Section 6 Morth

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Part A - Table of Contents




PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................. 87
SECTION 100 GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 88
SECTION 300 - EARTHWORK EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ...................................... 94
SECTION 400 - SUB-BASES, BASES (NON-BITUMINOUS) AND SHOULDERS: ........................ 97
SECTION 500 - BASE AND SURFACE COURSES (BITUMINOUS): ............................................ 98
DELETED ............................................................................................................................. 100
DELETED. ............................................................................................................................ 100
SECTION 2000 BEARINGS ................................................................................................. 100
DELETED ......................................................................................................................... 100
DELETED ......................................................................................................................... 100
DELETED. ........................................................................................................................ 100
SECTION 100 - GENERAL ................................................................................................. 100
SECTION 3000 MAINTENANCE OF ROADS .................................................................... 104

ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 114


GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS................................................................... 114

PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 117
MEASURING COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY LEVELS ............................................. 130



Page 87





The Technical Specification, in accordance with which the entire Works and Services of the
Contract shall be carried out by the Contractor, shall comprise the Ministry of Shipping, Road
Transport & Highways, Government of Indias, SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND
BRIDGE WORKS (Fourth Revision, August, 2001), published by the Indian Roads
Congress, hereinafter referred to as MOSRT&H Specifications, together with the various
amendments and Supplementary Clauses which are contained in this Section of the
Contract Documents, and shall be read in conjunction with the other Contract Documents.
This Section is therefore in two parts, A and B. Part A contains amendments to the
MOSRT&H Specification, together with Supplementary Technical Clauses, which therefore
apply to the whole Contract and Part B contains Supplementary Clauses for PerformanceBased activities only.
When a particular Clause or part thereof in the MOSRT&H Specifications is amended by
Part A, referred to above, the amendment will supercede the relevant Clause or part thereof.
Any reference to the superceded Clause or part thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
amended Clause or part thereof.
In so far as any amended or supplementary Clause may come into conflict or be inconsistent
with any of the provisions of the MOSRT&H Specifications under reference, the amended or
supplementary Clause shall always prevail.
The following Clauses in the MOSRT&H Specifications have been amended:
106, 108, 111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 301, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 401, 406, 501, 502, 503,
504, 801, 803, 805, , and 2009,
In addition, supplementary clauses have been added to the MOSRT&H Specification and
are set out in this Section, as follows:
Section 100 - General
Section 3000 Maintenance of Roads
For clarity, supplementary clauses are numbered in sequence from the last clause of the
MOSRT&H Specification, but with the addition of an X character
Furthermore, in the absence of any definitive guidance or regulation in the aforesaid
MOSRTH Specification, amendments, and supplements, to govern the implementation of
any works or Servicies required under the Contract, reference should be made to the latest
codes and specifications of IRC and BIS, in that order. Where even these are silent, the
provision of the Works and Servicess shall conform to sound engineering or management
practice, as approved by the Engineer, and in the case of any dispute arising out of the
interpretation of the above, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding on the




Page 88

Amendments To MOSRT & H Specification


Section 100 General

Clause 106

Construction Equipment:
Add the following sentence at the end of para (a) of this Clause.
The trial run shall be carried out by laying the relevant pavement
material which shall not be part of the permanent works. The trial
shall be carried out on prior approval of the equipment by the
Add the following para (g) below para (f) in this Clause:
(g) The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the detailed technical
literature and other relevant documents regarding the
performance of plant/equipment for approval prior to its purchase
or mobilization on site.

Clause 108:

Site Information

Clause 108.4

This Clause shall read as follows:

Identification of quarry sites and borrow areas shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. Materials procured from quarry sites
and borrow areas identified by the Contractor and to be used in Works
must comply with the requirements of quality as stipulated in the
Technical Specifications for particular item of work.

Clause 111

Precautions for Safeguarding the Environment:

Clause 111.1 General

Add the following after the first paragraph:
The Contractor shall preserve existing trees, plants and other
vegetation that are to remain within or adjacent to the Works and shall
use every precaution necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto.
On completion of the Works, all areas disturbed by the Contractors
construction activities shall be restored in their original condition, or as
may be acceptable to the Engineer. The cost of this work shall be
deemed to be included in the rates generally.
Clause 111.4 Add the following sentence :
The Contractor shall ensure that there is good drainage at all
construction areas so as to avoid creation of stagnant water bodies,
especially in urban/industrial areas.
Clause 111.5 Pollution from Hot Mix Plants (H.M.P) and Batching Plants
Add the following paragraph at the end of this Clause.



Page 89

The H.M.P. shall be fitted with a dust extraction unit in order that the
exhaust gases comply with the requirements of the relevant current
emission control legislation.
All operations at plants shall be
undertaken in accordance with all current rules and regulations
protecting the environment.
Clause 111.6 Substances Hazardous to Health
Add the following after the first paragraph as follows:
The use of any herbicide or other toxic chemical shall be strictly in
accordance with the manufactures instructions. The Engineer shall be
given at least 6 working days notice of the proposed use of any
herbicide or toxic chemical.
A register of all herbicides and other toxic chemicals delivered to the
site shall be kept and maintained up to date by the Contractor. The
register shall include the name, physical properties and
characteristics, chemical ingredients, health and safety hazard
information, safe handling and storage procedures, and emergency
and first aid procedures for the product.
Clause 111.9 Add the following para at the end of the first para in this Clause:
The load area of all vehicles delivering materials to the site shall be
covered with a tarpaulin or other approved method to prevent spillage
of materials on public roads.
Clause 111.12 After the last sentence in this Clause, add the following :
The costs of compliance with Clause 111 shall be deemed to be
included in the rates for items included in the Bill of Quantities in
accordance with Sub-Clause 114.2 (XV) of MOSRT&H Specifications.
Add the following new Sub-Clauses 111.13, 111.14 and 111.15 at the
end of Sub-Clause 111.12
Clause 111.13

The Discharge Standards promulgated under the Environment

Protection Act, 1986 shall be strictly adhered to. All waste arising
from the project shall be disposed of in a manner which is acceptable
to the State Pollution Control Board and the Engineer.
All vehicles and machinery employed in the execution of the works
shall be regularly maintained to ensure that pollutant emission levels
comply with the relevant requirements of current pollution control
legislation. During routine servicing operations, the effectiveness of
exhaust silencers shall be checked and if found to be defective shall
be replaced. Not withstanding this requirement, noise levels from any
item of plant shall comply with the relevant legislation for levels of
sound emission. Non-compliant plant is to be removed from site.
Vehicle maintenance and refueling shall be carried out in such a
fashion that spillage of fuels and lubricants do not contaminate the
ground or nearby watercourse. An oil interceptor shall be provided




Page 90

for wash down and refueling areas. Fuel storage shall in proper
bounded areas. All spilt and collected petroleum products shall be
disposed of in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Clause 111.14

All temporary accommodation shall be constructed and maintained in

such a fashion that uncontaminated water is available for drinking,
cooking and washing. The sewage system for the camp shall be
properly designed, built and operated so that no health hazard occurs
and no pollution to the air, ground or adjacent watercourses take
place compliance with relevant legislation shall be strictly adhered to.
Garbage bins shall be provided in the camp and regularly emptied
and the garbage disposed of in a hygienic and environmentally
acceptable manner approved by the Engineer.
Construction camps shall be sited away from vulnerable people and
adequate health care shall be provided for the work force.

Clause 111.15

All works shall be carried out in such a fashion that the damage or
disruption to the flora and fauna is reduced to a minimum wherever
possible. Further to the requirements of Clause 111.1, trees or
shrubs will only be felled or removed if they impinge directly on the
permanent works or necessary temporary works, after approval by
the Engineer.

Clause 112

Arrangement for Traffic During Construction

Add following new Sub-Clauses:

Clause 112.7 Side Roads and Property Accesses

At all times, the Contractor shall provide safe and convenient
passage for vehicles pedestrians and livestock to and from side roads
and property accesses connecting to the roadway. Work which affects
the use of side roads and existing accesses shall not be undertaken
without providing adequate provisions to the prior satisfaction of the
Clause 112.8 Plant and Equipment
During the day, plant and equipment working in a position adjacent
to traffic and having a projection beyond the normal width of the unit,
for example, a grader blade, shall have a fluorescent red marker
attached to the outer end of the projection. During poor light conditions
or at night, an additional traffic controller with an illuminated red end
shall direct traffic around such plant and equipment.
At night, all plant items and similar obstructions shall be removed from
the normal path of vehicles, to provide a lateral clearance of at least
6m where practicable, with a minimum clearance of 1.2m.
Plant and equipment, within 6m of the normal path of vehicles, shall
be lit by not less than two yellow steady lamps suspended vertically
from the point of the obstruction nearest to a traffic lane, and one


Page 91


yellow steady lamp at each end of the obstruction on the side farthest
away from the traffic lane.
Clause 121

Field Laboratory :

Clause 121.1 Scope

Delete this Clause and replace with:
The work under this Clause covers the provision and maintenance of
laboratory facilities in order to undertake the testing required for full
Quality Control and Quality Assurance required by the Contract.. The
Contractor may opt to provide branch facilities at .the extremities of
the Project. The Contractor will also be permitted to outsource
certain testing to respected commercial or institutional laboratory
facilities, in order to minimize the acquisition of testing equipment
which will be but rarely utilized.
Clause 121.2 Description
Delete this Clause and replace with:
In pursuance of Sub-Clause 121.1, the Contractor shall, provide a
fully furnished and suitably equipped field laboratory to the satisfaction
of the Engineer. The laboratory shall be located at a site which is
central for the Project as a whole, and approved by the Engineer, shall
be provided with sufficient lights electric and an adequate water
supply, and shall be of adequate size to perform all the tests required
under the contract. An office shall be provided in the laboratory for the
exclusive use of the Engineers Materials Engineer. Adequate toilet
and washing facilities shall be provided.
The contractor shall provide the field laboratory within three months of
the date of the commencement of the work. Prior to this, the
contractor must make suitable alternative arrangements for the testing
of materials, which are acceptable to the Engineer.
Clause 121.3 Laboratory Equipment
Delete this Clause and replace with:
The following items of equipment should be provided in the field

General Equipment


Ovens, electrically operated and thermostatically controlled up' to

200C (sensitivity, 1C)
Balances complete with weight boxes: Platform type 300 kg capacity.
Beam type balance-20 kg capacity - 1 gm accuracy.
Chemical Balance 100 gm capacity 0.001 gm accuracy.
Electronic Balance 5 kg capacity 0.01 gm accuracy





Page 92

Proving Rings (250 kg, 2000 kg 5000 kg capacities) and dial gauges
(25 mm and 50 mm travel, 0.01 mm/division)
Hot Plate, electrically operated, and kerosene or gas stoves.
Electrically operated and thermostatically controlled water bath.

For Testing of Soil and Aggregates


Particle Size Distribution as per IS:2386 Part l with standard set of

sieves, lid and pan
450 mm diameter for coarse aggregate
63 mm, 53 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 13.2 mm,1.5 mm, 6.7 mm,
and 4.75 mm size
200 mm diameter for fine aggregates: .
2.36 mm, 2.0 mm,U8 mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300
micron; 150 micron and 75 micron
Sieve shakers for both large and small diameter sieves


For Testing of Bitumen and Liquid Bitumens



Flakiness and Elongation Test Gauges as per IS:2386 Part I.

Riffle Boxes for sampling of coarse and fine aggregates
Specific Gravity determination test apparatus with pycnometer /
specific gravity bottles, vacuum pump.
Standard moulds of 30, 15. and 3 liters capacity along with
standard tamping rod.
Water Absorption Test apparatus as per IS:2386 Part- 5
Aggregate Impact Value Test apparatus as per IS:-236 "Part 4.
Stripping Test apparatuss per IS:6241
Sand Equivalent Value Test apparatus as per IS:2720 (Part 37)
Atterbergs Limits(Liquid and Plastic Limits) determination apparatus
as mentioned in IS 2720(Part 5)
Compaction test equipment for heavy compaction as mentioned in
IS2720, part 8
Dry bulk density test apparatus (sand pouring cylinder, tray, can etc.)
complete as mentioned in IS2720(Part 20)
Speedy moisture meter complete with chemicals
Post hole auger with extension
Core cutter apparatus 10cm diameter,10/15 cm height, complete with
dolly, rammer etc.
California Bearing Ratio test apparatus
Unconfined Compression test apparatus

Penetration Test apparatus with standard needles as per IS: 1203.

