Size Reduction Unit Operation
Size Reduction Unit Operation
Size Reduction Unit Operation
Size Reduction
Factors affecting Size Reduction
Mechanism and Principles
Classification of Size Reduction Equipments
Factors influencing choice of Size Reduction Machinery
Pharmaceutical Applications
Size Separation
Particle Size Analysis
Size Separation by Settling
Impact, attrition, hammer mills, ball mills, colloid mills, sieves, sedimentation.
Size Reduction
Size reduction is the process of reducing the particle size of a substance to a finer state of
subdivision to smaller pieces to coarse particles or to powder. Size reduction process is also
referred to as comminution and grinding. When the particle size of solids is reduced by
mechanical means it is known as milling.
Raw materials often occur in sizes that are too large to be used and, therefore, they must be
reduced in size. The size reduction operation can be divided into two major categories depending
on whether the material is a solid or a liquid. If the material is solid, the process is called
grinding and cutting, if it is liquid, emulsification or atomization. All depend on the reaction to
shearing forces within solids and liquids. Different raw materials vary in their size, shape,
brittleness and toughness and the product required may vary from a coarse powder to a powder
of the micron size. Different types of machinery are available to suit the specific process
Objectives of Size Reduction
Size reduction increases the surface area of drugs that help in rapid solution formation in
the case of chemical substance.
The extraction from animal glands such as liver and pancreas and from crude vegetable
drugs is facilitated with an increase in surface area because solvent can easily penetrate
into the tissues resulting in quick extraction of their active constituents.
To increase the therapeutic effectiveness of certain drugs by reducing the particle size
e.g., the dose of griseofulvin is reduced to half than that of originally required.
The mixing of several solid ingredients is easier and more uniform if the ingredients are
reduced to same particle size.
In the case of powdered pharmaceutical dosage forms the crystalline drugs are powdered
before mixing them with other drugs in order to mix all the drugs uniformly and to avoid
recognition of crystalline drugs by the patients.
In the manufacture of Tablets relatively few drugs can be compressed directly, generally
they are mixed with excipients and made in the form of suitable size granules which are
then compressed.
The stability of emulsions is increased by decreasing the size of the oil globules.
Particle size plays an important role in the case of suspensions. If the size of the particles
is too small, they may form a cake which may not re-disperse easily but on the other hand
large size particles settle quickly but form a loose cake which may re-disperse easily on
The physical appearance of ointments, pastes and creams can be improved by reducing its
particle size.
All the ophthalmic preparations and preparations meant for external application to the
skin must be free from gritty particles to avoid irritation of the area to which they are
The rate of absorption of a drug depends on the dosage form, route of administration and
particle size. The smaller the particle size, quicker and greater will be rate of absorption.
jacket or by passing a stream of air through the equipment. Another alternative is to use liquid
nitrogen, as discussed earlier.
Material structure: Some substances are homogeneous in character, but the majority show
some special structure, for example, mineral substances may have lines of weakness along which
the materials splits to form flake-like particles, while vegetable drugs have a cellular structure
often leading to long fibrous particles.
Moisture content: Moisture content influences a number of properties that can affect size
reduction, for example, hardness, toughness or stickiness. In general materials should be dry or
wet and not merely damp. Usually, less than 5 percent of moisture is suitable if the substance is
to be ground dry or more than 50 if it is being subjected to wet grinding
Physiological effect: Some substances are very potent and small amounts of dust have an effect
on the operators. To avoid this dust, enclose mills must be used, systems that can extract air are
also desirable, and wet grinding also, if possible, as it eliminates the problem entirely.
Purity required: Certain types of size reduction apparatus cause the grinding surfaces to wear,
and such methods must be avoided if a high degree of purity of product is needed. Similarly,
some machines will be unsuitable if cleaning between batches of different materials is difficult.
Ratio of feed size to product ratio: Machines that produce a fine may be necessary to carry out
the size reduction process in several stages with different equipment, for example, preliminary
crushing, followed by coarse grinding and then fine grinding.
Bulk density: The capacity of most batch mills depend on volume, whereas processes usually
demand solid materials by weight. Hence, all other factors being equal, the output of the machine
is related to the bulk density of the substance.
Mechanism and Principles of Size Reduction
The mechanism of size reduction may vary with the nature of the material and each drug may
require separate treatment. Fracture occurs preferentially along lines of weakness. Fresh surfaces
may be created or existing cracks and fissures may be opened up, the former requiring much
more energy. Most of the time there is a tendency towards agglomeration of particles after
formation. From the point of view utilization of energy size reduction is a very inefficient
process as only a small percentage of the energy supplied is utilized in subdividing the particles.
Much of the energy is spent in overcoming friction and inertia of machine parts, friction between
particles and deforming the particles without breaking them. This energy is released as heat.
Laws governing energy and power requirement of Size Reduction process: Grinding is a
very inefficient process and it is important to use energy as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately,
it is not easy to calculate the minimum energy required for a given reduction process, but some
theories have been advanced which are useful. A number of theories have been advanced to
predict the energy requirements of a size reduction process, but none give accurate results.
