1 Biology+tier+ii

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The Allowed : 2 hours Patera 2B it Y SEAL OF THE BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TODOSO ‘ein efter cra aan Te ere BET TE OBJECTIVE TYPE TIER ~ II EXAMINATION area Pres fear - i otter JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-I/X-15 Maximum Marka : 200 afters 3% : 200 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions, Pts vel sae 23 8 apc ha Gd ang ana @ wee | IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO_CAMDIDATES |. Tiig Bootet contains 200 questions (at eemprisg Me aafreant & fem arayel area ‘oliowing teat component 1, we peteer dtp 200 mart, fred Peevlacr tam Sree enter: sual ‘Feat Component ce. mH ger re er aan ar 1) | Post Spats mnjsetmatatntiorn [200 ia as i 2 Al questions a coripulsory and carry equal marks 4. Tho papor carries negative markings. For each ‘wrong answer 0.25 mark will be deducted, 4h Ih case of any discroparicy between the English and incl versions of ary question, Ine English version wil be troatod me: fmalauthontic. 5. OMA Answer-Shee! is enclosed in this Booklet. You ‘mus! complote the details of Rell Number, Question Booklet Mo. efc., on the Answer-Sheot anc Ariewor> ‘Shot! No. an the spac8 provided above inthis Question Booklet, bafore you selually start snawering the ‘questions, fling which your Answar-Shaet wil not be ‘evaluated and you willbe awarded ‘ZERO’ mark ‘8. You must not iaar off of remove any shact from this Booklet. The Answer-Sheet must be handed over to ‘tho Invigilaier bafore you leave the Examination Hall, 7, Use af Calculator/Paimtop /Laptop/Other Dig) Inotrumantibiobile'Celi Phone/Payer is not allowed, 8, Candidates found guilly ol misconductiusing wntair ‘means in tho Examination Hail will be lable for ‘eppropriaie pensi/legal action 8, The manner in which diferent questions are to be ssnaieced hs been expiaineda tha back of his BOoklt, which you should ead carefully before selually anawering the questions No Rough Work is to be done on the Aniwer-Sheet 40 2 est Ser aiid t rarer et | sa wa seers ha eer te ee Fr, 0.25 sig een a | 4, oe Fa ry Oa ra ogg a ae ape eel ah sabe | 2 8 Reyer t stem ee, ee deg? faeces Age srk bop’ aire Haven terse er yer aes, econ erg he fc eT aI fie Ae fre | one act ee oat at svi at pe ae fara | 6 goer ahh ores semrweatert Lv gh 8 ved asf tae gare | 7 Reengeteryerrete /Aretafora fefree arene sitar! Sere acer vat wnt | a af nr fg Se aT gin eta dh A 4 Satta ae shat ee gfe Set wt TAS Salt, gam weis eS a et eee ae | 10, i ver seed aire ronal re 2 | Go through instructions given in Page No. 48 (Back Cover Page) AY + JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TER-IVX-15. At The subcellular organelle not bound by @ single membrane is (A) Goigl apparatus (B) Endoplasmic Reticulum (CG) Mitochontiria (D) Lysosomes Blood proteins of follawing are similar (A). Man and Gorilla (8) Man and Macaca (C) Man‘and Ape (D} Man and Monkey All the animais tiving in a particular area are collectively called (A) Vegetations (8) Flora (C) Fauna (D) Both (A) and (8) ‘When biological names are written in a paragraph ? (A) itis written in italics (B) itis underiined (©) Itis not underlined (D) A+B ‘The term taxon’ for the first time was used by (A) ICBN (8) ICZN (C) Mayr (D) de Condolle Phylogenetic system brings out (A) Reproductive sitnilarities (8) Grouping according morphological characters (C) Grouping on the basis increasing comprexities (0) Grouping accarding to evotutio trends The single group of organisms whi contains over 0.78 million species i (A) Insects (8) Animal (C) Monkeys {D) Furigi Silent valley is a piace in (A) Himalayas (8) Karnataka (C) Kerala « (8) Tamilnadu Slime moulds resemble (A) Fungi (8) Animals and fungi (©) Plants (2) Animais Which is absent in archaebacteria ? (A) Polysaccharides (8) Peptidoglycan (C) Lipids fe (0) Proteins JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-1/X-15 aanaef) soreft ay arec enc 8 1 (A) SR aR (B) Beers i sage ars (C) afeernaitelr afi ® ara ar aT (0) feared vali sagen angie . Arata ee ays Fart 0.75 tia a alten dei aa? (Ay ae (Bait (Cc) 7a (0) Fae weet eH aTeRI (A) fester (B) see Pa] ' (C) axe (0) afiering Wear ate agra tid 8 (A) aa (8) ana qm (D) aft cartier} ____ rane? (A) aretidercige (8) Ware (C) ferfrer, (0) wid JDO-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 "W 14. Ae Which of the following bacteria is a Parasite on other bacteria ? (A). Bellovibrio (8) Beggiatoa (C) Vitbio n (2) Bacitli In bacteria, the respiratory enzymes are located in (A) Plasmid {B) Episome (C) Mesosome (DB) Nucieoid Ullimate source of genetic variability is (A) Mutation (8) Genetic drift (C) Gene flow (D} Gene exchange Natural selection means (A) Better adaptability (8) Better survival (C) Elimination of less adapted (D) All of the above |. Condiscoverer of Darwinism was (A) Malthus (8) Wallace (C) Ruskin (D) Robert 16, The first life forms which devel on Earty Earth are called (A) Mycobiant (8) Phycobiant (CG) Protebiant (D) None of the above 17. The number of nerve cells present human brain is A) 10 billion (8) 1 billion (C) 100 billion (2) *200 bitlian 18. Gircular single strand DNA bédurs bacteriophage (A) Ta Ta (8) X74, My C) 4.7, Pa 1) Ts ¢6 ¥ 19. Study of shells, especially those mollusks és known as (A) Malacology (B) Conchology (C)_ Entomology {D) Ophiology 20. Process absent in viruses is A) (8) Protein synthesis (©) Mutation (D) Energy liberation Replication aT jm JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-UX-15, 11. Sa ager ray at ste 16, eed ena sagen afar ee arta? fare gan a1, ae aeeraT (A) Sevifaeh (A) wigsideie (8) Afra (B) wyetdiae (co) ait : (C) setae (0) act (D) -setree-end of ae $a we . ara afte a atte ates ht Step tran fava Har arent be t 7 (A) 10 faferar (A) ‘wise (B) 1 fate ®) AF (6) 100 fafere {C) Sara (©) 200 fates 0) “frre —Srawpirdhd tara us seer ate sagan untadasticar ar 9 ata ® DNA® (A) afta (A) To, Ty (8) aR (B) ¢X174, My, (©) 4,75 ) Te 6 * aita apt secre, fare ey aa ee a aps ee at Heat B sor | ape (Ay Rear argeerretcrat (A) Brome faa (ester), (8) Fem afer (@) sete () agg aR (C) water (0) srtera (O) sift . Eerere ar ae aia at 1. eminent ____ aaa ! (A) Sree ede (A) Big Cc) tert (B) saa © aa (C) wade (0) saiahe (0) tha (0) sian sen-ser JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-AWK-15 a 22 23, 24. 