Instructional Assignment-5-Lesson Plan
Instructional Assignment-5-Lesson Plan
Instructional Assignment-5-Lesson Plan
-Teachers own notebook
-Smart Board connected with a tablet called mimio pad
Modifications/Differentiated Instruction
While some of students do the examples well, some others may
get stuck on the examples or may do them slowly. Ask a
challenge question for those who finish early or easily. For
instance, write this question on the board 4
and give
In the last 5 minutes, give the students a short quiz which has
some exponent questions to assess learning. Make them harder
than bell work and easier than examples. Ask only 1 to 3
questions and use it as an Exit Ticket. If they turn it in, let them
leave the classroom.
Guided Practice
Assign the students practice questions from the textbook. Have
them work on it after the instructional activity. They can work in
pairs and benefit from each other. While they are working on class
work, help those who need help and then go over some questions
with whole class on the board.
Independent Practice
Assign the students homework from the textbook or provide them
a worksheet as homework. Worksheet is attached at the end.
Also, provide username and password for the website where they get more practice.
Formative/Ongoing Assessment
At the beginning of the class in the bell work, ask students for
their answer to measure how much they know about
At the end of the class, in the last five minutes give the students
quiz to assess their learning of exponent.
Summative/End of Lesson Assessment
Give a Unit Test at the end of the unit in order to measure lesson
learning in the unit.