MU Oct Wrap-2008

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media m

Media newsclip

managing media intelligently

Education through information October 2008

MEDIA NEWS T h e M e d i a
The SABC published and Diversity
its annual report for Agency (MDDA)
2008 on Friday, 10 bade a fond farewell
October, presenting a to Dr Essop Pahad, outgoing Minister in the
corporation that has Presidency, at the Sunnyside Hotel in Johannesburg
made some strides in on Tuesday,30 September. The farewell lunch was
delivering on its public attended by the captains ofall major print media
service mandate, even companies in South Africa.
while facing significant challenges.
BT Media & Broadcast, a
After eight years world leader in digital
with Media24, media solutions, has
Ru s s e l l H a n l y h a s announced that it has
stepped down as CEO extended the reach of its
of and handed global media network (GMN) to South Africa. The
his responsibilities over to JP Farinha, a youthful network extension enables the delivery of high
veteran of South Africa’s internet space. The quality, real time video content between
announcement was made on Tuesday, 21 October. Johannesburg and popular media hubs worldwide,
Under Hanly’s leadership, Media24 was established offering a viable, high performance and cost-effective
as South Africa’s leading digital publisher. Hanly alternative to satellite connectivity into and out of the
plans to go back to his farming roots, and will remain region. The GMN is based on multi-protocol label
at Media24 until the end of November. switching (MPLS) networking technology, the proven
global standard to supply secure converged video,
Cutting-edge media house sound and data internetworking.
Contact Media and
Communications recently Avusa recently
announced that its two leading announced what is being
magazine titles, The Afropolitan punted as “not your everyday,
and The Wits Business Journal will run-of-the-mill journalism
be made available online in digital internship”. Called the Avusa
magazine format. This follows Newww.Training internship, it
rising reader requests to make will offer potential interns the
these niche publications chance to contribute to the
accessible via the net. According creation of great news sites
to Contact Media MD, Sean Press, the move will and publications, produce multimedia stories, and
strategically position the company in line with see their stories come to life in many different ways
emerging global digital media trends, as well as next year.
carving out a niche digital media platform locally.
South Africa’s new
The World Association of p r e s i d e n t ,
Newspapers presented its annual Kgalema Motlanthe,
World Young Reader Newspaper of the is a strong supporter
Year Award on Thursday, 16 October to of the freedom of the
the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza for media. He made this
its successful initiatives to attract clear earlier this year when he addressed the
younger readers, in a country where International Media Forum of South Africa in
half the population in under 35. The Johannesburg. The IMF brought together
newspaper also won Jury Commendations for two communicators from across the spectrum to discuss
projects: a tie-in for young readers with the Euro the international coverage of South Africa and its
2008 football matches, and for a campaign that impact on the country. Motlanthe declared that the
helped readers protest against Chinese policies in ANC’s view has consistently been that: “mere
Tibet. Independent Newspapers, Media 24, Avusa declarations of media freedoms on their own are not
and Associated Independent Press in South Africa enough. These freedoms must be underpinned by an
also won at the awards for their “National Teachers equitable distribution of media resources,
Strike Recovery Initiative” in the Public Service development programmes, and a deliberate effort to
category. engender a culture of open debate”.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

Multimedia True Colour Events recently

technology embarked on a journey
formed the with The Times and Sowetan
backbone of newspapers, assisting them in
C r e a m e r activating their awareness
Media’s presence at Electra Mining Africa 2008, the campaign called ‘The Clever
continent’s largest mining exhibition, which took Shopper’, currently running in
place in Johannesburg in September. The event both newspapers.
attracted 700 exhibitors and more than 40 000
visitors, offering Creamer Media an unparalleled Property listing website,
opportunity to showcase its multimedia capabilities p
r oppeer rt tyyggeenniiee..ccoo.. z a h a s
to local and international visitors from the mining and partnered with The Sunday Times
industrial sectors. Creamer Media CEO Kenneth and The Times website from 1
Creamer reports that having embraced the editorial October, to provide property listings
and commercial opportunities presented by the content for The
internet, the group knew that it made sense to add an website currently showcases 174
audiovisual element to its market offering. 000 properties.While you may know
that 43% of The Times readers in
The Creamer Media group announced that it has Gauteng fall into the 25 to 49 year old target market,
launched the first locally-developed iPhone 3G and within the LSM profile 8 to 10, you might want
application, with its Mining Weekly online publication richer information on its readers. Advertisers,
set to be one of the myriad applications available for marketing managers and media planners can now
the gadget. Explaining the rationale behind the draw data and insight for The Times; The Times
launch, CEO Kenneth Creamer explains the media; and The Times’ New
group has a philosophy of developing traditional news York Times supplement from Telmar.
values, over new platforms, using new technology as
it becomes available. The Times is launching a new careers
supplement that will consolidate all classified job
To celebrate its advertisements included with The Times every
first birthday, the Tuesday, starting 7 October. Up until now, the job
A f r i k a a n s classifieds have been included in a careers section
newspaper, Sondag, with every issue of The Times.
has introduced a
new, international tabloid look to offset it’s already The Times
popular content. “We changed our look to give our h a s
readers what they want: the same great content in a launched a
new package,” says editor, Willem Pretorius. schools page,
Consultations with leading international layout guru, titled ‘School Desk’. The page offers indepth insight
Peter Ong from Australia, began the process of into school-related projects, a section for learners to
aligning Sondag’s layout with its content. The submit poems and drawings, as well as an interview
younger, fresher and more contemporary layout is a with a local school principal, and a short ‘getting to
move away from South Africa’s traditional tendency know you’ section, featuring a local school pupil.
to follow the format of an English tabloid with its
i n wa r d - f o c u s e d , ra t t y a n d o f t e n v i c i o u s Fairlady’s pay-off
temperament. line, Connect,
Support, Celebrate!, is
Sondag, the bright and funky weekly newspaper, the inspiration behind
has been on the shelves since May 2007. It the highly interactive
launched its new stylish tabloid look on 28 magazine website
September, basing its new design and layout on the aimed at networking
format of Spanish tabloids. This gives it a bright, Fairlady women.
colourful, and cleverly designed look that smacks of L w w w . f a i r l a d y. c o m
success and has an up-market allure on the shelf. Dr offers the entire
Klaas Jonkheid of the Consumer Psychology Lab did Fairlady magazine
research into the consumers who read Sondag. His experience online, from features and fashion tips to
research has showed some interesting findings about bonus daily recipes, ‘Fab Friday’ giveaways and tried-
the readership. The profile of the regular Sondag and-tested products from the popular consumer test
reader depicts the perfect family. house.

Caxton’s community After a brief interlude, Torque magazine is back

newspaper title, with its Issue 22. The magazine has switched
Randburg Sun, distribution companies, which means bigger and
recently decided to offer better distribution throughout South Africa, with
its readers more more and more outlets added. Issue 22, has been a
relevant content by splitting into two distinct titles - long time coming, but as with anything in life, ”good
Randburg Sun North and Randburg Sun South. The things come to those that wait”. The issue is crammed
two editions of Randburg Sun will now feature news with hot machines, stunning babes, and happening
more distinct to these targeted areas and the events in over 150 pages of adrenaline-charged
differing demographics of readers in Randburg’s madness. For a mere R24.95, readers get the coolest
North and South. performance lifestyle magazine in South Africa.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

