Olivia Pipala
Subject Area
Class Title
Earth Science
Lesson Title
Unit Title
Convection in Mantle
Plate Tectonics
Grade Levels
Total Minutes
45 minutes
This Oceanography class is full of ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sophomores and juniors that
include ELL and students with special needs. Out of 38 students, there are 5 English Language Learners and 2 students
with special needs. The proficiency level of the ELD standards for 3 of these students is Expanding and 2 are
considered Bridging. Students with special needs are both considered as ADHD with anxiety troubles. The specific
needs of these students are for them to sit up in the front of the class to inhibit distractions from other students. Due
to their anxiety, they are allowed extra time on exams, homework, and classwork. The classroom environment is suited
for learning, where inspirational and educational posters are posted along the walls, as well as student projects that
build anticipation for future lessons. However, there are days when the students are more rambunctious than others,
which allow for specific classroom instruction on those days to manage the class.
CCSS Math, CCSS ELA & Literacy History/Social
Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, NGSS, and
Content Standards
1. Exchanging information/ideas
Lesson Objective(s)
Feedback Strategy
Student Does
Their teacher will greet the students as they
walk into class. They will see the days objectives
and agenda on the board as they settle into their
seats. They will take out their weekly learning logs.
The students will listen to the teacher go over
the objectives and agenda and then view the warmup activity. Some will begin to brainstorm and since it
is a visual, ELs and SSN students are accommodated.
The students then apply any prior knowledge they
have about convection to the activity. They will then
think-write-pair-share with the person sitting next to
them and discuss their answers as a class.
Student Does
The students will go over lecture with the
teacher, some taking notes (optional). Students will
then receive an earths interior worksheet and work
with a partner or alone to fill out as much as they of
what they can recall. The teacher will ask students to
review their answers and help the teacher fill out the
worksheet through the overhead projector.
The students will then be informed that they will
participate in a model lab about convection and
receive a handout. They group up in fours and go to
a lab station and listen for instruction. They are
asked to fill a beaker up with water and turn on a hot
plate, however do not put the beaker on the hot
plate. They wait for the teacher to come by and add
in food coloring to the bottom of the beaker. Once
the teacher does this, the students place the beaker
on the hot plate and observe what happens. They
draw pictures of what is happening and answer the
following questions. Once finished they are asked to
empty the water in the sink and turn off the hot
Student Does