Preposition 2
Preposition 2
Preposition 2
1. The aircraft was overloaded (1)/ there was something wrong of the battery (2)/and the
engine was making a queer noise. (3)/No error (4)
2. I warned him (1)/for the danger (2)/he was going (3)/to face during the hiking. (4)/No
error (5)
3. Ordinarily, when in difficulty (1)/Renuka prefers keeping her counsel (2)/than
running about (3)/taking advice. (4)/No error (5)
4. Sheila advised to (1)/her child not to (2)/play with the ball (3)/ on the road. (4)/No
error (5)
5. Basu was trying to pass (1)/through the gap on (2)/the fence when he (3)/tore his shirt.
(4)/No error (5)
6. I have been teaching in this school (1)/since several years (2)/ but have never met
(3)/such a hopeless class as this. (4)/No error (5)
7. It is easy to see that (1)/a lawyer's demeanour in court (2)/ may be prejudicial against
the interests of his client. (3)/No error (4)
8. The reason we have not been able to pay income tax (1)/ is due to fact (2)/that we did
not receive pay on time. (3)/No error (4)
9. The policemen fired all the (1)/students when (2)/they were attacked (3)/by some of
them. (4)/No error (5)
10. He was not promoted (1)/ to the rank of colonel (2)/ till for a few (3)/months of his
resignation. (4)/No error (5)
11. All the players (1)/except Sam (2)/ were present (3)/ on the field. (4)/No error
12. Despite of a good monsoon (1)/this year, the production (2)/of food grains in the
(3)/country did not go up. (4)/No error (5)
13. Yesterday, while (1)/crossing the road (2)/he was (3) run out by a truck. (4)/No error
14. . The girl wrote an essay (1)/so well (2)/that her teacher was exceedingly (3)/pleased
at her. (4)/No error (5)
15. He tried (1)/to open the cane (2)/by a cane opener. (3)/No error(4)
16. When the students reached late (1)/the teacher objected their entering the class (2)/
without his permission. (3)/No error (4)
17. The captain and his (1)/wife were invited (2)/for the cultural (3)/function at my
home. (4) No error (5)
18. The government decided to (1)/write of the debts (2)/of the farmers who were
(3)/below the poverty line. (4)/No error (5)
19. Children visiting the (1)/ park are amused (2)/by the monkeys (3)/play in the cages.
(4)/No error (5)
20. The great actor was (1)/angry with the treatment (2)/during the party (3)/in Ashoka
Hall. (4)/No error (5)
21. Don't go by his appearance, (1)/he is capable at (2)/doing any work (3)/without any
hesitation. (4)/No error (5)
22. The teacher pointed out the (1)/students that they might (2)/ learn something from
Kalidas because (3)/Kalidas was the Shakespeare of India. (4)/No error (5)
23. 20. The great actor was (1)/angry with the treatment (2)/during the party (3)/in
Ashoka Hall. (4)/No error (5)
24. The consequence, of (1)/the action was not fully realised to (2)/ the authorities.
(4)/No error (5)
25. I am pleased to sanction (1)/one special increment (2)/to all the employees (3)/with
the month. (4)/No error (5)
26. I have (1)/an appointment (2)/on the 9th of September (3)/on five o'clock. (4)/No
error (5)