25. Ried tides are produced by {A} (B) () (0) Diatoms Dinaphyoeae ied algae Blue algaé Saxitoxin is produced by (A) Nootitula sps (8) () (2) Ceratium sps ‘Gonyauiax sps None In Euglena, food is stored in the torm ot (A) (8) ©) (D) Paramylon granules Protein Fat Sucrose ‘The major function of contractile vacuole is (A) Excretion (B) Circulation () (D) Osmoregulation All the above Interferons are synthesized in response ta (A) Mycoptasma (B) Bacteria ) (0) ‘Viruses Fungi 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. First antificial inseminated bufialo we produced at (A) ®) «) (0) Kamal Allahabad Panipat Delhi Wine yeast is @ ®) (c) (D) S, Cerevisiae S. Piriformis S, Elipsoidens: S. Sake Myasthenia gravis is related 10 tA) 8) i (D) Autoimmunity AIDS Interferons Immune disorders In human being, following s chromosomes are found (a) Xx (B) XX and XY (c) xy (D) None of these Ceil secretion is done by (A) ER (8) Plastids (C) Golgi complex ‘ (0) Nucleolus (A) raze 4B) eprint (C) setters (D) dtendtare J aratafaite arse tin’ | (A) aiegen fete (B)- Beieeny fetestrer (C) Teagasc (0) saa stat aa gefard aren art Hanfen ear’ (A) creme fiearett (a) sie (C) aa O fagetyd titres wa ard? (A) Fee (B) oferar (CG) srsiitgeera (0) Satara ae a ects ‘Bvetfita Rear ara | (A) Rae ©) ary (C) faery (D) Sa 26. 27. 28. JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IWX-15 we gapadatea ae oF ere farsa a | (A) re (8) seerars (C) veer (0) fect arr ie?t (A) Sachem (8) S.fitniis (0) 8. teenage (0) Sa sree at (A) Sota Beatie? | (cy (0) a | aguit rotons ites ype Red wea (A) XX (8) XX and xY (xv (0) ta aaa afer are aan e | (A) ER (B) tarfees (C) heh étafeecn (Dy. rafeereere JDD-65/PGT- BIO! TIER-WX-15 31. 32 33 36, Glyoxysome help in (A) fatty acid metabolism (B) glyoxylate (C)_ beta oxidation (D) all the above Which of these is initiating codan ? (A) AUG (8) UAA (G) UGA (D) GUG Which disease is called as splenic taver ? (A) Anthrax (8) Mastitis (C) Tuberculosis (0) Brucettosis Poor Man's cow is {A) Deer (8) Sheep (GC) Bitch (D) Goat Ouiside of living cell, the virus particle is called (A) Virion (8) Capsid (G) Obligate parasite (0) None of these An IUCD is (A) Pile (8) Vasectomy (C) Copper-T (2) Condom 39. at Neuritis is caused due to (A) Tobacco (8) Smoking (C) Alcohol {D) Smack One of the following hasbeen praved @ good too! far de-addiction 7 (A) Vitamin K (8) Teratogen (GC) Vitamin © (2) None of these Groundnut is a (A) Middle world crop (B) New world crop. (C) Presentday crop (D) Old world crop a Vitamin A Is necessary for thi synthesis of (A) Haemoglobin (8) DNA {C) Visual purple (D) RNA Lichens are the best indicators of (A) water pollution @ {C) soil pollution ’ (D) all the above air pollution Hamre t | (A) adres (B) seine (€) tastes (0) sata e Sra a ate lea ar agri sea BP (A); AUG (8), UAA (C) UGA (0) “GUG wad a alae cole sae eect & ? (A) se ®) ite ) = (0) wee a7, 39, 40, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERAUX-15 3s FEM i ear aye eT (A) wR @) a (C) ae (0) Tema wil Qatar girs ese ‘Arey afar Rare ? (a) Batak (8) tamer (C) Rafrc (D) Fae are stat preett a (A) Fela aaa (8) ae gharan oe (C) sryfes gran tat (0) ErtgRararsce ____ aren fare ais a FARR | (A) Peircitfae a1 (B) DNA (C) wasterent (0) RNA i a aaa B | A) seg (8) ayaa (C) Ferg (0) aware a fem argan | | | JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-UX-15 42, Formula of vertebral column is (A) CgTyalpSsCc5 (B) CyTyabgS.Ctig (0) CyTygbzSs604s {D) CT yghySsCdh, 43. Highest 8.M.R, is found in (A). Whale (8) Elephant (C) Rabbit (D} Man 44, Anexception to septate hyphae of sac fungi is (A) Rhizopus (8) Penicilium (C) Yeast (0) Agaricus 45, Shitake Mushroom is (A) Agaricus campesins (B) Volvariella volvacca (C) Agaricus bruneseans (0) Lentinus edodes 46, Delicate perfume is got from (A) Lobularia pulmonaria (8) Ranalina (C) Everia pruneutri (0) A+B 47. Which of the following is edible algae 7 (A) Porphyra (8) Uva (©) Bothol these {D) None of these 48, Akinetes are found in (A) Collsctotricum (B) Aspergillus (C) Fems (D) Cladophora 49. Which is not the moss species in. following ? (A) Funaria (8) Barbula (©) Polytrichum, (D} None ofthese” # 50. Fem prothallus is (A) Heterotrichous (8) Heteromorphine C {D) Homothallic Heterothallic 51. Whichis the amphibian among plant (A) Mosses (8) Fems (©) Botholthese (0) None of these 42, wen Ea gat fA) GeTiabgScCdys 8) CT yal gSsCthg (C) O7T yal S_Cdyg (D) C,Tigh pSsCag wate BMA, doers a) aa 8) wat (C) are (0) a wh wae falter wae ag & ay, rere? (A) UE (8) Waiter (C) te (0) sriea . a AT 41 (A) aaniten safes (8) aieaftarenatcarer (0) amhera gr (0) aeaugica . Bre giam se a warsrar a (A) Sigenier venrafear (8) fear (0) wage (D) A+B JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIERAUX-1S: Sree are ar aha arte? (A) Seber 8) xa (Cc) aaHi (0) saa aise wa ade (A) serratigar @) wRaee (C) mR (0) Feet . Sa sham ale visita seit 7 (A) pier (8) aT (0) Sica (D) Saad tat tester (a) feet (8) fefeterater (0) fetetrenferas (D) Wrranfers taf etsar area 7 (A) aie (8) fe (©) dari (D) ea aes sae JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-AUX-15, 52. Which ona is non endaspermic seed ? (A) Pea (8) Rice (©) Maize (D) Wheat 53. Respiratory organs in sponges {A} are absent {8} choanocytes (C) are gemmules (0) pinacocytes 54. Which oalls are found only in sponges 7 (A) Amoeboid colis (8) Choanocytes (C) Trichooysts (0) Gland colts ‘55. The body cavity of nematode (A) Contains blood (B) Spleen of man (C © Human blood Is filed with parenchyma 58. Earthworms have (A) (8) NoHeart (C) 2 pairs of Heart (0) Blue blood 4 pairs of Heart 57. 58. 