Nyako IBR
Nyako IBR
Nyako IBR
Project Title
Water is one of the essential natural resources it is vital for all living organisms’ metabolic activities as well as human
health, food production and social economic development assisting local commerce and Industry (James M.S et al
2001). The source of all water over the earth is precipitation when rain falls, some flow on the ground surface to
streams or lakes some infiltrate into the ground and are used by plants and some percolate to contribute to ground
water while some evaporate to the atmosphere (Gedzelman, S.D student (DVD) 2009). Drinking water quality
requirements have been focused on elimination of pathogenic organisms for over 100 years. (Howard G, Ince M,
Smith M 2003) Drinking water supplies must also be safe in terms of chemical constituents of particular concern are
heavy metals, chlorinated hydro carbons and agricultural chemicals. Drinking water quality criteria are also suggested
in international guidelines produced by WHO which are adopted for regional application. The guidelines for drinking,
water quality of the world health organisation provide health-based guideline values for more than 100 Chemicals
(WHO/UNICEF 2008). The guidelines are advisory in nature. For most countries, however these guidelines provide
the scientific point of departure in deriving natural or supernational drinking water standards. (H. Dieter, 2011). The
significance of good quality drinking water cannot be ignored in the present time when pollution has almost become
an inescapable phenomenon (Arun Lal Srivastav, Tarandeep Kaur, 2020). Lack of quality drinking water along with
its contamination by microbes has lead half of the population in developing countries to suffer from health – related
issues (Anderson 1991). This quality deterioration of drinking water can be attributed to a number of contaminants
which could be physical, chemical is well as biological in nature. The physical and chemical characteristics of water
determine the quality of water in a particular area, some may have harmful effects on the people who use the water
for drinking. The concentration of harmful total dissolved materials in raw sewage water is similar to that found in
many ground water supplies used as drinking water (Tebbit T.H.Y 1990, Niel L.P et al P.93, 2003). In Kaltungo town,
the headquarters of Kaltungo Local Govt. area of Gombe State Nigeria, the residents depend largely on ground water
as the primary sources of domestic water, in which the water contain high deposit of chemicals. It has been noticed
that children between the ages of teething and thirteen years in Kaltungo town grow up with brown mottled (skinned)
teeth. Therefore, this research will help tackle the problems mentioned above by providing solution and its suitability
for drinking. Although much work has been done to date, on examination of quality status of drinking water
in various places. However, examination of quality status of drinking water in Kaltungo local government
has never been done.
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The United Nations (UN) set a goal in their millennium declaration to reduce the amount of people without
safe drinking water by half in the year 2015 (UN, 2000). Safe drinking water for human consumption
should be free from pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and protozoan parasites, meet the standard
guidelines for taste, odour, appearance and chemical concentrations and must be available in adequate
quantities for domestic purposes (Kirkwood 1998). However, inadequate sanitation and persistent faecal
contamination of water sources is responsible for a large percentage of people in both developed and
developing countries not having access to microbiologically safe drinking water and suffering from
diarrhoeal diseases (WHO, 1984). Micro biological contamination of the water may occur between the
collection point and the point of use in the household due to unhygienic practices causing the water to
become a health risk (Sobsey 1989; Gundry et al 2004; Moyo et al 2004) to improve and protect the
microbiological quality and to reduce the potential health risk of water to those households, intervention
strategies is needed that is easy to use effective, affordable, functional and sustainable (CDC, 2001; Sobsey,
2001). Many different water collection and storage systems have been developed and evaluated in the
Laboratory and under field conditions (Sobsey 2001) in addition, a variety of physical and chemical
treatment methods to improve the quality status of water are available (Sobsey, 2001). The aim of this study
is to improve on the quality status of drinking waters sources in Kaltungo Local Govt. Gombe State Nigeria.
The Microbiological Quality of Water
Water supplies in developing countries are devoid of treatment and the communities have to make use of
the most convenient supply (Sobsey 2001 Moyo et al 2006) many of these water supplies are unprotected
and susceptible to external contamination from surface runoff, wind-blown debris, human and animal faecal
pollution and unsanitary collection methods (Chidavaenzi et al 1998, WHO 2000; Moyo et al 2004).
