AW4 Manual

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INTRODUCTION JEEP AW-4 ‘The AW-4 is a four speed, electronically controlled automatic transmission. Running gear consists of a lock-up converteroll pump:three planetary gear sets:clutch and brake units:hydraulle accumulators:a valve body with electric ‘Solenoids and a transmission computer unit (TCU). Cables are used for shifting ‘and throttle presaure control. A neutral safety switch permits engine starting in Park and Neutral range only. The valve body solenoids are controled by signal from the TCU. Signal sequence is determined by volicle speed and throttle position. Fourth gear is an 70:1 ratio overdrive range. First second,third and Feverse gear are conventional ranges. Third geer ratio is 1:1. A separate planetary ‘gear set provides overdrive operation in fourth gear. We thank the Chrysler Corporation for the illustrations and information that have ‘made this booklet possible ROBERT D. CHERRNAY DALE ENGLAND “TECHNICAL DIRECTOR FIELD SERVICE CONSULTANT WAYNE COLONNA ED KRUSE ‘TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANT PETER LUBAN JIM DIAL, ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANT ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANT GREGORY LIPNICK. JERRY GOTT | TECHNICAL CONSULTANT ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANT DAVID CHALKER, ARSENIO RIVERA ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANT “TECHNICAL CONSULTANT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE GROUP 9200S, DADELAND BLVD. SUITE 720, ‘MIAMI, FLORIDA 33156 (605) 670-4161 LS JEEP AW-4 INDEX ‘Transmission System. 3 Diagnosis. 1 ‘Trouble Shooting... 10 ‘Transmission Service. 13 “Transmission & Torque Converter Removal 6 Transmission Overhaul... 2 ‘Sub-Assembly Overhaul “ Valve Body Teardown. nm ‘Transmission Assembly. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE GROUP 19200 8, Dadeland Biv. ‘Suite 720 (MIAMI FLORIDA 33186 (205) 670-4161 SERVICE INFORMATION JEEP AW-4 GEAR SHIFT POSITIONS "The AW-{tanumision has ix gor silver po- sition. Park, Reverse end Neural pontine are co ‘entonl and mechanically operated Te 12,8 nD ‘anges provide acral cnlled cing "The 12 potion proves firs aad sna get eal. ‘Tha parti provides Bt ean and third par The Drange provides Set tough forts gear Overdrive ford gar rangeisevalabe onl when the cif lever {iD postion Fig ‘TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION ‘The tranuieion LD. plate i tached to te came (Fig 9 The plate contain the tension serial and ‘Sedal numbers. Refer othe formation 0 this plata hen erderiog weve pars, ‘COMPONENTS AND OPERATION ectronle Controls ‘Tae AW4 is eectronialy contralld in th forward gvorrangea To contol cot the TCU, vabvbndy ‘Sleold nd sensors that moat voice ped hot {Te opening sift lever poton and bake eal pi rev ‘The TCU detrei shit nd converter lockup ta ing aed ensigns en the sensor. The val Day ‘elect are atvetadnatvred scoring. "Tae TOU bara self diagnose program. Component sod cacy malfunctions canbe dagaosed wih the o0Z2D 0 ‘ig. 2 Goar Sit Postions ‘DRE Teter. Once» malfnction i need and stared {R'TCU wonmory iis retained even after the prblen. acbeen cased Te cancels stored malencton sn Sy Saconect and reconnect the “Trans” fase m he ade provides normal sit sponds {hd pint. The Power mede provides higher engi ‘oods and shift pointe shen extra aecleration snd tong are ned The ft dasa activated bya ‘eh in te instrament pase "Teese incudethe tht position str TPS, he sped tener thn nie sity so tad he rake pil application sith "Tae tretlepston sensors mounted the hate ‘ay eslactroncly determine rote pecs and ‘laa thi nlrmation tothe TCU tocol ahi ‘ints aod eenvertar ac. "These senor consis of oto and magneton the teananiaien ott shaft and watchin een owing aaptr Tho cna switchs activated each tine the rtrd magnet complete one revslton ‘Sensor sgeals retransmit tothe TCU. ate The wth signal inkage and ‘anual valve pion tothe TCU through an ater- onneting hareeae Te switch prevents engine sar igi al pecs ther than Pak or Nesta Fg. 3 Tanemission tontiication Service Information AW-4 ‘The brake pplication evtch releases the