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SUPERSTARS II 3-5Neptune3X ACKNOWLEDGMENTS YX This project, originally designated Sunshine Math, is the third in a series of problem solving programs. It was conceived, coordinated and developed through the Florida Department of Education with input from the mathematics staff members of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the South Carolina Department of Education. In addition, it was supported financially through a grant to the School Board of Polk County, Florida. The rich history of these materials and the predecessor programs, SUPERSTARS and SUPERSTARS II goes back to the early 1980's. Many Florida teachers have been involved in developing and using these materials over the years. The original SUPERSTARS programs were adopted and adapted by North Carolina and South Carolina with their teachers contributing to revisions and personalizations for use in their states. Florida educators were primarily responsible for developing, field testing, and publishing Sunshine Math. Educators from the Carolinas developed the MathStars Newsletter to accompany and enhance this program. School districts in North Carolina have permission to reproduce this document for use in their schools for non-profit educational purposes. Copies of each grade level are available from the publications unit of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The contact for SUPERSTARS III and the MathStars Newsletter is Linda Patch, 301 North Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC 27601-2825 : (919-715-2225). Michael E. Ward ‘State Superintendent North Carolina Department of Public InstructionW Preface *” SUPERSTARS III encourages and enhances the positive aspects of students, parents, teachers and administrators working together. This program assumes that students, even young children, are capable of and interested in learning; that teachers want to help them learn to think for themselves; that administrators see their jobs as clearing the path so that quality education is delivered effectively in their schools; and that parents care about their child’s learning and are willing to work with the school system toward that goal. Each of these four groups has a vital role to play in implementing SUPERSTARS IIL. ‘The designer of this program has a long history of working with elementary children, He believes that they are capable of much more than we ask of them, and that many children are on the path to becoming independent learners. A number of children in any classroom are bright, energetic and willing to accept extra challenges. The basic purpose of SUPERSTARS III is to provide the extra challenge that self-motivated students need in mathematics, and to do so in a structured, long-term program that does not impinge on the normal classroom routine or the time of the teacher. The system is not meant to replace any aspect of the school curriculum -- it is offered as a peripheral opportunity for students who identify with challenges and who want to be rewarded for their extra effort. Participation in the program is always optional -- only those students who voluntarily choose to participate will, in the long run, benefit from SUPERSTARS III. Any student, regardless of prior academic performance, should be encouraged to participate as long as interest is maintained. The predecessor program for SUPERSTARS III -- the SUPERSTARS II program — has demonstrated that this concept can be extremely useful. What is required are several dedicated adults who devote a few hours each week to operate the system effectively in the school; an administrator who provides highly visible support; teachers who welcome a supplementary experience for their students to engage in higher-order thinking; and a typical classroom of students. If all of those ingredients are present SUPERSTARS II will become an integral part of the school fabric.ORGANIZATION OF THESE MATERIALS Section] _Description of the SUPERSTARS III Program 1, General Information 2. Information/checklist for principals 3. Information/checklist for assisting adults 4, Information for teachers 5. Letter to participating students and their parents. Section I] Student worksheets for SUPERSTARS III Section I] Commentary for student worksheets for SUPERSTARS IIISUPERSTARS III: General Information SUPERSTARS III is a K-8 program designed as an enrichment opportunity for self- directed learners in mathematics. The levels of the program are named for the planets in our solar system: Kindergarten Mercury Fourth Grade Jupiter First Grade Venus Fifth Grade Satum Second Grade Earth Sixth Grade Uranus Third Grade Mars Seventh Grade Neptune Eighth Grade Pluto Students of all ability levels choose on their own to participate in SUPERSTARS III. Seeing their names displayed in a prominent place in the school, with a string of stars indicating their success, is one reward students receive for their extra work. In some cases the school may decide to enhance this basic system by awarding certificates of . achievement or some other form of recognition to highlight certain levels of success or participation in the SUPERSTARS III program. SUPERSTARS III can function in a school in 2 number of different ways. A “tried and true” way is for assisting adults (volunteers, aides, etc.) to manage the program for the entire school, with support provided by school administrators and classroom teachers. This system has been adopted at the school level, with varying degrees of success, over the years. The basic model for conducting SUPERSTARS III is discussed below, with variations described on the next page. ‘The basic model The basic model for SUPERSTARS IIT is for a school to establish a weekly cycle at the beginning of the academic year according to the following guideline: On Monday of each week student worksheets are distributed by the assisting adults to students in the program. Students have until Friday to complete the problems ‘working entirely on their own. On Friday the classroom teacher holds a btief problem- solving session for the students in the program. The more difficult problems on the worksheet are discussed with students describing their thinking about strategies to solve the problems. They do not share solutions, only strategies.Students receive double credit for those problems they have successfully completed prior to the problem-solving session, and regular credit for those they complete successfully over the week-end, On Monday all papers are handed in, checked by the assisting adult, and stars are posted for problems successfully completed. This completes one cycle of the SUPERSTARS III program. SUPERSTARS IIT is not for every child ~ it is only for those who are self-motivated and ‘who are not easily frustrated by challenging situations. This does not diminish the value of the program, but rather makes us realize that there are children of all ability and socio- economic levels who are self-directed learners and who need challenges beyond those of the regular school day. These children will shine in SUPERSTARS TIL Vari ns of the basic model The first variation that has been used successfully retains the weekly eycle and assisting adult role from the basic model. The teacher however, involves the entire class in the problem-solving discussions. For example, the teacher might select the four most difficult problems on the worksheet (indicated by three or four stars) and work a “parallel” problem with the entire class to open the mathematics lesson on Tuesday through Friday. Using this variation, all students are exposed to the problem-solving strategies, but only those who have chosen to participate in SUPERSTARS II will complete and tum in the worksheet on Monday. A second variation has the assisting adult manage the entire program, including the Friday problem-solving session . This method has been used in situations where teachers lacked commitment to the program and thus implemented it inconsistently. In such cases, the assisting adult must have a progressive view of what constitutes problem solving in elementary mathematics. They should also receive extra assistance from the administra- tion to ensure that students are released from class and that the cycles proceed smoothly. Yet another variation is for a parent to manage SUPERSTARS III at home for his or her own child. The basic rules are the same ~ a child gets the worksheet once a week and time to work the problems alone. The parent sets a night to listen to the way the child thought about each problem, offering suggestions or strategies only when the child is unable to proceed. The reward system is basically the same, stars on a chart, but can be enhanced by doing something special with the child, such as a trip to the museum or toa sporting event when the child reaches certain levels of success. If this method is adopted, the parent must not try to teach the child, but rather to stimulate discussion of problem- solving strategies. SUPERSTARS II is not 2 program for adults to teach children how to think Other variations exist. The basic model as stated is the best, all other factors being, equal, for reaching more children in a consistent fashion than any of the other methods. However, we encourage individual schools, teachers, or parents to get some version started; some starlight is better than none.SUPERSTARS Ill: Information for Principals SUPERSTARS II is 2 K-8 enrichment package for mathematics designed to be managed by volunteer assisting adults with coordinated support from the classroom teacher and school administrators. The purpose of the program is to give self-motivated students of all ability levels a chance to extend themselves beyond the standard ‘mathematics curriculum. The complete set of materials comes in nine packages, one for each grade K-8. The grade levels are identified by the names of the nine planets in our solar system and their order from the sun: Mercury - Kindergarten ‘Venus - First Grade Earth - Second Grade Mars - Third Grade Jupiter - Fourth Grade Saturn - Fifth Grade Uranus - Sixth Grade Neptune - Seventh Grade Pluto - Eighth Grade. ‘Your support is vital if this program is to succeed. As the school administrator, you need to stay in close contact with the SUPERSTARS III program. A “checklist for success” follows: © Become familiar with the philosophy and component parts of the program. C7 Introduce SUPERSTARS III to the faculty early in the school year. Ensure that teachers understand the philosophy of the program and have copies of the student worksheets and commentaries appropriate for their grade levels. 7 speak to parents at your school’s first open house of the year, explaining the purpose of SUPERSTARS II and the long term value of children working independently on challenging problems. 1 Recruit several assisting adults (PTA members, aides, senior citizens, business partners, church members, etc.) who are enthusiastic, dependable people who are willing to manage the program. Early in the academic year, meet with these assisting adults to plan such details as: ¥ A prominent place and format for the STAR CHART.A designated time and place each Monday and Friday for the assisting adults to be in school to meet with students, distribute and collect worksheets, and post stars. Y Assystem for the activity sheets to be duplicated each week. Y Aplan for extra incentives for accumulating stars. (“World records” to be kept from year-to-year, a celebration day planned for the end of school, prizes earned by students for attaining certain levels of success -- see the diagram below for examples.) ¥ A:schedule for the initiation of the program and a decision as to a “start over” point later in the academic year. Review the school calendar and only use weeks that are at least four days long. If there is not enough time in the year to complete all the activity sheets, decide which to eliminate or on a plan to “double up.” ¥ ASUPERSTARS III cap, name badge, tee-shirt, or other distinction for volunteers, if possible. O Monitor the program every two weeks to get ahead of unforeseen difficulties. Administrators need to be highly visible and supportive for SUPERSTARS to succeed. SUPERSTARS III is an optional program for students. It should be available to any student who wants to participate, regardless of prior success in mathematics. Typically, a large number of students will begin the program, but a majority will lose interest. A significant number however, will continue their efforts over the life of the program. This is normal and simply means that SUPERSTARS III is successfully addressing the needs of the self-directed learner. ‘Visual reminders help children see this mathematics program is challenging and rewarding. Some ideas are presented here: 150 stars A free pizza delivered to your home by the principal! 100 stars A tee-shirt that says: Tiive on Venus; ask me why! ‘slstars A bumper sticker that says ‘My child SHINES in math! 50 stars A certificate of achievement 25 stars\A free ice cream bar at lunch vilSUPERSTARS III: Information for Assisting Adults SUPERSTARS III is designed to give assisting adults a well-defined role to play in the school’s mathematics program. The success of SUPERSTARS III depends upon a team effort among teachers, administrators, parents and you. Reliability and punctuality are important - students will quickly come to depend upon you to be there as scheduled, to check their papers and post their stars, and to listen to alternate strategies and interpretations of problems to help them arrive at solutions. If possible, wear an outfit or badge that fits with the SUPERSTARS IIT theme or logo; students will soon identify you as an important person in their school. WWW WR SUPERSTARS II works on a weekly cycle. Each Monday you will collect the worksheets from the previous week and distribute new worksheets to the participating students, all from your SUPERSTARS III area of the school. Allow students to see the answers to the problems, discuss any for which their answers differ and allow them credit if their interpretation and reasoning are sound. After checking all the work, you will post. the stars earned by students on the STAR CHART. WwW Participating students have from Monday until Friday to work the problems entirely on their own -- the only help they should receive during that time is for someone to read the problems to them. On Friday the teacher will host a problem-solving session in the classroom where students will describe the strategies they used to approach the more difficult problems. Students who have successfully completed problems before this session will receive double points for their efforts. The teacher’s initials on the worksheet will help you identify those problems. The students then have the week-end to complete or correct their problems and turn them in on Monday. Alll the correct problems thus completed will receive the indicated mumber of stars. > KR K viiiBe creative when designing your STAR CHART. The basic method of posting stars individually is a good way to begin but eventually you will want a more efficient system. Color coding by grade level, or posting just one star each week with a number in its center are ideas to consider. You may wish to personalize the chart and the entire SUPERSTARS II center with student pictures, “smiling faces”, a logo, seasonal theme or some other feature that has a mathematical flavor. Occasionally feature a reward for each child such as a cookie or a hand stamp in the shape of a star just for turning in the worksheet. You are helping enthusiastic students develop high-level thinking skills ~ be creative and enjoy your role! Checklist for assisting adults: 7 Plan the following with the principal: ¥ A prominent place and format for the WY STAR CHARTIY ¥ The time and place for you to collect, check, and distribute worksheets. / Assystem for duplicating worksheets each week which ensures legible copies. Also a secure storage area for masters and other materials. Y Any additional incentives (“world records,” stickers, coupons, pencils, tee-shirts, ete.) ‘that will be part of the system for rewarding levels of achievement in SUPERSTARS If. we (1 Make the SUPERSTARS III center a happy place. Use bright colors, smiles, and cheerful expressions. Show confidence, friendliness, and encouragement to students. WH 1 Collect the letters that are sent home prior to the first worksheet. These need to be signed by each student and a parent. If, in the future, you have evidence that the work submitted does not represent the thinking of the student, discuss