Protection of each pathogenic micro- organism in water is technically difficult, time consuming and
expensive and therefore not used for routine water testing procedures (Grabow, 1996). Instead, indicator
organism is routinely used to assess the microbiological quality of water and provide an easy, rapid and
reliable indication of the micro biological quality of water supplies (Grabow, 1996).
Human and Animal Fecal Pollution in Water
Water polluted with human and animal faeces may contain potentially pathogenic micro-organism that can
cause diseases in consumers (Sobsey 1993, Gerba et al 1996; Grabow 1996; leclerc et al 2002; Theron and
cloete 2002). The most commonly used faecal indicator micro-organisms which include the total coliform
bacteria thermotolerant Coliform bacteria E- Coli and faecal enterococci bacteria are found in human and
animal faeces but not differentiated between the origins of faecal pollution (Sinton et al 1998).
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Some water contamination is likely to have a wide effect on the community because it can introduce new
pathogens in the home environment (Sobsey, 2001). However, several studies have reported that the
microbiological quality of the water deteriorate after collection, during transport and during storage the
point of use due to secondary contamination factors (Rajasekaran et al 2004, Lindskog & Lundqvist 1989;
Henry & Rahim 1990, Kaltenhaler & Drasar, 1996, Genthe et al 1997, Wright et al 2004). Due to the
distance and unavailability of piped water supplies on the dwelling or inside the households in many
developing regions of the world, people are forced to store their drinking water (Sobsey, 2002).
Research Gap
Although much work has been done to date, on examination of quality status of drinking water in various
places. However, examination of quality status of drinking water in Kaltungo local government has never
been done.
6.0 Methodology (Should include description of Study area/Site/Subjects, data collection and data
Quality Test on Water Sample
The quality test on water sample is very important in water used for domestic purposes. This is because
water contains the presence of ion, acidity, hardness, turbidity etc. This could be detected by conducting a
quality test to enable detect the quality of water and to show the effectiveness of chemical treatments in
water treatment facility.
In this research work, the quality test is divided into three they are as follows: -
1. Physical Analysis
i. pH
ii. conductivity
iii. Turbidity
iv. TDS (Total Dissolved Solid)
v. Temperature
2. Chemical Analysis
i. Chlorine test
ii. Alkalinity test
iii. Hardness test
iv. Fluoride test
3. Bacteriological Analysis
Physical Analysis
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The physical analysis of water deals with the pH, conductivity, turbidity and Total Dissolved Solid of the
water and sometimes the temperature.
Determination of pH Value
pH is a term used to express the intensity of acidity or alkalinity condition of a solution. The pH value is
measured with a pH meter and it is expressed mathematically as: -
pH= -log10(H+)
Where: -
pH: Power of hydrogen
H+: Hydrogen ion concentration
-log10: negative logarithms to base ten.
Procedures: -
A sample of water was collected in a beaker, and then the pH meter electrode was inserted into the sample
of water, immediately the pH value was obtained.
Result: -the pH value will be obtained from the pH meter e.g., 7.5
Note: -According to water quality standard, the pH value of a drinking water should be within the range of
6.5-8.5. For standardization of pH, a buffer solution should be used on the pH electrode.
Determination of Turbidity
Turbidity refers to a state when water is not clear but contains suspended matter such as clay, finely diluted
organic matter, plankton and other microscopic organism. It is measured by turbidity meter.
Procedures: -A sample of water was collected in a beaker and 100ml of the sample was filled into a glass
cell and the glass cell was inserted into the digital turbidity meter, allow it for few minutes. Light intensity
passes through the sample and immediately the value of turbidity of the water sample was observed through
the digital turbidity meter screen.
Results: -The turbidity of the water sample will be obtained from the digital turbidity meter e.g., 15 NTU
Note: - According to water quality standard, the turbidity value of a drinking water should be within the
range of 5-25 NTU. Zero adjustment must be corrected before calibration and it is essential to all samples
that assume room temperature before turbidity test.
Determination of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
Total dissolved solid is the measure of a combined content of all inorganic and organic substances
contained in a liquid in molecular, ionized or micro granular (colloidal solution) suspended form. The
instrument used for measuring the total dissolved solids of a substance is called TDS meter.
