NEO PI R Interpretation
NEO PI R Interpretation
NEO PI R Interpretation
I. Introduction to the NEO-PI-R
A. Designed to measure an individuals relative standings on the broad domains of the five factor
personality model
1). Also known as the Big Five Personality Theory
2) based on factor analytic research on the structure of personality
2) concise measure of each of the domains and some of the facets for each of the domains
B. Two Versions
1) Form S
a. self-report
b. 240 items answered on a 5-point scale
c. for men and women of all ages over 17
2) Form R
a. observer ratings
b. 240 items answered on a 5-point scale
c. written in 3rd person for peer, spouse, or expert ratings
C. Measure of Normal Personality Traits
1) as opposed to the MMPI, which is more useful for detecting psychopathology
2) has demonstrated utility in both clinical and research settings
D. Shorter Version
1) NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI)
a. 60-item version of the NEO PI-R
b. scored for the 5 domains only
E. Appropriate Populations
1) may be used with individuals aged 17 or older
2) individuals suffering from disorders that impair their ability to complete self-report measures
reliably and validly should not take the NEO PI-R
3) can be used with both clinical and normal populations
a. been used for vocational counseling, personnel selection, behavioral medicine, forensic
evaluations, sexual dysfunctions, consultation, and general clinical practice
3) NEO PI-R does not provide all the information necessary for a complete psychological eval
a. you cannot get all information from a single test
b. do not make diagnoses based on information from a single test
c. in addition, you want to do a clinical interview, mental status examination, cognitive
ability assessment, and/or medical exam in order to do a complete psychological
d. however, the NEO PI-R can be a part of the psychological evaluation
1. kind of like breakfast cereal
F. Professional Requirements
1) NEO PI-R is a self-administered instrument
2) the administration and scoring can be performed by individuals who do not have formal training
in clinical psychology, personality, or related fields
3) interpretation, on the other hand, requires professional training in psychological testing and
measurement, in addition to familiarity with the materials and procedures presented in the NEO
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PI-R manual
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2) Validity Checks
a. no standardized validity scales
1. authors argue that dissimulation is generally not a problem and such scales
have not been shown to actually increase the validity of the profiles
a) however, see Ballenger, Caldwell-Andrews, & Baer (2001) for an
empirical examination of faking good responses
b. Items A, B, and C on the answer sheet provide simple validity checks
c. Item A
1. asks if the respondent has completely and accurately completed the NEO PI-R
2. 99% of respondents reply either agree or strongly agree
a) those who do not do so may not have been fully candid
b) may have responded carelessly
c) may have confused the response categories
3. a response of disagree or strongly disagree normally invalidates the protocol
a) may want to discuss the respondents answer with him/her and then
make a decision about the validity of the information
i. i.e., may be valid if the respondent simply misread question
d. Items B & C
1. ask if the respondent has answered all of the questions and marked his or her
responses in the correct spaces
2. intended as prompts
3. if Item B is answered No, you want to ask the respondent why he or she
chose not to answer all questions
4. if Item C is answered No, this indicates careless responding and indicates an
invalid profile
3) Acquiescence
a. all NEO PI-R scale items are roughly balanced to control for the effects of
1. responding either agree or strongly agree to all items
b. clients who do this will receive average scores, not extreme scores
c. in research, 99% of respondents agreed to fewer than 150 items
1. if a respondent agreed to > 150 items, the NEO PI-R should be interpreted
with caution
4) Nay-saying
a. indicated by few agree or strongly agree responses
b. in research, 99% of respondents agreed to more than 50 items
1. if a respondent agreed to < 50 items, the NEO PI-R should be interpreted with
5) Random Responding
a. most likely in a group setting when the examiner has not provided an adequate
for testing
b. unmotivated test takers may respond in a haphazard manner just to complete the
1. combat this by presenting the NEO PI-R in a way that engages the client
c. visually inspect the answer sheet to determine if one answer has been given repeatedly
for a string of items
1. research indicates that strings of answers longer than the following invalidate
the profile and the NEO PI-R should be interpreted with caution
a) more than 6 strongly disagree responses in a row
b) more than 9 disagree responses in a row
c) more than 10 neutral responses in a row
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d) more than 14 agree responses in a row
e) more than 9 strongly agree responses in a row
2) Calculating Scores
a. hand scoring answer sheet
1. tear off the top stub of the answer sheet and remove the top page
2. locate the first row of items
3. sum the values of the circled responses to these 8 items
4. enter this number in the space labeled N1"
a) raw score for the facet N1
5. follow 1-4 to calculate the remaining facet scores
6. after all facet scores have been calculated, add all the Ns together
7. put this in the DOMAIN RAW SCORE for N
a) this is the raw score for the N domain
8. add up all the domain scores
b. can be machine scored
1. costs a lot of money that APSU doesnt give me
2. better to understand what the computer is doing anyway
3) Profiling Scores
a. use the Profile Forms to create T-scores