ack-up ‘latch nthe torque coaertar whenever the brakes re Sspplied. The switch is mounted n the brake pedal ‘racket nd lgele the TCU when the pedal i presed or rele, TORQUE CONVERTER Alackup torque convert ated oral application ‘The lockup mechoniam conse of aad cute ton, chatch springs and the clutch ise material Pig) ‘The disc ir attached to the converter font ever The latch piston and clutch springs ay tached tothe turbine hub. The springs dampen engine ring t= ules and lade during te inital phase of converter Tock Lockop is controled by valve bay solenoid number thre and bythe lockup relay valve. At lek men, ‘he solenoid channel line presare tthe lockup teh {rough the relay valve "Torgs converter ockp occurs in tend per in 1-2 ition; third gear in 3 position and third ond fourth (ear inD poston. FOURTH GEAR OVERDRIVE COMPONENTS “Theoverdrive sytem consist ofthe np ba one- way elueh planetary sun gear, rng ear plentary {arte dret clutch and overdrive brake (Fig 6). The dive nan gear from turnng. During operation, the terre elements operete at flows: "The overdrive input haf and planetary carier ro tats ae nit The aun gear and overdrive direct teh rum are in mech and oprate as sngle unt. Te Airect clutch splines function othe hu for the over Arve brake. The one-way’ ctch outer rein in mech ‘wih de planetary carrier Thetenr races ad othe un gar sha, FIRST-THIRD-REVERSE GEAR COMPONENTS Frsc-thid and rereee gear eompovents er outlined ‘in Figure 6 "Th inpat shaft a med with the direct clutch bub td the forward latch drum, The elements rotate x ‘Gait The forward clutch ab rotates at uni with the front planetary tng gear. The dive dutch drum to Service Information AW-4 ee ne cemetery SEANSORSDE MS chemeencucos Gren abt oe te SSE satire se planetary cartier. "Tuc Cnponent Function Chart (Pig 7 deserbes be re Ae aceeeindtotenant Pactra Tet ‘shaft. The front planetary carrier and rear carrier FINE Gonent Application Chart (Fig, 8) indicates which ‘gear are meshed and rotate as 8 unit with the output Siemens (including valve body solenoids), are applied ike varios gear MommncLaTueE FuNcnon ‘Crvaine Ome Cach vernon tne by gee corns nwa gr ond ocr Fomod Gus Conese ed ton Fate Sake ve lar cri ban ig oe cen oro Soc ‘When con rae part od ott om om ong ome re tay Cane SS ‘ig. 7 Component Function Chart Service Information AW-4 comer | om fossa ||] 8 fe] ta] | a SSE tee > GSxtbeche te . Se ee Chart ee ee Ser sta ohn x ne ‘The bac hydraulic ystem consists ofthe ol pump, 8 the upper body section Fig 1 dy and solenoil and four hydraulic actu Inte Theol pump provides the necessary sytem 1. Maal Vare ‘reation and operating pressure “The manual valve is operated bythe gears link "The valve body contole application ofthe clutches, 86. The valve diverts fad co the apply ccutsae- brakes, second coast band and the toryue converter coding to shift lever positon Teekap clutch. The valve body solenoid conrel se henngoftbe 2 23und34 shaves thine Pa Rove Seen ei Schima ose wees with the Tye primary regulator valve (Fig. 1) modulates ine the TOU. "Tee accumulators are asd in the ctch and brake feed iets to contel intel apply pressure. Spring leaded acamuletor pistons modulate the inital sage at apply preaure for mocth engagement 1 Pum A geareype oll pump is usd in all AW-4 transmis: tons The punp years ere maunted inthe ol pump bd The drive gears operatedby the trque converter ‘ha. Drvetangson the hubengogeis drive slain the rive gear. Valve Body Components “Transmission operating presare i supplied tothe ‘utch end brake apply crate trough te valve body ‘The valve body consists of en upper bd lower body separa pate and upper and ler gait Pig. 8 ‘Thevaricupecl valves elsver lupe and opringe are leeaad within the to ty sneens "Tee mana vlve 1-2 sh valve pray regulator valve, accumulator coszel valve chock balls solenoids ‘and oll strainere ae lneted into lower bry section (ig. 10) The remaining contol and sit valves plus Fig. 9 Two-Section Vaive Body Service Information AW-4 DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION GENERAL DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION "The TCU vsed with the AW-4 tranimison has © sclediognetic progam. The program i compatible ‘ith the DEB I vster. "Tha AWt ie an elecronclly controlled tana: sion" Shift punts and sequence nthe forward geet ‘anges are controled by the TCU. Before attempting Fepeir willbe necessary todeterminesfamalfuneues (Secirieal or chanical ‘The DRB I tetr wl identify faults inthe leerieat contrlsysom. The raed test, presare tet, all test nd tre lg test plus the general diagnosis chars wil bap oat outs the mechanical sunning ge "Al AW-t diagnais shoud bein withthe Preimi- tary Chook Procedure. The procedure is designed to bei identify the typeof problem (nechanicaliect- ‘eal that has occurred. Th rst step ofthe procedure Tail Inpectin and Adjustment which ideale this socion INITIAL INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT (Q) Check and sdjust shift linkage (@) Verify line pressare cable operation. Repair or replace able binds o damaged (a! Check engine thotle operation. Have helper pres accelrato® to lor and observe injector throttle Plate movement Adj linkage if tarot pate doce {i Chest and adja ine proscure eae ifmaceeary. (G1 Check tranamiaion fd level when fd ie a normal operating temperature, Sart engine. Shit ‘Eanumiaion rough all gar range then back to New {tal Correct leva set Fl or Aa mark on dipetick With engine at curb ile peed (6) Chek and adjust neutral switch if cesar. (7).Ghesk TPS ajustaeat and operation. Adjust he sensor ifnecssery MANUAL SHIFTING TEST ‘mechanical or electrical component. {2 Stop engine and dasonect TCU or TCU fose (3) Rend tet vehicle, Sf teanesoion into stch not move in Neutral {provide irs gar ony with shit lever in 1-2 position Sports in hed gear only wilh Shi ver a pos 1 cperte in overdrive fourth gsr in D potion (2 etransmision operates as described, proved neat sep. However if frward gear ranges were i alto dheingua al fet sat), vehicle would ot hack up eer to dlagnote arta Do ot perform allo re ag test CAUTION: Do not overspeed the engine during the ‘ext test step. Ease of the vote ac sli the ve Fel slow belore downehiting (8) Cootinue road test Marallydownehif tranami sion fom D ta 3, nd fom 3% 1 poston, Then man ‘aly upahit tranamision through forward ranges “@) If tansmisson operation is OK, perform stall, ‘me lag and presse tents If ranemisnion shang ‘problem is enotuntered eer diagnosis hares. (fa probemsil exist comtnue otng with DRE teder HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST Pressure Tost Procedure Connet pressure test gauge to test port on pes soger side of anamision Use adaptor $654 to en ‘ect gauge. Be sure tne gauge capac tina 1 90 pt (2100 KPa, (@) Bring tranamisson Si to ormal operating em (3) Apply parking brakes and block wheels. WARNING: BO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO STAND AT ‘THE FRONT OR REAA OF THE VEHICLE WHILE PER- FORMING THE FOLLOWING STEPS IN THE PRES. SURE TEST. (4) Cheak and adja engine car ile peed, (5) Apply serie brakes (6)Shtrnamiason into D range and aot line pee sure with engine ecu dle speed. Pressure shold be ote pal (35-4042? LPs (7) Prat acelertar t wide open throttle postion nd note line preur, Pressure should be 16h co 196 ei 0108-071505 EP ‘CAUTION: Do not mainsin wide open throttle formore {hon tree o four seconde atte "2)Shiftreneianon nto Reverse and nleline pres. sure with engine at cob le peed Presure shoul be host pa (60040998 kPa (0) Presa aceleratr 1 wide open trot postion and pte line pressure in Reverse Pressure shouldbe ese 273 pat 540-0 1880 KPa EAUTION: Do notmeitsin wide open thot for more ‘hon tee or four seconds at tine. THolirinepresure snot within apeictions, aust tine peesture cable and repeat pressure tet Pressure Test Analysi Tt promures in D and Reverse are higher than spc se, chek fr the following ‘ine pressure cable lee, worn, binding or out of juste Service Information AW-4 «theta vane, downshit l Srorn or damaged ‘primary regulator valve ticking, worn, or damaged [Mprensaresin Dand Revers arelowerthan specie ches forthe flowing ne preeure cable lore, wor, binding or out of Sajustment throttle valve, dowashit pl, throttle am ticking, form or damaged (Trimory regulator vlog ticking, orm, or damaged it pump