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A sample of water was collected in a beaker, and then the TDS meter electrode was inserted into the sample
of water, immediately the TDS value of the sample (water) was obtained.
Result: -the TDS value will be obtained from the TDS metre e.g. 37 ppm
Note: -According to water quality standard, the TDS value of a drinking water should be within the range of
10 - 500 ppm.
Determination of Conductivity
Conductivity is defined as the ability or power of an object or substance to conduct or transmit heat,
electricity or sound. The instrument used in measuring the conductivity of water is called digital
conductivity meter.
A sample of water was collected in a beaker, and then the conductivity meter was inserted into the sample
of water, immediately the conductivity value was obtained.
Result: -the conductivity value will be obtained from the digital conductivity metre e.g. 97 μscm-1
Note: -According to water quality standard, the pH value of a drinking water should be within the range of
50 – 1000 μscm-1.
Chemical Analysis
The chemical analysis of water is the determination of chemical composition of the water. They include the
alkalinity, hardness, fluorine, iron and chlorine present in water.
Alkalinity Test
Alkalinity test is one of the methods used in chemical analysis to determine the alkalinity content presence
in water.
Conical flask
Pipette (student pipette) 25 ml
Hydrogen chloride (HCl) as titrant.
Phenolphthalein indicator (3 drops)
Methyl orange indicator (3 drops)
Water sample (25 ml)
Pipette 25 ml of the water sample and release it into the conical flask.
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Add three drops of phenolphthalein indicator, if the sample changes colour then the alkalinity is zero,
no need of titration (alkalinity is determined).
If there is no change in colour, then add three drops of methyl orange and your initial
Pour the HCl or H2SO4 (titrant) into the cylindrical burette (50 cm) to the zero level.
Observe the lower meniscus for the colorless reagent.
Use the burette valve to release the reagent (HCl or H 2SO4) to the sample in drop wise, continue
adding the sample in droplet and shake well until pink colour is obtained.
Observe and record the value in burette.
Repeat the procedures 2-3 times to obtain accurate result.
Formular Used in Calculating Alkalinity
Alkalinity = V x M x 100,000 / A
Where: -V = volume of acid used (titer value)
M = molarity of the reagent (HCl = 0.02 mol)
A = ml of the sample (25 ml)
Alkalinity is measured in milligram per liter (mgl-1)
Chloride Test
Chloride test is one of the methods used in chemical analysis to determine the chlorine content present in
Conical flask
Burette (50 cm)
Pipette (1 ml and 25 ml)
Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) as titrant
Sample of water (25 ml)
Potassium chromate (K2CrO4) as indicator
Fill the burette (50 cm) with the reagent (AgNO3), and record your initial point.
Pipette your sample (25 ml) and release it into the conical flask.
Add 1 ml of potassium chromate (K2CrO4), into the sample as indicator and shake.
Mark the yellow colour as your initial colour.
Release the Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) solution into the sample in drop wise and shake.
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Continue adding the drop of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) to the sample, until reddish brown colour is
Record the final reading from the burette.
Repeat the procedure for about 2 – 3 times.
Formular Used in Calculating the Chlorine Content.
Chloride =V x M x 70900 / A
Where: -V = volume of acid used (titer value)
M = molarity of the reagent (AgNO3 = 0.0282 mol)
A = ml of the sample (25 ml)
The chlorine content is measured in milligram per liter (mgl-1)
Test for Hardness
Test for hardness, is one of the methods used in chemical analysis used to determine the hardness of water
(temporary or permanent).
Conical flask
Pipette (25 ml and 1 ml)
Burette (50 cm)
Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) as titrant
Eri chrome black T powder, as indicator.
Buffer solution (1 ml)
Water sample (25 ml)
Fill the burette with (EDTA), until it marked to zero level and record it as your initial value.
Pipette the water sample (25 ml), and release it into the conical flask.
Add 1 ml of Buffer solution into the sample and shake.
Add one spatula of erichrome black T powder and shake.
Observe the colour of the sample (wine red colour is expected), and mark as initial colour.
Release the titrant in drops until blue colour is obtained.
