Capstone DoKonsulta Pagandahan Diestro Cifra 3rd Routing

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DoKonsulta: A Cross-Platform Online-Appointment

System for Polyclinic Davao with Covid-19 Pre-Test

Screening using Predictive Analytics.
Danibelle R. Pagandahan Trisha Leigh Y. Diestro Chris Mark Cifra
BS Information Technology BS Information Technology BS Information Technology
University of Mindanao University of Mindanao University of Mindanao
Davao City, 8000 Davao City, 8000 Davao City, 8000
+639218098383 +639506645548 +63 930 915 3163
d.pagandahan.477842@umin t.diestro.477928@umindanao. c.cifra.479320@umindanao.e

Charisse Barbosa
Faculty, College of Computing
Education of University of
Matina Davao City, 8000

a long time, especially if the patient has a medical history or other

Categories and Subject Descriptors symptoms. Meanwhile, consultations are taking too long, and the
[Information System]: Firebase Cloud Database: Information number of people waiting outside is increasing.
Storage - Firebase Cloud Database The Polyclinic Davao Incorporated was built in 1991. They have
30 affiliated doctors working in the clinic. According to Mr.
General Terms Marcus Diestro, one of the staff of Polyclinic Davao Inc
The general terms are the following: Algorithm, Verification, answered a few questions about the clinic via messenger. The
Management and Reliability. researchers asked him the common problems they encountered
in the clinic since he works as an encoder of the patient’s results.
Keywords He replied that the common problem of the clinic is releasing
Online Booking Appointment, Covid-19 Pre-Test Screening, results, doctors' schedules, availability, announcements, rates,
Triage, Dokonsulta. and inquiry. Moreover, Dr. Jennifer Banluta stated that the clinic
needs a portal that will show their hospital history, news, and
1. INTRODUCTION dashboards to display the fundamental laboratory and rates. Also,
1.1 Project Context they want to add e-triage because the manual triage assessment
is a hustle to every patient to the line to get the form and another
The cases of COVID-19 in Davao City are seen to continue time to wait for the approval of the triage officer. And social
increasing. As of November 3, 2021, the Department of Health distancing is not observed because of the long queue and limited
in Davao Region recorded 67 new points in Davao City, with a area of the clinic outside.
total case in the region of 102,849 and 94,835 recoveries. As of
now, the active cases in the city are now at 4,583. To address the problem of Polyclinic Davao Inc., the researchers,
are proposing a DoKonsulta: A Cross-Platform Online-
Due to increased occurrences of the COVID-19 virus spreading Appointment System for Polyclinic Davao with Covid-19 Pre-
in local and national regions, hospitals in Davao City are all Test Screening using Predictive Analytics for the clinic. The
occupied and avoided, particularly public hospitals. Going researchers proposed a remedy to their situation and difficulties
outside or doing face-to-face checkups is highly harmful to would be an excellent place to start. The proposed application
anyone's health. In today's circumstances, some hospitals will include this type of function in which the patients can make
demand patients undergo a swab test before entering the hospital. an online appointment with their doctor for consultation inside
Nevertheless, several hospitals and clinics continue to serve the clinic. And an online appointment will make it easier for the
patients without a swab test. Still, social distancing is doctors to check how many patients will be under their schedule.
implemented aside from wearing a facemask, and wearing a face The application also has a COVID-19 pre-test screening using
shield is a must. Some patients cannot face the danger of visiting the data-gathering tool. The Covid-19 pre-test screening will
hospitals, particularly public hospitals, where viral transmission extract patient’s information utilizing predictive analytics. The
is possible. And, as we all know, not every patient can afford to predictive analytics algorithm is the core aspect and component
attend a private hospital due to the high cost. Furthermore, some of the application. The dataset that the researcher is going to use
patients are searching for a different approach to connect with will be retrieved from the Israeli Ministry of Health [3,12]. Using
doctors at hospitals/clinics without having to engage with them predictive analytics in healthcare can assist in pre-test screening
for the sake of everyone's safety. Hospital consultations can take
of the Covid-19 Virus of a patient. They create a model that potential advantages have yet to be thoroughly investigated. This
identifies Covid-19 instances by asking their consumers simple research is the first comprehensive literature evaluation of the
eight questions. As a consequence, presenting with fever and effects of installing web-based medical scheduling systems [13].
cough was crucial in predicting disease contraction. Close The Web-based Medical Appointment System and DoKonsulta
contact with a person who had been verified to have COVID-19 are online appointments. It helps every patient have an excellent