These theories depend upon the basic assumption that the energy required to produce a change
dL in a particle of a typical size dimension L is a simple power function of L:
dE/dL = KLn
Where dE is the differential energy required, dL is the change in a typical dimension; L is the
magnitude of a typical length dimension and K, n, are constants.
Kick assumed that the energy required to reduce a material in size was directly proportional to
the size reduction ratio dL/L. This implies that n in equation. (1) is equal to -1. If
K = KKfc
Where KK is called Kick's constant and fc is called the crushing strength of the material, we
dE/dL = KKfcL-1
Which, on integration gives:
E = KKfc loge(L1/L2)
Equation (2) is a statement of Kick's Law. It implies that the specific energy required to crush a
material, for example from 10 cm down to 5 cm, is the same as the energy required to crush the
same material from 5 mm to 2.5 mm.
Rittinger, on the other hand, assumed that the energy required for size reduction is directly
proportional, not to the change in length dimensions, but to the change in surface area. This leads
to a value of -2 for n in equation. (1) as area is proportional to length squared. If we put:
K = KRfc
and so
dE/dL = KRfcL-2
Where KR is called Rittinger's constant, and integrate the resulting form of eqn. (1), we obtain:
E = KRfc(1/L2 1/L1)
Equation (3) is known as Rittinger's Law. As the specific surface of a particle, the surface area
per unit mass, is proportional to 1/L, eqn. (3) postulates that the energy required to reduce L for a
mass of particles from 10 cm to 5 cm would be the same as that required to reduce, for example,
the same mass of 5 mm particles down to 4.7 mm. This is a very much smaller reduction, in
terms of energy per unit mass for the smaller particles, than that predicted by Kick's Law.
It has been found, experimentally, that for the grinding of coarse particles in which the increase
in surface area per unit mass is relatively small, Kick's Law is a reasonable approximation. For
the size reduction of fine powders, on the other hand, in which large areas of new surface are
being created, Rittinger's Law fits the experimental data better.
Classification of Size Reduction equipments
A wide variety of size reduction equipment is available. Equipment may be classified into three
classes according to the nature of the forces applied. In the first class, size reduction is
accomplished by application of continuous pressure and this class includes equipment for coarse
crushing. In the second class, reduction is effected by blow or impact. An example of impact is
breaking of a brittle lumpy material by throwing against a wall when the material breaks into
pieces due to sudden release of force. In the third type shearing forces are applied by grinding or
abrasion and this class gives fine grinding. There is no sharp dividing line between these classes
since some mills use a combination of these forces for size reduction. Thus a broad classification
could be a crushing, impact and grinding mills.
Before size reduction, materials must be thoroughly dried to avoid accumulation in the mill and
possible jamming with wet material and to prevent agglomeration of the particles after size
reduction. Crystalline inorganic and organic medicinal compounds which are isolated by normal
precipitation and crystallization methods do not require any form of preliminary treatment but
they must be thoroughly dried. On the other hand vegetable drugs, due to their wide variation in
physical state, may require an initial reduction to small pieces. Materials like camphor and
spermaceti, the particles of which tend to cohere as quickly as they are produced, need wetting
with alcohol before size reduction to avoid this difficulty.
On the small-scale initial size reduction of vegetable drugs may be done by slicing, rasping or
contusion. Slicing or cutting may be done both transversely and longitudinally so that the tissues
may be laid open as completely as possible for quicker drying of the material. Rasping or grating
can be done with a nutmeg grater and is mainly used for soaps and waxes that are normally
required in coarse state. Contusion or bruising is accomplished by beating the drug in a heavy
motor. The shape and material of construction of mortars and pestles vary. They may be made of
iron, marble, porcelain, glass, steel etc. The bottom surfaces of the mortar and pestle may be
shallow or round. Shallow mortars give more grinding effect and are more efficient for size
reduction of dry materials and for preparation of fine emulsions.
Grinding and Cutting
Grinding and cutting reduce the size of solid materials by mechanical action, dividing them into
smaller particles. The most extensive application of grinding in the food industry is in the milling
of grains to make flour, but it is used in many other processes, such as in the grinding of corn for
manufacture of corn starch, the grinding of sugar and the milling of dried foods, such as
Cutting is used to break down large pieces of food into smaller pieces suitable for further
processing, such as in the preparation of meat for retail sales and in the preparation of processed
meats and processed vegetables.
In the grinding process, materials are reduced in size by fracturing them, the material is stressed
by the action of mechanical moving parts in the grinding machine and initially the stress is
absorbed internally by the material as strain energy. When the local strain energy exceeds a
critical level, which is a function of the material, fracture occurs along lines of weakness and the
stored energy is released. Some of the energy is taken up in the creation of new surface, but the
greater part of it is dissipated as heat. Time also plays a part in the fracturing process and it
appears that material will fracture at lower stress concentrations if these can be maintained for
longer periods. Grinding is, therefore, achieved by mechanical stress followed by rupture and the
energy required depends upon the hardness of the material and also upon the tendency of the
material to crack.
The force applied may be compression, impact, or shear, and both the magnitude of the force and
the time of application affect the extent of grinding achieved. For efficient grinding, the energy
applied to the material should exceed, by as small a margin as possible, the minimum energy
needed to rupture the material. Excess energy is lost as heat and this loss should be kept as low
as practicable.
