Water Quality: Development of An Index To Assess Country Performance
Water Quality: Development of An Index To Assess Country Performance
Water Quality: Development of An Index To Assess Country Performance
country performance
The development of a composite index of water quality will allow assessment of the
overall quality of inland surface water resources as it relates to both human and aquatic
ecosystem health.
Policy Focus
Water is ranked as second only to oxygen as essential for all life, and access to fresh
water and sanitation services is a precondition to all the other internationally agreed goals
and targets, including the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were
established by the United Nations in 2000 and expanded upon in 2002 at the World
Summit on Sustainable Development. While water quality management contributes both
directly and indirectly to achieving all eight MDGs, it is most closely tied to the targets of
Goal 7, to ensure environmental sustainability (UNEP GEMS/Water 2007).
By focusing on water quality, water, sanitation and aquatic biodiversity targets of the
MDGs can be met. The way we perceive nature and the value of the goods and services
that aquatic resources provide to people is fundamental to peace, security and prosperity.
Water is vital to the survival of ecosystems, and in turn ecosystems help to regulate the
quantity and quality of water.
From a human health perspective, it is estimated that 1.1 billion people do not have
access to safe drinking water. However, if an initial investment is made to improve the
quality of water, the economic benefits will increase. For example, people with access to
safer, cleaner and healthier water and sanitation facilities would become sick less often,
and reduce the burden on health care. They would also be able to lead more productive
lives (WHO/UNICEF JMP 2004).
From an environmental perspective, the maintenance of good quality water is essential to
the protection of aquatic life and reducing the loss of aquatic biodiversity. The demand to
supply water for domestic, agricultural, and/or industrial use to a growing population has
led to extensive modifications of inland waters (UNEP GEMS/Water 2006). These
modifications have led to habitat loss, pollution, introduction of invasive species and
manipulation of flows by the construction of dams and levees, which has ultimately
resulted in losses of biodiversity. The loss is so great that the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) described inland waters as one of the most threatened ecosystem types
of all and that biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems is declining faster than for any other
biome (CBD, 2001). The monitoring of water quality on a global basis is essential for
isolating areas that are declining in water quality and establishing successful techniques
in areas of improvement.
There are many different physical and chemical parameters that can be used to measure
water quality and, therefore, there is no one answer to the question of what is water
quality (UNEP GEMS/Water 2006). Water quality may be assessed in terms of, among
others, quality for life (e.g., the quality of water needed for human consumption),
quality for food (e.g., the quality of water needed to sustain agricultural activities), or
quality for nature (e.g., the quality of water needed to support a thriving and diverse
fauna and flora in a region) and the selection of parameters used to assess the quality of
water depends largely on the intended use of the body of water.
By regularly monitoring the physical and chemical makeup of water quality, it is possible
to detect changes (both good and bad) and implement response measures to mitigate
detrimental change before a situation worsens. Monitoring data are essential in
identifying hot spots or areas of concern that require immediate attention; in other words,
it enables attention to be focused where it is needed the most. At the same time, water
quality monitoring data can be used to track response to management regimes aimed at
improving water quality.
From a global perspective, it is important to identify a few consistent measurements that
provide insight into the general quality of surface waters and that can be monitored
easily, by all, on a regular basis. The parameters used here to quantify water quality on a
country by country basis were chosen to represent a number of key environmental issues
that have global relevance, including organic pollution, nutrient pollution, acidification,
and salinisation, and together allow an assessment of overall water quality. The
parameters are not meant to be all encompassing; that is, they cannot necessarily identify
specific contaminants or assess the suitability of the water for specific uses. However, by
using these parameters it is possible to assess and compare the general status of surface
water quality in relation to environmental concerns.
The following section outlines the five water quality parameters chosen for inclusion in
the water quality index.