was also a significant aspect, confirming the disease's high choice in making decisions regarding their preference of the
transmissibility [15] and emphasizing the significance of social doctors they want. The difference between them is their system
distancing [12]. The research was motivated by Covid-19 pre- can be accessed only through the website, while DoKonsulta can
test screening in the features, in which users' applications are access in android, IOS, and websites.
asked a series of questions. This tool will assist them in
determining whether it is appropriate to visit the hospital or have The fourth related application is Online Polyclinic Appointment
a swab test. The outcomes will serve as a guide for all app users. and Database Management System. Online Polyclinic
The pre-test screening for Covid-19 does not provide a precise Appointment and Database Management System. This program
prediction of Covid-19. It is helpful at every step in a patient's does not intend to target any one group but rather any person who
journey, including diagnosis and treatment. In terms of doctors' wants to seek medical assistance. The primary goal of this
schedule availability, this will be shown in the system. Also, if initiative is to put all the city's leading private medical facilities
the clinics have special announcements, the admin can post them on a single platform [11].
in the system's portal for patients, staff, and doctors to read. The DoKonsulta and Online Polyclinic Appointment have the
Including the rates and inquiries, the patients may message the same functionality. The user may choose the doctors they want
clinics. Using this system will greatly benefit the patients and and quickly compare the doctors from other doctors in
doctors, especially those new patients' walk-in Polyclinic. All the DoKonsulta, all the essential information, and the users can view
features stated above can be seen in the proposed system, and it the profile of the doctors.
is titled "DoKonsulta: A Cross-Platform Online-Appointment
The fifth related application is Smart Doctors Appointment and
System for Polyclinic Davao with Covid-19 Pre-Test Screening
Prescription System. It is using online and android applications
using Predictive Analytics."
to link doctors and patients. This program displays doctors a
Random forest classifier is used in modeling prediction; it patient's past medical history and may prescribe based on the
contains many decision trees or builds multiple decision trees patient's medical history. Users may search for a doctor and
and merges them to get a more accurate and stable forecast or request an appointment [7].
taking the one with most votes as model’s prediction.
The DoKonsulta aims to establish the connection from the
The researchers studied the following 10 relevant apps, systems, hospital to the patient without hassle. It accesses mobile and web
and ideas as part of designing a significantly better and novel applications. Also, users may book an appointment with the
online and Mobile-based application of healthcare consultation doctors they prefer. The doctors may view the user's medical
and Covid-19 pre-screening for Polyclinic Davao Inc, for both records to diagnose according to their medical history and
patients and doctors: previous prescription.
The first related application is Evolving a Hybrid Appointment Sixth, Near Field Communication Based Patient Appointment.
System for Patient Scheduling in Primary Healthcare Centers in Patient registration and appointment scheduling are time-
Dubai. The Hospital Appointment System (HAS) is a system that consuming and exhausting. An alternative patient appointment
allows physicians to plan patients' appointments based on their system based on Near Field Communication (NFC) technology
preferences. The main advantage of adopting the appointment and an Android-enabled mobile application aims to redefine the
system is that it saves time by reducing waiting time. Emirati core of hospital waiting time. The implementation will be carried
patients, notably married women and well-educated patients out using proper NFC hardware, PHP, and the database [9].
overwhelmingly approved the notion of implementing the
The DoKonsulta has an online triage for online and walk-in
system. The system provides patient care based on a first-come,
appointments so that the patient will not waste their time in the
first-served basis [1].
hospital waiting for approval and the appointment schedule. The
The Hybrid Appointment System can also see the laboratory user will choose the schedule for the appointment, and the
rates of the hospital/clinic. It is a first come, first serve to avoid doctors will approve the requested appointment.
the morning rush of patients. The system has the main features
The seventh related system is the Application of Smart
of E-triage/Covid-19 pre-test screening.
Technologies for Mobile Patient Appointment System. Patient
The following related application system is a web-based management is critical to maintaining the overall level of health
appointment system to reduce waiting for outpatients: a care in the nation. The most common criticism raised is
