Syllabus 2015
Syllabus 2015
Syllabus 2015
Course Description:
This course is designed to develop scholars Spanish skills in writing,
speaking, and reading. Scholars will also look at Spanish through a
social and cultural lens to enhance their grasp of the language and the
culture of Latin America and Spain. Scholars will enhance these skills
needed to be functional Spanish speakers in our society. Essential
Questions: why do we need to learn Spanish? How can learning
a second language help me after Eagle Academy?
Grading Policy
Proficiency 15%
in Content 25%
Writing Tasks
are not to be around or pick up anything from the teachers desk
without permission.
6. Student Interaction: In a classroom it is common for students to ask
questions, respond to questions or comments, listen, and work in
cooperative groups. You are to respect everyone. Do not just blurt
out when others are speaking, you will be given the same opportunity
to have the floor, (RAISE YOUR HAND). We will not always agree with
one another but we will always respect one another. If at any time you
do not understand something, raise your hand IMMEDIATELY to
receive help.
7. Absences: When you are absent, you need to have a note from your
parent/guardian/teacher. If I do not receive this note by your second
day back, it will be presumed that you were skipping and the
appropriate punishment will follow. It is your responsibility to get your
makeup work before or after class. All makeup work will be in the
MAKEUP work binder. Assignments that were due on the day you
missed are due the day you come back. It is your responsibility to
find out work that you missed on you own time not during class time.
8. Makeup/Late Work: Anything turned in after it is called for is late and
will be subject to penalty points off. No work will be accepted after
7 days. If absent on test/quiz dates, you will have 7 days to make up
the assessment. No work will be accepted after 7 days.
9. Professionalism Rubrics: You need to pick up your professionalism
rubric every day. Do NOT take anyone elses rubric out of the folder.
You need to make sure that you fill in the appropriate self score each
day. Professionalism grades will be given weekly. Do not lose your
rubric or take it home. A missing rubric will count as a 45. An un-scored
rubric will result in a loss of points. Do NOT pre-score rubrics. Taking
any one elses rubric will result in a 0 for that day.
Notebooks: Each student will be expected to keep a wellorganized notebook. Composition notebooks are unacceptable. Each
student must have a 1-subject notebook with a folder or a small one
subject binder. Your notebook will be checked randomly to insure that
you are keeping up and are organized. Organization plays a huge role
in success..
Academic Support: Academic Support will be offered Tuesdays,
and Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 in Room 122. You should arrive no later
than 5 minutes after the start time. This time will serve as support for
Spanish, this is not a place for makeup work. Passes will not be given
to the bathroom so take care of your personal needs before attending.