Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an event criticizing the execution of a Muslim man without evidence, which was cancelled by administrators after complaints. The elected student union president, Kanhaiya Kumar, was then arrested on sedition charges for a previous speech. A crackdown ensued with police searching hostels for "anti-nationals" and students hiding. Faculty supporting Kanhaiya in court were also beaten. The university is now on strike with faculty organizing daily protests. This is seen as part of a systematic assault on academic freedom and dissent by India's right-wing government and groups.
Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an event criticizing the execution of a Muslim man without evidence, which was cancelled by administrators after complaints. The elected student union president, Kanhaiya Kumar, was then arrested on sedition charges for a previous speech. A crackdown ensued with police searching hostels for "anti-nationals" and students hiding. Faculty supporting Kanhaiya in court were also beaten. The university is now on strike with faculty organizing daily protests. This is seen as part of a systematic assault on academic freedom and dissent by India's right-wing government and groups.
Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an event criticizing the execution of a Muslim man without evidence, which was cancelled by administrators after complaints. The elected student union president, Kanhaiya Kumar, was then arrested on sedition charges for a previous speech. A crackdown ensued with police searching hostels for "anti-nationals" and students hiding. Faculty supporting Kanhaiya in court were also beaten. The university is now on strike with faculty organizing daily protests. This is seen as part of a systematic assault on academic freedom and dissent by India's right-wing government and groups.
Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an event criticizing the execution of a Muslim man without evidence, which was cancelled by administrators after complaints. The elected student union president, Kanhaiya Kumar, was then arrested on sedition charges for a previous speech. A crackdown ensued with police searching hostels for "anti-nationals" and students hiding. Faculty supporting Kanhaiya in court were also beaten. The university is now on strike with faculty organizing daily protests. This is seen as part of a systematic assault on academic freedom and dissent by India's right-wing government and groups.
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Background Document
The main events at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
In short: A group of students organise an event criticising the states scapegoating and execution of a Muslim man, Afzal Guru, as a terrorist without any evidence. The event is cancelled by the administration after complaints from the student body of the Hindu right (ABVP). The elected president of the student union (JNUSU), Kanhaiya Kumar who is left-leaning, is arrested on charges of sedition (an old colonial era law) citing a speech he gave earlier. A witch hunt is unleashed with police combing student hostels with a list of so-called anti-nationals. Students go into hiding and Kanhaiya is still in jail, being threatened with being handed over to an anti-terrorism squad. When faculty turn up in a Delhi court to support Kanhaiya, they are beaten up as anti-nationals along with the press and thrown out. The university is on strike, faculty are organising daily teach ins and protest meetings. Some Context This is part of a global, and systematic assault, by the right wing on universities. Clearly, academic freedom and critical thought do not mix well with regressive ideologies. In India, it is manifested as a silent Prime Minister belonging to the BJP, who watches on as its student wing, ABVP, and several elected members of parliament descend to hooliganism, intimidation and purging of academic spaces of all dissenters. They use administrators who act as lackeys of politicians, colonial era repressive laws, and bring in a corrupt police force to implement their dictat. The conflict at JNU comes after tactics of intimidation resulted in the expulsion of dalit (oppressed caste) students in HCU (Hyderabad Central University) leading one student, Rohith Vemula, to commit suicide. Before this, the premier film institute of the country, FTII, was subjected to a clearly political appointment of an unqualified Vice Chancellor. The non-violent student protest was brutally crushed. However, the Indian government is also highly sensitive about its image abroad. This is where this solidarity campaign hopes to intervene. Selected Readings
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