New Canton Hydroelectric Project
New Canton Hydroelectric Project
New Canton Hydroelectric Project
Hydroelectric Project
Current Conditions
Upper Powerhouse
Town of Canton
1979 Funded a feasibility study
2008 Town applies for preliminary license to secure
rights for development and priority for filing for a
permanent license.
2009 FERC issues preliminary permit to the Town of
Canton for the Upper and Lower dams.
2009 - Board of Selectmen appoint Hydro Project
Advisory Committee which then becomes the Energy
Hydro facilities are owned by the State of
Cost, time and expertise of applying for a
permanent FERC License
State Legislation
The Town of Canton sought State legislation that would
authorize the Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection to allow the Town to use the hydro facilities.
Public Act 09-7 states the Commissioner of DEEP shall
enter into an agreement allowing the Towns of Canton,
Burlington or Avon to utilize the hydro facilities on the
Farmington River.
Federal Legislation
Virtual Net Metering In 2011, the state legislature passed a bill that
provided for virtual net metering.
Current wholesale energy value (est.) $0.046 kwh
4,361,139 kwh x $0.046 = $200,612
Virtual Net Metering Rate 0.117 $/kwh
Renewable Energy Credit 0.045
Total value of both VNM and ZREC is 0.162 $/kwh
4,361,139 kwh x 0.162 $/kwh = $706,504
Private /Public Partnership
In May 2015, the Town publicized a Request for Project Development Proposals.
The Town was looking for a private company to partner with the Town in licensing,
constructing and operating a hydro-electric facilities on the Farmington River.
There were three (3) responses.
Natel Energy
2175 Monarch Street
Alameda, CA 94501
FERC Process
January 8, 2009 FERC issues a three year preliminary
permit to Canton
July 6, 2012 FERC Issues a successive preliminary permit
to Canton
June 30, 2014 Collinsville Renewable Energy Production
Act passes authorizing FERC to transfer prior license
May 2015 Canton files for a two year extension of the
successive preliminary permit.
June 2015 Canton files for transfer of license pursuant to
Federal Act
FERC denies two year extension but allows application
for transfer of license no need for successive license if
transfer is being pursued.
Non-Capacity Amendment
On December 30, 2015 the Town filed a Non-Capacity letter
Amendment to the License Reinstatement application
which outlines the specifics of the new proposal including
new turbine and generating equipment, flashboards, fish
passage and dam flows.
Next Steps
Complete Agreements
State Lease
Increase Cap on Virtual Net Metering and apply for
VNM credits and ZRECs.
Complete Filings with FERC and begin Comment Period
Complete any necessary additional studies
Source of Clean Renewable Energy.
Fish ladder will allow fish to by-pass the dam.
Flashboards will increase the water level in the upper
impoundment area enhancing recreation possibilities.
Possible financial benefits to the Town.
Take active control and responsibility of facilities that are
currently underutilized.