Frontier Explorer 12

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The magazine covers various topics related to Star Frontiers such as articles on alien races, equipment, ships and comics.

Some of the topics covered include an intelligent alien invasion, thought police, psychic equipment, the Psirens race and new engine requirements for ships.

The Psirens race and SP creatures are mentioned as well as Dralasites.

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Zebulons Guide to the Rim ............................................ 1
A brief introduction to the Rim government and the Flight.

An Intelligent Alien Invasion .............................................. 3

What would an alien invasion really look like?
Thought Police ..................................................................... 6
Are they already reading our minds?

Issue 12 Spring 2015


Battle for the Mind ............................................................. 7

Incorporating mentalist/psionic powers into Star Frontiers?

Thought Police Archetype .................................................. 8

Want to add some thought police, there are a few different
types you might find around the Frontier.

Dr. Mentos Psychic Equipment ...................................... 10

Some various equipment you might find in the Minzii Market
to help enhance or protect against mental powers.

Psirens: Nadezhda ........................................................... 11

A truly scary race with strange mental powers that are the
stuff of Vrusk nightmares.
An SP on Hakosoar ........................................................... 17
A sathar construct with mind control powers on the loose at
the Hangna Foundation.

An Intelligent Alien Invasion........................3

Titan Rising: 2299 .............................................................. 20

Episode 5 of the Titan Rising comic.
New Engine Requirements for Knight Hawks Ship
Construction ........................................................................ 22
A set of optional rules to make the selection of engines for
your starships make a little more sense.

Condition Critical .................................................................. 25

Adding critical hits to your Star Frontiers games.
Critical Hits in Star Frontiers ............................................ 29
An optional critical hit rule for combat and a new skill.
Translated from the 80s German Drache magazine.

Psirens: Nadezhda ...........................................11

The Frogg That Kissed the Prince ................................... 31

Something dangerous has gotten loose on Clarion. Can the
PCs track it down and find the source?
Gandalf was a Level Six Technician and a Dralasite .... 35
What would Gandalf the wizard look like in a Star Frontiers
Universe RPG ...................................................................... 37
A review of another old 80s era RPG related to Star

Grymz Guide Comic ............................................. back cover

What to do when youre tired of being stuck inside?

New Engine Requirements for Knight

Hawks Ship Construction .............................22

2012-2015 Frontier Explorer Magazine. The Frontier Explorer name and logo are trademarks of the Frontier Explorer Magazine. Wizards of the Coast, Star
Frontiers and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the United States and other countries. The Star Frontiersman is a trademark of DWD
Studios. The rights to all material presented here are retained by their original authors and are printed with permission.

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

From the Editors

Production Credits

Welcome back explorers!

Can you believe that has already been three years since
we started the Frontier Explorer magazine? Ill have to
admit that given the state of the Star Frontiersman when
we started this that I really didnt think wed make it this
far. I had suspected that wed not be able to get enough
submissions to keep the magazine going quarterly. Or if
we did, it would shrink down to be fairly small. Needless
to say Im quite happy with how things have gone.
This is our psionics issue. We have a number of articles
dealing with psionic abilities and creatures and equipment
that use them and other forms of mind control. Im really
excited about the Psirens alien race (p. 11) developed by
Laura Mumma, who is debuting as an author in this issue.
She always has great things to say on the
forums and I was glad to see this article get finished.
If youre not using any sort of psionics or mentalism rules
in your Star Frontiers game, dont feel bad, I never do
either. However, if you want to add them, check out the
remastered rulesets on the Star Frontiersman site. There
are mentalism rules in the Zebulons Guide to the Frontier
(p. 39 in the original and p 115 in the remastered version)
and Bill Logan did a conversion for the original Alpha
Dawn rules that are located in the optional rules section of
that remastered ruleset starting on page 145. Jump over
and grab a copy to check it out.
In addition to the great articles in this issue, Id like to call
your attention to our Patreon campaign. This is an
opportunity for you to help support the magazine and help
us improve it. You can find some of the details in the
sidebar announcement on page 28 and the full details
including all the reward levels on the Patreon webpage at Your support
will help fund both the Frontier Explorer and the Star

Cover Art: Enter the Rim by Wayne Peters. Wayne is a

video game artist and illustrator with nearly twenty years
experience. Recently he has become a freelancer,
working primarily for indie game devs and the small
press. He currently lives in Cardiff, Wales, UK with his
wife and two children and a dog called, Merlin.

Finally, wed like to announce the Frontier NetCon 2015,

scheduled for July 10-11, 2015. This will be a day and a
half of on-line Star Frontiers gaming. Jump over to the
website and register to either play, run a game or both.
We hope to see you there.

Editors: Tom Stephens

Back cover comic: AZ_Gamer

Banner Logo Image: NASA
Layout: Tom Stephens
Full Cover Quote:
Psychic power is the ability to download information
directly from the Universe.
Lada Ray

Once again, thank you to all our readers. Its been a great
three years and we hope to be able to continue doing this
for years to come.

Keep exploring!
- Tom Stephens
Senior Editor

Legal The Frontier Explorer is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the
Coast LLC. The Frontier Explorer may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC,
which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy.
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
Campaign Background

Zebulons Guide to the Rim

Star Frontiers Community
Due to clauses in the foundational treaty of the Rim
Coalition (the Osaka Accords), all of the member species
of the Rim have aggressively developed new real estate
through exploration and terraforming. Each colonized
planet that is at light population levels and above
generates new seats on the Board. Currently the humma
home system has eight representatives on the board and
both the ifshni and osakar have six each. This grab for
political influence has pushed the species of the Rim to
develop new planets regardless of the cost and is the
reason that the Rim contains systems with some of the
densest inhabited real estate in known space.

Author's Note: The Zebulons Guide to the Rim Project

was a collaboration of the fans at the
site to expand and bring greater detail to the material in
Zebulons Guide. While I have a writers credit for this
series of articles there were innumerable people that
participated in the discussions of numerous threads in the
project forums. I functioned more as a facilitator of the
discussion and compiler and editor of the material
developed. I am very grateful to everyone that participated
and made this project a success. Thank You.
This is the first of several articles on the Rim to be
published in future issues of the Frontier Explorer.

While the de jure government of the Rim is the Board, the

de facto power behind it, in many ways, is the Capellan
Free Merchants (CFM). The CFM had been, without a
doubt, the driving force in the Rim economically,
politically, and militarily for decades before the
organization of the Rim Coalition and is likely to continue
to be so for a long time to come. Its most significant
achievement in defense of the Rim was the
standardization of parts and equipment among its member
planets and their militaries.

Thomas Verreault

The Rim Coalition

The Government of the Rim is officially a loose
confederation of sovereign planets bound together by
treaty for mutual protection against the sathar. Every
planet elects representatives to the Board of the Rim
Coalition (referred to as The Board) based on population
density. Worlds with heavy populations elect three
representatives, while worlds with moderate populations
elect two and worlds with light populations elect one. All
told there are now thirteen worlds electing 28

Racial Agendas within the Rim

The humma desire to dominate the Rim by planet
ownership and the ifshnit are seeking to dominate by
business interests which lead the two races to occasionally
clash. Caught between them is the osakar. However, they
are politically astute enough to manipulate the other races
for the greater good. The osakar have little interest in
humma expansion or ifshni profits. Their goal is to keep
the humma in check and the ifshnits from monopolizing.
Here then are the three parties of the coalition and their
motives. The ifshni are fiscal conservatives, the humma
are aggressive exploiters and the osakar are the peace

In addition, the home world of each of the Rims sapient

species; ifshni, humma, and osakar, appoint an
Adjudicator to represent their respective species. The role
of the Adjudicators, in practice, is to review and rule on
matters passed by the Board that may intrude on the
sovereignty of member worlds. In practice the
Adjudicators are a supreme court. The appointed
Adjudicators give the racial home-worlds inordinate
influence in the Coalition government. They also decide
which representatives sit on the military and on political
committees of the Board.

The osakar wanted a constitution, while the humma see

other forms of government not their own as ineffective or
weak and the ifshnit preferred contracts for everything. In
the end they got a representative government, settled with
treaties and contracts from the humma and ifshnit. The
Rim Coalition works today probably out of fear of the
sathar more than for any other reason though the osakar
are proving they are the most astute diplomats in known

The military committee of the Board of the Rim Coalition

is the civilian control overseeing the Flight, the military
arm of the Coalition. This committee meets much more
frequently than the political committee. It has established
command and control structures that provide the Flight
with a unified command during time of war.

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

The Flight

The Springblade-class patrol combatant is the workhorse

of the Flight and the various militias within the Rim.
Though relatively fragile for its size, the vessel boasts an
arsenal of weapons comparable to a Space Fleet frigate,
with the same maneuverability and acceleration.

The Flight evolved out of the Capellan Free Merchants,

having adopted doctrine, organization, and ship designs.
The CFM continues as a separate organization focused on
its own economic pursuits while the Flight has taken up
the banner of first line of defense in the Rim.

Rank Structure of the Flight

The officer ranks of the Flight reveal a clear influence
from the ifshni and the CFM. With two of the worlds in
the Capella system having large bodies of water, the ifshni
have a strong maritime tradition which was carried on in
their space services. Thus the Ifshna word for captain,
shipmaster, has made its way into the vocabulary of all the
Rim races.

The Flight's mandate is the protection of the Rim's

signatory star systems but the treaties with the UPF allow
for its deployment to UPF space in time of war. The Osak
system, being the astrographic hub of the Rim, the capitol
of coalition government, and a historic first line of attack
for the sathar, made this system the logical location for the
Flights headquarters. This system is the center of Flight
logistics, ship building, and it is the single largest single
concentration of Flight vessels.

The Flight, like the Capellan Free Merchants, favors

officers from the Pilot and Astrogator career tracks for
higher command. This is not to say that officers from the
other career tracks cannot attain higher command, though
it is less likely.

The Kazak system is another major base for the Flight

with extensive planetary and moon bases but only a small
task force of ships is stationed there. Cryxia, being further
out on the jump routes and younger lacks the military
infrastructure of Kazak and thus has a large fleet stationed
there. It's strategically located to watch over this important
system and respond to sathar incursions in the outer Rim

Enlisted Ranks
Spacer (3rd thru 1st rank), Sub Talon (3rd thru 1st rank),
Chief Talon, Senior Talon, and Senior Talon of the Flight.

Officer Ranks

Capella and Fochrik have strong indigenous defense

forces which permit the Flight to post smaller task forces
there. With the large Flight presence one jump away at
Osak it would seem that these systems are well enough
covered against sathar attacks until the Flight can respond.

Pilot* Apprentice, Pilot*, Leading Pilot*, Pilot* Major,

Shipmaster (2nd & 1st rank), Squadron Master, Group
Master, Wing Master, and Flight Master.
(* substitute Astrogator, Gunner and Engineer for Pilot as
per those career tracks).

Fochrik Flight
Works Springblade-class
Patrol Combatant

A Note on HARM Technology

When the CFM first discovered the humma they
encountered the humma swarm which was essentially a
swarm of fighter craft which could easily outgun single
star ships of larger hull sizes. Due to the occasional hostile
negotiations between the humma and the CFM the CFM
needed a counter to swarms of fighters.

The Flight began to chart its own course independent of

the path set by the CFM soon after its organization.
Recognizing that armed merchant/paramilitary designs
were unsuitable for its purposes, they introduced the
Springblade Class patrol combatant design. An
inexpensive but capable ship design that could be built in
planet based ship yards and be launched into space, it
quickly became a workhorse military vessel in the Rim.

What they developed was the HARM, Hyper-velocity

Anti-ship Reaction drive Missile for both the assault
rocket and the rocket battery weapons platforms. They
cost a little more than the standard munitions used in
assault rocket launchers and rocket batteries but have an
increased Damage Table Modifier (DTM) that skews the
damage toward hull hits. This almost guarantees that
HARM munitions are a one shot one kill against a fighter.

HS: 4
HP: 15
ADF: 4 MR: 4
DCR: 60
Crew: 15
Weapons: PL(4)*, LB TT(1) or
Defenses: RH, MS(x1)
Engines: 2 Atomic "A"

If you are not using the damage table from the advanced
game then all hits by HARM munitions should
automatically take a fighter out of the game.

*All four PLs are forward firing and fire-linked for

2d10 damage.


Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)







Frontier Explorer
Campaign Background

An Intelligent Alien Invasion

Ariel Williams
these methods. On an alien world with just slightly
different elemental makeup in their crust, this would
likely change the entire spectrum of how those molecules
mix and match. Just a tiny bit more of an already
uncommon or semi-rare element on the surface like
ammonia, neodymium, or boron (to pick three random
ones) might change everything.

Editors Note: This article is taken directly from Ariel

Williamss response to a question on Quora and used with
the authors permission. The images are also the same
ones used by the original author in her answer. We really
liked this article and the arguments made for how a real
invasion would be run. It definitely provides a lot of
possibilities and ideas for a sci-fi game.

There are many foods that are poisonous even to most

native species on Earth yet palatable to others. This same
concept would be taken to an even greater extreme with
aliens. Their biology is likely to be very different from

Firstly, although the aliens may be carbon based life as we

are and have similar biologies to us they almost certainly
do not have compatible amino acid combinations. So what
does that mean? It means that almost all biological
material on Earth would be poisonous or indigestible if
consumed to them and vice versa.

So the good news is they don't want to eat us or our tasty

cows, chickens, pigs, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, or
coffee. That is also the bad news. This means they have
no need for most forms of life on our planet.

