DNV Machinery CM Guidance 2008
DNV Machinery CM Guidance 2008
DNV Machinery CM Guidance 2008
No. 10.2
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
Classification Notes
Classification Notes are publications that give practical information on classification of ships and other objects. Examples of design solutions, calculation methods, specifications of test procedures, as well as acceptable repair methods for some components
are given as interpretations of the more general rule requirements.
A list of Classification Notes is found in the latest edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 of the Rules for Classification of Ships and the Rules
for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft.
The list of Classification Notes is also included in the current Classification Services Publications issued by the Society,
which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Societys Web site http://webshop.dnv.com/global/.
The Society reserves the exclusive right to interpret, decide equivalence or make exemptions to this Classification Note.
Main changes
A complete restructuring of the document has been made with the intent to clarify the content.
The structure has been improved by letting the main document include general technical and document requirements, while
each appendix specifies requirements for the separate components/survey arrangement schemes.
The document has been aligned with the current DNV Rules for Classification of Ships (Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.8 C300) and practice
in that survey scheme and class requirements have been clearly specified. Further, that a clear division between a company
approval and a vessel approval has been made.
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
GENERAL................................................................. 5
Approval process machinery CM programme .......5
FOR APPROVAL..................................................... 5
Company approval ....................................................5
Reduction gears..................................................................... 8
Ball and Roller bearings........................................................ 8
MACHINERY CM ............................................................ 10
TURBINE CM ................................................................... 12
WATER JET CM .............................................................. 13
1. General
1.1 Introduction
This Classification Note is a supplement to DNV Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.8 C300 Machinery CM
(Condition Monitoring). The information in this Classification
Note is to be considered mandatory unless otherwise stated
when preparing and maintaining the Machinery CM survey arrangement.
Guidelines for replacement of separate surveys by condition
monitoring for rotating machinery, propulsion- and position
thrusters (including podded propulsions), turbines and waterjets, are found in Appendix A-D.
It is emphasised that operating on Machinery CM described in
the following paragraphs, does not replace either the normal
daily surveillance or the chief engineers responsibility for taking decisions in accordance with his judgement.
Overall measurements vs. spectrum analysis
The major benefit of selecting certain individual frequencies for
each measuring point is that this will provide information, which
helps identifying the type of fault causing a vibration problem.
In order to illustrate the difference in the two measuring methods,
overall r.m.s. (vibration meter) and spectrum-based (FFT analyser) is measured. The same measurement, in the range 10 - 1 000
Hz is carried out in one position and one direction. The comparison of the two methods clearly shows that only measuring the
overall level is more inaccurate than the spectrum method.
Example 1: Overall r.m.s. (vibration meter) velocity level:
The results are given as a numerical value on a display.
Baseline measurement: Overall r.m.s.-level = 5.1 mm/s.
Current measurement: Overall r.m.s.-level = 5.8 mm/s.
Example 2: Spectrum analyser velocity level:
Vibration measurement producing for instance a frequency spectrum with only two significant peaks V1 and V2, at the frequencies f1 and f2 respectively.
Baseline measurement:
V1 = 5 mm/s (1st order of turbine rotor)
V2 = 1 mm/s (2nd order of turbine rotor)
Calculation of overall r.m.s.-level = (52 + 12) = 5.1 mm s
Current measurements:
V1 = 5 mm/s, V2 = 3 mm/s
Calculation of overall r.m.s.-level = (52 + 32) = 5.8 mm s
The example illustrates the fact that although the increase of V2
in example 2 (from 1 to 3 mm/s) is quite significant, the increase
in overall r.m.s. is quite small and no suspicion would be aroused
of a possible development of a fault condition if only overall
r.m.s.- values were read.
5. Baseline Measurements
5.1 General
The following general requirements apply to establishment of
all baseline measurements:
1) The baseline measurements shall be carried out by qualified personnel.
2) The measurements shall normally be obtained at a clearly
defined operating condition representative for future inservice operation, see below chapters for specific details.
3) Steady state conditions shall be obtained before the measurements are carried out.
4) A proper evaluation of the measurement results have to be
made in order to detect any fault conditions. The faults
should be corrected before the baseline is settled.
New baseline measurements shall be taken when a component
is overhauled/ renewed. For establishment of baseline on components between overhaul periods, the baseline measurements
and linked alarm levels must be evaluated by the society and
vibration expert.