The important factors to be studied in the grinding process are the amount of energy used and the
amount of new surface formed by grinding.
Mechanism of Size Reduction:
Cutting here the material is cut by means of a sharp blade or blades.
Compression in this method, the material is crushed by application of pressure.
Impact impact occurs when the material is more or less stationary and is hit by an object
moving at high speed or when the moving particle strikes a stationary surface. In either case, the
material shatters to smaller pieces. Usually both will take place, since the substance is hit by a
moving hammer and the particles formed are then thrown against the casing of the machine.
Attrition in attrition, the material is subjected to pressure as in compression, but the surfaces
are moving relative to each other, resulting in shear forces which break the particles.
Methods of size reduction: Cutting and compression have limited uses in Pharmaceutical
practice, impact and attrition are used much more widely, both separately and in combination,
and there is a great variety in each type. The machines used for size reduction are often termed as
Grinding Equipment
Grinding equipment can be divided into two classes - crushers and grinders. In the first class the
major action is compressive, whereas grinders combine shear and impact with compressive
Equipments based on the mechanism of Cutting : Cutting machinery is simple, consisting of
rotating knives in various arrangements. The knives are kept sharp so that they cut rather than
tear. An example is the bowl chopper in which a flat bowl containing the material revolves
beneath a vertical rotating cutting knife.
1. Crushers: Jaw and gyratory crushers are heavy equipment and are not used extensively in the
food industry. In a jaw crusher, the material is fed in between two heavy jaws, one fixed and the
other reciprocating, so as to work the material down into a narrower and narrower space,
crushing it as it goes. The gyrator crusher consists of a truncated conical casing, inside which a
crushing head rotates eccentrically. The crushing head is shaped as an inverted cone and the
material being crushed is trapped between the outer fixed, and the inner gyrating, cones, and it is
again forced into a narrower and narrower space during which time it is crushed. Jaw and
gyratory crusher actions are illustrated in Figure 1(a) and (b).
Crushing rolls consist of two horizontal heavy cylinders, mounted parallel to each other and
close together. They rotate in opposite directions and the material to be crushed is trapped and
nipped between them being crushed as it passes through. In some case, the rolls are both driven
at the same speed. In other cases, they may be driven at differential speeds, or only one roll is
driven. A major application is in the cane sugar industry, where several stages of rolls are used to
crush the cane.
Equipments based on the mechanism of Impact :
1. Hammer mills: In a hammer mill, swinging hammerheads are attached to a rotor that rotates
at high speed inside a hardened casing. The principle is illustrated in Figure 2(a).
The hammer mill consists of a steel casing in which a central shaft is enclosed to which a number
of swinging hammers are attached. When the shaft is rotated the hammers swing out to a radial
position. On the lower part of the casing a screen of desired size is fitted which can be easily
replaced according to the particle size required. The material is crushed and pulverized between
the hammers and the casing and remains in the mill until it is fine enough to pass through a
screen which forms the bottom of the casing. Both brittle and fibrous materials can be handled in
hammer mills, though with fibrous material, projecting sections on the casing may be used to
give a cutting action. The hammer mills are available in various designs and shapes. In
pharmaceutical industry they are used for grinding dry materials, wet filter cakes, ointments and
1. It is rapid in action, and is capable of grinding many different types of materials.
2. They are easy to install and operate, the operation is continuous.
3. There is little contamination of the product with metal abraded from the mill as no surface
move against each other.
4. The particle size of the material to be reduced can be easily controlled by changing the speed
of the rotor, hammer type, shape and size of the screen
1. The high speed of operation causes generation of heat that may affect thermolabile materials
or drugs containing gum, fat or resin. The mill may be water-cooled to reduce this heat
2. The rate of feed must be controlled carefully as the mill may be choked, resulting in
decreased efficiency or even damage.
3. Because of the high speed of operation, the hammer mill is susceptible to damage by foreign
objects such as stones or metal in the feed. Magnets may be used to remove iron, but the feed
must be checked visually for any other contamination.
The hammer mill is capable of producing intermediate grades of powder from almost any
substance, apart from sticky materials that choke the screen. Applications include the powdering
of barks, leaves, roots, crystals and filter cakes. With cutting edges to the hammers, the method
has proved to be especially useful for granulation, the damp masses being cut to granules by the
hammers when they are found to produce greater uniformity than is obtained by sieve
2. Plate mills: In plate mills the material is fed between two circular plates, one of them fixed
and the other rotating. The feed comes in near the axis of rotation and is sheared and crushed as
it makes its way to the edge of the plates; see Figure 2(b). The plates can be mounted
horizontally as in the traditional Buhr stone used for grinding corn, which has a fluted surface on
the plates. The plates can be mounted vertically also. Developments of the plate mill have led to
the colloid mill, which uses very fine clearances and very high speeds to produce particles of
colloidal dimensions.
Equipments based on the mechanism of Attrition: Size reduction by attrition can be effected
in the laboratory by using pestle and mortar or, if a small-scale mechanical method is required,
the roller mill can be used.
