Timeline of The Humber Bay Park East Pavilion Project

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Councillor Mark Grimes has been trying to have a pavilion built in the proposed Humber Bay Park
East location, beside the three ponds, since 2011:

In May 2011, City Council approves the building of a structure by the ponds that would
replace the existing washroom and storage building.
The Pavilion would be built by and leased to Empire Communities Ltd. for 3 years as their
Sales Pavilion and then would revert to the city for cultural, recreational and parks uses.
Consultations took place in the Fall of 2011 among city officials, TRCA, Councillor Mark
Grimes and Empire Communities Ltd.
In December 2011, the Committee of Adjustment approves a temporary sales pavilion on
TRCA land adjacent to the proposed condo. According to Councillor Mark Grimes, TRCA
does not consider these lands to be important to their mandate as they have no significant
natural value at present. They do however constitute public parkland.
January 2012, Councillor Grimes writes to City Council requesting exemption from site
plan control for a sales pavilion to be located on TRCA land adjacent to the proposed
condo. This is where the present Eau du Soleil sales centre is located.
The idea of building Empire Communities Ltds Sales Pavilion near the ponds was
abandoned in favour of placing it where it now stands. However, Councillor Mark Grimes
idea to build a pavilion near the three ponds was never abandoned.
A bidding war to build a pavilion in Humber Bay Park East is initiated from September 11,
2015-October 20, 2015.
December 12-14, 2015: the Humber Bay Park East Pavilion appears in the 2016-2025
Toronto Capital Budget under the section Outdoor Recreation Centre.
January 6/13, 2016: Baird Sampson Neurt Architects are awarded the bid to build the
February 1, 2016: The City of Toronto first advertises the building of a new pavilion in
Humber Bay Park East via a poorly circulated advertisement for the first public
consultation meeting about the project to take place February 16, 2016.
At no point does Councillor Mark Grimes promote or advertise his new project publicly or
via his various social media platforms.
March 8, 2016: The deadline for feedback on the pavilion expires. Mark Grimes promise to
cancel the pavilion if the community does not want it is not followed through. A petition
opposed to the pavilion with over 800 signatures is dismissed as social media spin.
Various officials representing the project begin to actively avoid constituents opposed to the
April 6, 2016: The first Community Resource Group Meeting for the Humber Bay Parks
Project takes place. The word Pavilion is no longer allowed to be used because it has a
negative connotation.

May 17, 2011, Item MM8.11: Motion to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Empire Communities by Councillor Mark Grimes, seconded by Councillor Vincent Crisanti.
Summary: This Motion is regarding entering into an agreement with Empire Communities to replace the
field buildings in Humber Bay Park East for future cultural, recreational or park uses, and to allow a sales
centre associated with the condominium development at 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West to utilize the
newly built site for a period not to exceed three years.

Background Information (City Council):

Motions (City Council)
Motion to Introduce Motion without Notice moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried)
Speaker Nunziata advised that she had granted consent to Councillor Grimes to seek leave of Council to
add this motion to the agenda.
Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried)
That City Council amend Recommendation 1 by adding the following words:
"and, that the cost of the structure is paid through the value of the lease and funds that would be generated
through Section 37 from the development to be built at 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West."
So that it now reads:

City Council authorize the Chief Corporate Officer, in consultation with the General Manager
of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to enter into an agreement with Empire Communities to
lease the land at Humber Bay Park East pond at market value or equivalent, for a term of three
years whereby, at the end of the lease all improvements remain in city ownership and, that the
cost of the structure is paid through the value of the lease and funds that would be generated
through Section 37 from the development to be built at 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West.

January 22, 2012, Item EY21.50: Exemption from Site Plan Approval - Temporary Sales Centre - 2
Marine Parade Drive and 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Humber Bay Park East - Empire
Communities (2183 Lake Shore Boulevard) Ltd.
1. On May 17-19, 2011, City Council adopted a Motion (MM8.11) to enter into a Lease Agreement
with Empire Communities (Empire) for the purpose of allowing a temporary sales centre on lands
in Humber Bay Park East for Empires proposed condominium on adjacent lands at 2183 Lake
Shore Boulevard.
2. Subsequently, in the Fall 2011, following consultations with staff from City Planning, the
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Buildings and Parks and Councillor
Grimes, Empire applied to the Citys Committee of Adjustment to obtain a Minor Variance to
permit a temporary sales office on Humber Bay Park East lands for the purpose of marketing and
sales related to a proposed condominium building to be constructed on an adjacent property (2183
Lake Shore Boulevard West).
3. The Committee of Adjustment approved the Minor Variance, allowing the temporary sales office
in Humber Bay Park East for a period of not more than 5 years at its hearing on December 8,
2011. The decision is final and binding. The approximate size and location of the temporary sales