The Financial Mail’s advertising annual, AdFocus, The board of award-winning

is back. AdFocus, a landmark in the South African BRAND magazine has
advertising and media industry, will be published on decided to suspend publication
28 November. It appears later than usual this year, in with immediate effect, while
order to record the local Loeries Advertising Awards founder, editor and publisher Di
and other important events that were previously Paice takes a much needed
excluded. Those aren’t the only differences. The full sabbatical. The decision has
title of this year’s annual is AdFocus: The Business of been taken for personal health
Advertising. reasons - Di has been fighting
cancer for three years. “The
ELLE magazine, in stress of running the business
partnership with in difficult times, coupled with
LISOF, is offering a young eight months of continuous chemotherapy this year,
person the opportunity to has taken its toll,” says Paice.
realise their dream
through a R130 000 Men’s Health style guru
bursary, to study towards a three-year diploma or N e i l D o v e t o n
degree in fashion. ELLE has been investing in the transformed 5FM’s content
development of new South African talent for the past producer Damon Kalvari
10 years through bursaries, and the ELLE New Talent from behind-the-scenes
Awards, which assist recently-qualified designers grunge to slick socialite on
launch their own labels. air at the 5FM studios on
Tuesday, 23 September. This
On 1 December, the special large-size glossy was in preparation for a night
collector’s coffee table edition of the Gay Pages, out on the town at the Men’s
titled ‘The Summer Holiday Edition’ will go on sale for Health Menswear Collection,
the first time to celebrate the title’s 14th birthday on held at the Round House on
11 December. This annual edition is a celebration of Constitution Hill in
all things summer and Gay Pages’ long track record of Johannesburg. Causing
publishing excellence. quite a stir amongst the 5FM
breakfast team, Kalvari was kitted out in an outfit
Mooiloop, the Afrikaans handpicked by Doveton from top retailer Markham.
travel lifestyle magazine Says Doveton, fashion director of Men’s Health:
published by Ramsay, Son & “Damon was terrific and great fun to work with”.
Parker, is to cease publication.
The December 2008 issue will be In the year since
its last. The decision to close the its inception,
magazine’s doors comes at a Stuff magazine has
time when heavily reduced enjoyed steady sales
advertising spend is placing growth. As the first
many titles under pressure, said anniversary issue approaches, Stuff looks set to keep
publisher Jacqueline Lahoud. It its place in the hearts and minds of the technology-
was a tough decision as Mooiloop’s content is of an buying market. The November/December 2008 issue
exceptionally high standard and its readership has of Stuff is its first anniversary issue, and the
grown over the years. magazine has many good reasons to celebrate. In the
year since Stuff has launched, it has achieved a 51%
Danny K on crack, Tansey growth rate. Stuff’s ABC certificate, which covers the
Coetzee and Rosie Motene on title’s January to June 2008 issues, shows a total of
tik, Debora Patta on cocaine, and 8 547 sales.
Tamara Dey on heroin – these are
the five well-known South
Africans who participated in
M a r i e C l a i r e m a g a z i n e ’s
campaign to highlight drug
Newsclip Media
addiction, out now in the
November issue. Photographed
Monitoring - managing
by Alexis Fotiades, the pictorial
depicts the physical effects of addiction and relays media intelligently.
the message that drug-taking is not glamorous. “The
celebrities who participated in this story each had
their own motivation and story to share regarding Media
drug addiction, and we are glad they are taking a UPDATE

stand with us to tell the world that drug use is not

what it’s made out to be,” says Kate Wilson, editor of Publicity
Marie Claire SA.

Maverick and Empire magazine have now

officially closed down, due to financial reasons.
The titles were both owned by Business Century
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

With the release of the Edgars Club Magazine

SAARF AMPS 2008A results, has produced its first
it is evident that The Property dedicated men’s section in its
Magazine has set a solid October issue. On the flip side
foundation as its readership has of the magazine - with its own
grown from 326 000 to 419 000 cover - is a 23-page section
- a staggering 28% increase. featuring fashion and grooming
This increase in readership also editorial for men. With an ABC
comes at a time when the of 908 296 from April 08 to June
current economic climate has 08, and a readership of 2 160
resulted in many other 000, according to AMPS 2008A,
magazines taking a negative knock on sales and the magazine is one of the
hence readership - a factor that doesn’t affect The country’s biggest fashion and beauty titles. Since the
Property Magazine due to its unique largely free, magazine has a predominantly female readership,
innovative distribution model. the Edgars Club used this as a platform to reach male
The Spring/Summer
2008/9 fashion annual, The much-
deLUXE, is on shelf now. The anticipated
glossy, large-format magazine second edition of SA
showcases the best of South HotRods magazine
African youth culture, including is cruising into stores
fashion, beauty, music, art, as now. Brought about by SA HotRods and Picasso
well as profiles of young, up- Headline, South Africa’s only Hot Rod and Muscle Car
and-coming local talent in the magazine celebrates all things Hot Rod, Street Rod,
entertainment and design Muscle Car, Custom Car and Chopper-related. With
industries. It’s aimed at 18-to- an emphasis on the South African flavour present in
30 year old fashionistas who the local Rodding scene, SA HotRods magazine also
are tired of mass-market hype and celebrity culture: promotes the Rodding lifestyle. That is, a love for the
an individual who doesn’t follow trends or conform to road, a passion for the old and new, and the insight to
a ‘follow the herd’ mentality. The first issue of deLUXE visualise and appreciate a blend of the two. This is the
was launched in 2007 due to demand from perfect fix for those Rodding and motoring devotees.
seventeen’s older readers who had outgrown the
main magazine, but loved seventeen’s edgier take on In adverse market
the trends. conditions, South Africa’s
favourite custom publication,
The Big Jet Club magazine continues
Issue’s to buck the trend of declining
columnist and readership figures by posting
writer Lauren an impressive 200 000
Beukes came increase. According to the
out on top yet AMPS (All Media & Products
again when she was chosen as a Western Cape finalist Survey) 2008A figures just
in the Vodacom Journalist of the Year competition. released, Jet Club, the
The ceremony, which was held at the Radisson Hotel magazine distributed by Jet
in Cape Town last week, saw her beaming from ear to Stores, is still South Africa’s most widely read
ear as she accepted the regional award of Best publication with 200 000 new readers, taking the
Columnist, as joint winner with Marlene Malan of total readership to 3 500 000. This translates into just
Rapport. This is the second consecutive year that over 11% of all adult South Africans being Jet Club
Beukes has won this title. magazine readers.

The Big Issue has launched a food garden at its Blue Planet Media (BPM)
Wynberg depot, which has been welcomed with has been awarded the
open arms by the vendors who will be able to enjoy publishing project
their first harvest by December—right on time for management contract for
Christmas. The garden is a joint initiative between T h e R o s e b a n k
The Big Issue and South African media group Experience 2009 by
Primedia Broadcasting, and forms part of Kagiso Special Places (a
PrimeShine, an annual charity fund-raising drive. Its Division of Kagiso Urban
marketing team got South African cricketing great Management), to be
Alan Dawson, co-owner of Alan Dawson Landscaping, published on behalf of the Rosebank Management
to initiate the project. District (RMD), as well as advertising sales
management. This annual directory lists all the
S o u t h e r n facilities available to the public in the Rosebank area,
African Tourism including everything from restaurants, hotels and
Update has launched retail outlets, to banks, medical services and
a newly improved business facilities. It is aimed at making visiting,
digital edition. Visit socialising, staying and doing business - for both local to register for free or send and international visitors – to and in Rosebank, a
a free digital edition to a colleague. complete cinch.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