There are many ways to assemble amino acid chains and

life on Earth has adapted to cohabitating with many of

The plan should ideally be done without humanity

realizing it is under attack. If they have the chance to
irradiate the planet, it can make it uninhabitable by any
life even their own.
This answer makes a few assumptions.
1. The aliens have been traveling a very long time and
can potentially survive in deep space for long periods
of time. Even at light speed, travel would take many
years and they are likely going much slower than that.
2. The aliens have learned how to mine and manipulate
asteroids to build the colossal ships and fuel needed to
travel here.
3. The aliens have different biologies to ours and cannot
eat our food nor can they catch nearly any of our
4. They are here to colonize the Earth because it is an
ideal Garden World in the Circumstellar habitable
zone of its star and has similar gravity to their
They want our planet for colonization because it is a
rocky body, has a good gravity, is in the zone where liquid
water exists in all three states, and we have a large moon
to help deter meteor impacts. In real estate the three most
important things are location, location, and location. This
goes doubly so in space. They don't want us or our plants
and food; they want the water, air, sun, and the land.
Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

of exposure and many weapon systems can be
remotely activated. Sophisticated weaponry would
need to be ready to place in orbit to destroy any
attempts to launch or use nuclear or chemical
weapons by the native populace. There is not a high
chance of this but preparations need to be made.
Radioactive contamination is going to be dangerous
to all carbon based lifeforms, even the aliens.

Stage Two: Clean the

1. Capture 3 large meteorites and send them on a
collision path with the Earth that will take less than 13 years to reach the planet. One will be stony and 2050 km the other two will be 10-20 km and iron-nickel
based. Place the two iron-nickel meteorites on a
different orbit that will miss the Earth but can be
easily corrected to be an impact using thrusters
similar to what the ship uses. The larger stony
asteroid will be sent directly for the Earth. Ideally, the
stony meteor will take less than a year to reach the
Earth at speeds just under what the humans would
find suspicious.

Stage one: Kill the most

dangerous species,
1. Silently take samples of many lifeforms and microorganisms. Small robotic probes can do this without
being detected. They could even be as small as an
2. Engineered viruses can be created to wipe out almost
every human on Earth. Remember that amino acid
thing? That also means the virus is not likely to have
any effect on them if they design it right. While using
a bioweapon on another nation would be suicide as
you can't stop the spread, due to their different body
chemistry this is not an issue.

2. This can be done concurrently with the epidemic.

While the epidemic is at work there will be too much
chaos to counter the impact. Most conservative
theories think we would need as much as 3 years to a
decade of lead time on a potential large impact to
sufficiently stop it. We do not even have any
technologies for this scenario prepared beyond pure
theoretical concepts.

3. Similar engineered viruses that target key organisms

in the food chain could kill most other life. Primary
targets could be plankton, bees, and livestock.
Without plankton most of the ocean dies, without
pollinators like bees the land animals die. The only
reason to kill livestock like pigs and cows is to speed
the death of humans.

3. When the first asteroid nears the Earth, use controlled

detonations to break it into smaller pieces which can
each strike different regions or continents. 10-20
pieces should do the job. This will eliminate almost
all remaining humans and much of the ecosystem.
4. Place the second meteorite on a final approach for the
Earth. This is the planet killer. Big enough and solid
enough to send ejecta (earth, water,) into the sky and
cause an Impact winter but not so big that the Earth's
water is ejected into orbit or the crust is melted. The
impact should be a water landing in a fairly deep area
to spread the ejecta via steam and water vapor, and
reduce the chance of melting the crust. The impact
winter will eliminate the majority of life reliant on

4. As the population dwindles and becomes less stable,

wars may break out. Some small numbers will turtle
in bunkers and secure facilities that limit the chance

5. Repeat step 4 again with the third meteor one year

later. At the end of one year most of the ejecta will
have returned to the ground and sun levels will rise
6. Continue repeating this process annually until all
photosynthetic reliant life dies out. This will kill all
plants, and most animals.


Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

Stage Three: Cleanup

and xenoform.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat with several hundred vessels each

carrying 100-200 colonists and 10-30,000 fertilization
samples. In 100,000 years your species could
consecutively spread to a large portion of the galaxy by
this method.

1. During the ice age a targeted sterilization program can

be fully begun. Any remaining humans in deep
bunkers will be found and destroyed. Any nuclear
weapons will be collected or dismantled.
2. Specific programs will begin that will destroy any
hardy or resistant life forms that manage to survive
the Impact Winter.


3. Those slightly different mixtures of surface materials

will be utilized during this stage. Any materials found
on the homeworld in greater concentrations will be
mined from asteroids and salted on the Earth during
the violent storms of the ice age. Chemical
compounds will be produced to sequester any
chemicals more common on Earth that could be
difficult for the homeworld flora and fauna.

July 10-11, 2015

Are you interested in refereeing or playing in one
or more on-line Star Frontiers games? Do you
want to connect with other members of the Star
Frontiers community directly instead of just via
the forums? Or maybe you just want to listen in
and see how others play. Here's your chance.
Register to participate in the Star Frontiers
NetCon 2015.

4. After the last impact winter, begin producing

greenhouses to cultivate the seeds native to your
homeworld. This will be a massive project and the
seeds will be raised in ideal conditions for life on
your planet. These will be expanded as needed. These
can provide enough food to feed the seeded

A follow-on event to the successful Virtual Con held

in March 2012, the Frontier NetCon 2015 is a day
and a half focused on getting together as a
community and playing Star Frontiers, in whatever
flavor you like. You can play on-line or organize a
local in-person group for one or more sessions.
Check the website for more details.

5. A seed population of under 100-200 could fully

populate the Earth by using frozen embryos and
sperm equivalents from 10-30,000 or more
individuals. This would prevent inbreeding and create
a viable genetic diversity in a very small space
compared to carrying 5-10,000 breeding age pairs
alive through the trip. 5-10,000 is the minimum viable
genetic diversity theoretically feasible based on Earth

There will be nine potential game sessions starting

Friday afternoon/evening and running all day
Saturday designed to accommodate almost any
schedule. Sign up for as many or as few as you'd
Want to referee a game? Great! Once you've
registered, you can set up a game in any of the
sessions that work for you. You pick the technology
you want to use to run the game as well as the rule
set you want to run.

6. Xenoform the environment making any slight

changes that are needed to support native life without

7. This should carry you through for many, many years

until you need to leave again.

Looking to just play? Every game needs players.

Browse the schedule and game descriptions and sign
up for the ones you like.
The Con is completely free (although you might
spend a buck or two on munchies). We look forward
to seeing everyone on-line and playing Star Frontiers
in July. And if you cant make it, we hope to have
write-ups of some of the sessions in our Fall issue.
To find out more about the Con and to register, visit
the Con website site at:
Lagodekhi - About halfway to the waterfall - by Joar
Wandborg Creative Commons-Att-SA-2.0

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Campaign Background

Thought Police
Tom Verreault

How Far to the Future?

more touchy-feely form of the thought police in the

character of Deanna Troy. She was an empathic ships
councilor who was there to help you. In order to explore
darker themes the shows writers had to introduce
telepathic characters with less morals for which Deanna
became the counter balance and hero of the episode.

Without a doubt George Orwells 1984 is the epicenter

of themes in science fiction involving thought police. The
novel introduced a repressive police state that prosecuted
crimethink through psychology, hyper surveillance, and a
false flag resistance movement in a dystopian future.
Ironically, it sometimes felt as if you were being
policed for expressing an unaccepted opinion about the
novel when forced to read it as part of your sophomore
year English class. Perhaps it was just part of the lesson
plan to demonstrate the experience of doublethink.

Rumors and blogs abound on the internet which assert the

militarys development of drones that can read your mind.
Reportedly China, Great Britain, the US, and Russia all
have programs for drones that can read the mind of a
specific individual. One company is working on a mind
reading algorithm that can intuitively predict what an
enemy pilot might do much in the way an expert human
pilot can intuitively predict the same. Another reported
development is an actual mind reading helmet. Is Big
Brother about to be looking into our minds?

The Babylon 5 television series developed the idea of

thought police into a genuine agency of telepaths that
could truly police your thoughts as well as punish you
psychically. Eventually, a telepath war broke out which
resulted in greater liberty for telepaths. The setting is a far
future reminiscent of classic science fiction with a less
oppressive mood.

Or have the thought police already arrived? Do they

already live among us under the cloak of political
correctness run amok among the sheep? A Maryland
teacher was fired and banned from school property as well
as had his home searched because of having written a
science fiction novel that included a school shooting in its
plot. Science fiction writers nominated for Hugo awards
have suffered smear campaigns to prevent the fans from
voting for their work due to a comment by the author on
an unrelated political issue in an attempt to make the
Hugo Awards a referendum on political correctness and
not an award for the best in science fiction. Political
correctness is a ravenous wolf in our society and you just
never know who it will sink its teeth into next.

Star Trek: The Next Generation presented a sexier and

Could it be that with the evolution of political correctness

enforced by the masses and the potential for predictive
algorithms and other mind reading technology in the
hands of the government could converge in the near future
into a perfect storm so bleak as to make any Orwellian
dystopian setting look like a sunny day in a field of
Thought police in the real world did not go away with the
dismantling of the Soviet Union. They are a very near and
future danger. In a world where truth is becoming stranger
than fiction they are, without a doubt, a worthy story
element to explore in any science fiction property whether
fiction or a game.
Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
Campaign Background

Battle for the Mind

Tom Verreault
In the Star Frontiers game setting there are two primary
organizations concerned with telepaths: The Clear
Thinkers and the Free Thinkers. These cadres were
introduced by Kim Eastland in Patriots, Terrorist and
Spies (Dragon #109). The Clear Thinkers mission is to
eliminate or control telepaths (or mentalist as they were
called in the game). The Free Thinkers is a response to the
Clear Thinkers and is a nonprofit that supports and aids
telepaths. It is portrayed as opening brick and mortar type
offices on most planets for telepaths to seek out.
Fan offerings in the area of telepathically concerned
organizations have taken two paths: The Family of One
and Star Law. The Family of One, as an oppressive
religious government, is ideal for employing thought
police and if there were telepaths and mentalist in the
setting Star Law would naturally desire to use them as

occasionally during an adventure module. The pace of the

side story should build over time to a climatic showdown.
This showdown should relieve the pressure that has been
building but will not likely resolve all the issues
surrounding telepaths in the setting. For example, it might
be that a particular cell of the Clear Thinkers led by a
virulent anti-telepath has been the on-going foil for the
player characters and the showdown would be a final
battle with this cell and its leader. Ultimately, the
problems that mentalist face in the setting may not be
resolved but could linger as an on-going problem
simmering on a back burner.
Another track would be to develop a home brew campaign
to explore the issues around thought police and mentalist
in the setting. The conflict created by the Inquisitors of the
Family of One, the Clear Thinkers, and the Free Thinkers
would be ideal for this. This option requires more work as
published adventure modules become side story and the
issues surrounding telepaths become the main story.

The leader of the Clear Thinkers is a politician called

Hased Kor from the planet Yast. This creates an
interesting intersection between fan cannon and official
cannon in that Yast has sometimes been represented to be
in opposition to the rulers of the planet Hentz. Hased Kor
and the Clear Thinkers may have gotten their start as a
reaction against Family of One Inquisitors demonstrating
telepathic powers in their oppressive Orwellian manner.

In a campaign where the sathar play a main element, the

game master could develop the mind control elements of
the Sathar perhaps giving the mentalist characters
greater insight into what is happening with sathar
hypnotism. A Star Law telepathic investigator would
become an important feature of this campaign especially
if the player characters have secrets to keep in the form of
prior direct contact with the sathar.

The simplest method to set up a battle for the mind

within the Frontier setting would be to allow the players
to create a mentalist character. While the campaign
progresses, agents of the Clear Thinkers could then be
used to harass the player characters. Possibly even a Star
Law investigator could come around asking questions. In
this scenario the campaign is the main adventure
following a custom outline or published adventure
modules and the Clear Thinker agents represent a side
usually pops up

In any campaign where mentalism is used it will be up to

the players to decide if they are keeping their psychic
power secret or using it openly for all to see. Let the
players know that there could be ramifications for open
use of unusual powers. Reinforce the idea that the use of
unusual powers can have consequences with rumors and
news broadcasts at the beginning of a game session, latter
use non-player character reactions and ultimately
encounters with agents of the above discussed agencies.
Its only logical that elements of the setting would have
strong reactions to unusual psychic powers. Do not
overlook the potential for the mega corps to want to
exploit the player character for his or her power.
Thought police and psychic powers could be a fertile plot
in the sandbox for your next Star Frontiers campaign.
Unleash the power of your players characters minds and
let the battle begin.

Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Issue 12 Spring 2015


Thought Police Archetype

Tom Verreault
A science fiction staple since George Orwell wrote
1984, the thought police have entered the common
vernacular, mainly in reference to the proponents of
political correctness. It remains a strong science fiction
element through shows like Babylon 5 with its Psi-corp.
In a world where hyper surveillance like that of Orwells
1984 and cutting edge technology exists could thought
police be far behind? They are certainly present for
science fiction RPG game play. This article endeavors to
make the archetype available to players within the Star
Frontiers setting.

enabled agents of a far future setting. Both are valid ways

of handling the thought police in a game setting and since
the mentalism rules in Star Frontiers are optional I will
leave this choice as optional to the game referee.

Family of One Inquisitor

The Family of One is a repressive religious government
on the edges of the Frontier controlling the Araks system
and the Greater Overall Development mega-corp
(GODco). It uses the inquisitors as thought police to
subjugate the population of Hentz as well as agents
throughout the Frontier ready to do the bidding of the
Family. They are ruthless and relentless in the pursuit of
the Family of Ones goals but all inquisitors are yazirian.

Character Concepts
Thought police have been presented as simply agents
employing hyper surveillance and psychological measures
to police the subjected population as well as telepathically

They have a solid grasp of Family of One theology

(Frontier Explorer #2) and understand the principles of the
psych0-social skill set. They do receive some weapons
training as part of their police duties but are also
proficient at basic tech skill to operate communication
devices as well as disabling locks and alarms.
They are unforgiving and hardened against opposing
views. They can be both zealous for their religious belief
and for their organization.

The Corporate Negotiator

This character concept can be any specie. However
dralasites, with their natural lie detection ability and vrusk
with their natural comprehension ability, will have an
edge. The corporate negotiator is in the employ of a megacorp but the concept works well enough for a diplomatic
envoy as well.
The corporate negotiator is very good at reading people
and has excelled at the psycho-social skill set. He may
have some computer skills that he uses to research those
he is negotiating with but weapons skills are completely
secondary to the concept. After all, most mega corps have
a ready supply of knuckle-dragging mercenary types to
handle their diplomacy by other means. Its very likely
that this character has some latent or fully realized
telepathic talent that the corporation has actively recruited
to exploit for its benefit.
The negotiator is savvy and personable with a reasonably
high PER score for NPC interactions. He is well versed in
the culture of the Frontier and can rub elbows with most
of its upper echelons without a problem.

Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

The Star Law Interrogator

Developing Skills

Note: The article, Careers in Star Law by Alex Curylo

in Dragon #91 covers the creation of Star Law agents by
PSA. These characters are fairly advanced so it might be
that the starting player character is merely an interrogator
or investigator from a small police or sheriff organization
on the outskirts of the Frontier. Also the dralasite ability,
lie detection, will help that specie excel at this character

Hands down the Psycho-social skill will be this

archetypes bread and butter. The Inquisitor and the
interrogator will both need some weapons training. A
level or two in the right technical skill (computers or
technician) will greatly aid these character concepts.
As noted before, the racial skills of Lie Detection and
Comprehension could be a powerful edge to the character
but do not discount the Human species racial ability to
add 5 pts to any ability score. Of all of the core four
species, the yazirians are the only one with a natural
enhancement to the INT/LOG ability pair so they should
not be counted out for this archetype either.

The interrogator uses his psycho-social skills to find the

truth and push a suspect to confess. He has not neglected
his military skills being law enforcement and may have a
level or two in computers or technician skills. He can read
people and uses his PER ability score to gain favorable
responses from NPCs. He is by far the most militant of the
character concepts and carries standard police issue gear.

Negotiators, diplomats, and even the Inquisitor may desire
civilian skein suits while the Interrogator probably uses a
police issue skein suit which counts as a military skein
suit in game terms. Thought police are less likely to go in
for heavy weapons preferring a side arm that can stun or
knock out a being so that they can be talked to later. They
just are not geared to fight a war but function best in a
support role to regular police or mercenary teams.

Developing Abilities
The ability pair of INT/LOG should figure large in actions
involving mental processes and should be among the
characters higher scores. LOG is critical to characters
using the mentalism/psi rules and should in that case be
the highest ability score. These character concepts will not
be likely to shoot first and ask questions latter so the
PER ability should not be neglected either.

Mentalism Disciplines
Information gathering psychic disciplines like Analysis II,
Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Detection, Empathy,
Telepathy: Aliens, Telepathy: Characters, or Timeread are
excellent choices. Disciplines that influence NPCs can be
handy: Confusion, Illusion, Infatuation, and Suggestion
can be very useful.

Edges and Flaws

If you are using the optional Edges and Flaws system
from the remastered rule books or any other system that
has a edges and flaws mechanic you can assign points
appropriate to that system. Otherwise you can include
these traits into your character background as appropriate.

Flaw: Hubris
This character is so smart he occasionally makes a bad
decision based on his own arrogance. Once per game
session a character with the Hubris flaw may make a bad
decision at the referees discretion based on the
characters conceit. This decision might put him or others
in harms way or simply offend an NPC such that he
refuses to talk politely with the character anymore.

Edge: Second Sight

The characters intuition is highly attuned and once per
game session the player may invoke the right to re-roll a
bad NPC reaction roll. In addition the character has an IM
bonus of +1 at all times.
Tom Verreault
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015


Dr. Mentos Psychic Equipment

Tom Verreault
Dr. Mentos Shop of Psychic Equipment is a hard to find
shop in the Minizii Market. He uses a changing front
business as camouflage and does not openly advertise.
Still, for those in the know the shop can be found.

like an appliance (possibly on a ship or at a base). The

helm will tell its operators if the occupant is telling the
truth for 3-6 questions or it can be used to force the
occupant to reveal the truth about one question (i.e.
Where is the location of your rebel base?). After this
the occupant develops a nose bleed and severe headache
such that any further questioning is fruitless for 1 GST
day or 20 hours. The device will use 50 SEU for one
questioning session.

Dr. Mento specializes in psycho-tronic equipment built to

enhance or block psychic powers. His inventory is ever
changing: some items are one of a kind. All one needs is a
large credit balance and the right passphrase while visiting
the front. A response of one must think well before
making such a purchase, will result in an invitation to
look at some items in the back of the shop where the real
Dr. Mento will offer the psycho-tronic devices.

Value: 25000 Cr. Mass: 100 kg

Psi-Beam Emitter
This is a worn device and usually resembles a bracer on
the arm. A character with a mentalist discipline that has a
listed Limit to its use can apply a use of that
discipline to power the device which then acts as the
mentalist discipline Beam. Example: the Confusion
discipline has a limit of 2 successful uses per day per level
and a character with this discipline and this device may
use one of those uses to power the device to produce a
beam attack as per the Beam discipline. The attack will do
4d10 damage. If you are not using the Zebs Guide
resolution mechanic, this damage is not curable with
surgery but a StimDose can be used to restore 10 STA.

As with all items in the Minzii marketplace, there is only

a value and not a price. One must haggle with the
merchants to complete a sale.

Mental Shield Helm

This device blocks telepathy and mind reading. It also
confers a +10 bonus against attempts to hypnotize and a 5 penalty to the LDR ability score due to its ridiculous
appearance. It looks like a costume or holovid prop and
wearing it could bring a question like, Who are you
supposed to be? A mad scientist trying to get back to the
future? This item might actually be the prototype and
not one of the limited production run helms and if it is, the
penalty to the LDR ability score is -10.

Value: 8000 Cr. Mass: n/a

Synapse Enhancement

Prototype Value: 5000 Cr. Mass: 1kg

Production helm value: 1000 Cr. Mass: n/a

Usually called a psi-diadem, this item boosts the LOG

attribute of a mentalist or enlightened character by +5.
Agents of the Clear Thinkers cadre will recognize it
automatically and this should trigger a response from
them against the wearer.

Psychic Screen
This is another iteration of the ubiquitous defensive screen
technology in the Frontier. Like all defensive screens it
wont operate while another screen is in operation. The
screen flashes green when mentalism energies are directed
at the wearer and it absorbs those energies negating their
effects. The screen requires 1 SEU of energy for every
minute it is on and 5 SEU for every level of Mentalism
skill being used in the event where mentalism energies are
directed at the person wearing the screen.

Value: 1000 Cr. Mass: n/a

Psychic Power Cells

These devices come in a shape and size similar to a power
backpack and power belt. They allow the wearer to use
mentalism energies to charge the power cells with SEU
for use with normal electronic devices. Like the Psi Beam
Emitter the user must have a mentalism discipline with a
limit to its use and for each use of that discipline the
mentalist can charge the power cells with 4d10 SEU.

Value: 5000 Cr. Mass: 2kg.

Mind Reading Helm

Stolen from a secret corporate or government lab this item
is actually quite hot. Its a bulky chair with a
descending head piece and must be installed somewhere

Belt- Value: 750 Cr. Mass: 4 kg

Backpack- Value: 1500 Cr. Mass: 10kg

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Frontier Explorer
Alien Races

Psirens: Nadezhda
Tchklinxa (Laura Mumma)
Come this way, honored Odysseus, great glory of the
Achaians, and stay your ship, so that you can listen here
to our singing; for no one else has ever sailed past this
place in his black ship until he has listened to the honeysweet voice that issues from our lips; then goes on, wellpleased, knowing more than ever he did; for we know
everything that the Argives and Trojans did and suffered
in wide Troy through the gods' despite. Over all the
generous earth we know everything that happens. (The

The psiren, when standing erect, are a 2 meter tall
Insectoid. They have two soft, sucker appendages that can
be manipulated, contracted, and retracted with ease. The
larger orifice projects out above the mandibles and is
actually a specialized organ for facilitating the removal of
knowledge from another beings mind. They possess
extremely underdeveloped mandibles near their second
The second smaller, lower orifice, sits underneath the chin
area. This mouth contains rings of teeth on the inside of it.
It has two long, soft, and flexible mustache-like feelers
and two short feelers that hang down on each side of the
mouth near the mandibles. It can actually wrap these
feelers about things; the longer ones can wrap around a
neck of a victim easily.

What Every UPF Citizen

The physical description of the creature known by spacers
as the psiren is somewhat confused. The very existence of
the creatures is doubted as nothing more than a space
myth. Many folklorists and sociologists amongst humans
feel the legend is nothing more than a modernization of
the ancient human myths, perhaps influenced by the vrusk
morality tales of a creature known to them as nadezhda.

It has two extremely long antennae on its head along with

several coarse short upright insect hairs between its eyes

However, events on board the mining ship Lucky 7 have

led to the reevalution of this supposedly mythic creature
by authorities.

UPF Investigative
Scientific Report
Authorities were able to recover severely damaged
internal security holovid clips from the mining ship Lucky
7, the ships log, a few personal logs, and some recovered
alien DNA. From this and the bodies of some of the crew,
it has been determined the psiren is a real threat and far
from a legend.
The origin of this insectoid race is open to debate.
Theories include it may have naturally evolved as a split
off race from the hypothesized common ancestor of the
vrusk and clikk or that the sathar may have developed this
creature. It has also been hypothesized that this creature
may have no direct relation to known insectoid races and
may have developed parallel as a parasite species that
eventually infiltrated the hives of other races and fed on
those hives. More data is required to rule out any one
Laura Mumma

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Psiren Psionic Abilities

on the top of its head. Psirens have a multitude of ovalegg shaped, glass-black, compound eyes allowing them to
see from many angels. Long curved tongs project off the
back of their heads framing their heads and creating a
spiked or crown appearance on some specimens. Their
necks are short.


Mental; Activated, LOG+10% x skill level

The psiren is able to read minds and transmit their
thoughts mentally. Reading the mind of a hostile creature
requires a mental attack (a LOG contest between the
psiren and her intended victim, with a bonus of 10 x skill
level). The opponent must be within 100 meters, plus 10
meters x skill level. Double the range if the other creature
is cooperating with the attempt. When dealing with other
telepaths, the psiren can send and receive thoughts with a
willing, telepathic partner up to 5 + skill level kilometers.

The exoskeleton is solid or variegated greys, black, and

dark brown to light tans. Its forearms are built for poking,
stabbing, tapping, or slashing and are curved, ending in a
point. It does not possess hands, but set back near the
joint part of the forearms are additional pincher digits that
are capable of holding small objects. The forearms appear
to actually be an extreme evolutionary adaptation of one
of the pinchers into a solid limb. This creature has great
difficulty operating most handheld UPF technology due to
the extreme difference in the design with respect to the
creatures natural grip.

These same rules work for forcing the psirens own

thoughts into another creatures mind. The recipient of
such thoughts will know, however, that the thoughts came
from an outside source (voices in my head). Note this
is a different ability than the Projection Ability. Creatures
with telepathy automatically know when someone is
trying to read their minds. Other creatures are oblivious to
the attempt, successful or not. A psiren must read the
mind of another before attempting to use their Projection

The creature appears flightless. The softer sections of the

main body and around the joints have insect type hairs.
Their blood is iridescent green.
The small amount of DNA recovered indicated that they
might be genetically similar enough to vrusk DNA to
produce viable offspring. The DNA analysis along with
the forceful abduction of a vrusk crew member from the
Lucky 7 seems to add credence to the vrusk myth about
the Nadezhda being known to abduct male vrusk for
mating reasons after which the male is, according to
legend, killed.

The psiren can scan an area up to 5 + skill level

kilometers radius. The referee makes a mental attack (a
LOG contest between the psiren and her victim, with a
bonus of 10 x skill level) for the psiren for every creature
with a LOG of at least 25 within the area to see if the
psiren detects their presence. The psiren cannot read a
detected creatures mind or send his thoughts at that
range, unless the creature is a willing telepath. However,
once in range (see above) she can make another attack roll
to read the creatures mind.

Unlike the vrusk though, this creature appeared at times to

be biped. It is possible the creature may be able to move
in both a bipedal or quadrupedal manner.
This is a highly intelligent predator (carnivore) that reads
the minds of its victims and then projects an illusion that
lures the victim closer. Once within striking range, the
creature grabs the victim, pulling them in close, and
attaches a specialized organ that resembles a small trunk
with a sucker to the head of the victim. Victims then
appear to have their minds not just read by the creature
but actually wiped, resulting in brain damage, coma, and
unless, stopped, death. Once the victim of such an attack
is brain dead, often the Psiren will then slash into the body
of the victim and using their second lower mouth actually
start eating the victim.

Psiren Projection Ability

Mental; Activated, +10 x skill level
Psirens project images into the minds of their prey, luring
their victim close and then they attack. They often pose
through projection as a lost family member, lost love, or
object of sexual desire. Images projected by the psiren
will be something that appeals to their victims. Once the
victim is within reach, the creature attaches itself to the
skull of the victim and begins to transfer the knowledge in
the mind of the victim to themselves.
The creature may change their projection to another
desired image this requires 1 turn. They may affect
multiple targets with one projection but must be within
range, which is 10 x skill level (SL) in meters. The
number of targets that can be affected by the creature is
equal to its PER stat divided by 10 and rounded down.

Psirens seem to prefer soft tissues, body fluids, and very

small pieces of the victim. Scientists believe this diet is
preferred because of the extremely under-developed
mandibles. A psiren was observed actually cracking open
the heads of some of its victims with its forearms and
consuming the brains after the death of the victims. It was
also observed that as the psiren attacked members of the
ships crew, the creature seemed to gain knowledge about
the operation of the ship, making it progressively more

The targets of the mental projection can resist by making

a LOG check (note Telepaths receive a +10 x Telepathy
SL bonus to their LOG check). This is a LOG contest
between the creature and her intended victim, with a

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
bonus of 10 x SL for the psiren. Psirens do experience
mental strain when projecting different images to multiple
life forms, so each victim beyond the first to be targeted
receives a + 20 bonus to making a LOG check.

turn thereafter or enter into a coma state and lose their

ability to make INT/LOG checks.
In addition, every 5 points of LOG damage results in the
loss of one skill level in a randomly determined skill of
the victim and transference of the skill to the psiren. The
skill affected should be randomly rolled for each damage
assessment. If the psirens skill level is already higher
than the skill level possessed by the victim at the start of
the attack, it doesnt learn anything new during this
transference of knowledge and the skill levels are simply
lost by the victim.

