Level 1 Adventure 1 Caravan Attack
Level 1 Adventure 1 Caravan Attack
Level 1 Adventure 1 Caravan Attack
Player Characters
**Name.** Description.
**Name.** Description.
**Name.** Description.
**Name.** Description.
2. Strong Start
The characters are mercenaries working for the Oakwright caravan Company out of Baldur’s gate. All
are recent hires, and have arrived at the companies sawmill in the Reaching Woods from one of three
logging camps, and may or may not be strangers. They have all pulled first watch at the same post.
After allowing for character introductions and some banter, the camp is attacked by several dryad’s and
twig blights. The party faces one dryad, with additional twig blights at a rate of one per two characters.
Similar attacks happen as background action throughout the camp, which are resolved by other caravan
3. Scenes
* After the attack, Caravan Master Flint Dunsteel and the head of security Kansiff Bullmall go from
watch post to watch post, checking on the guards and characters. Flint Dunsteel encourages the
characters to recover and try to see where the attack came from, as they handled themselves better than
the other guards on duty.
*The characters arrive at one of the logging camps. A foreman or one of the druids cannot say which
direction the attack came from, but can point the characters in the direction of Granny Weatherby, a
kindly old herbalist who lives a little further into the forest. They warn the party that Granny is kind,
but is a shrewd business woman who likes to make deals, despite living in isolation.
* The characters find Granny Weatherby at her cottage. She has some common potions available for
sale. If asked about living alone in the forest, she points to the graves of her “husband” and “son”, who
she will not leave. If asked about the attack, she will ask the characters for a favor. She is willing to tell
the characters about the dryads once a promise is made to pay her back- the characters will have
unknowingly entered a fey pact.
* Kobalds- the characters encounter several kobalds, carrying treasure. Two to three of the kobalds will
stay behind to act as a rear guard as the other retreat with the treasure to the graveyard which has been
serving as a weigh station for their operation, provided the characters have not been sneaky.
* The characters find the remains of ambushed lumber caravans. While many of the carts have been
emptied and dismantled for building materials, they can report 2 wagons in god shape to Flint Dunsteel
who will arrange for the carts to be retrieved, earning the characters a bonus.
* Dryad Cave A strong aura of Conjuration magic emanates from a small cave in the woods. A DC 10
arcana or a DC 15 nature check identifies the source of the magic as a small, dragon shaped idol of jade
hidden in a corner behind discarded bones. The idol has an evil feel to it- the characters are unlikely to
find a buyer for the idol, though it could provide clues to the true nature of the events. Once the
characters leave the cave, they may be attacked by additional blights depending on their level of health
and resources.
*The characters return to camp and discuss what they learned from their investigation. Flint Dunsteel
offers to double their pay for the discovery of the carts, which has helped to cover the additional costs
associated with the recent attack. Characters are directed to Berdusk, where the company is
headquartered, to report on the events of the day, and perhaps learn more of about the idol. Elturel is
also suggested as a place to learn more, if the characters prefer.
* The characters may feel as though they are being watched as they travel through the forest (dc 12
perception check). An invisible presence seems to be following them, but goes away if it thinks it has
been spotted.
4. Secrets and Clues
* This is not the first attack on the caravan, but it is the first to have been repelled. The extra cost of
security, combined with the losses of trade, are endangering the future of the company.
* The druids at each logging camp are nominally there to ensure that logs are taken in such a way to
preserve the health of the forest. However, in truth the Emerald Enclave is investigating strange event s
with the local wildlife.
* Granny Weatherby is a green hag disguised as an elderly elf, and is capable of making fey pacts. She
has no idea who is buried in the graves near her house, but uses them to explain why she lives alone.
* The coven Granny is a part of is currently on the verge of breaking up, as an outside force has pitted
the hags against each other. The hags eye for the coven is in the forest, but by pact none of the hags are
allowed to retrieve it themselves.
* Kobald activity has increased lately- they are preparing a new lair for their master.
* The idol in the dryad cave was placed by the kobalds at the request of their master, to corrupt the
dryads and make them violent.
* The kobalds are slowly moving treasure into the forest under cover of darkness, and moving it to the
lair. The kobalds are also using the stolen building materials to reinforce the masters lair.
* The lair location is deeper in the forest; however a small kobald sized entrance is located in the forest
grave yard (DC 25 investigation or perception). Another entrance is under Granny’s cottage, which she
uses to meet with the dragon.