retrospective study. In China, particularly in tertiary institutions, unhappiness with the time spent between the arrival of the patient
long wait periods for registration to see a doctor are an issue. The and the commencement of the consultation, according to a report
Xijing hospital devised a web-based appointment system to solve by the American Society for Quality in Medicine (ASMM) [10].
this problem. However, the technology still must be improved
Dokonsulta's pre-screening for Covid-19, accessible online, and
before it can be widely used [2].
Android. The difference between their system and the system of
Web-based appointment system aims to reduce waiting time for DoKonsulta is that it has a built-in electronic patient record
outpatients. Unlike DoKonsulta, it is Cross-platform; both system.
mobile and website patients can access it from their web-based
Another related application for appointment is Mr. Doc: A
doctor's office or website.
Doctor Appointment Application System. The primary goal of
Another corresponding application is Web-Based Medical this project was to make it easier and more comfortable for
Appointment Systems: A Systematic Review. Healthcare patients to schedule appointments with physicians. Future
appointment scheduling is undergoing considerable changes to development will involve the addition of admin and doctor
encourage consumers to participate actively. Despite the growing modules to the app [8].
popularity of Web-based appointment scheduling tools, their
A Doctor Appointment System and DoKonsulta are both online citizens. When it comes to consultations and Covid-19 pre-
Appointment systems. They are runnable to web and mobile screening, researchers focus on assisting them with mobility,
applications, and both have their own version of Microsoft's X- usability, and efficiency. DoKonsulta app is a combination of
Ray software used in the UK. both appointment and COVID-19 pre-screening features for a
Another application having a similar function is Online Doctor safe and quality experience.
Appointment. Appointment with a Doctor Online is an android Arranging an appointment will be set for patients with their
app. Many hospitals have experimented with online medical chosen Doctor that fits their health problems using their mobile
appointments. One of the key projects aims to create an efficient phones or by visiting websites. The patient will then proceed to
doctor and service system that reduces the distance between the COVID-19 pre-screening after their appointment booking. An
doctor and the patient or user. This makes it simple to schedule a appointment will be approved if the patient has already filled-in
patient appointment with a doctor [5]. the triage form or pre-test screening for Covid-19. After the pre-
Online Doctor Appointment Application and DoKonsulta are test screening and triage, the patient can now save the result of
both runnable through mobile and website. The main difference their pre-screening and bring it with them to the clinic. The
between the two is real-time communication between the doctor Covid-19 pre-screening using Predictive Analytics will be a great
and the patient. It has an appointment system with a unique help, especially in today's pandemic. The DoKonsulta app will
feature pre-screening for the covid-19 virus. improve the monitoring of the Covid-19 virus throughout the
clinic and locate the possible patients with the contact of the said
Lastly, Medical Appointment Application is a web-based mobile virus.
application developed to manage the appointment-booking
process for a few medical institutions in the Parit Raja and Batu DoKonsulta is a mobile application, while a server-side website
Pahat areas. It will reduce the number of calls for an appointment, maintains the database, including the doctor's information,
and the morning rush for an urgent appointment will be avoided patient information, and appointment information. Python,
[6]. Firebase, JavaScript, CSS, and Flutter are the programming
languages used to create the system's hardware and software.
Medical Appointment Application is an online booking for Creating this approach will reduce the number of calls for an
doctors, making it the same as the DoKonsulta app. The app has appointment. Will avoid the morning rush for an urgent
a unique feature: the pre-screening for the covid-19 virus to help appointment.
patients avoid exposure to potentially harmful germs.
The researcher's capstone project aims to address all of the needs
After conducting comprehensive study, the researchers of Polyclinic Davao Inc., which is located in Artiaga St., Davao
discovered existing systems that provides a feature the same to City, by giving the clinic a Cross-Platform Online-Appointment
the proposed project (See Table 1 shows the systems) System for Polyclinic Davao with Covid-19 Pre-Test Screening
Table 1: Comparison of Existing System or Application utilizing Predictive Analytics.
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General
The researchers aim to develop and utilize a DoKonsulta: A
Cross-Platform Online-Appointment System for Polyclinic
Davao with Covid-19 Pre-Test Screening using Predictive