If the victims check fails, the mental images appear

completely real to the victim in every way including
sound, touch or feeling, while those who succeed see only
reality. Once the victim falls prey to the projection, the
psiren receives a + 5 bonus to all PER, INT, LOG and
LDR checks against the victim.
The illusion can be maintained for 3xSL rounds.

If any of these PER/LDR or INT/LOG stats are reduced to

0, the victim dies. When death occurs, the psiren gains
knowledge of some of the skill abilities of the victim
determined by rolling for each skill left. The psirens
chance of gaining the knowledge is equal to the psirens
basic LOG + Mind Wipe SL x 10%. Skills acquired at
death in this manner transfer at a level equal the victims
at the beginning of the attack.

Mind Wipe ( Brain Suck)

Mental; Activated, LOG+10% x skill level
When a victim is within close proximity, the creature will
attack (DEX check), attempting to attach its specialized
mind-sucking organ to the victims head. If the attack is
successful, the psiren will begin sucking the knowledge
out of the mind on the next turn unless the victim
succeeds in an INT or LOG check with a -5 modifier. If
the check is successful the contact is broken (the victim
will have a headache and a mark on his head where the
specialized sucker was). The victim will then be able to
try and break free from the creatures grasp.

Additional important personal information or experiences

the psiren may have gained should be treated
appropriately by the referee and is up to the referees
Droolp the dralasite has been caught by a Psiren. After
the first round of attack, the referee rolls and determines
that Droolps Beam weapon skill is being drained.
Droolp had a level 6 skill in Beam weapons, it has now
been reduced to level five and the Psiren gains the Beam
weapons skill at level 1.

If the mind wipe is not interrupted, the victim will

continue to take damage losing five points permanently
from all four stats of PER/LDR, and INT/LOG every turn.
(The INT or LOG check to break contact should be done
every turn after the first with the new stats as the victim
may realize something is wrong and succeed in escaping
despite the mental trauma). Once the victim losses 50% of
their starting LOG stat they need to make STA rolls every

On the next round, Droolp still cant break free and the
referee determines that his technician
skill is being drained. Droolp is only
a level 2 technician so his skill drops
to level 1. The Psiren on the other
hand, already has a level 4 technician
skill so she doesnt learn anything
from Droolp since her starting skill
was higher than his and her skill does
not change.
Poor Droolp never manages to break
free and is eventually killed by the
Psiren. At this point the Psiren has
the chance to gain every skill Droolp
possessed at the start of the attack at
Droolps full skill level. For each
skill Droolp possessed that was at a
higher skill level than what the Psiren
possessed, the referee rolls the
Psirens LOG + skill level x10% to
see if the skill is gained. If our
attacker had a LOG score of 40 and a
level 2 Mind Wipe ability, the referee
would have to roll 60% (40% + 2

Laura Mumma

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

10%) or less for the Psiren to gain the skill. Rolling for
Droolps Beam weapon skill, the referee rolls a 23, less
than the necessary 60%, so the Psiren now gains Droolps
full Beam weapons knowledge and has a level 6 with that
skill. If she could only pick up and use his dropped laser
rifle, shed now be quite deadly with it.

scary new monster it is best to keep it younger, less

experienced, and less skilled in skills. Below are some
suggestions for a middle-aged experienced psiren, who
perhaps found its way onto a ship, has dispatched the
crew, and is lurking in the abandoned ship that has
mysteriously come out of the void

Surviving An Attack
Survivors of this creatures attack will have amnesia, a
headache, lost time, loss of personality traits (basically
they have brain damage), and damage to their whole
psyche. If they are capable of speech and intelligent
communication after an attack, they will report a sense of
euphoric bliss occurring while things became harder and
harder to remember. They can also have personal
permanent memory loss such as not remembering friends,
family members, or important events in their life (details
to be determined by the referee).

Knowledge of Clikk, Vrusk & other Insectoid languages

should be considered a given.
Many other languages are possibly known. These would
be based of the derelicts crew so knowledge of Yazirian,
Dralasite, Human, and Pan-Galactic are possible as well.
Telepathy SL: 4
Projection Ability SL: 3
Mind Wipe SL: 3
Military Skills
Beam Weapons SL 3
Gyrojet Weapons SL1
Melee Weapons SL 1
Projectile Weapons SL 2
Thrown Weapon SL 1
Demolition Skill SL 3
Martial Arts SL of 4 as it is a hand-to-hand hunter.

There are many reasons why a psiren may not have

finished an attack: the psiren was looking for specific
information and upon getting it stopped the attack, the
creature was too weak or too unskilled to continue the
attack, there were too many other people approaching, or
others physically attacked the psiren. A psiren cannot
maintain illusions, mind wipe, or telepathy if physically
attacked, as its concentration is broken.

Note that all weapons & technology not designed for the
creature will be operated/used at -30% DEX check;
simply because the creature knows how it is operated does
not mean it can do so easily.

Referee Notes
Psiren Physiology

Technological Skills
Unless the creature has had a chance to gain knowledge in
UPF Technology it should be treated as having little to no
knowledge of such technology. If, however, this is a
creature that has had a chance to say gain knowledge from
a ships crew as previously encountered in this example:

Average Stats for an adult



A Psiren has a +2 bonus to its Initiative Modifier because

of its superior vision.

Piloting Skill SL 3
Astrogation Skill SL 2
Computer Skill SL 6
Technician Skill SL 6
Robotics Skill SL 2
Engineering Skill SL 1

Mandible Damage: 1d10 divided by 2 rounded down.

Forearms Damage: 2d10 slashing, stabbing
Bipedal speed:
Travel/Hour 5km





Biosocial Skills
Environmental Skill SL 4
Medical Skill SL 3
Psycho-Social Skill SL 1

Quadruped speed: walk/turn 15m, run/turn 35m,

Travel/Hour 6km

Typical Skills

These creatures should be treated as individuals. They can

also gain skills and knowledge by any traditional means
such as studying, practice, learning from teachers, or any
teaching technology allowed in the setting, not just mind
wiping others. Also remember that if this creature gathers
a Skill that has Basic Skill Level Requirements say
Piloting Skill it must also gather or already possess
Technician 6 and Computer 2 to be able to use the
Piloting Skill.

As this race is extremely long lived, it is very capable of

amassing large amounts of knowledge, most, however, are
living on the edges of society and if younger or emerging
from a deep hibernation cycle, they may not have had a
chance to acquire more current knowledge. Some
consideration should be given to the creatures
environment, possible age, purpose in the adventure, and
history prior to the PCs encountering one. If this is just a
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer


telepathic message so its knowledge can be passed to

another through the brain suck).

Psirens still have their speech ability but now

predominately speak to each other telepathically, but they
can still make all the clicks, buzzes, chirps and whirls of
old and can also learn to physically speak Vrusk and
Clikk languages without difficulty. They do however
require a poly-vox to speak without using telepathy many
other languages.

In addition, the creatures have high radiation resistance,

15 times higher than a human. The life expectancy of
psirens is unknown but it is believed because of their life
cycle of hibernating and moments of activity it may be in
the thousands of years.

Using Technology of Other


Psiren reproduction is dependent on a good food supply.
As most psirens live in environments that result in them
having to be scavengers, their ability to produce viable
offspring is naturally limited by food requirements. In
addition all psirens currently are, as legend says, born
female and to mate, a psiren must seduce a fertile male
from a genetically compatible species, most often this has
been a vrusk or clikk male. Copulation is normally fatal
for a seduced male as their minds are being wiped in the
process. The need for a male from outside their race to
breed with further limits their numbers.

When attempting to operate any UPF equipment; not

modified for or compatible with the psirens forearms; the
psiren suffers a -30 penalty on a DEX check to operate
anything more complicated than taping buttons or screens.
The psiren most often must trick others into operating
equipment for it.

Psirens in the setting

Psirens are capable of employing technology & trickery.
These creatures can be found inhabiting abandoned space
stations, on crashed or drifting spaceships, (maybe those
occasional misjumped disappeared ships are not all that
accidental), ancient ruins, abandoned outposts or colonies,
asteroid belts and the dark fringes of society.

Psiren Nymphs
All psirens are born with white exoskeletons that change
colour as they age, they are also born with a random
amount of knowledge from their parent, determined by
rolling d100, there is only a 10% per knowledge skill that
the nymph will inherit the skill at the most basic level
(skill level 1). All nymphs do inherit the Nadezhda
language and have the ability to speak, write, and read it.
All psirens inherit knowledge of their female lineage back
to the first Nadezhda.
In addition they inherit
knowledge of their fathers culture and a random amount
of paternal skills determined the same way as the maternal
skills where. All nymphs have skill level 1 in all their
psionic abilities at birth.

As a rule, psirens are usually solitary, territorial
scavengers. However, they are sometimes found in
mother-daughter pairs or small groups. It is not known if
the psirens mostly solitary society is one of instinct,
choice, or circumstances.
All psirens trace their ancestry back to an individual
known as Nadezhda who possessed psionic abilities and
gave birth to only female children (33 in total) all
similarly psionically gifted. There are thus 33 matrilineal
clans of psirens.

Physical Abilities
A naturally nocturnal species, they prefer dark
environments the best. They are capable of going a month
without food and can still remain active during such a fast.
After a month they must hibernate, they do this by
cocooning themselves; they can remain in hibernation for

The Nadezhda Insectoid line/race gradually evolved

more and more powerful psionic abilities that they used at
first as a means to hunt primitive creatures. In time they
began using it to infiltrate and gain control of various
hives and colonies in early Insectoid Society. As they
evolved they developed the ability not just to be telepathic
but also to literally suck knowledge from others and
gradually became physically very different from their
original racial stock. Once others in this early Insectoid
Society realized the danger this posed to all colonies they
began purging the descendants of Nadezhda from their
midst. The psiren written language, if studied, will reveal
that it is extremely old and is often very close to the
earliest forms of writing of the various other insectoid

They are capable of surviving being submerged

underwater for an hour and a half and are capable of
surviving without air of any kind, including the conditions
of space without a spacesuit, for at least 12 hours before
needing to spin a cocoon for long term hibernation. They
can hibernate in extreme cold weather, under water, and in
space and are capable of surviving in all these extreme
conditions for years once cocooned.
The severed head of a psiren is capable of survival,
waving its antennae for several hours, longer if
refrigerated and given nutrients (in such cases a Psiren
may attempt to communicate to another psiren via a
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Clikk and Vrusk

Both clikk and vrusk cultures have a huge amount of
myths and legends about dangerous psionic females,
queens, or changeling creatures that threatened their
societies. There are still some lines of clikk and vrusk that
can produce psionic members and these lines are most
likely related or linked to a similar genetic mutation or
have similar latent sex-linked genes. Such offspring are
often born with deformities and almost always female.
However, these children are rarely an actual threat, as they
do not have the evolved expressions of the total genes
necessary to be a psiren. Such children, if not killed
outright or abandoned, are often hidden away, given
medical treatments to help with their deformity (and
potential psychic ability), and sterilized. Vrusk will view
such a child as an indication of dishonor to their trade
house and something akin to punishment on the trade
house from some greater cosmic karmic power. Vrusk use
the Nadezhda mythos in their morality tales.

Tom Verreault

Clandestine Hibernation Nemesis

Psirens encountered until recently where actually
accidentally awakened from their hibernation cycle (that
is one reason they are so rare), but that hibernation cycle
for the whole race is coming to an end and all will be
awaking in mass across the galaxy in The Great
Awakening. As a result Psirens will be trying to infiltrate
as many societies as possible with the expressed desire to
gain new knowledge (harvest the minds of other races),
breed more Psirens, and work on their own races long
term goals like they did over 10,000 years ago when the
Tetrarchs ruled.

Death of Oblivion
Psirens call death before mind passing can be achieved
death of oblivion as they believe all of the individual is
lost forever at the time of death if the dying persons
knowledge is not preserved to another living being.
Psirens thus have no problem if mortally injured in
consenting to another psiren to brain wiping them, to
prevent Death of Oblivion. Psirens culturally prefer such
transfers of knowledge to be within their own clan, but if
no other clan member is available being mind-wiped by
another clan or even enemy is preferable to True Death
or Death of Oblivion.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,

And with strange aeons even death may die... (H.P.

As Nemesis
Psirens can make useful spies, assassins, and murderous
monsters in the Outblack. Connoisseur Psirens: are ones
that hunt specific people for their memories, knowledge,
or experiences. For instance a scientist Psiren would
probably have a personal list of famous scientists they
want to mind wipe. The Psiren Puppet Master: the psiren
masquerades as a member of another race to get others to
do its bidding, build psiren friendly tools, conduct
research and bring it victims. Psiren Scientist might
conduct experiments on the brains of other races, on
genetics to end their dependency on other races males for
breeding, or on further developing new mind powers for
their race. The Psiren Fury are psirens that have learned to
project things people fear, for the purpose of terrorizing
others, this should be treated as a rare occurrence as the
psirens evolved their abilities of projection to lure in prey.

This creature is based on the Psiren from the Red Dwarf
TV series but has been changed a bit:
Red Dwarf T.V. episode Psirens written by Rob Grant
& Doug Naylor
Red Dwarf the role playing game (based on the T.V.
series) published by Deep 7 PO Box 46373 Seattle WA
98146 USA Copyright 2002 Authors Todd Downing,
Mark Bruno, John Sullivan, Andrew Kenrick, Lee
Hammock, Gavin Downing, Allan McComas, and
Samantha Downing.
Star Frontiers Fan expansion reference Gamma Dawn by
Scott Ireland edited by Lee Logan for inspiration on how
to develop the specialized psionics.

Psirens may or may not have clandestine plans for the

Frontier. This is a highly intelligent predatory species with
its own agendas. Clans may or may not get along well,
may have different agendas or specialties.

The many great folks at a special

thank you to everyone who gave me feed back on the
Psirens: jedion357, KRingway, and Abub.