PostBox project and The controversial radio

JKK (Joburg’s advertisement about the
Kreative Kulture) will outspokenness of people at
launch their annual a congregational meeting
publication and a ensured a gold Pendoring
multimedia exhibition as Award to RSG in the radio
well as a line up of category. The radio promotion is used to promote the
performances, on 17 popular talk show “Sê Wie”, and raised a couple of
October at the GemBioscope. The PostBox initiative is hairs amongst RSG listeners.
South Africa’s new audio-visual, arts and culture title,
comprising 80 pages, plus two DVDs. The annual The seventh annual Pick
publication consists of design and illustration; n Pay OFM Classic will
photography; fine arts; fashion; graffiti; poetry; hit the streets of
South African music: bands & dj’s; music video’s and Bloemfontein on Sunday, 2
mp3’s, film; animation; tattoo art; graffiti art; digital November. For the past ten
art, dance (various genres); and more. months, the organisers of the Classic have been
working non-stop to again present one of the best
In August this year, races in South Africa. According to Hannika Struwig,
Lotusfm launched its Communication Executive of OFM, “the 2008 Pick n
inaugural ‘Appies Project’, Pay OFM Classic boasts... the cutest Kiddies race, a
a training programme challenging 107km main race, a 47km fun-ride, 15
designed to encourage supporting water points, and prize money to the
more people into the exciting world of broadcasting. value of R80 000 on race day.” The kiddies race takes
“We are incredibly proud of the station’s initiative to place on Saturday, 1 November.
bring aspiring and enthusiastic dynamic people into
the world of broadcasting through this project, Radio 2000’s latest
especially in this, our 25th year of broadcasting,” says SAARF figures show that
Gail Samuels, Lotusfm station manager. “This is the station has increased its
another way we can ‘give back’ to the development of listenership by 60 000 in the
our community.” past two months. The
numbers are up from its
Marking 25 years in broadcasting this year, previous weekly
Lotusfm pushed its birthday celebrations up a listenership of 293 000 to
notch by reversing the usual way of doing things and 358 000. While not
taking the station to listeners around the country with reflected in the figures, there’s plenty of informal
the 2008 Lotusfm in-mall road show, which kicked off evidence that the station’s new music mix, with its
on 8 October. strong leaning towards the local, is finding great
favour with local audiences. Station Manager, Carlito
Fresh, local content is at Sheikh, says that he and his team have discovered
the heart of Jacaranda the recipe to deliver a satisfying mix of music, general
94.2’s latest online Demo information and sport that will see Radio 2000, the
Station campaign that will see official 2010 radio station, grow apace over the
the station profiling hot new coming months and years.
local bands exclusively on its
website and on-air. The aim of Retro music is the style of choice
the drive is to highlight unsigned artists and bands, in Cape Town, and in this light
also allowing for previous non-users of the station to Good Hope FM has announced the
be exposed to the Jacaranda 94.2 brand, and in so launch of an old school music day
doing, aid in shifting the perception of the brand every Sunday, from 06:00 to 18:00.
towards a fresher, more edgy positioning. Retro Sunday will showcase the best
hits from the 1980s, 1990s and
The latest RAMS results are a positive diagnosis beyond.
of the good health of the South African radio
sector. So says Jacaranda 94.2 CEO Alan Kahn, who After months of
adds that the recent addition of three new stations anticipation and
into the mix means it’s ‘game on’ when it comes to waiting, Soweto
attracting, servicing and retaining listeners and C o m m u n i t y
advertisers alike. Television has finally
received its renewal
Limpopo’s only broadcasting licence from the Independent
commercial radio Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA),
station has reached its and will be broadcasting for another year,
goal of exceeding 1.5- from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009.
million listeners in its
first year. According to figures released by SAARF, Chris Moller, long-
Capricorn FM has managed to attract over 1.5- serving SuperSport
million listeners, in a space of 10 months. The total Afrikaans rugby
radio listening public in Limpopo is estimated at 3.3- commentator, passed away
million, and Capricorn FM has captured just under on Sunday, 12 October
50% of the total market. after a fatal car accident.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

This month, News24. com celebrates its tenth Liesl Smit of Primedia Broadcasting’s Eyewitness
anniversary as South Africa’s leading digital News team in Cape Town won the Radio News
source for breaking news. With more than 1.4-million category award in the Regional Vodacom
local unique users each month (as measured by Journalist of the Year competition.
Nielsen/ NetRatings), News24 has evolved into a
mainstream news provider in South Africa, with a Traffic to The Times
total weekly readership of more than 550 000. To online has grown by an
celebrate the milestone, throughout October, exceptional 44%,
News24 will feature a series of articles from according to audited figures from
prominent South African writers, thinkers and Nielsen//NetRatings for September 2008. This
business people – as well as past and present News24 catapults The Times website into tenth spot as one of
editors, publishers and writers – regarding what they South Africa’s biggest websites overall.
think will make news in the next decade.
At the prestigious 2008 Galliova Awards, Abigail
Kelele, an annual Donnelly, food editor of Woolworths’ TASTE
African bloggers’ magazine and Eat Out, was honoured with the main
conference, will be prize of the Food Writers’ Award. This award is the
held for the first time fourth Galliova for Donnelly. Barbara Joubert, SARIE
in August 2009 in and SARIE KOS’ food editor, is the runner-up in the
Nairobi, Kenya. Kelele is set to be a gathering of Awards.
African bloggers in the tradition of historical African
societies, where everyone has a voice. The theme of MEDIA REVISITED
Kelele ’09 Nairobi is “Beat Your Drum”.
Knysna Plett Herald
The results of the Health of the Nation survey Knysna Plett Herald,
have revealed a relatively happy and healthy incorporating areas from
nation, but with distinct portions of the population Sedgefield to Bitou, is a
still living irresponsibly. The country’s first large-scale weekly community
online survey of the health habits, behaviours and newspaper published by Group Editors Co. It is
attitudes of South Africans was conducted by distributed in and around the Knysna area, including: Knysna; Plettenberg Bay; Sedgefield; and the Crags
every Thursday. It can also be bought at the George
Airport. The title is a mix of community news and local
advertising in both English and Afrikaans, with a
circulation that varies between 3 500 and 4 500, with
an average readership of 4.6 people per issue. The
A3-sized publication retails for R2. For more
information, call 044 382 1185 or email

The Mosselbay Advertiser

The Mosselbay Advertiser,
incorporating Suid-Kaap
Sun News, was established
in 1870. It is a weekly
community newspaper published by Group Editors
Co. It is distributed in and around the Mosselbay
area, including: Dana Baai; George; Groot Brak
Rivier; Hartenbos; Klein Brak Rivier; Mosselbaai; and
Albertinia every Friday. The title is a mix of
community news and local advertising in both English
and Afrikaans, with a circulation of 8 274. The A3-
sized publication retails for R3. For more information,
call 044 690 7156.

The Overberg Venster

The Overberg
Venster was first
published in 1925. It
is a weekly bilingual community newspaper
distributed in Caledon, Betty’s Bay, Kleinmond, Bot
River, Grabouw, Greyton, Genadendal, Villiersdorp,
Riviersonderend, Napier, Bredasdop, Cape Agulhus
and Gansbaai. Within Hermanus, the Overberg
Venster is distributed as an insert to the Hermanus
Times. Outside Hermanus, it folds around the
Hermanus Times. Content centres around news
happenings in the Overberg area. The combined
circulation of the Overberg Venster and Hermanus
Times (as reported by ABC at the end of June 2008) is
7 705 per week.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media


