MU Oct Wrap-2008
MU Oct Wrap-2008
MU Oct Wrap-2008
Media newsclip
managing media intelligently
Education through information October 2008
MEDIA NEWS T h e M e d i a
The SABC published and Diversity
its annual report for Agency (MDDA)
2008 on Friday, 10 bade a fond farewell
October, presenting a to Dr Essop Pahad, outgoing Minister in the
corporation that has Presidency, at the Sunnyside Hotel in Johannesburg
made some strides in on Tuesday,30 September. The farewell lunch was
delivering on its public attended by the captains ofall major print media
service mandate, even companies in South Africa.
while facing significant challenges.
BT Media & Broadcast, a
After eight years world leader in digital
with Media24, media solutions, has
Ru s s e l l H a n l y h a s announced that it has
stepped down as CEO extended the reach of its
of and handed global media network (GMN) to South Africa. The
his responsibilities over to JP Farinha, a youthful network extension enables the delivery of high
veteran of South Africa’s internet space. The quality, real time video content between
announcement was made on Tuesday, 21 October. Johannesburg and popular media hubs worldwide,
Under Hanly’s leadership, Media24 was established offering a viable, high performance and cost-effective
as South Africa’s leading digital publisher. Hanly alternative to satellite connectivity into and out of the
plans to go back to his farming roots, and will remain region. The GMN is based on multi-protocol label
at Media24 until the end of November. switching (MPLS) networking technology, the proven
global standard to supply secure converged video,
Cutting-edge media house sound and data internetworking.
Contact Media and
Communications recently Avusa recently
announced that its two leading announced what is being
magazine titles, The Afropolitan punted as “not your everyday,
and The Wits Business Journal will run-of-the-mill journalism
be made available online in digital internship”. Called the Avusa
magazine format. This follows Newww.Training internship, it
rising reader requests to make will offer potential interns the
these niche publications chance to contribute to the
accessible via the net. According creation of great news sites
to Contact Media MD, Sean Press, the move will and publications, produce multimedia stories, and
strategically position the company in line with see their stories come to life in many different ways
emerging global digital media trends, as well as next year.
carving out a niche digital media platform locally.
South Africa’s new
The World Association of p r e s i d e n t ,
Newspapers presented its annual Kgalema Motlanthe,
World Young Reader Newspaper of the is a strong supporter
Year Award on Thursday, 16 October to of the freedom of the
the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza for media. He made this
its successful initiatives to attract clear earlier this year when he addressed the
younger readers, in a country where International Media Forum of South Africa in
half the population in under 35. The Johannesburg. The IMF brought together
newspaper also won Jury Commendations for two communicators from across the spectrum to discuss
projects: a tie-in for young readers with the Euro the international coverage of South Africa and its
2008 football matches, and for a campaign that impact on the country. Motlanthe declared that the
helped readers protest against Chinese policies in ANC’s view has consistently been that: “mere
Tibet. Independent Newspapers, Media 24, Avusa declarations of media freedoms on their own are not
and Associated Independent Press in South Africa enough. These freedoms must be underpinned by an
also won at the awards for their “National Teachers equitable distribution of media resources,
Strike Recovery Initiative” in the Public Service development programmes, and a deliberate effort to
category. engender a culture of open debate”.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media
The Big Issue has launched a food garden at its Blue Planet Media (BPM)
Wynberg depot, which has been welcomed with has been awarded the
open arms by the vendors who will be able to enjoy publishing project
their first harvest by December—right on time for management contract for
Christmas. The garden is a joint initiative between T h e R o s e b a n k
The Big Issue and South African media group Experience 2009 by
Primedia Broadcasting, and forms part of Kagiso Special Places (a
PrimeShine, an annual charity fund-raising drive. Its Division of Kagiso Urban
marketing team got South African cricketing great Management), to be
Alan Dawson, co-owner of Alan Dawson Landscaping, published on behalf of the Rosebank Management
to initiate the project. District (RMD), as well as advertising sales
management. This annual directory lists all the
S o u t h e r n facilities available to the public in the Rosebank area,
African Tourism including everything from restaurants, hotels and
Update has launched retail outlets, to banks, medical services and
a newly improved business facilities. It is aimed at making visiting,
digital edition. Visit socialising, staying and doing business - for both local to register for free or send and international visitors – to and in Rosebank, a
a free digital edition to a colleague. complete cinch.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media
This month, News24. com celebrates its tenth Liesl Smit of Primedia Broadcasting’s Eyewitness
anniversary as South Africa’s leading digital News team in Cape Town won the Radio News
source for breaking news. With more than 1.4-million category award in the Regional Vodacom
local unique users each month (as measured by Journalist of the Year competition.