Low DO can occur due to the addition of organic pollutants and nutrients that fuel
bacterial and algal production and respiration, leading to the net consumption of oxygen
in the water column (Correll, 1998; Barton and Tayler, 1996). Sources of such pollutants
include agricultural runoff from manure and fertilizer, municipal areas (municipal
wastewater effluent and stormwater drainage), and industrial areas (e.g., pulp and paper
mill effluents). As such, the measure of dissolved oxygen will provide a good indication
of the state of inland water with respect to nutrient and/or organic pollution.
pH, which is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a water body, is an important
parameter of water quality in inland waters in that it can affect aquatic organisms both
directly through impairing respiration, growth and development of fish, and indirectly,
through increasing the bioavailability of certain metals such as aluminium and nickel.
The effects of pH have been well documented in both fish (Alabaster and Lloyd, 1982;
Fromm, 1980; Schofield, 1976) and invertebrates (Hendrey et al, 1976). pH is also
important in assessing the suitability of water for drinking (WHO, 2004).
Acidification in aquatic environments can occur naturally by the breakdown of organic
matter resulting in organic acids, by acid precipitation which is related to air emissions of
sulfuric and nitric oxides from predominantly industrial sources, or through discharge of
acid mine drainage and some industrial effluents (UNEP GEMS/Water 2006). Aquatic
organisms have differing tolerances to acidic waters, but species diversity generally
decreases as pH of a body of water declines. Young organisms tend to be more sensitive
to acidic waters than adults, which can impair reproductive success of some species
(UNEP GEMS/Water 2006).
The inclusion of pH into a general index of water quality will provide a good indication
of the state of inland water with respect to acidification and to the suitability of water for
Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to carry an electric current which is
dependent on the presence of ions. It is often used as an indirect measure of salinity and
total dissolved solids (TDS). Total dissolved solids can also be estimated from
conductivity by multiplying conductivity by an empirical factor (APHA, 1995).
Increases in salinity have been shown to reduce biodiversity and alter community
composition by excluding sensitive species (Weber-Scannell and Duffy, 2007). An
inverse relationship between salinity and aquatic biodiversity has been documented
(Derry et al, 2003).
Inorganic compounds are good conductors compared to organic compounds and, as such,
increases in conductivity can occur due to the input of industrial effluents, such as metal
mining, making conductivity a good indicator of inorganic pollution. Salinity is of
particular concern in agricultural areas where low conductivity is used to determine
suitability of water for agricultural use (Hart et al, 1991). High salinity and/or TDS levels
are also of concern when determining suitability of water for drinking due to
objectionable taste (WHO, 2004). Therefore, measuring conductivity will provide a good
indication of the state of inland water with respect to the suitability of water for both
aquatic life, and for treatment for agriculture and drinking.
Water quality monitoring data are most easily interpreted when there is a benchmark or
target for a parameter against which individual observations may be compared: in some
cases, a target may be a human or ecological threshold beyond which life is impaired; in
other cases, a target may be a historical value or a natural background concentration that
can serve as a goal for water quality management programmes to reach through
intervention and protection of water resources.
Setting realistic targets for water quality is essential to identifying areas of concern as
well as to working towards improving water quality on a station by station and country by
country basis. Probably the most widely recognized international targets for water
quality are the World Health Organization Drinking Water Quality Guidelines (WHO
2004) and although these are an excellent resource for ensuring safe drinking water
quality and protecting human health, they do not address issues of environmental
degradation of aquatic resources.
By comparison, there are a number of baseline, threshold, guideline or standard values
for different water quality parameters that have been set or proposed at the national and
regional levels for the protection of ecosystem health (UNEP GEMS/Water 2006). These
guidelines have been established by nations or regions that have comprehensive
monitoring programmes such as Australia and New Zealand (The Australian and New
Zealand Environment and Conservation Council), the European Union (The Water
Since dissolved oxygen is temperature dependent, targets for the global water quality
index developed here were chosen such that monitoring stations where average water
temperatures are > 20 C must have a minimum DO concentration of 6 mg L-1; stations
with cooler average water temperatures (i.e., 20 C) must have a minimum DO
concentration of 9.5 mg L-1.
pH target
The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 1999) set a guideline of
pH 6.5 9.0 for the protection of aquatic life. That is, pH should not measure below 6.5
or above 9.0. This target is in agreement with the US EPA (US EPA 2006), Australian
water quality guidelines (ANZECC, 1992) and the European Union (EEA, 2006). In
addition WHO (2004) suggest an optimum pH range of 6.5-9.5 for drinking water; if the
pH was out of this range, the suitability of the water for drinking would be markedly
impaired. Brazilian water quality guidelines for Class 1 waters recommend that pH be
between 6.0 and 9.0 (Brazil 1986).