21 October saw the launch
Sport Elizabeth of Izzit, a new lifestyle
The first issue of the monthly magazine that addresses
sports tabloid Sport Elizabeth the needs of people of mixed
was launched in September in heritage (also referred to as
the Nelson Mandela Metro of ‘coloured’ or ‘brown’
Port Elizabeth. Published by people). The magazine is
Free Sport Media, Sport expected to also have
Elizabeth is the area’s newest secondary readerships in
f r e e a l t e r n a t i ve s p o r t s the broader context of the
monthly. It challenges the South African landscape and
status quo by providing the diaspora. Izzit will have
provocative reporting and no- a lively, practical and
holds-barred opinion from all contemporary focus, with
perspectives. Each issue the aim to enhance readers’ information, knowledge
includes home-grown and skills base about themselves and the ‘Coloured’
columns on local heros, events calendars and other community in general, which has been fragmented
surprises by some of the region’s most well-known and isolated for many decades. The name Izzit is
and connected sports journalists. Sport Elizabeth has derived from the phrases ‘Is it?’ and ‘Is dit?” and
a circulation of 20 000 copies, distributed monthly at implies that questions, queries and expectations
intersections and approved outlets within the Nelson readers may have will be answered in the magazine.
Mandela Metropole. For more information, visit The magazine will thus have content in both English or call 041 586 1586. and Afrikaans. Izzit will be published bi-monthly by
Lebone Purge Media. It will carry regular features,
Life in Balance columns, one-off articles and special, themed
Green Publishing sections. These include profiles, case studies,
has launched genealogy, investigations, advice on household
Life in Balance, a queries, food, health and exercise, finances and
free monthly A3 careers, as well as the latest news in entertainment,
broadsheet newspaper that will be distributed around fashion, technology and sustainable living.
the country. The newspaper will feature new Up till now there have not been readily available and
innovations in sustainable development and design, easily accessible avenues for youth to pursue these
organic fashion and beauty products, travel, delicious aspirations. The magazine will be available for
food and wine, as well as a cultural quotient of arts R19.95 at bookstores and other retailers serving the
and books. Life in Balance will also profile interesting community. Further details and a subscription form,
people making the change towards living a life that is may be found on the magazine’s website,
in harmony with their surroundings. A calendar of
events and a classified section dedicated to new
products and services will also be included. The initial Simply Green
print run will be 5 000 copies, however, this will be Simply Green is South
increased within the next six months as demand A f r i c a ’s p r e m i e r g r e e n
grows. Copies of the paper are available from lifestyle magazine, providing
Naartjie retail stores, Osumo and Wellness positive and practical steps to
Warehouses. Free copies will also be posted to cleaner living for people who
subscribers and a weekly email newsletter will be want to make a difference but
sent to database subscribers. For further information don’t want to compromise on lifestyle. The magazine was
officially launched at the
Football Arena Natural and Organic Products
Football Arena is a new weekly South African soccer Exhibition at the CTICC, that
read, aiming to offer indepth coverage of the game took place from 17 to 19
and a wide variety of related topics. Approximately October. Simply Green is
70% of the publication focuses on local soccer, but packed with information and
international coverage also makes up a significant inspiration for the modern environmentally-
part of the magazine. Football Arena aims to appeal conscious consumer. It offers well-researched and
to the largest segment of the local soccer fan base, visually entertaining stories on the latest
from the average black South African who enjoys environmental issues and eco-products to celebrity
local soccer, to soccer loving fans in other race groups interviews, food, nutrition and fashion. The
who follow European football. The title also includes a magazine’s editorial aims to provide easy, ‘next best
section on the business of football; a platform where step’ solutions to consumers across the board. Rather
matters relating to the commercial aspect of football than focusing on environmental problems, it is
are discussed. The Football Arena website will be solutions-oriented, with plenty of options, tips, hints
launched soon to keep abreast of daily developments and ‘how-to’s for everyone. Simply Green has a print
in soccer. Published by Mokoena Sports Media, the run of 10 000 copies and is available at Woolworths,
title is printed on A3 newspaper in full colour and Shoprite/Checkers, Spar, CNA, Exclusive books,
comes out every Thursday. It retails for R4.95. For pharmacies and health stores. An online e-zine is
more information, contact editor, Sandile Mchunu on soon to be launched, which will alternate with the
011 706 8018 or send an email to: print edition. For more information, visit
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

Vita Nova Pharmacy Update

Vita Nova is the premier lifestyle Pharmacy Update is a new
journal that has been specifically journal aimed at retail
designed for the reading pleasure pharmacists, as well as
of South African healthcare pharmacists in private and state
professionals. This upmarket, hospitals throughout South
intelligent and sophisticated Africa. The need for a reliable
publication caters for the refined media vehicle and direct
tastes of its exclusive group of marketing tool to these key
readers and advertisers, and purchase influencers is now
offers editorial content that is satisfied. Pharmacy Update
limited to the luxury end of the goes to the country’s top
lifestyle spectrum. This includes local and pharmacies, as listed and
international travel destinations; exclusive motoring; recorded by leading medical aids and funders.
yachts and private jets; food; fashion; décor, and Published by the same company that produces the
more. With its pioneering mix of aspirational lifestyle- country’s leading medical journal, Update, Pharmacy
oriented articles sourced from the finest local and Update carries both local and international editorial
international contributors, and industry-specific content, providing critical information on success
below-the-line advertising, Vita Nova represents the formulas and vital information for better managing
most effective way of communicating with this astute and running a professional dispensary in these new
market. Vita Nova not only appeals to the doctor who challenging times in retail. Recognising the important
first receives it, but is also designed to capture the role the pharmacist plays in the movement of ethical
desires and aspirations of their spouse and family. medicine, whether original or generic, non-scheduled
Ultimately, Vita Nova might even end up in the or homeopathic, Pharmacy Update is an excellent
doctor’s waiting room, where their patients will also vehicle by which to convey a message, ensuring a
get the opportunity of browsing through it. Vita Nova brand remains top-of-mind with the people who buy,
is distributed directly to healthcare professionals, recommend, dispense and sell a brand. From point-
going straight into the hands of some 9 000 South of-sale and financial management to ethical and OTC
African doctors and specialists. The title is published products, Pharmacy Update is tipped to become the
by TCB Publishing. For more information, contact leading journal of influence in this sector. The next
E d i t o r, S h a n n o n M a n d e r s a t issue will be delivered in February 2009 and will be , or visit followed every other month thereafter; namely February, April, June, August and October. Total
circulation of Pharmacy Update is 3 000, including
Play On product manager copies. For more information,
M a h a r e n g or call
Publishers, 011 326 0688.
the publishing
arm of radio station OFM, has recently launched a Anytime Anywhere
special newspaper in Bloemfontein. Play On is the Anytime Anywhere is a 100-
first newspaper in the Free State for schoolchildren. page glossy monthly A4 leisure
The first edition was in April 2008, and the publication and entertainment magazine,
went from strength to strength. The editorial content with a wide readership on all
of the newspaper is written by schoolchildren, and 30 subjects related to South
scholars were recently trained to help them to write Africans, both locally and
stories and take photos. These children are now abroad. It encourages readers to
accredited for Play On. The editorial content is based travel and enter competitions -
on everything that happens in schools, not a specific without needing a cellphone -
group of children. Monthly topics cover sport, culture, and has over 30 contributors
academics, and social events. Play On also covers any from all walks of life, discussing
children’s achievements which fall out of normal life in South Africa or as a South
school activities. For more information and all the African. The title’s tagline is ‘places to see, people to
latest school news, one can visit the Play On website know, things to do’. The resulting copy is an exciting mix of English and Afrikaans, ranging from interviews
to features to competitions. The average reader of
The South African Journal of Diabetes, Obesity Anytime Anywhere is a traveller in the country –
and Metabolism whether for business or pleasure - who stays
The South African edition of the overnight or passes through business class lounges,
Journal of Diabetes, Obesity and therefore looking for takeaway meals, theatre
Metabolism has recently been tickets, and information such as where to eat out and
launched. The quarterly find a cab to get to their restaurant of choice. With a
business-to-business publication print run of 12 000 copies, the publication is
i s p u b l i s h e d by M e d S p e c distributed in City, Town and Road Lodges
Publishing. The Journal is a 64- nationwide, as well as in British Airways Business
paged glossy, and is edited by Class lounges countrywide, South African shops in
Prof. J Wing. It is distributed to the UK, France and Australia, and participating hotels
specialist physicians, and venues used in educational visits. Anytime
endocrinologists, and selected Anywhere magazine retails for R14.95. For more
GPs. For more information, one information, call 011 792 4662 or email
can contact MedSpec Publishing on 012 661 3294.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

Private Edition INmag

Visitors to the 34th Nederburg COSA Communications,
Wine Auction in Paarl on boutique publisher of print and
Saturday, 20 September were electronic media,launched
the first to receive the new INmag in October. This is a sexy,
magazine Private Edition, high-quality book that will
published by The Publishing introduce insurance in a unique
Partnership. Editor Les Aupiais and innovative manner. COSA
met with some of the magazine Communications is based in
readers to talk about the hard Cape Town and publishes both
hitting content, unusual angles contract and independent titles.
on stories, and new trends Other publications within its
featured in the pages. The stable are RISKsa, TOT
Auction is part of the magazine`s highly targeted and magazine and TAXtalk. INmag, an annual
unique distribution at exclusive invitation-only publication, will provide exciting, and sometimes
events, where each guest receives a copy from the amusing, profiles of all classes of the industry. It will
host. Private Edition is not for sale in retail stores, but highlight the rewards and career benefits of the
is individually packaged and mailed to 15 000 VIP diverse financial services landscape in South Africa,
clients of exclusive brands. The magazine is also while also profiling companies and associations that
received by the members of the Oxford and are involved with the industry. It is to be distributed
Cambridge Business Alumni of South Africa, and the to 8 000 Life Orientation (LO) teachers and 7 800
Master’s Golf and Cigar Societies. Private Edition headmasters at secondary schools around the
delivers stories about people who have pushed their country. The title, along with its supporting website,
own boundaries to achieve the extraordinary. In the which will be updated monthly, will feature a
launch edition, Andrew Hardie recounts his family comprehensive database of bursaries, learnerships
compromise, tough training and experience of the and study assistance being offered to students.
challenging Berg River Canoe Marathon; Dr David Distribution of the magazine will include more than
Stein recalls the long-term damage done by 7 800 secondary schools around the country,
‘Apartheid medicine’; and Clifford Elphick celebrates reaching almost 1-million new industry employees.
the discovery of two of the largest diamonds in the Insurance companies have been urged to assist in the
world. At time of going press, he was celebrating a project, giving details of their company, their history,
hattrick, with one more stone set to break records. their success stories and information about people in
Tammy Frazer takes readers through the art of their company that have worked in the industry over
making her organic fragrances that have captured the years. Advertisers and chapter sponsors will
international attention; while Kim Wolhuter talks receive copies of the book for their own purposes,
about becoming “the lowliest male in a hyena clan”; while the balance of the print run will be distributed
and David Tlale is singled out for his luxurious fashion nationally to secondary schools, allowing the
Design. imaginations of all students to be fired up.