1.3.2 Specific
To attain the general objective, the study aims to specifically do
the following: To develop cross-platform online appointment
for a limited face-to-face consultation with an
e-triage module using Flutter as front-end
development framework. To record and store patients' personal data and
booking of schedule in consultation using
firebase database. Implement a machine learning-based pre-test
screening prediction of Covid-19 diagnosis
based on symptoms using random tree
classifiers To integrate Google Calendar API to track their
consultation booking

1.4 Scope and Limitations

The study focuses on a cross-platform application for healthcare
consultation and Covid-19 pre-screening for the Polyclinic
1.2 Purpose and description Davao Inc. DoKonsulta app is an online appointment for face-to-
face consultation and Covid-19 pre-screening for all the patients
The researchers have family members, friends, and relatives who and doctors using the data-gathering tool. The pre-test screening
visited hospitals and clinics for checkups which is very will extract patients' information utilizing predictive analytics.
threatening to them, especially since most of them are senior The predictive analytics algorithm is our main element and
component of the application. Using predictive analytics in Ministry of Health [3,12]. It consists of types of possible
healthcare can assist in pre-test screening of the Covid-19 Virus symptoms for covid-19, and it helps predict or recognize if a
of a patient. person is infected by the said virus.
Additionally, it will show the doctor's availability time, special
announcements, rates, inquiries, and basic laboratory fees per the
2.2 Analysis
The researcher will provide significant information regarding the
doctor's and patient's request. Both android smartphone
system's needs in this part, based on concerns and requirements
platforms can use the application with OS version of 4.1 or
of the possible patients and the admin of the clinic. This will
higher and computer websites.
contain the specification of user and system requirements, a
2. METHODOLOGY discussion of the proposed system's feasibility, and a list of the
The researchers seek speedier development; this study employs system's technical tools.
Agile Methodology for rapid application development. The 2.2.1 User Requirements
researchers aim to ensure that the system's growth is fast yet DoKonsulta app is a cross-platform application dedicated to
effective and efficient with our methods and techniques. patients and their attending doctors, aiming to assist them with
Planning, needs, and analysis are the first steps taken by mobility, convenience, and efficiency for online appointments
researchers. Next is the project design, coding, and testing. After for face-to-face consultation and Covid-19 pre-screening. It will
the design, the researcher developed the project by help the patients find a doctor that fits their condition and have a
demonstrating, integrating, and proceeded to the system testing safe consultation with the help of Covid-19 pre-screening. The
to gather feedback from the clients (see Figure 1). following system features are required to run the application and
to perform its intended operations: The application for the patient will require them to
create an account, book an appointment, choose
the Doctor they want, and fill up the Triage form
to be approved. The application for the Doctor's assistant will allow
them to monitor the schedules for a day
appointment made by the patients. The application will provide a portal that displays
the doctors' schedule availability. Also, if the
clinics have special announcements, the admin
can post them in the system's portal for patients,
staff, and doctors to stay updated. Including the
rates and inquiries, the patients may message the
clinics. Implement a machine learning-based pre-test
screening prediction of Covid-19 diagnosis
based on symptoms using random tree
Figure 1: Agile Model
2.2.2 Hardware and Software requirements
2.1 Data gathering The researcher requires the following hardware specification and
The tools and techniques that the researcher used in gathering software requirements. Table 2 shows the system's minimum
data are online survey questionnaires using google forms, and hardware requirements for installation and operation.
face to face interviews. Researchers started to deploy the data the Table 2: Hardware Requirements
day after come-up an idea and the questionnaire. The 50 possible
Hardware Recommended Specs
patients are the target respondents for the research Aside from
the 50 respondents, there are two respondents interviewed
Android and IOS Needs at least Android 4.1 as the
personally Mr. Marcus and Dr. Banluta. The online survey
questionnaire is deployed online via Facebook and messenger
OS version for android and up or for
while the interviews are in the area of Polyclinic. The researcher
prepared a 5 to 6 questions regarding with the problem that
It needs iOS version and up.
researcher might solve. As the researcher interview According to
Mr. Marcus Diestro, one of the staff of Polyclinic Davao Inc
OS Windows 10 or higher
answered a few questions about the clinic via messenger.
Researcher asked him the common problems they encountered in
the clinic since he works as an encoder of the patient’s results. Mobile RAM 512 MB of RAM at the very least.
He replied that the common problem of the clinic is releasing
results, doctors' schedules, availability, announcements, rates, Desktop RAM 8GB RAM and 16GB highly
and inquiry. The doctor or admin of the clinic, Dr. Jennifer recommended