Record the final reading from the burette as the final value.
Repeat the procedure for about 2 – 3 times.
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Hardness = V x M x 1000 / A
Where: -V = volume of acid used (titer value)
M = molarity of the reagent (EDTA = 0.1 mol)
A = ml of the sample (25 ml)
Hardness is measured in milligram per liter (mgl-1)
Fluoride Test
Test for fluoride, is one of the methods used in chemical analysis used to determine the amount of fluorine
presence in water.
Measuring Cylinder
Test tube
Fluoride reagent colour chart
Reacting testing kits (Fluoride)
Collection and labelling of water sample
Rinse the measuring cylinder and test tube
Measure 4ml of the sampled water
Add 15 drops of fluoride into a test tube
Shake the water uniform with the fluoride
Use the colour chat to know the level of the fluoride in the sample.
Bacteriological Analysis
Bacteriological analysis is an analysis used to examine the present or absent of coli-form (microorganism)
in the water sample.
Preparation of Macconkey Broth (Purple Media)
Filter paper
Folic paper or cotton wool
Glass rod
Bijou bottle big and small
Pipette (50 ml and 10 ml)
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Conical flask
Mac Conkey Broth (powder)
Deionized water
Sample water
Weigh the accurate amount of MacConkey powdered reagent (40g into 1000ml distilled water).
Stir well until it dissolved completely or heat to dissolve it completely.
Cover the flask with folic paper or cotton.
Put the media 50 ml and 10 ml respectively into the Bijou bottles with in varied Durham’s tube.
By using an autoclaving sterilize at 121oC for 15 minutes.
Allow to cool until the 0oC is obtained.
Remove the sterilize medium and cool for 5 minutes also
Add the sample water into the medium (Bijou bottle) 50ml and 10ml respectively.
Place the medium in to the incubator and set the temperature at 37oC, incubate for 24hrs.
Observe the air space in the Durham’s tube or change in colour of the media (indicate the present of
microorganisms) for positive result.
Count the medium that has positive result and record the most probable number.
Preparation of Nutrient Agar (Media)
Conical flask
Filter paper
Nutrient Agar powder
Distilled water
Suspend 28g of nutrient Agar (powder) into 1000ml of distilled water (conductivity < 10 μs)
Allow to soak for 10 minutes
Swirl to mix then sterilize by autoclaving at 121oC for 15 minutes (equivalent heat process).
Cool to 47oC
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Mix well, while pouring into the petridish.
Then add the water sample on to the plate, shake and pour the sample water.
Cover the plates and put it into the incubator at 37oC, incubate the media for 24hrs.
Observe the colonies of microorganism in the petridish after incubating.
Take a pinch of the colonies with lope for further experiment (indicator test or Gram staining).
Physiochemical properties of three different samples of water within kaltungo will be known.
Flouride concentration will be known.
Quality of water used for drinking in kaltungo will be known through comparison with world health
organisation(WHO) standard of drinking water.
The study will help the community by providing a solution on how their water can be treated and preventing
the future occurrence of brown teeth among the young ones.
8.0 Work Plan/Time frame (Provide activity by activity in the form of a GANTT Chart)
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3. Hydrogen Chloride (HCL), 1 each 200,000.00 Reagents to be used in
Phenolphthalein indicator, Methyl carrying out the
Orange indicator, Potassium experiment/ research.
chromate (K2CrO4) indicator, Ethylene
Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA),
Erichrome black T-Powder (indicator),
Buffer Solution, Mac Conkey Broth
(Powder), Nutrient Agar powder
4. Autoclave and Incubator charges for 110,000 For experimental and
sample used/ lab fee laboratory fee
5. Purchase of Stationery (A4 paper) 45,000.00 For printing of analysis
and External drive outcome, design
publication to be
reviewed. Design report
6. Internet service/ purchase of articles 100,000.00 For browsing,
for review and communication downloading of
research materials
online communication
via mails.
7. Publication 200,000.00 For publishing the
a) Journal Paper $168 x 600 research output,
(N100800) presentation in the
b) Conference paper; conference and
honorarium for
(Registration and travel)
principal researcher
N100,000 and co-researcher
5% to Institution 99,790
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