gers or boarng worn or daraged 1 Srerdeve latch worm or damaged {pressures are lw in D range only, check fr the 1 forward catch worn o dranged ‘Sha Teakage in Drange crt component ces and Oring hot cam sticking, i So ~e ig 28 Protiminary * ack Procedure a Service Information AW-4 1 peeaures are le in Reverse only, check forthe flowing shift lnkage (and manual valve) out of adjstnent 1 fan leakage n Reverse cic component anal sid ‘Oring direct clutch worn or damaged 1 reverse brake svorm a damaged STALL TEST (The stl tet checks balding ability f the trane- rluson clutches and brakes and the torque converter ator ete {2 Bring transmission Mid to normal ht parting 1G) Connect tachometer to engine Poston tachome- tera tea be viewed fom Sere (4) Apply parking brakes and block whecle. (5) Apply nd had service brakes. (6)0n WD model, obiftranfercaseinto two-wheel high pation. 1) art engine. WARING: D6 NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO STAND AT [MEPRONT OR REAR OF THE VERICLE DURING THE Test. (8) Shift transmission into D range (G) Pees aceleratr to wid ope throttle position ‘and note maximum engine rpm. Sal ped should be 200.2400 rpm in Drange, CAUTION: Oo not mamta wide open trot for more {han four or ve seconde t= ie. "70) Relea thettle nn af tapamiaon into New tea. Allow transmission fd to nel for 1520 second i) Shih teenuaason ite Revers, (2d) Pree acvleratr downto wide open throttle po. sition and note masimam engine rpm Stall speed ‘Fig. 27 Pressure Test Gauge Hookup ‘Stall Speed Test Anaiysie Tenginerpmlslower than ecified in Dand Revers, hac forth allowing 1 cagineoutpuuperfrmance neuiient 1 ator elatch in orgueconverter not halding fe ‘peed we 1500 rpm oe tal sped Drange ia higher han specified, check forthe flowing fine preseare low 1 forward este sipping { overdrive one-way elute no holding I atal peed in Reverse waa higher than specified, beck for the following: line prssare ow ret uta lipping 1 Sra reverse rake siping © vorrive one-way clutch ot heling Ital epeds were higher than weed i both D ad Revert, check forthe allowing ine pressure low 1 ererive one-way cutch not hong TIME LAG TEST "Thi tat checks general condition of the overdrive clutch, forward clutch rear sitch and fne/reverne rae” Condition indented bythe amount of tie ‘require fr clutchrae engagement withthe engine ‘tear ile mond. Engagement time i mensired for D SndReversepstions Asiop watch srecommended or Tost Procedure 1 Chock nnd sur trasmisian Aid love if ac: sean. {a)rng tranamison to nora ht operating ten peru (a) Apply packing brakes (4) Tarn off ai eneditonng unit (5}On WD models eit rastr case int two-wheel ih (8) Start engine and check cub ile sped. Adjust speed fnecesary. Cur de mst be corel to ensure (i) Shift trememioion ‘nto Neutral end sat stop watch (8) During lowing test tee, start stop watcha soon a til lever resthen D and Reverse detent, "9) Shit trasumiaron nto range end rece ime it tas for engngement. Hepat test to more times, 00) Reset wep watch an shift ranamaron back to Neutral (11) Sf transition ito Reverse and record ine ‘takes fr engagement. Repeat tet two more times, Service Information AW-4 (02) Bogngement time in D range shouldbe a max- —¢ forward ltch worn ie eaten Bacugemens time for Reverse © oversive clutch worm or damaged ‘Should bea maximum of 8 se FTengagerent time fe longer tan specie fr Ro sere Et fr the flowing: ied Time Lag Test Anatysie TR Usage ms Te ee ter nge tan mie r D + fine prnare low sang nck fr the loin 2 Gretna wore TR nkage mies tratowrs brake worm ‘ine eesure lw 2 Strive cach erm or damaged corarion roam couse connicron Tappecoounormeis | fader me Ee i ists. =r Sree venacogenoruomm | sitipeesctotmmers seeing wermcomucuss | attepceseteetmm | Scorn Re cect Senet Eerie, Eenso~ Sencar EET centri pug romon sina st meomcct Rashtwadioering, Stoo wunmagoncevem nr | Rretpahinatel atone tie ees Detaiptete en | Se meer = ‘fommeantooy SEE rp rome cermrazsaisce, | tees Feta Tse * BURSE:, | En? red arsourga0nz00 | sitemeter acee BODOG On ane ore Kine Seater Fina SSA oor nomena BBw Se nee Seay rigrensore | pemergte wearer * ae ed

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