* An adult green dragon, Endariyliamoloth, is behind the recent goings on. While his lair is not
complete, it soon will be, which will cause changes to the surrounding area.
5. Fantastic Locations
**Oakwright Sawmill**: Nestled along the Chionthor river at the edge of the Reaching woods, the
encampment prepares raw lumber for transport to Scorunbel for finishing and sale. A ruined tower has
been shored up to serve as a central lookout and office space; the water powered mill is on the north,
with various camps (some tent based, others more permanent), tool shops, dining halls and stables.
Watch posts around the edges consists of watch fires with a handful of guards each.
**Logging Camps**: Groves containing orderly rows of camps and shops for wood cutting tools along
the Chionthar river. A foreman and several druids oversee operations. A light fog covers the area, with
small stone Cairns marking the walking path to and from the sawmill. Logs are typically transported by
river from the camps.
**Granny’s Cabin**: A small, one room thatched roof hut with a large herb garden. Two graves sit near
the home. Inside, a hearth warms the hut, which contains a small alchemical bench where Granny
mixes her potions. A trap door is hidden underneath a large (DC 15 perception), heavy chest (DC 18
strength to move without Granny’s permission) leading to a basement, where more extreme
experiments are conducted, and a further hidden passage (DC20 perception/investigation) leads to
Endariyliamoloth’s new lair.
**Forest Grave Yard**: A small, overgrown, largely forgotten cemetery. Tracks lead to the south,
where a number of carts have been left for unloading, in various states of disrepair
A single mausoleum sits at the center of the grave yard, with prayers to Cyric etched, fading into the
granite. A hidden passage, sized for small creatures, is hidden inside the tomb (DC15 perception). The
passage cannot be opened from the outside. It is obvious that the tomb has been moved or tampered
with recently if the characters investigate it.
**Dryad Cave**: A small, shallow cave set into an overhang. The scent of death and decay is
everywhere from the piles of bones and flesh left by the Dryads companion animals. A small idol,
shaped like a dragon, is hidden in a corner of the cave. Arcana, Nature, and Religion checks reveal (DC
5- the idol and the evil aura that it emits; 10- that the aura is from the enchantment school; 15 that the
aura increases rage and hostility in the creatures around it, corrupting them to some evil purpose.
6. Important NPCs
**Name.** Flint Dunsteel, Dwarf Male Overseer of the sawmill (Commoner stat block). He is
personable, but stern and fair. He has a red beard and hair, and prefers practical clothing. He can be
generous to those who produce results.
**Name.** Kansiff Bullmall, Female Half-orc Head of security (Veteren stat block). Tough, no
nonsense. Long black hair that is pulled into a practical ponytail. Prefers actions to words. Dresses in
flexible leather armor preferring mobility to defense.
**Name.** Salios Diamondglade (Halfling, Male) Seldon Dawncleaver (human Female) and Erevan
Tinderspark, Half Elf male- foremen of logging camps. Salios is a Micheal Scott type, and will
compromise secrets if he thinks he is being helpful. Seldon has let her recent promotion to foreman
and the power it brings go to her head and is generally not liked by her team. Erevan is near retirement
and just wants to keep his head down and do his job. The recent attacks have him spooked- I am not
going out with 3 days till retirement!.
**Name.** Tarvorwen Coralrain, ; Rolen and Anastasia Moonsoother Elven Druids; typically at the
logging Camps but are at the sawmill during the attack for a meeting. They will help in battle if the
players are struggling. Rolen and Anastasia are apprentices and will deffer to Tarvorwen, who is
generally distant and will be cryptic about anything unrelated to tracking down the dryads. She knows
how to build a container to safely transport the idol to a place of learning for further study using ash,
holy and yew.
Granny Weatherby- Hag disguised as a human alchemist. Prefers half truths to outright lies. She sells
common potions at reasonable prices. Calls everyone lovey(male), petal(female), or
sweetie(indeterminate). Affable unless provoked. Everyone loves me my pets, why would I be in
danger? Knows far more than she is willing to let on about the attacks. Will try to get the PCs to collect
the hags eye for her, in exchange for a favor. Can pinpoint the druids grove if players take care of some
pests or offer a bribe/gift.
7. Potential Monsters
* Dryads
* Kobalds
* TwigBlights
* Green Hag
8. Potential Treasure
* Individual Monsters
15 CP
30 CP
6 GP
6 SP
10 GP
5 CP
5 SP
24 CP
7 GP
Hoard Treasures:
615 CP, 1172 SP, 113GP and