SolidCAM 2015 Imachining Getting Started PDF
SolidCAM 2015 Imachining Getting Started PDF
SolidCAM 2015 Imachining Getting Started PDF
iMachining 2D
The Complete Integrated Manufacturing Solution
Feed Rate
Spindle Speed
Step Over
About this document
The facts about SolidCAM
The facts about iMachining
About this document
This Getting Started document is an Interactive Guide that consists of two main parts. The
goal of the first part is to Jumpstart your basic knowledge of SolidCAM by using some its
2.5D Milling technologies. The second part is geared to get you started using SolidCAM's
revolutionary iMachining technology.
Document design
This Interactive Guide is primarily designed around a task-based approach to learning. As
indicated by the name, this document is interactive and it uses virtual guided exercises to
quickly and easily help you in Getting Started with SolidCAM and iMachining.
Adobe Reader
It is highly recommended to use Adobe Reader when viewing this document. If you do not
already have Adobe Reader, it is a free PDF viewer that can be downloaded from Adobes
website via this link By default, Adobe Reader will allow
launching of external files and connecting to URLs, which is essential for the interactive
features to function properly. If you prefer using a different PDF viewer, it is important to
make sure that the Trust Manager Preferences allows external commands to be executed
by your preferred Reader.
As mentioned in the Using this Interactive Guide section, this document also uses the
following interactive features as buttons for launching part files and connecting to URLs:
Getting Started with SolidCAM is based upon the SolidCAM Professor video series called
Jumpstart the easy way to learn SolidCAM. The programming of a simple cover is
performed step by step using some of SolidCAM's 2.5D Milling technologies. In order to
reach the final CAM-Part, the following steps have to be implemented:
3D Model Stock
When using the iMachining technology, you also have to define the machine
and work material parameters. You can make those selections now in the
CAM-Part Definition or when the first iMachining operation is added to your
For this exercise, choose Haas_SS from the Machine Database and choose
Aluminum_100BHN-60HRB from the Material Database. Click the Edit
iMachining Database button and increase the ACP tolerance to 20% for the
selected machine. After clicking Save & Exit, the CAM-Part Definition can be
Depending on your machine and work material specifications,
SolidCAM enables you to add new and edit existing machine and
material files in the iMachining Database.
In the iDatabase dialog box, the buttons at the bottom left enable
you to manage machine definitions in the list.
The New
button enables you to add new machine
definitions to the list.
The Delete
button enables you to delete existing machine
definitions from the list.
The Save As
button enables you to save the defined
machine definitions under specified names in specified
The Revert
button enables you to return any edited
parameters back to their default or originally saved values.
The same buttons are available on the Material DB tab enabling
you to manage material definitions in the database.
If the machine and work material parameters have not been
chosen in the CAM-Part Definition, SolidCAM will prompt you to
make the selections when adding the first iMachining operation
to the CAM-Part.
Right-click the Operations header in the SolidCAM Manager and add a new
2D iMachining operation.
Use the default iRough Technology type to define the rough machining.
To define the machining geometry for the operation, click the New button on
the Geometry page.
Mark the outer chain (1-Chain) as open to enable the tool to approach from
the outside.
Switch to the Tool page and add an end mill of 9 mm (0.3438 in).
Note that the Milling levels fields get painted red this is because the
values are associative to the picked entities; and if the model changes,
the associated values will update automatically.
In addition to the picked depths, define a Delta depth to perform machining
deeper than the part bottom edge. Set the value to -0.76 mm (-0.03 in).
Switch to the Technology Wizard page of the iMachining Operation dialog
box. This Wizard automatically calculates the Cutting conditions for the
iMachining technology, taking into account the tool data and Milling levels
defined for the operation.
Step down
When the Automatic option is chosen, the Step down is
calculated by the Wizard in accordance with the Pocket
depth defined for the operation.
When the User-defined option is chosen, the Step down can
be defined by specifying a value or by setting the number of
steps required to achieve the Pocket depth.
The output grid displays the Number of steps, the Step
down value and the number of Axial Contact Points (ACPs)
calculated automatically by the Wizard.
Rows are created for each Step down value that is not the
Machining level
The Machining level slider enables you to select from
calculated sets of Cutting conditions. Moving the slider up
in machining levels provide a convenient and intuitive way
to control the Material Removal Rate (MRR). Increasing
the position of the slider increases MRR and machining
For this operation, use the Cutting conditions generated by the Wizard based
on the default position of the Machining level slider (3).