the situation with the classroom teacher. These situations are best handled individually, confidentially and in a firm, consistent manner. ixww © Check the worksheets from the previous week uniformly. If you give partial credit for a problem with several parts do so in a fair way that can be understood by the students. Do not award partial credit for problems with only one answer. WWW WK 1 Have answer sheets available and encourage students to look at the solutions when they submit their worksheets. Allow them to explain their strategy or interpretation if they have arrived at a different answer. Award full credit if they show a unique and plausible interpretation of a problem and follow sound logic in arriving at their response. ww Leave extra worksheets with the classroom teacher for participating students who ‘were absent on Monday. Accept a late-arriving worksheet only if the student was absent on Monday. If a student’s name is missing or in the wrong place on the worksheet, check the paper but award stars to “No Name” on the STAR CHART. ‘Adhering strictly to these rules will rapidly teach responsibility to the students and keep your work manageable. WK KW 1 Keep all returned worksheets. As the same problems are used year after year, and many students have siblings who may later participate in SUPERSTARS III, it is important that worksheets do not circulate. ww 1 On weeks when SUPERSTARS II] is not available post a notice such as “No star problems this week, but please come back after vacation for more!”SUPERSTARS III: Information for Teachers SUPERSTARS III is a program designed to complement your regular classroom mathematics curriculum. It offers a supplemental opportunity for students to practice ‘mathematics skills appropriate for their grade level and at the same time to engage in challenging problem-solving activities. It is an additional challenge to those students who are self-directed learners providing them with an academic extracurricular activity. WK WK Your involvement is essentially as a teacher. SUPERSTARS III will remain special to students if it is managed by someone outside of the classroom and if the teacher is viewed as a facilitator in the system, rather than as the authority figure. Your primary role is to monitor the system in your own classroom and to host a brief problem-solving session for SUPERSTARS II students on Friday of each week. You will also need to release the participating students from your class at a set time on Mondays to enable them to tum in completed work and receive new problem sets. You might make a special pin or banner for Mondays and Fridays to remind students that those days are special. * ee | Each student worksheet has an accompanying commentary page. This sheet provides hints on parallel problems which you might use in the Friday problem-solving session. It is important that students participate actively in this session, and that you xisolicit from them their unique and varied approaches to the problems discussed. Only after students have presented their ideas should you provide guidance on the problems and then only if they are having difficulty. Even though there is a commentary provided for each problem, you will have to decide which two to four problems you will cover during this brief session. Concentrate on those which provide a new or unfamiliar strategy. The problem-solving session should last no more than 15 minutes. ww Do not be disappointed if a large number of your students begin SUPERSTARS Il and then significant numbers drop out after a few weeks. This is normal; problem solving requires a great deal of effort and not every student is ready for this challenge. On the other hand, you will notice that some students will choose to stay with SUPERSTARS III week after week even though they are not as successful as other students at earning stars. Their participation should be encouraged as they are certainly learning from the experience. Under no circumstances should SUPERSTARS III be reserved only for the advanced students in your class. Wu Asa purely practical consideration, students are not to discuss the problems among themselves or with their families prior to the Friday cooperative group session. This allows the “think time” necessary for students to develop into independent thinkers; it also prevents students from earning stars for work that is basically someone else’s ~ the surest way to disrupt the entire SUPERSTARS II program. As the teacher you must monitor this in your classroom and ensure that students abide by the established = 7 It is important that you understand and support the overall philosophy of SUPERSTARS III. Do not worry if students encounter problems for which they have not been prepared in class -- such is the nature of true problem solving. Do not provide remedial instruction to ensure that students master certain types of problems. They will meet these same problem types repeatedly in the program. They will likely learn them on their own and from listening to other students at the problem-solving sessions. Enjoy what the students can do and don’t worry about what they can’t do. Read the general information and philosophy of the program to see how your role fits into the complete systemHere are some thoughts you might find useful in your support for SUPERSTARS III: © Allow your students to leave the classroom at the designated time on Mondays to tur in their worksheets and pick up new ones. ww I Read each week's worksheet and feel free to structure classroom activities that, parallel those in the SUPERSTARS III problems. WwW 1 During the school week students may be allowed to work on their SUPERSTARS III problems during their free time, but the only help they may receive is for someone to read the problems to them. Give the students one warning if you find them discussing the worksheets, and take away their papers for the next violation. If it happens another time, suspend them from the program for a month. Ww © Atthe Friday problem-solving sessions remember these points: + Students come to this session with their worksheets, but without pencils. + The session should be brief - 15 minutes at most. Discuss only the two to four most difficult problems. + Help students summarize their own approaches to the problems in a non-judgmental fashion, Offer your own approach last, and only if itis different from the students? strategies. Do not allow answers to be given to the problems. + End the session by encouraging students to complete the problems over the weekend, Put your initials beside any problem discussed in class which a student has already successfully completed. The assisting adult will award double stars for these.WK 1 Remember that part of the SUPERSTARS III philosophy is that students lea responsibility by following the rules of the system. If participation is important to them they will adhere to the rules about where their names go on each paper, no credit awarded if they forget their paper on Monday, and no talking about problems prior to the problem-solving session. (1 Enjoy SUPERSTARS III. Students will impress you with their ability to think and their creative ways to solve problems that appear to be above their level or beyond their experience. xivWee Wee We Pe Oe eee Dear Student, Welcome to SUPERSTARS III, a program designed to enhance your journey through mathematics. Be prepared to face challenging problems which require thinking! As you work through the system you will experience many types of problems, stretching and expanding your brainpower in many exciting ways! Expect to receive one worksheet at the beginning of each week. You will have the rest of the week to think about the problems and come up with strategies for their solutions. The thinking and solutions must be YOUR VERY OWN!!! Once a week you will attend a help session to discuss the most challenging problems for the week. ‘Your journey will be recorded by charting the stars you earn. Each problem is ranked according to its level of difficulty. The more stars you see beside a problem, the higher its level of difficulty and, of course, the more stars you can earn for solving it. You can earn double stars for solving a problem before the weekly sessions. Your signature is just the beginning. Good luck as you embark upon this mathematical adventure! The rewards will last a lifetime! Yee We We Ye YY Oe YY Oe Be BY WO WOO Iam ready to begin the SUPERSTARS ILI program. All of the answers I submit will represent my own thinking. ‘Name: aeerkrerrke kere ee xvWe We We Ye Oe We PY Oe We Oe Oe BO a Oe aa Dear Parents, Welcome to SUPERSTARS II, a program designed to enhance your child’s journey through mathematics. By expressing an interest in challenging problem solving experiences, your student has taken the first step toward becoming an independent learner who is willing to address many types of problems. On Mondays a SUPERSTARS III worksheet will be distributed to each child in the program. Each problem in the set is ranked according to its level of difficulty. As the number of stars increases, so does the level of difficulty and the earned stars to be awarded. Each Friday a help session will be conducted to discuss the most challenging problems of the week. Any problem solved prior to the session will be given double stars. After the session, problems may be reworked before they are submitted the following Monday. ‘Your role in SUPERSTARS III is to encourage and facilitate problem solving. Feel free to offer guidance toward certain strategies, to read the problems to your child, but please, do not give them the answers. In order for this program to be effective, the students must work independently. The thinking must be their own! It is normal for a student not to be able to complete every problem on ‘every worksheet. The process of interpreting, understanding, and trying different strategies is valuable in the attainment of mathematical power. Remember, no student is expected to know the answer to every problem. Thank you for allowing your child to embark upon this mathematical adventure; the rewards should last a lifetime! signature Parent/Guardian of, Wee We We PE Oe Be Te Be WP Oe ee‘After you have had a chance to review and use these materials, please take a moment to Jet us know if the SUPERSTARS III material has been useful to you. Your evaluation and feedback is important to us as we continue to work on additional curriculum materials. Please respond to: Linda Patch Mathematics & Science Section NC Department of Public Instruction 301 N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2825 Indicate the extent to which you agree with statements 1-4. Neither Strongly Agreenor Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree 1, The materials will be helpful in 1 2 3 4 °5 teaching the mathematics goals and objectives set forth in the NC Standard Course of Study. 2. The materials are appropriate for the 1 2 3 4 °5 grade level indicated. 3. The problems are interesting and 1 2 3 4 ~°5 engaging for the students I teach. 4, The commentaries will 1 2 3 4 °5 encourage use of this material. 5. Iplan to use these materials with my students in grade__. 6. Have you ever used earlier versions YES No of the SUPERSTARS material? 7. How was this program implemented with your students? 8. Additional comments:SUPERSTARS III Mars, I shows my own thinking.) ‘& 1. Ann was asked to find the number of marbles that were added to the other marble groups to get the total. Can you find the number? 3marbles + marbles + 2 marbles = 13 marbles. Answer: marbles *& 2. Joe has 3 quarters, 1 dime and 2 nickels in his piggy bank. How much money does he have to spend in the candy store? Answer: cents x — 3. Tomis helping his sick neighbor by taking her dog for a walk every day, bringing her the ‘mail, and doing other odd jobs. Mrs. Burns pays him $7.50 a week for his help. How much will he earn in 4 weeks? Answer: ek 4, Find the pattern in these numbers and then continue the pattem by writing the next three ‘numbers. Mars 1 page 1eke 5. Robin gave her friend a puzzle like the one below. Solve the number puzzle yourself! Find +11 if you know that 8 += 12. Answer: + 11= + 6. There was a line waiting for movie tickets. Sue realized that there were 6 people in front of, her and 6 people behind her in the line. How many people were waiting in line for movie tickets? Answer: people keke 7. Aturtle crawls up a 12 foot hill after a heavy rainstorm. The turtle crawls 4 feet, but when it stops to rest, it slides back 17 feet. How many tries does the turtle make before it makes it up the bill? 2 1 Greet Answer: tries. x 8, Four classmates are to stand in order from tallest to shortest. Tom is taller than Sally. Sally is taller than Bob. Maria is taller than Bob but shorter than Sally. Using the clues, place the four friends in order from tallest to shortest. Answer: Tallest Shortest Mars I page 2Commentary Mars, I « (8) Most students will first add the two groups of marbles they have, 3 and 2, to get 5. The students can then subtract 13 - 5 to find the missing marbles, or use the counting up method from 5 to 13. 2. (95) The student can use coins to count out the change: 25, 50, 75, 85, 90, 95. The values of each coin can be added for the total: 3 quarters = 75 cents; | dime = 10 cents; and 2 nickels = 10 cents, 0 75 + 10 + 10 = 95 cents. ($30) The student can add $7.50 four times or group by two sums of $15. Counting the money like change could be used: $7.50, $15.00, $22.50, $30.00. This leads to the concept of multiplication ~- some students might even perform $7.50 X 4 on their calculator. > (12, 9, 14 ) The repeating pattem is to add 5, then subtract 3. Once discovered, the student should check to see whether the pattern continues for the next few numbers. It does, so he would conjecture that the next three numbers are obtained by: 7+ 5= 12; 12-3= 9; 9 +5=14. Notice that there is no way for the students to be sure they have discovered a pattem that always holds true; also note that students might discover another pattem that would give the numbers 1, 6, 3, 8, 5, 10, and 7, thus arriving at different numbers than 12, 9, and 14. 5. (15) The student can count up from 8 to 12, or solve 12 - 8 to find that = 4. Then the student substitutes 4 for the * in + 11. So, 4+11=15. 6. (13) There are 12 people (6 + 6) in the movie ticket line, excluding Sue. When Sue is counted in the line there would 12 + 1 or 13 people. 7. (8) The student can physically mark the turtle's progress and slides to get to the top. 8. (Lom, Sally, Maria, Bob) Drawing a picture as each clue is used is a way for the student to find the students places’ from tallest to shortest: ‘Tom is taller then Sally: Tom Sally Sally is taller than Bob: Tom Sally Bob. Mania is taller than Bob but shorter than Sally: Tom Sally Maria Bob Mars 1 page 3SUPERSTARS III Name Mars, (This shows my own thinking.) sek 1, Use the rule given. Write the missing numbers. Rule: If xis a number in column A, then x - 7 is beside it in column B. 14 ‘kx 2. One way to add numbers mentally is to add the tens together first, followed by the ones. For example, to find 43 + 25, you might do this: 4042 60+ 5 6543 60 Practice these problems using this way to add. You will be asked to work a problem mentally ‘when you tum in your paper. 474+22= 56 +45 = 434+27= 444275 Answer for the later probler dee 3, Mrs, Buchanan's third grade class needs 150 paper napkins for a party. A small package of 50 napkins costs $0.99. “A large package of 150 napkins costs $2.75. How much money ‘would the class save by buying the large package of napkins? Answer: sek 4, Georgia is making a patio in the shape of a| rectangle. The width of the patio is 10 feet. The perimeter is 50 feet. What is the length of the patio? Answer: feet Mars IL page 1* 5. Atthe baseball game, Brian saw a player hit a home run. About how far did the ball go? Circle the most reasonable answer. a. 8 feet b. 300 feet ©. 2,500 feet kkk 6, Trace each line of this shape without lifting the pencil. You can cross a point several times, ‘but do not retrace a whole line. 3 6 List your numbers in the order that you traced the figure: *&* 7. Look at the spinner. a, Which are you more likely to spin, a 2 or a3? b. Which is more likely, a 1 ora 4? (NZ) VANY, 4% 8, On Monday 2 students went to the school store. On Tuesday, 4 students went, and on ‘Wednesday, 8 students. If the pattern continues, how many students will go to the school store on Friday? Answer. students Mars 1 page 2Commentary Mars, I! 1. (7, 0, 17, 8) A student can subtract 7 from the number in column A to get the number in column B. ‘The student must reverse his thought process to do the last part. Since the number in B is given, he must ask himself “what number, if I subtracted 7, would give me 1.” 