Occult Symbolism v6
Occult Symbolism v6
Occult Symbolism v6
• 1 Plants
o 1.1 Pine cone
o 1.2 Lily
1.2.1 Sacred blue lily
1.2.2 Fleur-de-lis
o 1.3 Lotus
1.3.1 Sacred Lotus
1.3.2 Nymphaea
o 1.4 Rose
o 1.5 Acacia
Pine cone
• Various notes:
o The pine cone, on the tree of life, slowly ripens the conifer's female seeds, and in
the later stages the cone opens up to release its matured seeds. This process
symbolizes the expansion of consciousness together with its seeding effect
on other people and culture. Note how the cone at the Vatican (see below) is
immature and therefore unopened - just the way they want it!
o "In Greek mythology, a Thyrsus (thyrsos) was a staff of giant fennel (Ferula
communis) covered with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae and
always topped with a pine cone. Where these emblems were, there was
the spirit of Dionysus also. Euripides wrote that honey dripped from the
thyrsos staves that the Bacchic maenads carried. It was a sacred instrument
at religious rituals and fetes." [8]
o "The pine and its cone is a symbol of the rebirth cycle, eternal life etc. and
therefore the sun and the Amanita mushroom ("phoenix") with the enlightenment
it brings when you experience the shamanic spiritual death/rebirth from its drug
effects (the 'gateway' to the other realm, polarity unification, Venus etc) The
Amanita grows under the pine tree. Our red and white 'presents' under the xmas
tree. The pine cone is hanging in the branches, perhaps then also a direct symbol
of the drying mushroom, like the Church would hang the eucharist on their xmas
trees inside the churches and we hang our xmas ornaments on the pine tree to
symbolise the Amanita. Which is why the pine cone is seen with the snakes like
that. And why it is associated with IHS (Bacchus/Dionysos), the mystery god of
inebriation, and his 'thyrsus', connected to both Demeter and her shroomy
Eleusinian Mysteries aswell as the Orphic Mysteries." [9]
o See also:
o The Pineal gland and its endocrine production of the strong entheogen
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Is its shape similar to a pine cone? Does it 'open up' at
times? What are its functions?
Note: the
serpent/dragon/lizard head,
the reverse awen handsign,
the cow/bull above the altar,
and something that
resembles a human in a
(see previous)
• Various notes:
o Various names: Nymphaea caerulea, Egyptian blue lily, Sacred blue lily.
o This is an entheogenic plant (see also this video).
"It was considered extremely significant in Egyptian mythology,
since it was said to rise and fall with the Sun. Consequently, due to its
colourings, it was identified, in some beliefs, as having been the original
container, in a similar manner to an egg, of Atum, and in similar beliefs Ra,
both solar deities. As such, its properties form the origin of the lotus variant
of the Ogdoad cosmogeny. It was the symbol of the Egyptian deity
Nefertem." [10]
• Various notes:
o See also:
Flower of Life
1784 coin commissioned by Buckingham Palace Saint Louis University Scouting World Crest (a
the Roman Catholic king worlwide youth outdoor-
Louis XVI of France, Note: this is a private universitytraining movement)
Kingdom of France. founded in 1818 by the Jesuits.
See also the "The Caduceus
Project" sculpture.
o Various notes:
Lotus effect: The observed superhydrophobic and self-cleaning property
found with lotus plants. The lotus plant is a symbol of purity in Asian
See also: Padma lotus, Lotus Sutra, Lotus tree, Lotis.
Sacred Lotus
• Various notes:
o Other names: Nelumbo nucifera, Indian lotus, sacred lotus, bean of India, sacred
Nymphaea lotus
• Various notes:
o Other names: Tiger Lotus, Egyptian White Water-lily.
o It grows in various parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia, and is known to flower
at night and close in the morning and remains of the flower have been found in
the burial tomb of Ramesses II.
• Various notes:
o To research: Is it true that all flowers originated from the rose?