1. Roller mills: Roller mills are similar to roller crushers, but they have smooth or finely fluted
rolls, and rotate at differential speeds. They are used very widely to grind flour. Because of their
simple geometry, the maximum size of the particle that can pass between the rolls can be
regulated. If the friction coefficient between the rolls and the feed material is known, the largest
particle that will be nipped between the rolls can be calculated, knowing the geometry of the
The roller mills use the principles of attrition for the size reduction of solids in suspensions,
pastes, or ointments. Two or three rolls, usually in metal or in porcelain, are mounted
horizontally with a very small, but adjusTable, gap between. The rolls rotate at different speeds,
so that the material is sheared as it passes through the gap and is transferred from the slower to
the faster roll, from which it is removed by means of a scraper. The method is very effective for
size reducing and dispersing solids in semi-solid media.
Triple Roller mill: Various types of roller mills consisting of one or more rollers are commonly
used but triple roller mill is preferred. It is fitted with three rollers that are composed of a hard
abrasion-resistant material. They are fitted in such a way that they come in close contact with
each other and rotate at different speeds. The material that come, in-between the rollers is
crushed and reduced in particle size. The reduction in particle size depends on the gap between
the rollers and difference in their speeds. In figure 3, the material is allowed to pass through
hopper A, in-between the rollers B and C where it is reduced in size. Then the material is passed
between the rollers C and D where it is further reduced in size and a smooth mixture is obtained.
The gap between rollers C and D is usually less than the gap between B and C, after passing the
material between rollers C and D the smoothened material is continuously removed from roller D
by means of scraper E, from where it is collected in a receiver.
On large scale, mechanical ointment roller mills are used to obtain an ointment of smooth and
uniform texture. The performed coarse ointments are forced to pass through moving stainless
steel rollers where it is reduced in particle size and a smooth product which is uniform in
composition and texture is obtained. For small scale work, small ointment mills are available.
Equipments based on the Combined Impact and Attrition: The mechanisms of impact and
attrition can be combined in two forms of mill. In the ball mill the particles receive impacts from
balls or pebbles and are subjected to attrition as the balls slide over each other. In fluid energy
mills the impacts and attrition occur between rapidly moving particles.
1. Colloid mill: Colloid mill works on the principle of shearing. The colloid mill is useful for
milling, dispersing, homogenizing and breaking down of agglomerates in the manufacture of
food pastes, emulsions, coatings, ointments, creams, pulps, grease etc. The main function of the
colloid mill is to ensure a breakdown of agglomerates or in the case of emulsions to produce
droplets of fine size around 1 micron. The material to be processed is fed by gravity to the
hopper or pumped so as to pass between the rotor and stator elements where it is subjected to
high shearing and hydraulic forces as illustrated in figure 4(a) and (b). Material is discharged
through a hopper whereby it can be recirculated for a second pass. For materials having higher
solid and fibre contents conical grooved discs are preferred. Cooling and heating jacket
arrangements are provided as a standard feature on both these mills.
Figure 4(a): Premier Colloid mill (conical grinding surface) (b): Colloid mill (stepped grinding surface)
Rotational speed of the rotor varies from 3,000-20,000 r.p.m. with the spacing between the rotor
and stator capable of very fine adjustment varying from 0.001 inch to 0.005 inch depending on
the size of the equipment. Colloid mills require a flooded feed, the liquid being forced through
the narrow clearance by centrifugal action and taking a spiral path. In these mills almost all the
energy supplied is converted to heat and the shear forces can unduly increase the temperature of
the product. Hence most colloid mills are fitted with water jackets and it is also necessary to cool
the material before and after passing through the mill.
In the Premier colloid mill, intense shearing action is produced between the rotor running at
several thousand rpm with its working surface in close proximity to the stator. A 5-inch diameter
rotor runs at 9000 r.p.m. and has an output of 40-60 gallons depending on the viscosity of the
liquid. The gap between the two surfaces is adjustable from 0.3-0.002 inch and the distance is
measured by means of a feeler gauge. Crude mix is fed via the hopper to the centre of the rotor.
The material is flung outward and after homogenization across the shearing surfaces, it is
discharged. If the feed is very slow, many hundreds of revolutions will take place while the
contents of the gap traverse the working faces and consequently the globules will be subjected to
a greater shearing action than effected at the maximum rate of feed. The materials must be
supplied at such a rate that the space between the rotor and stator is kept entirely filled with
liquid. Figure 4 (c) shows different parts of a colloid mill
Grinding disc
In toothed colloid mill the grinding gap between the rotor and the stator is adjustable. Different
grinding sets can be used, depending on the product. The coarse toothed set is for size reduction
of solids in suspensions and coarse toothed set is for smaller particle sizes and finer dispersions.
Colloid Mills are used in the production of ointment, cream, gels and high viscous fluids for
grinding, dispersing and homogenizing in one operation. Cyclone colloid mills are used in
production of ointment, cream, gels & high viscous fluids for grinding dispersing
Extremely fine particle distribution through optimal shear force.
High capacity with minimal space requirements.
Rapid handling and easy cleaning.
Virtually unlimited application due to highly flexible homogenisation system.