centre on the future Humber Bay Park lands was shown throughout that process. No substantive
planning issues were raised with the Minor Variance approval.
The TRCA currently own the subject lands in Humber Bay Park East but the lands are managed
on its behalf by the City of Toronto pursuant to a Management Agreement dated October 11,
1972. TRCA has confirmed during previous consultations that the site is not within TRCAs
planning area of interest, and that there are no natural hazards or natural heritage system
involved. The lands are presently vacant and not yet developed as a public park.
Following its temporary use as a sales centre, Empire has indicated its commitment to the City
through its planning approvals for its proposed condominium to design and build a new public
park on the property working cooperatively with the City.
Empire initiated discussions in the Spring of 2012 with respect to a Park Lease Agreement with
the City and TRCA.
During the Building Permit review process in the Fall 2012, among other matters, a requirement
for Site Plan Approval was identified. By-law No. 774-2012 was enacted by City Council on June
8, 2012 and had the effect of amending Chapter 415 of the Citys Municipal Code by adding new
provisions for Site Plan Control (the SPA By-law). The SPA By-law exempts certain new
buildings from SPA approval including:
A building used as a temporary sales pavilion, model home or construction office associated
with a building that will be constructed on the same property;
A building used as a temporary sales pavilion, model home or construction office associated
with a building that will not be constructed on the same property, if the building used as a
temporary sales pavilion, model home or construction office is less than 500 square metres in
gross floor area.
The SPA By-law also states that terms used in Article V of Chapter 415 have the same meaning
as corresponding terms used in the applicable zoning by-law in effect for the property. As noted,
the zoning by-law, as varied in December 2011, for the subject property in Humber Bay Park
East, allows for the propertys use as a temporary sales centre specifically for Empires proposed
condominium development on its adjacent lands at 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard.
A Building Permit for Empires temporary sales centre is ready for issuance pending approval or
clarification of the SPA. A conditional permit will be granted to allow Empire to begin
construction with an opening scheduled in March 2013 and such that the City Park Lease
payments and other lease obligations can start.
It is clear that if the temporary sales centre was on the same property (lot) as Empires proposed
condominium and/or it was less than 500m2 in size, no SPA would be required.
Empires temporary sales centre is, however, clearly permitted through the zoning by-law in
effect for the property (Humber Bay Park East) and effectively secured and tied to the proposed
condominium development on Empires lands through a satisfactory Park Lease between Empire,
the City and TRCA for a 3 year period.
As the zoning is in place for Empires temporary sales centre and a Park Lease Agreement
pursuant to City Councils adopted Motion in May 2011 and a Building Permit for construction
of the proposed sales centre is needed, it has become urgently apparent that City Council
clarification and authorization is needed to clarify this unusual circumstance and to meet
Empires construction timing.

Background Information
(January 22, 2013) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes regarding an exemption from Site Plan Approval
at 2 Marine Parade Drive and 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West.
January 27, 2012: 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West Official Plan and Zoning Amendment
Applications - Preliminary Report.
These applications for 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West propose to allow a mixed-use development
consisting of two residential towers with overall heights of 40 storeys and 62 storeys rising from a ninestorey podium with a total of 1,178 residential condominium units and commercial uses on the ground
floor. This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted applications and seeks
Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community
consultation process. The Statutory Public Meeting is expected to be held in the second half of 2012,
provided the applicant provides all required information and addresses staff comments in a timely manner
February 1, 2013: The Lease Agreement between City of Toronto, Empire Communities Ltd. and
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority made in quadruplicate.
February 20, 2013, Item EY21.50: Exemption from Site Plan Approval - Temporary Sales Centre 2 Marine Parade Drive and 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Humber Bay Park East - Empire
Communities (2183 Lake Shore Boulevard) Ltd.
City Council Decision
City Council on February 20 and 21, 2013, adopted the following:
1. City Council amend Article V (Site Plan Control) of Chapter 415 of the Toronto Municipal Code
to exempt, from the requirement of site plan approval, a temporary sales pavilion proposed to
be located in Humber Bay Park East adjacent to a proposed condominium building at 2183
Lake Shore Boulevard West, provided that said temporary sales pavilion is no greater than 675
square metres in gross floor area and is for a proposed condominium on the adjacent lands at
2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West owned by Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd.
2. City Council authorize and direct appropriate City staff to take the necessary action to give effect
to Councils decision.

April 12, 2013, RES. #B27/13 - Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd.: Receipt of a
request from City of Toronto and Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd. to lease lands
for a sales pavilion.
The subject lands form part of the Humber Bay Shores Park and are currently manicured with a lawn and
a few trees. After the three year lease period expires, Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.)
Ltd. has committed to improve the subject site with a park. Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore
Blvd.) Ltd. and the City of Toronto are currently in discussions over the park plans.
http://trca.on.ca/dotAsset/159140.pdf (pp. 70-72)
April 26, 2013, RES #A71/13 - Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd.:
WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is the owner of Part of the bed
of Lake Ontario in front of Lot D, Range D, former Township of Etobicoke, City of Toronto;
AND WHEREAS the subject lands have been turned over to the City of Toronto for
management, in accordance with the terms of an agreement dated October 11, 1972;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the lease for a sales pavilion and associated
parking lot with Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd. for a term of three years
commencing once Empire Communities (2183 Lakeshore Blvd.) Ltd. has obtained their building
permit, be approved;
AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to
finalize the transaction including obtaining needed approvals and the signing and execution of
http://trca.on.ca/dotAsset/161179.pdf (p. 177)
June 4, 2013: The Lease Agreement between City of Toronto, Empire Communities Ltd. and
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
The City of Toronto, via Lisa Strucken, sends this Lease, made on February 1, 2013, is sent by regular
mail to Daniel Guizzetti, president of Empire Communities Ltd. and Lori Colussi, Manager, Leases and
Risk Assessment of the TRCA. https://www.scribd.com/doc/310984374/The-Lease-Agreement-BetweenCity-of-Toronto-Empire-Communities-2183-Lakeshore-Blvd-Ltd-and-Toronto-and-RegionConservation-Authority-February-1
September 10, 2013, Item EY26.48: The original request for Humber Bay Shores - Request for
Review and Plan. When Grimes uses the term Humber Bay Shores area this includes its Parks
(East and West). http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2013/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-61412.pdf
November 1, 2013: 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law
Amendment, Lifting of the Holding (H) Symbol and Site Plan Control Applications - Request for
Direction Report.
The purpose of this report is to seek City Council's instruction for an upcoming Ontario Municipal Board
hearing which has been scheduled to commence on February 4, 2014.