6 Which of the following cannot fel its wings ? (A) House fly (8) Cockroach (C) Fruit tly (2) Dragontiy ‘Aristotle's latern is found in (A) Jelly fish (B) Sea lily (C) Sea anemane (D) Sea urchin Electric organ of electric cell located in the (A) tail {B)> head (C) gills {D) dorsal fin Pipais a (A) salamander (8) toad (C) frog (0) snake Which of the following nonpoisonous 7 (A) python (8). coral snake (©) viper (0). krait 52. ga 8 paar gros iat ae ¢ 7 (A, met (B). araer (C). ©) ial erin (A) area g @®) Free (Cy weer aed F (0) Rerreatteze aire aftr tere eal Fh yet ah? (A) staigs aiid B) Ht (C) aeeienser (0) ataaafirend Fares ar ere per (Ay te eter (B) sear citer ere (C) ara ahie erent (D) Serena sr etare . qed (A) wetness Hae (By) wardciane (C) waaay wae (D) Aterafere JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-UX-15 87. Sea aire are val wi Are ae wear 2? (A) aad (B) feeragt (C) spre (DB) aaraeyay . aitented Ht arraret) (A) aeetreett (8) war kict (©) aR aria (0) aaah is Ai aaa a Wea 81 A) (B) (C) weet a nese 0) ysser . fir (A) Retire (a) te (0) Fe (0) a ea rar anh set 7 (A) eae (8) veered (C) aR (0) JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-UX-15 The foot of bird has {Ay (8 «© (By 62. three toes: five toes fourtoes ‘one tos Which of the following animals never drink water ? a e) (c) ) Kangaroo Bat Kangaroo rat Monkey: Miceliular theory was given by 4A) (8) (©) (0) Femandez-Moran Rosenan Frye and Edigin None of the above The thickness of plasma membrane is (A) 250°A (8) 20°A (C) 120°A (8) 100° Resolving names of human eye is (A) 50 um (B) 150 pm (C) 100 pm (D} 200 wm 67. 68, 70. nm. Electron microscope has (A) polarises to analyser fillers (8) objective of ocular lenses (C)_ fluorochrans {0) electro magnetic lenses Pit membrane comprises of (A) primary wait (8) secondary wall (C) middle lamella (2) A+B Groundnut and rape oi! seeds possess ay (8) Aleuroplast (C) Elaiopiast (0) Ghromoplast Leucoplast ma Nucleolus take part in the synthesis of (A) FINA (8) mRNA (C) tRNA (8) None of these A Microtubule is formed by (A) 13 filaments (8) 1 filaments (C) 8filaments ‘ (0) 11 filaments 62. vat ae_ RAB ta) drrorenaferti ©) rare (c) smcaneigieedt (0) weereinfer 63, gaa arm at shot aT titer? 7 (A) aire (8) a1 (6) ire (0) a 64, aitieyer Fara = fene) (Ay Grtga—ains (8) 2aR (C) Sat fetes (0) ea et shat 65. caren facet A eager? (A) 250°A (B) 20° (0) 120° (B) 100°A 66. HHA sal fates aetare ae (A) 50 wm (8) 180 pm (C) 100 pm (0) 200 ym a aeiF 67. 89. 7. 1 n . Fre farce Harti JDD-65/PGT- BIO! TIER-WX-15 wehyqerta_ tara) (Ay Eee freer a here @ wears (C) seta (0) saag gadie ear (A) srafte fit (8) faitre fata (C) merece (0) A+B treat sittin rena era 1 (A) epee (@) seater (C) were "is (D) aibtrerez a __ tind afer aubrer ain | (A) rRNA (8) mRNA “a (C) tRNA F (0) ei aan shad ____ a mgicqege eifira eran 8 1 (A) 13 fteriige (8) 1 Feariza (0) aftarin (0) 11 Rearige JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-WX-15: 72. Glycogen is ralated to (A) Glucose (8) Albose sugar (C) White appearance (D) Lactose 78. A fibrous polysaccharide is (A) glycogen (B) cellulose (CG) starch (D) chitin 74. Immediate source of cellular energy is (4) NADP (8) ADP (C) ATP (0) NAOH 75, Tho ‘enzyme tobe crystallised was (A) Lysozyme (B} Unease (C) Nuclease (D) Lipase 76. A mitogen is a substance that (A) blocks mitosis (8) promotes mitosis (C) causes cancer (D) breaks spindle fibres 7. 78. 80. 81. 1. Which one of the following traits was. | Colchicine influences (A) DNA reptication (8) Chromosome condensation (C) Organisation of epindie (0) Chromosome division Who is known as the father of Phycology ? (A) De Bary (8) Fritach (C) Aristotle (D) Hodgkin not studied by Mendel ? (A) seed size (B} flower colour (C) ‘seed colour (0) pod wrinkled or inflate In humans albinism is determined by (A) Dominant gene (8) Recessive gene (@) None ofthese — rergaifort____alfrer B (a) Tata (B) Teta (C) wasn (©) Fata ; wean BY (A) engstfier (8) Arges (C) ate (0) fata Beg sal ar a ae t (A) NADP (By ADP (C) ATP (D) NADH . mee fea re sem avg al (A) cigeiergs (8) afew (C) aaa (0) frat . Aedtsra tee ver 8 ait (A) areata ah ta tre (8) ‘edie al ae tae (C) Fane faa t (0) ferserergar at ats Bert JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15, area ToT ze (A) DNA aferefa (8) Fea (0) fereerar des () pes har |. ert (stare area) a Fro ee werarane ? (a) erat ©) fen (Cc) HRagtenr (0) Fafa . eee aA 2 fee Se ae re we feeme 7 (A) ater ara (8) Jae ©) asm © gina get set aad afeation ara refit feramé | (A) marsha 8) Wreaesta (C) ema aid stad (0) we-sqarstis eigen’ fetta Beit a sar a FAT aT | A) BR ©) rE (C) Tew (0) en JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 82, Chromosomes map for the 1" time was prepared by (A) Bridges: (8) Watson + (C} Morgan H (0) Holley 83. Which of the following is correct for tetrasomic aneuploids 7 (A) 2n-2 (8) 2n+2 «C) an-1+1 (0) 2n4242 84, The genotype of a body having the sexual character of a girl is (A) XXX (B) XXY (Cc) x¥ (0) xv¥ Out of 64 possible condons, how many code for amino acids ? (A) 58 (B) 61 © 6 “ (DB) 63 —— Gene is made of DNA was experimentally proved by (A) Geifith (8) Mesetson and Stahl (C) Meischer (D) Avery and his Colleagues 87. Nutritional mutatants are called (A) Phototrophs (8) Myxotrophs: (C) Auxotrophs (0) Hetrotrophs 88. Which is not a carcinogen ? (A) X-ray (8) HNO, (C) Virus (0) Starch 89. The process of jaining of stretches of) functional genes is called as. (A) Splicing (8) Gene manipulation (C) Differentiation (D) Lysogene é 90. The number of genes involved in: triggering of cancer in the celis (A) 40-20 (8) 30 (Cc) 40 (D) 40-30 91. Tumer’s syndrome is represented (A) Xv (B) XXX (c) xO (DB) 00K 83. BE, ‘Sprite wmpeiiee & fee Peat fasta’? (A) 2n-2 ®) 2n42 (C) 2n-1+4 (DB) 2n+2+2 wash die qed setae aerate? (A) XXX (B) XxY (c) XY {D) xXYY Gd Hare aaa a sanltet sar a fore fear site # ? (Ay 59 (@) 61 (6) 60 (0) 63 aft DNA ama fafa 8, ga wears adn ataret (ay fer (8) Reem steer (O) few (0) sat sie see werent 87. 