R & B' Softening Point Test apparatus with ring, ball, thermometer etc.
as' per IS:1205.

Page 93



For Testing of Bituminous Mixtures



Ductility Test apparatus at 27C and at 15C as per IS:1208

Flash Point: Cleveland Open Cup Test apparatus as per IS:1208
Viscosity Test apparatus: Capillary Viscometers and Standard Tar
Viscometer as per Indian Standards IS: I 208.
Distillation Test Apparatus for' Cut-backs
Saybolt Furol Viscometer as per IS:3117
Emulsion Settlement Test apparatus
Emulsion Storage Stability Test apparatus
Emulsion, Classification tests apparatus.
Emulsion DemulsibiIity Test apparatus.
Cement Mixing Test apparatus.

Complete MarshaIl Stability Test apparatus as per ASTM D1559,

electrically operated loading unit, Flowmeter, Automatic compactor,
Testing head Assembly, Proving Ring with Dial Gauge, Specimen,
moulds, base plates, compaction hammers, specimen extractor,
Water Bath and other accessories.
Mechanical mixer of 0.02 cum capacity, electrically operated and fitted
with heating jacket
Electrically operated Centrifuge type bitumen extractor and
commercial benzene.
Camber Board/Template and 3 m Straight Edge.
Apparatus for the Water Sensitivity Test as per AASHTO T283.
Core cutting machine.

For Control of Profile and Surface Evenness (As per requirement)

Precision automatic level
Precision staff
Camber templates 2 lane
a) Crown type cross-section
b) Straight run cross-section

Steel Tape
a) 3 m. long
b) 5 m long
c) 30 m long

4 sets

Clause 121.4 Delete this Sub-Clause.

Clause 121.5 Delete this Sub-Clause.
Clause 121.6 Delete this Sub-Clause.
Clause 121.7 Substitute this Sub-Clause by the following:


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There is no separate item in the Bill of Quantities for the

establishment and maintenance of the laboratory and the supply,
erection maintenance of equipment and costs of testing. Therefore,
the rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to cover the cost
of all these items.
Clause 121.8 Add New Sub-Clause :
In pursuance of Sub-Clause 121.1, the Contractor may, with the
approval of the Engineer, opt to arrange for certain uncommon or
infrequent testing to be undertaken by respected commercial or
institutional laboratory facilities, in which case the following equipment
(listed in Sub-Clauses 121.3.1, 2, 3, and 4) need not be provided in
the Central Site Laboratory:

Compaction test equipment for heavy compaction
California Bearing Ratio test apparatus
Unconfined compression test apparatus
Complete Marshall stability test apparatus
Mechanical mixer for testing Bituminous mixtures
2000 km compression testing machine, electrically
operated, single

Clause 121.9 Add New Sub-Clause:
In addition to Sub-Clause 121.3 any equipment which is not
mentioned in this Clause but which is necessary for the work,
complying with the provisions of the contract and Section 900 of
MOST/MORTH specifications or as required by the Engineer shall be
provided by the contractor.
Clause 122

Site Residential Accommodation, etc.

Delete this clause.

Clause 123

Providing and Maintaining Wireless Communication System

Delete this clause.

Clause 124

Providing and Maintaining Vehicles for the Engineer

Delete this clause.


Section 300 - Earthwork Erosion Control And Drainage

Clause 301

Excavation for Roadway and Drains

Clause 301.3.3

Excavation General
Delete the last two sentences of last paragraph. And add, The
earthwork shall be carried out as per the sequences stated in this
contract or as directed by the Engineer.

Clause 301.3.12



Page 95

After the last sentence add the following:

Density requirements for back filling shall be in accordance with
Table 300-2
Clause 301.9


Clause 301.9.2

This Clause is replaced as follows:

The contract unit rate for loosening and re-compacting at sub-grade
level shall include full compensation for loosening to the specified
depth, removing the loosened soil outside the roadway wherever
considered necessary, rolling the surface below, breaking the clods,
spreading the excavated soil layers, watering where necessary and
compacting to the requirements.

Clause 304

Excavation for Structures:

Clause 304.3.7

Add second paragraph as under:
The working space between the structure and the excavation shall be
cleared out completely of all construction materials and loose earth
that have fallen into the excavation during construction.
excavation shall be pumped dry and all saturated and soft earth
removed prior to being inspected by the Engineer who will then give
his approval for the placement of any backfill material, providing the
space has been properly prepared. Compaction shall be carried out
only with mechanical compactors of sufficient capacity to ensure
correct compaction of the backfill material. The fill is to be brought up
in layers not thicker than 150mm. Mass filling of structures with
machines will not be permitted and the contractor should make
allowance in his rates for the methodology described above.

Clause 305

Embankment Construction:

Clause 305.2.1.2

Amend the first sentence of this Clause as under:

Highly expansive soils such as Ch, MH or OH exhibiting marked swell
and shrinkage properties (free swelling index exceeding 50 per cent
when tested as per IS 2720 Part 40) shall not be used in
construction of sub grade and embankment.

Clause 305.2.2.2

Borrow Materials
Paragraph 1 of this clause shall read as under:
No borrow area shall be made available by the Employer for this
work. The arrangement for the source of supply of the material for
embankment and sub-grade as well as compliance with the different
environmental requirements in respect of excavation and borrow
areas as stipulated, from time to time by the Ministry of Environment
and Forest, Government of India and the local bodies as applicable,
shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.



Page 96


Clause 305.3

Construction Operations

Clause 305.3.4

Compacting ground supporting embankment/sub-grade

Delete where necessary in the first sentence of the first paragraph.

Clause 305.4 Construction of Embankment and sub-grade under special condition.

Clause 305.4.1

After para 1 in this sub-clause, add new para as under :

The earthwork for widening the existing road embankment and
shoulders shall be carried out in layers duly compacted. On
completion of the earth work to the required height the triangular
portion on the sloping face of the layers shall be trimmed in such a
manner that the specified slope is achieved. This operation is
incidental to the rates and no extra payment shall be made.

Clause 305.4.7

Earthwork for high Embankment

Substitute the first paragraph of this clause as under:
In the case of high embankments, the Contractor shall use material
from the approved borrow area.

Clause 306

Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Clause 306.4 Measurement for Payment

Substitute the Sub-Clause 306.4 as follows:
All temporary sedimentation and pollution control works shall be
deemed as incidental to the earthwork and other items of work and as
such no separate payment shall be made for the same.
Clause 306.5 Rate
This Clause is deleted.
Clause 307

Turfing with sods.

Clause 307.5 Add the following sub-para (iii) after the existing sub-para (ii).:
(iii) Application of top soil
Delete the last sentence in this sub-clause reading, as the contract
unit rate for application of top soil shall be as per Sub-clause 301.9.5.
Clause 309

Surface/Sub-Surface Drains

Clause 309.2 Surface Drains

Add at the end of third paragraph:
Metal grates for sumps on concrete lined surface drains shall be
heavy duty (trafficable by commercial vehicle) proprietary products
with gaps between bars no greater than 26mm. The Contractor shall



Page 97

submit proposals for gratings to the Engineer for approval before

commencing construction of the sumps.
Clause 309.4 Measurement for Payment
Add at the end of first paragraph.
Surface drains which are not lined shall be included in the items for
excavation for the roadway in accordance with Sub-Clause 301.8 if
excavated material is usable in road way as per direction of Engineer.
Clause 309.5 Rates
Add at the end of this clause as under:
The rate for concrete lined drains shall include bedding concrete and
jointing. The rate for lined surface drains shall include inlet sumps and
metal grates where specified.
Surface drains which are fined & not included in the items for
excavation for the road way in accordance with clause - 301.8 shall
not be paid separately.


Section 400 - Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) And Shoulders:

Clause 401.2


Clause 401.2.1

Paragraph 1 of this Clause shall read as under:

The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, gravel,
crushed stone, or combination thereof depending upon the grading
required. The material shall be free from organic or other deleterious
constituents and conform to one of the Grading 1 given in Table

Clause 401.4.1

Substitute Smooth wheeled roller by Vibratory Roller or other

approved roller approved by Engineer-In-charge.

Clause 401.4.2

Spreading and Compacting

The fifth paragraph of this Clause shall read as under:
Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start with the help of a vibratory
roller of minimum 80 to 100 KN static weight with plain drum or pad
foot drum or a heavy pneumatic tire roller of minimum 200 to 300 KN
weight having a minimum tire pressure of 0.7 kN/m2 or adequate
capacity capable of achieving the required compaction. Rolling shall
commence at the lower edge and proceed towards the upper edge
longitudinally for portions having unidirectional cross fall and superelevation and shall commence at the edges and proceed towards the
crown for portions having cross falls on both sides.

Clause 406

Wet Mix Macadam Sub-base/Base


Page 98


Clause 406.3.1

This Clause shall read as below:

Sub-Clause 404.3.1 shall apply subject to the following amendment:
Second paragraph of Sub-Clause 404.3.1 shall be replaced by
Wet Mix Macadam may be laid over the existing bituminous layer by
cutting 50mm x 50mm furrows at an angle of 450 to the centre line of
the pavement at 1 meter intervals in the existing road.


Section 500 - Base And Surface Courses (Bituminous):

Clause 501.8

Preparation of Surface:

Clause 501.8.1

Amend this clause as under:
This work shall consists of preparing an existing granular or
bituminous surface to specified alignments, grades and cross sections
in advance of laying a bituminous course. The work shall be
performed on such widths and lengths as directed by the Engineer. It
shall consist of filling deep potholes (depth of pothole extending to
granular base of existing pavement), shallow potholes (depth of
pothole is limited to existing bituminous surface) and repair to
depressions, full depth repairs, sealing of cracks, and subsequent
laying of a profile corrective course of bituminous macadam material.
The existing surface, shall be firm and clean and treated with primer or
tack coat as directed by Engineer.

Clause 501.8.2


Clause 501.8.2.4

Profile Corrective Course and its application:

Replace (ii)) with
The material for bituminous profile corrective course shall be laid
independently of all other courses, adopting such construction
procedures and using such equipment as may be appropriate to the
specified type of material and thickness of the course
manually/machine laid as approved by the Engineer. The method of
providing profile corrective course shall be approved by the Engineer.

Clause 501.8.3.3

Patching of Potholes and Sealing of Cracks

Amend para I of the Clause as under:
The areas to be patched shall be located by the Contractor and got
approved by the Engineer. They shall be cut/trimmed either with jack
hammer or hand tools like chisels, pick-axes etc., such that the areas
are in the shape of rectangles or squares. The edges shall be cut
vertically up to the level where the lower layer is stable without any
loose material. The areas shall be thoroughly cleaned with
compressed air or any appropriate method approved by the Engineer
to remove all dust and loose particles. The potholes excavations shall




Page 99

then be backfilled with material as directed by Engineer after painting

the sides and bottom with a thin layer of bituminous emulsion. Each
layer shall be compacted to refusal with approved mechanical
tampers/ small vibratory roller and the top layer shall flush with the
existing bituminous surface. All loose and surplus materials on the
surface shall be removed.
Clause 501.8.3.4

Laying the Profile Corrective Course.

Clause 501.

This clause shall read as under :

The surface on which a profile corrective course is to be laid shall be
thoroughly swept clean of dust and any other extraneous material
using a mechanical broom and the dust collected and removed. In
places where mechanical means cannot reach the dust may be blown
off using compressed air.
After preparing the granular / bituminous surface as in Clauses
501.8.3.1, 501.8.3.2 and 501.8.3.3, the profile corrective course with
materials as per Clause 501.8.2.3/501.8.2.4 shall be laid and
compacted to the requirement of particular Specification Clause.

Clause 502

Prime Coat Over Granular Base:

Clause 502.2.3

The type of bitumen emulsion shall be slow setting.

Clause 502.4


Clause 502.4.3

Application of bituminous primer:

Add at the end of the paragraph. The uniformity of the spray is to be
checked in accordance with the tests in B.S. 1707: 1989.