November 28, 2013: There are no financial implications as a result of the receipt of this report beyond
what has been identified in the 2014/2015 year's Parks, Forestry and Recreation's and Cycling
Infrastructure and Programs, Transportation Services capital or operating budgets.
Phase 1 consultation and design work for the trail improvements has planned cash flow funding of
$0.100 million in 2014 included in Parks, Forestry and Recreation's 2014-2023 Recommended Capital
Budget and Plan, which is subject to Council approval;
Phase 2 construction of the trail improvements has planned cash flow funding of $0.550 million in
2015 funded equally by Parks, Forestry and Recreation's 2014-2023 Recommended Capital Budget and
Plan ($0.275 million) and Cycling Infrastructure and Programs, Transportation Services ($0.275 million
from the Transportation Services Approved 10 Year Capital Plan), subject to Council approval.

A comprehensive audit of the park infrastructure will be conducted in 2014.

Staff will initiate consultation with local stakeholders.
Once the audit of the park capital assets and initial stakeholder consultation is complete, a request
will be made to develop a phased park revitalization plan for Humber Bay Shores Park and
Humber Bay Park, and the necessary funding will be requested in future year's Parks, Forestry
and Recreation Capital Budget submission.
Future year operating financial impact will be provided when the project funding and scope are
In 2012, the need for a well-connected and improved system of trails and linkages for cyclists and
pedestrians was identified. An evaluation of the existing circulation system is currently underway.
[This is actually PW15.2; which is the Humber Bay Shores Park, not Humber Bay Park East and
West. Notably, the Humber Bay Shores Park revitalization has much more information and
transparency than the Humber Bay Parks plan].

The proposed work plan is outlined below:

Initial Stakeholder Consultation, Infrastructure and Site Analysis Staff from Parks, Forestry and
Recreation, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Cycling Infrastructure and Programs
Transportation Services will initiate consultation with local stakeholders, in consultation with
the Ward Councillor, to identify a list of park and trail improvement priorities.
Undertake a comprehensive state of good repair audit of park infrastructure.
Identify existing park maintenance issues and implement changes that can be achieved within the
existing parks operations budget.

Development of Phased Park Revitalization Plan

Request funding to undertake a phased park revitalization plan for Humber Bay Shores Park and
Humber Bay Park to be funded through Section 42 contributions identified by the Ward
Councillor. Section 42 funds are explained in detail here:

Implement improvements to the multi-use Waterfront Trail and Pedestrian Pathway network in
Humber Bay Shores Park.

A phased park revitalization plan is needed to guide future park investment at this significant destination
park on the city's waterfront. This report identifies the process to undertake this work. Parks, Forestry and
Recreation staff will provide regular updates to City Planning on the status of the park revitalization plans
so that this work can be coordinated with Cluster B area planning.

Anne Marra, Director, Parks Development and Capital Projects, Tel: 416-394-5723, Email:
Leslie Coates, Manager, Parks Development and Capital Projects, Tel. 416-392-1885, E-mail:

January 15, 2014: EY30.10 - Requested Information for Humber Bay Parkland (Ward 6) Received
This item was considered by the Etobicoke York Community Council on January 15, 2014. The
Committee received the item for information only. No further action will be taken on this item.
The purpose of this report is to respond to a Community Council request [it was Mark Grimes
personal request via letter September 10, 2013] to develop a comprehensive plan detailing necessary
capital and operating changes needed for Humber Bay Shores Park, Humber Bay East and Humber Bay
West Park to meet evolving community needs resulting from local intensification and growth. In response
to this request, a phased park revitalization plan will be developed to guide future investment and address
local and regional park user needs at this significant destination park on the city's waterfront. The work is
to be carried out in consultation with the Deputy City Manager Cluster B, the local Councillor, and
other relevant divisions.
Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried)
March 2014: TRCA publishes Humber Bay Park Terrestrial Biological Inventory and Assessment: In
2013, the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) conducted a flora and fauna inventory of the
Humber Bay Park, including both Humber Bay East and West, and the adjacent mainland lakeshore:
Humber Bay Shores. In this report these three areas are considered as a single larger study area: Humber
Bay Park, an area that has undergone extensive management in the past few years.
The TRCA conducted field work within the study area to assess the results of the management activities
regarding vegetation communities, flora and fauna species and to estimate the success of plantings and
installed habitat features. The inventory provides background data for the City of Torontos park
revitalization plans for the three sections of Humber Bay Park.

