hw1 - 20151 Analytical Mechanics
hw1 - 20151 Analytical Mechanics
hw1 - 20151 Analytical Mechanics
2015-2016 Fall
Homework 1
Due: 15:40 on Monday October 26, 2015
Problem 1
The cross product of vectors a and b can be expressed in a compact from as (a b)i = ijk aj bk where the
sums over j and k are assumed and ijk is the Levi-Civita tensor. Prove the followings using the above
form together with the properties of ijk :
(a) (a b) (c d) = (a c)(b d) (a d)(b c)
(b) (a b) (c d) = (a (b d)) c (a (b c)) d
(c) a (b c) + c (a b) + b (c a) = 0
Problem 2
(a) Using geometrical approach, write down the infinitesimal area and volume elements in cylindrical
(b) Using geometrical approach, write down the infinitesimal area and volume elements in spherical
polar coordinates.
can be expressed in
(c) Using again geometrical approach, show that spherical unit vectors (
r , ,
terms of Cartesian unit vectors (x,
+ sin sin y + cos z
r = sin cos x
+ cos sin y sin z
= cos cos x
= sin x
+ cos y
(d) Obtain the velocity v, its square v 2 , and acceleration a in cylindrical coordinates.
(e) Obtain the velocity v, its square v 2 , and acceleration a in spherical polar coordinates.
Problem 3
The Lagrangian is neither unique not physical and there could be infinitely many Lagrangians describing
the same physical system.
(a) Consider a system with one degree of freedom, q, such that one possible Lagragian is L(q, q,
t). Show
that another Lagrangian L0 (q, q,
t) describes the same system if it is related to L as L0 = L+ dt
(q, t),
where is an arbitrary function of q and t.
(b) Now consider a particle of mass m and charge q moves in an external electromagnetic field. Write
down the Lagrangian L for m in terms of scalar potential and vector potential A. Obtain the
Lagrangian L0 for the gauge transformed potentials, 0 =
t , A = A + . Show that L
differs from L by a total time derivative term. Interpret your result.
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Problem 3
Problem 4
At the end of Chapter 1 of Goldsteins book (3rd edition), there are three simple examples. Discuss each
of these systems by using DAlemberts principle. Obtain equations of motion and compare with the ones
derived in the book. Find the coordinates as a function of time if possible.
Problem 5
Discuss in detail the vertical disk rolling on a horizontal plane, which is briefly explained at the end of
Section 1.3 of Goldstein.
Problem 6
Do the question 10 in the Derivations part at the end of Chapter 1 of Goldstein.
Problem 7
Do the Exercises 15 and 18 at the end of Chapter 1 of Goldstein.
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