Nielsen/ NetRatings), News24 has evolved into a
mainstream news provider in South Africa, with a Traffic to The Times
total weekly readership of more than 550 000. To online has grown by an
celebrate the milestone, throughout October, exceptional 44%,
News24 will feature a series of articles from according to audited figures from
prominent South African writers, thinkers and Nielsen//NetRatings for September 2008. This
business people – as well as past and present News24 catapults The Times website into tenth spot as one of
editors, publishers and writers – regarding what they South Africa’s biggest websites overall.
think will make news in the next decade.
At the prestigious 2008 Galliova Awards, Abigail
Kelele, an annual Donnelly, food editor of Woolworths’ TASTE
African bloggers’ magazine and Eat Out, was honoured with the main
conference, will be prize of the Food Writers’ Award. This award is the
held for the first time fourth Galliova for Donnelly. Barbara Joubert, SARIE
in August 2009 in and SARIE KOS’ food editor, is the runner-up in the
Nairobi, Kenya. Kelele is set to be a gathering of Awards.
African bloggers in the tradition of historical African
societies, where everyone has a voice. The theme of MEDIA REVISITED
Kelele ’09 Nairobi is “Beat Your Drum”.
Knysna Plett Herald
The results of the Health of the Nation survey Knysna Plett Herald,
have revealed a relatively happy and healthy incorporating areas from
nation, but with distinct portions of the population Sedgefield to Bitou, is a
still living irresponsibly. The country’s first large-scale weekly community
online survey of the health habits, behaviours and newspaper published by Group Editors Co. It is
attitudes of South Africans was conducted by distributed in and around the Knysna area, including: Knysna; Plettenberg Bay; Sedgefield; and the Crags
every Thursday. It can also be bought at the George
Airport. The title is a mix of community news and local
advertising in both English and Afrikaans, with a
circulation that varies between 3 500 and 4 500, with
an average readership of 4.6 people per issue. The
A3-sized publication retails for R2. For more
information, call 044 382 1185 or email
By Bronwyn Raitt
IN FOCUS: A tour of Caxton’s printing press The press room... and others
As a result of the digital challenge, TNS looked at the As part of the initial investigation, it was decided that
use of Return Path Data (RPD), which is able to track there would need to be a sample size of over 10 times
consumers’ usage experiences, the viewership of what is currently available. This will assist advertisers
video-on-demand and the use of the interactive in determining the value of the audiences on digital
components. RPD also allows for cost effective use of television. Going forward, DStv-i will make use of 4
data with a large dataset. The RPD services works by 000 households that will report on viewership habits
either choosing a panel of subscribers or using all automatically though the set-top-boxes. As it stands,
subscribers’ behaviours anonymously, and collecting all data collected by the STBs will be transferred via
the data through set-to-boxes (STB). This data is the MTN GPRS system to a central database that will
transmitted to the operator and aggregated, and store the data. The pilot study is currently underway
then processed based on pre-agreed business and will continue until the end of November, when a
principles and measurement rules. RPD is currently full recruitment drive will begin. Data collection will
being used in several countries around the world, and begin next year.
started in Hawaii; SkyView UK is operated in the UK
through BSkyB; various services are run in the United “We intend to make the data freely available to the
States; SkyHomes boxes operate in New Zealand; industry”, says Wortley, who is confident the new data
KTHomes is set to launch in the near future in South on SA viewership habits will be live by
Korea; and services will be launched in Australia and August/September 2009.
South Africa in 2009.