TRCA Recommendations:
5.2 (2) Manage Public Use ... Human traffic (hikers, bikers, dog-walkers) increases considerably

throughout the summer and early fall. Controlling disturbance associated with urbanization and
public land use is a high priority.
April 17, 2014 and July 8, 2014: Ontario Municipal Board Orders issued in Board File No.
PL130522: To amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code with respect to the lands
municipally known as 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West.
Description of Property: Lands located on the east side of Lake Shore Boulevard West and the west side
of Marine Parade Drive municipally known as 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West.
Purpose of By-Law: To amend the existing Limited Commercial (CL) and Fourth Density Residential
(R4) zoning with site-specific provisions to allow for a mixed-use development.
October 3, 2014: Grimes appears in advertising/promotional videos about development in Ward 6.
A few weeks before the elections, Councillor Mark Grimes appears in a promotional video for Eau du
Soleil which is posted on both their Youtube page and their blog:
Grimes would later defend his appearance in this video
It should be noted that Grimes appearances in a few videos promoting development coincided with the
elections: "I don't believe appearing in the promotional video contravenes any section of the Councillor
Code of Conduct. I was simply helping to promote Ward 6, as I always do." He went on to say that he has
not appeared in any other videos and that he has not been paid to do so.
1. July 28, 2014: On The Go Mimico: A perfect blend of luxury and green living. Grimes discusses
the On the GO Mimico condominium project at 327 Royal York Rd. He says, "Out your back
door you walk one minute to the GO platform. Out your front door, you've got the 76 bus that
rolls up to Royal York subway in 10 minutes. So, people who dont have a car, this is the place
you want to buy." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjRvb2ejVFg
2. October 3, 2014: Behind The Scenes at Eau Du Soleil: City Councillor Mark Grimes. The
councillor touts the advantages of living in the ward.
3. October 20, 2014: Vincent Massey Public School. Grimes describes how he worked with a
developer to save Vincent Massey, a former Toronto District School Board school, which was
sold by the board of education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbVI2S-BtvE

See: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-integrity-commissioner-asked-to-investigate-counmark-grimes-1.2946984
October 27, 2014: Toronto Mayoral Elections. Councillor Mark Grimes holds Ward 6 EtobicokeLakeshore seat.
November 10, 2014: Empire Communities Ltds donation of their sales centre to HBSCA
announced in Humber Happenings, Winter 2014, Issue 7.4, p 17: A New Community Centre for the
HBS and Mimico Area: HBSCA President Jim Reekie had his eye on the Eau Du Soleil sales centre.
Thinking it would make an ideal location, he approached the owners with the concept. The HBSCA
Board voted unanimously to go forward with this initiative. With the support and assistance of Councillor
Mark Grimes, we have secured the site from Empire Communities. The 6000 sq ft building will be
redesigned once decommissioned to serve the community of Humber Bay Shores & Mimico. Its
expected to be fully functional in three years time. Stay tuned and watch the website for further details as
this project takes on making HBS a great place to live, work and play. We would like to thank everyone
who helped make this happen.


January 15, 2014 January 2016: Toronto Meeting Management Information System (TMMIS), which
contains the archives of the meetings/minutes of all council committees in the City of Toronto, has no
record of the revitalization plan or pavilion in Humber Bay Parks. There are a couple of instances of
Humber Bay West parking issues, and lots of Park Lawn Rd./Marine Parade Dr. Traffic congestion, and
numerous Humber Bay Shores related records (mostly the Waterfront Trail, etc.) However, there is

nothing specific about Humber Bay Park East or West in regards to construction, revitalization or a
pavilion until December 12-14, when it appears in the 2016 Toronto Capital Budget under Outdoor
Recreation Centre.
http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/decisionBodyList.do?function=prepareDisplayDBList (TMMIS)
http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2016/bu/bgrd/backgroundfile-86731.pdf (2016 Capital Budget)
April 13, 2015: Information obtained from FOIA Request
The Business Services unit of the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division begins the process of
formalizing three agreements with Empire Communities Ltd for the use of parkland adjacent to 2183
Lake Shore Blvd. The agreements are for the use of a crane swing, construction tiebacks and caissons
associated with condominium development at 2183 Lake Shore Blvd. The term of the crane swing
agreement will commence on May 1, 2015 and expire on December 31, 2017 with the option, if
necessary, of continuing in overhold on a month to month basis.
These agreements do not take into consideration the 3 year lease already in place which expired March
31, 2016. Nor do they take into consideration the sales pavilion that was gifted to HBSCA. Also, TRCA
does not appear to have been informed about this lease extension.
Councillor Mark Grimes gives the okay for these new lease agreements.
PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To vary By-law 1994-197, as amended by an Ontario Municipal
Board Decision (PL130522), in order to construct a 66 and 49 storey mixed-use building with 1,285
residential units.
See p. 11:
July 1, 2015: Delegated Approval Form for the two new lease agreements is made. (Information
obtained via FOIA Request)
Agreement #1
The Licensee will be operating a crane from the property adjacent to the Licensed Area, the span of which
will encroach over the Licensed Area by 11,123 square feet as shown on the attached Schedule B, for a
period of 32 months with an approximate commencement date of November 1, 2015. The Licensee will
have the option of extending this Agreement on a month to month basis upon the expiry of the term
under the same terms and conditions.
Agreement #2
The Licensee requires a License Agreement for construction tiebacks with the Licensed Area as part of
construction for the new condominium development directly adjacent to the Licensed Area. The total

