of the transmitted pulse leaves the transmitter. Echoes
from targets closer than 450 metres would not be received as the transmitter is still
transmitting. To receive echoes from targets closer than 450 metres the pulse width would
have to be reduced.
The Cathode Ray Tube produces electrons in the form of a stream from a cathode. The
stream of electrons can be controlled in such a way that radar derived information and other
data can be displayed on the CRT screen. To give a clear and accurate presentation the
electron stream must be focused into a narrow beam. This beam will appear as a dot on the
screen of the tube. The dot can be moved rapid by actuating the X and Y deflection plates.
There is sufficient afterglow to allow the most recent position of the dot to persist for a short
time, so instead of seeing a dot on the screen, a line or "timebase" is seen. The time base
can be linear (vertical of horizontal), radiating from the centre to the edge of the screen or
The cathode is a small cylinder coated with barium oxide. When heated the barium oxide
emits electrons.
The grid is cylindrical in shape and has a hole in the centre through which the beam of
electrons passes. Voltages applied to the grid, which is always negative with respect to the
cathode, control the number of electrons passing through it and hence the brilliance of the
display. The grid is the brilliance control.
The first and third anodes have a positive potential which attracts the electrons and
accelerates the electron beam towards the screen. As the beam passes through the centre
of the first anode the beam tends to diverge. This tendency to diverge is controlled by the
second anode, and by varying its negative potential the electrons are focused into a narrow
beam. The second anode is the focusing control.
The Y plates control the beam in the vertical and the X plates in the horizontal. To produce a
horizontal linear timebase, initially the left X plate would be positive and the right X plate
negative. This will position the beam at the left hand side of the screen. The potential of
both plates is rapidly reversed, the left plate becoming negative and the right plate positive.
The beam moves rapidly across the screen giving a horizontal time base. By repeating this
process many times a second a steady time base appears on the screen. A radar pulse
travels at 162 000 nm per second or 162 nm in 1000 s If the electron beam moves across
the screen in 1000 s the length of the time base is 162 nm. A returning echo from a target
is fed to the Y plates and a blip will appear and the range is measured against a suitable
The inner wall of the tube is coated with graphite which is connected to the third anode. This
serves to attract slow moving secondary electrons emitted from the screen as a result of the
impact of the beam. Otherwise they would tend to build up a negative charge sufficiently
strong to repel the beam.
Interference from other electrical equipment or atmospheric static may appear on the
screen. These tiny signals travel to the CRT via the Y plates and show up on the screen as
small blips in the vertical. They appear as "grass" hence their name. They appear when
the gain control is increased and indicate that the CRT is serviceable, reduce the gain and
they should disappear.
An indicator
A transmitter, receiver and aerial system. The word transponder means that it is a
transmitter which responds.
An aircraft transmits an interrogation pulse which is received by the DME. The DME
transponder will reply to the interrogation pulse received from the aircraft and will transmit a
reply pulse. Range is calculated from the time interval between the aircraft transmitting a
pulse and receiving the reply. As the DME transponder replies to every interrogation by all
aircraft, each aircraft must isolate the reply pulse to its own interrogation and reject reply
pulses to interrogations by other aircraft.
The aircraft transmits pairs of pulses 12 s apart. The time between the pairs of pulses is
varied at random
At the instant that a pair of pulses is transmitted the receiver starts timing and commences a
search for the transponder replies. The transponder replies to the interrogations by
transmitting pairs of pulses on a frequency 63 Mhz removed from the interrogation
frequency. The aircraft's receiver searches for pairs of pulses that match the time intervals
of its own transmitted pairs of pulses, its; own random PRF, and rejects pulses meant for
other aircraft. Once the aircraft's unique random PRF has been recognized the receiver
"locks on" and tracking commences and slant range to the DME is indicated.
During the search period the aircraft's interrogator transmits at a high rate of 150 pairs of
pulses per second. If "lock on" is not achieved in 100 seconds (15 000 pairs of pulses) the
PRF is lowered to 60 pairs of pulses per second until "lock on". At "lock on" the
transmission rate is reduced further to 25 - 30 pairs of pulses per second.