D S t v - i i s a
measurement system
that will monitor the
consumption of digital
viewership. Brenda
Wortley, of Oracle Air
Times Sales in South Africa, notes the importance of
measurement in a market that has just over 1.8-
million digital viewers. Currently, measurement of
digital viewership is fragmented, where 1 rating unit
is a sample of 9 people or an average of three
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media
Timeshifting and placeshifting Mobile television began with clip downloads and moved
to streamed channels via 3G, before reaching today’s
Convergence is also changing the way in which people trials of DVB-H, DMB, ISDV-T and others. The business
consume media. Perhaps one of the biggest changes and case for broadband is still to be proved from a product
advancements is the ability to ‘timeshift’ (pause or and cost point of view, and many companies are still
record and watch as non-live) viewable content. 40 waiting to see the business models other broadcasters
years ago, this was marked by the brand innovation of will implement. Only when the costing structure is
the video cassette recorder; now, we are faced with HD understood, will mobile television become a reality. The
PVRs that allow a consumer to record up to 150 hours of head of Google recently said that this summer would see
video in standard play or 50 hours of HD content. more advertising return on investment from mobile
America is planning to launch HD Super before the end of advertising than from internet-based advertising. This is
the year – simply put, HD on steroids! Consumers can congruent with several local experts who have voiced
now watch what they want, when they want, and do not similar opinions with regards to the value and measured
have to watch the ads. It should be noted that the ROI of mobile advertising.
majority of timeshifted viewing is still done on the same
day or same week and ads are rarely fast forwarded to a Broadband video is by far the most disruptive model of
point that they are not recognised, hence referred to as convergence media, let alone the mobile arena. JumpTV
‘good viewing’ versus ‘non-good viewing’. In addition to is an example of a broadband video aggregator that
timeshifting, there is now placeshifting taking place, allows users to visit one website to view a majority of
through the Slingbox. This is a device that enables a web-based television content. Joost allows for a similar
consumer to watch television programmes on mobile experience, where a consumer can go online and view
phones, via the web – anytime, anywhere. The tagline is multiple television channels online. Their revenue comes
simple – if it’s on your TV, you can watch it anywhere. from advertising, sponsors, e-commerce and other
“This is complete access and complete control of your models. One of the unique models is pre- and post-rolls,
television viewing habits”, says Lovelace. This creates which act like spot ads on television and cannot be fast-
legislative problems, which is a whole separate debate forwarded, forcing user engagement. Some sites simply
that we shall not get into here. Convergence disrupts have surrounding ads, while others use overlays or
traditional business models, where subscription bundles images that come up during viewing, possibly with
are faced with á la carte options, as well as advertising hyperlinks for WAP-enabled phones. Having said that we
changes and licence fee enforcements. Above all else, have not as yet witnessed the emergence of a new
convergence is forcing media groups to change from advertising model for broadband television, so much
producing content for single channels to varied content remains unchanged.
on multiple channels, delivered to multiple platforms.
In conclusion, there are more opportunities than threats
BBC iPlayer Case Study
for wellfunded broadcasters with large archives.
A trial started back in 2005 with 5 000 testers aimed at Broadcasters will not disappear, but they will be
assessing the feasibility and demand of internet-based displaced by on-demand media. There are also big
television viewing. The board of the BBC (British implications for the future of ad-spots, which need
Broadcasting Corporation) approved the launch in stakeholder collaboration in the way going forward –
2007, where the initial availability of content as they need to unpack and understand time- and place-
restricted to Microsoft’s XP. As a result, the BBC launched shifted viewing, as well as consumer engagement with
a new streaming version, supporting all operating ads based on behavioural profiles and personal choices.
systems later that year. Streamers out-numbered
downloaders by eight to one at the launch – indicating a
willingness to watch content live off the web. The 500
000-per-day download barrier was broken in February
2008. More than 42-million programmes were served in
the first quarter of this year. Average daily users
increased in April 2007 to over 700 000 (that’s an
increase of 200 000 in two months). Who uses this? It
would seem that the BBC iPlayer services are being used
by a broad-spread of the population, where 16 to 24
year-olds make up 37% of the audience and 35 to 45
year-olds make up 43% of the total audience. The iPlayer
is likely to make up nearly 12% of all BBC viewing by
2011. With the emergence earlier this year of bridging
devices, such as Apple TV, consumers can now transfer
downloaded content from a computer to a television set
for viewing. This means that consumers have the choice
of watching downloaded content on full-screen
televisions. Convergence offers consumer benefits that
include choice, control and cost. Convergence allows
users to decide when they want to watch television, as
well as where and how much of the programming they
want to see. They also have increased costing options,
where providers add bundled offerings that encapsulate
better benefits for consumers. Most major media groups
are embracing new digital formats, acknowledging that
these supplement rather than replace existing
traditional, media. Two new media technologies that are
proving to be hot buttons for traditional broadcasters
and telecommunications companies are mobile and
VOD. This also shifts the traditional consumption from
one-to-many to one-to-one.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative Media