The target range for pH used in the global index of water quality developed here is pH =
6.5 to 9.0.
Conductivity target
The mean salinity of the worlds rivers is approximately 120 mg l-1 TDS (Weber-Scannell
and Duffy, 2007) which converts to approximately 220 S cm-1. However, conductivities
in fresh waters can range between 10 and 1,000 S cm-1 and in highly polluted rivers
conductivities can exceed 1000 s cm-1 (Chapman, 1996).
A number of studies have identified the effects of TDS on aquatic organisms. These
include reduced egg survival and fertilization rates in fish (Peterka, 1972) as well as
reduced productivity and growth in algae (LeBlond and Duffy 2001, Sorensen et al,
1977) at concentrations above 275 mg L-1 TDS (approximately 500 s cm-1). Derry et al
(2003) found that when TDS increased from 270 to 1170 mg L-1 (approximately 500 to
1500 S cm-1), populations of the aquatic plants Ceratophyllum demersum and Typha sp.
were nearly eliminated.
There are no globally agreed upon guidelines or targets for TDS or conductivity.
Australia and New Zealand have set guidelines for salinity that include a conversion to
conductivity (ANZECC, 1992). Default trigger values (which refer to slightly to
moderately disturbed rivers) for conductivities for upland and lowland rivers nationally in
Australia range between 120 and 300 s cm-1. Brazil (1986) recommends that total
dissolved solids not exceed 500 mg L-1 (~ 780 S cm-1) for class 1 fresh waters, used for
the protection of aquatic life, irrigation of crops, and recreation.
Based on this information a conductivity target of 500 S cm-1 was chosen.
Nutrients target
Although considerable research has been conducted to identify benchmarks for good
nutrient concentrations in inland waters, natural variability in background concentrations
and the fact that nutrients are rarely present in concentrations that are toxic to aquatic
organisms makes it difficult to set global water quality targets (UNEP GEMS/Water
2006; Dodds et al. 1998; Dodds 2002; Wetzel 2003). Thus, nitrogen and phosphorus
targets for the derivation of a global water quality index were chosen to reflect the
average boundary concentration between mesotrophic and eutrophic/hypereutrophic
systems (reviewed in Table 1, Appendix 1). Dissolved nutrient forms, which tend to
cycle very rapidly through aquatic environments, can range from <1 to nearly 100 % of
total nutrient concentrations across a broad range of aquatic environments, making it
difficult to set boundary concentrations for dissolved forms (Dodds 2003). Target
concentrations for dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus were set at one half total nutrient
concentrations; ammonia concentrations were set at 1/10 of the dissolved nitrogen target,
since ammonia concentrations typically are quite low relative to total nitrogen
Potential metrics
Because water quality is a function of a number of different physical and chemical
parameters measured during routine water quality monitoring, as outlined above, a global
index of the general status of water quality, ranked on a country by country basis, is best
developed as a composite index of several key parameters.
Data issues
Despite attention paid by GEMS/Water and other agencies to ensure the quality of data
maintained within water quality monitoring databases, there are a number of issues that
GEMS/Water and most other water quality monitoring programmes face in the collection
of water quality data. A major concern in any water quality monitoring programme is
ensuring good geographic representation of monitoring stations and temporal coverage of
the same water quality parameters within the area of interest.
At the global scale, approximately 100 countries have provided GEMS/Water with water
quality data since the late 1970s. However, the reporting of data is inconsistent, with
some countries only supplying a year or two of data and others supplying data on a
regular basis. The types of parameters are also inconsistent; certain countries only supply
basic water quality parameters, whereas others supply specific parameters (metals,
pesticides or bacteria) with little or no basic water quality data (i.e. no dissolved oxygen,
pH or conductivity). In addition, some countries only supply data from one or a few
monitoring stations, or, from mainly impacted sites with very little data from nonimpacted or baseline sites, whereas other countries provide water quality data for almost
all of their national monitoring stations, representing a gradient from relatively pristine to
heavily impacted sites. Considerable efforts have been made in recent years to improve
reporting consistency among countries and to increase global coverage; however, legacy
issues remain in the database, and these reflect inconsistent reporting patterns through
time and space.