Banluta stated that the clinic needs a portal that will show their
hospital history, news, and dashboards to display the Internet/ Data Required
fundamental laboratory and rates. Our audience of this project is
the possible patients, employees, and admin. The dataset that the Storage SSD 250 or higher
researcher is going to use will be retrieved from the Israeli
In Table 3 shown below the software requirements that the system to easily distinguish by the user
green in
researcher needed to develop. who has an eye disability in the eye.
Table 3: Software Requirements
2.2.5 Feasibility Study
Software Use The feasibility studies and testing of the proposed project are
explained in this section. Researchers must do testing and
Firebase Is an app development platform. Backed
feasibility studies to investigate and validate the application's
by google Use as the database for the
viability, performance, usability, and functions. Furthermore,
this would evaluate the application's overall performance.
Google Chrome Use for running and testing in developing
Technical Feasibility
(browser) the application.
Technically, the DoKonsulta Application is possible. It will work
on mobile phones, laptops, and any other device with a different
Vs Code Use as the code editor for building and operating system because it is cross-platform. Version 4.1
developing the application. Jellybean is the minimum Android Operating System required.
Version 9.0 of the iOS Mobile Operating System will be released.
Android and iOS require at least 1 GB of RAM and 1 GB of
Technical Tools storage. The minimum computer requirements are a dual core
The researcher utilized the following technical tools to execute
professor with 2 GB of RAM and 1 GB of accessible storage, as
the task:
well as an internet connection to access the application.
Is used as the primary language for predictive analysis. Economic Feasibility
DoKonsulta Application is economically feasible because it can
Java Script be used for every user. The application can be used and installed
Utilized this in conjunction with CSS and HTML to make the for free, plus they can get all the benefits, including the pre-test
system more interactive. screening for COVID-19.
Flutter Operational Feasibility
Using flutter to build a cross-platform from migrating web DoKonsulta Application is operationally feasible. The Android
applications to a mobile application application DoKonsulta is operational. It boasts a user-friendly
Firebase interface and is tailored to Android users, who make up most
Using this to create a real-time database for the system. The smartphone users. For a more convenient user experience, the
Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database program offers a minimal appearance and simple navigation. The
that lets you store and sync data between your users in real-time. application has been designed to be simple to use, according to
the researchers.
The primary role of CSS, which used to be a front-end of the Table 4: Cost and Benefits Analysis
system, is to design the system to appear beautiful.
Cost Benefit
2.2.4 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements Functional Requirements Testing • Resolve any errors as soon as possible.
This section explains the functional requirements of DoKonsulta and • The application's functionality will be
system and application: consistent.
Maintena Sign-in and Sign-up- This function will allow the • There will be no need for application
users to sign-in and sign-up to create an account to access the nce maintenance.
application. • Identify and correct inefficient operations. Book Online-Appointment - This function allows the User’s • Follow the instructions to learn about the
patients to set or book an appointment with their doctor.
Training application's specific features. Approve and Decline Appointment - This function
allows the doctors and secretary to approve and decline an
appointment. Software • Make use of the hardware in a practical
Non-functional Requirements and manner.
This section shows the non-functional requirements of ● Enhance the performance of applications.
DoKonsulta application: Hardware Availability - Can access the system to mobile and web
applications also it will operate 24/7 to ensure the user meets Applicatio ● The app will be available on the Google
their needs. unless the system will undergo maintenance. n Play Store.
● The application is available for free Security - The system ensures that data and information installatio download.
are secured and confidential and can be accessed only by the
users and doctors. Also, researchers use the encryption of the n Cost
user password so it will only access by the user. Also, the firebase
real-time database uses hash encryption of the user password.
Schedule Feasibility Usability - The system uses a simple format and user- On the development of the DoKonsulta application, it presents a
friendly environment to ensure the user will quickly understand table with a breakdown of the tasks and the time allotted for each
the system. Also, the researcher uses the color black, white and
activity. The application is being implemented and developed on 2.3.2 Data Models
time by the researchers (See Table 3.3). The objective of data models, user interaction, and data flow will
be covered in this part. It contains sufficient details about how
Table 3.3: Project Duration data will move throughout the system and be stored in the
database. Finally, it goes into the complete system's design and
architecture and how it functions. Use-Case Diagram