2. (69) Give the students this problem posted where several can read it at one time: as 25 and have them write only the answer on their paper. 3. ($0.22) The class would have to buy 3. small packages of napkins which would cost $2.97. Most students will find this number by adding 99¢ three times, but some might multiply on a calculator. In either case, they must then subtract $2.75. 4, (15) Students might first label the two sides of the patio for which they know the length. ‘That would be 20 feet of the 50-foot perimeter. Then students would subtract 20 feet from 50 feet and realize they have 30 feet left for the other two sides. They will use various methods to divide 30 feet into two equal pieces. 5. (300) 8 feet is not a reasonable length for ahome run. 2,500 feet is also not reasonable, as a mile is about 5,000 feet, so 2,500 feet is about 1/2 mile. 300 feet is reasonable — that's the length of a football field. 6. (6-3-5-6-2-3-1-2-5 is one solution) All successful solutions have these in common: they either start at 6 and end at 5, or start at 5 and end at 6. That's because 5 and 6 are the only places in this network that have an odd number of paths going in and coming out. 7. (a.3; b.1) The area for 3 is twice as much as that for 2, so 3 is twice as likely as a landing for the spinner. The area for 1 is also bigger than the area for 4, since there are three equal sized pieces that make up I and only 2 pieces for 4. 8. (32) Itwill help if children make a list or complete a chart for this problem. If so, they will probably notice that the number of children is doubling each day. ‘Therefore on Thursday there would be 16, and on Friday there would be 32. Mars I page 3SUPERSTARS IIL Name: * kk ak Mars, IIT (This shows my own thinking.) 1, Tom had 45 marbles. He gave some to Dan. He had 19 marbles left. How many marbles did he give to Dan? Answer: marbles 2. Ann gets up at 6:15 AM. It takes her 30 minutes to get ready for school, 10 minutes to eat breakfast, and 5 minutes to walk to the bus stop. At what time does she reach the bus stop? Answer: AM. 3. John is emptying tennis balls into a bin for a special sale to help his father. Each can holds 3 tennis balls. How many balls will be in the bin if he empties 7 cans? Answer: balls 4, Drew has $2.00 to spend. He wants to buy a box of crayons and a bottle of paste. Use the posted prices below. Does Drew have enough money? Answer yes or no.x 5. David had 1 bug in his insect collection on Monday, 3 bugs on Tuesday, 6 bugs on ‘Wednesday, and 10 bugs on Thursday. If this pattem continues, how many bugs will he have in his collection on Saturday? Answer: bugs kek 6. Five basketball teams are playing in a tournament. The teams will play each other only one time. How many games will be played by the end of the tournament? (Hint: Draw a picture or make a list of the teams playing.) Answer: games sok 7. What is the least number of coins that can be used to give a customer 42¢ in change? What are the coins? Answer: coins List the coins: ‘ek 8. Find the missing digits in the following problems. Place your answers in the boxes. A B c 2 54 6a +o +2 +013 69 1 13 ‘Mars I page 2Commentary Mars, IIT = (26) The student can count up from 19 to 45, or subtract 19 from 45, to get 26. . (7:00) A clock for hands-on exploration would assist the student in adding 30 minutes to find 6:45, then adding 10 minutes to find 6:55, and finally adding 5 minutes to reach 7:00 AM. . (21) The student can add 3 groups of 7 or use the multiplication fact, 3 x7 = 21 . (No) The student could start at $1.25 and count the change left if buying only the crayons. If 75¢ is left, then the paste for 79¢ would make the cost over $2.00. Most students will simply add $1.25 and $0.79 and realize that $2.04 is more than Drew has. . (21) The pattern involves adding one more at each step than the step before. Start with 1 on ‘Monday, then add 2 to get Tuesday's total, then 3 for Wednesday's total, then add 4 for ‘Thursday, 5 for Friday, and finally 6 for Saturday. The total is 21. . (10) This problem resembles the handshake problem. It can be solved by assigning the 5 teams a letter or number and drawing a picture that shows team A plays B, C, D & E; Team B plays C, D, and E (they've already played A). Team C plays D & E as they have already played A and B. Team D plays E. Then the games are added: 4+3+2+1= 10. Repeated work with this type of problem shows a pattem in the solutions. e AB BC CD DE BAC BD CE E AD BE AE > . (S coins; 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies) Some students may choose 4 dimes and 2 pennies (6 coins) to make 42¢. Extra work with using quarters in making change will increase their skill in determining the least number of coins. . (The answers are shown below.) Using the concepts of counting up, counting back, or addition and subtraction sense, the missing numbers can be found. Problems B & C involve regrouping ones and tens. A B c 23 54 65 +46 +21 +73 69 81 138 Mars I page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Sad tk 1k bk tok ‘Mars, IV (This shows my own thinking.) 1. How many small blocks does it take to build the set of steps below? Answer: blocks 2. Write the correct number or symbol in each box. 1=9-[ ] 11=3 8 4=4[ Jo 3. The students in Mrs. Jower's third grade class are taking tums going to the library. Five ‘students went to the library first. When they returned, 10 students went. The third time, 15 students went to the library. If the pattern continues, how many students will go to the library on the fifth trip? Answer: students 4. Samantha eams $2.50 each week for helping her father mow the grass. If she saves all of her money, how much will she have in 6 weeks? Answer: 5. ama triangle. My perimeter is 96 centimeters. Two sides are 34 centimeters and 25 centimeters long. How long is my third side? ‘Answer: cm Mars IV page 1kk To kk 6. Julio's dad didn't have enough candies for Julio's birthday cake, so he let the dark candles stand for 2 years and the white candles for 1 year. How old was Julio? Answer: _____ years old 7. Look at the graph and answer the following questions: a. Which children read at least 20 books? Answer: b. How many more books did John read than Al? Answer: c, Who read the same number of books? Answer: and d. If Al read a total of 12 books for May and June, how many books did he read in June? Books read in May 35 30 2 20 15, 10 Ss0e
EE. © >) How many go ? S® ,. <> © dei-k 6. Dan went to the bookstore. He has spent $17.00 of his $20.00 already. He needs to buy a few disks. How many can he buy with his remaining money if each disk costs 90¢. 90 ¢ each Answer: disks sex 7, Laquinda has a number riddle for you to solve: Tam a two-digit number less than 40. You say me when you count, by fives. The sum of my digits is 7. What number am I? Answer: kk 8. Use the line to the right as 1 unit. Measure the | length and width of this paper. Measure to the nearest whole number. Answer: units long and units wide Mars V_ page 2Commentary Mars, V (5,738) The purpose of this problem is for students to unscramble the place values before writing the answer. The student can use a place value chart to check the number. . Giz) There are 12 marbles in the bag. Since there are 5 red marbles, there is a 5 in 12 chance of pulling out a red marble. "Five in twelve" can be written as the fraction 3 (7) The 2 absent students can be removed from 30, leaving 28. Then the situation becomes a division problem: =. The student could use counters or marks to “act out" the last part of the problem -- taking 28 counters and removing them in groups of four, asking how many groups are removed . Many students will not have met division yet.. (9) Numbering the small rectangles provides an organized way to count them. 1 big rectangle - 1 & 2&3 &4 4 small rectangles -1, 2, 3, 4 4 medium rectangles- 1&2, 3&4, 1&3, 2&4 . (6) From the top left scale, taking half of each side means that 2 marbles balance 1 tape dispenser. So 2 marbles can be substituted for the tape dispenser in the top right scale. Thus 2 ‘marbles balance 4 pencils, meaning that each marble balances 2 pencils. ‘Therefore 3 marbles balance 6 pencils. This type of thinking is a precursor to algebraic thinking. Students gain an intuitive notion of substituting equal quantities for other quantities, multiplying or dividing both sides of a balanced situation by the same amount, etc. . (3). Dan has $3.00 left to spend ($20.00 - $17.00). Each disk costs 90¢ (almost a dollar each). So the student reasons that he can get 3 disks with the remaining $3.00. The more advanced student might multiply $0.90 times 3 which is $2.70. (25) Students might write the numbers less than 40 as they count by 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. The number with digits that add to 7 is 25. |. (S measures long; 4 measures wide) Students might mark the length on a piece of Paper and use that to measure. Making a small mark at the end of each measure will help them count the number of times this length is used. Mars V_ page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Mars, VI (This shows my own thinking) ex 1. How many 2-ounce hot dogs would make a pound? Answer: hot dogs ‘kkk 2. Write a true number sentence using all of the given numbers and symbols. 6, 9, 7, 5, 3, =, +, 4) - Answer: +3. Without adding, write the following in "standard form.” 70 + 400 + 2 + 3,000 + 80,000 = Answer, ex 4, The lunchroom workers are giving away free cookies today. They gave the first graders 4 cookies. They gave the second graders 8 cookies. They gave the third graders 12 cookies. They gave the fourth graders 16 cookies. If the pattern continues, how many cookies will the seventh graders receive? Answer: cookies + 5. The students rode a school bus on their field trip. About how many students could ride in 1 bus? Circle your best estimate. a. 400 students b. 40 students c. 4 students Mare VI page 1dete 6. Alexander's back yard is in the shape of a pentagon. The perimeter is 134 meters. Four of the sides measure 20, 21, 32, and 35 meters, What is the length of the fifth side? Answer: meters ek 7, Draw the next figure in the pattern. DOOGO % 8 Darrell has a set of animal cards in a covered box. There are 2 giraffes, 5 lions, 2 monkeys, and 4 lamas. Which is more likely that Darrell will pick out of the box without looking, a giraffe card or a llarna card ? Answer: card eke 9. A magician weighed his twin rabbits and identical hats together and got 18 pounds. He then weighed one hat and got 3 pounds. What was the weight of one rabbit? ‘Answer: ___ pounds Mars VI page 2Commentary Mars, VI . (8) Students might find this answer by drawing pictures of hot dogs, labeling each one “2 ounces”, and counting by twos until they reach sixteen. The problem also relies on students ‘knowing that 16 ounces is one pound — many third graders might have to be told this. (7 + 5-9 +3 = 6 is one solution) Students can try writing the numbers and signs on small pieces of paper or index cards and moving them around until they reach a solution. They might try lining up the numbers in a certain order and just manipulating the signs to see whether they can get a number sentence that works. If not, they can change the order of the numbers and try again. . (83,472) The problem has students unscramble the order of the numbers given, according to place value. . (28) The pattern involves increasing the number of cookies by four for each new grade level. (40) The problem tests students’ number sense. Since 400 is far too many students for a school bus, and 4 is obviously too few, 40 is the only reasonable number. (26) The four sides can be added together and that sum subtracted from the perimeter. Some students might prefer to subtract each number in turn from the perimeter. . (The figure is shown below.) The repeating pattern involves adding another vertical line to the circle, and then another horizontal line to the circle, each time you move to the right. (lama) There are 4 ama cards and 2 giraffe cards out of the 13 in the box. This problem does not ask directly what is the probability of pulling each card out of the box, but gives a hint that there is some mathematical basis for such a question. The chances of pulling out a llama card is 4/13, while the chances of pulling out a giraffe card is 2/13. (6) The problem involves several steps and is a precursor to algebraic thinking. Students know a hat weighs 3 pounds from the scale on the right. On the scale to the left, the two hats would then weigh 6 pounds out of the 18 total, leaving 12 pounds for the two rabbits. Each rabbit then weighs 6 pounds. In later grades, equations such as “2r + 2h = 18 and h = 3” might be used to show the existing situations, and students would solve the equations for r. Mars VI page 3SUPERSTARS IL Name Mars, VII (This shows my own thinking.) * 1. Find the mystery number (2) using the relationships shown: 28:7 20:5 16:4 2 Answer: ek — 2. John is helping his father box up used golf balls for a special sale. Each box will hoid 6 golf balls. How many boxes will they need to box up 52 golf balls? Answer: boxes kkk 3. Solve the following magic squares. The sum across each row, and down each column, must be the same sum as the sum along the diagonal. (Place the numbers in the boxes) 1|8 12 14 2 15} 10 tek — 4, Ricardo is 4 years older than his sister Rosa. If their ages are added together, the sum is 14. What are the ages of Ricardo and Rosa? Answer: Ricardo is years old. Rosa is years old. Mars VI page 1sek 5. An index card is shown to the right. How many rectangles are formed on this card? Answer: _____ rectangles ek 6. Whatis the starting number in this puzzle? +7 x3 SLIPLIN @) Answer: ‘kx 7. How many 3-digit numbers can be made using the following digits only once in each number? Use the digits: 2, 3, 4 Answer: numbers can be made ek 8. Pam is using beads to make a necklace. The bow! contains 40 yellow beads, 20 blue beads, and 40 red beads. If she uses half of each color that is in the bowl, how many beads of each type will she use? 0008995, Answer: She will use yellow, blue, and red beads. Macs VIE page 2Commentary Mars, VI (3)_ The first number in each pair is 4 times the second number. Students who have mastered their multiplication facts might have discovered this pattem. Other students might be having ‘rouble if they are looking for an addition or subtraction relationship. . (9) Some students might choose to draw marks or use counters. If so, they will find that 8 boxes are needed for 48 golf balls, and 4 ballls are left over. This means a ninth box is needed. . The student should first add to find the sum of the diagonal which has all three numbers showing. Then each box can be solved by adding the two numbers and subtracting to find the missing number. See the magic squares below: 6/1)|8 12| 7/14 71/513 13) 11| 9 219) 4 8 | 15| 10 . (9, 5) The guess and check method is one that can be used. A quicker method is to think of the fact families of 14 shown at the right. 7+7= 14 but7-7=0 Then you look for a difference of 4 between the numbers. 846 The numbers 9 and 5 meet both conditions. 