totallyMAd - 25 April 2008
totallyMAd - 25 April 2008
totallyMAd - 25 April 2008
managing media intelligently
A marketingAadvertising
EDITOR’S CORNER One of the main barriers to entry is the reality that
most communication is one-way - i.e. between the
Relationship marketing (RM) has been a corner stone company and the consumer. “With a few notable and
of marketing content to existing consumers and for well-publicised exceptions such as and
ensuring that ‘contained’ clients are satisfied with the Cisco Systems, there is rarely any evidence of
services they receive. interaction. That is, even if a consumer does
communicate with the business, this information
In Principles of Marketing, by Philip Kotler et al, it is rarely impacts the nature of the future
stated that relationship marketing strives for communications from that business”, says Sorce.
continual customer satisfaction rather than judging
and solving individual queries on a case-by-case recently noted the importance of
basis. This theory points to a bigger picture of holistic the human element of an RM plan: “the number of
client interaction from marketing, ensuring that the firms that have successful CRM implementations is
client’s perceptions of a particular product match a increasing and companies are learning from the
company’s product positions. After all, the failures of the past. In particular, businesses are
positioning is not nearly as important as the way in understanding that CRM technology won’t
which consumers say they experience the product. automatically improve customer relationship
Perception is quite simply, reality. management. The technology is only an enabler and
if you don’t have the vision, the right strategy and an
Leonard Berry, from Texas A&M University says, execution plan, it is not going to work – no matter
"What is surprising is that researchers and what kind of software you are buying. We have
businessmen have concentrated far more on how to always said that CRM is a journey; you don’t just
attract customers to products and services than on implement technology and you are there”.
how to retain customers". From our real-life
experience, this becomes a contradiction in terms, as It is interesting to note that times are changing and
the basics of business practice are two-fold - the concepts that were previously considered ‘futuristic’
attraction of new business by promising value and the and ‘innovative’, and now prevalent reality.
retention of clients by guaranteeing satisfaction.