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Paediaroid: Toddlers Healthcare and

Emergency app
Project Proposal

Submitted to
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

February, 2015

We hereby declare that the project work entitled Paediaroid Toddlers healthcare and
emergency app, submitted to the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology is a record
of an original work done by us, under the guidance of our Supervisor Mr. Ivantha Guruge.
This project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. The results embodied in this
report have not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any
degree or diploma. Information derived from the published or unpublished work of others has
been acknowledged in the text and a list of references is given.
Project Title

: Paediaroid Toddlers healthcare and emergency app

Project ID

: 10

Names of the authors

Student ID

Student Name

IT 13 0917 12

L V Jayasinghe

IT 13 2331 36

B M Lasantha Ranjana Bandara

IT 13 2454 98

L M C Jayasinghe

IT 13 2380 18

C S Dissanayake


Date of Submission: 28th of February 2015

Internal Supervisor:
Mr. Ivantha Guruge





Acceptance by Lecture in charge:

Ms. Gayana Fernando

This document describes the research based upon the android system which is developed for
disease diagnosing, predicting, and provision of solutions for toddlers and infants. The
system consists of a mobile application developed for the android platform and a web based
service application to provide much faster processing solutions rather processing the data
interrupting the performance the mobile. Emergence of wireless and mobile technologies
plays a key role in the global IT boost, unfolding a new era of communication technology.
Similarly, different efforts have been taken to develop applications for patients; specially on
diagnosing medical conditions of infants, by replacing the diagnosis part of a doctor. The
proposed system would plays a significant and a unique asset for android users. In addition to
providing real time presentation, the integrated system will provide voice instructions through
the applications. On the other hand the application integrates data mining algorithms which in
return results for future predictions on the disease conditions of the user. The system will be
developed using the prototype methodology as a concept and the findings of the research. As
a research project, a number of available technologies will be studied and evaluated in order
to maintain the scope, cost and time more effective in developing the system as well as its use
and maintenance.
Keywords: Toddlers, Patients, Infants, Android, Data Mining Algorithms, Medical Diagnosis, Predictions


Table of Content
Declaration............................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content .................................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ v

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1

Overview to the Project ........................................................................................... 1


Research Problem ................................................................................................... 3


Justification for the Project ...................................................................................... 3


Research Questions ................................................................................................. 3


Objectives ............................................................................................................... 4


Research component of the project .......................................................................... 4


Behavior of the proposed system ............................................................................. 5

Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 6


Background Study................................................................................................... 6


Colorectal smartphone apps: Opportunities & risks [2]. .................................... 6


Mobile personal health records An evaluation of features and functionality [

3]. .................................................................................................................... 6


A Comprehensive Ubiquitous Healthcare Solution on an Android Mobile

Device [4]. ....................................................................................................... 6


Smartphone applications for pain management [5]. .......................................... 6


EpiCollect - Linking smartphones to web applications for epidemiology,

ecology and community data collection [6]. ..................................................... 6


Review of Infectious Diseases Applications for iPhone/iPad and Android: From

Pocket to Patient [7]. ........................................................................................ 7


Mobile Phone Based Clinical Microscopy for Global Health Applications [8]. . 7


Feasibility ........................................................................................................ 4

Research Gap .......................................................................................................... 7

Methodology ................................................................................................................. 8

Prototype Methodology ........................................................................................... 8


Requirements gathering and analysis ................................................................ 9


System Design ................................................................................................. 9


Implementation ................................................................................................ 9


Testing ............................................................................................................. 9


Deployment of System ..................................................................................... 9


Maintenance .................................................................................................... 9


Project Plan ........................................................................................................... 10



Task and sub-tasks ................................................................................................ 11


Resource Plan ....................................................................................................... 12


Hardware resources ........................................................................................ 12


Software Resources........................................................................................ 14


Hardware Resources ...................................................................................... 14


Collecting Data ..................................................................................................... 15


Identify risk .......................................................................................................... 15


Anticipated conclusions ........................................................................................ 15

Budget ......................................................................................................................... 16

References ................................................................................................................... 17


List of Figures
Figure 1 : Sri Lankan Mobile Handsets Market Share Q3-2014 ............................................. 2
Figure 2 : High Level Architecture of the system .................................................................. 5
Figure 3 : Prototype Methodology ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 : Gantt chart of the project ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 : Work Breakdown Structure ................................................................................. 11

List of Tables
Table 1 : Statistics of Sri Lankan Mobile Handsets Market Share Q3-2014 ........................... 2
Table 2: Hardware resources ............................................................................................... 12
Table 3 : Budget .................................................................................................................. 16

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview to the Project
Substantial efforts have been spent upon developing disease diagnosing, predicting, and
providing solutions for the android application users to handle day to day situations.
Emergence of wireless and mobile technologies plays a key role in the global IT boost,
unfolding a new era of communication technology. Similarly, different efforts have been
taken to develop applications for patients; specially on diagnosing medical conditions of
infants, by replacing the diagnosis part of a doctor. The proposed research problem domain
runs around the disease prediction regarding the pediatric field. When considering the current
development of android applications regarding disease diagnosing, the trends must be steered
towards much extensive curves and drifts. When considering the overview of the project; the
application is developed focusing mainly upon the toddlers, which is operated by their
guardians. The research team has intended to achieve specific requirements and alternatives
in developing the proposed system. Advancing the application with the rendering of voice
instructions will be much more helpful for the users to ease their operations, which will lead
in facilitating the users a better experience. In the main aspects of the research, an enhanced
methodology will be used throughout the entire course of the project in order to have a
system in place for the users convenience at an early stage, and to quickly refine real
requirements and to reassure the requirements. When sheering down these trends towards the
Sri Lanka, the tendency in using android applications has become much higher,
encompassing a huge domain. Even mobile oriented services have drastically taken more
advanced steps in providing much better and accurate selections. Despite the replacement of
the component-role of a doctor through this application, a technology revolution is fast
replacing human beings with machines in virtually every sector and industries globally.
The current statistics of the Mobile Handsets Market Share in Sri Lanka are as follows [1].
(According to the statistics of Sri Lanka: Mobile Handsets Market Review)
A total of 1Million mobile handsets were shipped into Sri Lanka during the 3rd
quarter of 2014.
Compared to 0.9 Million mobile handsets shipped during Q2 2014, this is a Quarter
over Quarter growth of 11%.
Smart phone shipments have doubled during Q3 - 2014 (0.2 Million units), compared
to shipments during Q2 2014 (0.1 Million units).

Sri Lankan Mobile Handsets Market Share Q3-2014



Others (Samsung/Apple/Sony


Others (Samsung/Apple/Sony etc.)



Figure 1 : Sri Lankan Mobile Handsets Market Share Q3-2014

The statistics can be summarized as follows,

Table 1 : Statistics of Sri Lankan Mobile Handsets Market Share Q3-2014

Others (Samsung/Apple/Sony etc.)

Operating System
Windows / Symbian
Android / iOS

Percentage of Market share

22 %
47 %
12 %
19 %

Accordingly, there is a higher percentage of the market share of android and iOS
operated mobile phones which in return provide a bigger trend for the proposed application to
be developed under Android platform.
The following report is organized in such a way that, the first section depicts the
introduction of the project and the research component. The second section distinguishes the
background study and review of the similar prior research projects and documents. Itll also
delineate the research gap of the project. The next section describes the methodology, the
procedures, and the resource plan used for the development and the implementation of the
proposed project. The last section includes the proposed budget of the research team

1.2 Research Problem

The main research problem is based upon the disease prediction upon the pediatric
field, where the symptoms of kids and babies will be used in predicting the precautions that a
guardian should follow through in an event of a disease condition. In the process of
identifying a disease condition of a child, guardians or parents might not have an idea of
performing several required precautions before they consult a doctor or acquiring the help of
a hospital. If the area they live becomes new, they might not have the utmost courage to
locate a doctor or a hospital in an emergency situation. Even they might not have the time to
be spent upon reading instructions or precautions to be taken at such an event while handling
functionalities of the mobile. And also, contacting their own family members (the guardians
as mentioned in the application) will leave a blank space. Even the patient might not be able
to predict the future events regarding the current situation of his disease condition. This will
result in several major problems, as well as it leads the guardians in unmanageable
circumstances. The currently proposed system will contribute in providing several solutions
for the above mentioned problem areas.

1.3 Justification for the Project

There are several reasons why such a system is a prevalent necessity.
1. Some parents do not bear a good knowledge about toddlers health care
2. The lack of connection between parent and the family doctor.
3. Because of high infant mortality rate
4. The parents might not have much knowledge on diseases and the precautions that
should be given in case in an emergency.
5. The parents cant predict the future health of the child, which is supported by the

1.4 Research Questions

How to identify the disease using the symptoms provided by the user?
How to provide the accurate predictions and precautions for the disease?
How to provide better future predictions to the uses?
How can we provide a communication interface among guardians and family doctors
through the application?
How to provide information regarding specialized and common disease conditions?

1.5 Objectives
To design and implement a system consisting of the following:
An Android application for toddlers.
The following objectives are to be achieved
1. To provide accurate instructions to guardians
2. Send a text message to the guardian about toddlers situation in an emergency
3. Providing a well identified and a wide range of disease diagnosing expertise in
predicting the symptoms of common infant diseases
4. Acquire a good guidance by providing accurate instructions for taking the necessary
5. Establishing a communication interface with the guardians and the family doctor for
better safety
6. Providing locations of the nearby hospitals through a location based service
7. Supporting any emergency situational conditions
8. To provide voice instructions rather reading the instructions precautions that should
be taken, through the phone

1.6 Research component of the project

1.6.1 Feasibility
The proposed system will use an on-board device running the android operating system
capable of giving medical instruction in an emergency moment. An Android application will
acquire the details of symptoms and give correct instructions. And also in case in an
emergency there is an option to contact family doctor and the guardian, which in return assist
the guardian to acquire the information of the toddler.
With the necessary resources and skills, the communications protocol and the real-time
mapping technology could be developed within the time span of 1 year. However, the
required skills such as Android application development skills are yet to be acquired.
Additionally, Android platform, offer Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) technologies
for development, the available plans might not be economically feasible. Also, the possibility
of testing the system will infeasible.

1.7 Behavior of the proposed system

Figure 2 : High Level Architecture of the system

2 Literature Review
2.1 Background Study
In the literature review of the Paediaroid project, the research team sought out and studied
various patents, research papers, documents, and newspaper and magazine articles from
various sources. The following section comprises of an overview of the researches that have
been conducted regarding the standardized problem domain.
2.1.1 Colorectal smartphone apps: Opportunities & risks [2].
S. ONeill and R. R. W. Brady have reviewed contemporary medical apps specifying
colorectal diseases and assess levels of medical professional involvement in their design and
content. The paper concluded stating the lack of involvement of the guidance of doctors, and
the offset of the benefits of colorectal specialization.
2.1.2 Mobile personal health records An evaluation of features and functionality [3].
Hadi Kharrazi et al. evaluated stand-alone mobile personal health record applications for iOS,
BlackBerry, and Android assessing each for product characteristics, data elements, and
2.1.3 A Comprehensive Ubiquitous Healthcare Solution on an Android Mobile Device
Pei-Cheng Hii and Wan-Young Chung, have proposed the smart phone device as a mobile
monitoring terminal to observe and analyze ECG (Electrocardiography) waves from wearable
ECG devices in real time under the coverage of a wireless sensor network (WSN).
2.1.4 Smartphone applications for pain management [5].
Benjamin A Rosser and Christopher Eccleston conducted a research regarding the apps on
generic pain conditions on five major mobile platforms. The results concluded the limitations
and the requirements of proper guidance and appropriate expertise.
2.1.5 EpiCollect - Linking smartphones to web applications for epidemiology, ecology
and community data collection [6].
Aanensen DM et al. describes an android application which was developed as a framework
allowing allows multiple epidemiological data records to be entered on a mobile phone and
synced to a centralized web database as well as the web application in return allows the
mapping, visualization and analysis according to the database records.

2.1.6 Review of Infectious Diseases Applications for iPhone/iPad and Android: From
Pocket to Patient [7].
This research paper includes review of applications on Apple and Google Play app stores.
The review declares the lack of standards to guide accuracy or reliability of medical apps
content, and the identification of several comprehensive applications.
2.1.7 Mobile Phone Based Clinical Microscopy for Global Health Applications [8].
Breslauer DN et al. pioneered in building a mobile phone-mounted light microscope
demonstrating its potential for clinical use; substantially resulted in a platform for highresolution clinical light microscopy.