In March, the Afrikaanse Taal en
Kultuur Vereniging (ATKV) Primedia Broadcasting has announced the
launched a new kids’ magazine resignation of Johannesburg Sales Manager, Toni
called Hoezit! Hoezit! is aimed at Bowker.
9 to 12-year-old Afrikaans kids
with a lust for life. Hoezit! aims to Ingrid Casson started her new position as Wine and
not only educate kids, but also to Travel Editor at Food & Home Entertaining magazine
entertain them. Each issue of on 15 October.
Hoezit! Consists of five fun
sections: Entertainment Xolani Gwala will be presenting SAfm’s flagship
(vermaak); World (wêreld) – morning programme AM Live as from Monday, 6
science, biology, technology, history, geography; October. Gwala will present AM Live for a month,
About you (ek voel)– self help articles, emotional well before moving to the afternoon drive’s PM Live on the
being, advice on friends, teachers and parents; Know station.
(slimkop)– information also included in the school
syllabus (this will be presented in a fun way to help The following new appointments have been made at
them enjoy the learning experience); Fun (pret)– do Oracle Airtime Sales:
it yourself tasks and other fun things like mazes and •Cheryl van Rensburg has been promoted to General
sudoku. Two of the sections are unique, and separate Manager:Africa;
Hoezit! From its competition. Slimkop will provide •Henry Meyer has been promoted to Deputy General
them with wonderful articles on school subjects. Ek Manager:Africa; and
voel will give them advice on things children struggle •Sebastiana Venturi has been promoted to Credit
with today: parents that are getting divorced, the Manager.
wrong friends, bullies at school and so forth. Hoezit!’s
content is conveyed from a South African Popular Mechanics has appointed Christian von
perspective. Hoezit! is a monthly publication that was Dürckheim as ad sales executive for the Cape.
initially only distributed to subscribers. It will be on
shelf from the October issue. Each issue costs R15.95 The Newspaper Advertising Bureau (NAB) has
via subscription, and R18.95 on shelf. For more appointed Katy Bariamis and Francis Lawlor as
information, Geographical Information System Analysts.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media


By Bronwyn Raitt

On Thursday, 2 October, the South African

A d v e r ti s i ng Re se a r ch F ound a t i on ( SA ARF)
announced the latest SAARF RAMS release at a
presentation held at the Bryanston Country Club. The
fieldwork for this wave was conducted from
beginning-May to the third week of August. The new
s m all/ u r b an / ru ral d at a wa s inc lu d e d in t h e
•5FM- remained fairly stable, but saw an increase in
presentation, as well as a talk on Branded RAMS.
past seven-day listenership, with a total of 1 651 000
The sample size has remained fairly constant and
•94.7 Highveld Stereo- now has 1 237 000 listeners.
consists of 18 818 diary keepers.
However, there is a decrease in both past seven day
Time spent listening and Monday-to-Friday listening, most evident in
Time spent listening has decreased 10 minutes from urban areas and the Reef.
August and 15 minutes from the previous year.
Looking at the rural/urban comparison, there has •First National Result: Capricorn FM- showed 1
been a five minute decline amongst urban listeners, 543 000 listeners in past seven day listenership and
with the biggest drop being seen in black, coloured 851 000 listeners in the Monday-to-Friday period.
and Indian listeners. There has also been a 17 minute The small town/village/rural component made up
decline in rural listenership; the most prominent 4.8% of these figures, while the large urban sector
decline seen amongst black listeners. It is interesting made up 0.1%.
to note that the recent AMPS showed an increase in
television ownership over the same wave in which the •First National Result: Channel Africa- showed 16
RAMS were conducted. In rural areas specifically, 325 000 listeners in the past seven day period.
000 more households with television have been
reported, which may provide an explanation for the •East Coast Radio- an increase seen in LSM 10, with 7
drop in rural listenership. The national average of 897 000 listeners.
listening time is comparable to the previous period,
with South Africans enjoying 04h08 per day. Looking •Lesedi- 3 577 000 listeners. However, there is a
at the provinces, the Free State once again has the decrease in past seven day listening among the LSM 8
highest listening time with 04h43 per day, followed group and a decrease in Monday-to-Friday listening
by Limpopo with 04h38, Mpumalanga with 04h25 and in the 35+ age group.
North West, KwaZulu- Natal and Gauteng, which
have remained stable. The Western Cape, Eastern •Metro FM- 5 250 000 listeners; however, there is a
Cape and Northern Cape brought in the rear with decrease in past seven day listening in large urban
their listening times. areas; Mpumalanga; and LSM 8.

Repertoires •First National Result: Radio North West- past

A decrease in listenership has been seen in Monday- seven day listenership of 419 000, split fairly evenly
to-Friday slots, as well as in LSM 2 and LSM 3. between 0.7% small/town/village/rural listeners;
However, listenership in LSM 9 has seen an increase. and 0.6% large urban listeners. Monday-to-Friday
The average number of stations listened to has listenership of 219 000.
increased somewhat, with the national average now
standing at 2.1 stations per listener. Limpopo has •RSG- 1 869 000 listeners. Decrease in the Northern
overtaken Gauteng as the province with the highest Cape; and amongst coloured listeners.
number of stations per person, with listeners tuning
into an average of 2.6 stations a day. The province’s •Talk Radio 702- increase in annual growth; with 552
new commercial radio station, Capricorn seems to be 000 listeners.
responsible for this increase. Gauteng has remained
stable at 2.4 stations per listener, while North West •Ukhozi- 6 668 000 listeners. Increase in
stands at 2.2 stations per person; an increase which Mpumalanga; males aged 35+; and the LSM 6 group.
could be attributed to that province’s new station,
Radio North West. Mpumalanga has an average of 2.1 Favourite radio stations
stations per listener, while the Eastern Cape has 2.0
and the Western Cape stands at 1.9 stations per In South Africa, the top five radio stations were voted
listener. There has definitely been an increase in the as follows: Ukhozi; Umhlobo Wenene FM; Lesedi;
small rural sector stations per person; which could Thobela; and Motsweding. In Gauteng, the five
be attributed to Capricorn and Radio North West. favourite stations are as follows: Lesedi; Metro FM;
94.7 Highveld Stereo, Ukhozi and YFM. As from
Station Trends February 2009, 13-15 year olds will be included in
Listening trends for individual stations have SAARF’s sample, which is exciting news for the
remained fairly stable for most stations. However, the industry, and the number of primary diary keepers
introduction of Capricorn and Radio North West will increase from 21 000 to 25 000. The next SAARF
means that some stations have lost listenership, RAMS release will take place on 28 November. The full
while others had listeners sharing their time between presentation will be made available on the SAARF
a few stations. website shortly.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