2. Ball mill: Ball mill is a type of crusher, is a cylindrical device (figure 5-a) used to grind (or
mix) materials like ores, chemicals, ceramics and paints. Ball mills rotate around a horizontal
axis, partially filled with the material to be ground plus the grinding medium. Different materials
are used for media (figure 5-b), including ceramic balls, flint pebbles and stainless steel balls. An
internal cascading effect reduces the material to a fine powder. Industrial ball mills can operate
continuously fed at one end and discharged at the other. Large to medium ball mills are
mechanically rotated on their axis, but small ones normally consist of a cylindrical capped
container that sits on two drive shafts (pulleys and belts are used to transmit rotary motion). A
rock tumbler functions on the same principle. High quality ball mills are potentially expensive
and can grind mixture particles to as small as 0.0001 mm, enormously increasing surface area
and reaction rates.
The material to be ground is added so that it is slightly more than fills the voids between the
pellets. The shell is rotated at a speed which will cause the pellets to cascade, thus reducing
particle sizes by impact. It has been proposed that in the plastics industry the term ball mill be
reserved for metallic grinding media, and the term pebble mill for non-metallic grinding media.
There are many types of grinding media suitable for use in a ball mill, each material having its
own specific properties and advantages. Common in some aplications are stainless steel balls.
While usually very effective due to their high density and low contamination of the material
being processed, stainless steel balls are unsuitable for some applications, including:
Black powder and other flammable materials require non-sparking lead antimony, brass,
or bronze grinding media
Contamination by iron of sensitive substances such as ceramic raw materials. In this
application ceramic or flint grinding media is used. Ceramic media are also very resistant
to corrosive materials.
Ball mills are very effective for grinding smooth, aqueous or oily dispersions by wet grinding
since it will give particles of 10 microns or less.
1. Ball mill is capable of grinding a wide variety of materials of differing character and of
different degrees of hardness.
2. It can be used in a completely enclosed form, which makes it especially suitable for use
with toxic materials.
3. It can produce very fine powders.
4. It can be used for continuous operation, and a classifier can be used in conjunction with
the mill, so that particles of suitable size are removed while oversize particles are
5. It is equally suitable for wet or dry grinding processes.
1. Wear occurs, principally from the balls, but partially from the casing and this may result
in the product being contaminated, with abrasive materials this may exceed 0.1 percent,
but even ordinary substances may be contaminated with 0.03 percent metal after
2. In some cases, this may not be significant, but in others it may be of great importance.
3. Soft or sticky materials may cause problems by caking on the sides of the mill or by
holding the balls in aggregates.
4. The ball mill is very noisy machine, particularly if the casing is of metal, but much less
so if rubber is used.
5. Relatively long time of operation.
Ball mills are applicable to a wide variety of materials, large ones being used for grinding ores
prior to manufacture of pharmaceutical chemicals and small versions for the final grinding of
drugs or for grinding suspensions.
3. Fluid energy mill: It consists of a loop of a pipe, which has a diameter of 20 to 200 mm,
depending on the overall height of the loop which may be up to about 2 meters, a fluid, usually
air, is injected at high pressure through nozzles at the bottom of the loop, giving rise to a high
velocity circulation in a very turbulent condition, as shown in Figure 6. Solids are introduced
into the stream and, as a result of the high degree of turbulence, impact and attritional forces
occur between the particles. A classifier is incorporated in the system, so that particles are
retained until sufficiently fine.
The feed to the mill needs to be pre-treated to reduce the particles size to the order of 100 mesh,
enabling the process to yield a product as small as 5 micrometers or less. Despite this, mills are
available which are capable of outputs up to 4 mg per hour.
1. The particle size of the product is smaller than that produced by any other method of size
2. Expansion of gases at the nozzles leads to cooling, counteracting the usual frictional heat
which can affect heat-sensitive materials.
3. Since the size reduction is by inter-particulate attrition there is little or no abrasion of the mill
and so virtually no contamination of the product.
4. For special cases with very sensitive materials it is possible to use inert gases.
5. Having a classifier as an integral part of the system permits close control of particle size and
of particle size distribution.
The method is used where especially fine powders are required, and antibiotics, sulphonamides
and vitamins are typical examples.
Table 1 shows general characteristics of various types of mills.
Table 1-General characteristics of various types of mills
Name of the
Mechanism of
Hammer mills
Roller mills
Colloid mills
Ball mill
2. Nature of the product: A powdered drug produced in a ball mill differs from the product in a
micronizer or a disintegrator even though both powders may be screened to the same fineness.
Differences exist in the shape of the particles, their toughness and their internal pore structure.
Powder obtained from grinding mills like ball mill is more compact and less porous than that
obtained in high speed impact mills like a disintegrator. For the grinding of a sterile material
under aseptic conditions, a mill is required that can be easily sterilized and sealed to prevent
contamination during the grinding operation. A batch operation porcelain ball mill is most
suitable for this purpose. When iron and copper contamination of pharmaceutical products is to
be avoided stainless steel or ceramic material may be used for the surfaces of a mill coming into
contact with the drug.
