Student Protests
Student Protests
Student Protests
Here we have a strong argument from those who support student politics.They
argue that if politics governs our life in every sphere,how can our nation’s
youth remain untouched from politics.If they are to be given an all-round
development so they can face the world well-prepared, how can their
participation in politics be banned? College politics, they say, also gives a
chance to those who are genuinely capable of running this country’s
government; so that power doesnot go into the hands of those with solely
muscle power and family name. Furthermore, democracy can run effectively in
our nation when the power of dissent is given to all and dissent is shown in the
way of protests by university students.
Yet another view holds that politics in universities gives rise to the formation of
various student unions on campus which are supported by different political
parties and these student unions, in the name of dissent and freedom of
speech& thoughts, encourage violence and anarchy on campus.
It isn’t really clear whether the police violently curbed the protests of
a peaceful body of students, or the student body was the one that
started the violence. Isn’t this state of absolute chaos concerning?
The second and third incidents took place only a few months
ago.These are fresh cases and they clearly highlight the current
situation filled with anger and chaos. The most frightening part is
that these are the cases from India’s top universities situated in the
capital. If the capital is in such a chaos, the situation of the other less
reported parts can be far more concerning.
It wouldn’t be inappropriate to say that the subject at hand is the
one filled with confusion and chaos. Lack of proper evidence makes it
extremely difficult to reach a conclusion. However, certain pertinent
questions need addressal-
Q1. Can one truly hope for an impartial governance without free
student participation in politics?
Q2. Isn’t it unclear whether these reported incidents are a picture of
anarchy by the students or dictatorship by the authorities?
Q3. Isn’t unquestioned obedience the path leading towards
maddening dictatorship?
Q4. Is there any way possible to ensure a healthy balance?
And the most important point is not whether the demands of the
students are appropriate or not.
It is not whether these demands should be fulfilled or not.
The concern is whether peaceful protests in this democracy are
acceptable anymore; and whether or not these protests are actually
conducted in a peaceful and constitutional manner?