Naap Habitablezones SG
Naap Habitablezones SG
Naap Habitablezones SG
Width of CHZ
Question 2: Lets explore the width of the CHZ for other stars. Complete the table below
for stars with a variety of masses.
CHZ Inner
CHZ Outer
of CHZ
Question 3: Using the table above, what general conclusion can be made regarding the
location of the CHZ for different types of stars?
Question 4: Using the table above, what general conclusion can be made regarding the
width of the CHZ for different types of stars?
Question 6: Select the system HD 93083. Note that planet b is in this stars CHZ. Now in
fact this planet has a mass of at least 0.37 Jupiter masses. Is this planet a likely candidate
to have life like that on Earth? Why or why not?
Question 7: Note that Jupiters moon Europa is covered in water ice. What would Europa
be like if it orbited HD 93083b?
believe that the CHZ of this star may include one or both of
researchers agree where those limits should be drawn.) This system is the best candidate
yet discovered for an earth-like planet near or in a CHZ.
the first strip is a timeline encompassinging the complete lifetime of the star with
time values labeled
the second strip represents the temperature range of the CHZ the orange bar at
the top indicates the inner boundary and the blue bar at the botom the outer
boundary. A black line is shown in between for times when the planet is within
the CHZ.
The bottom strip also shows the length of time the planet is in the CHZ in dark
blue as well as labeling important events during the lifetime of a star such as
when it leaves the main sequence.
Stars gradually brighten as they get older. They are building up a core of helium ash
and the fusion region becomes slightly larger over time, generating more energy.
Question 8: Return to the none selected mode and configure the simulator for Earth (a 1
M star at a distance of 1 AU). Note that immediately after our Sun formed Earth was in
the middle of the CHZ. Drag the timeline cursor forward and note how the CHZ moves
outward as the Sun gets brighter. Stop the time cursor at 4.6 billion years to represent the
present age of our solar system. Based on this simulation, how much longer will Earth be
in the CHZ?
Question 9: What is the total lifetime of the Sun (up to the point when it becomes a white
dwarf and no longer supports fusion)?
You may have noticed the planet moving outwards towards the end of the stars life. This
is due to the star losing mass in its final stages.
Time in CHZ
Question 11: It took approximately 4 billion years for complex life to appear on Earth. In
which of the systems above would that be possible? What can you conclude about a stars
mass and the likeliood of it harboring complex life.
Tidal Locking
We have learned that large stars are not good candidates for life because they
evolve so quickly. Now lets take a look at low-mass stars. Reset the simulator and set
the initial star mass to 0.3 M. Drag the planet in to the CHZ.
Question 12: Notice that the planet is shown with a dashed line through its middle. What
has happened is that the planet is so close to its star that is has become tidally locked due
to gravitational interactions. This is analogous to Earths moon which always presents the
same side towards Earth. For a planet orbiting a star, this means one side would get very
hot and the other side would get very cold. (However, a thick atmosphere could
theoretically spread the heat around the planet as happens on Venus. In answering the
following questions, please put aside this possibility.)
Question 13: What would happen to Earths water if it were suddenly to become tidally
locked to the Sun? What would this mean for life on Earth?
Question 14: Complete the table below by resetting the simulator, setting the initial star
mass to the value in the table, and positioning the planet in the middle of the CHZ at time
zero. Record whether or not the planet is tidally locked at this time. If tidal locking
reduces the likelihood of life evolving on a planet,
which system in the table is least conducive towards
0.3 M
0.5 M
0.8 M
1.0 M
CHZ Summation
We have seen that low-mass stars have very small CHZs very close to the star and
that planets become tidally locked at these small distances. We have seen that high-mass
stars have very short lives too short for life as we know it to appear.
The combination of these two trains of thought is often referred to as the
Goldilocks hypothesis that medium-mass stars give the optimal opportunity for
complex life to appear.
Now we are going to investigate habitability zones on the scale of the entire
Milky Way Galaxy. The two competing factors that we will look at are 1) the likelihood
of planets forming (since we assume that life needs a planet to evolve on), and 2) the
likelihood of life being wiped out by a cosmic catastrophe.
Open up the Milky Way Habitabilty Explorer. Each of the two factors described
above are illustrated in a graph as a function of distance from the galactic center.
Question 15: What factor influences the rate of planet formation? How does this vary as a
function of a star systems distance from the center of the Milky Way?
Question 16: What sort of events can wipe out life on a planet? How does the likelihood
of extinction for life vary depending upon a star systems distance from the center of the
Milky Way?
Question 17: Present a version of the Goldilocks Hypothesis for the GHZ that is similar
in character to that which we stated for the CHZ earlier.