Clause 503

Tack Coat

Clause 503.2.1

The type of bitumen emulsion shall be Rapid/medium setting as

approved by Engineer..

Clause 504

Bituminous Macadam:

Clause 504.2


Clause 504.2.1

The penetration grade of bitumen shall be 60/70.


Section 800 - Traffic Signs, Markings & Other Road Appurtenances

Clause 801

Traffic Signs

Clause 801.1.2

This clause shall read as under:

All road signs shall be of retro reflectorised type and made of high
intensity grade with encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide
Sub-Clause 801.3, fixed over aluminum sheeting as per these

Clause 803

Road Markings


Page 100

Clause 803.6.3

The last sentence of the third paragraph shall read as under:

The glass beads shall be applied at the rate of not less than 400
grams per square meter area.

Clause 805

Road Delineators

Clause 805.2

Add the following after the first paragraph:

Road delineator posts shall be in reinforced cement concrete and the
reflectors attached to both sides as shown on the drawing. Reflectors
shall be in accordance with IRC 79-1981. Reflectors shall be firmly
fixed to the RCC post by a method, which discourages theft and is
approved by the Engineer






Section 2000 Bearings

Clause 2009

Measurements For Payment

Add the following after paragraph 2 of this Clause:
Paper bearings shall be measured in square meters.

A.10 Deleted

A.11 Deleted
A.12 Deleted.


The following clauses are supplementary (additional) to the various sections of the MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works


Section 100 - General

Supplementary Clause 127X - Contractors Establishment
The Contractor is responsible in all respects, including the cost, for the
establishment of his Offices, Sub-offices, Laboratories, Plant Store(s), Work
Shops, Materials Depots, Field Units, Staff and Labour housing and general
accommodation, etc, as he may see fit and necessary to provide for the
successful achievement of the objectives of the Project.
In this regard, the Employer will not provide land for such purposes, and the
erection of any such building, within the Highway ROW, will not be permitted,
unless specific mention to the contrary is given elsewhere in the Contract.




Page 101

No separate payment is to be made for Contractors establishment, so that

the cost of such provision is deemed to be covered by other items in the Bills
of Quantities.
Supplementary Clause 128X Contractors Equipment
Further to the requirements of Clause 106, it is expected that the Contractor
will utilise modern types of mechanised plant and equipment in the execution
of his obligations under the contract, as appropriate to the scale and nature of
the particular activity.
The use of labour-intensive or low-technology methods of construction
which are time consuming, inefficient, and difficult to control in terms of
Quality Assurance, is to be actively discouraged by the Employer. Examples
of this are manual sweeping of the main carriageway, manual crushing of
stone and other materials for construction, mixing of aggregates and binders
for bituminous pavement materials by non-mechanical means.
In preparing and submitting his Bid, the Contractor will include his Approach
and Methodology and Equipment Listing in accordance with the requirements
of Clause 4 (d) & (k) of the Instructions to Bidders. In that respect, the
following list gives the Employers requirement for the minimum number of
different types of plant and machinery that the Contractor must have
available, on the Project Site, for employment in the various parts of the
Works and Services:
[ This should be reviewed based on specific requirement of each contract]
1 no. Hot Mix Plant (, minimum capacity 40 MT/hour)
1 no. Sensor Paver
1 no. Vibratory Roller
1 no. Static Roller
1 no. Pneumatic Roller or Tandom Roller
1 no. Bituminous Emulsion Sprayer
1 no. Asphalt Scarifying (Milling) Plant to be rented when required
1 no. Asphalt Surface Heating Equipment (assisted scarifying / scraping) - to
rented when required
1 no. Plate Compactor
1 no. Mechanical / Vacuum Sweeper
2 no. Water Tanker
1 no. Air Compressor
1 no. Dewatering Pump
4 no. Tippers / Dump Truck
1 no. Automated Road Line Marking Equipment (to be rented when required)
1 no. Mobile Pavement Repair Unit
1 no. Mechanised Grass Cutter
Supplementary Clause 129X Contractors Professional Staff
In pursuance of Clause 9 of the General Conditions of Contract, the
Contractors Organisation shall be led and managed by personnel who are
suitably qualified and experienced for their posts and who may contribute to
the successful achievement of the targets and objectives of the Project.
In that regard, the Contractors Organisation Chart, to be submitted in
accordance with Clause 4(e) of the Instructions to Bidders, is to include


Page 102


mention of the key professional staff that the Contractor expects to employ for
the Works and Services. The following table gives the Employers
requirement for Key Professional Staff who must be appointed to the
Contractors Organisation, and provides an indication of the expected
minimum qualifications of those professional staff:


Expected minimum qualification/experience


Degree in Civil Engineering, minimum 15

years experience with previous experience
in Highway maintenance projects
Degree in Civil Engineering, minimum 5
years experience with previous experience
in Highway maintenance projects
Degree in Civil Engineering with specialisation
engineering, minimum 5 years experience
with previous experience in Highway
maintenance projects
Degree in Civil Engineering, minimum 5
years experience with previous experience
in Highway maintenance projects and
design and maintenance of traffic and
safety issues

(1 No.)

Assistant Road
(2 Nos.)

Quality Control
(1 Nos.)

Road Safety /
Traffic Engineer


The minimum requirement, in terms of years of experience, may be reduced

by three years if the candidate possesses a Post Graduate qualification in the
particular specialisation of the Post.
Supplementary Clause 130X Testing
In carrying out and executing the works and services the contractor shall
undertake the regular testing of specified works in compliance with the
requirements of the latest version of Section 900 (Quality Control of Road
Works) of the MORT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, as
amended and supplemented by this Section (Parts A and B). The costs of
such testing shall be included in the item prices provided in the Bid, and shall
include full expenses for establishment, management and incidental costs
necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Contract. The Contractor shall
furnish all test results to the Engineer as a monthly summary, as part of the
requirements for the Monthly Progress Report or at a frequency directed by
the Engineer. The Engineer may withhold payment for those works where test
results have not been verified.

A.14 Supplementary Clause 131x Joint Inspection/ Condition Survey

1.Initial Condition Survey
Within 14 days of signing the Contract, the Contractor and the Engineer or his
Nominated Representative shall carry out a joint Initial Condition Survey of the roads and
bridges and submit it to the Engineer. The purpose of this Initial Condition Survey is to
confirm and record:



Page 103

Those asset features that require normal maintenance activities to return the
asset to below Intervention Standard. The Contractor is deemed to have made full allowance
for this work in his Lump Sum tender and no additional payment will be made to bring such
works back to intervention standard.
Those sections of road where the defects is of a considerable size,
inappropriate for a normal maintenance repair, and that require the more intensive
treatments as listed in Schedule 1 of BOQ. These initial repair works will be funded as
Provisional Quantities and shall only be commenced when directed by the Engineer.
(Completed work shall return to and be maintained under the Lump Sum Conditions)
Contractor will provide a written record of the Initial Condition Survey to
Engineer within 14 days of the completion of the survey. The Engineers
ruling on the condition of any item feature will be final. The Engineer shall
consider the issue of a Work Order to undertake these works in order to
restore the asset to a compliant condition.
If, in any subsequent Inspections undertaken in pursuance of Section B-3 of
the Specification, the Engineer identifies cases of non-compliance, the
Engineers opinion will be the final one if the Contractor cannot show a record
of non-compliance at the Start Date.
The Contractor shall also be required to take a video record of all the roads
under the contract within the first 30 days of being awarded the contract. The video shall be
taken during daylight hours with the camera mounted in the front passenger seat position
with the camera aligned with the centre of the road. Video records shall also be taken of all
bridges and major structure .The Engineer may require that specific camera shots or angles
be taken during the recoding. The video shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer or his
nominated representative. The contractor shall supply the engineer with one copy of each
video CD. The Contractor is deemed to have made full allowance for this in his tender rate
and no separate payment shall be made for this.

2 Contract Completion Condition Survey

Not later than 21 days prior to the Completion Date of the Contract, the
Contractor and Engineer shall conduct a Contractor completion Condition Survey of the
whole of the items to record those items outside the specified intervention standard.
The Contractor will provide a written record of the Contract Completion Condition
Survey to the Engineer within 14 days of the completion of the survey. The Engineers ruling
on the condition of any item will be final
Supplementary Clause 132X Partnering
The Employer will hold informal monthly meetings of a Partnering Board,
which will comprise representatives of the Employer, the Contractor, and the
The principle of Partnering is that all parties in an undertaking, in this case,
the Management and Maintenance of Highways, can work towards the
achievement of common goals and objectives, even though each party may
have differing reasons for doing so.
In particular, partnering is expected to:
a) Improve cooperation between parties and thus improve the chances of
achieving the common objectives.



Page 104

b) Identify problems, which may be resolved more quickly, economically, and

amicably, by a joint approach
c) Identify activities, which may be undertaken jointly between parties, thus
reducing internal costs and facilitating agreement
The Partnering Board will thus address the following issues:
a) Problem Solving
b) Dispute Resolution
c) The overview and benchmarking of performance
d) Review of Employer expenditure and investment in additional works
e) Innovation, possibly with incentives to encourage the Contractor to
improve performance
The Employer considers that a Partnering Approach is essential to the
successful completion of this type of Contracts


Section 3000 Maintenance of Roads



3006X.1.1 Scope
This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposal of all fallen trees,
removal of all overturned vehicles, traffic signals, electric poles, telephone
poles, broken fences, pipelines or any other material flown or fallen or lying
on the highways which includes the carriageway, shoulders, verges, medians
and any other area of the road land as may be specified by the Engineer
which is causing disruption or causing any type of interruption in the free flow
of traffic.
3006X.1.2 Preservation of Property/Assets.
Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs,
monuments, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or
adjacent to the highway which are intact and not damaged and not to be
disturbed shall be protected from damage during the removal of interruptions.
The contractor shall provide and install at his own expense suitable
safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose. If during the
execution of removal of interruptions any damage is caused to the property by
the reason of the contractors negligence, it shall be replaced of repaired to
the original condition at his expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3006X.1.3 Methods, Tools and Equipment
Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer
prior to the execution of work shall be adopted for the work. In case of fallen




Page 105

trees the equipment used shall not damage the existing road surface and
shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree stumps. Similarly, the
equipment used for removal of overturned vehicles shall not damage the
existing road surface or any other asset or property existing in the vicinity of
Towing down of accidental vehicle should be done as per prevailing laws.
3006X.1.4 Measurements for Payments
Cutting and removal of trees including removal of stumps and roots of trees of
girth 300mm and backfilling to required compaction shall be measured in
terms of number according to the sizes given below:i

Above 300mm to 600mm

Above 600mm to 900mm
Above 900mm to 1800mmm
Above 1800mm

For this purpose the girth will be measured at a height of 1m above ground or
at the top of the stump if the height of the stump is more than 1m from the
Removal of vehicles shall be measured in terms of number according to the
following parameters:a)

Two wheelers
Three wheelers
Four wheelers - light vehicles including mini buses, pick ups, LCVs,
Passenger and Load carriers
d) Four wheelers - Heavy vehicles, Trucks, Buses.
e) Four wheelers - Multiple Axles.
f) Tankers filled with water or non toxic material
g) Tankers filled with toxic/inflammable material
Removal of Traffic signals, electric and telephone poles, etc shall be
measured in terms of number and fencing, pipelines, etc. shall be measured
in terms of RM.
3006X.1.5 Rates
The contract unit rates for various items shall be paid in full for carrying out
the entire operations including full compensation for all labour, materials,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work in all

Removal Of Deposits
3006X.2.1 Scope
This work shall consist of removal of loose debris, hutments, accumulated
stones or soil of any type fallen on the highway which includes the
carriageway, shoulders, verges, medians and any other area of the road land
as may be specified by the Engineer which is causing disruption to the free
flow of traffic.
3006X.2.2 Method, Tools and Equipment




Page 106

Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer
prior to the execution of work shall be adopted. In case of loose debris,
hutments and all type of soils, the contractor shall use such mechanical
means for removal like motor-grader which is not likely to cause any damage
to the existing road surface during the execution stage. In case of removal of
accumulated stones, falling rocks accompanied by loose earth, tree stumps
and other vegetation, the use of heavier earth moving machinery like bulldozer may be undertaken with the approval of the Engineer. Care shall be
taken to cause minimum possible damage to the existing road surface and
other assets in the vicinity. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety
of the personal and equipment being used in all cases.
3006X.2.5 Preservation of property.
The provisions contained in 3006X.1.2 shall apply.
3006X.2.6 Measurements for Payment
All the fallen material like loose debris, hutments, accumulated stones or soil
of any type on the highway shall be measured in cubic meters by the suitable
method agreed by Engineer with voids dictions @ 40%.
3006X.2.7 Rates
The Contract unit rates for the items deposits and debris removal shall be
paid in full for carrying out the operations required for individual items
including full compensation for all labour, materials tools equipment,
machinery, plant, safety measures, testing and incidentals necessary to
complete the work to specifications upto a lead of 1000 meters.