1. based on different normative populations
a) adults and college-age populations
b) Form S (self-report) and Form R (other report)
2. adult forms are for persons age 21 and older
3. college forms are for persons aged 17 to 20, whether or not they attend college
4. profiles are computed separately for males and females
a) when using Form R, use the gender of the person being rated as the
determinant, not the gender of the person doing the rating
b. directions:
1. select the most appropriate comparison group
2. complete the demographic info at the top of the form
3. locate the raw score for the N domain at the bottom of the answer sheet and
transcribe this score to the space at the top of the profile form labeled
4. use similar procedures for the rest of the domain scores
5. do the same thing for the facet (e.g., N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, & N6) scores
6. check to make sure that when you add up the facet raw scores that this number
equals the N domain raw score
a) if not, youve made a mistake somewherego back and fix it
7. repeat for other domain and facet scores
8. now, in the column under the N domain, locate the number that corresponds to
the respondents raw score and mark it with a dot
9. repeat for all domain and facet scores
10. connect the dots of the domain scales and the dots of the facet scales with a
line to produce a graph of the clients scores
11. the T-score is listed on both the right and left side of the profile page; read
across to find out what each raw score equals
c. Calculating and Using Factor Scores
1. the domain scores that you have just calculated do conform to the factors that
they are hypothesized to
2. however, factor scores are much better from a psychometric point of view
3. to calculate factor scores, you need to use the T-scores that the client got and
the formulas on page 8 of the NEO PI-R manual.
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a) you will not need to do this for class
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a) I am always harping on students to increase critical thinking skills
3. neither dimension is more psychologically harmful than the other
a) low scores are associated with Narcissistic, Antisocial, and Paranoid
Personality Disorders
b) however, high scores are associated with dependent Personality
6) Conscientiousness (C) vs. Undirectedness
a. this scale measures control of impulses and self-control, especially as related to the
process of planning, organizing, and carrying out of tasks
b. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are purposeful, strong-willed, and
1. few successful musicians or professional athletes get where they do with a low
C score
c. T-scores > 55 are associated with academic and occupational achievement
d. on the down side, T-scores > 55 can also be indicative of individuals who have
annoying fastidiousness, compulsive neatness, or workaholic behavior
e. T-scores > 55 are also indicative of individuals who are scrupulous, punctual, or
f. in general, T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are conscientious and wellorganized. They have high standards and always strive to achieve their goals.
g. people with high C scores are not stressed by logistical concerns, decision-making, or
relational conflicts
h. individuals with high C scores tend to be organized, reliable, hard working, disciplined,
punctual, and ambitious
i. in general, T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are dependable and
moderately well-organized. They generally have clear goals but are able to set their
work aside.
j. T-scores <45 are indicative of people who tend to be disorganized, careless, unsystematic,
inefficient, undependable, impractical, negligent, inconsistent, haphazard, and sloppy
k. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are less exacting in applying their moral
principles, more lackadaisical in working toward their career and educational goals, and
are more hedonistic and interested in sex
l. in general, T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are easygoing, not very wellorganized, and sometimes careless. They prefer not to make plans.
m. low C scores are also indicative of persons who use maladaptive coping styles
n. people with low C scores tend to be unreliable, lazy and careless
B. The Facet Scales
1) each of the five domains is represented by six more specific scales that measure facets of the
2) advantages of facet scales
a. ensures that the items used to measure the domains will cover as wide a range of
relevant thoughts, feelings, and actions as possible
b. having several independent factors permits internal replication of the findings
1. e.g., each of the facets of N are associated with negative affect and lower life
satisfaction, which gives you more confidence in the construct validity of the
domain of N
c. individual differences can be seen within domains
1. idiosyncracy
d. examination of facet scales can provide a more fine-grained analysis of persons or
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e. detailed info from the facet scores can be useful in interpreting constructs and
formulating theories
3) Neuroticism Facets
a. N1: Anxiety
1. individuals with T-scores > 55 tend to be apprehensive, fearful, prone to
worry, nervous, tense, and jittery
2. while N1 does not specifically measure fears, individuals with T-scores > 55
tend to have such fears, as well as free-floating anxiety
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have normal levels of
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are calm and relaxed. They do
not dwell on things that might go wrong
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are relaxed, unconcerned, and cool
b. N2: Angry Hostility
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who experience anger and related
states such as frustration and bitterness. They may be quick to anger.