IN FOCUS: A tour of Caxton’s printing press The press room... and others

By Leigh Andrews In the press room,

important factors are
A team from Newsclip recently took part in a tour of checked onscreen. One
Caxton’s printing press in Industria, where Caxton’s can check the balance of
community newspapers, as well as The Citizen, The water and ink essential
Sowetan and the Financial Times are printed. The for litho printing, as well
sheer size and sound of everything involved in the as whether the colour is
printing process, from the machinery to the giant in register. Tension
reams of paper, is quite overwhelming! rollers can also be
adjusted to ensure the page to be printed on is held
Printing is a way of communication. In order to tight. This also shows where the page will eventually
ensure the end result is printed exactly as intended, fold. Enormous reels of newsprint paper, of all
each print job undertaken at Caxton Printers is different sizes, are kept on the floor. The now-printed
accompanied by a work ticket. This is an envelope paper is pulled through certain columns on what is
containing all the information pertinent to the specific known as ‘the kite’,which cuts the pages off as
job at hand, such as the progressives and the all- specified points. There’s double-sided tape on the
important work number, which assists in tracking reel to keep the pages in place. This system produces
details such as pagination and colour specifications. around 60 000 copies per hour.
The progressive is a print out of what the final job
should look like, based on newsprint as opposed to In the ‘water room’ we saw the huge quantities of
gloss, to avoid confusion further down the line. water necessary for litho printing. A special ‘fountain
solution’ of water is kept very cold in a tank, at a
Tour guide Rian Kruger specified PH level of 4.2 to 5.5, which is slightly
took us through the acidic. This cold water is what gives ‘cold setting’ its
entire printing process, name. Glossy magazine printing, which involves heat
beginning with the setting, means the pages need to be heated and later
‘starting point’ in pre- cooled again through chill rollers, to ensure they
press. This is where the doesn’t become brittle. In litho printing, the colder
gatekeeper sits and the water, the better the print. Water is therefore the
carefully pairs pages heart of the cold printing process.
which have been sent
through the FTP system in PDF format. A proof Caxton produces its own
onscreen shows the page make up, and what the ink in the ink station.
actual result should look like. Kruger informed us that This is a specially heated
newspaper printing uses a cold-setting system, room filled with huge
based on printing onto an aluminium plate which drums of ink in the
resembles a photograph negative, as opposed to newsprint CMYK (cyan,
glossy print outs and magazines which require heat- magenta, yellow and
setting. He also explained the difference between keytone/black) colours,
tabloid and broadsheet sized newspapers, and how as well as smaller
this affects the page-pairing process. holders for pots of spot colours such as bright orange,
which may be used for a limited time. The water room
Development stage and ink station are interesting temperature-related
sections of the printing press process.
Kruger used a rubber
stamp analogy to Post press
explain how the cold-
setting process involves Once the pages are
making a negative from printed and cut, they
the PDF onscreen. The travel overhead on
impression from the enormous carriages
negative is then burnt resembling railway
onto aluminium plates tracks to the ‘inserts’
which have a slightly raised impression pressed into section. This is where all
them. This is eventually rolled against a rubber loose advertising
blanket in reverse, like a rubber stamp. This ‘stamp’ pamphlets, known as
is then pressed against the eventual newsprint page inserts, are placed into the finished product as
to form the printed impression, the right way around follows: the printed newspapers are carried overhead
again. Once the plate has the page imprint, it goes on machinery and opened at their centre point, into
through an intensive process before it is ready for which the pack of inserts in placed. A ‘paper shaker’
printing. This involves washing extra grime off the then places the newspapers onto a machine that
plate, drying the water and grime from the plate, shakes the pages together, in order to line the
adding a layer of gum which extends the ‘life’ of the publication up nicely and ensure nothing juts out.
plate and strengthens the imprint, and a heating Bundles of complete newspapers are then packed in
process which dries the plate again. The plate is then clear plastic, and sent to specific drop off points.
bent and cut to fit pins into its corners to fit it in place.
Each plate can produce roughly 350 000 newsprint A most interesting journey, from digital start to
impressions. printed end.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

Measurement in broadcast media Only 18 channels

have an average
The digital revolution has had a huge impact on the prime time AR of
way in which broadcasters are measuring their more than0.5 based
audiences. Nick Burfitt, Global Director of RPD on sample sizes of
(Return Path Data) Services at TNS media research, between 5 and 37
says digital changes have led to higher channel individuals. The
choices, non-linear viewing, addressable advertising, remaining 22
interactivity via broadcast channels and the channels have less
enhancement of various viewing options. than 0.5 AR.

Digital technologies have changed viewing behaviour Since 2002, DStv

and have compromised traditional measurement has been measured
tools. The question then has to be asked, how does via SAARF’s TAMS
one effectively measure viewership in the digital people meter panel. The Total TV panel consists of
world? The answer is threefold – (1) research needs around 1 500 households, whilst DStv comprise only
larger sample sizes, (2) the research needs to 356 households, which includes 156 DStv augmented
capture all viewing activity, and (3) the data panel households, funded by Oracle/ M-Net/
collection process must be cost effective over time. SuperSport.

As a result of the digital challenge, TNS looked at the As part of the initial investigation, it was decided that
use of Return Path Data (RPD), which is able to track there would need to be a sample size of over 10 times
consumers’ usage experiences, the viewership of what is currently available. This will assist advertisers
video-on-demand and the use of the interactive in determining the value of the audiences on digital
components. RPD also allows for cost effective use of television. Going forward, DStv-i will make use of 4
data with a large dataset. The RPD services works by 000 households that will report on viewership habits
either choosing a panel of subscribers or using all automatically though the set-top-boxes. As it stands,
subscribers’ behaviours anonymously, and collecting all data collected by the STBs will be transferred via
the data through set-to-boxes (STB). This data is the MTN GPRS system to a central database that will
transmitted to the operator and aggregated, and store the data. The pilot study is currently underway
then processed based on pre-agreed business and will continue until the end of November, when a
principles and measurement rules. RPD is currently full recruitment drive will begin. Data collection will
being used in several countries around the world, and begin next year.
started in Hawaii; SkyView UK is operated in the UK
through BSkyB; various services are run in the United “We intend to make the data freely available to the
States; SkyHomes boxes operate in New Zealand; industry”, says Wortley, who is confident the new data
KTHomes is set to launch in the near future in South on SA viewership habits will be live by
Korea; and services will be launched in Australia and August/September 2009.
South Africa in 2009.

So what is happening locally?

Locally, in conjunction with Multichoice, Oracle Air

Time Sales and other players, RPD research will be
used across 4 000 homes in South Africa, assessing
the viewership patterns of digital television viewers.
As consumers’ usage patterns change and develop in
the digital era, so do the measurement fundamentals
that are used to prove an accurate viewership rate of
specific programmes and channels. This includes
irregular viewership habits, like timeshifted viewing.
To this end, Set Top Boxes are here to stay as an
essential component in the world of audience
measurement. Currently, more and more countries
are using the RPD route, but require stakeholders to
adopt a different business model and buy into it.

D S t v - i i s a
measurement system
that will monitor the
consumption of digital
viewership. Brenda
Wortley, of Oracle Air
Times Sales in South Africa, notes the importance of
measurement in a market that has just over 1.8-
million digital viewers. Currently, measurement of
digital viewership is fragmented, where 1 rating unit
is a sample of 9 people or an average of three

