Jody Wilson-Raybould CC-SOC Presentation Dec 2013
Jody Wilson-Raybould CC-SOC Presentation Dec 2013
Jody Wilson-Raybould CC-SOC Presentation Dec 2013
Adopt principles of recognition and reconciliation based on section 35, reflect the state of the
law, and where Canada acknowledges the historical rights of our peoples as the starting point for
Draw a distinction between the core of Aboriginal rights and title that are implemented without
any negotiations and non-core that require negotiations with our respective Nations.
To operationalize the principles of recognition and reconciliation, adopt a broad, governmentwide (horizontal) reconciliation framework that would apply to all departments and officials and
guide Crown conduct in engagement with our Nations.
Support a range of reconciliation options and transition tools in furtherance of Nation rebuilding,
including the negotiation of modern treaties, cooperative agreements and other constructive
Review all federal laws and policies from the perspective of the principles of recognition and
reconciliation to address inconsistencies and deficiencies.
To ensure federal officials have the authority/mandates to engage and reconcile based on all the
options available.
Each Nation to develop its vision and strategy to support Nation rebuilding and
implementing Aboriginal title and rights, including treaty rights.
Determine structures and institutions of core governance (post-Indian Act). For
example, development of a constitution.
Determine land base, where appropriate, of the Nation and address any issues of
exclusivity and/or overlap/shared territories with neighbouring Nations.
Determine areas of jurisdiction that Nation seeks to exercise and the policies of the
Nation guiding the exercise of that jurisdiction (including any laws).
Consider where aggregation with broader tribe or group may be warranted for
particular jurisdiction and what machinery of government is required.
Ensure process for community engagement to develop and then ratify (legitimize)
Nation rebuilding work.
Identify plans and priorities that require reconciliation negotiations with the Crown.
To assist our Nations in their Nation rebuilding work through, for example, the
sharing of information, providing tools, and by encouraging dialogue between
and among our Nations.
To create the space through advocacy and lobbying for our Nations (either
individually or in groups) to engage directly with the Crown in the advancement
of their own reconciliation objectives and priorities when they are ready, willing
and able.
With respect to Nations with unextinguished Aboriginal title, to shift current
federal policy falsely premised on our Nations making claims to a policy
framework based on principles of recognition and reconciliation.
Types of Agreements
Federal Legislation
Transition from the Indian Act
Provincial Territorial Relations
Administration / Dispute Resolution
Reconciliation Conferences
Moving Forward
Continue to support our Nations and the
Nation rebuilding agenda and the use of
multiple strategies.
Holding additional regional strategy sessions
across Canada AFN, other PTOs and our
Political advocacy to maintain pressure for
reforms to federal policy and legislation
Coordination with Treaty Implementation SOC
Special Chiefs Assembly 2013