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

An SP on Hakosoar
Eric Winsor
Greetings fellow beings. The Jurak Hangna Foundation
would like to present this installment of our alien creature
adventures as an official statement to the rumored events
that occurred recently at the JHF Xenological Park here
on Hakosoar. Many news outlets have reported that there
has been a new sighting of the Sathar parasites that were
in the media years ago. There are various holovid clips in
the media purporting to show an SP attached to the back
of a human that attempted to assassinate an elder of the
Family of One High Council of Genetics visiting the JHF
last week. These holovids were shot from a great distance
and did not provide enough resolution to confirm the
existence of the SP to the public. The JHF would like to
present to the public and the applicable government
authorities the following statement of events and collected
scientific data from JHF personnel.

on the mans back that was trying to kill him. The freeze
field was slowing the creature down and preventing it
from removing itself from his back but was not fully
staying the creature for some unknown reason. Tik was
soon on the scene and assisted by our own Doctor Jika
Gasar from the genomics lab they succeeded in stopping
the creature from attacking the mans nervous system by
subjecting it to a prolonged electric shock whereupon the
creature succumbed to the effects of the freeze field and
the life signs of the human stabilized into a comatose state
controlled by the freeze field.
The stabilization of chaotic events upon saving the man
from death quickly brought everyone in the infirmary to
the realization that we were in a hazardous alien event and
Tik ordered the infirmary sealed. Doctor Gasar, the
Elders Chief of Security and three others of his security
detail, the infirmary doctor, Doctor SpaKa and two of his
nurses, and Tik were all sealed with the human in the
operating room. Myself, the Elder and his entourage, and
the remaining infirmary staff were all sealed in the
infirmary wing. We all remained in the lock-down
situation while the medical staff conducted a thorough
biological scan of everyone and the entire building. Tik,
Doctor Gasar, and Doctor SpaKa conducted additional
testing of the parasitic creature on the humans back and
determined that the creature was alive but fully
succumbed to the effects of the freeze field. They also
determined that no one in the operating room was
contaminated with anything containing DNA matching
the parasite on the humans back.

A Special Visitor
The Honored Gruk Kagru visited the JHF for an afternoon
tour of our genomics lab to review successes we have had
regenerating several species of yazirian life forms
previously attempted by GodCo without success. After
the laboratory tours, Elder Gruk Kagru was escorted by
Dwain, Tik, and I to the open habitats outside the
genomics buildings whereupon a single laser shot was
fired at Elder Gruk Kagru striking him through his left ear
tip and burning across the back of his skull without
penetrating the bone.
The Elders security detail
immediately surrounded him and rushed him back to the
building where Tik provided medical treatment. Others of
the security detail quickly took to the air by jet pack and
swiftly located and apprehended a human male of
approximately 30 years of age concealed in the upper
branches of one of the clan trees we have successfully
cultivated here at the JHF.

During the DNA analysis Elder Gruk Kagrus Chief of

Security was watching the doctors working and made the
connection that the creature matched data he had learned
about Sathar Parasites like the one on the back of Queanee
Kloonanu's assassin. The chief then mentioned the
possible sathar connection to the parasite. Doctor SpaKa
quickly brought up a UPF data file of the structure of
sathar DNA. Doctor Gasar then swiftly matched it to the
DNA samples they had just taken from the parasite
attached to the human's back. The tests confirmed that the
creature is a sathar bioform. The chief then sent a private
message without any of us knowing he had sent it. We
learned about it a few hours later.

Upon apprehension the human male went into a catatonic

state and started convulsing. Several of the yazirian
security detail of Elder Gruk Kagru bound the human to
themselves in the ancient yazirian assisted decent grapple
and dropped him safely to the surface and rushed him into
the infirmary. The human was quickly succumbing to
some form of nerve induced cardiopulmonary shutdown.
He was fighting a losing battle to breath and his heart rate
was erratic and dropping. A freeze field was activated
and the human was put into a comatose state. The
infirmary staff quickly discovered that the source of the
humans failing nervous system was a parasitic creature

Hosts and Parasites

The standard procedures to clear a biological lock-down
took a few hours for the testing to complete. The quick

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

actions of our staff in activating a freeze field and
shocking the parasite to disable it are credited with
keeping everyone safe. The O.R. was quarantined from
anyone entering without a full environment suit. Doctor
SpaKa then set about treating his patient to keep him
stabilized and search for a way to remove the sathar
parasite or SP from his back. Toy Hurtbot was brought in
to assist as a precaution against any other personnel being
compromised by the creature if it became active again.
The Elder and much of his security detail then left. The
chief of security and several of his personnel stayed
behind and loitered in the infirmary wing. Only Dr
SpaKa, Tik, and Hurtbot were allowed to work in the
quarantined O.R. with the human and the parasite.

However, the now visible extent of the parasites invasion

of the humans nervous system left both Dr. SpaKa and
Tik certain that they both would be killed if the parasite
was forcefully separated. Dr. Gasar who had been
assisting by operating Hurtbot remotely, observed that
likely the combination of the freeze field and the antibody
plus had made the parasites nervous system not just
visible to their scans, but possibly susceptible to probing
and maybe even susceptible blockage.
Doctor Gasar proposed a procedure to saturate the
humans cerebellum with antibody plus, implant a neural
interface at the junction of the parasites tendrils and the
humans cerebellum, and then keep the parasite under a
constant electric charge to keep it paralyzed while the
human and parasite were released from the freeze field.
The three ran a series of simulations and decided the
procedure was a good risk that they could control. Dr.
SpaKa would conduct the procedure with Tik assisting
and Hurtbot employed as a countermeasure to hold the
human forcibly if required. They were about to start the
procedure when the chief of security entered the O.R. with
his side arm drawn.

Dr. Spaka first did an exploratory of the mechanism of

attachment utilized by the SP. He quickly determined that
the parasites many tentacles were each tipped with a
sharp microscopic carapace. These were utilized to pierce
the skin of the human and allow the tentacle to wrap itself
around the muscles and tendons in the humans back.
This mechanical attachment is likely very painful to the
host. Some preliminary chemical analysis suggests that
the parasite secretes an anesthetic from its tentacles that
numb the host and also coagulate body fluids around the
tentacle incisions. Dr. SpaKa was able to free some of the
shorter tentacles but surrendered the effort when he
attempted to release the grip of one of the larger tentacles
that was firmly intertwined into the humans back
muscles. The grip of the parasite was so tight that it
would have required severing the tentacle and cutting the
severed appendage from the back muscles. This would
have severely damaged the humans muscle structure. Tik
also raised the risk of releasing unknown bacteria from the
parasite by severing the tentacle.
Tik and Dr. SpaKa then switched their focus to extracting
the head of the SP from the Humans back. They
determined that the head of the creature was upright on
the humans back due to what appeared to be a very small
mouth piece attached to an area saturated with blood from
what appeared to have been the parasite sucking blood
from the Human for sustenance. Dr. SpaKa suggested
that they inject the human with antibody plus to fight any
infections the human may have contracted through blood
contact with the parasite. Tik skillfully injected a dose of
antibody plus into the ring of blood around the very small
parasite mouth. Almost instantaneously the parasite
twitched and its green color turned to a clear white
translucence revealing a pair of tendrils running under the
humans skin to the base of his skull. Further scans
revealed that the tendrils were imbedded into the humans
cerebellum. The tendrils then branched out into a network
of the parasites neurons throughout the humans brain.

Image captured by T.H. (Source material from Wikimedia


Enter the UPF

The antibody plus had produced some unknown effect on

the parasite without killing it. The parasite was still
comatose and fully susceptible to the freeze field.

We had all been focused on the activities in the O.R. and

had not been watching the security team loitering in the

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
infirmary wing. The Chief had spent much of his time
discreetly in an audio call on his chronocom. Two of his
officers had been covering his actions by appearing to be
in a discussion with him, while positioning themselves to
block the views of the infirmary security cameras. One of
our security programs triggered a silent alert when the
Chiefs view had been blocked for too long from all
angles. The JHF security chief then contacted myself and
Dwain and we decided to put Dwain in the security office
to keep tabs on them.

The press got into a heated argument with the authorities

about access to the O.R. records and the right to film the
parasite on the humans back. The authorities did not
allow them to see the parasite and ushered the cryochamber to an aircar with press cameras in tow. They
returned to the infirmary ward minutes later without any
parasite footage and started in on us. With the authorities
packed up and gone we were questioned extensively by
the reporters. We told them about everything that
happened while their technicians and ours tried to recover
any data from the O.R., they found nothing. The press was
furious that the authorities had come in and taken
everything in complete disregard to the freedom of
information laws on Hakosoar. As the interviews were
completed Tik pulled the senior reporter aside with us and
we discussed the legal ramifications of the JHF
announcing that this event actually happened. The press
only has the above story from us and the image we
obtained from one missed file later. We consulted with
our legal counsel and we have full legal right to report and
share any information we can recover from our databank.

When the Chief terminated the call our security system

registered the cessation of the signal and was able to
detect that the signal was not on the established planetary
frequencies. I was en route to meet with the Chief and run
interference when the Chief and two of his officers
donned bio-suits, entered the O.R. armed, and stopped Dr.
Gasars proposed procedure to waken the human free
from the parasites influence. Dwain observed this and
messaged me on my chronocom and then called in the
press from Hyyay. Dwains stroke of genius to call the
press is why I am able to publish this account.

When the press published their findings they could not get
any statements from the authorities that the event at the
JHF actually happened. Requests of the Honored Gruk
Kagrus office only confirmed the visit to the JHF and
denied that any assassination attempt happened.

The Chief announced that he was taking the human

traitor and his alien master into custody. He ordered all
attempts to revive the human ceased and that the human
be placed in a sealed cryo-chamber for delivery to the
authorities. Tik and Dr. SpaKa protested and resisted but
The Chief was very insistent and bordered upon raging to
assert his authority. Tik had to insert himself between Dr.
SpaKa and the Chief to keep them from a blood contest.
Once Tik calmed the two down the Chief ordered Tik and
Dr. SpaKa to stand against the wall and touch nothing.
He announced that everything in the O.R. was evidence
and all would be taken when the authorities arrived.
Hurtbot was then commanded to place the human in the
cryo-chamber when the other security personnel in the
infirmary ward wheeled it into the O.R. Dr. Gasar guided
Hurtbot from her place in the VR control room to place
the human into the cryo-chamber then she set him down at
one of the computer terminals, plugged him in, and put
him in sleep mode.

Sathar Parasite

The Chief and his security detail moved the cryo-chamber

into the infirmary ward and then stood guard over it until
the authorities arrived. The authorities arrived about ten
minutes later with the press in hot pursuit. There was
quite an event when the authorities arrived.
authorities ushered Tik and Dr. SpaKa from the O.R. to
the infirmary doctors office for private questioning. A
team of technicians swarmed through the O.R.
downloading all the databanks and deleting everything of
the event. Dwain had to forcefully prevent them from
dismantling Hurtbot and deleting all of his programs. Dr.
Gasar only persuaded the yazirian authorities to leave
Hurtbot alone by sitting upon Hurtbot and announcing
that anyone who touched Hurtbot would become the life
enemy of Clan Gasar.

GM Notes
Jurak and the JHF have more data than they have revealed
to the authorities or the press. Dr. Gasar downloaded the
entire O.R. database into Toy Hurtbot when she sat him
down at the O.R. computer terminal and put him into
sleep mode. The image presented in this article is a
capture from Hurtbots vision memory. The authorities
that took the sathar parasite are suspected to actually be
Family of One operatives.

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Small : 20cm
Established minimum 60
Estimated 1d5
Neural toxins and anesthetics

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Optional Rules

New Engine Requirements for Knight

Hawks Ship Construction
CR Kline
I have always thought the spaceship design rules in the
Knight Hawks campaign book had a fundamental flaw in
assigning the number of engines to a given hull size ship.
For example, why are the same ADF/MR values used
when the ship hull-size increases from 3 to 4, or from 6 to
7, yet the number of engines decreases in these cases?
Why would a hull-size 4 yacht have the same number and
size engines as a hull size 1 fighter? Even as a teenager in
the 1980s I recognized that discrepancy, and my old copy
of the rules has handwritten corrections in the tables from
the campaign book.

However, on thinking through the problem of how to

represent the ships as geometric objects; it occurred to me
that what we are really dealing with are not solid cylinders
of uniform density, but something much more like hollow
tubes. The hollow-tube design is evidenced in almost
every deck plan ever published: there is a lot of open
space in these ships. We then make the following two
assumptions: that the super-structure is the primary source
of mass for the ship (more so than any equipment added
later 2); and that the outer surface of the cylinder has a
finite thickness that is small in comparison to the tubes
diameter. These assumptions allow us to consider the
spaceships as very large tubes, where the overall mass is
directly related to the surface area of the tube.

Assuming editing for consistency to mathematical

formulae was not a focus of the original rule books, then it
may be that some of these tables are typographical errors
or design oversight. In that case, what should the tables
actually reflect?

Using the above relationship of mass to surface area

provides for a much more steady increase in the thrust
needs for the ships engines, and this in turn allows one to
create several groupings of engine size across multiple
hull-sizes. Refer to the table of ship dimensions, which
includes the surface areas and volumes of each hull size
(Table 1).

In answer to that question, I have established a redesigned

set of ship hull-size to engine size values which follows a
basic correlation of total engine thrust to ship size. In
reality, the thrust requirements would be correlated to the
ships mass, but this gets incredibly fiddly very quickly
once one adds equipment, armor, and life-support to the
ship, not to mention weapons, luggage, and etc.
Therefore, several basic assumptions are required to
simplify the calculations to provide a realistic yet playable
set of rules. Now of course, I could just give you my
redesigned table, but remember, this is SCIENCE fiction
so it is a little more meaningful if we go into the science
behind the fiction.

Looking at Table 1, with an eye towards keeping to the

original design flair where possible, one can devise
several logical break points in the numbers. Additionally,
several new break points occur, especially for the small
ships. This requires the creation of two new engine types,
which I have termed AA and AAA (using a similar
nomenclature as US standard alkaline battery sizes).
Addition of these two new break points allows one to put
a reasonable number of engines in the smaller ships, from
HS 1 to 4. Also, it allows one to maintain certain
traditions in ship design from the Knight Hawks artwork,
such as fighters with one engine, and assault scouts with
two engines. These new break points counter the bizarre
possibilities which arise from using a single engine size
across this range of hull sizes, such as a HS1 ship with an
ADF of >100 when using even a single HS4-sized engine,
or a HS4 ship with 32 of the engines used on a HS1 ship.

