Sam Ant A
Sam Ant A
Sam Ant A
703, Rameswarpatna, Bhubaneswar-751002, India.
P. G. Department of Mathematics, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihay-768019, India.
Department of Mathematics, Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement (GITA),
Madanpur-752054, India.
Department of Physics, Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement (GITA), Madanpur-
752054, India.
Abstract: In this paper we have constructed some five dimensional Bianchi type-III
cosmological models in general relativity when source of gravitational field is a massive string.
We have obtained different classes of solutions by considering different functional forms of
metric potentials. It is also observed that the models posses big bang singularity. The physical
and kinematical behaviors of the models are discussed.
1. Introduction
Recently cosmic string theory is important in the early stages of the evolution of the
universe before the particle creation. The study of cosmic strings in elementary particle
physics arised from the gauge theories with spontaneous broken symmetry. After the big
bang, it is believed that the universe might have experienced a number of phase
transitions by producing vacuum domain structures such as domain walls, strings and
monopoles. Cosmic strings may act as gravitational lenses and give rise to density
perturbations leading to formation of galaxies. Chatterjee [12] constructed massive string
cosmological model in higher dimensional homogeneous space time. Krori et al. [13]
constructed Bianchi type-I string cosmological model in higher dimension and obtained
that matter and strings coexist throughout the evolution of the universe. Rahaman et al.
[14] obtained exact solutions of the field equations for a five dimensional space time in
Lyra manifold when the source of gravitation is massive strings. Recently Mohanty et al.
[15] constructed five dimensional string cosmological models in Barber’s second self
creation theory of gravitation and they showed that, one of the models degenerates into
two different string cosmological models in Einstein’s theory corresponding to variable G
and constant G. In this paper we have taken an attempt to study the role of string in five
dimensional Bianchi type-III space time in general theory of relativity.
Here we consider the five dimensional Bianchi type-III metric in the form
ds 2 = dt 2 − A 2 dx 2 − B 2 e −2 ax dy 2 − C 2 dz 2 − D 2 dψ 2 (1)
where A(t), B(t), C(t) and D(t) are the scale factors.
Tij = ρu i u j − λwi w j
u i u i = −w i wi = −1
and u i wi = 0 (4)
Where ρ is the rest energy density of the cloud of strings with particles attached to them,
λ is the tension density of the strings and ρ = ρ p + λ , ρp being the rest energy of the
particles. The velocity ui describes the cloud 5-velocity and wi represents the direction of
anisotropy. For the weak, strong and dominant energy conditions, one finds that ρ >0,
ρp >0 and the sign of λ is unrestricted. The fifth co ordinate is taken to be space like
where u 0 = u 1 = u 2 = u 3 = 0, u 4 = 1 (5)
w i = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
Rij − Rg ij = −8πTij
With the help of equations (2) – (6), the field equation (7) for the metric (1) can be
written explicitly as
B ′′ C ′′ D ′′ B ′C ′ B ′D ′ C ′D ′
+ + + + + =0,
A′B ′ A′C ′ B ′C ′ A′D ′ B ′D ′ C ′D ′ a 2
+ + + + + − = 8π ρ,
A′ B ′
and = . (13)
From equation (13) it can be shown that A=kB, where k is an arbitrary constant.
Therefore we have five equations in six unknowns. For deterministic solutions we need
one assumption. We shall explore physically meaningful solutions of the field equations
(8) – (13) by considering a simplifying assumption to the field variables A, B, C and D.
