The Ten Best Evangelistic Chapters 39.␣ Nehemiah 8—10, Another Revival
1.␣ Genesis 3, The Fall 40.␣ Psalm 2, God and the Nations
2.␣ Genesis 22, Abraham Offering Isaac 41.␣ Psalm 23, The Good Shepherd
3.␣ Exodus 12, The Institution of the Passover 42.␣ Psalm 32, Forgiveness
4.␣ Leviticus 16, The Day of Atonement 43.␣ Psalm 69, The Messiah’s Sufferings
5.␣ 2 Kings 5, The Cleansing of Naaman 44.␣ Psalm 73, The Backslider’s Reflections
6.␣ Joshua 7, The Sin of Achan 45.␣ Psalm 137, By the Rivers of Babylon
7.␣ Isaiah 53, The Suffering Servant 46.␣ Ecclesiastes 1, 2, Vanity of Vanities
8.␣ Isaiah 55, The Return of the Backslider 47.␣ Isaiah 1, Jerusalem’s Sin and Salvation
9.␣ Exodus 20, The Giving of the Ten Commandments 48.␣ Isaiah 6, Isaiah’s Call and Commission
10.␣ Psalm 51, The Penitential Prayer of David 49.␣ Isaiah 11, Messiah’s Rule
50.␣ Isaiah 32, The Coming King
Fifteen More Evangelistic Chapters 51.␣ Isaiah 35, The Golden Age
1.␣ Genesis 6, 7, The Flood 52.␣ Isaiah 40, Comfort for God’s People
2.␣ Exodus 32, The Golden Calf 53.␣ Isaiah 59, Sin’s Separating Power
3.␣ Leviticus 23, The Seven Feasts of Jehovah 54.␣ Jeremiah 2, Judah’s Sin
4.␣ Numbers 13, 14, The Unbelief at Kadesh-Barnea 55.␣ Jeremiah 18, The Potter and the Clay
5.␣ Joshua 2, The Faith of Rahab 56.␣ Jeremiah 31, The New Covenant and Israel’s Restoration
6.␣ Judges 11, Jephthah’s Vow 57.␣ Ezekiel 3, Ezekiel’s Commission
7.␣ Ruth 1, Ruth’s Choice 58.␣ Ezekiel 5, The Divided Hair
8.␣ 1 Samuel 3, The Call of Samuel 59.␣ Ezekiel 8, 9, Idolatry in God’s House
9.␣ 1 Samuel 15, Saul’s Unpardonable Sin 60.␣ Ezekiel 10, 11, The Shekinah’s Departure
10.␣ 1 Kings 18, The Contest on Mt. Carmel 61.␣ Ezekiel 18, Individual Responsibility
11.␣ Psalm 1, The Two Ways and the Two Ends 62.␣ Ezekiel 34, The False and the True Shepherd
12.␣ Psalm 22, The Suffering Messiah 63.␣ Ezekiel 37, The Valley of Dry Bones
13.␣ Daniel 5, Belshazzar’s Feast 64.␣ Ezekiel 47, The Living Waters
14.␣ Ecclesiastes 12, Why Seek the Lord Early 65.␣ Daniel 2, The Five World Empires
15.␣ Jonah 3, History’s Greatest Revival 66.␣ Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzar’s Conversion
One Hundred More Evangelistic Chapters 67.␣ Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar Judged and Restored
1.␣ Genesis 19, The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah 68.␣ Daniel 6, Darius’ Conversion
2.␣ Genesis 28, The Ladder to Heaven 69.␣ Daniel 12, Troublous Times at the End
3.␣ Genesis 35, Back to Bethel, the Place of Blessing 70.␣ Hosea 1, A Broken Home
4.␣ Exodus 14, Crossing the Red Sea 71.␣ Hosea 2, Restoring the Home