I had originally intended to use a correlation to the

volume of the ships, assuming they were solid cylinders
of uniform density defined by their length and diameter.
In that case, ship thrust would correlate to volume, where
volume = length * * diameter squared / 4. But this
equation did not lead to a useful linear correlation
between engine requirements and small hull sizes 1.
Essentially I would have had different engine sizes for
each of the first 6 or 7 hull-sizes to come close to
matching the original material, but I felt that strayed too
far from the flavor provided in the Knight Hawks rules
and artwork.

Another advantage of this paradigm is that GMs could

provide a wider variety of designs for the small engines

There are already several excellent articles on the subject of

minimum hull sizes, equipment limitations, and their effects on
reducing ADF for a given ship. This treatise does not imply one
method or another is more valid for calculating the effect of adding
weapons, defenses and other equipment.

A mathematician would have quickly pointed this out, as ship

diameter is linearly related to HS, but the volume equation contains
the square of diameter, so a linear correlation to HS is not going to

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
Table 1 Original Knight Hawks hull-size dimensions and engine values, with my calculations added


















































































































(AAA, AA, possibly even A), to account for the fact that
multiple races/companies could economically produce
small engines, whereas only a small number of companies
could (or would bother) to produce the largest engine
sizes (B, C) 3. This creates a situation which allows easy
incorporation of the multi-engine fighter designs provided
in past fan publications (e.g. Star Frontiersman issues 5,
7, 11).


Thrust =


AAA = 180, AA = 1450, A = 7200, B = 17,000, C =

28,000 (units: m2 per engine per ADF)
The results are found in Table 2. Of course, using an
equation results in a non-integral number of engines
required at some steps, so then one must round up or
down to get the actual number of engines required (second
to last column in Table 2). Finally, one can recalculate
the ADF now that the number of engines is fixed (last
column in Table 2), or one could ignore this step, sticking
with the suggested ADF values. Other than a difference
in numbers of engines for many of the ships, the only
other real difference created by this method is that HS2
ships are slightly faster than they used to be. But given
they are intended as heavy fighters, making them fast
should not be too much of a problem and will match very
well with prior fan publications.


Once the cut-off values are determined, then one can look
at how many engines are needed for various speeds. The
equations for this are the following:
Number of Engines = ADF * Surface Area / Thrust
ADF is the desired ADF for the ship, up to the maximum
from the original Knight Hawks tables. Surface area is
based on the dimensions given for the HS of the ship 4.
Thrust is a constant for various sizes of engines:

As noted, a certain amount of flexibility in the Thrust

values for the AAA and AA engines can be incorporated
into the model, to allow differentiation in capability of

Think about it how many automobile companies and designs are

out there today vs how many companies produce aircraft carriers?
How many more cars are sold than aircraft carriers?
I have calculated the surface area considering the ships as closed
cylindrical tubes, considering the two end caps as circles. Surface

area = Length * pi * diameter/2 + 2 * pi * diameter2 / 4.

Simplifying terms yields surface area = pi*diameter/2*(length +

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

engines from different races or organizations. For
instance, it is clear the UPF must have tinkered with the
engines on the assault scouts to make them more
powerful, because civilian ships could not achieve their
ADF rating and still carry any payload. If a GM intends
to modify the constants in these equations, I do not
recommend changing the Thrust values by more than 1/3
the recommendations above for Frontier designed ships,
but that is only out of deference to artwork in the Knight
Hawks campaign book. Star-faring races outside the
known frontier could use whatever thrust values the GM
pleases. The only strict recommendation I make is to
limit a ship design to ADF of 5 for most races (6 for
Sathar), as explained in the Beyond the Frontier
published modules.

the price of constructing certain size ships, reducing the

cost of smaller ships and increasing the cost of some
larger ships.

In order to design and pay for their ships, players and

GMs will want to know the costs of these engines. The
costs of the A, B, C engines can be used as found in the
original rules, with AA engines costing 50% of A-size,
and AAA costing 25% of A-size engines. This means the
cost of small engines is proportionally much higher per
unit of thrust. Consider this as the price of miniaturization
for small engines, while the large engines benefit from
economies of scale. The new tables and costs will change

Scott Mulder

Table 2 Revised hull size and engine values, based on surface area calculations.







calc ADF




































































































































surface area

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
Optional Rules

Condition Critical
Tom Verreault

Critical Die Rolls in

Star Frontiers

Effects of a Critical
Previously, my own house rule was that if a player rolled
a critical success in combat, they had about 2-3 seconds to
state what the result of the critical was otherwise I would
jump in and state it. The result could be anything like a
range weapon attack striking an opponent in the face and
knocking them unconscious or striking him in the hand
causing him to drop his weapon. I basically encouraged
creativity and barring input from the player I usually went
with whatever popped into my head at the time that
seemed to fit the situation. This is a rather hap-hazard
method, so the following tables are offered to aid referees
in implementing criticals.

Star Frontiers has an established automatic hit and

automatic failure rule. The automatic hit is any natural die
roll of 01-05% and the automatic failure is any natural die
roll of 96-00. However, many referees and players like to
borrow the idea of a critical hit and fumble from
Dungeons and Dragons and use the automatic hit and
automatic failure results for this house rule. Some referees
and players also expand the critical hit and critical failure
results with a rule borrowed from one of Iron Crown
Enterprises RPGs like HARP (High Adventure Role
Playing). The expanded critical hits include any die result
that is a double and succeeds and the critical failure is any
die result that is a double and fails.

Ranged Weapon Criticals

Roll d100 on the appropriate table section below

The Alpha Dawn rules did not strictly include the concept
of critical hits except in one particular case: martial arts. If
the die result of a martial arts attack was 01-06 or any
succeeding result that was a multiple of 10 then the attack
knocks the opponent unconscious. The rule only applied
to a member of the four player character species and it
increased the automatic hit range of the martial artist by
1% per level. Thus a character with 1st level in martial arts
that needs a 45% to hit would do this critical hit on a 0106, and on a 10, 20, 30, & 40.

Shoot Item Out of Hand (whatever the target
is holding is dropped - 1 turn to pick up)


Extra Damage +1d10


Knock Opponent Out/Unconscious


Double Damage

Using the martial arts skill as a template, a critical die roll

system could be easily instituted in Star Frontiers. The
automatic success and failure rule remains in effect
meaning die results of 01-05 automatically succeed
regardless of any conditional modifiers and die results of
96-00 automatically failure regardless of the characters
actual percentage chance to succeed or any conditional
modifiers. All automatic successes and failures also
become criticals with extra effects.
The actual range of critical success is expanded on the
same format as that of the martial arts skill. The 01-05
critical is expanded by 1% per level of skill thus a level 4
skill would have a base critical result of 01-09%. Note this
does not expand the automatic hit range. In addition any
result die result that is a multiple of 10 (example: 10, 20,
30, etc.) is also a critical result if it happens to be a
successful result.


User Failure (nothing wrong with weapon,

user failed to operate it properly - no ammo


Weapon Jammed, Misfired or Malfunctioned

(spend one turn clearing the weapon and
lose one shot of ammo)


Weapon Damaged (Must make a skill check

with the weapon to repair it and repairs take
2 turns)


Weapon Broken (Weapon is inoperable for

rest of combat)


Weapon Explodes (if appropriate otherwise

use weapon broken)

Grenade Weapons
All grenades (except the tangler) have a built in ability
score save for or null effect. This feature is cancelled
on a critical success. A critical success with a tangler

Critical failures are simply 96-00 plus any result that is a

multiple of 10 that does not succeed.
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Issue 12 Spring 2015

Martial Arts

grenade may be ruled to have knocked the target prone in

addition to the entanglement effect or to have also
entangled a character adjacent to the target as well. If two
characters are entangled, combine both their STR for the
100 STR necessary to break the entanglement.

Critical Grenade Failure

The default critical hit for martial arts skill is the nerve
combat feature of the skill listed in the skill description. It
applies only to members of the fours player character
species. The following table is for all other situations.
Roll d100 on the appropriate section of the table.

Roll d100 on the table below

Martial Arts Critical Results


Failure Result


User Failure (forgot to activate/pull pin opponent may pick up the grenade and use it





Gain Critical Advantage (martial artist is

treated as defending for 1 turn -10% against
this opponent)

Malfunctioning device (grenade is a faulty

and fails to work at all)


Double Punch Score


Knock Opponent Out/Unconscious

Short Throw (grenade lands very short - roll

on bounce table and apply grenade effect
against the thrower if bounce comes back at


Triple Punch Score


Extremely Short Throw (grenade lands at

throwers feet)


Slipped/knocked prone (no attacks while

standing up - effect lasts 1 turn)


Self Injury (apply own Punch Score against



Grant Critical Advantage (opponent gains

+10% bonus for any 1 attack for 1 turn)


Thrower Off-balance (all attackers get a

+15% bonus for any 1 attack for 1 turn)

Demolitions Skill

Tom Verreault

Player chooses: demolitions is more difficult to disarm 15% or demolitions more effective when detonated +25%

Other Thrown Weapons

Roll d100 on the appropriate table section below

Demolition Skill Critical Failure


Sensitive Area Strike (apply pain penalty

same as for STA - note does not stack with
pain penalty)


Extra Damage +1d10


Knock Opponent Out/Unconscious


Double Damage


Failure Result


Apprehensive (character wastes time only nothing is accomplished)


Shaky (demolition will detonate - make RS

check for damage)


Cut Wrong Wire (demolition detonates - no

RS check)


User Failure (weapon not thrown)


Weapon Damaged (failed throw resulted in

damage to weapon - can be repaired after


Thrower Injured (bad body mechanics results

in injury to throwing arm -5% to all future
thrown weapon attacks and apply own Punch
Score against STA)


Thrower Off-balance (all attackers get a

+15% bonus to any 1 attack for 1 turn)

Computer Skill

You own this system! (+15% to next 4 computer skill

checks with this computer - note multiple critical
successes do not stack and the max bonus is 15%)
Or at the referees option the character discovers
something significant in the computer (data, clue, etc.)

Failures at bypassing security or defeating security result
in fast response by the computer systems owners and the

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer
computer specialist not realizing he set off security but
only thinking he failed to succeed.

Other Critical Computer Failures


Failure Result


Trigger Reboot of Computer (computer is

rebooting and unable to be used for 1d10
minutes, in addition any defeated or
bypassed security is reset)


Corrupt a Program (one random program is

corrupted and will not operate correctly in
one way - referee determines results)


Delete a Program (one random program is

deleted and computer can no longer
implement its functions.


Fry the main CPU (computer will no longer

operate without significant repairs)

Tom Verreault

Robotics Skill

Technician Skill

I own this bot! (+15% to all next 4 robotics skill checks

with this robot - note multiple critical successes do not
stack and the max bonus is 15%)

(Apply the result that seems best)

Critical Robotics Failure

Im in the zone! (+15% bonus to next 4 technician skill

checks - note multiple critical successes do not stack - the
maximum bonus is +15)


Failure Result


No one drives like I do! (Drivers advantage - increase

or decrease distance in a pursuit or force other driver to
make a skill check for control at -15%)

Reboot (robot is rebooting and nothing can

be done to it for 1d10 minutes)


Destroyed Program (1 random program is

destroyed and robot can no longer perform
tasks allowed by the program)


Short Circuit (robot is damaged but still

operating - bot stops and sparks every other
turn or similar)


Haywire (Robot is out of control - it will

randomly attack, spin, recite the Dralasite
Creed, or anything else at referees


Explode (parabattery explodes- 2d10 damage

times the parabatterys type to the robotics

I am a wizard! (not only are repairs completed but

item/machinery is now functioning slightly better is some
way - a +5% bonus to one activity or similar benefit to
one other limitation.)

(Apply the result that seems best)
Where did you get your license? (Roll on the Control
Table for skid, spin or crash - Alpha Dawn page 31)
You broke it! (Item or machinery beyond repair)
They know were here! (Alarms, Defenses, and Locks
are triggered in the most adverse way with imminent
response by facility security)

Environmental Skill

Im in the zone! (+15% to the next 4 environmental

skill checks - note multiple critical successes do not stack
and the max bonus is 15%)
Or at the referees option the character discovers
something significant in the ecosystem.

(Apply the result that seems best)
I thought I analyzed that! (something significant and
dangerous was missed in the sample or ecosystem
analysis - a toxin or dangerous creature)
Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Issue 12 Spring 2015

Could you be any louder? (attempts at stealth,
concealment or tracking result in drawing the attention of
predators or opponents who attack with surprise)

Support the Frontier

Explorer via Patreon

Medical Skill

Im in the zone! (+15% to the next 4 medical skill

checks - note multiple critical successes do not stack and
the max bonus is 15%)

(Apply the result that seems best)
Did you just diagnose a gunshot as indigestion?
(diagnosis is an utter failure and you waste resources from
med kit before realizing it - 1 random does of something
plus 1 other random non-dose item OR all med checks
with this med kit are now -5% until the kit is restocked)

Do you enjoy the Frontier Explorer? Would you like to

help support the production of the magazine and improve
it? If so consider supporting our Patreon campaign

They should call you Doctor Death! (the attempt to heal

has actually harmed the patient - 1d5 extra damage for
first aid, 2d5 for Surgery, 3d5 for major surgery, +1
Strength for an infection, +5 more ability modifier for a
disease, or +1 strength for a toxin)

We love making the magazine and will continue to do so

regardless of the outcome of this endeavor. However,
the production and maintenance of the magazine and
website have costs and that's where you can help.

Hes dead Jim! (the medic has killed the patient with
the freeze field)

In addition to just our deep felt thanks, there are perks to

patronage. Depending on the level of support you will
get access to supporter only forums on the website, emailed a copy of the magazine in advance of its public
release, early access to the articles for up-coming issues,
and at the highest level, a printed copy of each issue you
support. In addition, supporters will be listed on the
magazine's website and at some levels here in the
magazine itself.

Psych-social Skill

Im in the zone! (+15% to the next 4 psych-social skill

checks - note multiple critical successes do not stack and
the max bonus is 15%)
Or at the referees option the character discovers
something significant about the NPC being analyzed.