The parameters chosen to be included in the development of a water quality index for the
EPI were selected for two reasons. First, they are good indicators of specific issues
relevant on a global basis (eutrophication, nutrient pollution, acidification, salinization).
Second, the parameters were chosen because they are the most consistently reported; that
is, we have the most data for these parameters compared to other relevant parameters that
were not included.
the index, which represents the most complete picture of surface water globally, to our
Country index scores were adjusted according to the density of all monitoring stations
(i.e., not just the stations included in index computations), to account for the fact that
some countries monitor and report water quality for many stations, whereas other
countries report and monitor water quality for only a few stations. Countries with high
station densities ( 1 station / 1000 km2 populated land area) received no adjustment to
their scores, whereas countries with very low station densities ( 1 station / 10,000,000
km2) had index values that were adjusted down by up to 80% (Appendix 2).
Countries were ranked from highest to lowest index scores to illustrate the gradient from
good to poor water quality (Figure 1).
Serbia and Montenegro
Bosnia and Herzegovina
LAO People's Democratic Republic
KOREA, Republic of
IRAN, Islamic Republic of
TANZANIA, The United Republic of
Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of
CONGO, Democratic Republic of the
French Guiana
Czech Republic
Cote d'Ivoire
Figure 1. National water quality index rankings. A score of 100 indicates water quality targets were met for all five parameters.
Number of parameters
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Average WQI
Figure 2. Relationship between the final version of the WQI and the number of parameters included. Data
are mean country level WQIs. Error bars are standard errors.
The final version of the WQI was designed to balance the need for complete datasets with
a need for increased country coverage in order to provide the most global picture possible
for water quality. This necessarily involved making decisions and setting criteria for
inclusion of data and penalties for under-reporting of water quality information. It would
not be surprising to see many countries improve in their overall rankings, simply by
reporting data for additional water quality parameters or by reporting data for a more
comprehensive monitoring network. Countries that were not included in the index at all
could be included in this global comparison simply by reporting water quality data to the
UNEP GEMS/Water Programme.
Parameter contributions
The parameters included in the WQI were chosen because they are good indicators of
common water quality problems (eutrophication, salinization, acidification, and organic
pollution) and because they are commonly reported to international agencies such as the
UNEP GEMS/Water Programme and the European Environment Agency. The majority
of stations met the targets set for dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity, whereas more
than half of the stations failed to meet nutrient targets set for the different forms of
phosphorus and nitrogen (Table 3). Correlation of the proximity-to-target (PTT) scores
for each parameter to the overall station WQIs provides insight into which parameters
most heavily influenced the national WQI values (Table 3). Nitrogen, phosphorus and
conductivity were most strongly correlated to station-level WQIs. pH was the only
parameter where PTT scores were not significantly correlated to WQIs, and dissolved
oxygen PTT scores were only very weakly correlated to WQIs.
Table 3. Summary proximity-to-target (PTT) scores for each parameter included in the
water quality index (WQI) and their correlation to the overall station WQI. Asterisks
denote significant correlations, such that * = P < 0.05 and ** = P << 0.0001
Median Minimum Maximum
% of Pearsons
to meet
Dissolved oxygen
99.5 (0.9)
98.8 (7.6)
94.1 (15.6)
82.1 (24.8)
89.0 (22.2)
Station WQI
85.5 (16.5)
Nutrient pollution appears to be driving factor in the WQI, with nutrients having the
highest correlation to the overall station WQI and the most number of stations that failed
to meet targets. The targets used in the index were developed based on a compilation of
scientific literature to reflect boundary concentrations between mesotrophic and eutrophic
systems. There are currently no global targets for nutrients in inland waters, mostly
because nutrients are not usually toxic to either aquatic organisms or humans, and natural
background concentrations can vary by orders of magnitude depending on underlying
geologies. Although site-specific targets could provide more reasonable estimates of true
exceedances beyond natural background nutrient conditions, it remains likely that
nutrient pollution would still be an important driving factor in the WQI. Eutrophication
of aquatic environments is a global concern, as municipal, industrial and agricultural
loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus continue to exceed natural loadings expected due to
rainfall and runoff from the drainage basin (UNEP GEMS/Water 2006).
