Voucher Types in Tally
Voucher Types in Tally
Voucher Types in Tally
There are 18 vouchers already created in Tally software, which is divided into two
1. Accounting Vouchers
2. Inventory Vouchers
Accounting Vouchers:
There are 10 accounting vouchers already created in Tally software. You can create,
delete or modify other vouchers as per your requirement.
Inventory Vouchers:
There are by default 8 inventory vouchers are automatically created in Tally software.
You can create, delete or modify other vouchers as per your requirement. You can
create, display, alter or delete any voucher as per requirement in tally from Got
(Gateway of Tally) -> Accounts Info / Inventory Info -> Voucher Types
Accounting Voucher:
All entries which you made in these given accounting vouchers is effect on your current
accounting of your business.
F4: Contra-> Used for cash and bank entries and also fund transfer from one bank to
F5: Payment ->Used for expenditure and payment to parties by cheque or cash.
F6: Receipt -> Used for income and received amount from the parties by cheque and
F7: Journal -> Used for adjustable and transferable entries.
F8: Sales -> Used for sales entries and income
F9: Purchases ->Used for purchased entry and expenses.
Inventory Vouchers:
These vouchers are effect on inventory reports in the business. All entries which you
made in these inventory vouchers are effect on your stock register.
ALT+F4: Purchases Order Voucher: Used to give purchases order to party.
ALT+F5: Sales Order Voucher: Used to received sales order from customer.
ALT+F9: Receipt Note Voucher: Used for recording goods received.
ALT+F8: Delivery Note: Used for recording goods delivered to a customer.
ALT+F6: Rejections Out: Used for records goods that are rejected and returned to a
CTRL+F6: Rejections In: Used to record goods that are rejected and returned back by
the customer.
ALT+F7: Stock Journal Voucher: Used to record stock transfers from one location to
Alt+F10: Physical Stock: Used for recording actual stock physically verified or counted
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