Provision Of Temporary Protection

3006X.3.1 Description
Provision of appropriate temporary protection shall include applying
temporary load such as sand bags or gunny bags filled with sand or locally
available material at location to a specified height as directed by the Engineer
in order to restore the traffic temporarily.
3006X.3.2 Temporary Walls/Protections
This work shall consist of construction of temporary walls to support or protect
existing permanent structures like toe walls, breast walls, curtain walls, guide
bunds, apron walls etc as approved by the Engineer.
These temporary walls shall generally be made of sand bags or gunny bags
filled with locally available materials like sand or earth from the river. The
borrow pits should be sufficiently away from the location of the launching
apron. No borrow pits shall be dug on the river side of the guide bunds.
At times, time permitting and on the direction of the Engineer, walls made of
wire crates filled with boulders of specified size shall be constructed to act as
support for the existing structures threatened by flooding/flowing water.




Page 107

The wire crates shall be made according to provisions laid down in MORTH
Sub-clause 2503.3 or as specified by the Engineer.
3006X.3.3 Measurement for Payments.
If directed by the Engineer for measurement the materials will have to be
stacked at site before laying and nothing extra will be paid to the contractor
for this stacking.
The earthwork filling for sand/gunny bags will be measured in cubic meters
with void deductions @ 40% unless otherwise specified.
The boulders/stones and wire crates shall be measured in cubic meters or as
specified otherwise.
3006X.3.4 Rate
The contract unit rate for construction of temporary protection walls shall
cover the cost of all materials including transportation, laying, all labour, tools,
equipment, sampling and testing, supervision and all incidentals necessary
for completing the work according to specifications.

Construction Of Temporary Bridges

3006X.4.1 Description
The construction work for temporary bridges shall include construction of
abutments and piers made of steel cribs and steel pipes, longitudinal girders
made of steel RSJs and channels, decking with steel plates and steel hand
3006X.4.2 Materials
All materials shall comply with the requirements of IRC:87. Materials and
components used for construction of temporary bridges shall be initially
examined for damage or excessive deterioration before use and shall be used
only if found suitable.
The piers shall be constructed with metal members. The metal used for piers
shall be of such thickness that the piers remain true to shape even after
opening the bridge to traffic. All bolts shall be counter sunk. The use of steel
cribs, internal steel ties and steel spacers shall be permitted. The steel tubes
used as support shall have minimum thickness of 4 mm.
3006X.4.3 Design of the Bridge
The contractor shall furnish the design and drawings of the complete bridge
for approval of the Engineer before any erection is taken up. In all cases, the
contractor shall be always entirely responsible for the adequacy and the
safety of the bridge.
3006X.4.4 Workmanship of the Bridge.
All workmanship shall be robust and strong.
All joins shall fit tightly over all
surfaces intended to be in contact, without wedging or packing. Holes for the
bolts shall be bored 5mm more in diameter than that of the bolt.




Page 108

All bolts shall be screwed up and tightened. Additional steel washers shall be
used wherever required.
3006X.4.5 Measurements for Payments
Temporary bridges shall be measured. by weight of structural members
3006X.4.6 Rate
The Contract unit rate for temporary bridges shall be paid in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for all labour,
materials, tools, equipments, transport, plant and incidentals to complete the
work as per specifications.

Filling Of Depressed Areas

3006X.5.1 Description
These specifications shall apply to the filling of depressed areas including sub
grades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills with approved material
obtained from roadway and drain excavation, borrow pits or other sources,
carrying out proper compaction and thereby bringing the depressed area to
the level of original surface as per the direction of the Engineer.
3006X.5.2 Materials and General Requirements
The materials used for filling shall conform to the specifications given in
MoSTR & H Sub-clause 305.2.
3006X.5.3 Spreading Material in layers and bringing to appropriate
moisture content.
The fill material shall be spread in layers as per specifications laid out in
MoSTR & H Sub-Clause 305.3.5
3006X.5.4 Compaction
Compaction of each layer shall be carried out according to MoSTR & H
Clause 305.3.6
3006X.5.5 Drainage
The surface of the filling at all times during construction shall be maintained at
such a cross fall (not flatter than that required for effective drainage of an
earthen surface) as will shed water and prevent ponding.
3006X.5.6 Repairing of damages caused by rain/spillage of work.
The repairs work shall be carried out according to MoSTR & H Sub-clause
3006X.5.7 Finishing operations
Finishing operations shall be carried out according to provisions of MoSTR
&H Sub-Clause 305.3.9.




Page 109

3006X.5.8 Measurements for Payment

Filling shall be measured separately by taking cross sections at intervals in
the original position before the work starts and after its completion and
computing the volumes of earthwork in cubic meters by the method of
average end areas. The measurement of fill material from borrow areas shall
be the difference between the net quantities of compacted fill and net
quantities of suitable material brought from roadway and drainage excavation.
For this purpose it shall be assumed that one cum of suitable material brought
to site from road and drainage excavation forms one cum of compacted fill
and all bulking or shrinkage shall be ignored.
3006X.5.9 Rates
The Contract unit rate for the items of embankment and sub grade filling shall
be paid in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for;


i Cost of arrangement of land as a source of supply of material of required

quantity for construction unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
ii Compacting ground supporting the depressed embankment/sub
grade except where removal and replacement of unsuitable
material or loosening and re-compacting is involved.
iii Spreading in layers, bringing to appropriate moisture content and
compacting to specification requirements.
iv Shaping and dressing top and slopes including rounding of corners.
v Restricted working at sites of structures.
vi Working on narrow width of embankment and sub grade.
vii Excavation in all soils from borrow pits/designated borrow areas and
transporting the material to work site with all lifts and leads unless
otherwise provided for in the Contract.
viii All labour, material, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to
complete the work to the specifications.
Pumping Out Flood Water
3006X.7.1 Description
This specification shall apply to draining out of excess water collected on the
road side due to flooding, stream flow, seepage, springs, rain or any other
reasons using 10BHP pumps or any other means as approved by the
3006X.7.2 Dewatering and Protection
Contractor shall take adequate measures such as bailing, pumping,
constructing diversion channels, drainage channels, bunds, depression of
water level by well point system, cofferdam and other necessary works to
dewater the area. Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water so as
not to cause damage to the works, crops or any other property .Due to the
negligence on the part of the Contactor, if any such damage is caused, it shall
be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore it to original
condition at its own cost.



Page 110


3006X.7.3 Measurement for Payment

Pumping out of water etc shall be measured in terms of hours of run.


The contract unit rate shall be paid in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools,
equipment, safety measures and incidentals necessary to complete the work
to specification.


3006X.8.1 Scope
These specifications shall apply to reconstruction of damaged road including
sub grades, shoulders, granular sub base, wet mix macadam and bituminous
course. All sub grades, shoulders granular sub base, wet mix macadam and
bituminous course shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements
of these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross
sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The
damaged road shall be suitably dismantled and the dismantled material shall
be removed or reused or otherwise satisfactorily disposed off in accordance
with the requirements of these specifications. During the execution of the
reconstruction work, the Contractor shall in accordance with the directives of
the Engineer, provide and maintain a suitable passage for traffic, either along
a part of the existing carriageway under reconstruction or along a temporary
diversion constructed close to the highway. The contractor shall take prior
approval of the Engineer regarding traffic arrangements during construction.
3006X.8.2 Dismantling Damaged Pavements and Other Structures
including the disposal of material and backfilling
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 201 and 202 shall be applicable in full
except 201.5. and 202.6
3006X.8.3 Excavation for Roadway and drains including the disposal of
excavated material ,dewatering , backfilling ,preparing the cut surface
and finishing
This shall be governed by MoSTR & H clause 301 except 301.8.
3006X.8.4 Embankment and Sub Grade Construction
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 305 shall be fully applicable for
construction of subgrade except 305.8.
3006X.8.5 Granular Sub Base
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 401 shall be applicable in full for
construction of granular sub base except 401.8.
3006X.8.6 Wet Mix Macadam Base
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 406 shall be applicable in full for
construction of WMM Base except 406.8.




Page 111

3006X.8.7 Shoulders, Islands and Median.

The provisions of MoSTR & H Clause 407 shall be applicable in full for the
construction of the shoulders, islands and median except 407.6.
3006X.8.8 Bituminous Macadam.
The provisions of MoSTR & H Clause 504 shall be applicable in full except
504.7 for the construction of Bituminous Macadam.
3006X.8.9 Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam.
The provisions of MoSTR & H Clause 507 shall be applicable in full except
507.8 for the construction of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam.
Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete.
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 508 shall be applicable in full while
laying the semi dense bituminous concrete wearing course except 508.8
3006X.8.11 Bituminous Concrete.
The provisions of MoSTR & H clause 509 shall be applicable in full while
laying the bituminous concrete wearing course except 509.8

Temporary Diversion for Traffic.

The provisions of MORTH Clause 112 shall be applicable in full for

arrangement of traffic during reconstruction of the damaged highway except
112.3. Material of crust component and thick nesses of the various layers of
crust for the construction of temporary diversion shall be decided by
3006X.8.13 Measurements for payment
Construction of temporary diversion road and reconstruction of damaged road
including temporary cross drainage structures, shall be measured


The contract unit rates for various items of Dismantling, Excavation, Subgrade Construction, Granular Sub-base, Wet Mix Macadam Base, Bituminous
Base Course/Seal Coat, Shoulders, Medians and construction of temporary
diversions etc. shall be paid in full for carrying out the required operations
including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safe
guards and incidentals to complete the work and for carrying out the required
tests for quality control.


3006X.9.1 Scope
Desilting of drains and cross drainage structures shall consist of removal of all
types of material filled in the bridges, culverts side drains, pipe drains floor,




Page 112

drains, downspouts, chutes etc due to rain flooding or flow of water from any
other source. The work shall include removal of all types of earth, logs,
stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions collected in the
drains, bridges or culverts over a period of time or due to other causes,
cleaning up the site and disposal of all such material.
3006X.9.2 Desilting Procedure
The Contractor shall take adequate measures to carry out the desilting using
mechanical means or manually. The methods to be adopted in this regard
and other details thereof shall be left to the choice of the contractor but
subject to the approval of the Engineer. Approval of the Engineer shall
however not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of
dewatering and protection arrangements and for the quality and safety of
3006X.9.3 Measurements for payment
Desilting of the drains and cross drainage structures shall be measured in
cubic meter of material desilted.
3006X.9.4 Rates
The contract unit rate for the items of desilting shall be paid in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for;
i removal of all types of earth, logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious
matter and obstructions.
ii Dewatering including pumping when no separate provision for it is
made in the Contract;
iii Clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus material within all lifts
and leads up to 1000m or as otherwise specified and
iv All labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures and
incidentals necessary to complete the work to specifications.



Page 113


Supplementary Clauses For Performance-Based Activities


Section 6

Page 114




Part B of the Specification consists of the following sub-parts, which give information as
described below.
Sub Part B.1 General Requirements
Sub Part B.2 The Service Quality levels required on the Highways included in the Contract.
Sub Part B.3 The methods and procedures to be applied, for measuring compliance with
Service Quality Levels.
Sub Part B.4 The penalties and/or payment reductions applied in case of non-compliance of
Works and Services with pre-defined Service Quality Levels.


General Requirements And Obligations.