A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

NEW ONLINE EDITOR’S CLIP Media convergence is a reality

With R500 000 worth
of online sponsorships The message from the Oracle Air Time Sales (OATS)
already tucked in its mini-conference on media convergence was clear –
pocket, digital media convergence is a reality, and stakeholders
w a s r e c e n t l y need to come to the party. To deal with these
developments, it is necessary to unpack the terms and
welcomed into the world by South Africa’s internet
strategic developments, and convert them into
community. “Fresh and clean, and with that
actionable plans. Digitalk2008, hosted by OATS, is about
irresistible baby smell, the site is the most interactive the base of change that is currently visible in the South
online community of its kind in the country, covering African media landscape. The change is driven by the
every stage of parenting,” beams Deirdre Ingpen, regulatory environment, leading to increased
Publisher of Parent24. Divided into distinct, easy-to- competition; and of course by the technological changes
navigate sections, content on the site focuses on the that are constantly taking place. 2008, incidentally,
seven stages of parenting and offers personalised marks 30 years of commercial television in South Africa
content coupled with expert opinions. – a landmark in television history; a history that is being
rewritten by the day. 2009 is likely to be a watershed
Digicape year, suggests Peter McKenzie, Managing Director of
Top Apple reseller, OATS, as new pay-TV platforms are launched, as well as
Digicape launched a video-on-demand and DStv-i trials, to name but a few.
new-look website to As technologies develop, DVB-H, or mobile TV services,
coincide with the are also likely to see commercial viability. The DigitalTalk
launch of the iphone conference focuses on the real impact of convergence on
the consumer, traditional broadcast models, and, of
3G, which landed on
course, on advertisers. “Fortunately, the challenges we
South African shelves
face are not unique to the South African market, but are
last week. The site, which now boasts the best online being addressed globally”, adds McKenzie.
Apple store in South Africa, complements the
Digicape store offering and has an ease of use that Convergence challenges
marketing director Robin Olivier describes as “pure
Apple”. Graham Lovelace of Lovelace Consulting is a media
convergence specialist, who focuses on the differences and challenges between digital and traditional media.
one small seed Convergence opens up new distribution channels that
has always also lead to changing consumer behaviours, leading to
catered to a complex changes to business models and media
s p e c i f i c organisations. In the United Kingdom, for example,
mindset rather than any single demographic. Now there is already an advanced take up of digital and
there is a way for readers to get in touch with each broadband technologies. Despite the rise of the internet
other, share ideas and opinions, submit articles, and broadband in the UK, the vast majority of consumers
still make use of fixed-line communication. The take up
photographs and videos, interact with like-minded
of broadband has been extensive, as has the uptake of
individuals, win prizes and keep up-to-date with
digital terrestrial television and digital satellite TV. Along
South African pop culture. is an with digital cable TV, these three divisions make up 87%
exciting new social network, where you can create of the market. The digital era is here. South Africa faces
your own profile and be part of the one small seed its own unique challenges in this area, with broadband
family. Unlike the one small seed quarterly problems and a lack of real competition to drive prices
publication, content will be updated on a regular down to where they should be. There are some key
basis, in conjunction with members on the network. trends evident in the UK market. From the videoon-
This is a forum to submit stories, profiles, reviews, demand side, digital video recorders and catch-up TV
events, discussion topics, photos, artwork, fashion services have become common place. Video online is
editorials, videos and whatever else you feel like being driven by consumer generated content (CGC),
sharing with the one small seed community. The most alongside traditional broadcasters. This is convergence
popular and highest quality submissions stand a in action – the simultaneous use of traditional and new
chance of being featured in the upcoming magazine, (some would say, now) media technologies. “Consumers
plus every week the highest rated submission will win don’t buy technology, they buy solutions”, says Lovelace.
a year’s subscription to one small seed magazine. Convergence is the combination of previously disparate
technologies or distribution services that come together
PROGRAMMES IN THE MAKING to offer a single solution. This becomes important when
considering consumers in the marketing mix – they are
So You Think You’re Funny not that interested in the technology (it might be of
So You Think You’re Funny, a new comedy talent interest, but not of consequence), but rather in what the
show hosted by South African comedian David Kau, technology can do for them. Yes, people get excited
premiers on SABC1 in November. This fresh talent about technology, but in itself does not provide
show aims at providing a platform for fresh local consumers with what they want.Convergence at the
network level is creating new distribution channels, such
comedians to compete for a grand prize of R100 000.
as IPTV, mobile video, broadcast mobile television,
Judging for So You Think You’re Funny will be done by
broadband video and portable media centres. Apple’s
David Kau himself, as well as comedian Ntosh
new 3Gi phone is probably the most advanced media
Madlingozi and actress Moshidi Motshegwa. Auditions convergence tool on the market today, notes Lovelace.
for the talent show took place from 20 to 28 “We have come a long way since the Apple phones of the
September. 1990s”.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

Timeshifting and placeshifting Mobile television began with clip downloads and moved
to streamed channels via 3G, before reaching today’s
Convergence is also changing the way in which people trials of DVB-H, DMB, ISDV-T and others. The business
consume media. Perhaps one of the biggest changes and case for broadband is still to be proved from a product
advancements is the ability to ‘timeshift’ (pause or and cost point of view, and many companies are still
record and watch as non-live) viewable content. 40 waiting to see the business models other broadcasters
years ago, this was marked by the brand innovation of will implement. Only when the costing structure is
the video cassette recorder; now, we are faced with HD understood, will mobile television become a reality. The
PVRs that allow a consumer to record up to 150 hours of head of Google recently said that this summer would see
video in standard play or 50 hours of HD content. more advertising return on investment from mobile
America is planning to launch HD Super before the end of advertising than from internet-based advertising. This is
the year – simply put, HD on steroids! Consumers can congruent with several local experts who have voiced
now watch what they want, when they want, and do not similar opinions with regards to the value and measured
have to watch the ads. It should be noted that the ROI of mobile advertising.
majority of timeshifted viewing is still done on the same
day or same week and ads are rarely fast forwarded to a Broadband video is by far the most disruptive model of
point that they are not recognised, hence referred to as convergence media, let alone the mobile arena. JumpTV
‘good viewing’ versus ‘non-good viewing’. In addition to is an example of a broadband video aggregator that
timeshifting, there is now placeshifting taking place, allows users to visit one website to view a majority of
through the Slingbox. This is a device that enables a web-based television content. Joost allows for a similar
consumer to watch television programmes on mobile experience, where a consumer can go online and view
phones, via the web – anytime, anywhere. The tagline is multiple television channels online. Their revenue comes
simple – if it’s on your TV, you can watch it anywhere. from advertising, sponsors, e-commerce and other
“This is complete access and complete control of your models. One of the unique models is pre- and post-rolls,
television viewing habits”, says Lovelace. This creates which act like spot ads on television and cannot be fast-
legislative problems, which is a whole separate debate forwarded, forcing user engagement. Some sites simply
that we shall not get into here. Convergence disrupts have surrounding ads, while others use overlays or
traditional business models, where subscription bundles images that come up during viewing, possibly with
are faced with á la carte options, as well as advertising hyperlinks for WAP-enabled phones. Having said that we
changes and licence fee enforcements. Above all else, have not as yet witnessed the emergence of a new
convergence is forcing media groups to change from advertising model for broadband television, so much
producing content for single channels to varied content remains unchanged.
on multiple channels, delivered to multiple platforms.
In conclusion, there are more opportunities than threats
BBC iPlayer Case Study
for wellfunded broadcasters with large archives.
A trial started back in 2005 with 5 000 testers aimed at Broadcasters will not disappear, but they will be
assessing the feasibility and demand of internet-based displaced by on-demand media. There are also big
television viewing. The board of the BBC (British implications for the future of ad-spots, which need
Broadcasting Corporation) approved the launch in stakeholder collaboration in the way going forward –
2007, where the initial availability of content as they need to unpack and understand time- and place-
restricted to Microsoft’s XP. As a result, the BBC launched shifted viewing, as well as consumer engagement with
a new streaming version, supporting all operating ads based on behavioural profiles and personal choices.
systems later that year. Streamers out-numbered
downloaders by eight to one at the launch – indicating a
willingness to watch content live off the web. The 500
000-per-day download barrier was broken in February
2008. More than 42-million programmes were served in
the first quarter of this year. Average daily users
increased in April 2007 to over 700 000 (that’s an
increase of 200 000 in two months). Who uses this? It
would seem that the BBC iPlayer services are being used
by a broad-spread of the population, where 16 to 24
year-olds make up 37% of the audience and 35 to 45
year-olds make up 43% of the total audience. The iPlayer
is likely to make up nearly 12% of all BBC viewing by
2011. With the emergence earlier this year of bridging
devices, such as Apple TV, consumers can now transfer
downloaded content from a computer to a television set
for viewing. This means that consumers have the choice
of watching downloaded content on full-screen
televisions. Convergence offers consumer benefits that
include choice, control and cost. Convergence allows
users to decide when they want to watch television, as
well as where and how much of the programming they
want to see. They also have increased costing options,
where providers add bundled offerings that encapsulate
better benefits for consumers. Most major media groups
are embracing new digital formats, acknowledging that
these supplement rather than replace existing
traditional, media. Two new media technologies that are
proving to be hot buttons for traditional broadcasters
and telecommunications companies are mobile and
VOD. This also shifts the traditional consumption from
one-to-many to one-to-one.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media