3. Degree of comminution required: The degree of comminution of materials varies according
to the purpose for which they are required. For the preparation of galenicals, the size of the
vegetable drug powder employed for extraction varies from coarse to fine powder. Tincture
preparation requires bruised to moderately coarse powders. For percolation, drug powders should
not contain a large proportions of fines to avoid uneven extraction. Coarse to moderately coarse
powder, with a minimum of fine powder, are all most easily obtained by using high speed mills
of the impact type. Materials such as cascara, liquorice, belladonna leaf and root and ginger are
all easily broken down in such mills. The grindability of different grades of a vegetable drug
usually varies and during comminution the softer portions get size reduced first. Therefore it is
sometimes useful to screen out the powdered drug and return the coarser material to the mill for
further size reduction. This prevents continued milling of the softer portions resulting in
formation of too much fines. The same principle is also applicable to crystalline drugs although
they are of uniform composition. The rate of absorption of sparingly soluble drugs, either
through the Gastro-intestinal tract or when administered parenterally, depends on particle size.
Penicillin in a medium of aluminium monostearte and arachis oil appears to be most effective
when 90 % of the particles are smaller than 5 micrometers. The relatively insoluble
sulphonamides attain their maximum antibacterial activity at crystal sizes of about 1 micrometer
or below. For insufflations the drug should be smaller than about 5 micrometers.
Pharmaceutical Applications of Size Reduction
Size reduction increases the surface area per unit weight also known as the specific surface
area. This increased specific surface affects the therapeutic efficiency of medicinal
compounds that possess a low solubility in body fluids by increasing the area of contact
between the solids and the dissolving fluid. Thus, a given weight of finely powdered
medicinal compound dissolves in a shorter time than does the same weight of a coarse
powder. For example, the control of fineness of griseofulvin led to an oral dosage regimen
half that of the originally marketed product.
Particle size control influences the duration of adequate serum concentration, rheology, and
product syringeability of a suspension of penicillin G procaine for intramuscular injection.
The rectal absorption of aspirin from a theobroma oil suppository is related to particle size.
There is an increase in antiseptic action for calomel ointment when the particle size of
calomel is reduced.
The size of particles used in inhalation aerosols determines the position and retention of the
particles in the bronchopulmonary system.
Size may affect texture, taste and rheology of oral suspensions in addition to absorption.
The time required for dissolution of solid chemicals in the preparation of solutions is
shortened by the use of smaller particles.
Size Separation
The control of particles size and size range is of great importance in Pharmaceutical industry.
Though various types of machines are used for size reduction, it is not necessary that they will
produce the desired size particles and of uniform size. Any solid material, after size reduction,
never gives particles of the same size but contains particles of somewhat varying sizes. To
control the particle size distribution, the size-reduced material must be sifted to sifting to get
fractions of narrow size ranges. The desired fractions are finally mixed, if necessary, in such a
way to get a powder having the needed average particle size. Thus one can say that size
separation is usually an integral part of size reduction in industrial pharmacy.
Particle size analysis
There are a large number of methods by which particle size of powders can be analyzed but
sieving and sedimentation methods are commonly used.
I. Sieving
Sieving is the most widely used method for particle size analysis because it is inexpensive,
simple and rapid with little variation between operators. Sieving or sifting is a process by which
different grades of powders are separated from each other. In the laboratory different grades of
sieves are used for sifting the powders and preparing the granules of required particle size. After
comminuting any material it is passed through a specific grade sieve to get the required size
particles. The bigger particles are returned to the machine for regrinding. After final grinding and
sieving, the material which does not pass through the sieve is known as tailing which should
never be rejected because they may contain the medicinally active constituents. The tailing may
be added to the next batch of the drug to be ground.
Most of the sieves used are of the wire mesh type, the number of the sieve indicates the number
of meshes included in a length of 25.4 mm (1 inch) in each direction parallel to the wires, it is the
number of meshes that is specified and not the number of wires. Thus a No. 10 sieve has 10
meshes per inch in each direction.
Standards for Powders
British Pharmacopoeia has laid down standards for powders for pharmaceutical purposes, the
B.P. states that the degree of coarseness or fineness of a powder is differentiated and expressed
by the size of the mesh of the sieve through which the powder is able to pass. The B.P. specifies
five grades of powder and these are shown in Table 2, which gives the name by which the grade
of powders is known and the number of the sieve through which all the particles must pass.
Moderately coarse
Moderately fine
Very fine
However, this is an inadequate definition of powders, since particles that will pass through a 120
sieve will also pass through a 10 sieve. Hence, the very fine powder meets the same definition as
a coarse powder. Therefore a limit must be placed on fines in the coarser grades of powders
and it is obvious that this can be done by specifying two sieves for each powder-a large size
through which all particles must pass and a smaller size through which the particles will not pass.
This is not practicable, however, since a size reduction process inevitably produces particles
finer than is indicated. Due to this, the B.P. specifies a second, smaller size of sieve for the
coarser powders but states that not more than 40 percent shall pass through. Thus the objective is
to obtain a powder with all the particles between specified maximum and minimum sizes but
because of practical size reduction difficulties, at lest 60 percent of the powder between those
sizes is acceptable.
The relevant grades of powders and sieve numbers are shown in Table 3.
