Error Spotting Ibps
Error Spotting Ibps
Error Spotting Ibps
Read each sentence to find out whether there 14) The passage is (1) / more difficult (2) / that I am
is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any,
unable (3) / to comprehend it. (4) / No error (5).
will be in one part of the sentence. The number
of that part is the answer. If there is no error, 15) Janet is determined (1) / to be success (2) / in
the answer is (5) i.e. No Error. (Ignore the
whatever field (3) / she chooses. (4). No error (5).
errors of punctuation, if any).
16) When we (1) / reached the shops, (2) / we find that
The man ran (1) / to a tree, climbed (2) / on to it
(3) / they were all closed. (4) / No error (5)
and (3) / sit on a branch. (4) / No error (5).
17) Poor people (1) / has no money (2) / therefore they
A young man was standing (1) / on the road
cannot afford (3) / proper medical facilities. (4) / No
proclaiming (2) / that he had the more (3) /
error (5).
beautiful car in the whole world. (4) / No error (5).
18) The course is for (1) / something who is interested
The girl sat down (1) / for dinner but refused to (2)
(2) / in learning (3) / about computers. (4) / No
/ eat until (3) / her father came home. (4) / No error
error (5).
19) We were surprised (1) / that she participated (2) /
The only thing that (1) / the couple worried (2) / on
at the performance (3) / held at NCPA. (4) / No
was, whether their (3) / happiness would last
error (5).
forever. (4) / No error (5).
20) As soon as (1) / I getting my (2) / first salary (3) / I
One day, the King woke up (1) / earlier than
spent all my money. (4) / No error (5).
usually (2) / to take a stroll (3) / around his palace.
(4) / No error (5).
21) The principal (1) / introducing me (2) / to some of
her (3) / teaching staff. (4) / No error (5).
The more enlightened (1) / factory owners (2) /
build homes for their (3) / workers in Britain in the 22) The doctors said that (1) / he was making good
19th century. (4) / No error (5).
progress (2) / and would not (3) / need an
operation. (4) / No error (5).
Most criminals (1) / realises that they may be
caught, (2) / but nevertheless (3) / they are
23) Instead of (1) / to buy books, (2) / I borrow them
prepared to take the risk. (4) / No error (5).
(3) / from the library. (4) / no error (5).
711 EVR Road, Opp. Anna Arch, NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam, CHENNAI-106.
30) The band will play (1) / the National Anthem when
32) They left very early (1) / for the station (2) / for fear
33) By the time the (1) / fire engine arrived (2) / at the
scene, (3) / the building had already collapsing (4). 50) The Manager said that (1) / he wanted to known
/ No error (5).
(2) / the pros and cons (3) / of the issue. (4) / No
error (5).
34) Gloria and Fiona (1) / are always in (2) / a state of
disagreement (3) / for one another (4). / No error
51) The employee was (1) / asked to leave her job (2)
/ as she was not (3) performing well (4) / No error
35) The man which stole the camera (1) / hid it in his
52) In school (1) / we have to enrolled (2) / in sports
home (2) / until he could safely (3) / get it out of
(3) / and music classes (4) / No error (5).
town (4) / No error (5)
36) Look! (1) / somebody (2) / had climbing up (3) /
53) This report (1) / highlights on (2) / the need for (3) /
37) Sachin is one (1) / of the greatest players (2) / who 54) My best friend (1) / left the country (2) / I hope to
57) I was very lucky (1) / that day (2) / and catched (3)
42) The noise was (1) / so faintly that (2) / one had to
(2) / he was absolute (3) / irritated and furious. (4) / 60) As a child, (1) / I always want to (2) / have a
No error (5).
bicycle (3) / of my own. (4) / No error (5).
44) The weather is (1) / much more warmer (2) / than