• Various notes:
o "The Acacia is used as a symbol in Freemasonry, to represent purity and
endurance of the soul, and as funerary symbolism signifying resurrection and
immortality." [11]
o See also:
"Acacia and Entheogenic tryptamines" (todo: describe Judaic-tribe
ayahuasca brew which contained acacia bark and Harmal aka "Syrian Rue")
"Symbolism of Freemasonry"
"The Acacia Symbol and Freemasonry"
"The Acacia Fraternity is not the oldest, or largest, or most famous college fraternity, but its origin is
distinctive and its record distinguished. With nearly 46,000 initiates since its founding in 1904 and with
chapters spread across the United States and Canada, the Acacia Fraternity stands out among its peer
collegiate Greek-letter fraternities as being the only college fraternity that uses a Greek word as its name in
place of a series of Greek letters and was founded solely by members of the Masonic Fraternity." [7]
• 1 Sexuality
o 1.1 Life cycle
1.1.1 Fertility Egg Cosmic egg
o 1.2 Female
1.2.1 Virgin
1.2.2 Vagina Yoni
1.2.3 Placenta
1.2.4 Breasts
o 1.3 Male
1.3.1 Phallus Obelisk Maypole Lingam Semen and
o 1.4 Various topics
1.4.1 Orgy
1.4.2 Pedophilia
• Various notes:
o See also:
History of erotic depictions
Sex magic
Category:Sexuality and religion
Life cycle
• The pagan festival of Astarte or Ishtar (Easter) is always held in late april to celebrate the
earth regenerating itself after winter. Eggs and rabbit (Note: Rabbit symbol for Playboy
Magazine) symbols were used for fertility
Cosmic egg
• Various notes:
o See also:
Occult symbolism: Circles
• Various notes:
o See also:
Axis mundi
The top of the building which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, is shaped as a female breast and has milky-white
water squirting onto it 24 hours a day.
• Various notes:
o See also:
Phallus symbolism
"Obelisk's of the world"
"Be Fruitful and Multiply"
To research: Phoenician Beth-el ("house/stone of god"). See also: Betyle
District of Columbia
obelisk (build between
Bunker Hill Monument, 1848-1884)
Heliopolis obelisk, Paris
Gamla stan, Sweden Charlestown,
(placed in 1833 from Thebes,
(build in 1800) Massachusetts, US. (build See also: [1]
between 1827 and 1843)
Messeturm, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany (1991). ? building in Singapore.
Halde Hoheward,
It is the second tallest building In the background is the
Germany (build in ?)
in Germany and the also the Singapore Flyer ferris
second tallest in the European wheel.
Obelisk grave marker of John D. Obelisk gravestone of Thomas Obelisk gravestone of James
Rockefeller Jefferson Madison
Various topics
• Various notes:
o In Ancient Egypt:
(todo), see also: Sacred blue lily.
o Ancient south american culture:
"Moche erotic pottery is fascinating, not only due to the vast number of
sexual activities represented, but also because procreative coitus was only
depicted in a limited number of circumstances when the male involved
wore ceremonial garb, the female had two braids which ended in snake's
heads, and the copulation occurred under an elaborate roof of a ceremonial
building. In these scenes of procreative sex, additional figures are always
depicted watching the couple in the building and holding their hands as
though in supplication. The precise meaning of this has never been
o In Ancient Greece:
"Orgion was a secret rite of the Greek Mystery religions, practiced in the
worship of Demeter at Eleusis (mentioned in the Homeric Hymn to
Demeter) or in worship of Dionysus (Herodotus 2.81), the Cabeiri, Demeter
Achaia (Herodotus 2.51, 5.61), Orpheus, Eumolpus, or Cybele. The term
could also refer to rites or sacrifices in general, the verb ὀργιάζω denoting
ritual celebration." [6]
o In Ancient Rome:
Bacchanalia were wild and mystic festivals of the Roman god Bacchus
(w:Dionysus in Greek).
• Various notes:
o See also:
Joris Demmink scandal
• 1 Alchemy
o 1.1 Alchemical
1.1.1 Albedo
1.1.2 Citrinitas
1.1.3 Rubedo
1.1.4 Nigredo
o 1.2 Matter
1.2.1 Gold
• Various notes:
o See also:
Plasma cosmos: Electrochemistry
abrahadabra.com forum: Mutational Alchemy
"Alchemical Art"
Alchemical stages
• Various notes:
o See also: Albedo (disambiguation)
• Various notes:
o Todo: note the physical and metaphysical properties of gold (non-reactionary,
pure, stable, etc.)