Dissolved oxygen was only weakly correlated to the WQI, despite a reasonably high
exceedance rate (39%). The weak correlation is probably due to the fact that exceedances
from the target concentrations were small compared to the magnitude of deviations from
targets for parameters such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Thus, while PTT scores for
nitrogen and phosphorus were as low as 3 and 4 out of 100, the minimum recorded PTT
score for dissolved oxygen was 93.5, and the average score was 99.5 (Table 3). It is
possible that more stringent targets for dissolved oxygen would yield a larger spread in
PTT scores, but the targets derived here were based on the best available scientific
information and a review of existing guidelines and standards for the protection of
aquatic life.
The fact that only 6 % of monitoring stations failed to meet pH targets suggests that the
targets chosen to reflect acceptable pH conditions were too broad, making the WQI
insensitive to variations in pH. Given that different parts of the world are more sensitive
than others to the effects of acid precipitation, primarily because of their underlying
geology and the movement of atmospheric pollutants in their regions, it would make
sense to set regional targets to better reflect natural background conditions in different
parts of the world. This could improve the sensitivity of the WQI to pH, and better
reflect the issue of acidification on a global basis.
Conductivity was quite highly correlated to the WQI but had a comparatively low rate of
target exceedances on a station by station basis (18%, Table 3). There are two possible
explanations for this trend. First, conductivity is often well-correlated to nutrient
concentrations, suggesting that although conductivity may seldom fail to meet target
concentrations, the patterns in its recorded values may mimic those observed for
nutrients. In this case, PTT scores for nutrients and conductivity were significantly
correlated (Pearsons correlation coefficient for conductivity to phosphorus and nitrogen
were 0.26 and 0.30, respectively). The strength of the correlations between the raw
conductivity and nutrient concentrations was higher than the PTT correlations (0.26
Pearsons r 0.49), but likely not high enough to explain the overall strong correlation of
conductivity to the WQI.
The second possible explanation for the high correlation of conductivity to the WQI is the
fact that conductivity was the least well-represented of the parameters included in the
index, with only 73% of stations reporting conductivity compared to between 95 and 99
% reporting rates for the other parameters (Table 3). Analysis of variance of WQIs for
stations that did and did not report conductivity revealed that approximately 45% of the
variability in WQI was explained simply by the inclusion of conductivity in the index,
and this value corresponds to a correlation coefficient of ~ 0.67, which is closer to the
range of the linear correlation between WQI and conductivity PTT scores. Thus, it
appears likely that the linear correlation detected between conductivity PTT scores and
station level WQIs is due mostly to the presence or absence of conductivity in the index.
The observation that conductivitys presence or absence in the index could have a strong
effect on WQI scores, leads to the question of whether it should be completely removed
from the index because of under-reporting. A sensitivity analysis, where conductivity
was removed from the index and a new WQI was computed as the average of 4 instead of
5 parameters, revealed that the reduced WQI was still significantly correlated to the
original WQI (Pearsons r = 0.86). The strength of the correlation between the original
WQI and the reduced WQI with conductivity removed was not as great as the
correlations when other parameters were removed (correlation between WQI and reduced
WQIs with dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen and phosphorus removed: 0.96 Pearsons r
0.97), but it was still significant. Had the removal of conductivity from the overall
WQI yielded a non-significant correlation, strong justification would be provided for
entirely removing conductivity from this version of the index because of its strong effect
on index values, despite the fact that it seldom fails to meet targets. Thus, although the
eventual removal of conductivity may be warranted in future versions of the WQI, unless
better reporting of the metric is undertaken, its removal is not justified in this version.
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