91. wie aer ae | (ay weigh (8) friar (©) aieiigka (0) Feige PS asta arf aa 7 (A) sian (8) HNO, (©) ae (0) ate |. afer ita fibeath & wont at ht ipa er sre (Ay Pereferr (8) ahaa te (0) fade (0) aRRie . rer rat ay Shea i fare ae Ferrite eras ara het (A) 40-20 (8) 30 (c) 40 (D) 40-30 ___ eh fieg arsfahies aren 8 (Ay XYY (B) Xxx (Gc) xo JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-UX-15, a I JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-UX-15 92. ‘Alkaptonuria’ is became of each of enzyme (A) oxidase (8) alanine “ (C) urease (B) tyresinare * 93. Gene therapy includes (A) curing genetic disease (8) removing defective gene (C) feplacing datective gene with normal genes (0) all of the above 84. The worlds first cloned mammal is (A) Wolly (8) Dolly (C) Molly (D) Polly 985. Free nuclear division in, the angiosperms takes places during the formation of (A) Male gametophyte (8) Endosparm (GC) Female gametophyie (2) None 96. Pollan tube is formed from (A) Intine (8) Pollen wall (C) Exine 87. Tyloses are present in (A) primary xylem (8) phloem {G) secondary xylem (0) pith celle 98. Homolothermal animals are (A) Frog, Lion, Fish (8) Bat, Pigeon, Rat (©) Pigeon, Lizard, Trilose {D) Rabbit, Snake to Crocodile 99. Each sarcomere extends from (A) Aband'to A band (8) AtoZ band () 2) Ziine to Z tine Extended between | bands Chemical which reducdstate of transpiration (A) PMU (8) PKU (C) IAA (0) DOMU ‘Due to over-watering of piants, the top. soil jases mineral nutrient by (A) Smearing (8) Weathering (C) Leaching (DB) Gravitation 101. ({B) None of these 6 ‘areqraighen' aah aiftra tongs 8 1 (ay stadia (8) sere (Fa (D) waar ata ont aia (A) again traf gers (8) aca sha Reren (C) Feasts ara aaa earta ft ee (0) satiate fen Se erm acta er (a) ae (8) Zieh (cy eft (D) aie ____ a Pain dee Ufsraterd a carca aifieiia faa ara eI (A) yesiataree (8) eer (C) Wer itierage (O) Fr tae Roatan ar ait arab (A) siacaer © whi () Gere (0) wR ear ste JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-WX-15, F crecifen wea & A) arf are 8) aR (6) fectereare (0) sar airerd a amarft arf 8 (A) Bam, fie, wach (8) Remree, sa, ar (C) =a, fret, gectie (0) Wes, sarees wee A aga arart (A) AaPae ASI (8) AaZaa (Cy) 2 hma zteas (D) ara Sect et fareqe eter B Teta at ae wt a STATIN ara e (a) PMU (8) PKU (C) IAA (0) pemu |. Ths arafee wt se aero aia ger fee iia al Ab) (a) ea (8) eT (c) Preto (0) Teerety JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERWX-15 (OE 102. Population increases ina geometric | 107. Bacillus Subtillis forms how many * ratio while food supply increases in antibiotics ? r arithmetic ratio is according to (A) 40 (A) Roentgen 7 (8) 80 (8) Malthus (c) 60 r (C} Chadwick (2). 190. ' (D) Niel Bohr 108, What was the product of ancient - 108, Most active ingredient of Marijuanais biotechnology ? (A) ergosterol (A) Soma (8) tetranydro (8) Alcohol (©) ergastin () Sura (0) none of these (D) Allofthese 104. Which chemical is used for fusion of protoplast of two cells 2 109. Lymph nodes are to fight against (A) PEG. (A) RBC. (8) Both Asc (8) WBC (C) Sodium nitrate (C) Lymph r (D) None of these (D) Gorms 2 105, Qnien came from which country ? 110. Ahuman ovum contains (A) USA (A) apairot X chromosomes (8) Central America (8) YY chromosomes (C) Peruvian andes (C) XX chromosomes (0) China (D) One X- chramosomes 106. Nageri,abreedofcow comes under | 144, Nuclear mambrane originates from 2 00 tc (8) Tonos B) ER (8) General utility breeds 5 2 ; « (C) Draught breeds ) Erosisomes (D} Esides of Goigt bodies (D} None of these JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIERUX-15 102, Population increases in a geometnic ratio while food supply inereases int arithmetic ratio is according to (A) Roentgen (8) Malthus (C) Chadwick (2) Niel Bohr Most active ingredient of Manjuana is (A) ergosterol (8) tetanyaro (C) ergastin (0) none of these 103, Which chemical is used for fusion of protoplast of two ceils ? (A) PES, (8) Both AvC (C) Sodium nitrate (0) None of these 104. Onion came from which country ? (A) U.S.A. (8) Central America (C) Peruvian andes (0) China 405. Nageri, a breed of cow comes under which category? (A) Milch breeds (8) General utility breeds (C)_ Draught breeds (D) 108. None of these 107. Bacillus Subtillis forms how many antibiotics ? (ay 40. (8) 80 (Gc) 60 (0) 106 108, What was the product of ancient biotechnology ? (A) Soma (8) Alcohol (C) Sura (B) Allofthese 109. Lymph nodes are to fight against (a) RBG 1 (8) WBC (Cc) Lymph “s (0) Germs A human ovurn contains 4A) @pair of X chromosomes (8) YY chromosomes {C) XX chromosomes {D) One X- chromosomes Nuclear membrane originates from (A) Tonoplasts (8) ER (C) Erosisomes (D) Esides of Golgi bodies 11 1022 TT fa tanritelrs segaie aac ta Se bea ar eter af} atest aaa ear’ | * (A) tara (8) Area (c) seh (0) ater ater 103. aikgsrira aaa ofa ayes 8 (A) witeta (8) ‘amet (©) wifes (0) era aie iat 104, Rea umafte at aitrersil® face & fore wen fear are 8? (A) PEG (B) ACaHi (Cy wifean rege (Dy Sah aa sad Nos, wana fra ead ara 7 A) USA. (8) Festa (CG) WharweR, (0) ata 06! sre reves wr een set flea Aroha ame? (A) freaaer (8) Bers feraet (C) Fae (D) suited sf set 108. 4110. AL JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERAWX-15 7. aferora erate Faas vata ara wt aaaT a? (A) 40 (B) 80 (C) 60 (0) 100 ret Sea she ee oot sere aa ter 7 (A) a (8) 7aaR C.F (0) srr feew aren were | (A) RBC. (B) WBC. (Cy fer (0) erney ra fora i _ Bae (A) Xantihates area sitet (8) Y Varta (C) X Xara (0) VExsiniaia satires fared ar alta B | (A) are (@®) ER (C) vier (0) tert Faria aa _ & fear = JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-AUX-15 142 143. 144, 115. 116. ‘According to Chargatts rule (Ay A+T=G40 (8) A+G=T+C, (C) A+C=T+G (DB) A+G=C+U Enzymes which exist is more than one form (A) coenzymes (8) hydrolases (C) isozymes (0) transterases Erythroblastosis foatalis occurs when (A) Rht mother +R father (8) Rh* mother + Rh* father (©) Ritr mother + Rh’ father (©) None of these Kala-Azar is caused by (A) tee-tse fly (B) ratfly (©) sand fly (D) house fly In Ascaris, first and fast moults takes place in (A) Liver (8) Hear (C) Kidney (D) Intestine 17. 118. 119. 120. 121 ‘Smatiest size of the cell which can be seen with naked eye (A) micron (B) 100 micron {G) 10 micron {B) 1000 micron The gills of Mushoom (A) Help in respiration (8) Bear spores which help in reproduction (C) Help in Nutrition (0) Help inenhancing buoyancy Blood calcium level can be increased by administration of (A) glucogen {B) patathormone (C) thyroxine {D) calcitonin Bone Marrow is absent in (A) reptilia (®) fishes (C) amphibia (D) birds The Coconut and Mango fruits are (A) Erries (B) Drupes ‘ {C) Hesperidium (2) Omes 119, 116. (OA 8 112. TOMS fms age 114, (A) A+T=Gec (8) A+G=T+C (C) A+G=T+G * (BD) A+G=ceu Sie she afer ee abe ety Fremrteart ? (A) Beene (8) tegeree, (C) Sige (0) FaRHE “aftateerreai fire yzatcre tar 8 ara = a (A) bY areal +Rn- far (8). Rae ara +Ahe fat (©) Rh +Ane fe (0) Haat at 2 aie ther wren = sa el (A) aa rett (8) serrree (C) tamed (0) ste naet argu gan ote tiem fare Hendy (A) =a (8) wa C) TF (0) ata 117. 