B.1.1 General Responsibility of the Contractor - Goals and Objectives

The Contractor shall, unless otherwise directed, undertake the maintenance of the Highway
Assets listed in the Bill of Quantities for Routine Maintenance Works, and other Services, in
accordance with the Performance Specifications set out in Sub Part B.2, achieving the specified
Service Quality Levels as defined therein.
Towards that end, the Contractor shall independently assess and define the resources that will
be required to meet the Service Quality levels, in terms of the number and category of staff
personnel, equipment, tools, machinery, materials, etc., and shall arrange for the mobilization
and utilization of the same.
Subsequently, but within 28 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall
review, upgrade where necessary, and submit to the Engineer for his approval, the relevant
sections of the Approach and Methodology documents submitted as part of his Bid, defining all
appropriate maintenance and Management strategies, incorporating inspections, programming,
and work and service activities, which are required to meet the general goals and objectives of
this Contract, the Scope of Works.
B.1.2 Self-Control Unit of Contractor and Contract Quality Plan
B.1.2.1 Self Control Unit
Under this contract, The Contractor is obliged to establish, within his own organizational
structure, a specific unit staffed with qualified personnel, whose task is to verify continuously
the degree of compliance by the Contractor with the required Service Quality Levels. That Unit
will also be responsible for the generation and presentation of the information needed by the
Contractor for the documentation required for the Monthly Progress Report.
The unit will be responsible to maintain at all times a detailed and complete record of the
condition of the roads or road sections included in the contract and to provide to the
management of the Contractor all the information needed in order to efficiently manage and
maintain the roads included in the contract. The Self-Control Unit is also obliged to carry out, in
close collaboration with the Engineer, the formal scheduled inspections to verify actual Service
Quality Levels.
B.1.2.2 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan
The Engineer shall approve the Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan for the Contract
(referred to as the Quality Plan), submitted as part of the Bid, having first, in the light of any
deficiencies in this Quality Plan, instructed the Contractor to revise and / or resubmit it. The
Contractor shall give every assistance to the Engineer to carry out any audits that the Engineer


Section 6

Page 115

may require. The Contractor will promptly implement any required changes to improve the
Quality Plan, in order to limit the occurrence of non-compliance with Service Quality Levels.
B.1.2.3 Compliance Report
The extent of the Contractors compliance (or non-compliance) with Service Quality Levels will
be summarized in a monthly Compliance Report, prepared by the Self-Control Unit and signed
by the Project/Road Manager. This report will be submitted to the Engineer and will be in the
form of tables for which a standard format shall be established as part of the Quality Plan.
Individual tables for each Highway or Highway section shall be submitted. The tables shall be
part of the Contractors Monthly Progress Report, and they may be augmented by comments
indicating any further observations made by the Contractors Self-Control Unit during the course
of their own inspections.
The information and data provided in the Compliance Report will become the property of the
Employer and may be used for the purposes of monitoring and reporting road asset condition
and if necessary, used to provide information to tenders on subsequent contracts for Works and
Services related to the Highway section.
B.1.2.4 Monthly Progress Report
The Contractor shall produce a Monthly Report and this report shall include an account of all
activities covered by this Part B of the Specification, as well as supplementary reports specified
therein, for example, the Compliance Report.
B.1.3 Employers Independently Conducted Third Party Audit
Notwithstanding the timely preparation of the Compliance Report by the Contractor, in
accordance with Sub-Clause B.1.2.3 of the Specifications, the Employer may at any time
employ an Independent third party to conduct a survey in order to arrive at its own assessment
of the degree of compliance of the Contractors works and services with the Service Quality
levels. The Contractor shall be required to provide full cooperation and access, and to promptly
make available all information and records in its possession, as required by such auditors.
The Compliance Report prepared by such an independent auditor shall be considered to be
final with regard to the compliance of the Service Quality levels for that specific reporting
period, and shall take precedence over any assessment provided by the Self Control Unit under
Sub-Clause B.1.2.1 of the Specifications.
B.1.4 Lane Closure
In executing the Works and Services, the contractor shall be required to minimize the impact on
road users and carry out works that require the shortest possible times of lane closure.
Towards that end, the following aspects of work activity schedule and performance shall be
All expected lane closures shall be coordinated with the Engineer and prior, written
authorization shall be obtained from the Engineer in advance of closing any lanes for
a length longer than 100 m. In emergency or hazardous situations, the Contractor
may close lanes without prior authorization of the Engineer but shall comply with the
specifications for lane closure
Maintenance work on the carriageway shall be restricted only to one side and only at
particular point, and no work shall be carried out simultaneously on the slow shoulder
and the fast lanes. Partial closure of a lane shall not be permitted.
The minimum gap between closures shall be 3 kilometers and lane closures shall not
be allowed simultaneously on opposing carriageways within such 3 km zones.


Section 6

Page 116

The Contractor shall take due precautions during lane closures in terms of traffic
management and safety. Contractor shall be required to provide flagmen at either
end of the lane closure during the activity and also use traffic cones and delineators
as necessary to streamline traffic flow and help maintain safety for road user in the
The road signage, barricading, lighting, diversions, merging and other instruments of
lane closure shall be made of steel sheets and all the background letters and
symbols shall be of engineering grade retro-reflective material. The basic minimum
clearance of these road signs from the road surface shall be 800 mm
The start of the lane closures shall be positioned such that a minimum sight distance
of 300m measured at a height of 1.05 m is obtained.
In addition to the lane closure procedures, the activity of renewal and/or
strengthening shall not be carried out in a continuous length of more than 1 km so
that the closure of the lane is not more than 2 days. In case Lane closures are
required for longer than 2 days, prior permission shall be sought from the Engineer
by providing adequate supporting information and reasons for such necessary
The aforementioned minimum principles and requirements of Lane Closure may be enhanced
or strengthened as deemed fit by the Contractor to ensure additional safety for the road users
but without unnecessarily hampering the free flow of traffic. Lane closure requirements shall
also follow all relevant MORT&H and IRC requirements and shall also apply to works done
under Initial Rehabilitation and other Improvement and Emergency Works as may be
B.1.5 Other Maintenance Requirements
B.1.5.1 Obstruction to Traffic
If broken down vehicles or any other cause obstructs the road, the Contractor shall take the
following steps to safe ward traffic:
Provide any signs, traffic controllers, etc., necessary to protect the public;
If the person responsible can be located, ask them to remove the
obstruction immediately;
In cases of serious obstruction or obstructions, which may remain
overnight, inform the Engineer who may direct action to be taken by the
B.1.5.2 Rail Crossing Repairs
The Contractor shall be responsible for repairs to pavement in the immediate vicinity of rail
crossing. Where defective rail lines are the cause of damage to the pavement, the Contractor
shall notify the Engineer.
B.1.5.3 Management of Spoil and Excess Road making material
Drainage spoil, unwanted shoulder material, dig out material and other non-recyclable road
making material is not to be deposited on the roadside except where previously agreed with the
Engineer. All material removed away from the road reserve shall be disposed off in a manner
and place approved by the Engineer. The disposal of all material shall form part of the Lump
B.1.5.4 Private Roadside Structures
Persons wanting to erect structures on road right-of-way must obtain the Permission of the
Employer. Any new, signs, or other structures erected in the right-of-way without permission of
the employer shall be removed immediately.


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B.1.5.5 Private Entrances

Any person to construct a private entrance to a property must first obtain the consent of the
Engineer. Any new entrance shall be reported to the Engineer.
The maintenance of the surfacing of a private entrance is the responsibility of the owner. The
Contractor shall maintain all private entrance culverts as part of the Lump Sum.
The Engineer may direct that a private entrance culvert, which has been installed without
approval, but otherwise satisfies Employer requirements, remains the responsibility of the


Performance Specifications

B.2.1 Routine Maintenance

B.2.1.1 General
The Contractor shall unless otherwise directed, maintain each item listed in B.2.1.3 to B.2.1.9 to
the specified Service Quality as part of the Contract Lump Sum. The Contractor will have
carried out preliminary surveys prior to bidding in order that they could assess the monthly lump
sum cost of routine maintenance. Bridges (spanning six meters or greater) are excluded except
for parapet walls, roadway, drainage spouts and railings.
B.2.1.2 Routine Maintenance Strategy
The Contractor shall implement an appropriate maintenance strategy, incorporating
inspections, programming and work activities to:
( i) Maintain public safety
(ii) Limit the rate of deterioration of the roadway assets
( iii) Keep the road open to traffic

B.2.1.3 Pavement and Main Carriageway

The Pavement Assets includes all paved lanes of the highway including the combination of sub
base, base and surface courses placed on a sub grade to support the traffic load and distribute
it to the road bed.
The following Service Quality Requirements will be evaluated:
Potholes/ Patching
Service Quality

No potholes allowed

Rectification Standard

Repair as per MoSTR & H Sub-Clause no. 3004.2/IRC 82


Measurement and Detection

Visual inspection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Potholes causing a threat to safety and those identified by

the Engineer will be repaired immediately. Others within 2
days of being detected

Service Quality

No rutting in wheel track more than 20mm allowed

Rectification Standard

Repair as per IRC 82 Standards

Measurement and Detection

Visual inspection/ measured with 2 rulers


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Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

repaired within 15 days of being detected

Pavement width
Service Quality

Pavement width must be maintained to its original

Rectification Standard

Repair as per IRC 82 Standards

Measurement and Detection

Visual inspection/ measured with metallic tape

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

repaired within 15 days of being detected & no tolerance

is allowed.

Cracking in pavement
Service Quality
Rectification Standard

and :

There shall not be any cracks be allowed to develop on

IRC 82 & MoSTR & H Sub-Clause no. 3004.3.2
Crack widths measured with small transparent ruler.
For isolated cracks, the cracked area includes 0.5 m on
each side of the crack, multiplied by the length of the
crack plus 0.5 m at each end.
For multiple cracks and cracks crossing each other, the
cracked area is equivalent to a square area, parallel to
the lanes, which fully encloses the cracks, and where the
closest crack is at least 0.25 m away from the sides of the
square. Fog seal treatment as specified in MORTH
specifications Sub-clause no. 3004.3.2 is to be adopted
for cracks lesser than 3 mm and crack filling as specified
in 3004.3.3 for wider cracks, in excess of an average of 3
mm in width.

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted:

Cracks more than 3 mm wide must be sealed within seven

(7) days after their detection.

Cleanliness of the pavement surface

Service Quality

Rectification Standard

Measurement and Detection


The main carriageway, paved shoulders, verges,

medians/islands, service roads, laybys, footpaths,
underpasses and subways must always be clean and free
of dirt, dust, litter, soil, road kill and other objects. The
said surfaces must also be clean from stains of chemical/
fuel/ lubricants/ oil spillages from vehicles. The dead
animals must be disposed at sites unmarked by local
Completely clean of dirt, debris, litter, soil, road kill such
as removal of dead animals and other objects.
Visual inspection

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Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Dirt, debris and obstacles must be removed:

within 1 (one) hour if they pose a danger to traffic safety
within 36 hours if they do not pose any danger to traffic
Fuel/oil/lubricants be cleaned using detergents, chemical
agents, absorptive materials (eg sand) as appropriate
within 1 hour.

Loose Pavement Edges

Service Quality

No loose pavement edges or pieces of pavement

breaking off at the edges.

Rectification Standard

Repair as per IRC 82 Standards

Measurement and Detection

Visual inspection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Repaired must be done3 within 7 days of being detected

Verges and Shoulders

Height of shoulders vs. height of pavement

Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Generally the level of the shoulder should match the

pavement. But in any section, the shoulder should not be
lower than the pavement edge by more than 15mm
MoSTR & H Clause no. 3003
Measured with ruler, with scale in mm.

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Repairs must be completed within seven (7) days after

the detection of the defect.

Paved shoulders
Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection :
Time Allowed For Repair or :
Tolerances Permitted

Paved shoulder must be sealed to avoid water

penetration & free from potholes, deformations, erosions
MoSTR & H Clause no. 3003
Visual inspection
Repairs must be completed within seven (7) days after
the detection of the defect.

Unsealed Shoulder (Verge) Repair

Service Quality

Rectification Standard


Shall not have a rise or edge drop off >50 mm or

presence of roughness, scouring, or pothole which is a
hazard to vehicles.
No vegetation is permitted except for grass (refer to SubClause B.2.1.9)
No Water ponding allowed
No water to drain back onto pavement
Forward Sightlines to be clear
No danger or discomfort to traffic. Follow MORTH
standards. Contractor must rectify the verge at least

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Measurement and Detection

Time Allowed For Repair or

Tolerances Permitted

Visual Inspection
Immediately make safe or drain.
Repair within seven days of being detected.