2.3 Design
2.3.1 Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework acts as the map that will lead the
researchers in achieving the study's goals, as seen in the image
below. The researchers provide a figure depicting the process
using conceptual framework including input, process, and
output. The admin, patients, doctor, and secretary are the four
users of the system in input. The admin has complete access to
the system, while the patient, doctor, and secretary have
restricted access.
Python, Java Script, Flutter, Firebase, CSS, and the Random
Forecast Classifiers are among the technologies used by the
researchers to make this happen. The major language for
predictive analysis is Python, and java script is used in
combination with CSS and HTML to make the system more
interactive. Firebase is utilized to develop a real-time database
for the system, and flutter is used to build a cross-platform from
migrating online and mobile applications. The Firebase Realtime
Database, on the other hand, is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database
that allows you to store and sync data in real-time amongst your
users. Finally, one of the key functions of CSS, which used to be
the system's front-end, is to make the system seem attractive.
The system's output will show a calendar check that shows the
approval of patient appointments, followed by the triage/covid19
pre-test screening, which will show the approved check sign and
the patients' results, and finally, the reports, which will show the
entire list of patients who have accessed the triage, as well as a
summary of daily approved and declined appointments of
patients. (See Figure 2).

Figure 3: Use-Case
The Use-Case, shown in Figure 3 above, depicts the whole
system's workflow, with three users: patients, administrators, and
doctors/secretaries. Patients may only access sign-in and sign-up,
appointment booking, canceling appointments, receiving
permission via message, and filling out the triage form, which is
one of the needed forms before visiting the clinic. Patients can
also examine their personal information. While the clinic's
doctor/secretary can only access four forms: sign-in, sign-up,
cancel appointments, examine reports, and then approve or deny
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework (Input – Process – Output) appointments. And the admin also has complete access to the
system (See Figure 3). Entity Relationship Diagram Table 5: User Table

Fields Ke Type Nu Description

y ll

User_id PK automat No Identification of user


First_name text No First name of the user

Last_name text No Last name of the user

Middle_na text No Middle name of the user


Gender text No Gender of the user

Date_of_bi date No Date of birth of the user


Email_addr text Email address of the

ess user

Contact_nu text No Contact number of the

mber user

password Text No Password of the user

Figure 4: ERD created_at timesta Ye Time created the user
The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) depicts the relationships mp s
between elements in a database's entities. The database structure
of the system is depicted in the diagram below. Updated_at Timesta Ye Time updated the user
mp s Data Dictionary
The following table are the data dictionary of the system.