If the signals are lost, memory circuits are activated, which will continue to display range
information at the last known rate of change of range. After 10 seconds of memory
operation the equipment will revert to the search mode.
The aircraft VOR and DME equipment is frequency paired (similar to ILS Localiser and
Glide Path). A VOR frequency is selected and the appropriate DME frequency is
automatically selected and the DME starts interrogating. It is pointless for the DME to
transmit if the VOR has no DME or the aircraft is out of range. The automatic standby
circuits prevent the interrogator operating until it receives reply pulses from the transponder
meant for other aircraft, or "squitter or filler pulses" which are transmitted at random by the
The DME frequency band is divided into a low band and an upper band.
As the ground transponder reply frequency is 63 Mhz different from the interrogation
frequency the aircraft receiver will not accept replies to its interrogation that are reflected
from the ground .
The 126 Channels listed above are X channels and there is 12 s spacing between the two
pulses of the interrogation and transponder pulses. There are a further 126 Y channels but
the spacing between the two interrogation and transponder pulses is 36s.
The DME transponder can only transmit 2700 pairs of pulses per second. Assuming the
average transmission rate of an interrogator is ,5 pairs of pulses per second, then the DME
can reply to 100 aircraft. This is the saturation level. If more than 100 aircraft interrogate a
DME it is said to be saturated and the DME receiver gain is lowered and the transponder
will ignore the weakest interrogations, that is aircraft at the greatest range.
The aircraft VOR and DME equipment is frequency paired (similar to ILS Localiser and
Glide Path). A VOR frequency is selected and the appropriate DME frequency is
automatically selected and the DME starts interrogating.
The aerials are a maximum of 100 feet apart and the facilities are used in terminal areas for
approach purposes. Both facilities have the same IDENT (VOR JSV / DME JSV) . A VOR
co-located with a TACAN is known as a VORTAC.
En route navigational VOR/DME and the aerials are not more than 2000 feet apart. Both
facilities have the same IDENT (VOR CPL / DME CPL).
VOR and DME transmitters that are more than 2000 feet apart but serve the same area.
They are identified by their different IDENT. The first two letters will be the same but the
third letter of one facility will be a Z (VOR STN / DME STZ).
Where VOR and DME stations are at entirely different locations their IDENT will be
completely different and they are not to used in conjunction. Where a VOR is frequency
paired with a military TACAN the system is called a VORTAC.
Maximum range of DME is 200 nm, but being UHF it is line of sight and will depend on
aircraft altitude.
The range is slant range, an aircraft overhead a DME at 18 000 feet will have a range of
3 nm.
Question 1
An aircraft receives a reply a pulse from a DME 1730s after transmission of the
interrogation pulse. The DME has a fixed delay of 50s. The range of the aircraft from the
DME station is:-
Question 2
A DME with a fixed delay of 50s receives an interrogation pulse from an aircraft 425s
after transmission. The slant range of the aircraft From the DME station is :-
Primary radar transmits pulses from a rotating scanner, the pulses are reflected by aircraft
and return to the scanner. The bearing and distance of aircraft are portrayed on a PPI (Plan
Position Indicator). The major disadvantage of primary radar is that there is no positive
identification of each aircraft. Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) is used in conjunction
with primary radar to provide the necessary identification
RANGE 200 nm
The ground SSR interrogator transmits a pair of pulses on 1030 Mhz. The aircraft receives
the interrogation and replies on 1090 Mhz (TRANSPONDER CODE). The SSR interrogator
is directional and the aircraft transponder is omni-directional.
The aircraft replies to the interrogation by transmitting a pair of pulses 20.3 s apart called
the framing pulses. Between the two framing pulses will be the aircraft's allocated code (a
binary code) which is formed by the inclusion or omission of 12 coding pulses.
l = Inclusion 0 = Omission
A Special Identification Pulse (SIP) can be transmitted 4.35 s after the framing pulse by
pressing the IDENT button on the aircraft's SSR control unit. This is activated by the crew
on ATC request only and highlights the aircraft's position on the ATC PPI display.