94+5=14and9-5=4 10+4= 14 but 10-4=6 1143 =14 but 11-3 12+2= 14 but 12-2 13+1=14 but 13-1 wan . (28) _ Students should be encouraged to approach this problem in an organized way. For example, they might count all of the small rectangles first, those made by the individual lines, and get 7. Then they count all the next larger size, those formed by putting two small rectangles together -- this gives 6. They proceed in this fashion, finding 5 of the next size, 4 of the next, then 3, 2, and finally 1 which is the whole card itself. . (7) Either euess-check-revise or working backwards strategies can be used to find the starting number. With working backwards, you would ask yourself “what number multiplied by 3 gives 307” The answer is 10. You would then ask “what number, minus 4, gives 10; the answer is 14. Finally, what number plus 7 gives 14? The answer is 7. - (6) Once students organize their plan, finding these 6 numbers will be easy. Starting with the 2 as the hundreds digit : 234, 243 Starting with the 3 as the hundreds digit: 324, 342 Starting with the 4 as the hundreds digit: 423, 432 The condition of using each number only once limits the number to 6. . (20, 10, 20) Students with good number sense can intuitively find half of numbers such as 40 and 20 at this time. Other students might need to actually make 40 or 20 marks on a sheet of paper, or work with cubes or other concrete materials to represent the beads. Students can then divide their drawings or manipulatives into two groups with the same numbers in each group. Maz VIL page?SUPERSTARS II Name Mars, VIII (This shows my own thinking) ek — 1. Notice how the two shapes are alike: Which pair of shapes are alike in the same way? Circle your answer. C) CO % 2. Ashley has a set of color tiles in a bag. There are 2 greens, 5 reds, 2 yellows, and 4 blues. Without looking, is Ashley more likely to pick a green tile or a yellow tile? Answer: +k 3. How many small cubes are there in the entire collection below? Answer: cubes kk — 4, There are 4 bookshelves in the classroom. Each bookshelf has room for 20 books. If Mrs. Hogan has 90 books, how many books will not be able to fit on the shelves? books Mars VIII page 1jek 5. Three rose and two holly bushes are planted at the first stop of the nature trail. Then three rose and two holly bushes are planted at the second stop. Rose and holly bushes are planted in the same way until 20 bushes are planted. How many rose and how many holly bushes are planted? Answer: rose bushes; holly bushes 4% — 6, Abraham had three stacks of baseball cards. One stack had 25 cards in it, the next stack had 20 cards in it, and the third stack had 30 cards. How many cards would be in each stack if Abraham made them all the same height? Answer: cards dk 7. Solve the magic square. The sum across each row, and down each column, must be the same as the sum 5 along each diagonal. eke 8. Accan of soup weights 251 grams. How many cans would weigh about | kilogram? Answer: cans Mars VIII page 2Commentary Mars, VII « (b) The given picture shows a rectangle that is one-half of the square. In (b) the half-circle is ‘one-half of the circle. In (a) and (c), the two shapes are not similar and their areas of not in the same relationship as in the given figure. However, if a student chooses (a) or (c), listen to the reason ~ there might have been some logical reason for selecting another choice. . (The chances are the same that she'll pick either color.) The question is designed to measure both the child's sense of probability and confidence in making a selection. Because the question is asked in such a way that a student would be more likely to want to select one particular color, confidence in knowing how to answer the question accurately is important. . (356) The challenge is for the student to put the place values in the correct relationship before finding the total. Most textbooks show pictures like this, but generally the tens and hundreds blocks have already been placed in their correct, left-to-right order. - (10) The students can count by 20's and get to 80 books on 4 shelves. Therefore 10 books, the difference in 80 and 90, will not have a shelf. . (12 rose and 8 holly bushes) Students might draw pictures of the nature trail, sketching, and labeling the five bushes at each stop. They would continue until they have 20 bushes in all and then go back and count the rose and holly bushes separately. Making a chart is an efficient way for students to organize this information. (28) Students might make stacks using index cards or some other manipulative. They can then see physically why the answer is 25. This problem is a physical introduction to the concept of the mean. - Girst row: 5 49; second row: 106 2; third row: 387) Students can begin this, ‘magic square by finding the sum along the diagonal which is complete — 18. ‘Then they look for rows and columns for which there is one missing number. Knowing the sum must be 18, they can find that missing number. . 4) Some students will not know a key fact here: that 1 kilogram is 1,000 grams. Once they hhave been reminded of this, they might think of 251 grams as 250 grams, since the problem involves an estimation. Then 250 and 250 is 500, and another 500 would be 1000. Therefore four cans of soup would be about 1000 grams, or 1 kilogram. Mars VIL page 3SUPERSTARS II Name Mars, IX (This shows my own thinking.) +x — 1. Annis thinking of a number. She gives Tina this clue: TF you multiply my number by 4, ‘and then subtract 3, the answer is 17. ‘What is Ann's number ? kkk — 2. Use the symbols = (equal to) , < (less than) , and > (greater than) to compare the problems below. Work each side before deciding which sign to use. Put your answers in the boxes. a.23 + 42 [] 76 - 15 b 5x4 3x 6 c. 27-13 18 +5 d. 72+9 48 + 6 kk — 3, Eighty-four students went on a field trip to another city. The school had one bus that held 68 students. The rest of the students had to travel by car. If 4 students could ride in each car, how many cars were needed? Answer: ____cars ek 4, Gina is having a birthday party at home. Each time the doorbell rings, two of her friends arrive. If the doorbell rings 4 times, how many people are at the party? Mars IX page 1‘Answer: people ‘eek 5. Joe's grandmother is planting a vegetable garden. She needs a fence to keep animals out. She has to know the perimeter of her garden to buy the right amount of fencing. How much fence does she need? 8 feet 3 9 feet a ° Se 2 feet 14 feet Answer: feet “kkk 6. Study the following puzzle. Then answer the question. KK i teet ye How many *¥'s isa 8€ worth? Answer: +s 7. Sergio bought a hand-held game and an adapter for $28.00. The game cost $19.00. What was the cost of the adapter? Answer: x 8, Tom, Bill, and Joe picked oranges from the tree in their grandfather's yard. Tom picked 12 ‘more oranges than Joe. Joe picked 8 fewer oranges than Bill. Bill picked 23 oranges. How many oranges did they pick together? Answer: ‘oranges Mars 2X page 2Commentary Mars, IX . (8) Working backwards is one strategy to use. The student asks “what number minus 3 Teaves 172”. The answer is 20. Continuing, the student asks “what number multiplied by 4 gives 202”. The answer is 5. By working backwards the student arrives at 5. . (a. >3 b. >; © <3 d. =) If students correctly perform the computation of each side of the box, the following answers will result: (a) 65 on the left and 61 on the right; (b) 20 and 18; (c) 14 and 23; and (d) 8 and 8. (4) The student needs to subtract the 68 students who ride the bus from the total of 84. That leaves 16 students to ride in cars. Since 4 students can ride in each car, counting by 4's will show that four cars are needed. . (at least 9) Since the doorbell rang 4 times and 2 friends arrived at each ring, this problem can be solved by multiplying 4 x 2, or adding 2 four times. But the student must remember to add Gina herself to the 8 friends, so there are at least 9 people at the party. (There may be more than 9 since Gina might have someone else at her home who attends the party.) . (43) The perimeter is found by adding all the sides together. Adding 8+9+2+ 14+ 10 gives a perimeter of 43 fect. (6) The student needs to substitute 3>>'s foreach ®. So%#< = 12's. If 28's = 12 's, then each 8 is worth 6 +'s. |. ($9.00) The student should use subtraction since the cost of the game is given. The cost is taken from the total spent ($28 - $19 = $9). (65) The student can use the number Bill picked -- 23 -- to find Joe's total, since Joe picked 8 fewer (23 - 8 = 15). Tom picked 12 more than Joe's 15, so Tom picked 27 oranges. ‘Adding all of these together gives 65. Mars IX page 3SUPERSTARS III Names Mars, X (This shows my own thinking) ek 1. Shayna has a set of blocks in a bag. There are 2 squares, 5 circles, 2 triangles, and 4 rectangles. What fraction of the blocks represents the squares? Circles? Answer: of the blocks are squares Answer: of the blocks are circles ek 2. Which figure will fold into an open box? Circle it cH AH a b c d + 3. Which digits below are made up of only line segments? Circle them. 24357 ek 4, Rebecca bought a pack of 12 pencils. About how much did she spend? Circle your answer. a $225 bd. $10.25. $0.10 ok¢% 5. Amanda eats supper from 6:30 to 7:00. Then she watches a half-hour television program. She takes 5 minutes to brush her teeth, 15 minutes to take a bath, and 5 minutes to dress for bed. How much time is left for Amanda to read if she goes to sleep at 8:30? Answer, Mars X page 1kk 6, Five third-grade classes collected cans. The table gives you the data. Complete the bar graph to show the data. Cens Collected Class | Cans 25 1 15 oa 2 25 a 3 25 10 4 0 s 5 5 20 0 eee ecco Class kk — 7. The classes above put all their cans together. Then they divided them equally’ among the five classes. How many classes did each end up with? Answer: ‘8. Watch how Marcus multiplies in his head: \For 2 x35, first I do 2 x 30 = 60. \Then Ido 2 x5 = 10. Last, ladd 10 to 60 to get 70. So2x35 = 70. ae er Practice doing these problems the way Marcus does, in his head. You will be given a problem to do mentally when you tum in your paper. 3x22 3x24= 2x45 = Answer for the problem given later: eek 9. Bart and Luwan prepared the tables for art. They put 2 pieces of poster board and 6 ‘markers on each table. There are 24 markers on the tables. How many pieces of poster board are on the tables? . Answer: pieces Mars X__ page 2Commentary Mars, X 1. (2/13; 5/13) It might help students to draw the comect number of each shape mentioned, then look at them as parts of a total set. 2 figures out of 13 figures are squares; 5 figures out of 13 are circles. 2. (© The figures can be traced and then cut out of paper for students to set how (c) folds into a box. Students who can do this problem without such an aid have very good spatial sense. 3. (4; 7) Line segments do not include curved lines. Therefore 2, 3, and 5 are eliminated. 4, ($2.25) The problem tests a student's number sense and knowledge of the real world. $10.25 would be too much for twelve pencils -- that would be almost $1 per pencil. Likewise, 10¢ is too little -- that would be less than a penny per pencil. $2.25 is the only reasonable answer -- this would be almost 20¢ per pencil. 5. (35 minutes) Students are likely to start at 7:00, add a half-hour to get 7: on the other intervals individually to arrive at 7:55. This leaves her 5 minutes and 30 minutes after that, or a total of 35 minutes for reading before sleep at 8:30. and then add 8:00 arrives, 6. Cans Collected 25: Aw 20: A 15) 10 5 ° 123 45 Class aa (21) The problem is an intuitive introduction to finding the mean of a collection. At this point, students will simply add the number of cans together to get 105, then use their intuition and number sense to divide 105 cans into 5 groups. One concrete way would be to make 105 marks on their paper and divide these marks fairly. A more sophisticated strategy would be to estimate that each group would have 20, which would be 100 marks altogether, and then distribute the remaining five marks. 8. (128) Have the problem 4 x 32 written on chart paper or index cards so that several students ccan see it at the same time, when they tum their papers in. They have to do the problem mentally, and put their answers correctly on their papers. 9. @) This problem is an introduction to the concept of ratio. Students might find the answer by drawing the tables and placing the right number of markers on each, until they have used up 24 markers. This would require four tables. Then they would draw 2 pieces of poster board on each table. Mars X page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ak ok kk kk Mars, XI (This shows my own thinking.) 1. What number belongs in the following number sentences? Write your answer in the boxes. 288 + 579 - 395 395 2. Mrs. Brown's third grade class planted 35 tomato seeds in their class garden. Only 4 out of every 5 seeds grew into plants. How many plants were there? Answer: plants 3. Tom has a stamp album. Each page has 5 rows of 6 stamps. He has stamps in 3 whole rows and one-half of the fourth row. How many more stamps can he put on that page? Answer: stamps 4, Bill needs some computer disks. At the store the plain disks are formatted for IBM. The disks with the Apple are the type he needs. Study the picture. What fraction of the disks should he buy? What fraction of the disks should he not buy? becal bel Leal Leal bred be = f= fF Answer : of the disks he can buy of the disks he should not buy Mars X1_ page 1ek 5. Sally bought 4 stamps at 32 ¢ each. How much change should she receive from the dollar and a half she gave the clerk? 2 Answer: kik 6, Symmetry means that a shape can be folded in half and both sides will match perfectly. Draw the lines of symmetry in the shapes below. Some shapes will have more than one line of symmetry. COLD O ‘*«&& 7. The library at Miller Elementary School has an odd number of tables. Some tables will seat 4 students and some tables that will seat 6 students. A total of 32 students can sit at the tables with no empty seats. What is the number of tables of each type? (Drawing a picture might help). Answer: tables of 4 tables of 6 4% 8, Study the pattern of dots. How many dots made the 10th figure, before the paper was cut? Answer: dots Mars X1_ page?Commentary Mars, XI . (107; 184) The student might subtract 288 from 395 to find the first missing number, 107. Other students might "add on” to 288 till they get to 395. Similar methods will work for the second problem. 2. (28) Students can solve this problem by drawing a row of 35 seeds, grouping them into sets of 5, and crossing out one seed in each group. Counting the remaining seeds gives 28. . (9) The student might draw a picture to help visualize the problem and actually count the places for more stamps. If 3 1/2 rows are full, then 1 1/2 rows are empty. This is one empty row of 6 and another half row of 3, giving 9 more places for stamps. 4, (6/9; 4/9) The problem involves writing a part-whole relationship for a collection. The entire collection has 9 disks, so each part is written as as correct numerator over the denominator of 9. . (224) The student must first find out how much Sally spent. 32¢ can be added 4 times or can ‘pe multiplied by 4 to give $1.28. To find the amount of change: the student can cost Out he change with real or play money, or subtract ($1.50 — $1.28 = $0.22). 6. (There are 11 lines of symmetry as shown below .) —_} . (55 2) The student can draw pictures of tables and count the chairs. Since all tables hold at least 4 people, there can be no more than 8 tables, since 8 groups of 4 is 32. But 8 is an even number; therefore there can be no more than 7 tables. Check and see whether it's possible to have a combination of 4- and 6-person tables that total 32 chairs. Seven 4-person tables would be 28 chairs, so take the extra 4 chairs, tum 2 of the tables into 6-person tables, and the problem is solved. . (77) The pattern of dots is shown below: The pattern involves adding successive numbers ~ 4, 5, 6,7, etc. ~ each time to get the number of dots for the next figure. Macs XI page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: * ok ak kk de ‘Mars, XI (This shows my own thinking) 1. Mrs. Boyd baked 22 rolls. She baked 12 more muffins than rolls. How many muffins and rolls did she bake together? Answer: muffins and rolls 2. Mrs. Smith's class was observing birds in the trees. There were three mockingbirds and two cardinals in each tree. The class left after counting 35 birds. How many mockingbirds and cardinals did they see? Answer: mockingbirds ____ cardinals 3. Practice these problems using mental math. You will be given a problem to do mentally when you tur in your paper. (Hint: think of money) 3x25= 4x50= 2x5 = 5x25= Answer for the problem given later: 4, At the school store, paper costs 35¢; a pencil costs 25¢; and an eraser costs 5¢. Jamie has 50¢. Does Jamie have enough money for paper and a pencil? Katie has 75¢. Can she buy one of each item? Answer for Jamie:______ Answer for Katie: 5. Mazie counted her dimes. When she put them in groups of 4, she had two dimes left over. When she put them in groups of 5, she had one left over. What is the smallest number of dimes she could have, if she has more than 10? Answer: Mars XII page 1ok 6. Joshua gave Warren a birthday present. How much ribbon did he need to go around the present and make the bow? The bow yn took 12 inches by itself. Answer: _____ inches 4x 7, Lama3-digit number less than 300. My tens digit is less than my ones digit and my ones digit is less than my hundreds digit? Who am I? Answer: kx — 8. On the grid below, find the point for each number pair. Connect the points in order. Name the figure. (Hint: the first number of each pair says how far out; the second how far up.) Here are the number pairs: (1,2) (2,3) (4,3) (4,1) (2,1) (1,2) 4 3 2 Answer: The figure is a keke 9, Dogs, cats, and donkeys had a tug-of war. Four cats tied with three dogs. Two donkeys tied with six dogs. Which side won when one donkey tugged with five cats? lL ORS Sete tee ott RR Answer: Mars XI page 2Commentary Mars, XII . (56) Some students will add 22 and 22 and then 12 more, and others will add 12 to 22 first, and then add 22 and 34. . (21; 14) Students might draw a diagram of trees, label the birds, [MC total birds and count up until they have 35 birds. This would be in the seventh | 3 2 5 tree. Then they could count the numbers of each type of birds in the |6 4 10 seven trees. Another method is to make achart that shows the ratio, |9 6 15 such as the one started to the right. ; (100) Give the problem 4 x 25. If students think of this as money, as they were encouraged to do, this would represent 4 quarters, which they should know is 100 cents or 1 dollar. . (no; yes) Students will need to add 35¢ and 25¢ to get the amount that Jamie needs — 60¢. He doesn't have that much. But that total plus another 5¢ would be 65¢ to buy all three items, and Katie has more than enough. (26) Students might work with real or play coins to decide this. More advanced students might write down a list of how many coins she might have under both methods of grouping, and look for a common number. Grouping by 4, with 2 left: 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, ... Grouping by 5, with I left: 16, 21, 26, ‘No need to go any further. Since 26 is in both groups, that number of dimes suffices. . (68) Students might take an actual box, and draw a ribbon around it and label each part with the correct length. One way, they should find that there are two 10-inch parts and two 6-inch parts for a total of 32 inches. The other way, there are four 6-inch parts for a total of 24 inches. Then, adding the 12 inches for the bow produces 68. . (201) Students can use logical reasoning to find this number. Since the number is less than 300, the hundreds digit is a | or 2. It must be a 2 so that the ones and tens digits can both be less than the hundreds digit. (pentagon) Other students might name the shape as 4) “arrowhead” or “sideways house,” which should be accepted. ‘The most important part of the problem is to see the correct drawing, which is shown to the night. 