Judging the PICAs - a personal perspective

By Daniel Munslow

We have just finished a week of judging the entrants

into the various PICA Awards categories. A variety of
judges, each experts in their field, judged sections of
the Awards, with the intention of sifting through the
over 500 entries received and boiling them down to
the winners. It was a tall order. The quality of entries
this year was among the best in years – testament to
the high calibre of publishers, editors, writers and
designers this country has to offer.
About the PICA Awards
From my personal involvement, I judged several
categories, namely Best Online Solution, the Jane Celebrating individual creativity, honouring collective
Raphaely Editor of the Year (Consumer publishing), endeavour, the PICA Awards are South Africa’s
the Customer Editor of the Year and B2B Editor of the premier acknowledgements of excellence in the
Year. The online entries were of exceptional quality realm of magazine publishing. The Awards focus on
overall, and it was encouraging to see that many finding titles that are the best examples of excellence
publishers are adopting digital communication in publishing and journalism across all sectors. A
technologies and successfully launching cross- magazine that has won such an Award has set the
platform media. Many of the entrants included a host highest standards in content, design, market
of digital tools, such as blogs, vodcasts, interactive understanding and market positioning. To
applications, e-zines, and more. The editorial content paraphrase this, the PICA Awards are judged on
of the online magazines is also of the standard that quality, and quality means that loyal readers, and
we have come to expect of our local talent. your message, will resonate month in and month out.
It also means that readers engage and identify with
By far the hardest judging was when it came to the the magazine from cover to cover, which results in a
coveted Editor of the Year titles – largely regarded as trusting relationship between the reader and the
personal awards of excellence to editors that have magazine. This will make advertising more powerful
successfully navigated their publications through and effective. To add to that, the higher the quality of
trying and turbulent times, while maintaining high the content, the stronger the reader will feel towards
editorial standards and attempting to increase the the magazine as a brand; and this results in an
circulation and revenue of magazines. Not an easy emotional connection between both the magazine
thing to do at this point in time. The judging panel and the advertising it contains.
consisted of esteemed editors – the likes of Tony
Vaughn (of Property Magazine), Toni Younghusband
(editor of Shape), Shona Bagley (past editor of Elle
Magazine), Jason Curtis (Assistant Publisher at
Customer Publisher New Media Publishing), and Di
Paice, to name a few. I was honoured to have been on
those panels with my esteemed colleagues.

The task here was to assess the editor’s application

forms and publications against over a dozen criteria
that, together, formed the platform of a well-rounded
and successful publishing head. The judging was
tough, with rigorous and lively discussions taking
place before the winner was decided on in each
category respectively. When one considers that
editors take crucial decisions each and every day, it
was interesting to see the challenging process of
moderating and agreeing on the scores.

Healthy debate is what it’s all about! And we certainly

ended the sessions by walking away happy that the
right decisions were made because, after all, there
can only be one winner. The head of the PICA
committee this year is Silke Friedrich, and the chief
judge is Gisele Wertheim Aymes, the recently
appointed media director at FNB. The judging of the
Raphaely Editor of the Year (Consumer publishing)
and the Customer Editor of the Year took place at the
beautiful Peninsula Hotel in Cape Town, overlooking
the majestic southern shoreline. The PICA Awards
take place on Friday, 21 November, in Cape Town. We
will of course be there, and release the list of winners
as soon as we are allowed to.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media

EDITOR’S CLIP The audience

• Independent TV audience turns 10 years old on 1 October surveys confirm that is the, South Africa’s first and only independent free- second most watched channel in
to-air television channel celebrates ten years on air the country.
on 1 October. Over the past decade, has •’s terrestrial signal reaches
established itself against the odds to become a 80.5% of the South African
household name and a key player in the South African population.
broadcasting industry. At 17:00 on 1 October 1998 • appeals to all races, all ages started broadcasting for six hours a day, and on and all income groups, and is the most viewed English
17 January 1999, eNews went to air for the very first language channel in the country.
time. However, after the excitement of the launch • 69% of the audience is black.
months, soon ran into trouble. Initial budget • The top end of’s target market includes the
estimates were significantly below the requirements wealthiest 20% of the population.
of the business, and the channel was losing millions • Of the 11.9-million viewers, 67% are in LSM 5-8.
every month. In mid-1999, a new management team The highest growth area has been viewers from the
was appointed and an urgent turnaround strategy black middle class.
was put in place. This strategy, combined with an
additional injection of funds from original Timeline
shareholders HCI and new shareholders Venfin, • October 1998, was launched as SouthAfrica’s
steadily turned into a success. AMPS research first commercial free-to-air TV network, broadcasting
demonstrated that the channel grew from a regular for six hours a day.
viewership of just over 2.4-million in 1999 to almost • January 1999, eNews first went on air, and is now
12-million in 2007 - a growth rate of 384%! By 2000, rated as one of the most credible sources of had grown to become the largest English- information in South Africa.
medium channel in the country and by 2002, it was • February 1999, provided a 24-hour
the second largest channel overall, a position it programming service.
retains today. The channel broke even for the first • 2000, became the largest English-medium
time in 2004. station in the country, and in 2002 the second largest
overall, a position it still holds.
Says’s CEO, Marcel Golding: “We had some rough • 2002, secured exclusive broadcast rights to the
times in the beginning, but the success of has FIFA World Cup in Korea/Japan.
outstripped our expectations. Very few people • April 2003, took over as host channel of the Live
believed that would survive those first years, but LOTTO Draw.
now that we’ve reached our ten year anniversary we • In 2004, turned a profit and four years later, in
have become an indispensable part of South African 2008,’s sister company eSat TV launches the
life”. Over the years, the channel has built a eNews Channel.
reputation for high quality local and international See you next month.
entertainment. Locally produced dramas and sitcoms DANIEL
such as Backstage, Madam & Eve, Jozi Streets and
(most recently) Rhythm City, have provided with GET TO KNOW THE TEAM
a strong point of difference from its competitors. Over EDITOR Daniel Munslow
the past few years, has also introduced locally DEPUTY EDITOR Pat McClelland
produced reality formats such as Fear Factor SA, EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Leigh Andrews
Biggest Loser SA and Forgive and Forget, as well as EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Bronwyn Raitt
its own emo-tainment show, Let’s Fix It. The channel MEDIA RESEARCHER Roane Booth
brand is also firmly associated with WWE Wrestling MARKETING MANAGER Vanessa Evans
and its blockbuster movies, which bring in the highest
ratings each week. This aside, during the past decade Media Update is published by Newsclip.
the channel’s most distinctive programming has
undoubtedly been its news. eNews is widely regarded Daniel is a member of the MPASA PICA Awards
as the most reliable and independent television news Committee.
source in the country, and its prime time bulletins are
watched by an average of 1.6-million viewers each GET IN TOUCH
Want to make a contribution? Want to share your opinions
night. The success of the eNews brand spawned the
and stories about the media industry? We want to hear
launch of the 24-hour eNews channel, which from you.
launched in June this year.’s success has
established a sound basis from which to establish a You can email us at or call
much larger media group. Over the past two years, us on (011) 288-6600.’s holding company, Sabido Investments, has
acquired interests in other television companies on WE’RE ONLINE...
the African continent, as well as in content Media Update
distribution and aggregation and studio facilities. Publicity Update
TotallyMAd -
Golding paid tribute to staff, particularly those
that stayed on with the channel from the early years. Data is provided for information purposes only. Newsclip shall not be responsible for any
“’s success is due not only to their loyalty, direct or indirect or other damage of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred by you
related to your use of, or your inability to access or use, the content of this publication.
commitment and hard work but, in particular, to their Although we have taken all possible steps to ensure the validity of our sources, reliance on
the information contained in this update is used at your own risk.
unwavering belief that we could achieve something
extraordinary, despite the odds being stacked against MEDIA UPDATE IS A

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