Kinds of death
1. SOMATIC DEATH (Clinical death) is
a complete and persistent cessation
of respiration, circulation and almost
all brain functions of an organism. It
is usually pronounced by a physician
or other members of the family.
2. Cardio-Respiratory Death
- death occurs when there is a
continuous and persistent cessation
of heart and respiration
- is a condition in which a physician
and the members of the family
pronounced a person dead based on
common sense or intuition
Examination by
1. Palpation of the pulse
2. Auscultation of heart sound
3. Use of electrocardiograph
2. Cessation of respiration
Methods of Detecting Cessation of
a. Movement of chest & abdomen
b. Auscultation
c. Examination with mirror
d. Examination w/ feather or cotton
e. Examination with glass of water
2) Factors Accelerating
a) Leanness of the body
b) Extreme age
c) Long-standing or lingering illness
d) Chronic pyrexial disease
associated with wasting
b. Post-mortem lividity
This is due to the accumulation of blood in the
most dependent portions of the body.
-color is dull red o pink or purplish
-usually appears 3 to 6 hours after death and fully
developed 12 hours after death
-Importance of cadaveric or post mortem lividity:
-It is one of the sign of death
-It may determine whether the position of the
body has been changed after its appearance
in the body
-It may determine how long the person has been
-It gives an idea as to the time of death
3. Autolytic or autodigestive
changes after death
After death body enzymes (proteolytic,
glycolytic and lipolitic) ferments
glandular tissues continue to act which
lead to autodigestion of organs.
-facilitated by weak acids and higher
-delayed by alkaline reaction of the
tissues and low temperature
Duration of death
In the determination as to how long a
person has been dead the following
points must be given consideration:
1.Presence of rigor mortis, sets in from 2
to 3 hours after death, fully after 12
hours, may last for 18 hours to 36 hours
2.Presence of post mortem lividity, usually
develops 3 to 6 hours after death
3. Onset of decomposition, 24 to 48
hours after death
4. Stage of decomposition:
12 hours Rigor mortis complete, hypostasis well-developed
and fixed. Greenish discoloration showing over the
24 hours Rigor mortis absent all over. Greenish
over whole abdomen and spreading to
Abdomen distended with gasses.
48 hours Ova of flies seen. Trunk bloated. Face discoloured
and swollen. Blisters present. Moving maggots seen.
72 hours
disfigured. Hair
and discolored.
One week
Two weeks
Only more resistant viscera
distinguished. Soft
tissues largely
One month
Body skeletonized.
b. Kind of meal
liquid move more rapidly than semi-solid
and the
latter more rapidly than solids.
c. Personal variation
psychogenic pylorospasm can
departure of the meal from the stomach for
several hours, while a hypermotile
stomach may
enhance entry of food into
d. Other factors
vegetables needs time for gastric
digestion, less fragmented food needs more time to stay in
the stomach,
absence or insufficiency of gastric
enzymes (e.g. Pepsin) and hydrochloric acid and lesser
amount of liquid consumed with solid food will delay
gastric evacuation.
8. State of clothing
9. Chemical changes in the cerebro-spinal
fluid (15 hours following death)
a. Lactic acid increases from 15 mg to 200 mg per 100 cc
b. Non-protein nitrogen increases from 15 to 40 mg
c. Amino-acid concentration rises from 1 to 12 % following death
Causes of Death
The primary purpose of medicolegal autopsy is the determination of
the cause of death. It must also be
shown that the death is the direct
and proximate consequence of the
criminal or negligent act of someone.
1. Natural death
2. Violent death
Death due to injury of any sort
(gunshot, stab, fracture, traumatic
shock, etc.)
1) accidental death
2) negligent death
3) infanticide death
4) parricide death
5) murder
6) homicidal death
presented by:
Rey J. Millena, MD, MCHM, DPCAM