2 1 L } °o 1234 1. (S cats won) Students’ reasoning might proceed along the following lines. From the second picture, 2 donkeys match 6 dogs so I know that 1 donkey matches with 3 dogs, by dividing both sides in half. Then I can substitute 1 donkey for the 3 dogs in ‘the top picture, and know that I donkey matches 4 cats. So in the bottom picture, 5 cats would win over I donkey. ‘This type of reasoning is important when students begin algebraic experiences with equations. Mars XII page 3SUPERSTARS II Name: ‘Mars, XI (This shows my own thinking.) +k 1, Sue asked her friend to find the next 3 numbers in the sequence below. Write them on the blanks. 4, 9 7, 12, 10, 15, 13, kek 2. Crystal has exactly $2.40 in quarters, dimes, and nickels. She has the same number of each type of coin. What is that number? Answer: quarters, dimes, and nickels kk 3. Tom, Alan, Bill, and Joe enjoy collecting insects. They made a graph to compare their collections. Study their pictograph and answer the following questions: a. Who has the largest insect collection? b. How many more insects does Alan have than Tom? cc. Who has exactly half the insects that Bill has? INSECT COLLECTIONS = PY B ae PY lots: VYVV VY KEY: ‘Y'= 5 insects ek 4, Ted started his homework when he got home from school. He worked 45 minutes on his homework. He then walked the dog for 30 minutes. It was 5:00 when he finished walking the dog. At what time did he get home and start his homework? Answer: Mars XIN page 1ek kk dek ook tok 5. Brenda wants new carpet in her room. Her father told her to find the area of the room so they would know how much carpet to buy. Look at the drawing of her room and find the amount of carpet she needs. (Area is number of square feet in her room.) -| 10 feet Answer: ‘square feet. 6. Quentin has a bag of numbered blocks. Each of the blocks has a2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 on it. He pulled 4 different blocks from the bag. The total of the numbers on the 4 blocks was 18. ‘What blocks did he pull out? Answer: 7, Ellen was dusting her bookcase. The top shelf has 16 books. The second shelf has 23 books. The third shelf has 21 books. The bottom shelf has 28 books. She rearranged the books and put the same number on each shelf. How many books were on each shelf then? Answer: ‘books 8. Pam gave her friend Tammy the number riddle below. Solve it. “am a 2-digit number less than 84. The sum of Imy digits is 9. The ones digit is twice the tens digit. What number am I? Answer: 9. There were 3 cookies on a plate. Henry ate + ofthe cookies on the plate, Marsha ate of what was left, How many cookies were left for Artto eat? Answer: cookies Mars XIN page 2Commentary Mars, XIII . (18, 16, 21) The pattem involves adding 5 then subtracting 2. To complete the sequence following this pattern gives: 13 +5 = 18; 18-2=16; 16+5=21. . (6) The student can solve this problem by an organized guess-and-check strategy such as below. # di nickels 3 15¢ 30¢ 15¢ $1.20 4 $1.00 40¢ 20¢ $1.60 5 $1.25 50g 25¢ $2.00 6 $1.50 60¢ 30¢ $240 Some students might see that 3 of each is $1.20, so 6 must be $2.40. Others might start with 1 of each coin, giving 40¢, and then add 40¢ six times to get $2.40. . (@ Bill; b. 10; ¢. Tom) The student can see from the pictograph that Bill has the largest collection. "A student may answer 2 for how many more Alan has than Tom; but each insect is worth 5, so the answer would be 5 x 2 or 10 more. Students can see that Tom has half of Bill's, or they may count Bill's as 6 and look for half of that, which is 3. (3:45) A clock can be used to work backwards to the time he got home. He walked the dog for 30 minutes, and 30 minutes before 5:00 is 4:30. Counting back 45 minutes from 4:30 might be done in stages. First count back 30 minutes to get to 4:00, then back 15 minutes more would be 3:45. (120) At this grade level area is found by counting square units. The student can count all of the small squares shown, but many will take a short cut and add 12 ten times, or ten 12 times. ‘Some might even multiply, if they have a calculator. . (3, 4, 5 and 6) Each block has a different number, so the student can choose 4 of the numbers and add and then choose another 4 if the sum is not 18. The process can be until the sum of 3+ 4+ 5 + 6 = 18 is reached. (Another approach is to add all 5 of the numbers and get 20, and then see which number to remove to have 18 as the sum.) . (22) This problem is one which will later be called finding the mean. At this point, students will probably not add the number of books and divide by 4. Instead, they might add the numbers to get 88, and then distribute the 88 in chunks, equally, among the four shelves. For example, they might give 20 to each shelf first, then 1 to each shelf, and then 1 more, exhausting the total of 88 books. (36) A clue that makes this problem accessible is that the sum of the digits is 9. By listing these numbers -- 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, and 81 -- you can then search the list for the number for which the ones digit is twice the tens digit. ). (1) The problem involves finding a fraction of a set, and then a fraction of a subsequent set, and seeing what is left. One-third of 3 cookies is 1 cookie, so Henry ate 1, leaving 2 cookies on the plate. Marsha ate half of two cookies, so she ate 1. That left 1 on the plate for Art. ‘Mars XIN page 3SUPERSTARS IT Name: * deo ok ek tok ‘Mars, XIV "(This shows my own thinking) 1. Stephanie had 35 crayons. She gave 12 crayons to Brian. How many crayons did Stephanie have left? Circle the number sentence that correctly answers the problem. a 35+12=47 —b, 35-12=23 ¢, 35-23=12 2. Two dogs together weigh 36 pounds. Fido weighs twice as much as Rex. How much does each dog weigh? Answer: Fido: pounds Rex: __pounds 3, Tam a number between 500 and 600. My ones digit is 5. My tens digit is the difference between my ones and hundreds digits. Who am I? Answer: 4, Georgia and Samantha baked acake. They wanted to divide it into two equal parts to take home and share with their families. Which of these ways below show the top of a cake pan divided into equal parts? Circle all the correct ways. BY ES fi 4 5, Should the object be measured in grams or in kilograms? a. afeather: b. bulldog: c. television set: 4. apenny: Mars XIV. page 1tee 6 There are 4 more oranges than apples in the fruit bowl. ‘There are 5 more apples than bananas, There are 2 bananas. How many of each type of fruit is in the bowl? How many pieces of fruit in all? bananas oranges apples fruit +k 7. Use mental math. Circle the correct amount of change: Richard gave the cashier $5.00 for a game that costs $3.50. a. $1.00 b. $1.25 c. $1.50 ‘Cameron gave the cashier $3.00 for marbles that cost $2.25. a, $0.50 b. $0.75 c. $0.85 kk 8. What is the area of the triangle below? Answer: square units sek 9, Tell the turtle how to go clockwise around the postcard. Fill in the blanks with ordered pairs of numbers from the Zar grid. Start at (14, 9). Turn right 90°. Go to (__,__).Tum right 90°. Goto(__,_). Turmright 90°, Goto(__,__). Tum right 90°. Go to (_. _). ° a 10 st] Mars XIV page 2Commentary Mars, XIV . (b) The number sentence is a one-step subtraction situation. . (24; 12) Students might guess-check-revise to find an answer. Another way to begin is to write down a list of numbers that sum to 36 and look for two addends such that one is twice as ‘much as the other. In the middle grades, this problem might be solved algebraically by letting x be Rex's weight and 2x be Fido's weight, and x + 2x = 36 so 3x= 36. Then x = 36 + 3 or 12, and 2x = 24. . ($05) A number between 500 and 600 means that the hundreds digit is 5. ‘The ones digit is also 5, so the difference between the two is 0. That gives 505 as the answer. . (@,b, d) Pan (a) is divided from the comer of one rectangle to the opposite corner, implying the two parts are equal in area. Students might count whole and half squares to find the area of the surface of each of the last three pans, since they aren't divided symmetrically. The area is 3 for each part of a, b, and d. In (c), the two parts have areas of 2 1/2 and 3 1/2. . (a. grams; b. kilograms; ¢. kilograms; d. grams) The problem solution shows whether or not the student has number sense related to the weight of common objects and the metric units used to measure them. (2 bananas, 7 apples, 11 oranges, and 20 pieces of fruit) Students can begin with the fact they know -- 2 bananas ~ and find the number of apples by adding 5. Then they can find the number of oranges by adding 4 to the number of apples. (part one: $1.50; part two: $0.75) The problem encourages students to use mental mathematics, as they must do in such problems in the world outside of school. (32) Students have not been introduced to the formula for finding the area of a triangle, so they will find it by counting whole and half unit squares. There are 28 whole unit squares. ‘Then they put together the 8 half squares to make another 4 whole squares for a total of 32. . 114, 3); (, 3); G, 93 (14, 9)] The problem measures the student's knowledge of the Cartesian coordinate system in which the first number of an ordered pair gives the horizontal distance from the axis, and the second number gives the vertical distance. The problem also involves “clockwise,” a term that may be new to some students, and “90°.” Some students will associate the problem with the computer program known as Logo, since a turtle's movement around a grid is common to both. Mars XIV page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Mars, XV (This shows my own thinking.) * 1. Place the correct sign (=, < or > ) in the box. 81+ 9[] 5x3 kk 2, Ben has 5 marbles. Kate has 7 more marbles than Ben. Tina has 9 more marbles than Kate. Who has the greatest number of marbles? How many marbles do they have in all? Answer: hhas the greatest number; there are marbles in all kk 3. Ken is buying a bicycle with money he got for Christmas. The bicycle cost $87.95. Which of the following pictures shows his change from the $90.00 he gave the clerk? Circle the correct change. ‘kek 4, Find the value of each item used in the following sentences. fsc=so] [B+ 8 =$13| (&+8 =318 Answer: ie _ Bg — 8. Mars XV page 1sek 5. Mr. Smith is planning to fence his new garden. He has 24 feet of fencing to use around the perimeter of his garden. He wants the greatest area for his garden. Which of the following gardens will give him the greatest area? Circle your choice. 3 By 5 Fea HE A B c D ek 6, Some nonsense names are given to a group of numbers that are alike in some way. This is an example: ‘These numbers are kewees: 54, 78, 112, 246, 480, 574, 942 ‘These numbers are nor kewees: 33, 67, 147, 259, 421, 505, 863 Which of these are kewees? 43, 58, 166, 369, 620, 891 Answer: ek 7. Sam asked Tim to find 3 consecutive even numbers whose sum is 48. The following are examples of consecutive numbers that do not sum to 48: 24+4+4+6= 12; 4+6+4+8 =18; 6+8+ 10 = 4. Help Tim by finding 3 consecutive even numbers whose sum is 48, Answer: xx — 8. Look carefully at the triangle puzzle that Paul drew. How many triangles are there? Answer: triangles Mars XV page 2Commentary Mars, XV 1. (<) The student should solve each side of the number sentence first. 81+ 9 = 9;5x3 = 15. ‘When 9 and 15 are compared, 9 < 15. 2. (Tina; 38 marbles) The student can find the number of marbles each person has by building on Ben's total of 5. Kate has 7 more than Ben's 5, so she has 12. Tina has 9 more marbles than Kate's 12, so Tina has 21. To find the total, all 3 numbers must be added: 5 + 12 + 21= 38 marbles. 3. (a) The student might find this problem easier by counting up from $87.95 to $90.00. 4. GB = $5; B = $4; B = $9) The student can find the statement that can be solved as it exists, and then solve the rest of the sentences by using that answer. B+ B=s18, 0B = 59; B + $9=S13, 50 B= $4; H+$4= 89, so = $5 5. (A) The student must find the area of all the rectangles to find the greatest area. The area can be found by counting unit squares. (A) has 36 ft2, B has 27 ft2, C has 32 ft2, and D has 35 ft2. So the square that is 6 by 6 has the greatest area. 6. (58, 166, 620) The 'kewees’ are even numbers, and the odd numbers are not ‘kewees’. ‘Once this feature is noticed, the student can look at the numbers: 43, 58, 166, 369, 620, and 891. 58, 166, and 620 are even so they are ‘kewees’. 43, 369, and 891 are odd so they are not ‘kewees. Other answers may be possible, as students may notice other characteristics. 7. (14, 16, and 18) The student can follow the examples and try other even numbers. They would find the 8+ 10+12=30; 10+412+14=36; 12+ 14+ 16=42. Then 14+ 16418 = 48. A student might notice the increase by 6 in each of the 3 sums and use that to reach 48. 8, (13 triangles) It helps to number the small triangles as shown below. VAN esa =) wervimee 5 6 small triangles 5 1 & &4,284 double triangles &5,2&4&6 =2 tritriangles +4 + 2 =13 triangles. ae LR ee we ao + RY avy Mars XV page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: * kk ek tok ‘Mars, XVI ” (This shows my own thinking) 1. How many more people like blue than red? Favorite Colors Blue Green Red Yellow. Answer: people 2. Patrick wants to make 6 bows for his Christmas presents. It takes 14 inches of ribbon to make each bow. The ribbon comes in spools of either 70 inches or 125 inches. Which size spool does Patrick need to buy? Answer: 3. There are four fewer pink crayons than blue crayons in the tub. There are five more blue crayons than brown crayons. There is one less brown crayon than red crayon. There are six red crayons. How many crayons in all are in the tub? Answer: There are crayons in the tub. 4, Show how to use four of the “L-shapes” to the left below, to cover the square to the right. Color each “L-shape” a different color, inside the square. A, HH Mars XVI page 1% 5. Practice doing these problems mentally. When you turn in your paper, you will have a problem like these to do in your head. a. 4x 100= b. 15x 10= c. 24x 10= Answer for the problem given later: kek 6. Find the perimeter and area of each rectangle. Then answer the questions below the grid. (@) Do all of the rectangles have the same perimeter’? If so, what is the perimeter? _ (b) Do all of the rectangles have the same area? If'so, what is the area? _ kkk 7. Below each calculator, write a number sentence to give the answer shown, The symbols and digits to use are checked on each calculator. 