Table 4: Admin Table 6: Doctor Table

Fields Key Type Null Description

Fields Ke Type Nu Description Type
y ll Doctor_id PK automa No Identification of
Ty ted the doctor
pe First_nam text No Fist name of the
Admin_id PK automat No Identification of e doctor
ed admin Last_nam text No Last name of the
Triage_id FK number No Identification of e doctor
triage Middle_n text No Middle name of
User_id FK number No Identification of ame the doctor
user Date_of_b date No Date of birth of the
Appointment_ FK number No Identification of irth doctor
id appointment Gender Text No Gender of the
Doctor_id FK Number No Identification of doctor
the doctor specialty text No Specialization of
Name Text No Name of the admin the doctor
Email_addres Text No Email of admin Email_ad text No Email address of
s dress the doctor
Password Text No Password of admin password text No Password of the
Status Text No Status of admin doctor
(active or inactive) Contact_n text No Contact number of
created_at timesta Ye Time created the umber the doctor
mp s admin status text No Status of the
Updated_at timesta Ye Time updated the doctor (active or
mp s admin inactive)
created_at timesta Yes Time created the
mp doctor
Updated_ Timest Yes Time updated the
at amp doctor
Table 7: Appointment Table

Fields Key Type Null Description

Appoint PK automa No Identification of the
ment_id ted appointment
Doctors_ FK text No Identification of the
id doctor
User_id FK text No Identification of
Triage_i FK text No Identification of
d triage
status text No Status of the
(pending or cancel)
Schedule Date No Date schedule of
_date the appointment
Schedule text No Time of the Figure 5: Architecture Design
_time appointment
schedule 2.3.4 Sample Prototypes
Sympto text No Symptoms of the
ms user
created_a timesta Yes Time created the
t mp appointment
Updated Timest Yes Time updated the
_at amp appointment
Table 8: Triage Table

Fields Key Type Null Description

Triage_ PK autom No Identification of triage
id ated
User_id FK text No Identification of user
First_n text No First name of the patient
Last_na text No Last name of the patient
Middle text No Middle name of the
_name patient
sympto text No Symptoms of the patient
ms will use in predictive
gender text No Gender of the patient
Figure 1: Sign-in form
Contact text No Contact number of the
The login page for the clinic is shown in the form above. Users
_numbe patient
can log in using their email and password, as well as their Google
and Facebook accounts (See figure 1).
Date_of date No Birth date of the patient
date date No Current Date
result text No Result of the predictive
created timest Yes Time created the triage
_at amp

2.3.3 Architecture Design

The figure below represents the design of the software and the
process of establishing the foundation for the creation of a
software system by defining a collection of hardware and
software components, as well as their interfaces (See Figure 5).
Figure 5: Admin Dashboard
The admin can use this form to monitor patients who have
appointments with their doctors and evaluate the patient's pre-
screening utilizing predictive analysis, as shown in the
screenshot above (See figure 5).

Figure 2: Sign-up form

The sign-up form shown above allows users to create an account
by entering their information, username, and password. It is also
possible to access the application by logging in using their
current Gmail account (See figure 2).

Figure 6: List of Doctors

After signing the hospital triage form shown in figure 4, users
can choose a doctor and schedule an appointment from the list of
doctors shown in figure 5. (See figure 6).

ALBQAEEN, A., AND MUBARAK, S. 2020. Evolving a
Figure 4: Hospital Triage form Hybrid Appointment System for Patient Scheduling in Primary
The Covid-19 pre-screening for all users in hospital triage is Healthcare Centres in Dubai: Perceptions of Patients and
shown in the figures above. This is critical for monitoring and Healthcare Provider. Journal - IJET.
locating possible COVID-infected individuals (See figure 4).
[2] CAO, W., WAN, Y., TU, H., ET AL. 2018. A web-based
appointment system to reduce waiting for outpatients: A
retrospective study. BMC Health Services Research.
[3] COVID-19-Government Data. (2020)
Covid-19 regional updates: Regional daily case:
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