Photo Story Rubric
Photo Story Rubric
Photo Story Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Point of View - Strong awareness of Some awareness of Some awareness of Limited awareness of
Awareness of audience in the audience in the audience in the the needs and
design. Students can design. Students can design. Students find interests of the target
Audience clearly explain why partially explain why it difficult to explain audience.
they felt the pictures they felt the pictures how the pictures
chosen fit the target chosen fit the target chosen fit the target
audience. audience. audience.
Duration of Length of Length of Length of Presentation was less
Presentation presentation was 4 presentation was 3 presentation was 2 than 2 minutes long.
minutes. minutes. minutes.
Soundtrack - All of the music is Most (over half) of Some of the music is No music was used.
Originality original. the music is original. original.
Images Images create a Images create an An attempt was made Little or no attempt to
distinct atmosphere atmosphere or tone to use images to use images to create
or tone that matches that matches some create an an appropriate
different parts of the parts of the story. atmosphere/tone but atmosphere/tone.
story. it needed more work.