There are 4096 codes available. When selecting or changing a code, care must be taken
not to select one of the emergency codes below. It is advisable to change codes on the
standby position.
On receiving a mode C interrogation the aircraft transponder will automatically transmit the
aircraft's altitude. The height is referenced to standard pressure of 1013.2 hPa regardless of
the altitude setting on the encoding altimeter.
The interrogator transmits a narrow beam in azimuth for bearing accuracy. Unfortunately the
azimuth beam has side lobes that may interrogate a nearby aircraft and an incorrect reply
would result. The pair of pulses of the interrogation are termed P1 and P3, A third
omnidirectional pulse P2 is transmitted 2 s after the P1 pulse, whose signal strength is
greater than the side lobes but less than the P1 and P3 pulses. Circuits in the transponder
receiver compare the amplitudes of the P1, P2 and P3 pulses and the transponder will only
reply if the amplitude of the P1 and P3 pulses is greater than the amplitude of the P2 pulse.
If an aircraft is within range of two SSR stations, the aircraft reply to a station A interrogation
may be received by station B and vice versa. The unwanted replies are called 'fruit' and to
combat this the Pulse Recurrence Periods of adjacent SSR stations are slightly different
and 'defruiting' circuits filter the replies with different PRP's.
If two aircraft are less that 1 nm apart in azimuth, the replies from the two aircraft would
appear as one wide blip on the PPI display. Special 'killer' circuits are incorporated to
prevent this and two blips would appear.
The SHF 9375 Mhz is used because of the short wavelength of 3.2 cms. At this wavelength
mist, fog and clouds composed of tiny water droplets do not reflect the 3.2 cm wavelength,
and as these clouds and fog are harmless to aircraft regarding turbulence, need not be
shown on the radar screen. Clouds such as large Cumulus and Cumulo-nimbus are
composed of large water drops and hail due to the strong vertical currents in the clouds and
are dangerous to aircraft. Radar pulses of 3.2 cm wavelength are reflected from such large
water drops and give excellent echoes. Weather radar is a primary radar
(1 transmitter/receiver and 1 frequency) and uses the searchlight principle.
A short pulse is transmitted and the receiver detects the returning echo on the same
frequency. Receiver sensitivity is reduced immediately after transmission of the pulse and
slowly increased with time. The echoes from clouds close to the aircraft will be strong whilst
echoes from distant clouds will be weak. Varying receiver sensitivity will paint clouds with a
similar brightness on the radar screen. This is the sensitive time control (STC).
Range depends on transmission power and Pulse Recurrence Frequency / Period. The
pulse must be given enough time to travel out to the cloud and return as an echo, before the
next pulse is transmitted.
STBY STANDBY Normally selected after starting engines, radar ready for
instant use.
Permits aerial tilt 30 up when estimating the height of cloud tops or 30 down when ground
mapping at long range.
To increase or reduce the rate that clouds on the screen fade. The time base sweeps from
left to right painting clouds. At the second sweep from left to right, the clouds painted by the
first sweep should be fading just as they are repainted by the second sweep a little closer to
the aircraft.
The normal position for observing clouds using a narrow conical pencil beam.
Ground mapping by the use of a cosecant beam which is a very wide beam in the vertical
(85). The power output of the beam varies as the cosecant of the angle of depression.
Minimum power is directed vertically to objects at close range and the power increases to
the maximum for objects at long range so as to paint similar ground features with equal
brightness. The maximum range of the cosecant beam is in the order of 65 nm.
A narrow conical pencil beam used in conjunction with the tilt control for ground mapping at
long range. Small islands can usually be painted at the maximum range of the radar. The
sensitive time control is inoperative in this position and the manual gain control is used.