a) note that this is the experience of anger; the expression of anger is
another thing all together
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are bitter and angry
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have a normal level of
experienced anger
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are easygoing, even-tempered, and
slow to anger
c. N3: Depression
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are prone to feelings of guilt,
sadness, hopelessness, and loneliness. They are easily discouraged and often
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are pessimistic, glum, and despondent
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have typical levels of
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who rarely experience depressive
feelings, but who are not necessarily cheerful and lighthearted
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are optimistic
d. N4: Self-Consciousness
1. T-Scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who feel uncomfortable around
others, are sensitive to ridicule, and are prone to feelings of inferiority. They
are shy and socially anxious
2. T-Scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are timid and easily embarrassed
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have feelings of shame
and embarrassment at times, but are not overwhelmed by these feelings.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are not disturbed by awkward
social situations. This does not mean, however, that these folks necessarily
have poise of good social skills; they are just less embarrassed by their social
faux pas.
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are self-assured, glib, shameless, and
who have superficial charm
e. N5: Impulsiveness
1. T-Scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who cannot control their cravings
and urges. Desires are perceived as being so strong that the individuals cannot
resist them, although they may later regret the behaviors.
2. T-Scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are tempted and feel a sense of
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3. T-Scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who may have some problems
with cravings or urges, but typically are able to control them
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of persons who find it easier than others to resist
temptations and have a high tolerance for frustration
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of persons who are controlled and restrained
6. note that the term impulsiveness is used by different theorists in different
manners; it should not be confused with spontaneity, risk-taking, or rapid
decision time
f. N6: Vulnerability
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who feel unable to cope with stress,
and become dependent, hopeless or panicked when facing emergency
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who feel fragile and helpless
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who sometimes feel stressed or
panicked, but are able to handle emergency situations most of the time
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who perceive themselves as
capable of handling themselves in difficult situations
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are stalwart, brave, fearless,
and unflappable
4) Extraversion Facets
a. E1: Warmth
1. this scale indicates interpersonal intimacy
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are affectionate and friendly.
They genuinely like people and easily form close attachments to others
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are moderately
affectionate and friendly and who may not easily form close attachments to
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are neither hostile nor lacking
in compassion, but are more formal, reserved, and distant in manner than high
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are aloof, indifferent, and cold
b. E2: Gregariousness
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who enjoy the company of others,
and enjoy being with large crowds of people
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are sociable, outgoing, and involved
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who enjoy being with others
but also do like time to themselves
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who tend to be loners who do not
seekand who may actively avoidsocial stimulation
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are withdrawn and isolated
c. E3: Assertiveness
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are dominant, forceful, and
socially ascendant. They speak without hesitation and often become group
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have typical levels of
assertiveness. They sometimes take the lead, but other times are content to
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who prefer to keep in the
background and let others do the talking
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are unassuming, quiet, and resigned
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d. E4: Activity
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who exhibit a rapid tempo and
vigorous movement, have a sense of energy about them, and have a need to
keep busy. They tend to lead fast-paced lives.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are active, energetic, and vigorous
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who do enjoy doing things, but
who also take time to smell the roses.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are more leisurely and relaxed
in tempo, although they are not necessarily sluggish or lazy
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are passive and lethargic
e. E5: Excitement-Seeking
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who crave excitement and
stimulation. They like bright colors and noisy environments
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are daring and reckless
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who do like excitement at
times but who also enjoy sedate activities as well
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who feel little need for thrills and
prefer a life that high scorers might find boring
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are cautious, monotonous, and dull
6. Excitement-seeking is like sensation seeking (for those of you who know what
sensation seeking is...)
f. E6: Positive Emotions
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are high-spirited and often experience
positive emotions, such as joy, happiness, love, and excitement. They laugh easily and
often, and are cheerful and optimistic
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who do experience positive
emotions, but not to the same degree as higher scorers.
