Final Project 214
Final Project 214
Final Project 214
Briana Ochoa
Technology Standards
Technology standards at the local school District, State of Nevada,
and National level all vary from grade level. In 5th grade, for a student to meet the
computer and technology education standards they must individually select a research
topic or define a problem giving a possible outcome and listing available technology
tools to be used, generate a list of keywords to conduct an electronic search, explore
hyperlinks, identify organizational tools, identify source and content of information
collected, Collaboratively lists sources used, with teacher or media specialist assistance
summarize the research process and evaluate its outcome.
The Department of Education states, Educational Technology plays a critical role
in Nevadas Classrooms. The transformative power of technology promotes engagement,
and develops 21st century skills in students. Nevada Department of Education works
toward ensuring all educators have access to high quality professional development, all
Nevada schools have robust connectivity, and all students have access to classroom
technologies and standards- aligned digital content. In doing so, we ensure Nevada is
ready for the future.
The ISTE Standards for students include a list of 4: Creativity and Innovation,
where students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology. Research and information fluency,
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Communication and
Collaboration, students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to
the learning of others. Lastly, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision thinking,
students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve
problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
All of these standards are very similar yet they all do vary. Depending on grade
level, they all have the same concept, and that concept is that teaching and learning with
Technology is important subject that need to be included in the students curriculum.
These all have a set standard that the student must have.
Lesson Plan
Name of lesson: Our Culture Project
Grade Level Appropriateness: 5th
Technology Content Standard Addressed: ISTE Standards #1 Creativity and
Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
Other Content Standard Addressed: Content Standard 2.0 Productivity Tools:
Students use appropriate productivity tools including but not limited to word processing,
spreadsheet, database, multimedia and telecommunications.
Objective: The student will become familiar with power point and using graphics from
the Internet and power point clipart. The project will also give the students opportunity to
have a better understanding of their class-mates background.
Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: We will be using the computers outside of
our classroom after lunch to work on this. The project will be created using Microsoft
Powerpoint or word.
Suggested group size: This will not be a group project this will be worked on
individually, however when working on it during class time students may talk quietly
amongst themselves regarding the project they theyre working on.
Procedures: In this project the students are to create a powerpoint or word document
from 1-2 pages. I will not take away any points if it is on single page as long as they have
all the instructions I require. In the powerpoint or Microsoft word document, they are to
write a paragraph somewhere about their heritage. In this paragraph they are open to
write about anything relating to their culture including food, language, celebrations, etc.
After they have completed their paragraph, they can begin adding graphics. The graphics
can be personal ones from home, or copied from the Internet expressing their culture.
They MUST complete the paragraph before adding graphics. If I see any students
beginning with graphics first they will get points deducted. This project is worth 30
points total and on the due date I will have the projector screen up where the students will
present their powerpoint page and read their paragraph while standing in front of the
class. Students names will be called randomly from the Popsicle sticks in order of who
will be presenting next. The presentation should be colorful and decorative showing that
they experimented using different tools.
Paragraph on culture
Due on time