plane area of the tie-back encroachment is 17, 427 square feet as shown delineated in red on the attached
Schedule C. The Agreement for the tie-backs contemplates a one-time charge.
The proposed terms are fair and reasonable and Parks staff supports this proposal.
August 7/8, 2015: These two new lease agreements with Empire Communities Ltd. were
recommended/approved by Ryan Glenn, Manager; Ann Ulusoy, Director; Janie Romoff, General
Manager. Donna Kovachis and Lisa Strucken from the Legal Division of Parks, Forestry and Recreation
said to proceed with the Agreement. Councillor Mark grimes, via his EA, Kim Edgar, concurred.
https://www.scribd.com/doc/310690195/Swing-Crane-Agreement-Tieback-Agreement-With-EmpireCommunities-Ltd-at-Humber-Bay-Park-East-August-2015 (Information obtained via FOIA Request)
September 11, 2015: Proposal for bidding begins. Engage an Architectural consulting team to provide
professional and technical services for the design and construction of a new pavilion in Humber Bay Park
East, and associated works. The contract is expected to start on date of award and end on November 30,
2018, including period for Pre-Engineering and Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Tender,
Construction and Post-Construction.
Humber Bay Park Request For Proposal (RFP # 9118-15-5046): Parks Forestry and Recreation, in
association with Purchasing and Materials Management Division, are soliciting proposals from qualified
consultants to provide professional and technical services for the development of a comprehensive and
phased Master Plan for Humber Bay Park East and West and for the design and construction
administration of Phase 1 of the Master Plan Process and will be aligned with available funding.
September 11, 2015: During a Friends of Humber Bay Park meeting, a non-member guest mentions a
rumor that a pavilion will be built in Humber Bay Park East.
September 25, 2015: Addendum No. 1 Request for Proposal No. 9118-15-5046 For: All Professional and
Technical Services to complete the Humber Bay Park Master Plan and Phase 1 Implementation.
September 29, 2015: Addendum No. 2 Request for Proposal No. 9118-15-5046 For: All Professional and
Technical Services to complete the Humber Bay Park Master Plan and Phase 1 Implementation.
The President of Friends of Humber Bay Park receives a phone call from a Park Supervisor named Brian
Majcenic (Parks Branch, Ward 6) who stated he was unaware of any approved Pavilion and didn't know
about the closure of the foot bridge over the storm management pond. For: All Professional and Technical
Services to complete the Humber Bay Park Master Plan and Phase 1 Implementation.

October 1, 2015: Addendum No. 3 Request for Proposal No. 9118-15-5046 For: All Professional and
Technical Services to complete the Humber Bay Park Master Plan and Phase 1 Implementation.
October 20, 2015: Bidding closes.
December 12, 2016: Toronto 2016 Budget: Operation Budget Notes is uploaded on the City of Toronto
website. http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2016/ex/bgrd/backgroundfile-89253.pdf
December 14, 2015: Toronto 2016 Budget: Capital Budget Notes is uploaded on the City of Toronto
Humber Bay Parks Project is mentioned throughout this document.
January 6, 2016: The Bid Committee publishes a report [BD65.2] stating that Baird, Sampson Neuert
Architects won a bid to design a pavilion in Humber Bay Park East during a one month proposal window
between September 11, 2015-October 20, 2015.
Contract Award Value:

$597,949.00 net of all applicable taxes and charges

$675,682.37 including all applicable taxes and charges
$608,472.89 net of HST recoveries

The contract is expected to start on date of award and end on November 30, 2018.
Financial Impact: The contract award identified in this report is $675,682.37 including all applicable
taxes and charges and $597,949.00 net of all applicable taxes and charges. The cost to the City is
$608,472.89 net of HST recoveries. Funding in the amount of $608,472.89 is included in the 2016
Preliminary Capital Budget and 2017-2025 Preliminary Capital Plan for Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried): That the Bid Committee grant authority to award Request for Proposal
No. 9118-15-5070 to Baird, Sampson Neuert Architects for Professional and Technical Services for a
New Pavilion in Humber Bay Park East, in accordance with the Contract Details set out in the report
(January 6, 2016) from the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management, moved by Wendy Hoare.
January 13, 2016: Award of Request for Proposal No. 9118-15-5070 to Baird, Sampson Neuert
Architects for Professional and Technical Services for a New Pavilion in Humber Bay Park East.
This item was considered by Bid Committee on January 13, 2016 and was adopted without amendment.
Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)
That the Bid Committee grant authority to award Request for Proposal No. 9118-15-5070 to Baird,
Sampson Neuert Architects for Professional and Technical Services for a New Pavilion in Humber Bay