Case:-1 A = B = tn (14)
C ′′ 2nC ′ 2n(n − 1) + n 2 a 2
+ + − 2n = 0
C tC t2 t
Now equation (15) solvable for n=1. The equations (14) and (15) reduce to
A= B =t (16)
and t 2 C ′′ + 2tC ′ + (1 − a 2 )C = 0
−1+ 4 a 2 −3
C =t 2
−1− 4 a 2 −3
C =t 2
Using equations (16) and (18a) in the field equation (8) we get
(−1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
t 2 D ′′ + t (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) D ′ + D =0 (19)
D = t m1 (20a)
or D = t m2 (20b)
− 4a 2 − 3 + 4a 2 − 3 − ( −1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
where m1 =
− 4a 2 − 3 − 4a 2 − 3 − ( −1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
and m2 =
Set:-1 Thus, the five dimensional string cosmological model corresponding to the solution
(16), (18a) and (20a) is written as
ds 2 = dt 2 − t 2 dx 2 − t 2 e −2 ax dy 2 − t −1+ 4 a 2 −3
dt 2 − t 2 m1 dψ 2 (21)
The rest energy density ( ρ ), string tension density ( λ ), the particle density ( ρp ), the
scalar of expansion ( θ ), the shear ( σ ), the spatial volume (V) and the deceleration
parameter (q) for the model (21) are obtained as
3 4a2 − 3 − (− 1+ 4a2 − )3 2 + 4a2 − 3
8π = 2 ρ (22)
4t 2 2 2
+ 4a − 3 4a − 3 − (− 1+ 4a − )3 − 4a + 3
2 2
m1 + m1 + 1 − a 2
8π λ= (23)
ρp = 2
(2n1 + m1 + n1 m1 − m1 ) (24)
8π t 2
− 1 + 4a 2 − 3
where n1 =
n1 + m1 + 2
θ= (25)
1 1 1 1 n1 1 m1
2 2 2
σ = 2 − + − + −
2 3 t 3 t 3 t
V = t n1 + m1 + 2 e − ax
− (n1 + m1 + 1)
and q= (28)
n1 + m1 + 2
1 + 4a 2 − 3 − ( −1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
where n1 + m1 +1 =
3 + 4a 2 − 3 − (−1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
and n1 + m1 + 2 =
The rest energy density, string tension density, expansion scalar and shear become infinite
for t=0, which indicates that the universe starts at t=0. Hence the model (21) admits initial
σ 2
singularity. The scalar of expansion θ → 0 as t → ∞ . Since lim 2 ≠ 0 , the model does not
t →∞ θ
approach isotropy for large value of t. The spatial volume V is zero when t=0 and becomes
infinite when t → ∞ . The deceleration parameter is negative. Therefore the model (21) is
Set:-2 The five dimensional string cosmological model corresponding to the solutions (16),
(18a) and (20b) is written as
4 a 2 −3
ds 2 = dt 2 − t 2 dx 2 − t 2 e −2 ax dy 2 − t −1+ dt 2 − t 2 m2 dψ 2
The rest energy density ( ρ ), string tension density ( λ ), the particle density ( ρp ), the
scalar of expansion ( θ ), the shear ( σ ), the spatial volume (V) and the deceleration
parameter (q) for the model (29) are obtained as
− 3 4a 2 − 3 − ( − 1 + 4 a 2 − 3 ) 2 + 4a 2 − 3
8π = 2 ρ (30)
4t 2 2 2
− 4a − 3 4a − 3 − (− 1+ 4a − 3) − 4a − 3
2 2
m2 + m2 + 1 − a 2
8π λ= (31)
ρp = 2
( 2n1 + m 2 + n1 m1 − m 2 ) (32)
8π t 2
n1 + m2 + 2
θ= (33)
1 1 1 1 n1 1 m 2
2 2 2
σ = 2 − + − + −
2 3 t 3 t 3 t
V = t n1 + m2 + 2 e − ax
− (n1 + m2 + 1)
and q= (36)
n1 + m2 + 2
In this set the rest energy density ( ρ ) does not satisfy the reality condition i. e. ( ρ >0).
Therefore the model (29) corresponding to the solutions (16), (18a) and (20b) are physically
unrealistic. Hence the model (29) is not acceptable.
Now using equations (16) and (18b) in the field equation (8) we get
(−1 − 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
t 2 D ′′ + t (1 − 4a 2 − 3 ) D ′ + D =0 (37)
D = t l1 (38a)
or D = t l2
where 4a 2 − 3 + 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
l1 =
and 4a 2 − 3 − 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
l2 =
The above solutions (16), (18b), (38a) and (38b) give two different set of models.
