CATEGORY [4 3 2 1
Design of The design |The design |The design follows __ |The design does
Greenhouse _| follows all follows nearly |very few guidelines. It |not follow all
|Environment guidelines: itis Jall guidelines: it |may not be made guidelines: it is
made lis made of completely of recycled |not made of
completely of completely materials. The design |completely
recycled recycled may not be original or |recycled
‘materials. The jmaterials. The functional. The design |materials. The
ldesign is both |design is may notbeneator design is not
original and functional but |very well constructed. |original. The
functional. The lacks design is not
design is neat originality. The functional. The
and very well design is fairly design is not neat
constructed. neat and well. lor very well
constructed. constructed.
Experiment |The experiment |The experiment |The experiment The experiment
follows all [follows nearly [follows some but not _|follows very few
guidelines: The |all guidelines: all guidelines: The —_| guidelines: The
hypothesis was |The hypothesis hypothesis may not [hypothesis was,
made before the|may nothave [have been made before not made before
experiment was |been made the experiment was _ the experiment
conducted. The |before the ‘conducted. The seeds |was conducted.
seeds were experiment was |may not have been —_| The seeds were
planted in the |conducted. The | planted in the not planted in the|
completed seeds were completed completed
environment by [planted in the environment by May environment by
May 15th. | completed 15th. May 15th. There
There isan _ environment by |Independentdependent|is no
independent {May 15th. | variables may be independent and
and dependent |There isan missing. There may _ dependent
variable. There independent —_|not be an experimental | variable. There is|
is an land dependent |group and control _—_|no experimental
experimental _|variable. There | group. The experiment |group and
group and lis an may nothave been —_| control group.
control group. experimental | approved by the The experiment
The experiment |group and teacher. Iwas not
was approved control group. lapproved by the
by the teacher. |The experiment teacher.
}was not
approved by the
teacher.Lab Report [The labrepot’ [The lab report [The lab report contains [The lab report
contains a title, |contains a title, a title, an introduction |may not contain
an introduction Jan introduction |that may not describe Ja title, an
describing the describing the the purpose of the —_| introduction that
purpose of the {purpose of the experiment, a Imay not describe
lexperiment,a experiment, a hypothesis, a the purpose of
hypothesis, step |hypothesis, a [procedure that may be |the experiment, a
by step [procedure that somewhat vague,a hypothesis, a
procedure, data |may be data table that may be procedure: that
table displaying |somewhat incomplete, anda_—_may be
all results, and alvague,data conclusion that may —_|somewhat
conclusion that |table displaying not reflect on the vague, a data
reflects on the [all results, and a |results, and hypothesis. table that may be
results, conclusion that |Any sources of error or incomplete, and
hypothesis, and reflects on the ways to improve the a conclusion that
lany sources of |results,and experiment are missing |may not reflect
lerror or ways to |hypothesis. Anyor show lack of effort. on the results,
improve the —_|sources of error land hypothesis.
lexperiment. jor ways to Any sources of
improve the lerror or ways to
lexperiment are improve the
missing or show lexperiment are
lack of effort. missing or show
lack of effort.
Timeline ‘Alideadiines [Three of four [Two of four project [One or no
are met. project deadlines are met. _[ project deadlines
deadlines are fare met.
Overall Overall, the [Overall the [Overall the project is [Overall the
projectis of —_|projectis of average to below- _| project is
high quality, [fairly high average. The project _ unsatisfactory.
shows effort quality. Shows |shows a lack of effort |The quality is
and creativity. ja fair amount of |and creativity. |poor, there is not
effort but lacks very much effort
in creativity . levident and very
little creativity.