118. 119, 120. 121 (0) Bea JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 eT BH Sree At after Pa ea fae ata a of taal | (A) 1 7rget (B) 10071 (C) 107 (0) tooo mea Ee res (A) 3 aes (8) etary at sera ees (C) tort rere: (0) seensan sagt a were —_ er a fin ier Sa a agen ase | (A) SBR (8) Avena (C) annie wen aa (Ay ater (8) Hater (C) ara (0) eri safes site a1 aa (A) Wa ©) oF (CO) eaRiay (0) sta, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERAVX-15 122 123. 124, 125, 126, Which of the following is not a saturated fatty acid? (A) Montonic acid (8) Palmitic acid (©) Oleic acis (0) Tearic acid Which of the following is called “Jockers of microbiological park" ? (A) Bacteria (8) Virus (C) Mycoplasma (D) Cyanobacteria When a grape is placed in concentrated sugar solution then it will show (A) Smosis (8) imbibition (C) Plasmolysis (D) None of these Who proposed the "Chequer Board Method" ? (A) Mendet (8) Punnet (cy () Correns Darwin Adrenal gland is derived from (A) Ectoderm (8) Both ectoderm and endoderm (C) Mesoderm (©) Both ectodermand mesoderm 127. Filtration traction is the ratio of (A) O,andca, (@) GFRand Rpt (C) HCO, and HCO, {D) Hb and HbO, in Fy 128, Complementary genes generation give ratio (A) (8) () (0) The enzyme necessary for HSK pathway (A) RUBP carboxylase (8) Dehydrogenase (Cc) RUBP. Hexokinasges s (0) : 129. Hexokinase ‘The products of Hill's reaction are (A) ATP. {8} Oxygen (C) NADPH+H (0) all 180. in which form are carbohydrat located in plants 7 (A) Glucose (B) Sucrose z (C) Fructose (D) Maltose 131. 124. 123, eH a star age sella ae ae ? JA) Siete ore ‘(B) ufeates ora (C) Sirargs ra (D) dtafes sre wat aataashed sinters | oa aera? (A) Beiter (®) are (C) WEaTET (D) weaaadien ra sie ah aida ad faeeerti car weeds aa fears (A) aia (8) serie (C) cometh feria (0) Hea ad adi ‘Sarncaté far’ aa wera fe Far a? (A) Beet B) Fe (c) Fea (D) air aftr aff aaa farm t (A) west (8) waded atte upctadl dest (©) Rte (D) waded oth tated ae 127. | 126. 129. 130. 131. JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 : 1 ayaa Peas Tat ' (A) @) (e) (0) F tetas agra 2a 8 | (A) 93:31 (B) 15:1 (c) 13:3 (0) 9 HSKye® fee ae ara B | (A) RUBP #raifae (8) Sergiara ch (©) RUBP 2a / (Dy Beier fers afin & see (A) ATP (8) Siaeisr (C), NADPH+H (D) wet hil a ariteege a eaten 2? (a) a ©) we (C) were (D) ee 0, 3ico, GFR aft Apt HGO, #4 H,CO, Hb aft HBO, a Ba JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IWX-15, 122. Hi darmdqaada same? jie. a ee (A) Hretersrcer a1 (8) Wiens oma (A) 0, 3% 00, (C) Sirens rer i! (8) GFRSIt Apt (D) gee sa (C) HCO, 37 HCO; } 123, itaataersied sivamatentieiee | (©) He ao, ‘eh tere Be? 128, Faas (A), aaeitar seed a7 2 | (8) area (A) 9:338:1 (C) Seerarer (B) 15:1 (0) warteadtear () 133 124, Sa-sine at widhpa de Berar a va (D) 9:1 sar ate ___St RGM!) 95 sks a ie fina (A) afer aren? | (8) ater (A) RUBP areata (C) sarefettar (8) aenaita a (0) Fae sie saat {C) RUBP Baeifate : ‘ 425, “@ercdtdfaen' aye fear fe (0) Fry oa 190. fre afar sere (e)-Re (a) ATP. () aa (8) staeiaa (0) a (C) NADPH+H (0) wh 126, aiftqan drat aa ‘ferent | iat, hati aatengc fee ers ree? jj (A) weed (A) ER | (B) wated ste cise crit (8) wr (C) ted () wee (D) wade stitial at (0) ae JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERAVX-15 132 133. 135. Number of NADHs produced in Kred cyclo (A) (8) (e) (D) oan The amount of energy given by one molecule of ATP is (A) 7.3Kcal (8) 7600 K cal (C) 721K cal (B) 1000 K cal Which of the following chemical element is present in all proteins ? (A) (8) (cy (0) Nitrogen only Hydrogen. nitrogen and oxygen Hydrogen and Nitragen Nitrogen and oxygen Substance that can be absorbed without digestion are tha (A) Minerals (8) Proteins (C) Carbohydrates (0) Vitamins A, carbohydrate that cannot be digested by humans is (A) (8) (c) (D) Glucose Cellulose Starch Sucrose 137, 138, 139. 140, 144 The percentage of alveolar air exchange with each breath is, (A) Spercent {B) 100 percent (C) 10 percent (D} 95 percent Haemoglobinis found dissolved if the plasma of (A) Man (8) Bird (C) Frog (0) Earthworm ‘The process of tubular reabsorption’ from the nephran may (A) Be passive (8) Be active “ (C) Involves carrier moleciles (DB) Aand G Cutaneous receptive fields ar smailest in (A) Finger tips (8) Thighs (C) Back (0), Arms The storage form of thyroid hormone’ (A). Thyroglobulin (8) Thyroid binding globulin (C) Free thyroxine (D) Triidothyroxine 192. 136, Ses arene serrfen are NADH, Hane (A) 2 (B) 6 (c) 4 (0) "8 ATP a5 Wee sy Sarett a TTS (A) 7.3K cal (8) 7800 K cal (C) 721K cal ({D) 1000 K'cal wa aise carats arse afl sitet H safan tea 8? (A) aeaerarega (8) wEgtar, aeg sit aires (C) Biggar at areata (0) Tega ak ait ‘yan & far a shat aa re aT? (A) faacer (8) tas (Oy araliersgz (0) feria area err att al ore vel ebaret ardierege’ (A) FES ®) aeRa (c) 4fe (0) qe 137. 139, 140. 141, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 ween vere ai ora fata Barat arpiftcean ary aT OPTS (A) 5% (8) 100% {C) 10% (D) 95% farce eres aime (A) Fe (@) wt (C) tee 0) Fa grennny a srerag Eafe ahaa er (a) Pre (8) Grersfier . (Cc) wesaupit sta fread ® £9" (0) Aste ___ teeta tert da siete awreeia st (A) Sache @) a (C) eur (0) yprst args dita ar sore rere (a) area (®) args ashen citgien (Cc) Sa arnifers ©) adarnian JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15, 142. 143. 144, 146, From which natural substance was auxin isolated forthe 1° time 7 (A) Human bones (B) Human. uring” (C) Guano (D} Human blood 2, 4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid is used to destray (A) All weeds (B) Divot weeds (C) Monocot weds (0) None Collectively, the external genital ‘organs of the female are known as the (A) Vulva (8) Libia minora {C) Libia majora (D) Mons pubis ' As compared with the sperm, the egg contains more (A) Chromosomes (B) Cytoplasm (C) Mitochondria (0) Centrioies The study of ageing is called (A) Gerontology (B) Ageology (C) Tetrotology (D) Regeneration "OTE Ea 147. 148. 