2.2 Research Gap

Although several endeavors have been spent upon the development of applications on the
patients, especially on diagnosing medical conditions of infants, providing instructions,
precautions and predicting the future, our research team will provide the unique solution full
filling the research gap which in return provide solutions for the following elements.
Identification of the exact disease condition using the symptoms
Providing the accurate predictions and precautions for the disease
Leading reliable future predictions
Acquiring a communication interface among guardians and family doctors in case of
an emergency
Providing information regarding specialized and common disease conditions
Rendering voice instructions which leads for a better usability and reliability of the
Providing the locations of the nearest hospitals and their contact information

3 Methodology
3.1 Prototype Methodology




Figure 3 : Prototype Methodology

The Prototype methodology [9], [10] is a software development process which is used in later
stages. The main aim of the prototype methodology is to allow the developers to demonstrate
functionality and make needed refinements before developing the final solution. In prototype
methodology a quick design is created by taking the recently known requirements into
consideration. This methodology contains frequent communication with the supervisor so the
product can be developed according to the identified requirements and it does not turn out to
be unstable. As in figure 3, a simple prototyping model the analysis, design and
implementation stages continue to be developed till it does not match the identified
Once the requirements for the system are specified a prototyping design is created and
implemented on a very small scale with minimal features. This gives an idea to that how the
system will work after its completion. The cycle of creating a prototype and presenting it to
the supervisor goes on till the system is fully developed. Each time a new sample is
developed, it is in an improvised form than that previous one. The reason for choosing the
Prototype methodology is that, the identified requirements may change while doing the
research in order to get succeeded in the final output. Therefore in the prototype
methodology, redevelopment can be done with the relevant requirements. The advantage of
prototype methodology is that it assures the supervisor that the development team is working
on the system and the user can be well informed about the unrealistic requirements.

3.1.1 Requirements gathering and analysis

During the requirements gathering and analysis phase, the team studied a number of patent
documents, research papers, and existing solutions. The team also studied existing
technologies relevant to the project such as health care applications in order to select the
technologies to use in implementing the system.
3.1.2 System Design
Before starting to write the code it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the
system to be developed. For this purpose the system design is developed according to the
requirement specification document prepared in the previous phase. As a result of that the
complete knowledge about the system hardware and the functionalities is obtained.
3.1.3 Implementation
Once the system design is received the work is divided into different units for the
development of code. This work is divided in different modules and is allotted to the
development team. The requirements are first developed as small units and then integrated to
form a full system. These units are tested while they are being created to check the
functioning of the different units of the application. As soon as the coding of the system is
completed it is forwarded to the testing team.
3.1.4 Testing
Once the coding of the system is completed it is integrated and forwarded to the testing team
for testing that how the system works as a whole and whether it meets the identified
requirements. In large systems the testing phase may be sub-divided into different parts like
alpha testing, beta testing, etc.
3.1.5 Deployment of System
This phase includes the delivery of the system to the android users. Also, the installation of
the developed system on the system and training to the android users.
3.1.6 Maintenance
This is the last phase of prototype model and can be considered as the longest phase as its end
time is not fixed.

The problems with the system that were not discovered during the

development are discovered in this phase after the deployment and are solved again for its
working properly.

3.2 Project Plan

Figure 4 : Gantt chart of the project


3.3 Task and sub-tasks

Figure 5 : Work Breakdown Structure


3.4 Resource Plan

3.4.1 Hardware resources
Table 2: Hardware resources

IT Number


Project Manager

Lead the project team to
achieve the goals.


Requirement gathering.

System Analyst

Design the database

Quality Assurance
Database designer

Technical Writing.
Service application
Analysis the Current System.

IT 13 0917 12

L V Jayasinghe

Coding and implementing the

Provide technical assistant to
the project team & Assigning
Managing the project team to
make sure that they have
followed the work plan
Integration Testing.

IT 13 2331 36

B M Lasantha
Ranjana Bandara

System Analyst

Requirement gathering.


Design the database

Quality Assurance
Database designer

Technical Writing.
Service application
Analysis the Current System.


Feasibility Study of the

Coding and implementing the
Android Interface Design.
Database Designer

Analysis the Current System.


Participate in database design.

Quality Assurance

Technical Writing.
Implement the Database for

IT 13 2454 98


the System.


Main Responsible for

Database Design.
Collect Information about
Coding and Implementing the

IT 13 2380 18

C S Dissanayake

Interface Designer

Requirement Gathering.


Graphics & Multimedia.

Quality Assurance

Participate in Database



Database designer

Service application
System Analysis.
Proof Reading.
Coding and Implementing the
Integration Testing.


3.4.2 Software Resources

Can be categorized as
1. Software required in designing & implementing the system
2. Software required for the documentations
Software required in designing & implementing the system
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher
Android SDK
Software needed in the documentation
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
Microsoft Project Professional 2013
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
IBM Rational Software Architect Standard Edition 7.5
Word Web 7.1
3.4.3 Hardware Resources
Recommended Requirements for the development process of the system.

2GHz or faster multi core CPU

1GB or greater RAM

100GB hard disk space

A local server is used for the system testing purposes and in the implementation an
IIS Server will be used.
Android application simulator or a mobile phone

Android OS, v2.3.4 (Gingerbread) or Higher.

512 or greater RAM


3.5 Collecting Data

In this project we are gathering information by interviews. Actual data is very important in
these kinds of real time systems. Because of that we went to the General Hospital Kalutara to
get the permission for get required data. In the Hospital we meet some pediatricians, other
doctors and nurses to ask some questions and get some most wanted details of the illnesses,
pre hospital care and medicines. In this project our main information gathering method is by
interviews. This is the more accurate and most efficient way to get information for this kind
of system.

3.6 Identify risk

Communications protocol and the real-time mapping technology could be developed
within the time span of 1 year.
Android application development skills are yet to be acquired.
Difficult to recognize Specific data from Patient records.
Hard to provide future predictions from past records.

3.7 Anticipated conclusions

At the end of the PeadiaRoid Project, Users (Guardian of the child) can easily identify the
illnesses and Control decease before going to bad condition. Users can use this software
without having wide knowledge about deceases and pre hospital care. Especially on
diagnosing medical conditions of infants, by replacing the diagnosis part of a doctor. It
provides the easy way to get decisions when patient is in bad situation. From this project the
people who are using android devices, recently can get an advantage. It helps to decrease
child mortality rate by giving instructions to guardian till patient admit to hospital, current
location of the patient will be provide to doctor and if it is emergency nearest hospital
location also provide to guardian. Finally System will give future prediction about disease to


4 Budget
The costs of the project can be described in two ways, as tangible and intangible costs. These
costs can be measured in several aspects. The budge falls under tangible costs of the project.
The proposed budget is as follows:
Table 3 : Budget



Total (Rs.)


Document hard copy printings & binding cost



Travelling for information gathering


Indirect Costs

Communication charges


Total cost for the whole project


Since the project team is using existing software and hardware components to implement the
system, no cost is involved for software and hardware components.


5 References
[1]. CyberMedia Research (CMR) Sri Lanka Quarterly Mobile Handsets Market Review,
Sri Lanka: Mobile Handsets Market Review Q3 2014 [Online], Available:

[2]. ONeill, S. and Brady, R. R. W. (2012), Colorectal smartphone apps: opportunities








[3]. Kharrazi, Hadi, et al. "Mobile personal health records: an evaluation of features and
functionality." International journal of medical informatics 81.9 (2012): 579-593.
[4]. Hii, Pei-Cheng, and Wan-Young Chung. "A comprehensive ubiquitous healthcare
solution on an Android mobile device." Sensors 11.7 (2011): 6799-6815.
[5]. Rosser, Benjamin A., and Christopher Eccleston. "Smartphone applications for pain
management." Journal of telemedicine and telecare 17.6 (2011): 308-312.
[6]. Aanensen, David M., et al. "EpiCollect: linking smartphones to web applications for
epidemiology, ecology and community data collection." PloS one 4.9 (2009): e6968.
[7]. Moodley, Amaran, Julie E. Mangino, and Debra A. Goff. "Review of infectious
diseases applications for iPhone/iPad and Android: from pocket to patient." Clinical
infectious diseases 57.8 (2013): 1145-1154.
[8]. Breslauer, David N., et al. "Mobile phone based clinical microscopy for global health
applications." PloS one 4.7 (2009): e6320.
[9]. Prototype Methodology Information management, David Bowmans Information
Management Checklist [Online], Available:

Jones, Toni Stokes, and Rita C. Richey. "Rapid prototyping methodology in

action: A developmental study." Educational Technology Research and Development

48.2 (2000): 63-80.


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