The iso-echo display examines clouds in detail. Although the pilot can see clouds ahead of
the aircraft, it needs experience to determine very dangerous clouds from less dangerous
ones on a monochrome display. Strong turbulent clouds produce stronger echoes than
inactive clouds. When the contour position is selected the iso-echo system inhibits echoes
above a predetermined level and the area will not be seen on the screen. About the
turbulent area there is the remainder of the cloud whose activity is below the predetermined
level and will be shown. A cloud shown on the screen with black holes is extremely
dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
The conical pencil beam is narrow, in the region of 4 in azimuth and 5 in the vertical. At
long range two clouds less than the beam width apart will appear as one cloud. As the
aircraft approaches the clouds and the beam narrows they will appear as separate clouds.
The beam adds one half of the beam width distance on either side of the cloud. This is due
to the fact that the echo returns from the time that the leading edge of the beam comes in
contact with the cloud until the time that the trailing edge of the beam leaves the cloud.
The cloud reflects the pulse for the same time duration as the length of the pulse. It is
presented on the screen against a time base, measuring range. The time scale is halved in
order to display cloud ranges. On the time base the pulse length extends the image in
range by a distance equal to half the pulse length.
Using the tilt control the beam is raised until the cloud just begins to disappear. The bottom
of the beam is directly on top of the cloud. This gives the angular measurement of the cloud
tops above aircraft altitude. Knowing the range of the cloud the height of the cloud tops can
be calculated.
Example 3
Beam width 3
Tilt 2 down
Stab on
Fl 350
Cloud range 17nms
= 6322 ft
Radio Altimeters
A radio wave is transmitted vertically and the time taken for the radio wave to reach the
ground and return to the aircraft is measured. Knowing the speed of propagation multiplied
by time will give the height of the aircraft landing gear above the ground.
Distance = Speed x Time = 0.984 feet / ns x 1170 ns = Aircraft Height 575.64 feet
2 2
A decision height control knob positions the DH bug for use during an ILS approach.
Fixed Error
This error is caused by the method of converting frequency difference into height and
feeding the current to the indicator. The radio altimeter pointer moves in 5 feet steps (similar
to the second hand of a watch) so an error of 2½ feet may be present at any time.
Mushing Error
When the transmitting aerial is at a different height to the receiving aerial due to aircraft
Area navigation equipment includes INS, LORAN, and recently GPS. The first three are
expensive and with the advent of cheap computers an area navigation system based on
VOR and DME was designed. This system is known as a RHO - THETA system. RHO
being the distance from a DME and THETA the bearing from the VOR.
The two unknowns, side a (distance to the waypoint) and angle B (magnetic track to the
waypoint) are solved and can be presented on a CDI as steering commands similar to the
In effect the position of the VOR /DME has been offset to the waypoint.
RNAV CLC Less than 100 nm from the waypoint Full scale deflection 5nm
RNAV CLC More than 100 nm from the waypoint Full scale deflection 10°
RNAV CLC Approach Mode (up to 25 nm) Full scale deflection 1.25nm
A non-precision approach to an airfield may be made with the CLC in the approach mode.
The airfield must be within 25 nm of a VOR/DME station.
CLC computers vary greatly. A simple installation may not correct for DME slant range. With
a basic CLC the VOR/DME frequency is selected on the nav receiver. On the CLC waypoint
selector the radial and DME distance of the waypoint is selected. The CDI presents left/right
steering commands in conjunction with an OBS. With more sophisticated systems the
computer may be programmed with 10 waypoints, VOR/DME positions and frequencies,
elevation of VOR/DME stations and inputs from an encoding altimeter (to calculate ground
range instead of slant range).
The time interval between the time of transmission of the signal by the satellite and
reception of the signal by an aircraft is measured. The time interval multiplied by the speed
of propagation of radio waves gives the range of the aircraft from the satellite.
21 satellites plus 3 active in orbit spares arranged in six orbital planes inclined at 55 ْ to the
The orbit is slightly elliptical at 10 898 NM ( 288 NM) altitude. 1 orbit every 12 hours.
