I use Powerschool to enter all
grades. Typically grades are fully
updated on Sundays! Check
frequently to see your grade and if
you are missing any assignments.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit will be given out once
a quarter worth about 2% of your
grade. You may also buy Extra
Credit using Achievement Points
(see Leaderboard and Item Shop)
Entering the classroom:
-Often times we will have so much
to do that the class period in front
of you is exiting the classroom as
you get to Mr. Lewis classroom.
Line up along the wall and wait for
everyone to exit before you come
in. There is no need to block the
- Upon entering the room, you
need to get ready for class. If
there is a paper on the stool, take
one with you to your desk. Take
out your agenda and write down
tonights homework. Even if there
is No Homework, you still need to
write this down. If you need to get
absent work, sharpen your pencil,
or turn in last nights homework, do
so before the bell rings.
If you are not sitting in your seat
when the bell rings, you are tardy
and will be marked down in
PowerSchool. 3 tardies in a
quarter to all classes combined
means you will need to call home
to inform your parents. 6 tardies
combined will earn you a
Wednesday School Detention.
During class:
Students are expected to remain in
their assigned seats unless
otherwise directed. If you need to
get up to get a tissue, sharpen
your pencil or any other reason, do
so at a convenient time like when
we are switching activities. Try to
avoid moving around during
instruction time or sharpening a
pencil while someone is talking.
End of Class:
I will dismiss you, not the bell.
Work till the bell! Do not pack up
in anticipation. If we ever have
extra time, you may talk quietly. If
everyone is going to be late
because of social studies, I will
send an email to all of your
teachers. If you have an individual
question after class, I can write
you a pass.
Leaving Class:
-If you need to use the bathroom
or go to your locker, fill out your
agenda hall pass with the date,
time and destination and Mr. Lewis
will sign it. Take the
bathroom/locker pass hanging on
the wall and your agenda. You
should not need more than 5
- If it is an emergency, grab the
bathroom pass and go!! Please try
not to vomit in the classroom!
-Once your quarter passes are
gone, you may not go to the
- Only one person may go at a
time to a destination.
Classroom Discussions:
Social studies is a great class to
discuss lots of fun things but
students need to be aware of the
1) Not everyone will have the
same opinion as you and
that is ok
2) Agree or disagree, you still
need to be respectful
3) Meanness, sexism, racism
(all kinds), cultural
insensitivity, and bullying
will not be tolerated at all
during discussions.
4) Raise your hand to speak.
5) Speak only if you have
been called on.
6) Sometimes, not everyone
will get a chance to speak
because of time restraints.
7) If you have a thought or
question, write it down!
Attention Getter:
Mr. Lewis favorite way of getting
your attention is to Have a hush
fall over the crowd. When he
says that, he will put his arms out
and slowly move them around the
room and a wave of silence will
follow his arms. You need to stop
talking and listen for directions. If
Mr. Lewis has to do the wave more
than twice, the class will lose
Achievement Points.
-Each student creates a user name
(this is not mandatory) and
becomes involved in a year long
race to unlock different learning
badges, new levels and to be at
the top of the board by gaining
Experience Points (points from
homework assignments, quizzes,
and projects) and Achievement
Points (good behavior, good group
work etc).
-This is in no way tied to a
students report card grade but is
just for fun and bragging rights.
Certain items can be bought
using points like Homework
Pass, Music in Class, Points
Booster and Reward Days to
encourage good behavior.
Students will work in groups on a
major project 1-2 times per quarter
with the same members. The
students will select groups and
therefore students are responsible
for the group output.
Students will be exposed to PG13
material in class. Many movies
depicting ancient times are fraught
with knife/sword fights and scenes
of death. All whole and partial
movies have been screened
and/or edited by Mr. Lewis and
selected for their academic
Internet searches:
Warning to parents that if your
student simply Googles many
topics in our course of study, there
are often times risqu pictures.
Dear Parent/Guardian
I am looking forward to a wonderful year of learning about Ancient
Cultures, History and Geography with your 7th Grader. We have had a great
first few days of class! Ask your scholar about their Play Doh creation they
made on the first day of school or who their class decided to rescue on the
stranded island! This past Friday was Heritages PRIDE Day too! Lots of
fun things have already started and we will continue that trend throughout
the year!
Please make every effort to get a 100-page, 1 subject, metal spiral, 3 hole punch notebook for social
studies only. This will become THE Social Studies Notebook and we will use it all year, so I ask that
it be as high quality as possible so it does not fall apart!
Should you have any questions about class, please feel free to email me at
I look forward to meeting you on Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
Best wishes,
Taylor Lewis
Please tear off the bottom portion of this paper and return with your student to school by Wednesday, August 23, 2015
I (parent/guardian) give my student permission to
watch all or portions of a PG13 movie.
I (parent(s)/guardian) and student have read and
fully understand the above syllabus.
Student Signature
Parent Signature