The Court of Heaven 1
The Court of Heaven 1
The Court of Heaven 1
by Rhoda Collins
Just like a slimy lawyer, the devil is a legalist and tries to find a loophole. And he will find a loophole if
you have not repented of areas that he can use against you. You must ask God to forgive you of all sin
and cleanse you with the Blood of Jesus, before you go to the court of heaven.
Heres a testimony given to me of a heavenly court case of a brother who the enemy stole from him all
To my
dad, Im looking
to seeing
in heaven
of his life: PS
As he you
to the
court ofdad!
heaven, God the Father was
the judge sitting on the throne, Jesus was his advocate and the devils advocate was the accuser. This
brother repented and covered himself with the blood of Jesus as he presented his case before the Lord.
He said, Before I went to court I repented and forgave all who had hurt me and wronged me and asked
God to forgive them and me for all my sins. The brother pleaded his case, smashing his fist on the
table in front of him to emphasise the crimes that had been done against him.
The accuser angrily said, I have a right to steal from him, as he was a fornicator and a liar. Jesus said,
Its all covered by My Blood. Release all back to him. The accuser said, No.
Then the Judge spoke. Father Judge said to the court and to the brother, All funds are released. All dry
river beds now to flow with milk and honey. Joy, love, peace and harmony is restored. Restlessness is
taken away and bound. Prosperity is released. Calm is restored. Spiritual alignment is put back in place.
Healing upon him. Faith and understanding flows into him now. Next, a teaching mantle was handed
to this brother and a cup to drink from which was power (he was informed). A spear was handed to
him to slay unrighteousness. The accuser was gagged and dragged away in chains out of the court by
two angels. The Holy Spirit was also standing there next to Jesus in the shape of a man that looked like
a combination of water, light and sparkling water (hard to explain).
End of testimony.
Its one thing to forgive someone for not being honest and stealing from you, but its another thing to
take your adversary to the courts of Heaven to get him to pay back what is owed to you or what has
been blocked from reaching you.
You can go after what was stolen in the spiritual realm that affected the physical realm, to obtain a
verdict forcing the devil to release and return. This also works when were being treated unfairly or
unjustly by people in circumstances in life. Take the situation to Gods court and present your case!
Many Christians go to God for things but they dont always get results. If you need healing then you
must go to God as the Healer. If you need love you go to God as the Father. Most Christians get the
healing, forgiving and love from God part, but when it comes to justice they ignore that part.
Go on up!
We need to go to God the Judge when we need Him as Judge. He can judge your case on your behalf
and bring justice. The court of heaven is always open! No appointment needed!