Each satellite transmits a precisely timed binary pulse train together with a set of ephemeris
constants (astronomical position) defining its current orbit.
The user segment consists of receivers on board surface transport vehicles, aircraft and
ships. The receiver picks up signals from four or more satellites and a computer calculates
the position.
The control segment consists of 5 unmanned monitor stations that track each satellite in its
orbit. Each satellite's orbit and the timing of the onboard atomic clock is monitored. Any
necessary corrections are then sent to one of four ground stations and transmitted to each
satellite to update the ephemeris co-ordinates and clock correction factors.
L2 1227.6 Mhz, P (precise code only) for military use with an accuracy of 3 metres.
Each satellite is assigned its own unique C/A and P codes for identification.
The United States military will not permit unlimited use of the highest accuracy levels ( 3
metres) that GPS provides. The P code signal for military use only is encoded in such a
way that civil users cannot make use of it. The accuracy of the civil C/A code is as from 02
May 2000 20 metres. When SA was on, a GPS degradation of 100 metres was
achieved by jittering the satellite timing in an unpredictable fashion and by drifting the
broadcast satellite ephemeris. The effect of SA was that the indicated position for a
stationary user wandered around the true position in an unpredictable fashion. The US DoD
can still degrade the accuracy in selected areas, but will give advanced warning of this.
Three satellites will give three spheres of range which provides an unambiguous fix in two
dimensions without the geocentric height input. Actually there will be two fixes but one will
be far out in space which is an impractical position for an aircraft.
Four satellites will give a three dimensional fix that is independent of any other input. The
fix is related to three satellites and the mass centre of the Earth. The accuracy of the fix will
vary and depends on the angles of intersection of the three range spheres which in turn
depends on the relative positions of three satellites. The fourth satellite is used to eliminate
timing errors.
Each satellite transmits its unique pulse train towards a receiver, the pulse train contains the
ident code, the satellite position and the exact time it was transmitted. The signal will take
about one-eleventh of a second to reach the receiver. The receiver generates an identical
C/A code pulse train but it is not synchronized with the transmission. The receiver
automatically slews the pulse train it is generating in order to match the two signals. When
they are matched the receiver "locks on" and the receiver can measure the signal travel
time plus or minus the timing error of the quartz crystal oscillator in the receiver. This error
is the "clock bias error'' and is the same for each satellite. The signal travel time multiplied
by 162 000 nm per second gives a pseudo range which has to be corrected for the receiver
clock bias error.
By measuring the time delays from four or more satellites the computer can set up four
equations and mathematically eliminate the clock bias error and calculate the position of the
The receiver Latitude, Longitude, Altitude and Clock Bias Error are unknown but can be
calculated by the following equations.
By geometry:
(S1 Lat - R Lat)2 + (S1 Long - R Long) 2 + (S1 Alt – R Alt) 2 = (TTCB) 2
(S2 Lat - R Lat) 2 + (S2 Long - R Long) 2 + (S2 Alt - R Alt) 2 = (TT CB) 2
(S3 Lat - R Lat) 2 + (S3 Long - R Long) 2 + (S3 Alt - R Alt) 2 = (TT CB) 2
(S4 Lat - R Lat) 2 + (S4 Long - R Long) 2 + (S4 Alt - R Alt) 2 = (TT CB) 2
The corrected signal travel time multiplied by the speed of light equals the slant range from
the satellite to the receiver (similar to DME).
The velocity of the aircraft is calculated by the instantaneous Doppler frequency shift at the
Note: The Cartesian Co-ordinate System is used by GPS (X, Y and Z axes) but the units
used in the above equations are immaterial.
Relativistic time delay is in accordance with Einstein's theories of relativity.. The clock on
board the satellite ( 10 898 nm altitude, velocity 12 000 feet/sec) ticks at a different rate to
the clock on board an aircraft ( 6 nm altitude, velocity 1000 feet/sec) because the clocks
are in different gravitational fields. The magnitude of the error is predictable and the satellite
clock can be offset to correct for this error.