Embankment Slopes
Service Quality

Slopes in cuts must be stable/or, adequate retaining

walls &slope stabilization must be taken

Rectification Standard

Repair as per IRC Standards

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Fallen slope material must be removed

Quantities below 50 m3:

From pavement within 4 hours after detection

From shoulders within 48 hours after detection.

Between 50 m3 and 500 m3

From pavement within 24 hours after detection

From shoulders within 96 hours after detection

Restoration of rain cuts

Service Quality

All rain cuts should be clear of loose soil & benched. All
rain cuts to remain in good condition through out the
Profile of Embankment to be maintained in accordance
with standard profile and side-slopes

Rectification Standard

Measurement and Detection

Restore the rain cuts in accordance with MORTH Clause

no. 3002. Payment against this item shall be made only
for the months specified in Contract data.(months of
monsoon and one additional month prior to monsoon.)

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Restore the rain cuts within seven (7) days after their


Cross Drainage Works, Bridge Structures

The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all bridges and similar structures along the
roads and road sections included in the contract. In particular, he will be responsible for the
correct functioning of the structures (paint of metallic structures, road surface on structures,
condition and presence of guardrails) and the safety and comfort of road users while using the
structures at normal speeds. The reconstruction and improvement of bridges and similar
structures is excluded from the Contractors obligations, unless specified elsewhere in the
Technical Specifications.
The service quality level requirements for bridges and similar structures are as shown below:
Service Quality

Rectification Standard


Must be clean and free of obstacles, and without

structural damage. Must be firmly contained by
surrounding soil or material.
Drainage system in good condition and fully functional.

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Measurement and Detection :

Time Allowed For Repair or :
Tolerances Permitted

Visual Inspection
Tolerance permitted:
Obstructions equivalent to less than 10% of capacity of
Obstructions must be cleared within seven (7) days after

Steel or other metal structures

Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Guardrails must be present and painted. All metal parts of

overall structure painted and free of corrosion.
MORTH 1900 or equivalent
Visual inspection
Required action must be taken within seven (7) days.

Cross pipes
Service Quality

Inside surface area of each pipe must not be deteriorated;

Diameter shall be completely unobstructed and open,
All visible joints of pipes have to be intact and sealed
No erosion at either end of the pipe that affects the
structural integrity of the pipe;
Headwalls and end protection located at each end of the
cross pipe have to be intact and secured to pipe.

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


To be reset to original condition

Visual inspection
measure the inside diameter of the actual pipe; measure
the vertical distance from the top of the obstruction to top
of the pipe opening; calculate the ratio of the unobstructed
diameter to the actual diameter & thus volume of
Required action must be done within Fifteen (15) days.

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted
Expansion joints
Service Quality
Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection
Time Allowed For Repair or
Tolerances Permitted


Clean and in good condition

MORTH 2600
Visual inspection
Required action must be taken within seven (7) days after
defection of problem.

Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Clean, metal/PTEE Bearings free from rust and properly

MORTH 2000
Visual inspection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Action must be taken with in seven (7) days of defection

of problems.



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.Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Contractor must ensure free flow of water under culverts,

bridges up to 30 meters upstream and 30 meters
downstream from the centerline of highway. Contractor
must maintain design clearances under bridges and
To be reset to original condition.
Visual inspection
Required action must be taken within fourteen (14) days
after water has sufficiently receded to allow minimum
working conditions.

Drains/ Ditches

The repairs would include clearing & cleaning, erosion repair, repairs to cracks and repairs to
protection works such as stone pitching and concrete linings. All culverts, drains and channels
shall be cleaned initially within the first 2 months of the contract period. As part of the initial
cleaning, the prefabricated culverts, inlet and outlet areas shall be thoroughly cleaned of all silt,
debris and vegetation such that all structural surfaces are clearly visible and accessible during
any inspection Thereafter they shall be inspected and cleaned on a 3 monthly basis, or after
dust storms, or other weather conditions that could cause damage to the designed drainage
system. Silt and debris excavated from the inlet and outlet areas shall be deposited and spread
neatly in the close proximity of the inlet and outlet areas where it cannot wash back or, if
necessary, loaded and transported to spoil at dumping areas approved by the Engineer.
Materials removed shall not be deposited against cut and fill slopes.
In general terms, the Contractor must ensure that all drainage elements and structures are
without any obstructions, which may reduce their normal cross-section and impede the free flow
of water.
The service quality level requirements for drainage structures or devices are as shown below:
Open & closed channels & drainage spouts
Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Must be clean without any significant damage of the lining

and without any obstructions.
Manholes to drainage channels or utilities must be kept
functional and accessible, free of damage.
Unobstructed, free flow of water.
Visual Inspection
Obstructions must be cleared within seven (7) days after
detection and one (1) day during monsoon season and
immediately in circumstances that may endanger road
users safety.

Paved ditches
Service Quality

No severe undermining or undercut along the paved ditch

that could cause settlement or cracking in the ditch or
prevent the ditch from adequately draining. No settlement
greater than 25 mm is allowed..
No obstructions such as severe sedimentation, vegetation
growth, debris buildup, or structural deterioration of the


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ditch that prevent the ditch from adequately draining are

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Unobstructed, free flow of water.

Visual Inspection
Obstructions must be cleared within seven (7) days after
detection and one (1) day during monsoon season and
immediately in circumstances that may endanger road
users safety. . More than 90 percent of the ditch capacity
has to be free of obstruction

Unpaved ditches
Service Quality

More than 90 percent of unpaved ditches must not have

depressions or high spots that either hold or trap water for
several days
No areas where the grass, sod, or gravel have been
washed away or where soil erosion deeper than 30 cm
exists are allowed
More than 90 percent of the unpaved ditch capacity has
to be free from obstructions such as severe
sedimentation, vegetation growth, debris buildup that
prevent the ditch from adequately draining.

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Unobstructed, free flow of water.

Depressions, erosion, outfall condition and high spots can
be detected by Visual Inspection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Obstructions must be cleared within seven (7) days after

detection and one (1) day during monsoon season and
immediately in circumstances that may endanger road
users safety. . More than 90 percent of the ditch capacity
has to be free of obstruction

B.2.1.7 Traffic Management and Environmental Mitigation Within Road reserve

Traffic Management for Road Safety
Service Quality
Measurement and Detection

Meet full requirements of relevant specifications and
regulations, and approval of the Contractors EMAP

Visual Inspection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Full compliance must be made within Two (2) days


Steel Railing/Concrete Crash Barrier/Metal Crash Barrier

Service Quality


Cleaning and removal of pasted posters on its faces.

Railings/Barriers are to remain well painted.
Displaced barriers to be maintained to correct lines and

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Rectification Standard

Measurement and Detection

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

To be reset to original condition.
Horizontal alignment to be plus minus 30 mm, nor deviate
in any two successive lengths from straight by more than
6 mm and the faces shall not vary more than 12 mm from
the edge of a 3 m straight edge.
Barriers/railings to be at specified height as shown in
Drawings above the edge of the nearest adjacent
carriageway or shoulder, within a tolerance of plus/minus
30 mm.
In any case, painting to be done at least once in every
All minor repairs associated with steel railing, concrete
crash barrier and metal crash barrier be carried out as
per MoSTR & H Clause nos. 808, 809 & 810 respectively.
Visual Inspection
Lines and levels to be tested with 3m straight edge
Immediately in case of Damaged crash barrier/railings
pose a threat to human lives or Highway users.
48 hours in case of other repair works.

B.2.1.8 Traffic Signs,

This includes Road Markings, 5 Km, 1 Km, 200 m stones and Road Delineators
Information signs/Warning Signs/Traffic Ruling Signs etc
Service Quality

Signs has to be in place, complete, clean and structurally

Must be clear and reflective at 37 m
To be clearly legible in day and night conditions
95 % of surface free from damage.

Rectification Standard

To be reset to original condition. Meet reflectivity

standards as per IRC: 801.3.2 100% Clear of obstruction,
any obstruction that prevent passing
motorist from
viewing the sign have to be rimmed back .The alignment
and face of the sign should be as per the original design
specification, without any distortions, dirt, or external
pasting. Any support post damage, which is hazard to the
public must be rectified immediately and made safe

Measurement and Detection :

Time Allowed For Repair or :
Tolerances Permitted

Visual inspection, daily on regular basis.

Dirty signs must be cleaned with a wet cloth within seven
(7) days.

Distance stone (Km stone & Hectometer Stones)

Service Quality

Have to be intact, complete, clean and structurally sound;

surface painted or otherwise covered according to ruling.
Lettering to be visible

Rectification Standard

IRC-26 and IRC-8. Have to be present, complete, and

clean and structurally sound Surface painted, without any
significant damage Any removed/damaged stone which


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is hazard to the public and needs repair, new to be fixed/

should be immediately made. Painting must be done at
least once in every year.
Measurement and Detection :
Time Allowed For Repair or :
Tolerances Permitted

Visual inspection and measuring tape.

Defective stones must be rectified within seven (7) days.

Pavement Markings
Service Quality

Rectification Standard

Measurement and Detection :

Time Allowed For Repair or :
Tolerances Permitted

Clear and reflective at 30 m;

85% of area of Markings to be clearly visible, with no
significant discontinuities in visibility of line markings
Not more than 30 m shall be without a marker
IRC-35 . This is a major safety and guidance device. The
markings such as lane, edge, transverse, and word
messages have to be present, reflective as per IRC 803.
4.2. Micro spheres must be firm and visible. Absent or
defective markings or non-reflective markings must be
repainted. Repainting of the line markings should be done
at least once in every year. Clean all dirty marking Keep
all the marking free of sticky backend material of tires.
Visual inspection
Required action must be taken within seven (7) days.

Roadside Group

Grass Slashing.
Slashing of roadside areas to control weeds, grass growth, maintain sight distance and
maintain a tidy appearance for:
edge of road to 1 m behind the line of distance markers
maintain sight distance at road intersections for 250 m in
advance and departure.
Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Maintain grass height to a minimum of 50 mm and a

maximum of 100 mm
Height of grass must meet Service Quality levels
With ruler or graduated rod

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Grass that exceeds the height limit has to be mowed

within seven (7) days of being detected.

Tree and shrub maintenance of roadside areas

This includes brush cutting, foliage trimming, use of insecticides/ pesticides, and removal of
vegetation, watering, supply and spreading of farmyard manure.
Service Quality

Cut and remove trees when they become a hazard to

Apply decayed farmyard manure @ 0.20 cum per tree per
Spraying of Insecticides and Pesticides as on required


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Cut when:
growth obstructs sight distance at road intersections and
road signs and visibility is obstructed from a distance
from 250 m or more.
branches encroach around structures or footpaths;
tree grows between edge of road and 1 m behind line of
distance markers.
Upon cutting of trees ensure that they do not violate
environmental considerations.
Advise Employer as
required under contract and follow legislative guidelines.
Trim Trees when:
Vertical height clearances are less than 5.5 m over
shoulders and pavements.
Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection


Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

Rectify to meet service quality levels

Visual Inspection and measuring tape.
Rectify within 7 days

Brush (tree limbs, shrubs, vines, illegal signs and illegal structures)
Service Quality

Rectification Standard
Measurement and Detection

No trees presenting a leaning hazard


No illegal signs or structures (temporary or permanent

encroachments along tree line)
To be reset to original condition

Time Allowed For Repair or :

Tolerances Permitted

No tolerance permitted.
Straighten/ support or trim leaning trees.
Remove illegal signs from trees within 24 hrs.
Inform Employer immediately about encroachments and
structures erected along tree line.