• 1 Masonic
o 1.1 Masons in regalia
o 1.2 Masonic ritual
1.2.1 1st degree
1.2.2 2nd degree
1.2.3 3rd degree
1.2.4 4th - 33rd degrees
o 1.3 Grand lodges
o 1.4 Organizational diagrams
o 1.5 Drafting Compass and Square
o 1.6 Two pillars
o 1.7 Knighting
o 1.8 Arch
o 1.9 Cornerstone
o 1.10 Keystone
o 1.11 Keys
o 1.12 Squares
1.12.1 Checkerboard
1.12.2 Oblong square Oblong squares in
freemasonry Oblong squares in history Oblong squares in logos Various oblong squares
1.12.3 Square logos
1.12.4 Double square
1.12.5 City square
1.12.6 Black square Black cube
• See also:
o Masons
Prominent masons
o Occult symbolism: Masonic sun symbolism
o Occult symbolism: Masonic places
o Occult symbolism: Hand signs
o "Papal Keys and Masonic Symbolism"
Masons in regalia
Two Masons pose with plaques. Two Australian Masons Two Masons
The October 1956 cover of
The Mason at left is wearing a shaking hands, in front standing at attention.
LIFE magazine showing a
Maltese cross medal on his right of the Worshipful
pyramid of masons.
jacket lapel. Master's chair.
African-American Masons
walking down the main street
of an unknown town.
• Groups of Co-Masons:
A 1920's photo of female Photo from the 1950's showing female Co-Masons posing for the photo,
Co-Masons. members belonging to the Order of the along with two male counterparts.
Eastern Star.
Masonic ritual
1st degree
• Various notes:
o Ritual for the Entered Apprentice or the First Degree of Freemasonry:
o Oath of the Entered Apprentice: "All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and
swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any
mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under
no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out
by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-
water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I
ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation. So help me God,
and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same." [29]
• Note: All black and white illustrations are from Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor. (c.
1800's era illustration
showing the Candidate
swearing the oath of the The Candidate being
This photo shows the Entered Apprentice, upon the conducted once around
Candidate as dressed to alter of the Masonic Lodge. the Lodge by the
receive the degree of the
(see previous) Conductor after having
Entered Apprentice, From left to right: the received the First Degree
complete with a Cable-Tow Worshipful Master, alter and of the Entered
around his neck. lights, the Candidate and the Apprentice.
1700's illustration
This illustration shows the depicting the initiation
various "stops" in the ritual for the Entered
Lodge that the Candidate Apprentice degree of
must make upon receiving Masonry.
the First Degree of the
Entered Apprentice.
• Various notes:
o Ritual for the Fellow Craft or the Second Degree of Freemasonry:
The apron of the Fellow Craft, is worn with one corner of the flap turned
up. (see previous)
3rd degree
Grand lodges
• Various notes:
o See also:
Category: Grand Lodges
Grand lodge of Pennsylvania images
Founded in 1717
• Various notes:
o To research: "(Masonic) speculation on the symbol of Square and Compasses"
Freemasonry logo.
Anheuser-Busch brewing
The Associated General company. Logo of the San Jose
Contractors of America Sharks, a professional
(see previous) The top of the "A" is the U.S. hockey team located
Note: "G" in center. compass and the upward in San Jose, California
lifting wings are the square
• Square only
Valvoline (now
Ashland Inc.) Note: circle above "V" is
Klipsch Audio where a "G" would go
Technologies Note: pyramid in
Two pillars
• Various notes:
o Alternative names: Boaz and Jachin
o See also: Pillars of Hercules
o Note how often II spheres (or globes) rest on II pillars. These two spheres are
sometimes the Sun and Moon, which represent the active and the passive (and
thereby reflective) forces of the universe. They want to claim these two realms of
the world as theirs.
o todo: note Egyptian mythology origins (and perhaps even earlier)
Masonic lodge with the two pillars Masonic apron worn by
and the checkerboard floor. Grand Lodge seal
(see previous) "Brother" George Washington
of Alabama, US [9]
(4 pillars). See also: [8]
History Channel
• Twin Towers
o Todo:
LG Twin Towers, Beijing
LG Twin Towers, Korea
• Various notes:
o When a person is knighted he/she submits to - and becomes part of - a specific
knighthood-masonic order. In this investiture ceremony, the knight-elect kneels on
a knighting-stool in front of the master (eg. the queen, master mason, etc.), who
then lays the sword blade on the knight's right shoulder, and arches it over the
persons head to the left shoulder.
