Art Lesson Plan
Art Lesson Plan
Art Lesson Plan
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Connecting Native Americans to Me (Native Americans)
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
Students will first be read aloud the book Squantos Journey by Joseph Bruchac to get an
understanding of Native Americans and how the Native Americans lives are different from their
own. We will then have a discussion about native Americans, the struggles they went through,
and what a totem pole is and how it relates to Native Americans. Students will then be able to
design their own totem poles. After students design their own totem poles, they will write a
paragraph on the meaning of their totem pole and how it relates to them.
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Students will put meaning artistically onto their
totem poles through drawing.
2. Literacy: Students will be read the book Squantos Journey
and after making the totem poles, they will write about the
meaning of their native American totem pole and how it
relates to them.
3. Social Studies: Students will understand what native
Americans are and what a tribe is.
would be:
- I will give them the piece of the paper that is the totem
pole and demonstrate how to fold and make it into a
totem pole after they have drawn their meanings on it.
- I will provide an example of my totem pole explaining a
few of the images on my totem pole and why I put
them on there.
- I will have discussions with the entire class to see who
is having an understanding and who I need to go check
on while working on the activity.
1. I will begin the lesson on the first day by reading the book
Squantos Journey by Joseph Bruchac to the entire class.
Students will sit on the carpet in the front of the room.
I am reading this book because it gives a clear examples
about Native Americans, specifically Squanto.
2. After reading the book, I will start a discussion about
Native Americans. I will ask them questions such as:
- What do you believe is a Native American?
- How do these Native Americans lives differ from your
- What is a totem pole?
- Why do Native American tribes have totem poles?
- What do totem poles represent?
I am asking these questions to see if my students have an
understanding of Native Americans and totem poles. I need
to make sure they understand the meaning of totem poles
otherwise my students will not learn from the lesson the way
I am wanting them to.
Students will share with the class their totem poles and the
meaning behind what they drew on the totem pole. They will
do this by pairing up and showing their classmate their totem
pole and telling them the meaning of what they drew. When
the teacher rings the bell they must find a new partner to
share with.
learning is happening?)
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
They know how to use markers. They know the way they see themselves and symbols that represent them. They know how to
write a proper paragraph by using sentence structure.
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
When having the discussion, I will show them pictures of Native American tribes and other totem poles that represent their
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This is a time for them to explore themselves while drawing on their personal totem pole. They get to dig deep into their
creative side by drawing what ever they believe symbolizes them.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
Students will know they have learned something by the discussions about Native Americans and when they are reflecting on
their own totem pole and its meaning.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.
Students who struggle with writing can have the teacher write for them while they tell them what they want to write. This way
they still have all of their thoughts being written down in the students own words.