0 x >] 0 9 f¥ 8 6id& 243 5 RSERSRERIRERO ASSES Mars XVI page 2Commentary Mars, XVI . ) The problem has students read and interpret a graph with a key. Blue has two more dots than red, which indicates 2 x 2 more people. . (125-inch spool) The students can add 14 six times, or multiply 6 x 14, to find that 84 inches of ribbon are needed. This is more than the 70-inch roll can supply. . (27) This problem encourages students to start a problem where it makes sense, not necessarily with the beginning words. Students can start with what they know -- there are 6 red crayons. Then they can determine the number of brown crayons from that (5), the number of blue crayons (10) from the number of brown, and finally the number of pink’(6) from the number of blue. . One solution: . (420) Give the problem 42 x 10 to students as they hand in their papers. They should realize, after practice, that multiplying by ten simply appends a zero, and multiplying by 100 appends two zeros. This is extended, of course, to multiplying by any higher power of ten. (@. Yes, 28; b. no) The problem points out to students that rectangles can have the same perimeter, of distance around the outside, but have different areas. . GX S42=1%; 1744-5 = 16; 6 x 5-1 = 29) Some students will come up with different, but equivalent, ways to write the number sentences. Mars XVI page 3SUPERSTARS II Name: Mars, XVII (This shows my own thinking.) + 1, It takes 4 push-pins to hang 3 pictures if the pictures overlap. Ann is hanging up 8 pictures on the wall for her teacher. How many push-pins will Ann need if she overlaps the comers? Answer: push-pins ek 2. Mike has 8 more goldfish than Alan, Alan has 4 fewer goldfish than Suzie. Mike has 12 goldfish. How many goldfish do the 3 friends have all together ? Answer: goldfish kkk — 3. Use the digits 5, 6, 7, and 8 to create three 4- digit numbers. Each digit can be used only 1 time in a number. Find the 3 highest possible numbers. Answer: ‘kkk 4, Find the area of the shaded figures below. Answer: The garage has. The stairs have ‘The triangle has Mars XVI page 1kk 5. A family group of 6 went to a show. Tickets for adults are $6. Tickets for children are $4. The family spent $30 for tickets. How many adult and children tickets did they buy? cE Answer: adult tickets children tickets ek 6. The Tigers played 20 baseball games during the summer. They won 4 more games than they lost. How many games did they win? How many games did they lose? Answer: games won ‘games lost ok 7. Use a ruler to measure the pencil below from eraser tip to point. Measure it in both centimeters and inches. Answer : centimeters inches % 8. Study the number crossword. One operation sign (+,-, x, +) belongs in every circle. What operation sign belongs in the circles? Write it in all the circles. Mars XVIE_page 2Commentary Mars, XVI (9) The students may need to draw a picture with 8 rectangles and place a dot for the tacks to discover that 9 thumbtacks will be needed to hang all 8 pictures with overlapping comers. (24) The problem states that Mike has 12 goldfish. This fact is used to find the number of Alan's goldfish. If Mike has 8 more than Alan, then Alan has 4 fish (12-8= 4). Alan has 4 fewer than Suzie, or Suzie has 4 more than Alan, thus 8 goldfish. Then the student should add the fish together: 12+ 4 + 8 = 24 goldfish. . (8765, 8756, and 8675) The student might first place the digits from greatest to least: 8765. ‘Then if the 6 and 5 are exchanged, the second number is found: 8756. Since there is no other possibility with the 7 as the hundreds’ digit, the student should use the 6: 8675. If the student exchanges the 7 and 5, he/she will find the next highest number, 8657, which is not needed for the answer. The student will become skilled with more problems like this one. (Garage = 38 M's; Stairs = 28 M's; Triangle = 32 M's) _ The student will ‘count the whole squares with litle trouble. Then they must reason that 2 halves can be put together to make 1 whole square, and count the rest of the area of the garage and the triangle. Recounting is an excellent method for accuracy. . 3 adult and 3 children's' tickets) The guess-and-check strategy is excellent for this type of problem. The student might try 2 adult ( 2 x $6 = $12) and 4 children (4 x $4 = $16). But when $12 and $16 are added, $28, not $30, is the result. So another guess is needed, Trying 3 adult ( 3 x $6= $18) and 3 children ( 3 x $4 = $12) gives the total of $18 and $12 which is $30 ~ the amount the family spent for the tickets! . (12 won, 8 lost) The student might make a list of the numbers that add to 20, since the wins and losses taken together must add to twenty. From the list, he/she could select the pair of numbers such that one number is four more than the other. A partial list is demonstrated below: 10+10=20 10-10 =0 44+6=20 14-6=8 W4+9=20 11-9=2 ‘Some students will become skilled at doing such problems in their heads if they have a strong, fact-base knowledge. . (LL em ; 4 55 inches) The students should receive credit if their answers are close to the above numbers. Accept from 10.9 to 11.1 em, and 4% (or 4 75) as alternate answers. . (%) The student might look at several of the equations to ensure that x is the correct sign. It is likely that, as the student places each of the other x signs in the circles, he/she will also check the mathematics quite naturally. Mars XVI page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Mars, XVII "(This shows my own thinking) * 1. Wednesday, Ashley practiced her gymnastic routine for 55 minutes. Thursday she practiced for 63 minutes. How much longer did she practice on Thursday than on Wednesday? Answer: ‘k 2. What is the least three-digit number with a 3 in the tens place? Answer: eek 3, Below is a grid that represents Tracy's £ neighborhood. Each line is a street. The school is located at point (4,4) and Tracy's house is located at (6.8). Tracy only walks down a block or to the left a block when going to school. ‘How many different ways can Tracy to walk to school if he never goes more than 6 blocks? r Answer: ways o-NUnRUaN® (ea kik — 4, Circle the measurement you would use for these items: (mL = milliliter; L = liter) a. fish tank SmL or ISL b. medicine dropper ImL or IL ¢. liquid soap bottle 70mL or 70L sk 5, Darrell and Sara went to the library. On the table, there were twice as many art books as history books. There were two fewer history books than music books. There were four more music books than science books. There were four science books. How many books were on the table? Answer: books ‘Mars XVI page 1‘kkk 6. How many rectangles are in the figure? Answer: rectangles ek 7, A strategy to add numbers mentally is called compensation. You change one number to make it easy to use, then change the answer to compensate. This is how Abraham would add 39415: "39 is I less than 40. 40+ 15 = 55. 1 less than 55 is 54." Practice these problems. You will be asked to work a problem mentally when you tun in your paper. 49418= 27429= -39443= 564.29= Answer for the problem given later: ek 8, Name a time when the hands of a clock form a right angle. Name a time when they form an acute angle. Name a time when they form an obtuse angle. ‘Answer: A right angle is at: ‘An acute angle is at: An obtuse angle is at: sek 9. Fora waiter, 3 apples balance with 2 tomatoes. Also, 1 cup of soup balances 4 tomatoes. How many appies balance with I cup of soup? Draw them on the empty plate.Commentary Mars, XVII (8 minutes) This is a simple subtraction problem: 63 - 55. Some students may solve it by counting up from 55 to 63. . (130) A 3-digit number is called for, and the smallest such would have a 1 in the hundreds place, and a zero in the units place. . (12) Most students will trace the 12 ways on the map itself. A more advanced way to solve the problem would be to label each move to the left as L, and each move down as D. Then the student must make 2 L's and 4 D's to get to school, and they can come in any order. So the question is “how many ways can you arrange 2 L's and 4 D's. The ways are shown below: LLDDDD; LDLDDD; LDDLDD; LDDDLD; LDDDDL; DDDDLL; DDDLDL; DDLDDL; DLDDDL; DDDLLD;DDLLDD; DLLDDD . (a. ISL; b. ImL; c. 70mL) The problem tests the measuring sense of students. They might need to be reminded that a mL of water is about a large spoonful; a L of water is half a 2iter bottle of soda . . (30) Work backwards by starting with what is known, the number of science books--4. ‘Then find from that the number of music books—8. From that we know the number of history books--6, and then the number of art books--12. The total is 30. . (15) 1 large; 5 small; 4 rectangles made of 2 small; 3 rectangles made of 3 small; 2 rectangles made of 4 small. (93) Give the problem 19 +74 = (right angle - 90 degree angle: 3:00; 9:00; and many others.) As the minute hand moves 12 minutes, the hour hand moves one minute. Check students’ answers carefully. {acute angle - less than 90 degrees) Check individually. {obtuse angle - more than 90 degrees) Check individually. ). (6) In the top left picture, 3 apples balance 2 tomatoes. Therefore substitute 3 apples for two tomatoes twice in the right hand picture. In the bottom picture, 6 apples then balance with 1 cup of soup. Mars XVII page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ak tek kk ke Mars, XIX (This shows my own thinking. 1. Find the missing numbers in the number sentences below. a. 164+ X = 259 b. 357 - y = 259 Answer: ax = by= 2. Tara's age is twice Sally's age. Joan is twice Tara's age. Tara is 12 years old. How old are Sally and Joan? Answer: Sally's age Joan's age 3. Mike is buying boxes of popcorn for himself and his friends at the movie theater. Each box of popcorn is $1.25 plus 7¢ tax. How much does Mike spend on 3 boxes of popcorn? Answer: $. 4. Which is heavier, a box or a pyramid? ‘Answer: A is heavier. ‘Mars XIX. page 1%& 5, How many rectangles are in this figure? Lettering them and listing them will help you find all the rectangles. Answer: ___ rectangles. kk 6. Use the digits 2, 4, 6, and 8 to complete the two number sentences below. Use each number only once in each sentence. Find the number sentence with the greatest sum. Find a number sentence with the least sum. Write the numbers in the boxes. + = (greatest) + = (least) + 7. Tamika has a secret number. If you subtract her number from 16, the answer is the same as when you subtract 4 from 12. What is Tamika’s secret number? Answer: kk — 8. Sergio played a game with bean bags on the playing mat to the right. He added the numbers 5 12 26 from 3 throws to get his score. Each bag landed on a different number. His score was 101. On 35 18 what 3 numbers did his bags land? Answer: — Mas XK page 2Commentary Mars, XIX . (@. 95; b. 98) The student can use subtraction to find both missing numbers. However, the student might add-on to the smaller number to get the larger number and keep count of how much was added. . Sally is 6 yrs; Joan is 24 yrs.) The student can solve this problem by building o1 fact that Tara is 12. If Tara’s age is double Sally's age, then Sally's age is 12+ 2 = Joan’s age is double Tara's age, then Joan's age is 12x 2 = 24. . ($3.96) The student can add the tax of 7¢ to $1.25 to get $1.32 for each popcom box. The student can then add this amount 3 times or multiply by 3. A student might decide to find 3 times $1.25 and then add the tax of 21¢. . (The box is heavier.) Solving the problem requires intuition about a balance scale, but this same intuition will help in algebraic thinking. The student can see that the ball is on both sides Of the scale; therefore, the ball can be removed and the scale will stay balanced. This means that a box balances two pyramids. Therefore a box is twice as heavy as a pyramid. This will seem strange to some students because there is an inverse relationship between the number of items of each and the relative weights . (11 rectangles) Labeling the rectangles and listing them as shown below will help the student find them all. A B C)/DJE A, B,C, D, E; CD, DE, CDE; AB, BC, ABC . Greatest: 84 + 62 or 82 + 64 = 146 ; Least: 46+ 28 or 26 + 48 = 74) ‘The student should place the largest numbers in the ten’s place for the largest sum. The student should place the smallest numbers in the ten’s place for the smallest sum. . (8) Reading the problem carefully is a key to success. When 4 is subtracted from 12, the answer is 8. If 8 is subtracted from 16, the answer is also 8. Therefore, the secret number is 8. . (26, 38, 40) The student might reason as follows. For a score of 101, some of the large numbers need to be chosen. If the student starts with the 2 largest numbers —- 35 and 40 -- the sum is 75, Then 26 is needed to reach 101. Some students might solve the problem the problem simply by guess-check-revise. Mars XO page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Mars, XX (This shows my own thinking) % 1, Shayna needs some string to tie up 7 balloons. For each balloon she needs 24 inches of string. Should Shayna buy a 150-inch roll of string or a 200-inch roll? Answer: 4x 2. There were seven brothers and sisters in the Smith family. Five of them went to the theater while the rest stayed home. What fraction of the brothers and sisters went to the theater? What fraction stayed home? Answer: __ went to the theater; stayed home. kkk 3. Rebecca and her brother together ordered a burger and MENU fries, a Jr. salad, and two Cokes. — How much money did they Served with fries: spend? Burger Grilled cheese Chicken Answer: $3.50 $2.95 $4.50 Jr. Salad Beverages $2.95 $0.75 kkk — 4, Amanda bought 8 stickers for her sticker book. She bought at least one of each kind. She paid $0.42 for the stickers. What combination of stickers could she buy? ‘Answer: __ animal; __ sports; _ space Mars XX page 1‘kek 5, Name the building located at each numbered pair: #2-bank 8 7 6 EB scoot 5 a_Ll 3 +4 2 BS hore 1 OT? s4 5678 Sn ee eee eieeee rere c. (4,8) ek 6. Circle the measurement you would choose for the following items: a. bag of potatoes Soz or SLB b. aslice of cheese loz or 10LB c. large dog 7002 or 70LB kk 7. The triangle weighs 5 ounces. The square OO weighs 4 ounces. How much does each circle weigh? ‘Answer: ____ounces ek 8, Order the line segments from shortest to longest without measuring. Answer: Mars XX page 2Commentary Mars, XX (200-inch roll) An estimation strategy would be to round 24 to 25 and think of it in terms of money. Four 25's is 100 and three more is 75; so she will need about 175 inches and will therefore buy the 200-inch roll. The exact answer for how much she needs (168 inches) will be obtained by some students by adding or multiplying. : G of the children went to the theater; z of the children stayed home.) The problem is a part:whole ratio problem. Students might want to draw a diagram of the seven children, and partition it accordingly, to find the answer. ($7.95) The problem involves reading a menu and making decisions from the context of the story. The answer is found by adding $3.50, $2.95, $0.75 and $0.75. . (2, 2, and 4) Guess-check-revise or make a list are strategies that can be used with this problem. One creative approach is to notice that “one of each” means that the problem can be simplified by removing that much money (17¢) from the total, leaving 25¢ to be distributed among the three types. An answer of 1, 4 and 2 gives 42¢, but remember that 8 stickers were purchased. . (a. school; b. store; c. bank) The Cartesian coordinate system is used in this problem. The first number in each ordered pair tells the horizontal distance; the second number tells the vertical distance. . (@. SLB; b. 1oz. c. 70 LB) This gives students the chance to demonstrate that they have real-world number sense. Unreasonable answers can be eliminated. . (2) Students should have intuitive knowledge about balance scales for this problem. Since the triangle is on both sides of the scale, it doesn't matter how much it weighs -- it can be removed and the scale still balances. Then the square and two circles must weigh the same amount. Therefore, one circle weighs half as much as a square. . (6 a b, d) Visual estimation skills are required for this problem. Students might want to actually measure the lengths to check their estimations. Mars XX page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Mars, XXI (This shows my own thinking.) ke 1. Todd has a number riddle for Bill. Solve it. Tam an odd number. I am greater than the sum of 6 and 9. I am less than the sum of 9 and 9. What number am