Table 3-British Pharmacopoeia Powders
Grade of Powders
Moderately coarse
Moderately fine
Not Specified
Very fine
Not Specified
Sieving methods: Sieves should be used and stored with care, since if the sieve becomes
damaged or distorted then it is of little value. Particles, if small enough, will pass through a sieve
easily if it is shaken, tapped, or brushed.
Mechanical Sieving methods: Mechanical sieving devices are usually based on methods that
agitate or brush the sieve or use centrifugal force.
1. Agitation methods: Sieves may be agitated in a number of different ways, for examplea. Oscillation- The sieve is mounted in a frame that oscillates back and forth. The method is
simple, but the material may roll on the surface of the sieve, and fibrous materials in particular
tend to ball.
b. Vibration Here, the mesh is vibrated at high speed, often by means of an electric device
using the 50-Hertz alternations of alternating electric current. The rapid vibration is imparted to
the particles on the sieve and the particles are less likely to blind the mesh.
c. Gyration The gyratory method uses a system in which the sieve is on a rubber mounting and
connected to an eccentric flywheel. Thus, the sieve is given a rotary movement of small
amplitude, but of considerable intensity, giving a spinning motion to the particles. This increases
the chances of a particle becoming suitably oriented to pass through the mesh, so that the output
is usually considerably greater than that obtained with oscillating or vibratory sieves.
Agitation methods may be made continuous, by inclination of the sieve and the provision of
separate outlets for undersize and oversize particles. This applies irrespective of the method of
2. Brushing methods: A brush can be used to move the particles on the surface of the sieve and
to keep the meshes clear. A single brush across the diameter of an ordinary circular sieve,
rotating about the mid-point is effective, but in large-scale production a horizontal cylindrical
sieve is employed, with a spiral brush rotating on the longitudinal axis of the sieve.
3. Centrifugal methods: Mechanical sieve of this type normally uses a vertical cylindrical sieve
with a high-speed rotor inside the cylinder, so that particles are thrown outwards by centrifugal
force. The current of air created by the movement assists sieving also, and is especially useful
with very fine powders.
Wet sieving: The methods described above use the powder in dry state, which may lead to
difficulties with some materials. As in size reduction, wet sieving is more efficient than the
equivalent dry process, particles being suspended readily and passing easily through the sieve
with less blinding of the meshes.
Materials used for Sieves
The only official specification for materials for the construction of sieves is that the wire should
be of uniform, circular cross-section. In addition, however, the material should have suitable
strength to avoid distortion and be resistant to corrosion by any substances that may be shifted.
1. Metals
a. Iron: Iron wire has the advantage because its cheap, but it has a disadvantage that rusting
occurs very readily and iron contamination of products is usually undesirable.
Coated iron: Iron wire may be coated as a protection from corrosion by galvanizing or tinning,
but there is a tendency for the diameter to become variable. Some sieves are coated after
manufacture, which increases the protection against corrosion and increases the strength also, but
is likely to lead to some variation in the mesh size. Like all coatings, it remains effective if it is
not damaged.
b. Copper: Copper wire is readily available and is used commonly. Copper has the advantage
that it avoids the risk of iron contamination, but it is a soft metal and the meshes can be distorted
Copper alloys
A number of alloys of copper, for example brass and phosphorous-bronze, resemble copper in
possessing good resistance to corrosion by most materials but strength is very much greater so
that there is less risk of the meshes being distorted in use.
c. Stainless steel: Stainless steel is the most expensive of the metals from which sieves are made,
stainless steel is the most satisfactory, having good resistance to corrosion by all materials that
are likely to be sieved, as well as adequate strength. Sieves with stainless steel meshes are
recommended for pharmaceutical purposes for the above reasons.
2. Non-Metals: Sieves with meshes from non-metals are used when it is important that all risk of
metallic contamination be avoided. Non-metals are used also in sieves with fine meshes, since
many non-metal fibres are stronger than a metal wire of comparable thickness.
Materials of natural origin, for example hair and silk, were used originally, but synthetic fibres
have proved to be more satisfactory. Man-made fibres, such as nylon and terylene, are excellent,
having considerable strength and resistance to corrosion. In addition, these materials can be
extruded in all diameters, enabling a wide variety of sieves to be made.
II. Size separation by settling
When particles are too small to be screened effectively or when large quantities of material are to
be handled, methods involving differences in the rates of settling of particles of different sizes
and of different materials are used. If two particles of different settling rates in water are placed
in an upward flowing stream and if the velocity of water is adjusted so that it lies between the
settling rates of the two particles, the slowing settling particles will move downward against the
water stream and a separation is thereby obtained as illustrated in figure 7.
Consider there are two particles having different settling rates admitted horizontally into a small
tank containing water, both particles start to settle. The faster settling particle reaches the bottom
of the tank before the slower moving particle. The settling rates of a particle depends both on
their size and their shapes. Since the water velocities in any one cross section of the above
classifying devices are not uniform, with particles of uniform density but varying in size and
shape, the methods do not give fractions having all the particles in a relatively small size range
but rather fractions having a mixture of sizes with the average size smaller in one fraction and
larger in the other. Hence these procedures are called classification methods rather than size
separation methods. The settling rate of a particle also depends on its density. If the material to
be classified is a mixture of materials of different densities and sizes, the coarser fraction will be
richer in the heavier component and the finer fractions will be richer in the lighter component.
