Double Fear
Double Fear
Double Fear
Double Fear
The main story is about Greg Mason, a young man who works in a shop. One day in winter he
sees his doppelgaenger for the first time. Greg is afraid. He wonders where the doppelgaenger
is from and what he wants to do with him. Mike, Greg's best friend, at first doesn't believe
him, but when he sees the doppelgaenger he realises that this isn't Greg. Later, the
doppelgaenger tells Greg that there are three other doppelgaengers of three other persons
and that they aren't form this earth. On their planet they couldn't live any more so the came
to the earth. Now he has to make a transfer with Greg. And after that transfer Greg wouldn't
live on. Then only the doppelgaenger would live. The other three doppelgaengers have
already executed the transfers with their persons. But then they all die because they don't
known enough. One dies in a fire, one breaks through ice on a lake and one dies in a
motorbike accident because he drives too fast. Only Greg is still himself. His doppelgaenger
can't make the transfer because Greg is deaf. So he looks for another
person to make the transfer and he finds one in Mike.
My opinion
The book is short and very easy to read. In my opinion the stories are
only very cheap science fiction stories that could never be true. Of
course there are people who could enjoy reading this book, but I
didn't. Every student who has studied English for two or three years
will have no problems understanding the book. If anyone wants to
read this book he should do. But I can't recommend it.
has to make a transfer with Greg. And after that transfer Greg wouldn't live on.
Then only the doppelgaenger would live. The other three doppelgaengers have
already executed the transfers with their persons. But then they all die because
they don't known enough. One dies in a fire, one breaks through ice on a lake and
one dies in a motorbike accident because he drives too fast. Only Greg is still
himself. His doppelgaenger can't make the transfer because Greg is deaf. So he
looks for another person to make the transfer and he finds one in Mike.
The snow came to the south one day in January, and on that day Greg Mason saw
his Double. So begins Double Fear, the first of the three stories in this chilling
new collection.
Gregs Double is exactly like him. He wears the same clothes, he has the same
face, hair and eyes. Only his smile is different; it is not a nice smile. Who is he?
Where has he come from? And what does he want with Greg?
- See more at:
doble miedo
La historia principal es sobre Greg Mason, un joven que trabaja en una
tienda. Un da en invierno ve a su doppelgaenger por primera vez.
Greg tiene miedo. Se pregunta donde el doppelgaenger es y qu
quiere hacer con l. Mike, el mejor amigo de Greg, al principio no le
crea, pero cuando ve el doppelgaenger se da cuenta de que esto no
es Greg. Ms tarde, el doppelgaenger dice Greg que hay otras tres
doppelgaengers de otras tres personas y que no se forme esta tierra.
En su planeta no podan vivir ms as que el vino a la tierra. Ahora
tiene que hacer una transferencia con Greg. Y despus de que la
transferencia de Greg no vivira. Slo entonces la doppelgaenger
vivira. Los otros tres doppelgaengers ya han ejecutado a los traslados
con sus personas. Pero entonces todos se mueren porque no conocen
lo suficiente. Uno muere en un incendio, uno rompe a travs del hielo
en un lago y uno muere en un accidente de moto, porque l conduce
demasiado rpido. Slo Greg sigue siendo el mismo. Su
doppelgaenger no puede hacer la transferencia porque Greg es sordo.
As que l busca a otra persona para hacer la transferencia y que
encuentra una en Mike.
El libro es corto y muy fcil de leer. En mi opinin las historias son slo
historias de ciencia ficcin muy baratos que nunca podra ser cierto.
Por supuesto que hay personas que pueden disfrutar de la lectura de
este libro, pero no lo hicieron. Cada alumno que ha estudiado Ingls
durante dos o tres aos no tendr problemas para entender el libro. Si
alguien quiere leer este libro que deba hacer. Pero no puedo