5.␣ Exodus 17, The Water and the Rod 72.␣ Hosea 4, God’s Controversy With Israel
6.␣ Exodus 25, Tabernacle Instructions 73.␣ Joel 2, Repentance and Pentecost
7.␣ Leviticus 1, The Burnt Offering 74.␣ Joel 3, Armageddon and Judgment
8.␣ Leviticus 2, The Peace Offering 75.␣ Amos 1, 2, Inescapable Judgment
9.␣ Leviticus 4, The Trespass Offering 76.␣ Amos 4, Prepare to Meet God
11.␣ Leviticus 9, Aaron’s Offering and Fire on the Altar 77.␣ Amos 5, True Religion
12.␣ Leviticus 10, Strange Fire on the Altar 78.␣ Amos 6, At Ease in Zion
13.␣ Leviticus 13, Leprosy, an Illustration of Sin 79.␣ Amos 7, The Plumb Line
14.␣ Leviticus 14, Cleansing the Leper 80.␣ Amos 9, Judgment and Final Restoration
15.␣ Leviticus 17, The Place and Object of Sacrifice 81.␣ Jonah 1, God’s Pursuing Providence
16.␣ Leviticus 25, Sabbatic Land Laws 82.␣ Jonah 2, Prayer that God Hears
17.␣ Leviticus 26, Blessings and Curses 83.␣ Jonah 4, God’s Saving Purposes
18.␣ Numbers 6, The Nazirite Vow 84.␣ Micah 1, God’s Anger at Sinful Cities
19.␣ Numbers 16, Korah’s Rebellion 85.␣ Micah 3, The Responsibility of Leaders
20.␣ Numbers 17, The Twelve Rods and Aaron’s Rod 86.␣ Micah 5, The Messiah’s Coming
21.␣ Numbers 19, Offering the Red Heifer 87.␣ Micah 6, God’s Controversy and Requirements
22.␣ Numbers 25, Israel’s Sin and Phinehas’ Zeal 88.␣ Micah 7, Deepest Sin and Greatest Grace
23.␣ Numbers 35, The Cities of Refuge (cf. Deut. 18; Josh. 20) 89.␣ Habakkuk 1, God Working Today
24.␣ Deuteronomy 28, Blessings and Cursings 90.␣ Habakkuk 3, Revive Thy Work
25.␣ Deuteronomy 32, The Song of Moses 91.␣ Zechariah 3, Cleansing for Service
26.␣ Deuteronomy 34, The Home-going of Moses 92.␣ Zechariah 4, Filling for Service
27.␣ Joshua 3, 4, Crossing the Jordan 93.␣ Zechariah 5, Sin Removed
28.␣ Joshua 6, The Overthrow of Jericho 94.␣ Zechariah 7, True Worship
29.␣ Judges 14—16, The Exploits of Samson 95.␣ Zechariah 11, Choosing the Wrong Shepherd
30.␣ 1 Samuel 7, Samuel’s Revival and Victory 96.␣ Zechariah 12, Judah’s Repentance
31.␣ 1 Samuel 28, Saul and the Witch of Endor 97.␣ Zechariah 13, The Fountain of Cleansing
32.␣ 2 Samuel 9, David and Mephibosheth 98.␣ Zechariah 14, The Battle of Armageddon
33.␣ 2 Samuel 12, Nathan, David, and Solomon 99.␣ Malachi 1, 2, Hypocrisy in God’s People
34.␣ 2 Kings 2, Elijah’s Ascent and Elisha’s First Miracles 100.␣ Malachi 3, 4, The Last Great Revival
35.␣ 2 Kings 19, Hezekiah’s Plight and Deliverance
36.␣ 2 Kings 20, Hezekiah’s Life Prolonged Faris D. Whitesell, Evangelistic Preaching and the
37.␣ 2 Chronicles 15, Asa’s Revival Old Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, n.d.), 140-44.
38.␣ Ezra 9, 10, Ezra’s Revival Used by permission.␣ ␣