Classification equipment may involve simple settling as above or the settling may be aided by
mechanical devices. The system may operate only on the water entering with the material or a
stream of additional water may be supplied. This additional water is called hydraulic water, if the
apparatus is to settle out all the solids introduced and give a clear overflow, the process is called
Sedimentation methods: Sedimentation methods are based on the measurement of the rate at
which particles of the powder settle out from a liquid in which they have been dispersed.
Settling is the process by which particulates settle to the bottom of a liquid and form sediment.
Also called sediment.
Settling velocity or fall velocity or terminal velocity of a (sediment) particle is the rate at which
the sediment settles in still fluid. It is sensitive to the shape (roundness and sphericity) and to the
viscosity and density of the fluid. It integrates all of these into a key transport parameter. For
dilute suspensions, Stokes' Law predicts the settling velocity of small spheres in fluid, either air
or water. Stokes' law finds many applications in the natural sciences, and is given by:
where w is the settling velocity, is density (the subscripts p and f indicate particle and fluid
respectively), g is the acceleration due to gravity, r is the radius of the particle and is the
dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
The pipet method (Andreason) as shown in figure 8, is the simplest means of incremental particle
size analysis. The Andreason apparatus consists of a tall vessel called sedimentation vessel
having capacity of 500 ml. the vessel is fitted with ground glass joint through which a 10 ml
pipette fitted with two-way stopcock for draining sample is passed.
A 1 % suspension of the powder is prepared in a suitable liquid medium which is then placed in
the sedimentation vessel. As measured by the pipette 10 ml samples are withdrawn at specified
intervals of time from a specified depth below the surface without disturbing the suspension. The
samples are dried and the residue is weighed. As the sizes of the particles are not uniform, the
particles settle at different rates. The larger particles settle at a faster rate and fall below the
pipette tip sooner than the smaller particles, thus each sample withdrawn has a lower
concentration and contains particles of smaller diameter than the previous sample. From the
weights of the dried samples the percentage of the initial suspension is calculated for particles
having sizes smaller than the size calculated by Stokes equation for that time.
The process of sedimentation is employed in the operation of thickeners to settle out the solids in
slurry and attain a clear overflow of the liquid. One assumption made in the operation of
thickeners is that the material to be settled is in the form of flocs which are aggregate of finer
materials sufficiently uniform in size and shape so that they settle at uniform velocities under
conditions of hindered settling in the initial stages. Figure 9 shows a glass cylinder in which a
batch settling operation is being conducted. The cylinder contains an initial uniform suspension,
from this initial uniform suspension, any coarse material first falls to the bottom (layer E). Next a
layer of settled solid (layer D) forms with a transition zone of partly thickened material above it
C. The boundary between C and D is usually obscure and is marked by vertical channels through
which water is escaping from the lower layers which are under compression. Next is a zone B of
the material at the original concentration and finally a layer of clear water. The boundary
between A and B is usually sharp. As thickening progresses, layer B and C ultimately disappear,
but layer D may shrink further because of compression. In such batch settling tests carried out at
laboratory scale conditions and zone boundaries may vary with time.
Cyclone Separator
The cyclone separator consists of a cylindrical vessel with a conical base, as shown in figure 10.
The suspension is introduced tangentially at fairly high velocity, so that a rotary movement takes
place within the vessel. And the fluid is removed from a central outlet at the top. The rotary flow
within the cyclone causes the particles to be acted on by centrifugal force, solids being thrown
out to the walls, hence falling to the conical base and out through the solids discharge. Cyclones
can be used with liquid suspensions of solids, but the most common application is with
suspensions of a solid in a gas, usually air.
a) Elevation, b) Plan
Figure 10 - Cyclone Separator
The separator is still a form of sedimentation, but with centrifugal force used instead of the
gravitational force. Hence, depending on the fluid velocity, the cyclone can be used to separate
all particles or to remove only coarser particles and allow fine particles to be carried through
with the fluid.
Air classifiers
The Air Classifier is a centrifugal type classifier used to separate dry powdered materials into
fine and coarse fractions. It may be operated in closed circuit with a grinding mill or used in
open circuit operation, receiving the feed from hoppers, bins screens. Air classification is a
process of approximate sizing of dry mixtures of different particle sizes into groups or grades at
cut point ranging from 10 mesh to sub-mash sizes.
Kraml, M., Dubue, J., and Gaudry, R.: Antibiot. Chemother., 12:232, 1962.
Ober, S.S., Vincent, H.C., Simon, D.E., and Frederick, K.J.: J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 47:667, 1958
Parrott, E. L.: J. Pharm. Sci., 64:878, 1975.
MacDonald, L.H., and Himelick, R. E.: J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 37:368, 1948.
Kanig, J.: J. Pharm. Sci., 52:513, 1963.
Fincher, J. H.: J. Pharm. Sci., 57:1825, 1968.
Tingstad, J, E.: J. Pharm. Sci., 53:955, 1964.
A textbook of Pharmaceutical Engineering by K. Sambhamurthy.
Introduction to Chemical Engineering by Walter L. Badger.
Tutorial Pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn, Sixth Edition.
Suggested Reading