Ionospheric Delay
Radio signals from the satellites passing through the ionosphere are bent and are slowed
down. The resulting time delay is inversely proportional to the square of the transmission
frequency and two frequencies (L1 and L2) can be used to compensate. Each frequency
has a slightly different time delay. The P code receivers can be programmed for the
majority of this error. The C/A receivers use the L1 signal only and can be programmed to
reduce the error by about 50 %.
Tropospheric Delay
The tropospheric delay occurs when the radio signals are slowed down when passing
through the troposphere. The error is a function of aircraft altitude and satellite elevation
above the horizon, the error is maximum when the aircraft altitude is low and the satellite is
on the horizon. The correction factor is mathematical.
The position accuracy of C/A is deliberately degraded to 100 metres by the US military. To
improve accuracy the position of a monitor station is accurately surveyed, usually by using
GPS. This may appear strange but several hundreds of thousand GPS positions can be
taken in a few days and the receiver position is averaged and refined to a few centimetres.
Originally a geographical correction was transmitted to aircraft by data link (correction 015
(T) 55 metres). This was not satisfactory as the aircraft may have used different satellites
than the monitor and the correction factor was not valid, and the method was abandoned .
Many GPS receivers now use every satellite above the horizon instead of just four. The
monitor station also uses every satellite in view instead of the original four. Corrections are
calculated by first calculating the pseudo range assuming the receiver and satellite positions
are correct. The difference between the calculated and measured pseudo ranges is the
correction transmitted to aircraft by data link.
The ideal GPS fix will be obtained when the ranges are from three satellites which are 120
apart in azimuth and the fourth satellite is overhead.
Assuming that the ranges from three satellites are under reading by 50 metres, then the
centre of the cocked hat will be the correct position due to excellent geometry. If the three
satellites are only 50 apart in azimuth then the centre of the cocked hat may be in error.
The problem is overcome by using as many satellites as possible but bear in mind possible
errors when geometry is poor. The errors could increase from 30 metres with ideal
geometry to 300 metres with poor geometry.
There is always a possibility that a satellite maybe transmitting faulty information, either in
its position or time. This will be detected by the five stations of the control segment or by
the monitor station of DGPS and action will be taken. Nevertheless this will take time and
the pilot of an aircraft needs to be warned of a satellite malfunction when it occurs, thus
Integrity monitoring relies on the fact that only four satellites are required to obtain a fix. The
fix is three dimensional, three ranges gives a triangle and the fourth produces a tetrahedron
or pyramid. Usually more than four satellites are in view and the extra satellites can be used
to form different combinations of four satellites that can be compared for consistency. With
five satellites, there are five possible combinations of four satellite fixes and provided all of
the combinations have the same or similar PDOP one will produce a smaller tetrahedral
volume than the others. This is the one fix that does not include the faulty satellite, all the
others do and the faulty satellite can be identified and isolated.
Unfortunately five fixes with similar PDOP rarely occur which makes comparisons difficult if
not impossible. Six satellites improves the situation significantly and seven satellites even
better. Eight satellites which is the average maximum in view at any time with a 24 satellite
system gives a 65% certainty of a satellite malfunction being detected which is way below
the 99.9% required for precision approaches. To ensure that RAIM will be 100% foolproof at
any position and at anytime between 36 and 42 satellites are required. Combined
GPS/GLONASS receivers are being developed which will increase the number of satellites
available from 24 to 48.
The GPWS monitors six basic modes of aircraft operation and issues warnings if a
hazardous situation is arising.
Crew action in response to GPWS alerts or warnings are given in the Operations Manual.
1 Excessive rate of descent with respect to terrain 50ft-2450ft SINK RATE WHOOP WHOOP-PULL UP
+ flashing lamp
4b Unsafe terrain clearance 50ft-500ft TOO LOW - FLAPS ‘TOO LOW – TERRAIN’
(Aircraft not in landing configuration – Flap up)