B.2.2 Management Services

B.2.2.1 Providing and Maintaining Breakdown / Crane Vehicles
Basic Requirement
Breakdown / Crane Vehicles are required in order to remove damaged, broken down, or
otherwise inoperative, motorized and non-motorised vehicles from within the limits of the main
carriageway and hard shoulders, where they might otherwise cause a hazard or obstruction to
other road users in pursuit of a safe and trouble free journey.
The Contractor is not required to provide a towing service beyond the limits of the highway, and
should not become involved in any third party requests for assistance in towing vehicles beyond
that point, eg to a garage, in so far as this might involve the use of towing / breakdown vehicles
The Contractor also is not required to provide breakdown or recovery assistance to vehicles
which require recovery from a level other than that of the highway (eg, from the bottom of an


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The Contractor should arrange for sufficient breakdown vehicles to be made available, to permit
him to arrange a response to a call for such towing assistance, from either the Police or the
Highway Control Centre, within 60 minutes of that call in relation to a car, jeep or van, or within
two hours for heavier vehicles.
The Contractor is to keep records of all activity with regard to assistance rendered under this
Specification clause, noting the Time of Notification (call out), the nature of the problem found
on arrival at the vehicle, the action taken, and the time at which the vehicle was removed from
the Highway.
Performance / Service Quality Levels
Service Quality Levels will be met by the Contractor if it can be shown from records of the
Breakdown Service, the Control Centre and Police that all calls for towing of vehicles received a
response within the following time limit from the notice of breakdown
Cars, Jeeps, Vans - 60 minutes;

Others (Goods and Passenger) - 2 hour;

and that action was taken within such a period of time in excess of 95% of the cases unless, in
the opinion of the Engineer, exceptional weather conditions made such a response impractical.
Measurement and detection
Engineer, on receipt of information about the vehicle breakdown, may depute his personnels to
breakdown site to verify from the victims whether they are provided the service as per expected
service levels stipulated above or not. Carrying out above verification checks is left solely on
the discretion of the Engineer and he may select any particular incident for verification on
random basis.
Any deviation from expected service quality levels will be recorded by Engineer for further
action. For the purpose of assessing compliance under Sub-clause B.3.3.2, the Engineer will
exercise his judgment on the basis of his comparison.
B.2.2.2 Providing Ambulances and Paramedic Support
The Need for Ambulance Support
This service is required in order to provide a possibly life-saving service to persons injured on
the road. The Golden Hour after an accident is held to be the critical period within which
medical treatment for injuries needs to be administered to ensure the best chance of the
patients recovery.
The timely response of properly equipped and manned ambulances at sites of road accidents /
incidents, for the purpose of conveying to hospital any person or persons who has / have been
injured on the road, and to maintain the condition of any such person by the administration of
First Aid in the first instance. No financial charges are to be levied against either the accident
victim(s), or their families, for the provision of this service.
Performance / Service Quality Levels
In order to provide the required service, the contractor should either a) contract with local
ambulance service providers, such as nursing homes and hospitals, so that ambulances may
be provided on a call out basis, in order that a vehicle with paramedic support can be
guaranteed to be able to reach the accident / incident site and provide relief to injured within 30
minutes of such notification.


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Furthermore, assistance must be rendered and any injured party be transported to a hospital
which is capable of providing treatment for accident victims, within a further 30 minutes. The
Contractor needs to have already identified a sufficient number of hospitals, which are
sufficiently equipped, resourced, and manned by competent staff, to be able to provide
appropriate treatment to accident victims, so that the field coordinator may respond quickly to
any emergency and achieve the required response times.
The Contractor is to keep records of all activity with regard to assistance rendered under this
Specification clause, noting the Time of Notification (call out) of the ambulance, the arrival time
at the accident site, nature of the injuries of the accident victims, details of any first aid
administered, and the time of departure to, and arrival at, the hospital.
Performance / Service Quality Levels
The required level of service will be provided when it is clear from records of the Control
Centre, Police, the Contractor, etc., that the response to each call out for an ambulance service
is such that the arrival of the ambulance vehicle at the accident / incident site was within 15
minutes of notification in 95% of cases, but IN NO CASE later than 30 minutes after notification,
and that, furthermore, assistance was rendered and any injured party transported to hospital
within a further 30 minutes, again in 95% of cases.
Measurement and Detection
Engineer, on receipt of information about the accident may depute his personnels to accident
site or hospital (as the case may be) to verify from the victims whether they are provided with
the service in accordance with service quality levels as mentioned above in the clause.
Carrying out above verification checks is left solely on the discretion of the Engineer and he
may select any particular incident for verification on random basis.
Any deviation from expected service quality levels will be recorded by Engineer for further
action. For the purpose of assessing compliance under Sub-clause B.3.3.2, the Engineer will
exercise his judgment on the basis of his comparison.
B.2.3 Initial Rehabilitation Works
2.3.1 The Contractor will have to carry out Initial Rehabilitation Works as directed by Engineer
based on Initial condition survey. The Engineer will indicate quantities and type of works,
including drawings, and the time frame for the execution of the Initial Rehabilitation Works.].The
Initial Rehabilitation Works indicated above may not be interpreted as to be sufficient in order to
assure compliance with any of the service quality levels required by the contract.
2.3.2 The Engineer and Contractor will decide the actual locations during the Joint Inspection.
It is likely that multiple sections of roadway will be selected for this treatment. The Contractor
will be required to carryout traffic control and site setout at multiple locations.
B.2.4 Engineering Improvements
B.2.4.1 Description of Improvement Works
The contractor will have to carry out the following Improvement Works:
The Contractor will have to carry out improvement works consisting of shifting
electric/telephone posts out of the shoulder area and the reinstatement/construction of missing
links of longitudinal drainage and tree planting. The Engineer and Contractor on site will decide
details of posts and drains during the Joint Inspection.
The reinstatement of the longitudinal drainage will be to the same type as the adjacent sections
of existing longitudinal drainage or as directed onsite by the Engineer. Utility shifting shall


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Page 129

include all costs of materials, etc, and necessary liaison with authorities and their subcontractors.
B.2.4.2 Procedure for Requesting Improvement Works
The Engineer, upon initial condition survey as per clause 1.3 of GCC issue an order to carry
out the improvement works. The order will specify the type of works, their estimated quantities
and the time allowed for their execution.
B.2.5 Emergency Works
The Contractor will carry out Emergency Works on the Engineers instruction only, as all items
are provisional quantities to provide repairs and/or new items not existing at the time of bidding.
The Initial Condition Survey will record encroachments, abandoned vehicles and building
materials etc. The Engineer will determine if obstructions are to be removed by the local
authorities or by payment to the Contractor under Schedule 3 or Day works.
B.2.5.1 Definition of Unforeseen Natural Phenomena
Emergency Works are designed to repair those damages to the roads under contract, which
are caused directly by unforeseen natural phenomena with imponderable consequences
occurring either in the area of the roads or elsewhere, but with a direct impact on the roads.
Unforeseen Natural Phenomena are defined as (i) rainfalls and winds of an extraordinary
intensity and/or duration, (ii) major landslides which have their origin outside the right-of-way of
the road, (iii) floods during which water levels rise above a certain maximum, (iv) earthquakes
above a certain intensity, etc. This must exclude normal damages, such as trees falling on the
road, minor erosions of the road and embankments, and damages caused by traffic accidents;
those must be remedied by the Contractor as a part of his normal obligations under the
B.2.5.2 Procedure for Requesting Emergency Works
If damages clearly caused by Unforeseen Natural Phenomena result in a reduction of service
quality levels below the normal threshold values specified in this contract, the Contractor may
make a formal request to the Engineer to carry out Emergency Works designed specifically to
remedy those damages. If the Contractor decides to make a request for Emergency Works, he
must (i) immediately inform the Engineer of his intention to do so, by telephone, radio or other
means, (ii) document the circumstances of the Force Major event and the damages caused,
through photographs, video and other suitable means, (iii) prepare a written request, stating the
type of works he intends to carry out, their exact location and the estimated quantities and
costs, including photographic documentation. In any case, a request for Emergency Works
must be made immediately after the Contractor gains knowledge of the existence of damages
caused by Unforeseen Natural Phenomena.
The Engineer, upon receipt of the request and not later than 24 hours thereafter, will evaluate
the request made by the Contractor based on a site visit, and issue an order to carry out the
Emergency Works. The order will specify the type of works, their estimated quantities, the
remuneration to be paid to the Contractor, and the time allowed for their execution.
B.2.5.3 Provision for Emergency Works
The total contract amount will include a fixed Provisional Sum for Emergency Works during the
contract period (which may be estimated somewhere between 5 and 25 percent of the total
contract amount.] The financial bids to be submitted by the bidders shall exclude the amount of
the provision.


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B.2.5.4 Obligations of Contractor during Emergencies and Emergency Works

Given the nature of this contract and the fact that Emergency Works are remunerated
separately, the Contractor will, during the execution of Emergency Works, continue to be
responsible for assuring the normal service quality levels on all roads included in the contract.
In particular, the Contractor will do everything reasonably possible in order to ensure the normal
use of all the roads under contract, including the sections affected by emergencies.
If road traffic has been interrupted because of an emergency, the Contractor will take the
measures necessary (i) to reopen the road to traffic in the shortest time possible, and (ii)
maintain the road open during emergency works, without being entitled to a specific
compensation for those measures. This is valid specifically for trees or other objects, which
may have fallen on the road, damage to access ramps to bridges, erosion of embankments,
collapse of slopes, traffic accidents, flooding, etc.
B.2.5.5 Minor Repairs Made Necessary by Unforeseen Natural Phenomena
If the works necessary to remedy damages caused by a Unforeseen Natural Phenomena are
below certain threshold values, the Contractor will carry out those works as part of his normal
obligations and without having the right to invoke the provision of the contract concerning
emergencies and the remuneration of emergency works. In these cases the consent of the
Engineer is not needed and the Contractor will simply carry out the works on his own initiative.
He will nevertheless inform the Engineer of the damages occurred and the remedial measures
The threshold values for minor repairs are as shown in the table below:
[Note: Below is a sample table which may need to be adapted to the specific circumstances of
the roads under contract]




Slides/deposit of material onto road M3




Bituminous surface



Base course






Reinforcement steel







Measuring compliance with Service Quality Levels



B.3.1.1 Engineers Inspection of Service Quality Levels

For the purpose of fulfilling the terms of this Contract, and in order to evaluate the compliance
by the Contractor with the various Service Quality levels, for the provision of Routine
Maintenance Works and Services, and User and Operational Services, the Employer / Engineer
shall utilize the following procedure and methodology to inspect and record the conformity of
the Works and Services provided on a lump sum basis.


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Except where detailed procedures and methods of inspections of Service Quality Level have
been spelt out in this Part B of the Specification, or elsewhere, the Engineer may rely upon
inspection of records, as well as visual inspection of site conditions, including measurement of
physical properties of the highway, to record and evaluate the Contractors compliance with the
designated Service Quality Levels which are set out in Parts B.1 and B.2 of the Specification.
During each month, the Engineer will undertake a number of Formal and Informal Inspections
of the Contractors work and provision of services. Informal inspections (sub clause B.3.1.2) are
part of the Engineers responsibility for assisting in the day-to-day performance of the
Contractor. Formal Inspections (sub clause B.3.2) and Assessments (sub clause B.3.3) are to
be carried out once a month, jointly with the Contractor, as part of the process of certification for
payment of works and services.
B.3.1.2 Informal Routine Inspections of Service Quality Levels
As part of the general responsibility delegated to him by the Employer, for verifying the Service
Quality levels, the Engineer may carry out random or programmed, but informal and routine,
inspections of the Service Quality Levels which are set out in Sub Clauses B.1 and B.2 of the
Specification. He may do so on his own initiative, at any time and anywhere on the roads
included in the contract. The Engineer will use his own means for those inspections, or require
a third party audit as stated in Sub Clause B.1.3.
If the Engineer either a) detects any road sections where the service quality criteria are not met,
or b) becomes aware that the Contractor is not adequately providing the User and Operation
Services, then he shall be obliged to inform the Contractor within 24 hours, in writing, in order to
enable the Contractor to take remedial action, in accordance with the response times indicated
elsewhere in the Contract.
The results of informal inspections, on their own, may not be used by the Engineer for the
purposes of correcting the Contractors Monthly Statements, applying reduction in certification
of Invoice payments, or imposing penalties or liquidated damages, as the case maybe.
However, all instances of non-compliance will be recorded and, in the event of protracted noncompliance as described in sub clause B.4.3, may be considered as contributing to a case for
Termination of the Contract under Clause 59 of the GCC