Park East, in accordance with the Contract Details set out in the report (January 6, 2016) from the
Director, Purchasing and Materials Management, moved by Wendy Hoare.
February 1, 2016: Rick L. posts a flyer advertising the Humber Bay Parks Public Information Meeting
on the Friends of Humber Bay Park Facebook Page with the caption: Just received this invitation to a
public meeting on the City's plans to redevelop the Humber Bay Parks. Date is Feb. 16, 6-8 pm. at the
Mimico Centennial Library. I'll be there representing the Metro Marine Modellers the group that uses and
help to maintain the sailing pond in the East Park.
BIA Mimico-by-the-Lake advertises the public meeting on their FB page. BIA Long Branch makes a post
as well but deletes it afterwards. None of the social media sites run by Mark Grimes advertised the
meeting (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, markgrimes.ca, etc.).
February 2, 2016: The City of Toronto first advertises about the Humber Bay Parks Project Master
Plan and Pavilion (according to a web crawler). BIA advertised it before the City.
February 12, 2016: CCFEW advertised the meeting on Twitter.
The Vice President of Friends of Humber Bay Park posts the flyer advertising the Humber Bay Parks
Public Information Meeting on the FOHBP Facebook Page with the caption: The City of Toronto is
planning to construct a pavilion in the park. There will be a public meeting on February 16. See attached
flyer. Please be at that meeting to evaluate the impact this construction will have on our park, keeping in
mind that we want to preserve the park as a natural oasis in the city for people to be away from every-day
pressure. Please come and voice your opinion.
February 13, 2016: Humber Bay Shores Community Events by HBSCA advertises the meeting on their
FB page with this comment: Councillor Grimes want to spend 7 to 8 millions dollars of our tax payers
money on a new building in Humber Bay Park. We don't need that, we have a building that was given to
HBSCA from Empire Communities. The Councillor said in the fall of 2014 during the election he would
make this OUR community centre. KEEP YOUR WORD COUNCILLOR.
If the Councillor has that kind of money to thrown around help the community with the building that was
given us.
Come out to the meeting on February 16th and tell HIM NO we don't need a new building.
If this was to benefit Humber Bay then why is the meeting in Mimico?
David C. posts the City of Toronto webpage for Humber Bay Parks Project--Master Plan and Pavilion
Project--on the Friends of Humber Bay Park Facebook Page with the following caption: Here is some
information on the new Pavilion. I don't think I'm the only one wondering: Why is this very advanced
project, seemingly a 'done deal', being announced to the public now for input? The suitability of this type
of heavily used facility in a nature park should have been the first thing to ask the public. Park usage goes
up with each new condo building. Do we need this additional strain on the natural resources? Is this a

suitable vision? Please have a look. I'm going to the meeting with open ears and mind, but some
trepidation! He also shared a link to the City of Torontos Consultation Plan Page:
February 16, 2016: First consultation meeting with public and the outline of how this project will
BSNA Presentation - Pavilion Background https://www.scribd.com/doc/300408680/Humber-Bay-ParksProject-Pavilion-Presentation-February-2016
DTAH Presentation - Master Plan Process
During this event Mark Grimes uploaded pics to his Twitter and Facebook account with the comment:
Weve got a large group of people braving the snow tonight to help provide guidance and vision for the
future of Humber Bay Parks East and West.
After the meeting, one of the attendees posts her experience on Facebook. Among other things, she
mentions, I asked Councillor Grimes whether it was possible that the plan to build the pavilion could be
reversed at this time, and he said it could but he thinks (mistakenly in my view) that residents want the
pavilion. https://www.facebook.com/groups/HumberBayShores/permalink/1559777977666821/
We brought this to the table and everyone was on board so we decided to proceed with the plan Theres
no money, Im constantly yelling at Jorge who cant do anything about the state of the Park because there
is no money and no revenue. Weve done lots of consultations in the neighbourhood and in the park and
people love the idea. Everyone Ive talked to think its a great idea.
February 17, 2016: Mark Grimes writes on Humber Bay Shores Condominium Discussion Facebook
group: I understand there is some concern about the projects proposed last night for Humber Bay Parks
East and West. I want to assure you that this was the first of many significant community consultations on
these parks, and the City is absolutely open to all comments and suggestions. I have been working very
closely with the Humber Bay Shores Condo Association for many years, and I have heard over and over
that this neighbourhood needs a community facility that can host programming and community meetings.
The consultation last night highlighted some concerns that I am committed to working with you to
address. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know at councillor_grimes@toronto.ca.
Thank you. Humber Bay Condominiums Friends of Humber Bay Park
Rick L. uploads RFP No. 9118-15-5046 onto the Friends of Humber Bay Park Facebook Page with the
following caption: It was good to meet some of you folks at the meeting last night. Many people seemed
surprised by the news that the City was planning on building a12,000 square foot "pavilion" at Humber
Bay Park East. The City issued the RFPs for the redevelopment plan and pavilion design last fall. We, the
Metro Marine Modellers, only found out about because we happened to be sailing at the pond on the day
the City staff were briefing the potential bidders on the RFPs last September. We were able to obtain
copies which I have attached. We assumed that other stakeholders had been advised of the RFPs....guess

February 18-February 26: No further mention about the meeting or Humber Bay Park project on any of
Grimes social media sites or publications.
February 22, 2016, EY12.33: Request for Report on Feasibility of Re-Purposing the Sales Centre at
2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West as a City-owned Community Centre.
Etobicoke York Community Council: Requested the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
District, the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Etobicoke York District, the Director,
Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation,
and any other relevant City Division, in consultation with the landowner (Toronto and Region
Conservation Authority), to study the feasibility of repurposing the sales centre at 2183 Lake Shore
Boulevard West for the purpose of a Cityowned Community Centre, and report to the May 10, 2016
meeting of Etobicoke York Community Council.
February 23, 2016: David C. starts the online petition Stop the Pavilion project at Humber Bay Park
East! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/823/779/107/stop-the-pavilion-project-at-humber-bay-parkeast/#sign
February 26, 2016: Mark Grimes posted on the Humber Bays Discussion Facebook group:
Cancellation of the Humber Bay Park East Pavilion
I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to provide feedback and suggestions on the Humber Bay
Park East and West Master Plan and Pavilion project. I have read each of your emails and as many
comments as I can on social media.
I'm here to work with - and on behalf of - the community. If the community does not want a new facility
built in Humber Bay Park East, I will cancel the project.
I heard opposition to the pavilion at the community consultation, via email, and on social media. I am
aware of a petition to stop the building entirely, and the Humber Bay Shores Condo Association has
informed me they do not support the pavilion in Humber Bay Park East.
I can't speak to each and every one of you individually, so I meet with the Humber Bay Shores Condo
Association regularly as they are a strong link to this community. I have been hearing for years that
Humber Bay Shores needs a new facility and meeting space to serve the community.
In 2013, I moved a motion at City Council requesting the City develop a comprehensive plan detailing the
necessary capital and operating changes needed for Humber Bay Shores Park, Humber Bay East and
Humber Bay West Park to meet evolving community needs resulting from local intensification and
My original plan had been to repurpose the Eau Du Soleil sales centre building as a new community
facility, but City Parks staff's assessment was that the building does not meet the City's standards. While
this could have been the end of the project, I worked with the city and developed a different proposal,