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are not necessarily unhappy;
they are just much less exuberant and high-spirited
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are placid and anhedonic
5) Openness Facets
a. facets of O are designated by the aspect or area of experience to which the client is
1. usually described as openness to... (e.g., openness to fantasy)
b. O1: Fantasy
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who have a vivid imagination and
an active fantasy life. They daydream not simply as a matter of escape but as a
way of creating for themselves an interesting inner world. They elaborate and
develop their fantasies and believe that imagination contributes to a rich and
creative life.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are imaginative, dreamers, and
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have less of a fantasy life
than higher scorers.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are more prosaic and prefer to
keep their minds on the task at hand.
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are practical and concrete
c. O2: Aesthetics
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who have a deep appreciation for
art and beauty. They are moved by poetry, absorbed in music, and intrigued
by art. They dont necessarily have artistic or musical talent, nor even what
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others might call good taste; but, for many of them, their interest in the arts
will lead to the development of a wider knowledge and appreciation than that
of the average individual.
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who enjoy artistic pleasures,
but not to the extent of high scorers
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are relatively insensitive to
and uninterested in art and beauty
d. O3: Feelings
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are receptive to their own
feelings and emotions and evaluate emotion as an important part of life. They
experience deeper and more differentiated emotional states and feel both
positive and negative emotions more intensely than others
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are responsive and sensitive
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who experience typical levels
of emotions
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who have somewhat blunted affects
and do not believe that feeling states are of much importance
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are unresponsive and constricted
e. O4: Actions
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are willing to try different
activities, go new places, or eat unusual foods. These individuals prefer
novelty and variety to familiarity and routine. Over time, they may engage in a
number of different hobbies.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are unpredictable and unconventional
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who do enjoy trying some new
activities, but who also derive pleasure from a sense of a routine
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who find change difficult and
prefer to stick with the tried-and-true
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are habitual, stubborn, and prefer
f. O5: Ideas
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who actively pursue intellectual
interests for their own sake, are open-minded, and willing to consider new,
perhaps unconventional, ideas. They enjoy both philosophical arguments and
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are often perceived as odd, peculiar,
strange, and indiscriminate
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are somewhat openminded, but who may also exhibit some characteristically close-minded traits.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who have limited curiosity and, if
highly intelligent, narrowly focus their resources on limited topics
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are pragmatic and rigid
6. Openness to ideas is not necessarily indicative of intelligence, although it can
contribute to the development of intellectual potential
g. O6: Values
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are ready to reexamine their
social, political, and religious values.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are broadminded and permissive
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are somewhat ready to
examine their social, political, and religious values, or are ready to reexamine
some of these values, but not others
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4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who tend to accept authority and
honor tradition and, as a consequence, are generally conservative, regardless
of political party affiliation
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are traditional, dogmatic, and inflexible
6. Openness to Values can be considered the opposite of dogmatism
6) Agreeableness Facets
a. A1: Trust
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who have a disposition to believe
that others are honest and well-intentioned
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are trusting and gullible
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who think others have good
intentions, but who also realize that there are some individuals and some
instances where this is not the case
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who tend to be cynical and
skeptical and who assume that others may be dishonest or dangerous
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are suspicious and paranoid
b. A2: Straightforwardness
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are frank, sincere, ingenuous, honest,
and naive
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are typically honest and
sincere, but who might bend the truth at times to avoid hurting the feelings of
others or to avoid getting in to trouble or to get their own way.
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are more willing to manipulate
others through flattery, craftiness, or deception. They view these tactics as
necessary social skills and may regard more straightforward people as naive.
While they may be more likely to stretch the truth or be more guarded in
expressing their feelings, they are not necessarily dishonest or manipulative
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are cunning, manipulative, and
deceptive. They may be pathological liars.
5. keep in mind that this scale is relative to other people.
a) this scale should not be regarded as a Lie scale, either for assessing
test validity or for making predictions about honesty in other settings
c. A3: Altruism
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who have an active concern for
others welfare as shown in generosity, consideration of others, and a
willingness to assist others in need of help.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are giving and sacrificial
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are usually concerned
about others, but who may pick and choose when to help and when not to help
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are more self-centered and are
reluctant to get involved in the problems of others
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are selfish, stingy, greedy, and
d. A4: Compliance
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who tend to defer to others, inhibit
aggression, and to forgive and forget. They tend to be meek, mild, cooperative, and
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are typically more
aggressive, but who does give in some times
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are aggressive, prefer to
compete rather than cooperate, and has no reluctance to express anger when
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4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are oppositional and combative
e. A5: Modesty
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are humble, self-effacing, and meek,
although they are not necessarily lacking in self-confidence or self-esteem.