The geometry of the string cosmological model corresponding to the solutions (16), (18b)
and (38a) is described by the metric
ds 2 = dt 2 − t 2 dx 2 − t 2 e −2 ax dy 2 − t −1− 4 a 2 −3
dt 2 − t 2l1 dψ 2 (39)
The physical and kinematical quantities for the model (39) have the following expressions:
4t 2 2 2
− 4a − 3 4a − 3 − (1+ 4a − )3 − 8a + 3
2 2
l1 + l1 + 1 − a 2
8π λ= (41)
ρp = 2
( 2n2 + l1 + n 2 l1 − l1 ) (42)
8π t 2
n 2 + l1 + 2
θ= (43)
1 1 1 1 n 2 1 l1
2 2 2
σ2 = 2 − + − + − (44)
2 3 t 3 t 3 t
V = t n2 +l1 + 2 e − ax
− (n2 + l1 + 1)
and q=
n 2 + l1 + 2
1 + 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
where n 2 + l1 + 1 =
3 + 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2
and n 2 + l1 + 2 =
The rest energy density, string tension density, expansion scalar and shear become infinite
for t=0, which indicates that the universe starts at t=0. Hence the model (39) admits initial
σ 2
singularity. The scalar of expansion θ → 0 as t → ∞ . Since lim 2 ≠ 0 , the model does not
t →∞ θ
approach isotropy for large value of t. The spatial volume V is zero when t=0 and becomes
infinite when t → ∞ . The deceleration parameter is negative. Therefore the model (39) is
The geometry of the string cosmological model corresponding to the solutions (16), (18b)
and (38b) is described by the metric
ds 2 = dt 2 − t 2 dx 2 − t 2 e −2 ax dy 2 − t −1− 4 a 2 −3
dt 2 − t 2l2 dψ 2 (47)
The physical and kinematical parameters for this model are obtained as
4t 2 2 2
+ 4a − 3 4a − 3 − (1+ 4a − )3 − 8a + 3
2 2
l2 + l2 + 1 − a 2
8π λ= (49)
ρp = 2
( 2n 2 + l 2 + n 2 l 2 − l 2 ) (50)
8π t 2
n2 + l 2 + 2
θ= (51)
1 1 1 1 n2 1 l 2
2 2 2
σ = 2 − + − + −
2 3 t 3 t 3 t
V = t n2 +l2 + 2 e − ax
− ( n 2 + l 2 + 1)
and q= (54)
n2 + l 2 + 2
3 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2 + 4a 2 − 3 + 8a 2
< 4a 2 − 3 4a 2 − 3 − (1 + 4a 2 − 3 ) 2 + 3
The rest energy density, the string tension density, particle density, shear scalar expansion
and deceleration parameter become infinite at t=0. Therefore we observed that the model (47)
admits initial singularity at t=0. The spatial volume V=0 at t=0 and V → ∞ as t → ∞ .
A = B = C = tn , n>0 (55)
D ′′ 2nD ′ 3n 2 − 2n
+ + =0 (56)
D Dt t2
D =tm
The value m is real if (2n −1) 2 − 4(3n 2 − 2n) ≥0. The above solutions satisfies the field
equation (11) if t 2 n −2 (3n(2n −1) − a 2 ) = 0 .
In this case, the geometry of the string cosmological model is described by the metric
ds 2 = dt 2 − t n dx 2 − t n e −2 ax dy 2 − t n dt 2 − t m dψ 2 (58)
The rest energy density and string tension density of strings are
3n(n + m) a 2
8π ρ= − 2n
t2 t
3n 2 + m 2 − 2n − m + 2nm a 2
and 8π λ= − 2n (60)
t2 t
1+ 3 1− 3
Case2.1:- If n = then m = .
4 4
1+ 3
A=B=C =t 4
1− 3
and D =t 4
3(1 + 3 ) a2
8π ρ= −
8t 2 1+ 3
t 2
8π λ= − 1+ 3
t 2
3(1 + 3 )
8π ρp =
8t 2
2+ 3
θ= (66)
1 1 1+ 3 1 1− 3
2 2
σ = 3 −
+ − (67)
2 3 4t
3 4t
2+ 3
V =t 2
e −ax
− 3
and q= (69)
2+ 3
The rest energy density, string tension density, scalar expansion, shear and particle density
become infinity for t=0. Therefore we observe that the model (55) admit initial singularity.
From equations (63), (64) and (65) we observed that ρ >0, λ <0 and ρp >0. Thus at early
era strings exist with negative λ but particle exist with positive ρp . The spatial volume
becomes zero at t=0 and this shows the expansion of the model with time. As t → ∞ , V → ∞
, θ → 0 , A, B, C →∞ but the extra dimension D → 0 . The deceleration parameter is
negative. Therefore the model is inflationary.
4. Conclusions
In this paper we have constructed five different five dimensional string cosmological models
out of which one is physically unrealistic. Further we observed that all models are
inflationary and posses initial singularity.
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