In fact, our early patrons that helped support this

magazine are:

(Apply the result that seems best)

Youre as cuddly as a cactus! (Attempts at empathy,
persuasion, or communication result in outright hostility)

At the Space Ranger Level Scott Holliday and

Kenneth Reising
At the Explorer Level Shane Winter
At the Scout Level Andrew Moore and Jaren
At the Station Master Level - Pagan

Youre a quack! (Attempts at hypnosis or psychopathology should result in the opposite effect or hostile
reaction from NPC).

I just want to give a huge shout out to these early

supporters for their contributions.
The money raised will be used to improve both the
Frontier Explorer and Star Frontiersman magazines in
various ways including improved web hosting, improved
software and hardware for production, website upgrades
and improvements with the magazine itself.
We'd love to have your support to help make the
magazines the best that they can be. Jump on over to the
Patreon site (,
read all the details, and consider becoming a patron.
Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Frontier Explorer
Optional Rules

Critical Hits in Star Frontiers

Helmut Liebeling (translated by Tom Stephens)
critical damage to the character closest to the center of the
explosion. Critical damage must be rolled separate for
each character affected (see table below). Furthermore,
the exact effect also depends on the particular combat
situation. It is simply impossible to shoot a character in
the leg when he is standing behind a one meter thick
concrete wall and you can only see his head and
shoulders. The referee makes the final decision in cases
where there is a question. (When in doubt just select the
roll of 1-10 on the table below.

Editor's note: This is a translation of the article

Kritische Treffer in Sternengarde from issue 6 of the
German magazine Drache, published in April 1985. I
used Google Translate for a rough translation and then
cleaned it up. I started working on this before Tom
Verreault submitted his Condition Critical article so I
thought it only appropriate they should appear together.
Also, there are at least two other Star Frontiers articles
from other issues: Abenteuer im Weltraum from issue 3
and Insektoide Plagegeister fr Sternengarde from issue
7. If anyone has copies of these articles let us know at We'd love to get a copy and
translate them.

Important: A critical hit never increases the damage that

the corresponding weapon would have done with a normal
hit, but receives additional damage to his personal
characteristics. A character with a protective shield is still
protected from the normal damage but the critical hit
damage is still suffered. You can assume that the shield
suffered some sort of malfunction due to the constant
stress of use. When a critical hit is achieved the character
first rolls the normal damage and then rolls to see the type
of critical hit. This is done by rolling d100 and consulting
the table below. In addition, the target must make a
current stamina check (roll d100 under their current STA
to pass) or they are knocked unconscious. Note that if the
to hit roll was a 01-02 this check doesnt need to be made
as that is an automatic knockout roll per the standard
rules. Animals with more than 100 STA are only knocked
unconscious if they roll a 100. Unconsciousness lasts the
standard d100 turns.

We all know the scene: Luke Skywalker chases through

the corridors of the Death Star. All of a sudden an
automatic door opens before him, and a scowling storm
trooper in full battle dress appears in the opening. In a
quick response, Luke swings his blaster forward and fires
a single targeted shot. The storm trooper falls with a
dazzling flash to the ground and doesn't move ...
Watching scenes like this, you quickly realize how boring
a Star Frontiers battle is. In my opinion, the designer of
Star Frontiers gave priority to the players safety instead
of trying to build a realistic weapons system. Its amazing
that a player has to be hit with 10-12 shots from an
automatic rifle before being incapacitated. Even the
damage from Gyrojet weapons seems too low when you
consider the effects of a fire-spewing projectile in a
human body. In fact, it seems that most wound in Star
Frontiers are from pass through shots.
It seems
impossible in principle at least, that a projectile collides
with a bone of vital organ. Adding such a rule would, of
course, make the game much more dangerous for player
characters but would also make the heaviest land whale
susceptible to a lucky hit in the right place.

Critical Hit Table

01 10
11 20
21 30
31 40
41 50
51 60
61 70
71 80
81 90
91 100

To create a realistic simulation, I have introduced the

following damage system in my game:
Whenever a character attempts to hit an opponent and
rolls a 01-05, he scores a critical hit. The only exception
is if the modified chance to hit is under 1% in that case it
is just a normal hit and not a critical one. In addition, you
cannot score a critical hit with the following weapons:
needler gun, electrostunner, and doze, incendiary, poison,
smoke, and tangler grenades. The frag grenade only does

no other effect
left arm
right Arm
left leg
right leg

Explanation of the effects

No other effects: target must only roll to see if he loses

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Critical Hit Location

Issue 12 Spring 2015

Left / Right arm: the injured limb cannot be used for
2d10 days If the target loses more than half of their
maximum STA points from the hit, there is a 50% chance
that the arm was permanently crippled or severed by the

Artificial Leg: 5000 Cr. The character suffers a -2 m/turn

penalty to movement.
Steel Corset: 6000 Cr. This device eliminates the
permanent lost STA points due to a lung hit. However, the
character suffers a -10% to their RS as the corset has
about the wearablity properties of plate armor.

Right or Left leg: a leg hit results in the targets

movement speed being halved for 2d10 days for humans
and yazirians. A vrusks speed is reduced by a quarter and
a Dralasites movement is reduced by a half if using two
legs, a third if using three, etc. For Dralasites this penalty
only applies until it has a chance to absorb the limb and
regrow a new on (also applies to arms). If the target loses
more than half of its maximum STA in a single hit, there
is a 50% chance the leg is permanently damaged and the
speed penalty is permanent.

Silver Skull plate: 3000 Cr. This Implant brings back

lost INT / LOG from a head hit.
Robotic eye: 6000 Cr. (Default), 8000 Cr. (Infrared
version). Adding a robotic eye is a complicated operation
as it is directly connected to the brain. There is a 0.5%
chance that the surgeon makes an error when installing it.
If he does, the character will be able to see normally
again, but permanently loses 1d10 points of INT/LOG
(which cannot be regained by implanting a silver plate).

Eye: the target permanently loses their sight in one eye,

requiring them to deduct 10% from their to-hit chance
with all melee and ranged weapons.

Apart from the corset and the silver plate, all prostheses
need a Type I parabattery to function.

Head: the target is automatically unconscious and

permanently loses 1d10 points of INT / LOG due to a
brain injury.

Proposal for a New

Military Skill

Neck: if the target loses more than one third of its total
STA, the shot has opened the carotid artery and the victim
loses 1d5 STA per round due to loss of blood, until a
medic applies first aid.

Target Shooting

-10 x skill level from roll

(Specialist degree)
This ability can only be used with ranged weapons (not
with grenades and other thrown weapons!). Before a
character can learn this skill, he must have a skill level of
6 with the weapon he wants to use for target shooting. For
each level in the target shooting, the character may deduct
10 points from his roll to hit. A score of 0 or less is
considered a 01. Because of this, a well-trained sniper
will land a critical hit more often than another similar
character without the skill.

Lungs: if the target loses more than 15 STA from the

shot, there is a 30% chance that he dies in d100 rounds.
This can only be avoided by lying perfectly still until a
medic can operate. In addition, the target permanently
loses 1d10 STA.
Death: Through a hit to the heart, neck, or similar vital
organ, the target is killed instantly. Those killed by critical
hits (including those that are smothered by a lung results)
can only be helped a doctor that freezes them instantly in
a freeze field. All critical damage that is not a permanent
effect can be removed by a successful major surgery.

Example: Jonah "Mad Doc" Wilkens, a shrewd UPF

officer, has a level 6 Gyrojet skill, as well as Target
Shooting at level 11. He shoots at an opponent in the
middle distance and has, after applying all modifiers, a
55% chance to hit. He rolls a 13 and hits his opponent.
From this roll of 13, he subtracts 10, as he has mastered
the first level in the target shooting, and gets 03. So Jonah
scores a critical hit on his opponents. If he had rolled a 65,
he would have not hit since the negative roll modifier for
target shooting may only be subtracted when a standard
hit roll has already succeeded.

With these rules any opponent could get lucky with that
second roll, I hear players already complaining. The
only answer I have is that critical hits are extremely rare
and that in playtesting had little effect in most battles. If,
however, after many adventures, a cherished character got
hit badly, this is no reason to despair because the medicine
and surgery of the Frontier worlds can help the critical
hit victim with various prostheses. And although
replacing a natural part of the body is not without
disadvantages, they can be overcome with training.

The XP cost for learning Target Shooting is twice the cost

for learning a weapon skill of the same level. (i.e learning
level 1 is 6 XP for someone with the Military PSA and 12
XP for anyone else. Level 2 would be 12 and 24 XP
respectively, and so forth.)

Some Suggestions
Artificial Arm: Costs 3000 Cr. (the price of a prosthesis
always includes the material price and attaching it in a
hospital). If a character has an artificial arm, he must
deduct 10% of his skill level.


Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

The Frogg That Kissed the Prince

Tom Verreault

Prince Vasselloff of the Royal Family of Clarion was
attacked on a boating tour of the Karimeko Rain Forest of
Clarion. He and many of his Royal Guard bodyguards
were all injured but are listed in stable condition at the
Royal Valentina Hospital. Other reports of disappearances
in the Karimeko Rain Forest have been surfacing and the
Crown is dispatching a team to investigate.
The Karimeko region is a 10 million square kilometer rain
forest. Near its center is a 10 kilometer high plateau of
granite that is the only suitable location for an airport in
the whole region. This landing field was originally an
emergency landing site for space-capable craft needing a
safe landing zone in this region, but it has grown into a
rough star port used by privately owned vessels (yachts).
There are several waterfalls that let rain water escape from
the plateau and at the base of one of these is the outpost
Karimeko Falls which is where fishing and science
expeditions usually set out into the rain forest.

Small Carnivore


1 to 10


Very Fast


8 / 80






10m (leap)


3 points

Special Attack:


Special Defense:

Camouflage allows surprise

85% of the time

Poison Variant: The above file is the standard model

developed on Starmist but the poison variant is a new
development. This frogg has a special attack of poison
mucous on its body. Any contact with the frogg (a
successful attack by the frogg or by the character upon the
frogg or bare handed examination of a recently killed or
captured frogg) requires a STA check or poisoning results.
If the frogg has successfully bitten the character the STA
check has a -20 modifier. The poison is not potent: S3/T5
(3 points of damage per turn for 5 turns) but if multiple
froggs bite one character it could be deadly. The medic
subskill Neutralize Toxins need only be used once to
neutralize the poison form multiple bites.

Deep Background
(Referees eyes only)
On the planet Starmist a secret sathar lab developed
weaponized versions of at least 10 common and harmless
creatures found throughout the Frontier sector. One was
native to Clarion: the frog. [NOTE: if the Starmist module
was played in your local game adjust this background to
match the results of that game.] The frogs are native to
Clarion and its wet environment. As stated in the
Sundown on Starmist module, they are harmless and
virtually invisible in the environment. However, it appears
that samples of the bio-engineered weaponized frogg
made it off Starmist and a sathar agent has introduced it
on Clarion. This invasive species has become an
infestation in the Karimeko Rain Forest and is wiping out
most other species of creature it displaces as well as
killing some sapient beings.

Note: the referee may use both variants of frog or simply

use only the poison variant for the increase in hazard to
the player characters.

The Sathar Agent

Reginold Golly, aka Ringo Galaxy, is a charter ship
captain who recently upgraded from a system ship to a
corvette class ship. He is a sathar agent and the sathar
financed his new ship. Hes used it to smuggle colonies of
froggs into the Karimeko Rain Forest. When not running a
charter he typically rendezvous with a sathar ship beyond
the asteroid belt and returns with the weaponized froggs to
the rough landing port at the Karimeko Plateau.

Frogg constructs resemble frogs from Clarion. They are

totally invisible in most terrain and attack instantly by
leaping for the face of any character for a successful bite
causing 3 points of damage. If they miss, they disappear
into the surroundings. Only a character with a RS equal or
better than the frogg has the chance to hit one. The froggs
attack with surprise 85% of the time. Each attacks
randomly only once.

Ringo Galaxy (STA 50; RS 55; PS 3; IM 6; RW 65;

Melee 50) Skiensuit, power belt pack, albedo screen,
gyro-jet pistol, 2 clips, 2 tangler grenades, sonic sword

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Issue 12 Spring 2015

Ringos Luck (corvette class ship: HP 25, Weapons LC &
LB, Defenses RH & MS x2; ADF 3; MR 3: DCR 60,
Other: radar & external camera systems). Crew: Captain
Ringo: pilot; Bob the Blob: astrogator, & Singhai:
engineer. Referee note: substitute other corvette stats as
desired and use the corvette deck plans in Star
Frontiersman #17 or the Red Thunder from issue 9 of the
Frontier Explorer.

turn supports his theory of the Lake Jochmess Monster

being an as yet undiscovered creature. He will try to get
the player characters to confirm the existence of
carnivorous frogs even before their investigation is
underway and will be a nuisance about it.

The Fisherman
The reports of disappearances in the Karimeko region are
the highest theyve been in twenty years and one report
included a survivors testimony of a fisherman (Jake
Trout) who lost his fishing partner to leapin carnivorous
frogs. Trout was sued by the family of his partner for
wrongful death and has since dropped out of sight so that
only his news footage interview is available to the players.
It describes a basic instant attack with the victim falling
overboard and Jake fleeing the scene when his friend
never surfaced under a storm of frog attacks. The
consensus is that Mr. Trout never waited to help his friend
and simply ran in panic. Several bite marks can be seen in
the holo footage. Initially he was not believed and his
friends body was never found.

Bob the Blob, dralasite (STA 40; RS 30; PS 4; IM 4; RW

40; Melee 35) Albedo suit, laser pistol, power belt pack.
Singhai, yazirian (STA 35; RS 55; PS 3; IM 6; RW 55;
Melee 50) Skeinsuit, electric sword with clip, laser pistol,
power belt pack.