Procedure of Formal Inspection for Routine Maintenance Works

B.3.2.1 Purpose of Formal Inspections

The main purpose of the formal inspections is to enable the Engineer to verify the information
presented in the Contractors Monthly Report (including Compliance Report) and Monthly
Statement and Invoice, by comparison with actual measurements taken at various locations on
the Highway, to ensure that compliance with Service Quality levels is being met, and to make
adjustments to the Interim Payment Certificate as necessary.
Formal inspections will be scheduled in advance and carried out jointly by the Contractor and
the Engineer, under the supervision of the latter.
B.3.2.2 Timing of Inspection
The Engineer will notify the Contractor of his intention to carry out a formal inspection, giving at
least 48 hours notice, and indicating the precise limits of the section to be inspected (see
B.3.2.3), together with the exact date, time and location where the formal inspection is to begin.
The Contractor is obliged to be present at the date, time and location specified by the Engineer,
himself providing the physical means of inspection, as indicated in Para B.3.2.4.
Formal inspections will normally, but not necessarily, be scheduled to begin within five (5) days
after the presentation of the monthly statement by the Contractor to the Engineer; The Joint


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inspections will be carried out and observations recorded in the standard tables, as provided. in
Annexure - 1.
B.3.2.3 Extent of Inspection
Regular monthly formal inspections (excluding follow-up visits) shall cover a sample of at least
twenty five percent (25 %) of each of the Highway Corridor sections under the Contract, so that
the whole of the Highway Corridor shall be inspected every four months, and the Engineer shall
select this sample section, on a random basis, to be representative of the whole project for that
month. However, during the course of the Contract, the Engineer may increase the total length
of the road sections to be inspected, in particular if numerous cases of non-compliance have
been recorded in earlier inspections.
Observations made on the sample inspection section shall be considered to be representative
of the whole of the highway under the Contract, and non-compliance with any service quality
level, observed on the sample inspected section, shall be considered as if the whole of the
highway is non-compliant in that respect. Similarly, a sample section, which is shown to be
compliant, shall be taken to indicate that the whole Highway is compliant.
B.3.2.4 Means Used for Inspection
During formal inspections, the Contractors Self-control Unit will work in close collaboration with
the Engineer. The Contractor will provide the physical and manpower resources needed for the
inspection; and may be similar to those normally used by the Self-control Unit for the
Contractors continuous self-evaluation of the Works and Services, in particular:
Vehicles of the type most typically used by road users but having seating
and windows so arranged and configured as to permit both sideways and
rear facing inspection to take place during the inspection tour.
Qualified support staff, normally including, as a minimum, the qualified
staff of the Self-control Unit, plus assistants as necessary.
All equipment, tools and instruments needed to undertake the inspection.
B.3.2.5 Inspection Memorandum
During the formal inspection, in addition to recording the information in the standard tables, the
Engineer shall also prepare a brief Memorandum describing (i) the general circumstances of
the site visit, including date, road sections visited, persons present, etc., (ii) the nature and
location of any non-compliance which may have been detected, and (iii) the time granted by the
Engineer to the Contractor to remedy the detected defects (Period of Grace).
The Inspection Memorandum is to be copied to the Contractor within 24 hours of the end of the
B.3.2.6 Period of Grace and Follow Up Inspection
For each individual case of non-compliance, the Engineer will give the Contractor the
opportunity to remedy the cause of the non-compliance, within a Period of Grace based on the
normal response times given in Sub Part B.2, but in no cases later than 7 days from the date of
such inspection, after which time a formal Follow-Up Inspection will be fixed and made by the
Engineer, jointly with the Contractor, in order to verify that the Contractor has indeed remedied
the cause of non-compliance.
A Follow-up memorandum, in the form of an Appendix to the Inspection Memorandum (subSub-clause B.3.2.4), should be prepared by the Engineer and copied to the Contractor within
24 hours of the Follow-up Inspection.


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Certification for Payment of Invoice

Based on the outcome of the formal inspection, as recorded in the Inspection Memorandum,
and any subsequent Follow Up Inspections and Memoranda, and the monthly service
assessment, as recorded in the Service Compliance Memorandum, the Engineer will
immediately correct any errors or misrepresentations in the Contractors Monthly Report and
Monthly Statement, and make adjustment to the Contractors Invoice, in line with any instances
of non-compliance which have not been remedied within the Period of Grace, in accordance
with the procedure set forth in Sub - Clause B.4.1 of this Contract,
B.3.4 Initial Grace Period for achieving Service Quality Levels
In order to respect the Contractors initial mobilization period, the Contractor will be allowed a
grace period of 30 days from the Commencement Date, during which period the Contactor will
not be penalized for failing to achieve full compliance with the Service Quality levels. However,
the following limitations will apply to the stated grace period.



Existing potholes shall all be repaired within 10 days of commencement date


Existing damaged guardrails shall be repaired within 15 days of the date of



The fundamentals of the Incident Management System shall be in operation

immediately upon commencement of the Contract.

Performance-Based Variations to Payment Certification

B.4.1 Certification of Payment Items

In accordance with Clause 42 of the GCC, payments will not be certified for any item of work or
service, which, following the Inspection and Assessment Procedures outlined in Sub-Clauses
B.3.2 and B.3.3 of this Specification, is deemed to be non-compliant with respect to Service
Quality Levels requirements.
B.4.2 Determination of Payment Reductions
B.4.2.1 Routine Maintenance
B.4.2.2 Measurement and Payment of Routine Maintenance:
Payment shall include provision for all costs associated with the management, administration,
plant, equipment, labour and materials in keeping all items within the specified Service Quality
levels as indicated in Schedule B 4.
Payment shall be as a Lump Sum in equal monthly payments over the Contract period. These
payments are subject to penalties made on the Contractor for non-compliance.
Non-Compliance fractions are taken from the Standard Reporting Forms as per Annex.1 This
form will then show the percentage of Non-Compliance for item group for each 5km section and
the result of this form will be inserted in the Evaluation of Service Level Form (Annex 2) to get
coefficient of non-compliance for the section. The overall coefficient of non-compliance for the
road contract in a particular month is determined by calculating the simple average of the
coefficients of non- compliance of all 5km test sections of that month determined by Engineer
for the road concerned. So that total monthly formal inspection shall cover 25% of highway
corridor under this contract.


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B.4.2.3 Procedures for Inspection

The formal inspections of service quality levels on paved roads will be carried out following the
procedures presented in this section. General aspects of the road are the aspects which can be
evaluated by simple means, such as visual inspections and simple measurements which do not
require sophisticated equipment. General aspects include the pavement, shoulders, structures,
drainage system, right-of-way and road safety aspects/signaling. However, road roughness and
pavement deflection are excluded. The formal monthly inspection of general aspects for each
road (or road section) included in the contract is carried out based on test sections of five (5)
km each. The location of the test sections is determined by the Engineer, with the only
restriction that it must vary from month to month. Each five-km test section is subdivided into
ten (10) segments of 500 meters each. The inspection process shall determine, for each
segment of 500 meters, if non-compliance exists for any of the aspects to be verified
(pavements, shoulders, structures, drainage system, right-of-way and road safety
B.4.2.4 Determination of Payment Reductions
The results of each formal inspection of the service quality levels and other performance criteria
will be recorded by the Engineer in the form of a Memorandum. The Memorandum will state the
type and location of any non-compliance detected, in particular those non-compliances already
shown in the standard tables provided by the Contractor as part of his monthly statement. For
each individual case of non-compliance, the Engineer will determine a date by which the
Contractor must have completed the necessary measures in order to remedy the cause of the
non-compliance. A follow-up site visit is therefore necessary at the date fixed by the Engineer,
or soon thereafter, in order to verify that the Contractor has indeed remedied the cause of noncompliance.
If at the date indicated in the Memorandum, the Contractor has not remedied the cause for noncompliance, independent of the reason given by the him for his failure to do so, the Contractor
is subject to Payment Reductions in accordance with the relevant clauses of the GCC.
Payment Reductions are variable over time. If the Contractor fails to remedy a cause of noncompliance for which a payment reduction has already been applied, the amount of the
payment reduction increases month by month for that particular cause of non-compliance,
without a ceiling being applied, until compliance is established.
The calculation of the amounts of payment reductions, and the formula for their adjustment over
time, is to be based on the following rules:
The unit rates of payment reductions (PRu) are applicable during the first 30 days of noncompliance.
If a non-compliance has not been remedied within thirty days, liquidated damages for periods
beyond 30 days are calculated based on the following formula:
PR = 2n PRu
J = number of days of non-compliance, and
J 1
rounded up to full number (without decimals)
If, following the issue of the Inspection Memorandum for a particular month, the Contractor fails
within any Period of Grace to remedy the cause of any non-compliance with the Service Quality
levels, as determined during the Follow-up Inspection, irrespective of any reason given by the
him for such failure to do so, the Engineer will decline to certify payment for that particular noncompliant item(s) of work, for the whole extent of the Highway, in pursuance of Sub Clause


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B.4.2.5 Measurement and Payment of Initial Rehabilitation Works: Schedule 1

The Rehabilitation Works will be priced through a schedule of rates amount included in the
Contract Price. The Contractor will invoice Rehabilitation Works in Monthly Statements and in
accordance with the Rehabilitation Works actually carried out as stated in the Schedule of
Payment under this item will include full compensation for all labour, plant, and materials used
in meeting the specified requirements. Failure to carryout the works in the time specified will
result in the Contractor being liable for liquidated damages.
B.4.2.6 Measurement and Payment of Improvement Works: Schedule 2
The Improvement Works will be remunerated based on the prices shown in Schedule 2. The
Contractor will invoice Improvement Works as part of his Monthly Statements and in
accordance with the Improvement Works actually carried out as stated in the Schedule of
Payment under this item will include full compensation for all labour, and materials used in
meeting the specified requirements. Failure to carryout the works in the time specified will result
in the Contractor being liable for liquidated damages.
B.4.2.7 No Retrospective Certification
Once the Engineer has declined to certify monthly payment for non-compliant items of work or
service, the Contractor shall not claim retrospective certification of payment for that particular
month, even when the Contractor subsequently does achieve compliance.
B.4.3 Protracted Failure to Comply
In the situation where, on two successive months, the Contractor has failed to achieve the
required Service Quality Level, for any item of work or service, the Engineer will have the right
to employ either a third party contractor, or a State Organisation, to rectify the non-compliant
work or to provide the necessary service. The costs of such activity will be charged to the
Contractor and deducted from the Invoice for the particular month.
The third party contractor will be, or will have been, appointed in accordance with the
Employers standard procedures for procurement of services, based on open competition.
Any consistent and repeated instances of the Contractor, failing to comply with the contractual
requirements for maintaining Service Quality Levels, will be recorded and may be considered
as contributing to a case for Termination of the Contract under Clause 59 of the GCC.
B.4.4 Repair of accident damaged assets
In the event of accident damage to any fixed, semi-fixed or movable asset on the site, the
assets shall be repaired, rebuilt or replaced by the contractor within a reasonable time period,
so that the assets shall be substantially in the same condition as they were prior to the damage.
Unless the damage has been caused due to negligence by the contractor, the contractor shall
be entitled for reimbursement of the cost of such repairs at mutually agreed rates.


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Annexure 1
PBMM Contract No.
Road Test Section: (each section approx lengths of 5km.

From km

to km
Inspector's Name

Item Group

Pot holes patching

Pavement width
B.2.1.3 Pavement

Surface /shoulder cleanliness

Edge braking
shoulder drop
Paved shoulders

B.2.1.4 Shoulders

Unpaved shoulders
Embankment slope
Rain cuts
Steel Structures


Cross Cross pipes

Expansion joint
Riverbed/ water ways


Section 6


% of non %
No of non Complianc Compliance
Compliance e
Group vise

Page 137

Open and closed channel

and spout
B2.1.6 Drain/ditches Paved ditches
un pave ditches
Traffic Traffic Management
Crash barrier
B.2.1.8 Sign/Marking
Distance Stones
Pavement marking
B2.1.9 Road Side
Maintenance of trees/ shrubs


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Annexure 2
Identification of Road Section (approx 5km length): from km ................ to km ...............
Asset Item

% of non-compliance




Weighted % of noncompliance = 1)*(2)






Cross drainage




Environmental Mitigation




Signs and Markings


NonCompliance for this Road
Section = (3) divided by 7.0





Section 6


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