I? Answer: ek 2. Maria had 28 pogs. Her brother, José, had 12 pogs. Maria gave ‘some of her pogs to José. Now they have the same number of pogs. How many pogs do they each have now? ‘Answer: ___ pogs each kk 3. A right angle is exactly like the comer of a postcard. An acute angle is smaller than a right angle. An obruse angle is larger than a right angle. Each angle is illustrated below. Study them a while and then write inside the angles: acute, right, or obtuse. ‘Acute Right Obtuse | | 14 Mars X01 page 1* ak ohh ak tik 4, Find the missing number in this number sentence. Write the number in the box. 634 - = 509 5. Circle the best estimate of the total number of milliliters in all these test tubes. Each test, tube holds 59 milliliters. Answer choices: a. 59 milliliters b. 60 milliliters _c. 1000 milliliters _d. 900 milliliters 6. Mr. Brown is building 6 shelves in his garage. Each shelf is 8 feet long and costs $2 per foot. He buys 12 brackets to hang the shelves for $2 each. How much does he spend for his shelves and brackets? Answer: 7. What digits would make the sentences true? List each possible number. a. 562 > 5[] 2answer b. 385< 38[] Answer ce. 4725 [] 72 answer 8. Make 3 rectangles or squares that have a perimeter of 20 units. The perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape. Shade your shapes so that they can be seen easily. Mars XXI_ page?Commentary Mars, XXT (17) Adding 6 and 9 gives 15. Adding 9 and 9 gives 18. So the odd number is between 15 and 18, making the number 17. . (20 pogs) The student needs to find out how many pogs Maria and José have together, so 28+ 12=40. If they have the same number of pogs after Maria gives some pogs to José, then the total of 40 must be divided in half. 40+ 2 = 20, so each one has 20 pogs. Some students ‘may solve the problem without computation by simply giving one pog at a time from Maria to José until they both have the same number: 20, . (See the answers below.) Most students would use the example angles to help in identification. Te students should be encouraged to actually use a sheet of paper witha square comer as an aic A) \ un C= \"7 (125) Students can either count up from 509 to 634 and remember how many they counted, or subtract 509 from 634. Perhaps the most difficult way, but one that many students will use, is to align the problem vertically as in a subtraction problem. This way they find the digits one at-a-time, going from right to left using the subtraction algorithm. . (900) There are many ways for students to estimate the answer. One method is to think of 59 milliliters as 60 milliliters, and then ten of the tubes would hold about 600 milliliters, and the next five tubes would hold half that, or 300 milliliters. All together 15 tubes would hold 900 milliliters. . ($120) Each of the 6 shelves measures 8 feet, so the total feet would be 6 x 8 = 48 feet. Each foot of shelving costs $2 so the 48 feet must be added twice or multiplied by $2 ($96). The cost of the brackets can be found by adding $2 twelve times or multiplying 12 by $2 (S24). The last step is to add $96 and $24 to find the total Mr. Brown spent. (a. 5,4, 3,2, 1, 0) All digits less than 6 will work. ~ (b. 6,7, 8, 9) Ail digits greater than 5 will work. (c. 4) For the numbers to be equal, the digits must all be the same. . (The choices are a 5 x 5 square; or 7 x 3, 4x 6, 2x 8, or 1 x 9 rectangles.) Mars 3001 page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Mars, XXII (This shows my own thinking) ek 1. Watch how Marcus divides in his head: [To do 24 + 2, I follow these Practice these problems the way Marcus does them. You will be asked to solve a division problem mentally when you tun in your paper. 8442= 43+2= 36+2= Answer for later problem: 2. Draw a figure with 8 sides and 8 angles. eke 3. How many squares are inside the circle? Answer: How many squares are inside the rectangle? Answer. How many squares are inside the circle and the rectangle? Answer: Mars XXII page 1ok tok kk ek 4. How much does each item weigh? UN B40z] A [72 07, Oo [52 oz] ‘Answer: Triangle: _ oz. Square: _ oz. Circle: _oz. 5. Matthew brought paper cups for the class party. He used 12 for juice, 17 for soft drinks, and 5 for milk. How many cups were used? Answer: cups 6. Amberly's mother said she could order one sandwich and one drink from the menu. How ‘many different combinations can Amberly order? Answer: 7. The third grade class needs to make cocoa to Party Cocoa serve 36 people. How many cups of milk will they 18 servings need? i cup cocoa 2cups water 1 cup sugar 12 eups milk Answer: cups inch of salt 18 marshmallows 8. AtWright Elementary, many children walk to school. Janie walks mile, Katie walks mile, Joshua walks + mile, Who has the longest walk? Answer, Mars XXII page 2Comment Mars, XXIT . (13) Give the problem 39 + 3. . (Any octagonal shape is acceptable) . inside the circle; 6 inside the rectangle; 2 inside the circle and the rectangle) The problem involves a Venn diagram. Students first find the number in each separate shape, disregarding the other. Then ‘they find the number of squares in the overlapping area, meaning in both the circle and rectangle. . (triangle -- 32; square -- 40; circle -- 12) The following is one way to solve the problem -- there are others. The top right scale shows that a triangle and square weigh 72 together. This value (72) can then be substituted for the square and triangle in the top left scale, indicating that the circle plus 72 must weigh 84. Therefore, the circle weighs 84 - 72 or 12. Then in the bottom scale, 12 can be substituted for the circle. You know that the square plus 12 is 52, therefore the square is 52 - 12 or 40. Substituting 40 for the square in the top right diagram, the triangle is then 72 - 40 or 32. . (34 cups) This is a simple addition problem. (9) Students might draw a picture or make a list. Match the hamburger with each drink for 3 combinations. Then match the Reuben with each drink for another 3 combinations. Finally, match the grilled cheese with each drink for the last 3 combinations. . (24) The recipe is for 18 servings, so it must be doubled to serve 36. Therefore the amount of milk needed must also be doubled. . (Janie walks the farthest at ; mile) Students might want to take 3 strings the same length each representing 1 mile. If they then divide each string into either halves, thirds, or fourths, they can cut off 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 and compare the lengths. Mars XXII page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Mars, XXII (This shows my own thinking.) ek 1, Find the missing digits in each problem. Write the numbers in the boxes. 4 » 7L]1 = aaa Ge 7 2 + 2. Mrs, Smith is trying to organize her computer disks. She has 46 disks to place in boxes. Each box holds 10 disks. How many boxes does she need to store her disks? I Answer: boxes eke 3, John has drawn the stars below. He has asked you to find what fraction each type of star is of the whole group of stars. Answer: White star Striped star Shaded star Mars XXIII page 1ok 1k ke ik * 4. Bill was staring across the street where bicycles and tricycles were stored. He counted a total of 13 wheels. How many bicycles and tricycles were in the lot? Answer: ___ bicycles and __ tricycles. 5. What is another answer for problem 4? ‘Answer: ___ bicycles and __tricycles. 6. A flowchart is used to record steps to finish a task. Place the steps below in the correct order to write a letter to a friend. Place the correct number in each box of the flowchart. (2) Sign the letter (2) Write the letter (3) Mail the letter (4) Close the letter (Yours Truly,) (5) Write the greeting (Dear...) [ }> 7 Bob has opened his book about motorcycles. When he added the numbers of the two pages together, the sum was 69. To what two pages was the book opened? Answer: and 8. Patty and her friends bought a bag of Skittles. ‘They recorded the number of each color on a graph for a project. They found 6 green (G), 5 red (R), 4 purple (P), 7 orange (O), and 3 yellow (¥). Use their numbers to make a graph. @ Mars XXII page 2Commentary Mars, XXII 1.(254 7.31 Thestudent can use knowledge of addition and subtraction facts and £467 -645 regrouping to solve the problems. Some students may need several 721 86) tries. 2, (6) Students might count by tens to 40 or 50. If only 4 boxes were used, 6 disks would not be protected. Therefore the Sth box is necessary. 3. Gy - white; Py - striped; jy - shaded) First the total number of stars is needed for this part-whole situation. Next the number of each different kind of star can be counted and that number compared to the total in the whole group. 4. G bicycles and 1 tricycle or 2 bicycles and 3 tricycles) The student might use an organized guess-and-check strategy, as shown below. 2b+ 3t=4 +9=13 wheelsy 3b + 2t =6 +2=12 wheels 4b +2t +6= 14 wheels 5b + 2t =10+6= 16 wheels Sb + 1t =10+3=13 wheelsv 5. (The answer not given for #4 is called for here.) The purpose of this extension to the previous problem is to show students that many times there are several solutions to a mathematics problem. (S,2,4,1, 3) The student might actually write someone a letter and check the steps. 7. (4,35) The student might use an “educated” guess-and-check strategy. Reasoning that half of 60 is 30, the page numbers must be around 30. The numbers must also be consecutive. Then 30+ 31, 31+ 32, 32 +33, 33 +34, and 34 + 35 can be tried until the numbers add to 69 (34 +35). Some students might actually thumb through a book, until they find page numbers that sum to 69. If so, they might notice an interesting pattem in any book they pick up. The odd numbers are always on the right, and the even numbers always on the left. This is because books always begin with page 1 on the right-hand side. 8, (See the graph) G R Pp ee Mare XXIIL_ page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Mars, XXIV ” (This shows my own thinking) 4k 1, Write the starting number in the box. (()+6-4)x3=21 kk 2. Look at the pattern below. How many small squares would make the next largest square? — Answer: squares cick 3, Mia weighs 75 pounds. Her mother weighs 132 pounds, and her father weighs 184 pounds. The paddle boat can hold 400 pounds. Can Mia and her parents ride at the same time? Answer: kkk 4, Each pencil weighs 3 ounces. What could the ruler and the glue weigh? Find as many solutions as you can. Fill in the chart. LEE XS a) Mars XXIV page 1sek 5. Fold apiece of paper in half twice. Punch 4 holes in the center. How many holes are in the paper when unfolded? Answer: kk 6. Look at the pattem in the puzzle. Complete the puzzle with the correct shapes. od kk 7, Watch how Marcus adds when one number ends in 9: 0 add 48 and 39, first notice that 39 is real close to 40, and 40 is easy to add. \So I turn 39 into 40 by adding 1. Then I ladd 48 + 40 in my head to get 88. Now I} |subtract 1 from 88 since I really had 39 to} ladd instead of 40. So 48 + 39 is 87. You will be asked to add a problem in your head when you tum in your paper. Practice on these: 29+67 38+19 39+25 34449 Answer for later problem: eke 8. Write a decimal and a fraction for each part of a dollar below: a. one cent: c. one nickel: b. onedime:_______. one quarter: Mars XXIV page 2Commentary Mars, XXIV . (S) Students might work backwards by asking: “What number do I multiply by three to get 21? — Its 7". Then, What number minus 4 gives 7? — I's 11”. “What number when added to 6 gives 11? It's 5.” Therefore 5 is the starting number. Another way to solve the problem is to guess- check-revise. (25) The pattern involves the square numbers. These are the numbers 1, 4,9, 25, 36, and so on. ‘Students might want to draw the next square, which would have 5 small squares on each side. (yes) They weigh 391 pounds all together, so they could all get in the boat that holds 400 pounds. . (See chart below.) _ Each pencil weighs 3 ounces, so the left-hand pan has 9 ounces. Therefore the ruler and glue together weigh 9 ounces. The student has to find different ways to have 9 ounces. Most will not choose fractions, although that is possible. ruler glue 1 8 2 7 3 6 Give 1 star for every 2 answers. They may not be arranged in an 4 5 ‘orderly fashion, as they are in the chart on the left. 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 (16) The number of holes doubles with each fold. The problem can be extended to several more folds. a . The two missing figures are checked. If the students come up with a different pattern, have them justify their solution. - (65) Give this problem: 36 + 29 . (a, 0.01 and 10 3b. 0.10 and 705 3c 0.05 and 765 a. 0.25 and 235) This problem is accessible to students if they think of writing the coin values using a dollar sign. ‘Students might give fractional names other than the ones above, such as 1/10, 1/20, and 1/4 for the dime, nickel, and quarter, respectively. Mars XXIV page 3SUPERSTARS IIT ‘Mars, XXV ‘shows my own thinking.) ek 1. Find the value of Mil and A. Use the two number sentences below for clues. WMA = 22 andaso A+ A+ = 15 Answer: Ml is Ais 4eik 2. Write the answers in the in each sentence below. a. Paul saw 5 chickens and 6 cows. He saw Jegs in all. . Sue counted 26 legs. She saw 4 cows and chickens, c. Pam counted 40 legs. She saw cows and & chickens. kk 3. Estimate the length of the arrow in centimeters. Then measure the arrow with a ruler. Record both answers. Answer: Estimate: cm Actual: cm ‘kek 4, Count the cubes to find the volume of the steps. Remember there are some cubes you cannot see. Answer: The volume is cubes. ‘Mars X05 page 15. Study the sequence and fill in the missing numbers. 1, 7, 5, 11, 9, 15, 13,___, _» 23, kek 6, Pam's mother baked a pie for her family. It was divided into 6 pieces. Pam's Dad ate 5 of the pie. Mom ate and Pam ate of the pie. How many pieces did each person eat? Dad:___ pieces; Mom:____pieces; Pam:___pieces. eek 7. This spinner is divided into 8 parts. Sally and her friends are going to use it to play “Spin the Sum.” Study the spinner and the questions. Write your answer as a fraction: a. What are the chances of getting a spin higher than 4? b. What are the chances of getting a spin higher than 6? OO c. What are the chances of getting a spin lower than 4? kkk 8. Make 3 rectangles with different lengths and widths. Each rectangle should have an area of 24 Ls. Mars XV page?Commentary Mars, XXV . (Mis 3; A is 6) The student can use a guess-and-check strategy. If a4 is used for the I, then A would also be 4 in the first sentence; but in the second sentence, 444 +4# 15. If 5 is tried for ill in the first sentence, then A is 2 and the second sentence is again false: 5+ 5 +2 # 15. When 3 is tried as Ml, then A would be 6 from the first sentence, and the second sentence is then true: 6 + 6 +3 = 15. (a. 34; b. 5; . 