Baseline measurement with a vibration meter (overall r.m.s. value) will include both types (internal and external) of excitation in
one single value. If the measured level for a component exceeds
an acceptable level, the vibration environment should be checked
in accordance with ISO 3954. That implies, for all measuring positions the overall r.m.s. level from 10 to 1 000 Hz has to be
measured for two conditions:
ferent sources of vibration (mostly fault condition) and the corresponding frequencies at which significant vibration velocity
peaks are likely to show up. The frequencies are specified in
terms of the fundamental frequency referred to in the table as
r.p.m., i.e. the unit used for frequency is r.p.m. rather than Hz
(Hertz). Please be informed that Table 6-1 is for information
Table 6-1 Relationship between sources of vibration and common corresponding peak frequencies
Vibration cause
1 r.p.m
Vibration proportional to rotor unbalance. Position and size of balancing holes or weights may be determined by vibration measurement
Misalignment of cou- 1 r.p.m. usually 2 or 3 r.p.m. some times Usually severe axial vibration
plings or bearings and
Realign until minimum vibration
bent shaft
Mechanical looseness 2 r.p.m.
Usually accompanied by unbalance or misalignment.
Higher harmonics peaks can be expected.
Defective ball or roller Erratic, many times r.p.m., Shocks and tran- Vibration signature is significantly different from similar bearing Posbearings
itive detection by SPM shock pulse meter
Defective plain bear- Erratic, Shocks and transients
Vibration signature is significantly different from similar bearings
Oil whirl. oil whip
0.5 r.p.m. critical r.p.m. of rotor
Resonance of oil film in journal bearings
Defective or damaged Number of gear teeth r.p.m. = gear mesh Constant gear whine may be ignored Change of pitch or erratic siggears
frequency and harmonics (2, 3, etc. times)
nal indicates defects. These signals may occur at gear mesh frequency
and in any frequency from r.p.m. to mesh fre- (all teeth damaged) or by 1Z r.p.m. (Z is number of teeth)
quency. E.g. single tooth damage = 1 r.p.m.
Drive belt problems
1, 2 and higher r.p.m.
Easily confused with unbalance. Belt resonance with no relationship
to rotational r.p.m. Can increase bearing wear
Electric Motor prob2 slip No. of Poles
Sometimes causes 2 slip sidebands around 120 Hz
Reciprocating forces 1, 2 and higher r.p.m.
Inherent in reciprocating machinery
Combustion forces
0.5 N r.p.m.
4 cycle Also higher orders
1 N r.p.m.
2 cycle Load dependent
N = number of cylinder units
Aerodynamic or hyNumber of blades r.p.m. and higher orders. Variable, depends on throttle position, suction, pressure, etc
drodynamic forces
Forced vibration
Depends on vibration source
Vibrations caused by other (machinery, propeller, hull) vibration
source may be identified by narrow band spectrum analysis. Critical
in cases of resonance. May also cause damage to machinery out of use
especially roller bearings.
Wherever samples intended for particle counting are acquired, special ultra-clean particle free equipment and bottles are to be used. Both the sampling point and the
procedure are to be designed so as to minimise the risk of
Lubricating and hydraulic oil samples shall be submitted to the
delivering oil company or an independent oil analysis laboratory.
When submitted to an independent laboratory, one should ensure that the analyses of lubricating oil for combustion engines
are performed in accordance with guidelines put down by
CIMAC (the International Council on Combustion engines).
For other samples, recommended values from the manufacturer of the system or the oil supplier should be followed.
For lubricating oils the scope of work should, as a minimum,
water content
sodium content (salt)
flash point
wear particles
base number
insoluble material.
water content
wear particles
acid number.
Appendix A
Machinery CM
A.2.2 Compressors
Baseline measurements for compressors shall contain the following parameters, as far as applicable:
A.1 General
Appendix B
Thruster CM
(Propulsion and Position Thrusters)
B.1 General
As stated in the Class Rules, this condition monitoring program is intended to replace visual internal inspection of the
thrusters and is thus intended to monitor condition of the mechanical power transmission train (i.e. bearings and gears).
This program may also be implemented for podded type thrusters, i.e. thrusters equipped with integrated electric drive motor,
instead of gear transmission, to monitor shaft bearings and
sealing condition.
The DNV surveyor will carry out or monitor vibration measurements and oil analysis similar to those carried out when the
baseline measurement data were established. This is to confirm
that the baseline data and the equipment are operated as intended and in accordance with the CM programme.
The following will generally be reviewed and may also be tested if found necessary:
The functionality of instrumentation and analysis program
for condition monitoring.
Equipment/Procedures for oil sampling and handling.
The installation of vibration measurement equipment.
Verify the crew's ability to operate the condition monitoring arrangement.
Verify planned maintenance system and/or documentation
for maintenance in accordance with maker's instructions.
Appendix C
Turbine CM
C.1 General
This condition monitoring program is intended to replace the
scope for turbine and reduction gear survey; visual inspection
by opening up fully or partly, and is thus intended to monitor
condition of the mechanical power transmission train (i.e.
bearings and gears). As the turbine and reduction gear is listed
in the DNV Machinery list, the systematics will follow Machinery CM.
Appendix D
Water Jet CM
The condition monitoring arrangement described in this Appendix is an alternative to the traditional survey method for
water jets.
D.1 General