149, 150, The last succession in a sere is (A) final sere (B) climate climax (C) climax (0) beth (8) and (Cc) Flippers or paddles of fishes are modification of (A) Gut (8) Forelimbs (C) Hindlimbs (0) Skull The average height of Zulu and Watusi tribes man is (A) 1.2mand2.2m (8) 0.8mand 12m (©) 22mand12m (D) 1.2mando.8m Aphotic zone in sea maintainin constant salinity ranges fram (A) 10mte 100m (8) 200mto6000m {C) 200 mto.2000 m {O) 2000 mto 6000 m Physical basis of lite is (A) Cell (8) Nucleus z (CG) Protoptasm (D) Food 142, Shaft aths arg weet an ater qantrpae 7 (A) ara orf (8), aHaRR (C) arr (D) Fae Be sachet oe ae Sra fee Saami (A) Ral sere srg (©) fees (©) Geese (D) ea sid sia 144, anifes ard mera rere _—__ erat | (A) FET (8) ferfaersia (C) fattest (0) Hiarvafre 145. Agere ses a (A) @iRies (B) aaron (C) aR (0) akgiey 146. aaeen se ser el aed é (A) teats (8) wisest (©) eater (0) dare SHRI 147. 149. (0) 12mai08m JDD-65/PGT- BIO! TIER-WX-15 then a1 sity aaa (A) Sifter (8) Feuete aga (C) aerstea (D) (8) HR (Cari wate & tae sree feo ees s | (A) snenaet @) AS sy (C) fred ain (0) and setae rants a ara A ahaa Sand (A) 12mat22m (B) OBmaiti2m (C) 22matc12m . aa omptfe wee fee afr Ft samen at ania a fear cea 2, it (A) 108 100 mae (8) 200m 6000 mas {C) 200m #2000 mire (D) 2000 ma 6000 m 7 ahaa ar ste aro 2 (A) Se (8) =e (C) Sherer (0) ater JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 152. | ! 153, | 154, 155. The atmosphere of the early earth Was composed mainly of (A) (8) (C) (9) Ammonia * Helium Oxygen None of the above Which of the following sleeps most of its lifetime upto 17 years, stays awake for about 5 weeks and their dies ? (A) (8) ( (0) aphid dragon fly cicada grasshopper Eating the individuals of its own species is (A) 6) c) (0) Specimens with fake structures Coprophagy Mutualism Autophagy Cannibalism resembling plant remains are called (A) 8) «€) ) pseudo fossils pseudomicro fossils micro fossils pseudo palasoes 156, Linnaen system of plantelassification is based on (A) Marphological and anatomical character (8) () (OQ) Evolutionary trends Floral character None of the above 187. Currently the number of animals and plants known to,science is: (A) 0.5 million and 1.2 million 8) {c) {D) 4.2 million and 0.5 million 0.1 million and 1.0 million 1.0 million and 0.7 million Species of cyanobacteria péeportsible forred colour of rad seas 158. (A) (8) «e) @) Chlococeus Lyngloya Trichodesmium erythracum Nostoc 159, Which of the following bacteria is parasite on other bacteria ? (A) Bellovibrio (B) Boggiatoa (C) Thiothrix (D) Escherichia (0) ser (0) Piast 153, Haasan ane aifaerafe dsr Tr atiae dant, 5 aoe as ora Hagan fice ara 8 ? (A) fee (8) Sramaeh (Cc) feast (0) fh 164, arf erat see arta & (A) masta (8) zat (C) trata (0) FC 185, pA area aaa A ee fread qatar that & seats aera & (a) Berea, (8) Seer afar (C) sre ptftted, (0) el teresa 156. 157. 158. 159, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-WX-15 thal aries orefe ral manna? (A) aiglatencr siesta (@) fanatical (Cy getter (D) BRS staat fan cert ae TE sift site shat Ft eteany feral 8 7 (A) 0.5 million 2itc 1.2 milion (8) 1.2 milion ait 0.5 million (C) 0.1 million aft 1.0 million {D) 1.0 million 3 0,7 million Sie aR ore tn fare se appraacittarss Feria arr ? (A) Fala (8) fereter (C) qeaefarn ofwresr (D) sei aatrar aaditcen gait adifear oe (A) -aeeifatge (8) ated (c) frites JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IVX-15 160, 161 162. 163, In bacteria, the respiratory enzyme are located on (A) Plasmid (B) Mesosome (C) Episome (DB) Nucieoia Kappa particles ‘Self replicating bodies’ produce toxin calied (A) Haemezoin (B) Venom (C) Paramicin (0) None The major function of contractile vacuole is (A) Exeretion (8) Osmoregulation (C) Circulation (0) Allthe above Yeast cells are an important source of (A) Sugars (8) Vitamin C (©) Riboflavin (D) Proteins First land inhabiting plants are (A) Bryophytes: (8) Pteridophytes (C) Gymnosperms (0) Angiosperms: Which one of the following is called Horsetail ? (A) Equisetum (B) Lycopodium (C) Marselia {D) Selaginelia At what stage, the proembryo is formed ? (A) 4 celled (8) 12 celled = (C) 18 celled 2 (D) 16 celled Mexacanth is (A) Head (8) A-six hooked embryo (C) Naked embryo (D) Adult tape worm What is typhosole of Earthworm 7 (A) adetence mechanism (8) apartofthe circulatory system (C) anexcretory organ (D) afoid of the intestine ‘OCT JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TERWX-15 160. Sadiftaieaer sire emt | ta. ae ace Perea che a (A) wae (a) auf 5 (B) theres (@) fetter j (c) eer (o)_ ei (0) (aria (0), aferige 168. eee (eta) exer 161, eran ad after atta (A) eaten tan arm 8, aE (8) ereritifors (A) dhitsiiga (Cc) Hvifera @) am (D) Renee (C) ere se6, Renae ve gag ar we ie 8? (0) axe (A) 430 t (B) 123 162, wigater Rieerer an mar sae (C) 18% a 4 (A) Tete (0) 18% Y (8) sangeet a a (C) eae (A) (D) Sadaaavit (8) Beran yt 1 () way 183. srentfren __ 2 age (D) aaeR erga \ ata & | ; 168. Shgy ar egstata er? 7 ! ) en a ween ®) fate (8) viene da ar oa ert (C) Teta (C) ards sin (0) ster (0) wits ac JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WK-15 169. Tube feet occur in 170. 71 172, 173. (A) (B) (c) (0) Snail Siar fish Cuttle fish Gartish Limbiess amphibians have (Ay (8) (c) (D) dry skin no copulatory organs no eyelids only hind limbs ‘Sealy tail is found in (A) ®) (c) (D) Nat (A) (B) (C) (0) Horse Rabbits Moles Dogs — K* exchange pump involves Diffusion Deplasmolysis Osmosis Active transport Fibroblast can move over (A) ®) {C} (D) Liquid surface Solid surace Both (A) and (B) None of above 174, DNA synthesis is studied by 176. 176. 177. incorporation of radiolabelled (A) (8) (c) {D) Cytoskeletal structures occurin ay (8) (cy ©) Dupli occu (a) ®) c) (D) Nobel prize for the discovery of the DNA molecules was awarded in the year (A) (8) (c (D) Adenine Ribox Engar Uracil Thymidine Eukaryotic calls Fungi Green algae celts A+B+C ication of mitochondrial DNA r during Gy S, S 1962 1970 1965 1953 169. wate sere Bh. (Ay ae (weed (C), azarae ¢ (D} Fae (A) qerat (6) Aan fae (©) altvazer Fadia (0) Fae fear sin AA _ Heke fa veh art 8 (A) a (B) 3 (c) wir (D) a 172. Nat— Ke faery erm el (A) Paetear (8) Fecerrerferferer (Cc) aero (0) abrarvitaer a1 (A) saethaae (8) aeaae (C) (A) at (By ert (0) Pa a fet fiat 170. anfadtowrater_ __aarB 17a, WargaTenre OR TT 174, 175. 