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who tend toward humbleness,
but who do believe they are superior to some other people.
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who believe they are superior to
others and may be considered conceited or arrogant by others.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are confident, boastful, and arrogant
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who have a grandiose sense of self-worth
f. A6: Tender-Mindedness
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are moved by others needs
and emphasize the human side of social policies.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are empathic and soft-hearted
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have typical levels of
sympathy and concern for others.
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who
a) are more hardheaded and less moved by appeals to pity. They consider
themselves realists who make rational decisions based on cold logic
b) are callous and ruthless
c) lack empathy, remorse or guilt
7) Conscientiousness Facets
a. C1: Competence
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who feel well-prepared to deal with
life. They feel they are capable, sensible, prudent, and effective. They tend to
have high self-esteem and an internal locus of control.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are efficient and perfectionistic
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who usually feel prepared to
deal with life but who may also feel that they are incapable and ineffective at
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who
a) have a lower opinion of their abilities and who admit that they are often
unprepared and inept. They tend to have low self-esteem and an external locus
of control.
b) are lax and negligent
c) are irresponsible
b. C2: Order
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are neat, tidy, and wellorganized. They keep things in their proper places. Carried to an extreme,
high scores can be indicative of a Compulsive Personality Disorder
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are methodical and ordered
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have an average level of
order to their lives, but who also have some disarray
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are unable to get organized
and who describe themselves as unmethodical
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are haphazard, disorganized, and
c. C3: Dutifulness
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who adhere strictly to their ethical
principles and scrupulously fulfill their moral obligations.
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2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are reliable, dependable, and rigid
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who are governed by their
conscience an average amount.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who
a) are more casual about their ethical principles and who may be somewhat
undependable and/or unreliable.
b) are casual, irresponsible, undependable, and unethical
c) have many short marital relationships
d. C4: Achievement Striving
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are ambitious, have high aspiration
levels and work hard to achieve their goals. They are diligent and purposeful and
have a sense of direction in life.
a) very high scores may invest too much in their careers and become
2. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have moderate goals and
spend a moderate amount of energy working toward them. They are not too
upset if they do not meet their goals.
3. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are lackadaisical and perhaps
even lazy. They are not driven to succeed. They lack ambition and may seem
aimless, but they are often perfectly content with their low levels of
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are aimless and desultory
e. C5: Self-Discipline
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who have the ability to motivate
themselves and get a job done. They are able to initiate tasks and carry them
through to completion despite boredom and other distractions.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are devoted, dogged, and perseverative
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who have average levels of
self-disciplinethey are able to initiate and complete most tasks, but may be
distracted from time to time along the way.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who procrastinate in beginning
chores and who are easily discouraged and eager to quit
a) this is not impulsiveness
i. people high in impulsiveness cannot resist doing what they
dont want to do
ii. people low in self-discipline cannot force themselves to do
what they want to do
5. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who are negligent and hedonistic
f. C6: Deliberation
1. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are cautious and deliberate.
They think carefully before acting.
2. T-scores > 55 are indicative of individuals who are reflective, thorough, and ruminative
3. T-scores of 45-55 are indicative of individuals who may not be as cautious
and deliberate. They may not think things all the way through some times
before they act.
4. T-scores < 45 are indicative of individuals who
a) are hasty and often speak or act without considering the consequences. At
best, they are spontaneous and are able to make snap decisions when
b) are impulsive, careless, hasty, and rash
C. Interpreting Profiles
Rev 3/05 RG
NEO-PI-R Notes
1) plot the scores on a profile form to see the overall configuration of the clients personality
relative to the normative sample
2) identify the most salient domains and facets
a. that would be those with T-scores above 55
3) note which traits are distinctive for the individual
4) you should try to make sense of the profile by examining how the distinctive domain and facet
scales interact
a. look at the relationship of facet scales across domains
1. e.g., antagonistic people, in addition to scoring low on the six A facets, would
also tend to score high on N2: Angry Hostility and low on E1: Warmth
D. Summarizing the Interpretation
1) Interpret first the Domain Score that is most discrepant from average
a. include an interpretation of the Facet Scores that drive the Domain Score
2) Continue with such an interpretation until you reach the least discrepant Domain Score
Rev 3/05 RG