Ian Caplar - Depressive Disorders Powerpoint 1
Ian Caplar - Depressive Disorders Powerpoint 1
Ian Caplar - Depressive Disorders Powerpoint 1
A Broad Look at Some of the Worlds Most Common and Debilitating Disorders
An Overview
Depressive Disorder is a blanket term used to describe a
group of mental illnesses that share similarities regarding
neurotransmitters in the brain
Clinical Depression, or Unipolar Disorder, or Major
Depression, is defined by chronic, long and short-term
stretches of severe despair
Depressive Disorders, for the most part, are not
characterized by intermittent sadness
Significant medical and therapeutic advancements in recent
decades have been made in the effective treatment of mood
An Overview
1 in 10 Canadians will experience a major depressive
episode in their lifetimes
Chances are you know someone who has suffered, or
who is currently suffering from some type of depressive
Approximately 1 in 2 people affected by a depressive or
anxiety disorder never seek treatment
Pervasive stigmas surrounding mood disorders, and
mental health in general, are to blame
Postpartum Depression
Psychotic Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Situational Depression
Atypical Depression
Disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, i.e.
environmental, genetic, personality, biological
One neurotransmitter, serotonin, is responsible for
regulating appetite, mood, sex-drive, memory,
comprehension, and sleep
The other, norepinephrine, aids concentration; some
experts theorize that low amounts also have links to
mood disorders
In Order to be Diagnosed
Symptoms must be present nearly every day for up to
two weeks
Symptoms must be more severe than they were before
the episode
Symptoms, i.e. significant distress, despair, dejection,
inadequacy, guilt, must affect the individuals ability to
function in society
Major Depression
Major Depression is a disorder defined by a consistent
feeling of emptiness, low self-esteem, and despair
Insomnia or hypersomnia
A constant fatigue
A decreased sex-drive
Constant sadness
Unwarranted guilt
A prolonged disinterest in favorite hobbies, activities, art
A decreased appetite
Dysthymia is a depressive disorder that is milder, yet far longer
lasting than Major Depression
Patients with Dysthymia experience very little joy in their lives
Dysthymia affects approximately 6% of people, and is two to
three times more frequent among women
Some symptoms may include:
Unwarranted guilt
Psychotic Depression
Psychotic Depression, or Depressive Psychosis, is a form of
Major Depression that is often accompanied by psychotic
symptoms or tendencies
Mortality rates among patients is significantly higher than
other depressive disorders
Around 20% of those already diagnosed with Major Depression
experience psychotic symptoms or episodes
Symptoms, along with unipolar symptoms, may include:
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression is a disorder that can affect both
mothers and fathers, and is linked to the recent birth of a child
It may start during pregnancy and has the potential to last up
to a year afterwards
Symptoms may include:
Feelings of inferiority
Excessive crying
Insomnia or hypersomnia
Debilitating fatigue
Modern Treatment
In the past century-and-a-half, treatment for the
mentally ill has improved significantly
Asylums and sanatoriums are no longer; lobotomy is now
seen as a cruel relic of the past
Prescription medication and talk therapy are now the
most commonly used treatments
This sophistication has led to some new practices, like
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, while older
techniques, like ECT, still continue to be used
Modern Treatment
Some other examples of modern treatments include:
Works Cited
About CCBT Toronto | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Toronto. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from
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All About Depression: Diagnosis. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from http://www.allaboutdepression.com/dia_04. html
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Works Cited
Depression Overview Slideshow: Emotional Symptoms, Physical Signs, and More. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12,
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