replacing the old buildings in Humber Bay Park East with a brand new, purpose-built facility to serve the
community in a variety of ways.
Humber Bay Park East is a man-made park that was always intended to be a vibrant destination on the
waterfront. The ponds and amenities surrounding them are currently dilapidated and in a state of
disrepair. Where there was once scenic ponds with lights and music for people to enjoy while ice skating
in the winter, there are now rotting boardwalks, cracked and broken lights, and desolate abandoned
buildings. The goal was to have this new pavilion replace the current run-down buildings and help bring
vibrancy and community back to the ponds.
When I was elected in 2003, I quickly realized we had fantastic community spaces and buildings, but
absolutely no capital funding allocated to maintain them. For years I have been fighting for every possible
development dollar to fund these projects. The Mimico community also desperately wants and needs a
new community centre. The proposed location of the pavilion on the Waterfront Trail, would serve both
Humber Bay Shores and Mimico while we work towards a new facility for that community.
Both locations, the current sales centre and Humber Bay Park East, are Toronto and Region Conservation
Authority (TRCA) land, and the TRCA has actively supported the pavilion in its proposed location in the
park. The proposed site would complement increased use of the ponds, is accessible via the Waterfront
Trail, and has ample access to existing parking.
It is clear that a vocal segment of residents do not want anything built in Humber Bay Park East. I am
here to tell you that if it is the will of this community to cancel the pavilion project - I will cancel the
pavilion project. The Humber Bay Parks East and West Masterplan can continue without the pavilion.
While Parks has stated that the sales centre is an unsuitable building, I moved a motion at Etobicoke York
Community Council this week requesting City staff from all departments assess the viability of the sales
centre, in its current location, as a City-owned community facility. The report will be prepared and
available within the next few months.
The City has allowed for comments on this project until March 8, 2016 through the consultation process,
so please continue to provide your feedback to me at councillor_grimes@toronto.ca and the Project
Manager at nstuart@toronto.ca. If the majority of comments that come in are in opposition to the
pavilion, I assure you, I will cancel the project.
February 29, 2016: HBSCA Community Update: The Need for a Community Centre for the Humber
Bay Shores Community. The HBSCA is not in favour of the HBPE site and would prefer the current
Empire Presentation Centre location for use as a Community Centre. The Presentation Centre structure
had been gifted to the Association in 2014. This building is central and within walking distance to the
Condominiums. This site is of modest size, has a small parking lot and is close to larger public parking
lots within the Humber Park. If this site is deemed to be unsuitable as a Community Centre, there are
other locations that could be considered as alternatives to the City-proposed HBPE site; including
Humber Bay Park West and the employment-designated Christies parcel.

February 29, 2016: Councillor Mark Grimes re-posts Cancellation of the Humber Bay Park East
Pavilion on his official website: http://www.markgrimes.ca/news/2016/2/29/cancellation-of-the-humberbay-park-pavilion
March 2, 2016: March 2016 Mimico News & Events: On February 16th, the City held its first public
consultation on this project, which featured a new 12,000 square foot Event Pavilion in Humber Bay
Park East. Residents had serious concerns about the impact such a large Event Pavilion would have on
the parks flora and fauna. You are invited to read more about the project and submit your comments
at toronto.ca/humberbayparks Deadline for comments is March 8.
The next public consultation is slated for summer 2016.
March 8, 2016: Deadline to submit feedback forms about the project to the City. The petition with over
800 signatures opposed to the pavilion is dismissed as social media spin.
Materials from the meeting and forms to provide feedback are available below for download. Please
return these forms by March 8, 2016.

Discussion Guide from Meeting - Feedback Form (RTF)

Community Resources Group Application Form (RTF)

Community Resource Group Terms of Reference (PDF)

DTAH Presentation - Master Plan Process (PDF)

BSNA Presentation - Pavilion Background (PDF)

A meeting and feedback summary will be available following March 8

March 31, 2016: Empire Communities Ltds lease with the TRCA for parkland adjacent to 2183 Lake
Shore Blvd W expires. However, two new leases that TRCA may not be aware of, extends Empire
Communities use of the land until December 31, 2017.
April 6, 2016: The Humber Bay Parks Project Community Resource Group Meeting #1 is held at
Storefront Humber, Etobicoke.
CRG Terms of Reference: https://www.scribd.com/doc/311138137/Humber-Bay-Parks-ProjectCommunity-Resource-Group-Terms-of-Reference

PowerPoint presentation by James Roche at DTAH: https://www.scribd.com/doc/311140283/HumberBay-Park-Master-Plan-Community-Resource-Group-Meeting-No-1-April-6-2016

