Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Master of Computer Applications, MBA (2 Shift)
Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Master of Computer Applications, MBA (2 Shift)
Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Master of Computer Applications, MBA (2 Shift)
of Pune)
Sector No.29, Akurdi, Pune-411044 Tel No:
Library Policy:
The various Policies of the Library are as follows:
Library Membership:
Any newly admitted student can apply for membership of the library after paying library
deposit at the time of admission. Newly recruited faculty can also apply for membership
of library after completing all official formalities. Subsequently, student, faculty and staff
are issued library cards for using library facilities. The library deposit is refunded to the
student only at the time of issue of leaving certificate as well as the faculty / staff is
required to obtain a clearance from library at the time of leaving job.
2. Borrowing Privileges :
The Students can avail the issue of 3 Books for 7 days and 10 CDs for 2 days. All the
faculty and staff members can avail the issue of 10 Books and 2 Journals.
3. Issue of Reference Books:
Reference Books are not issued to the students but they can refer them in the reading hall
during library hours.
4. Overdue books
Books must be returned by the due date or earlier if recalled by the Librarian. Failure to
return a book by the date specified will be treated as a serious offence. The Library will
endeavor to send overdue notices but will not be held responsible for non-delivery, under
whatever circumstances.
5. Loss and Damage
Borrowers will be held responsible for materials out on loan. If the material is lost, an
immediate report should be made to the Librarian to enable appropriate action to be
Dr. D. Y. Patil
14) The Library Committee may amend the Library Rules and Regulations as and when
Note: The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the Library to
carry out its functions as efficiently as possible. Failure to observe the above rules can lead to disqualification.