Save & Calculate the operation and then click Simulate. Run the operation
simulation using the default Host CAD mode to view the wireframe tool path.
The simulated tool path is performed as follows: the corners are cleared first
and the entire contour is machined.
To define the finish machining of the outside contour, click the Save & Copy
button to create a copy of the current iMachining operation. After the copied
operation automatically opens, choose iFinish for the Technology type.
The copied Geometry, Tool and Levels definitions are used for finishing. The
default Cutting conditions generated by the Wizard are also used.
Switch to the Technology page. Under the iRest Data tab, note that the
previous iRough_OutsideContour operation is automatically defined as the
Parent operation. The three important parameters required for calculating
rest material are inherited from the Parent operation.
Save & Calculate the operation and then click Simulate. Run the operation
simulation using the default Host CAD mode. The finishing is performed in a
single cutting pass.
Add a new iMachining 2D operation. Use the default iRough for Technology
type and select the lower contour of the pocket for the Geometry definition.
Use the 9 mm (0.3438 in) end mill that was defined in the previous
operation. Pick the top face of the Stock model for the Upper level definition
and the lower face of the pocket for the Pocket depth definition. The default
Cutting conditions generated by the Technology Wizard are used.
The Link page displays the Ramping angle at which the Helical Entry into the
pocket will be performed. This value is automatically calculated based on the
aggressiveness of the Machining level slider. An override check box is also
provided in the instance you want to manually enter a preferred value.
Save & Calculate the operation and then click Simulate. Run the operation
simulation using the default Host CAD mode. The tool performs the Helical
Entry into the pocket followed by a Morphing spiral to the outer walls.
To define the finish machining of the center pocket, Save & Copy the current
iMachining operation and then choose iFinish for the Technology type. On
the iRest data tab of the Technology page, the previous iRough_CenterPocket
operation is automatically defined as the Parent operation.
Save & Calculate the operation and then click Simulate. Run the operation
simulation using the default Host CAD mode. The pocket corners are cleared
first and then a final pass is taken along the walls.
Add a new iMachining 2D operation. Use the default iRough for Technology
type and select the lower contour of the pocket ledge for the Geometry
definition. Mark the front edge as open using Mark open edges.
Use the 9 mm (0.3438 in) end mill. Pick the top face of the Stock model
for the Upper level definition and the lower face of the pocket ledge for the
Pocket depth definition. The default Cutting conditions generated by the
Technology Wizard are used.
Save & Calculate the operation and then Simulate it using the default Host
CAD mode. The tool approaches from the open edge and then performs the
roughing tool path, first removing material from the middle of the ledge and
then clearing its corners.
To define the finish machining of the pocket ledge, Save & Copy the current
iMachining operation and then choose iFinish for the Technology type.
Save & Calculate the operation and then Simulate it using the default Host
CAD mode. After the corners are cleared, the tool finishes the walls of the
pocket ledge in a single cutting pass.
To verify the iMachining tool path for all operations at once, right-click
the Operations header in the SolidCAM Manager and choose the Simulate
command. Run the operation simulation using both the Host CAD and
SolidVerify modes.
SolidVerify Simulation
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining Getting Started exercise.
If you would like to compare your completed CAM-Part with SolidCAM's,
activate the file SC_IM_WALKTHROUGH.prz.
This exercise is based upon another Getting Started video series that covers the most
common need-to-know topics about iMachining. SolidCAM's iMachining technology is
used to perform the programming of the part above. In order to reach the final CAM-Part,
the following steps have to be implemented:
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining Getting Started exercise.
If you would like to compare your completed CAM-Part with SolidCAM's,
activate the file SC_IM_ENCLOSURE.prz.
This example illustrates the use of SolidCAMs iMachining technology to machine the part
above. There are standard 2.5D tool paths (Drilling & Profile) and 3D tool paths (HSR &
HSS) to aid in the complete CNC program. The machining will performed on a 3-Axis CNCMachine in two setups, from both sides of the part.
To open the CAM-Part used in this example, activate the file SC_IM_BRACKET.prz.
If your CAM package does not contain the required 3D modules, activate the file
The following SolidCAM operations are defined to perform the machining:
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Interactive Getting Started Guide.
For additional iMachining documentation and many more great SolidCAM Professor
videos, visit
iMachining 2D