CRG Meeting #1 Summary: https://www.scribd.com/doc/311143015/Humber-Bay-Parks-Project-MasterPlan-Development-CRG-Meeting-No-1-Summary
Some Observations on the CRG Summary

"The Eau de Soleil site is outside the park and its future will be determined as part of another
process. This project is focusing on Humber Bay Parks."
Eau du Soleil is actually on Humber Bay Park East (Grimes needed to pass a motion for
amendment for that very purpose). The land is owned by TRCA and managed by the City of
Toronto. The original lease expired March 31, 2016, but PFR has two new leases with them that
tie up the land until December 31, 2017. It is now known as PIN: 076240125 in City documents
(the parcel of Humber Bay Park East adjacent to 2183 Lake Shore Blvd W).
Netami Stuarts Response: Thanks for your profound interest in this park. I am not in a
position to answer many of the questions that you ask regarding leases or the sales pavilion on
TRCA land north of Marine Parade Drive. Although some documents refer to the parcel
designated PIN: 076240125 as Humber Bay Park East, it is outside the scope of the Humber Bay
Park East and West Master Plan. The project that I am coordinating does not include planning
for that parcel. I encourage you to visit our website at www.toronto.ca/humberbayparks and
click on the image for a clear delineation of the limits of the Humber Bay Parks Master Plan
"The question we are asking is what indoor activities should happen in the park, if any. In the
community survey, a list of activities will be provided and there will also be the option of
selecting no indoor activities. We are not asking should there be a building."
On the Capital Budget, the pavilion project is categorized as an "Outdoor Recreation Centre" not
a "Community Centre." It's interesting that there is so much focus on indoor activities for a
building designated for outdoor rec. They should be asking if there should be a building because
if the Eau du Soleil Sales Centre is not asked to be taken down within 60-90 days after the lease
termination (March 31, 2016) by the GM of PFR, Humber Bay Park East may have two
buildings (the sales centre and the pavilion).
Netami Stuarts Response: The building program and site are not determined yet. We're
currently doing the planning for the building as part of the Master Plan process. If you have
suggestions for activities that you think should take place inside or outside of these buildings, I
encourage you to let me know. There is an online survey that is going to be circulated this week
that asks these questions, which I encourage you to fill out. However you can always provide
your opinion by phone or email.
Some options for siting architectural improvements, including Humber Bay Park West, will be
presented in the first conceptual master plan drawings. These will be shared with the CRG in
May and with the public at a public meeting in June.

"We have funding to do a Master Plan for this park and a little bit of detailed design. The Master
Plan includes cost estimates and phasing that will inform how funding is assigned for
construction. There is funding for the first phase of trail improvements in Humber Bay Shores.
Council has also approved funding for a pavilion through development charges."
The Master Plan and the Pavilion Project are two separate projects and are categorized under two
different headings in the Capital Budget.
The Master Plan appears to only have a total of $475,000 for 2016 (from Section 42?) and there
is $0 for Park Development 2017-2025.
The Pavilion project has $7,000,000 (2016 $540,000; 2017 $4,305,000; 2018 $2,155,000
and $0 for 2019-2025)
Development Charges $4,950,000
Reserve Funds $550,000
Other 1 (Section 37, etc.) 1,500,000
Total Financing $7,000,000
Netami Stuarts Response: The $475,000 you see in the 2016 budget is the cost of the Master
Plan, surveys and studies, detail design, and overhead. The Humber Bay Parks Master Plan
includes a Phasing and Costing exercise that will inform future budget allocations.
$475 is a fixed figure for the project of creating a Master Plan. Landscape and revitalization
projects that are proposed in the Master Plan will have further funding.
There is overlap between Humber Bay Shores and Humber Bay Parks East and West, both in
terms of planning and in terms of execution. The current capital project at Humber Bay Shores
will be improving some of the cycling infrastructure that is within Humber Bay Park East. The
two pots of funding are separate, however there is staff overlap and coordination between the
two projects. If you contact Lori Ellis lellis@toronto.ca she will be able to explain what the exact
scope and timing of the Humber Bay Shores trail improvements will be.
I will allow Peter to elaborate on funding restrictions for the building budget, however I can say
that any building and associated landscape within Humber Bay Park East and West will be part
of the Master Plan. Normally, a building budget would include the landscaping nearby, as
required to provide access and outdoor program supports to the building. [To date, Peter has
not responded to this email].
"What we heard was that there was no desire for a large event facility that would negatively
affect the park. We believe that architectural improvements are needed and desirable in the park
and we would like to explore what that looks like. We are taking a step back based on what we
have heard and we are going to continue to consult the community."
The CRG has no decision-making power. Is the community only being consulted through the
CRG or will there be a neighbourhood/park-wide consultation?
Netami Stuarts Response: We will be consulting the community about the Master Plan through public
meetings, an online survey, a Jane's Walk, and the Community Resource Group. I certainly hope you can

participate in some of these. Within the scope of the Master Plan lies the establishment of a program and
site for architectural improvements within Humber Bay Park East and West. Once the site and program
of architectural improvements within the Parks is established, further consultation on those buildings will
be conducted.
We are doing a master plan for the entire park. The master plan will propose changes to the park and
make cost estimates for the cost of those changes that will inform future budgeting. We also currently
have funding for building in the park. This funding includes the renovation/construction of buildings and
the nearby landscaping around them.
Taken from an email exchange May 04/05, 2016

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