[12] [13]
• Various notes:
o When a person is knighted he/she submits to - and becomes part of - a specific
knighthood-masonic order. In this investiture ceremony, the knight-elect kneels on
a knighting-stool in front of the master (eg. the queen, master mason, etc.), who
then lays the sword blade on the knight's right shoulder, and arches it over the
persons head to the left shoulder.
The Washington
Square Arch in
National War Memorial in
Washington Square
Universal Studios Ottawa, Canada - originally
Park in New York City
Florida built in 1939 to commemorate
World War I.
See: square as a word,
George Washington
• Arches in logos:
International Order of the Rainbow
Citi for Girls (IORG). Founded in 1922
by mason and reverend W. Mark Thyssen Krupp
Note: how the arch goes Sexson for girls ages 11-21
from "i" to "i", which United Way logo, Note the intertwined
represent the two pillars. Note: original name was "Order of arches? circles. (todo: note
the Rainbow for Girls". Also known SMOM-Nazi
as "Rainbow Girls". partnerships)
(c. 1793)
(c. 1993)
George Washington laying the cornerstone of the
United States Capital in Masonic garb, as Newspaper article picture from
chronicled by the Colombian Mirror and (see previous)
September 19th, 1993 showing the 200th
Alexandria Gazette of September 18th, 1793. anniversary ceremony of the laying of the
[16] U.S. Capitol cornerstone
• Other cornerstones:
Plaque commemorating the cornerstone laying of the Capitol of South
• Various notes:
o The Keystone is the locking stone of the Arch. Therefore, the "copestone," being
located at the top, is the cap of the entire arch. Consequently, the Royal Arch of
Freemasonry, is symbolically regarded as "The Copestone of Ancient Craft
Masonry;" otherwise referred to as the "Capitular Rite."
(see previous)
The "book" that the Statue of Liberty is holding, is in fact a (see previous) (see
masonic keystone. previous)
• Logo's:
(see previous)
• Other:
In the masonic lodge, symbol is the Treasurer.
The world's largest He receives all lodge moneys from the
manager of private Secretary, keeps account of same, and pays
Grand Lodge seal
wealth assets them out on the order of the Worshipful
Illinois (US)
Master. Traditionally, his seat is at a desk, to
the left of the Worshipful Master (looking
• Various notes:
o The square symbolism (in part) seems to symbolize that which is formed by
the human intellect - nothing in nature creates such a shape. More
specifically, in freemasonry the square stands for the perfect molding of a
person against its natural shaping. A state-of-mind which fits more easily into
a control structure together with the other 'square minded' masons. No
individual mason is truly important, its the overall social structure and
execution of "The Great Work" or "The Plan" that is important. The Jesuit
Order and many other fascistic orders follow a similar path of molding the
individual (a spiraling cyle of: neurosis -> deceit -> self destruction -> group-think
construction), until the Mason denies his personal sovereignty by
assimilating all the indoctrinated value dogma's and the constricted
thought and emotional mechanisms.
In Freemasonry, you are a "square man" and you do things "by the
o Square mathematics:
Squaring the circle
Magic square
• Various notes:
o Most masonic lodges have checkerboard floors. This goes back to King Solomon's
Temple having a checkerboard floor. It is known in freemasonry as the
"Checkerboard of Joy".
o Many board games (which are games of the mind - mind games!) consist of
black and white squares (often forming a larger square!). These game have
overlayed rules which dictate the allowed movement by the players. Who
makes the games? Who makes the rules? Who is allowed to play?
Masonic temple-lodge
Pannetier-Grand Orient,
Pope Ratzinger and the United Grand Lodge of France.
ecumenical Eastern England, London,
Orthodox Church United Kingdom.
Note: the pyramid, the sun and
patriarchs. the 5-pointed star symbols on
Founded in 1717.
the ceiling.
Masonic checkerboard floor in Marble statue of mason and
the United States Capitol, first US president (1789-
Note: the 10-pointed
located in the masonic city of 1797) George Washington
Washington, DC. Where does stands in the Richmond,
the real power lay? Virgina capitol rotunda.