176. 177. JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 Ueeicaer wen NA, eee A eee Pear ae | (A) Ware (8) farerir (C) softer (0) armies fi (A) afvnita atest (8) Fas (GC) Wine dearest (0) A+B+C ade aRaraiigae DNAS Fear eter | A) Ge 8) 6G, («€) &, ©) s DNA atyait & ita & fore tae ween ard er ery (A) 1962 (8) 1970 (C) 1965 (D) 1953 JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 178. 179. 180, 181. The anhydro-bonds of proteins’ are called (A) Glucosidic bonds (8) Esterbonds (C) Peptide bonds (0) Diester bonds Which is a component of chicrophyil? (A) Mg (8) Zn (Cc) Mn (2) Fe Separation of chromatid segments occurs In between two gaps by (A) U-protein (8) Exonuclease (©) Unwindase (0) A+B Awoman sues a man for the supports of her child. She has blood group ‘A’ her child 'O! and the man ‘B’ (A) ould the man be the father of this child (8) could both of them together produce such child (C)_ they cannot have a child with ‘O° blood group bath (A) and (8) 182. 183, 184, 185. When a chromosomes shows gene ABCD DCBA this type of chromosomal aberration is termed as (A) Deletion (8) Translocation (C) Duplication (0) Inversion ‘The triplet UAG, UAA and UGA are called (A) Non sense codes (B) Initiating codes (C)_ Terminating codes {D) Both (A) and (C) Which ‘enzyme catalyse the conversion of RNA to DNA? ** (A) Transcriptase (8) Reverse transcriptase (C) Polymerase (2) Reverse polymerase ‘Awoman has a child with Kiinfelter’s syndrome. Number of barr bodies prosent in child is a1 (B) 3 (Cy) 2 (2) 178, Se umeRg-ceee_ wee # | (A) anaes aie (8) decaree ? (C) terearee (0) Sher ares Seine ar trey eae a aT F ? (A), Mo (8) Zn (C) Mn (0) Fe _ aT wage Fol sr ‘faerie at aaarell Saha sta’ 1 (A) acs (8) wef (C) arfaee (D) A+B 181. Gap afger ort area ser ara stra aaa Fe fea wh ese BRST aeTTet @ SET he ata t it eae aC oi wa aT B's | (A) Nae ese ae a hte et aT a? (8) =U arid freee sa set at or fearern 7 Fae aT! HR al Tae aeaTe | (A) att (8) at (c) 0) 182. 183, 184. 185, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-UX-15, aU TF ABCD DOBA sit ait fromm? at eepta fen sea arate (A) fae (8) Fare (C) . feerarr (D) afin feat UAG, UAA Si UGA Teer B (A) sRiag aera (8) anita (C) waar ata (D) (A) st (cya ‘ahve wfeva RNA DNAS aftatia werd scita art 7 (A) gitaea, cS (©) fadgireg, ‘ " eta (0) feafatfeniee Tek afer a wen feaaee first a fran? (sare hate fea tet aR ane Mi (ay 4 } . ®) 3 | (c) 2 (D) waste JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIERAUX-15 188: “187. 188. 189, Barbara McClincock discovered (A) Transposons 8) Cosmiis (C) Plasmids (D) Prions Mulilayered pericycle is found in (A) Agave (8) Alocacia () (0) Avecinia Aloe Clypens in cockroach is. (A) partof head (8) (c) (D} part of leg part of wing part of thoask Cardiac muscle apart from the myocardium is also present in (A) (B) (Cc) pericardium endo cardium proximal portion of aorta and venae cavae (0) epicardium 190. 191 i92. The value of water potential of pure water at normal temperature and pressure is (A) 1 What is the intensity of sound in normat conversation ? (A) 10-20 decibel (8) 30-60decbel (C) 70-90 decibel r (DB) 120-150 decibel During an injury Nasal septum gots damaged and for its recovery which cartilage is preferred 7 (A) Elastic cartilage (8) Calcitied cartilage (C) Hyaline cartilage (0) Fibrous cartilage ‘EAT 108. arden testa Fei fae a (A) sree (8) Fiera ’ (c) =aeea (0) Baier 187, seRuaTe Rika at_ a wera 8 (a) aha (8) scien (C) sete (0) safer 188. frerag a ange (A) frcan art ©) arm (Cc) Yaw (0) dara 180, HeenfSan a fia aafdare taf __# vitcgar 8 | (A) Seria (8) eelaiéer (Cc) skis teat sia aia (0) ftentian 191. 192. JDD-65/PGT- BIO/TIER-WX-15, Wace fae arlene a ye paeorare sitar (Ay 1 (@) 0 © a (0) 2 arene are Yeahs A ia (A) 10-202 (8) 30-50 2feae (C) 70-90 3feae (D) 120-150 Bferaer ‘ale & dyes are vee gla eee ahaa afiatd > fr fea ‘aise Fi snaveaa ert 7 (A) seer ona ©) Herne rate (0) waren (0) spree safe JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-AUX-15 193, Which ofule following is closest relative of man? (A) Chimpanzege (8) (c) (D) (Orangutan Gorilla Gibbon 194. Before the European invader which vegetable was absent in India ? A) (8) «c (DB) Maize and Chichinda Potato and Tomato Simla Mirch and Brinjal Bittergaurd 195. Triticate is obtained by crossing wheat with (A) Oat (8) «c) ©) Maize Barley Rye The book Genera Plantaniffi was written by (A) 196. Bessy (B) Englerand Pranti (C) Hutchinson (D) Bentham and Hooker 197 198. 199. 200. Dentaloformula in adolescent girl of age below 17 years is The term aquaculture means {A} Inland fisheries 8) (C)_ Marine fisheries (D) Both AandB Aspergillosis Homo sapiens evolved during (A) (8) ©) (0) pleistocene pliocene oligocene miocena ‘The endangered largest living lemnul ldriidri:is found in (A) Sri Lanka (8) ( (D) Mauritius Madagascar India (A) fewatstt (8) aii © THT (0), fram 194, agdafalS area 2 wed oat phot arene el a? (A) Trad ath fate (8) ay, shore (CO) ferent oth ay () sen 198. iat rea asteta at oar are | (A) itz (8) 7 (c) wel (0) #8 “Serr errand’ at ferar (a) eft @) west (C) RR, (D) aan aie gat 196. 197. 198, JDD-65/PGT- BIO! TIER-WX-15 17a 8 ihe sine Ar ante Soret yak 2132 2132 2123 2123 2120 2120 2122 2122 (A) (8) (©) (0) STA eee HI RE (A) sac adreet ce (8) veRficiita (C) ares Festi (0) Agi eat _rdherr et Aer Fania ee al (a) fea (8) feria (Cc) sites (0) Pei art Fare 1 fea sia ci saa forsA-giat_ iqenarnt (A) flea (8) ire (C) wenreR (0) 4a “a IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES saftcartt as fore aera seq 11. This booklet contains 48 pages 42 Please chock ail the pages o! the Booklet carelully. In case of any defect, pleane ask the Invigitator for repiacemert! of the Booklet 18. Directions ; Each question or incomplete statement is fallowed by four alternative “suggested answers or completions, in each £850, you are required to select the one that ‘vorrectly anawers the question or completes the statement and biacken (@) appropriate circle A, B, Cor D by BlseBlack Bal-Point Pen against the question concerned in the ‘Answer-Sheet. (For V.H. candidates corresponding circle will be blackened by the scribe) 14. Mark your answer by shading the appropriate ‘circle against each question. The circle should ibe shaded completely without leaving any space. The correct method of shading i given below loge oc The Gandidate must mark his*her response after careful consideration, 15, There fs only one correct answer to each ‘question. Yau should blacken (@) the circle, of the appropriate column, viz., A, 8, Gor D. I you blacken (@) more than one cércie against any one question, the answer will be treated is wrong. If you wish to cancel any answer, you should complataty erace that black ark in the cielo in the Answer-Sheet and than, biacken the circle of revised response. 