The Player Characters

Depending on the skill system being used, at least one
character should have environmental or biology skills.
The bulk of the player characters should also be in service
to the Monarchy, either Royal Marines, Royal Guard, or
even Royal Mounted Constables who act as a planetary
police force and wilderness rangers. It may be that Star
Law will assign an agent to the team to investigate the
possibility that this is a sathar plot, though he will not
disclose any information on the Starmist File till he
confirms that these are indeed the sathar constructs from

Poking Around
The players will need to venture into the jungle by boat
(provided) from Karimeko Falls. The included map shows
the region surrounding Karimeko Landing and the falls.

Weapons skills will come in handy by the end of the

adventure when the team boards a handy Royal Marine
assault scout to run down Captain Ringo and his ship.

They will reach the site of the attack on the Prince within
3 days and experience typical jungle encounters. The
jungle will be mysteriously empty and quiet around the
area of the attack and rotting carcasses of small creatures
killed by the froggs may be found.

Investigating the

Eventually the player characters will be attacked. If they

managed to kill or capture a frogg the investigation can
transition to hard evidence.
A character with environmental skill (or similar) can
analyze both frog samples and the ecosystem as per the
subskills in the Alpha Dawn rules. Specimen tests will
reveal that they are similar but do not match any known
frog species found on Clarion.

Interviewing the Bodyguards

If the players think to interview the bodyguards, they will
describe carnivorous frogs leaping for the face and biting
off chunks of flesh and possibly the poison feature to the
attack. No data is available on the poison as the effects of
the poison were over before they reached medical
facilities. The prince is in seclusion till the plastic
surgeons can fix the severe damage to his face and is not
available for questioning at this time. Note: there has
never been a frog of this type discovered by science on the
planet Clarion.

The Crypto Coot

At some point before the player character hit the jungle,
they may encounter John Sweden, a writer and
cryptozoological enthusiast. John believes in unknown
lake monsters like the Jockmess Lake monster rumored to
be living in Lake Jockmess 500 km from Valentina, the
capitol city. Hes heard reports of the carnivorous frogs
and is touting them as an undiscovered creature which in
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Tom Verreault

Frontier Explorer

Map Legend

Investigating the

Karimeko Landing
Karimeko Falls
Site of oldest infestation
Site of Prince Vasselloffs attack
Site of Newest infestation

Having learned that these froggs are an introduced species

and having a timeline on when that happened may lead
the PCs to discover the seeming coincidence that the start
of each infestation is timed to the arrival of Ringos Luck
to the plateau above Karimeko Falls. If the players check
the records, the only ship or vehicle to arrive in the region
at the time the infestations began is Ringos Luck. If they
ask around further, they will learn that Captain Ringo also
likes to rent a boat and go fishing when he visits though
he never seems to catch any fish.

A full resolution version of this map is available from

the Frontier Explorer website in the High-Res Maps
If there is a Star Law member of the party looking into a
Starmist connection he can reveal his secret knowledge
about the frogg weapon developed by the sathar on
Starmist at this time. If no Star Law agent is present,
allow the environmentalist to conclude that this creature is

Ringos Luck is not on planet at this time. Captain Ringo

filed a flight plan listing the ship as on private charter
and stopping at Planaron Station to take on atomic fuel. A
spacer will think it is odd that he did not top at Clarion
station where atomic fuel is cheaper. Planaron station has
fuel available for prospectors and mining ships but usually
at a markup for the convenience of saving such customers
the trip to Clarion for fuel. Note: Planaron station was
detailed in Frontier Explorer #1:

An analyze ecosystem check will reveal that the froggs

are an infestation planted in various locations. Based on
the rate of expansion by this invasive species, one
infestation is approximately 40 days old and another is
approximately 20 days old. Note that an analyze
ecosystem check takes 200 hours and characters are
typically active for 10 hours out of a 20 hour GST day.
Normally this would require 20 days but you can allow
characters doing this skill check to make it after 10 GST
days of jungle exploration rather than let it drag on.

Tracking Ringos Luck

If the players have already been active as Royal Marines,
they may already have an assault scout assigned as their

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Issue 12 Spring 2015

ship and can use this. If they are a scratch built team for
this investigation, they will be assigned a ship with
minimal crew who will run the ship while the player
characters continue their investigation.

Luck. The crews of the corvette are sathar agents and will
fight to the death. The sathar observer will be on the
bridge rigging the main computer with the 5 kilos of TD19 to prevent its capture by the Royal Marines. The side
effects of detonating the explosive will be his death and a
hull breach that blows his mangled body into vacuum.
Require the player characters to make a RS check to grab
onto something and save them from also being blown into
space during the rapid decompression of the ships bridge.

Ringos Luck did indeed dock at Planaron station briefly

to take on atomic fuel and while the ships engineer,
Singhai, was loading that, he was also seen purchasing 5
kilos of TD-19 and a variable timer. Blasting compound
like TD-19 is readily available on a mining station like
Planaron so its purchase did not raise suspicions, but
clearly a ships engineer could not be in more than one
place unless possibly a holo screen was in use. It was the
passenger on board the ship that purchased the explosives
(see below) as by the time of the corvettes docking at
Planaron, word of the attack on the Prince had reached the
station and this passenger is making contingency plans.

A referee should apply damage to decks that would fit the

damage observed in the ship to ship combat. Some deck
may already be in vacuum having lost their atmosphere.
All beings on the corvette will be in vacuum suits.

The sathar, as per their long range goals to disrupt
Frontier civilization, have introduced an invasive species
to Clarion that may prove impossible to eradicate. The
Prince will need to undergo plastic surgery to undo the
damage done to his face. The player characters will be
commended for a job well done if they unravel this sathar
plot. If the corvette is captured the prize courts will grant
approximately 3000 to 8000 credits per surviving crew
and team member on all three of the assault scouts with
ship captains gaining a double share.

Catching the Ringos Luck

The players can play out a KHs scenario where 3 assault
scouts run Ringos Luck to ground and disable it. Captain
Ringo will refuse to heave to and be boarded due to the
presence of his passenger (a sathar observer). He is also
hoping that the sathar ship hes supposed to rendezvous
with will show up soon.
Place the Ringos Luck in the center of the map with a
speed of 10 and 3 assault scouts on 3 different map edges
(one long edge and two short edges) with a speeds of 12.
A sathar destroyer with a speed of 20 will turn up in 4 to 9
turns (1d6+3) on the long map side that
did not have an assault scout. The
destroyer will not slow down but will
close with the corvette and fire on it to
destroy it before accelerating off the
map. The referee may use whats known
as referee fiat to destroy the ships
engines in this attack.


The players may opt to have the assault

scout with their characters close with and
board the corvette while the other two
ships continue to chase the destroyer.
The chase of the destroyer may be
handled in an abstract manner. There is a
high likelihood that two undamaged
assault scouts, pursuing a sathar
destroyer within the range of their
weapons, can outright destroy it. This is
because the destroyers heavy weapons
are forward fire and it lacks the ADF and
MR to effectively turn and engage the
smaller assault scouts; nor can it outrun

Going On-board
Use one of the suggested corvette deck
plans to run the boarding of Ringos

Scott Mulder

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Frontier Explorer

Gandalf was a Level Six

Technician and a dralasite
Tom Verreault
Thirty seven years ago an article was published in Dragon
#5 (March 77) titled, Gandalf was a 5th level Wizard.
In it the author analyzed the displayed magic of Gandalf
against the D&D magic system and came to the
conclusion that you could simulate Gandalf with nothing
more than a 5th level magic user in D&D.

attempt to unlock the door to Moria. He would have

computer skills for writing the code to modify
holographic devices and for his ability to delve into
archives and research clues. It would seem he has
considerable skill with a sword so hed have melee
weapons skill and, as suggested above, a level or two of
beam weapon skill. In The Two Towers he breaks
Sarumans hold on King Theoden and this would be done
with the psycho-social skill in Star Frontiers. Finally,
upon interrogating Pippen concerning the Palantr, he
declared, there was no lie in him, which is best
simulated by the dralasite ability, lie detection.

I would contend that Gandalf was very conservative with

his power and only ever used the minimal amount
necessary for the situation at hand. In the setting of
Middle Earth the display of power could and usually did
draw the attention of dark powers. My opinion is that
Gandalf the Gray was simply in the habit of avoiding
ostentatious displays of power. His career as the Gray
Wizard was that of working behind the scenes and
remaining unnoticed. When he assumed or was promoted
to the rank of White Wizard he then came out in the open
more than his entire career as the Gray Wizard.

My gut feeling is that he should be a level 6th technician

who likes to tinker with things. He puts on a good
fireworks show when visiting friends on outpost or low
population colonies by reprograming holo flares with
much more exciting displays. He carries a walking staff
he built to function as a laser but is rugged enough for
melee combat. Hes programmed holo screen disks to
subtly make himself more imposing (+15% to PER

A role playing game is simply a system of simulating

action within a setting. Setting aside the pitfalls of forcing
a fictional character to fit a game system, lets consider
Gandalf as a Star Frontiers NPC.

Gandalf the Gray

Dollof the Gray, a

Star Frontiers NPC

A lot of his displayed magic is easily performed with

a few items from the equipment list; the flashlight,
the everflame, the laser rifle, the holo flare, the holoscreen, and the stun or flash bang grenade. In the
mines of Moria, he used his staff to light the way but
only enough so that the party could see where they
were going; ie as a flashlight. In the fir
trees he lit the pine cones on fire and
cast them down amongst the wargs, a
feat easily duplicated with the
everflame. His fireworks at Bilbos
party would be nothing more than
holo flares. Other magical effects
would be easily duplicated with
skillful use of the holo-screen.
The lightning flash that laid
the Goblin King low could
have been either a laser rifle
set to 20 SEU or a few
well-placed grenades.
As for skills he almost
technician skill for the

Species: Dralasite Sex: Neuter

Handedness: N/A
Walking: 5m/turn Running: 20m/turn Hourly: 3 km

Ability Scores

IM: 4 PS: 3
Ranged Weapon: 43%
Melee Weapon: 65%

PSA: Technological
Skills: Melee 4, Technician 6,
Computer 4, Beam 2, Psych-social 2
Lie Detection: 35%
Elasticity - 5 limbs

Skiensuit, holoscreen,
power beltpack, Techkit,
everflame, flashlight, 10
holoflares, 2 stun grenades,
Dollofs Staff, and a hovercycle he
calls Shadowfast

Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


Issue 12 Spring 2015

Dollofs Staff






As a staff







As a laser



20 SEU clip

1 to 20


This item is unique, being specially designed and made by

Dollof itself. The staff is has a federanium housing and
the working guts of a laser rife. There is a retractable
knife mount at the beam emitter end of the staff which
will hold a flash light but not a knife as its too far back
from the end. The staff counts as a concealed weapon and
because of the special housing it will remain undetected to
scanning 95% of the time. Because of the design it is not
as effective as a laser rifle; -5% modifier to use as a rifle
but Dollof ignores this penalty. Its range is not as great as
a laser rifle having no effective extreme range. The staff
will not break in combat even if the wielder rolls a critical
failure (though a referee might rule that the laser part is
inoperable until serviced). Dollof can open and service his
staff at any time but anyone else is at -20% to open it until
he has successfully done so at least once.

He will not seek out combat but is not afraid of it,

especially if companions are threatened. His weapon of
preference is his staff, preferring to not advertise the laser
feature. He will use his holo screen along with his psychsocial skill and PER checks to influence others. His holo
flares are for entertainment or distractions. He is an expert
as picking locks and disarming alarms and traps and he
has spent enough time with Tetrarch artifacts that he no
longer suffers the -20% penalty for operating alien
equipment when dealing with things of Tetrarch origin.

Value: 1,500 Cr

Dollof is an interesting character. Hes travelled the
Frontier (and beyond) studying ancient alien artifacts.
Hes known for wearing a gray trench coat and a
rumpled blue hat with a brim. Some say hes an
archaeologist, some a college professor, and
others just a crazy old coot. He does have
a lively personality and sense of
humor but does not suffer fools
He has contacts and
friends on almost any
outpost or low population
colony as well as at major
institutions of learning
like the University of
Zebulon and the Triad
Institute of Technology.
including Star Law, are
suspicious of him. He has
been known to recruit
teams of adventurers for
expeditions into uncharted
colonies as well as
unexplored star systems.

Tom Verreault

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)


He is always careful with sharing his motives and usually

there are deeper layers to what he has revealed. He can
give the impression that he believes the Frontier sector
could be in danger from ancient alien artifacts whether
they be of sathar, clikk, or tetrarch origin.

Dollofs Staff

Mass: 3 kg

Range (PB/S/M/L/E)

Frontier Explorer

Universe RPG
Tom Verreault

The Step-cousin of Star

Universe, The Role Playing Game of the Future was
published by SPI in 1981. One of the developers was an
experienced Traveler referee who was attempting to fix
the problems of that system. When SPI experienced
financial difficulties it was bought by TSR making it the
step-cousin of Star Frontiers till it was quietly phased
out. The last official reference to it was in the Ares section
of Dragon magazine #87 which gave the impression that
the game was going to receive continued support in Ares.
The game was noted for its map of the 30 light years
surrounding Earth which included all known stars in a 3d
system and is still considered a thing of beauty and one of
the best science fiction maps in RPGs. Many sections of
the rule system were praised as perfect to drop into any
other system. However, combat resolution was universally
panned as clunky and the setting as too thin.
One supplement was a game compatible with Universe
called Star Trader. Its a mini game involving interstellar
commerce which might be of interest to gamers today.
Universe was discontinued in favor of Star Frontiers. Its
trademark was allowed to expire and appears to have not
been renewed. Later when TSR was acquired by Wizards

of the Coast, part of the TSR catalog was sold to Decision

Games and Universe appear to have fallen through the
cracks. PDFs of the rules and many of the supplements are

Whats Up Next?
We hope you enjoyed this issue of the Frontier Explorer.
We already have a set of articles lined up for the next issue
dealing with creatures as mounts and rules for races. If
you have articles ideas or stories related to those topics feel
free to submit them for inclusion. Wed love to have them.
If you have other ideas that arent related to that particular
topic, submit them as well. Articles related to a given
topic typically only take up a part of the magazine. We
always have room for other items as well.
And dont forget to check out our Patreon page and
consider becoming a patron of the two Star Frontiers
magazines to help support their production. See you next
time and keep exploring!
Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

Paul D Gallagher (order #7128536)

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