• Logo's:
The BMW logo. The fact that it looks like Masonic checkerboard is not
surprising considering that BMW is in Germany where there is a strong Cartoon Network
Masonic influence.
(T.V. channel)
Note: by having a circle around the checkerboard, four pyramid shapes
are formed;
• Checkerboard in law enforcement:
• Various notes:
o The oblong square is well-known in masonic circles.
"The form of a masonic lodge is said to be a parallelogram, or
oblong square; its greatest length being from east to west, its breadth
from north to south. A square, a circle, a triangle, or any other form but that
of an oblong square, would be eminently incorrect and un-masonic, because
such a figure would not be an expression of the symbolic idea which is
intended to be conveyed." [30]
In Freemasonry, you stand before the "Worshipful Master" with you body
erect and your feet forming the angle of an oblong square.
o Sassanid architecture: "The principal peculiarities of the style are, first, that the
plan of the entire building is an oblong square, without adjuncts or projections" ...
"The oblong square is variously proportioned. The depth may be a little more than
the breadth, or it may be nearly twice as much."
o Geometry/Mathematics:
"Pythagorean Figured Numbers: Oblong, Square, Triangular"
"The 47th Problem of Euclid"
"It might also be considered that the oblong square, which is two 3,
4, 5 triangles sharing a common diagonal, may express a reflective
relationship between the celestial and the earthly, such as that
embodied in the Hermetic theosophy that the earthly plane is a
reflection of the Divine ("That which is above is like to that which is
below, and that which is below is like to that which is above."
Oblong square and triangle diagram, as it appears in Albert Pike's book Morals and Dogma.
(see previous)
Winamp media player National League of Baseball
Note: the step pyramid
symbolism. Note: the Sig rune. See also: Pentagon
Triscuit crackers.
• Various notes:
o In Freemasonry, you are a "square man" and you do things "by the square", you
like a "square deal". Is it then any wonder that we find perfect squares making up
the logos of these very powerful, wealthy and influential corporations?
Indymac Bank
Swiss Re
Chase Manhattan
Orange telecom brand of
Home Depot Note: this is the world’s
France Télécom. Note: the "arms" outside the
largest reinsurance company.
square form a Swastika.
Note the sun gate symbolism.
Dun & Bradstreet
BBC logo.
• Red square:
Confederate States of America
Battle Flag
JC Penny
This design was the basis of more
Union Bank of California
than 180 separate Confederate
Wells Fargo with ties to the Hitler Note: Founder James
military battle flags during the
regime finances C. Penny is a known
American Civil War (1861-1865).
Note: the 13 pentagram stars,
pyramids, and X symbolism.
City square
• Various notes:
o Masons often refer to "being square", doing things "by the square", getting a
"square deal".
o Note that the word "square" does not necessarily refer to only a physical square, it
can also refer to a metaphysical square (ethical, emotional, mental, ideological,
spiritual, energetic).
Madison Square Garden
Red Square in Moscow, New York City, New York,
Times Square in New Untied States
Russia York City, New York, Tiananmen Square in
Untied States Beijing, China
See: the logo's of Union Note: Located between
Bank of California, JC 31st and 33rd Streets!
Penny, Wells Fargo
• "The biretta is a square cap with three or four ridges or peaks, sometimes
surmounted by a tuft, traditionally worn by Roman Catholic clergy and some
Anglican clergy." ... "The medieval academic hat is also the ancestor of the
modern mortarboard hat used today in secular universities." [31]
(see previous)
(see previous)
Square academic [[w:Bill Clinton|]] at the Jesuit [[w:Georgetown
cap University|]] graduation (year?).
Black cube
• Various notes:
o A cube has 6 square sides.
o See also:
Saturn and the Black sun.
Blackballing: "a technique used in elections to elect a member of a
gentleman's club (as well as similarly organised institutions such as
Freemasonry and fraternities)."
(see previous)
(also called phylacteries) are a
Tefillin straps forming
pair of black leather boxes
the letter שwound
containing scrolls of (see previous)
according to the
parchment inscribed by a (see previous) ashkenasic custom.
Jewish scribe with biblical
quotations. One box is for the
See also: Triad hand
hand/arm and one for the