The Evil of Castle Cardinal
The Evil of Castle Cardinal
The Evil of Castle Cardinal
The Kings Forest. Ever since the end of the Goblin War the place
has been host to countless orcs, disrupting the flow of trade
between Suzail and Arabel. That changed when adventurers claimed an
abandoned keep within the forest and ensured safe passage for
travelers skirting the woods. When rumors that the keep stands
abandoned once more, a call for adventurers was sent, and you
By Simon Goudreault
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Hellish incursions
Beware the calm, it hides bad news.
Willem Stormwaters
Adventure Outline
The Evil of Castle Cardinal is a short
adventure for 4 to 6 4th level characters. It
take place in a castle that was protected by
adventurers much like the characters and has
mysteriously been abandoned in the recent
past. A warlock has taken up residence inside
the castle and has been dabbling in dangerous
magic in the castle dungeons. His experiments
have mutated the land and the creatures
The adventure takes place in a region of Cormyr
called the Kings Forest, between the cities of Suzail
and Arabel after the Goblin War. Coleus, the
eponymous evil from the adventures title, is a
warlock of no small power who, guided by his
mysterious patron, has come to Castle Cardinal to
enact a ritual in the keeps dungeons. His ritual has
many effects on the surrounding region, the effects
are kept vague so as to more easily integrate the
adventure into an ongoing campaign, but they are
threefold. First, plant life all around the woods has
begun taking a life of its own in the form of Blights
that are attacking anything that approaches the
forest, except inside the courtyard. Second, travelers
on the road to Suzail have begun inexplicably
detouring towards the keep, even though most are
not aware of its existence. The last effect of the ritual
can be seen in his room under the keep.
Adventure Introduction
The characters have received a missive from one
Willem Stormwaters, a retired adventurer, who
went into mercenary work, to retrieve a previous
team of agents sent to investigate the castle and rid
the place of its evil influence. Once the characters
enter his office in Suzail, read or paraphrase the
Gustav Hendelhoff. A trader from Marsember. He
was the first victim to the forests ambushes against
travelers. He and his team (three Commoners) were
the first to hole up in the keeps chapel. They tried to
explore the keep, but after two of his men died, they
decided to stay in the chapel. Tall, mustachioed,
Master Ozrick and Methelda. A master alchemist
on his way to Suzail and his apprentice. Arrived a
few days after Gustav. He is lanky, cunning, and
angry at being stuck here. She is a bit shy, cares for
her employer, realistic.
Old Lady Firehair. A woman in her sixties, and
retired entertainer. She was traveling along with her
grandson to Suzail to visit family but was forced to
hide in the ruins of Castle Cardinal when the forest
attacked. Her grandson, Luke, disappeared one night
and hasnt come back since.
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Potion of Healing
Healers kit
Ground Level
Gustavs Inventory
Of all the items Gustav has in his inventory, few
could be of use to the characters. They are:
Hunting Trap
Lantern with enough oil for 2 hours
Two Handaxes
Second Floor
The Chapel
The chapel consists of a main praying area with a
heavy wooden door leading to the courtyard. It also
has a private chamber in back of the main room. The
chambers door is locked, but can be picked with a
successful DC 20 Dexterity check with Thieves
Tools. Inside are three barrels filled with ale, and
one with pickled herring. There is also a bed, at the
foot of which lies a small chest containing a silver
holy symbol of Helm, as well as a spare clerics
vestment and a healing potion. The praying area
itself is empty, many if its pews have been removed
by the survivors to barricade the entrance to the
The Tower
Judging by the state of the other towers, it is a
miracle this one has weathered the centuries as it
did. Signs of repairs are evident as is a thin layer if
frost that covers the outer walls. The reinforced
wooden door leading to the tower is neither locked
not barred.
Third Floor
Any character climbing to the third floor must
succeed a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or take
1d6+4 cold damage each round while they are on the
third floor. A creature dropped to 0 hit points is
frozen in place by the magic at work here.
On the third floor are the frozen bodies of a handful
of pale-skinned orcs. A DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
check reveals that the cause of death is not the
magical frost permeating the place, but wounds
suffered most likely in combat. Three humanoids,
two elves and a human, are frozen in various poses
of combat. One elf is suspended in mid-air, his bow
out and an arrow notched. He is looking angrily at
whoever comes up the ladder. The other stands on a
dais, having knocked a chair aside and is extending
an arm out of desperation towards the ladder
leading to the fourth floor. The human is beside him,
slumped against the wall with an enormous icicle
protruding from his stomach. Frozen blood at his
feet and around the wound.
The bodies break apart if touched, as does their
equipment except for their brass token.
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Fourth Floor
Supply room
The Keep
The entrance to the keep has been locked from the
inside by Coleus lackeys and they have taken upon
themselves to loot it as thoroughly as they could.
While the ground level and second level have no
items of value, tracks and evidence points to
extensive looting by humanoid creatures heading
towards the dungeon under the keep.
