Lesson Plan-March Family Budget Assignment
Lesson Plan-March Family Budget Assignment
Lesson Plan-March Family Budget Assignment
Grade: 9
PGP Goals:
Curricular 3: Demonstrates the capacity to engage in program planning to shape 'lived
curriculum' that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables together
in developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive and meaningful ways.
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
Walk around, help guide students through the steps of figuring out a mortgage/car
payments etc. Explain steps in group and individual settings.
Main Procedures/Strategies:
Find a career by taking a career quiz, choose a piece of paper out of a hat (piece of
paper includes: Spouse, income of spouse, and number of children), Fill in a spread
sheet that determines your families living expenses and savings for the month of March
Closing of lesson:
Ask students to write a reflection statement on their biggest struggles in the assignment
and two things they learnt from the assignment.
Personal Reflection: I thought this lesson went well, I got a lot of questions throughout the
research time of the project which tells me that I should have gone over more information
in the larger group setting. With that being said this particular class was loud and talking
throughout much of the explanation so it might have been best to try and think of a
different way to present the information. Perhaps making a video of me explaining would
quiet the chatter. This is a fun assignment and you could tell the kids were really getting
into it as a lot of them went home and asked a lot of questions from their parents and
came back with their responses.
Please read the following scenario. You will need to use the Internet to find some of the information, but you
can also ask your parents for information, or your teachers.
You are currently living in Saskatoon or Warman.
You are:
; and
boys, ages
You must name your spouse and children in the blanks below:
Child #1:
Child #2:
Child #3:
Child #4:
You are responsible for creating a monthly budget for your family for the month of March 2016. Your budget
must be realistic and you must live within your means. Please create a spreadsheet that reflects your
familys monthly income and expenditures with the following information:
Your occupation is:
Annual Salary
X 0.70 =
Divide by 12
Monthly Income
Your Monthly Income
Spouse's Monthly Income
Natural Gas
Property Taxes
Parking Fees
Telephone Expenses
Cable/Television Expenses
Internet Expenses
Car Payment
Car Insurance
Car Maintenance
Gas Expense
Entertainment #1:
Entertainment #2: