Non - Eucharistic Liturgy
Non - Eucharistic Liturgy
Non - Eucharistic Liturgy
Children must be allocated a group to assist in the preparation of
different aspects for the liturgy, these include:
- Making of the Wreath
- Collection of Violet Cloth and candles
- Re-enactment of the gospel (Students narrators, reading of the
gospel, Student Actors, act out the events of the gospel)
- Selection of 2 Hymns (Gathering and Recessional), inclusive of
learning/teaching the hymns to the students
- Prayers of the faithful, can be written in pairs during class time,
not every students prayer will have the opportunity to be used
during the liturgy - students are given the opportunity to reflect on
the overall message of advent (hope) through writing these prayers.
We Gather
During this first week of advent
we recognise hope as people are
reconnecting with their
anticipation and preparation for
the coming of our Lord, hoping to
connect with God through the
Holy Spirit.
Let us Pray,
Song of Hope Robbie Seay
All things bright and beautiful
You are
All things wise and wonderful You
In my darkest night, You brighten
up the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is
God of heaven come down,
heaven come down
All things new
I can start again
Creator, God
Calling me Your friend
Sing praise, my soul
To the Maker of the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know You and be loved is
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Gospel Reading
Hallelujah, sing
Penitential Rite
Advent Confession and
ForgivenessIn the name of the Father, and
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord of Advent tells us to be
watchful for his coming, keeping
our lamps lighted, and our hearts
clean. Therefore let us confess to
the Lord.
Mark- 1:1-8
Prayers of the faithful - We
give thanks for (Using the
prayers made by students, select
4 or 5 to be read out by a
selection of students, they can
read the prayer they made.)
The symbol used in this class
We Go and Tell
Final prayer
Lord as we look to the birth of
Jesus, grant that the light of your
love for us will help us to
become lights in the lives of
those around us. Prepare our
hearts for the joy and gladness
of your coming, for Jesus is our
hope. Amen.
Recessional Hymn
Build your Kingdom here
Rend Collective
Come, set Your rule and reign
In our hearts again
Increase in us we pray
Unveil why we're made
Come, set our hearts ablaze with
Like wildfire in our very souls
Holy Spirit come invade us now
We are Your church
We need Your power in us
We seek Your kingdom first
We hunger and we thirst
Refuse to waste our lives
For You're our joy and prize