Lesson Plan Course Name: College and Career Readiness: Mathematics
Lesson Plan Course Name: College and Career Readiness: Mathematics
Lesson Plan Course Name: College and Career Readiness: Mathematics
Unit: Geometry
Date: 3/11/14
Lesson: M&M Project
Learning Target: As a result of todays class, students will be able to:
Obtain and organize data in a table. Students will be able to interpret the data through the use of probability to compare theoretical and experimental
Formative Assessment:
Students will work with graphs on gathering and organizing data on M&Ms. While they are working teacher will walk around and make sure students
are on task and answer any questions.
Exit slip will ask them to explain the difference between theoretical and experimental probability based on the
data they collected. The exit slip will also ask for an example of when knowing the difference between these
could be important.
Probing Questions for Differentiation on Mathematical Tasks
Assessing Questions
Advancing Questions
How would you find theoretical probability?
If you redid the experiment what would be different? Why do you think
How would you find experimental probability?
Are these always the same?
If we looked at a larger number of M&Ms what do you think would
Will two of the same experiment always give the same experimental
happen to the experimental probability?
If someone asked you the probability of an M&M dying would you give
them the experimental or the theoretical probability? Why?
Mathematical Practice: Which student mathematical practice(s) will be targeted for proficiency development during this lesson?
Lesson Plan
5 minutes
Lesson Plan
5 minutes
Materials Needed:
1 cup per group
About 50-100 M&Ms per group
M&M project handout
Technology Tips:
Have the directions on the board for as long as possible so students can
refer back to it.