The Dungeon
When Coleus came to Castle Cardinal, he was
accompanied by a band of Orcs he seduced to his
masters ways. In contrast to their kin, these orcs
have bluish-white skin and yellow eyes. They are
perfectly acclimated to cold climate, and are more
vicious, if such a thing can exist. They are loyal to a
fault, and will only balk at intimidation if their lives
are in great danger, and even then. Statistics for
these new orcs can be found at the end of this
Coleus found, in the dungeon, the shrine he had been
looking for. To make sure he would not be disturbed,
he created a magical ice wall that can only be
dispelled by using a pair of attuned runestones. One,
he entrusted to his second-in-command, the
Cambion Lazaren. The other, he hid in the Harvest
Chamber after finding the riddle to get past the
illusory garden quite amusing.
Harvest Chamber
Pinned to the door to this room is a note that reads:
Lazaren, this is the room I told you
about. If you need to see me in a hurry,
you know what to do. The riddle isnt
that hard, but needs more than one to
complete, take one of the dimwits with
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
The door to the armory is locked. The lock can be
picked by a character using thieves tools and
making a DC 15 Dexterity check. This 20ft by 15ft
room was used by Stormwaters Company as a
repository for arms and armors taken from the orcs.
Now the room is mostly barren, Coleus having taken
anything he saw fit. However, he left a runestone on
a small lectern protected by a Glyph of Warding
Coleus chambers
While this room was normally inhabited by one of
the resident of Castle Cardinal, Coleus has made it
his bedroom. Inside are volumes on travel between
planes, history of Cormyr, and various tomes on how
to summon and bind extraplanar beings. With a
successful DC 20 Intelligence check and about an
hour to peruse the tomes, a character can deduce the
reason for Coleus takeover of the keep. Castle
Cardinal stands on the site of a planar eruption that
took place in the far past. The entire forest around
the castle is soaked in magical energy, and with the
proper skills and powers, one could use this energy
for just about any means, though it seems Coleus
goal is to merge the region with Stygia.
Mess Hall
The Orcs use this 30ft by 40ft room to eat, and the
smell of half rotten meat permeates the room. They
have emptied the castle larders, and stuffed their
face whenever they could with food and beverages.
There is a 50% chance that a lone Stygian Orc is
lingering in the room scrounging for food.
Cambions Quarters
Three linked rooms that used to make up the
barracks have been turned over to Lazaren. The
southernmost one is used as a jail of sorts, where
Luke is currently detained. Aside from him, two
bodies hang limp from shackles hung from the
ceiling. Another room is used as a torture room, for
Lazarens amusement. The body of Jani Thorngage is
in this room, her eyes burnt out with fire pokers and
her skin lashed and burned in multiple places.
The last room is his chamber itself, where the
Cambion can be found when not torturing prisoners.
He is flanked by a charmed Lady Elsimer, her robes
torn in multiple places so as to reveal as much as
possible. When the PCs enter his room, read the
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Since they have been ordered by Coleus not to go
outside and slaughter the refugees, the orcs use this
room to sleep in when they are not up doing menial
tasks for Lazaren or Coleus. 1d4+1 Stygian Orcs
sleep in the room at any given time. They wake up if
an alarm rings, or if anybody makes enough noise
while in the room.
Loot room
In this room are packed most of the valuables stolen
from the keep. Aside from food, silverware and other
valuable items, there is also a Potion of Healing and a
Spell Scroll (Longstrider). The loot room is always
guarded by 2 Stygian Orcs.
Primordial Temple
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Boon of Stygia
Coleus was guided to Castle Cardinal by visions from
Levistus, who wants him to use the fissure to cement
Lazarens connection to the material plane; the first step in
a complex and convoluted plan of his. In order to better his
chances, Levistus has granted Coleus the opportunity to
bestow a boon upon any willing subject in a ritual that
would forever bind them to the will of Stygias ruler. The
boon does the following:
Increases the targets Strength and Intelligence score by
Changes its alignment to evil
Grants the Devils Sight Invocation
The subject knows how to speak, read and write
Grants the Breath of Stygia ability. Once per long rest,
the subject may exhales a cloud of stygian-infused air.
One target within 5ft. of the subject must make a
Constitution saving throw or have its speed reduced by
10ft. and not be able to use any reactions. The target
may make a new saving throw at the end of each of its
turns to end the effects. Constitution is the ability for
this feature.
The subject becomes a devout follower of Levistus and
will do everything in its power to further his agenda.
Should the characters succeed, they can bring Aaron
and Lady Elsimer back alive to Suzail where Willem
will gladly pay the characters for their efforts, and
will even go so far as to suggest they take over the
keep and its responsibilities. If her grandson made it
out alive, Old Lady Firehair is beyond happy, and
though she does not have much to give, she says she
will spread word of their heroism wherever she
goes. The PCs now have a base of operations for
their next ventures, and if Lazaren escaped alive,
have a nemesis too.
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Appendix Monsters
Medium fiend, Lawful Evil
Skills Intimidation +2
Damage Resistances cold
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal
Multiattack. Lazaren makes two melee attacks or
uses its Cold Ray twice.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 +
4) piercing damage or 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage if
used with two hands to make a melee attack plus 3
(1d6) cold damage.
Cold Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage.
Fiendish Charm. One humanoid Lazaren can see
within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for
1 day. The charmed target obeys Lazarens spoken
commands. If the target suffers any harm from
Lazaren or another creature or receives a suicidal
command from Lazaren, the target can repeat the
saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a
success. If a targets saving throw is successful, or
if the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Lazarens Fiendish Charm for the next 24 hours.
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The Evil of Castle Cardinal