16. A machine will read the coded information in the OMA Answer-Sheat. In case the information is incompiete!difterent from the information given in the application form, the candidature of such canclciate will be treated as cancelled. 17. Use the space for rough work given in the Question Booklet only and not on the ‘Answer-Sheet. 18. You.are NOT nequired to mark your answers in this Booklet, All answers must be JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IUX-15 wa feat 48 at 12, ayer ba gar emngs Piworet aft eae e, at Flas arse wees fre at 19. Bae: wee urs spear aen sot ars eae Set ST IR Re Te | eee eT Hi ana fret oe at pare aha ara oR & seen pa et ar at ath aT cee Sgn ihren UAB Carpets wren afet-aiee F @ aren (@) Sere | (gfearien sefrrernt & fire sera rere erie aro aren fart are) 14. seer rk am afer gran Reser enc sre en fers | er ae fata end ears ae fereatiaea wt | a ret eet A Per are | spend) sora) sacemarploe re en Ferien sera enfRe | 4 16, artes see om Sater ew a al ae BST aafaa sie seg A, B,C aD & Tiere ar BY TET (@) BET | ale sary atl A ATE UE a Sees TR TT aT WEN (@) aT RRR Tera ST aT | ae aT et sae eT ane 8 al Ta -Ye se TR shaw feearghard erictcaraer SRS Se hae GATT HF | 16, Sapo. see aisaT a th oe ee ET aT ce tafia seat of8 er amp 2 aterm aridca wa a nt pen a fs 8, a a se aeabian ea ana art | 17, aa ar 3 fee dae we a oa eas wren at | staf ee aren ard ye | 18, a afro & orey area se sift al Indicated In the Answer-Sheet only, Go through instructions given in Page No. 3 (Facing Page) wea f isn Seo se-airar a te 48 == DO.NOT OPEN THE SEAL OF THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DOS! ss QUESTION-CUM ANSWER BOOKLET waar glerat JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 DESCRIPTIVE TIER — IW aurfarere: fear - 1 MAIN EXAMINATION/ 3a afta Time Allowed : 1 hour Maximum Marks : rates ara 1 eT aR ai IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES aedtqard & fer aero aegaat 1. Before making any entry on Question Paper and QAB candidate should count and | check the no. of pages and if any discrepancy is seen then Invigilator should be informe immediately for another copy of Question Paper/QAB, wae en QAB f feat ft rem ft ofthe ate yd aroha a ga ye te A aha Hawes ‘a, pat it sar ot reir Te aes a gee a ene QAB A ge aie ae cr ie, p 1 Answer of every question is expected at specified space. The answer will nal be checked ; if there is change in place of question or answer. 1 wets eae Feeifig ane oe aa fae A | erga ar gaa aa aah ats el TO 2 tis mandatory to strictly follow the instructions by the candidates. eee, ea om ee 8 reer eon ee ra & fee aad B ger fever ot after var aa a cite ara es eT TE, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-WX-15 0 1) Essay (In English) |. Write an essay on any one of the topics given below : a) Time is Money. t b) Advantages of working while attending colleges. ‘OR c) Examination are.an essential part of the education system, JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IU/X- a ii) Letter writting / Expansion of Ideas (In English) I. Answer any one of the following 20 Marks a) Wie a letter to the postneslar ‘of your Post office complaining about the carsiessness of the postman oR b) “One who scolds youris your well-wisher’. Expand, OR c) “Life is nota bed of Roses” - Expand. JDD-65/PGT- BIO/ TIER-IU/X-15, INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Time Allowed : Descriptive type Examirétion = 1 hour Total A hour Ploase check all the pages of the Question-Cum Answar Booklet with (OMA facing sheet. In case of any defect, pinase ask the Invigilator for replacement of the Booklet. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Hindi versions ‘of any Question, the English version will be treated as finalfauthentic. ‘You must not tear off or remove any sheet ‘trom this Booklet. This Booklet must be handed over to the invigilator belore you leave the Examination Hail, This Booklet consists of Descriptive Examination - 2 questions of 50 marks. Limit your answer to the space provides ln this Booklet. No additional sheet will be provided. : ‘Angwar tne Questions as carefully as you can. Some Questions may be difficult and others easy. Do nat spend much time on any Question. Use of Caloulator/Palmtop/Laptop/Other Digital Insirument/Mobile/Cell Phones Pager is NOT allowed. . Candidates found guilty of misconducy using unfair means in the Examination Hall will be liable for appropriate penal! legal action. ‘You should not write your rou! number, name ot address in the space provided Tor writing answer. In case of letter writing name and address should be writen 3s “abe”, "xyz" et. arvafeial & foro srqza 4, Profit ame; caofaieces wien: 1 ear cl 2 er a wa -iat afar ste S.ua.ain. dey ofa a et gst ar ogg Pte wet | of arg civ 2, at Plas at za aera fore a cat Fe et & fee war stil agar 4 aif aie 8, ata agar ai dt wel aren are se gfere 2 ad ar IST aT Aer eT var 1 aliens ates 8 eet ae aie ‘fates & wart az | . agar iso Setar amine ater —2 sam eafehfere Fis my | are Se a Se gear Rec re fafdee ear re wae alten po ae Rar ame) wel } pe ate ert oes Fe We Sea Tan ge alee ead B | Pett Th FR Wag oa TL . Srergeter/ amet /etata orm Fefarce san /atareet (arate /Ahare ae TET afta 31 . Wiens a safes aaa wd and feu arian eral afer eatin auntie aren & 9m eA sama sare forers & fre fee ea Sa se re aT her are ae Fore sea, | rex Gre 3 fire are a fees 3) car W "abe", xyz" fer |

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