6) In (a), the student might multiply to get the total number of legs for each kind of animal, and then add: 5 x 2 plus 6 x 4 totals 34 legs. Another method is for the student to draw the animals as stick figures and simply count the legs. Similar methods of drawing 26 legs, making 4 four-legged cows, and counting the rest as two-legged chickens, will solve (b). Or the student might multiply 4 x 4 and subtract the total from 26 to get 10 legs left, and divide by 2 to have 5 chickens. Similar reasoning will produce the answer to (c). (accept 4 - 6 cm as a good estimate; 5 cm is the actual measurement) Students should be encouraged to remember and use a “personal benchmark” for estimating common measures. For example, the width of their finger is about a centimeter. Extra practice using ‘metric measure will make students better at estimating centimeters. . (20) The students might physically build this set of stairs if they have trouble visualizing the hidden cubes. They can think of the shape as a set of layers and count the cubes in each layer. ‘The 4 cubes on top are easy to see, and that should help the student visualize the cubes in the other 2 layers. That would give a total of 4 +8 +8 = 20 cubes. (19, 17, 21) Using addition and subtraction to find differences between terms, the repeated procedure of adding 6 and then subtracting 2 will be discovered. Following this procedure: add 6 to 13 and put 19 in the first blank. Take 2 from 19 and put 17 in the second blank. ‘Adding 6 to 17 gives the 23. ‘Take 2 from 23 for 21 in the last blank. . (3; 25 1) Drawing the pie cut into 6 pieces is a natural way to begin this problem. Then 1/2 of the pie is seen as 3 pieces. Then 1/3 of the pie is 2 pieces and 1/6 of the pie is i piece. For students who might need more than a drawing, encourage them to cut a circle from cardboard for the pie, divide it into 6 pieces, and use the physical model to find the answers. . (a. 4/8 or 1/2) The numbers higher than 4 are 5, 6, 7, and 8, or four of the eight sections. (b. 2/8 or 1/4) The numbers higher than 6 are 7 and 8, or two of the eight sections. (c. 3/8) The numbers lower than 4 are 1, 2, and 3, or three of the eight sections. Note: Students should not be expected to find the lowest terms fraction. . (Rectangles of 2 x 12; 3 x 8; and 4 x 6) The 1x 24 rectangle with this same area cannot be drawn on this grid. Arrangements will differ from that shown below.. Areas of 24 squares ‘Mars Xx page 33 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ” This project, originally designated Sunshine Math, is the third in a series of problem solving programs. It was conceived, coordinated and developed through the Florida Department of Education with input from the mathematics staff members of the ‘North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the South Carolina Department of Education. In addition, it was supported financially through a grant to the School Board of Polk County, Florida. The rich history of these materials and the predecessor programs, SUPERSTARS and SUPERSTARS II goes back to the early 1980’s. Many Florida teachers have been involved in developing and using these materials over the years. The original SUPERSTARS programs were adopted and adapted by North Carolina and South Carolina with their teachers contributing to revisions and personalizations for use in their states. Florida educators were primarily responsible for developing, field testing, and publishing Sunshine Math, Educators from the Carolinas developed the MathStars Newsletter to accompany and enhance this program. ‘School districts in North Carolina have permission to reproduce this document for use in their schools for non-profit educational purposes. Copies of each grade level are available from the publications unit of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The contact for SUPERSTARS Ill and the MathStars Newsletter is Linda Patch, 301 North Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC 27601-2825 : (919-715-2225). Michael E. Ward State Superintendent North Carolina Department of Public InstructionW Preface w SUPERSTARS III encourages and enhances the positive aspects of students, parents, teachers and administrators working together. This program assumes that students, even young children, are capable of and interested in leaning; that teachers want to help them learn to think for themselves; that administrators see their jobs as clearing the path so that quality education is delivered effectively in their schools; and that parents care about their child’s learning and are willing to work with the school system toward that goal. Each of these four groups has a vital role to play in implementing SUPERSTARS IIL The designer of this program has a long history of working with elementary children, He believes that they are capable of much more than we ask of them, and that many children are on the path to becoming independent learners. A number of children in any classroom are bright, energetic and willing to accept extra challenges. ‘The basic purpose of SUPERSTARS III is to provide the extra challenge that self-motivated students need in mathematics, and to do so in a structured, long-term program that does not impinge on the normal classroom routine or the time of the teacher. ‘The system is not meant to replace any aspect of the school curriculum -- it is offered as a peripheral opportunity for students who identify with challenges and who want to be rewarded for their extra effort. Participation in the program is always optional — only those students who voluntarily choose to participate will, in the long run, benefit from SUPERSTARS III. Any student, regardless of prior academic performance, should be encouraged to participate as long as interest is maintained. ‘The predecessor program for SUPERSTARS III -- the SUPERSTARS II program ~ has demonstrated that this concept can be extremely useful. What is required are several dedicated adults who devote a few hours each week to operate the system effectively in the school; an administrator who provides highly visible support; teachers who welcome a supplementary experience for their students to engage in higher-order thinking; and a typical classroom of students. If all of those ingredients are present SUPERSTARS III will become an integral part of the school fabric.ORGANIZATION OF THESE MATERIALS Section! Description of the SUPERSTARS III Program 1. General Information 2. Information/checklist for principals 3. Information/checklist for assisting adults 4. Information for teachers 5, Letter to participating students and their parents. Section II Student worksheets for SUPERSTARS Il Section II Commentary for student worksheets for SUPERSTARS IITSUPERSTARS II: General Information SUPERSTARS III is a K-8 program designed as an enrichment opportunity for self directed learners in mathematics. The levels of the program are named for the planets in our solar system: Kindergarten Mercury Fourth Grade Jupiter First Grade Venus Fifth Grade Satum Second Grade Earth Sixth Grade Uranus Third Grade Mars Seventh Grade ‘Neptune Eighth Grade Pluto Students of all ability levels choose on their own to participate in SUPERSTARS Il. Seeing their names displayed in a prominent place in the school, with a string of stars indicating their success, is one reward students receive for their extra work. In some cases the school may decide to enhance this basic system by awarding certificates of achievement or some other form of recognition to highlight certain levels of success or participation in the SUPERSTARS III program. SUPERSTARS III can function in a school in a number of different ways. A “tried and true” way is for assisting adults (volunteers, aides, etc.) to manage the program for the entire school, with support provided by schoo! administrators and classroom teachers. ‘This system has been adopted at the school level, with varying degrees of success, over the years. The basic model for conducting SUPERSTARS II is discussed below, with variations described on the next page. The basic model The basic model for SUPERSTARS II is for a school to establish a weekly cycle at the beginning of the academic year according to the following guidelines: On Monday of each week student worksheets are distributed by the assisting adults to students in the program, Students have until Friday to complete the problems working entirely on their own. On Friday the classroom teacher holds a brief problem- solving session for the students in the program. The more difficult problems on the worksheet are discussed with students describing their thinking about strategies to solve the problems. They do not share solutions, only strategies. ivStudents receive double credit for those problems they have successfully completed prior to the problem-solving session, and regular credit for those they complete successfully over the week-end. On Monday all papers are handed in, checked by the assisting adult, and stars are posted for problems successfully completed. This completes one cycle of the SUPERSTARS III program. SUPERSTARS II is not for every child ~ it is only for those who are self-motivated and who are not easily frustrated by challenging situations. This does not diminish the value of the program, but rather makes us realize that there are children of all ability and socio- economic levels who are self-directed leamers and who need challenges beyond those of the regular school day. These children will shine in SUPERSTARS III. Variations of the basic model ‘The first variation that has been used successfully retains the weekly cycle and assisting adult role from the basic model. The teacher however, involves the entire class in the problem-solving discussions. For example, the teacher might select the four most difficult problems on the worksheet (indicated by three or four stars) and work a “parallel” problem with the entire class to open the mathematics lesson on Tuesday through Friday. Using this variation, all students are exposed to the problem-solving strategies, but only those who have chosen to participate in SUPERSTARS III will complete and turn in the worksheet on Monday. ‘A second variation has the assisting adult manage the entire program, including the Friday problem-solving session . This method has been used in situations where teachers lacked commitment to the program and thus implemented it inconsistently. In such cases, the assisting adult must have a progressive view of what constitutes problem solving in elementary mathematics. They should also receive extra assistance from the administra- tion to ensure that students are released from class and that the cycles proceed smoothly. ‘Yet another variation is for a parent to manage SUPERSTARS III at home for his or her own child. The basic rules are the same -- a child gets the worksheet once a week and time to work the problems alone. The parent sets a night to listen to the way the child thought about each problem, offering suggestions or strategies only when the child is unable to proceed. The reward system is basically the same, stars on a chart, but can be enhanced by doing something special with the child, such as a trip to the museum or toa sporting event when the child reaches certain levels of success. If this method is adopted, the parent must not try to teach the child, but rather to stimulate discussion of problem- solving strategies. SUPERSTARS II is not a program for adults to teach children how to think. Other variations exist. The basic model as stated is the best, all other factors being equal, for reaching more children in a consistent fashion than any of the other methods. However, we encourage individual schools, teachers, or parents to get some version started; some starlight is better than none.SUPERSTARS II: Information for Principals SUPERSTARS II] is a K-8 enrichment package for mathematics designed to be managed by volunteer assisting adults with coordinated support from the classroom teacher and school administrators. The purpose of the program is to give self-motivated students of all ability levels a chance to extend themselves beyond the standard mathematics curriculum. The complete set of materials comes in nine packages, one for each grade K-8. The grade levels are identified by the names of the nine planets in our solar system and their order from the sun: rr 0 Mercury - Kindergarten ‘Venus - First Grade Earth - Second Grade Mars - Third Grade Jupiter - Fourth Grade Saturn - Fifth Grade Uranus - Sixth Grade ‘Neptune - Seventh Grade Pluto - Eighth Grade. ‘Your support is vital if this program is to succeed. As the school administrator, you need to stay in close contact with the SUPERSTARS II program. A “checklist for success” follows: 1 Become familiar with the philosophy and component parts of the program. C7 Introduce SUPERSTARS III to the faculty early in the school year. Ensure that teachers understand the philosophy of the program and have copies of the student ‘worksheets and commentaries appropriate for their grade levels. 7 Speak to parents at your school’s first open house of the year, explaining the purpose of SUPERSTARS III and the long term value of children working independently on challenging problems. 7 Recruit several assisting adults (PTA members, aides, senior citizens, business partners, church members, etc.) who are enthusiastic, dependable people who are willing to manage the program. Early in the academic year, meet with these assisting adults to plan such details as: . Y A prominent place and format for the STAR CHART. vi¥ A designated time and place each Monday and Friday for the assisting adults to be in school to meet with students, distribute and collect worksheets, and post stars. Y Assystem for the activity sheets to be duplicated each week. ¥ A plan for extra incentives for accumulating stars. (“World records” to be kept from year-to-year, a celebration day planned for the end of school, prizes eamed by students for attaining certain levels of success - see the diagram below for examples.) YA schedule for the initiation of the program and a decision as to a “start over” point later in the academic year. Review the school calendar and only use weeks that are at, least four days long. If there is not enough time in the year to complete all the activity sheets, decide which to eliminate or on a plan to “double up.” ¥ ASUPERSTARS III cap, name badge, tee-shirt, or other distinction for volunteers, if © Monitor the program every two weeks to get ahead of unforeseen difficulties. Administrators need to be highly visible and supportive for SUPERSTARS to succeed, SUPERSTARS III is an optional program for students. It should be available to any student who wants to participate, regardless of prior success in mathematics. Typically, a large number of students will begin the program, but a majority will lose interest. A significant number however, will continue their efforts over the life of the program. This is normal and simply means that SUPERSTARS III is successfully addressing the needs of the self-directed learner. ‘Visual reminders help children see this mathematics program is challenging and rewarding. Some ideas are presented here: 150 stars A free pizza delivered to your home by the principal! 00 stars A tee-shirt that says: Tlive on Venus; ask me why! A bumper sticker that says ‘My child SHINES in math! ‘5O-stars A certificate of achievement 25 stars\A free ice cream bar at lunch Climb the Mountairrthis Year!! Join the SUPERS I Club viiSUPERSTARS III: Information for Assisting Adults SUPERSTARS II is designed to give assisting adults a well-defined role to play in the school’s mathematics program. The success of SUPERSTARS III depends upon a team effort among teachers, administrators, parents and you. Reliability and punctuality are important - students will quickly come to depend upon you to be there as scheduled, to check their papers and post their stars, and to listen to alternate strategies and interpretations of problems to help them arrive at solutions. If possible, wear an outfit or badge that fits with the SUPERSTARS III theme or logo; students will soon identify you as an important person in their school. WK we SUPERSTARS III works on a weekly cycle. Each Monday you will collect the worksheets from the previous week and distribute new worksheets to the participating students, all from your SUPERSTARS II area of the school. Allow students to see the answers to the problems, discuss any for which their answers differ and allow them credit if their interpretation and reasoning are sound. After checking all the work, you will post the stars earned by students on the STAR CHART. WW KK Participating students have from Monday until Friday to work the problems entirely on their own -- the only help they should receive during that time is for someone to read the problems to them. On Friday the teacher will host a problem-solving session in the classroom where students will describe the strategies they used to approach the more difficult problems. Students who have successfully completed problems before this session will receive double points for their efforts. The teacher's initials on the worksheet will help you identify those problems. The students then have the week-end to complete or correct their problems and turn them in on Monday. Alll the correct problems thus completed will receive the indicated number of stars. KKKBe creative when designing your STAR CHART. The basic method of posting stars individually is a good way to begin but eventually you will want a more efficient system. Color coding by grade level, or posting just one star each week with a number in its center are ideas to consider. You may wish to personalize the chart and the entire SUPERSTARS III center with student pictures, “smiling faces”, a logo, seasonal theme or some other feature that has a mathematical flavor. Occasionally feature a reward for each child such as a cookie or a hand stamp in the shape of a star just for turning in the worksheet. You are helping enthusiastic students develop high-level thinking skills ~ be creative and enjoy your role! Checklist for assisting adults: (Plan the following with the principal: YA prominent place and format for the W STAR CHART V The time and place for you to collect, check, and distribute worksheets. / A system for duplicating worksheets each week which ensures legible copies. Also a secure storage area for masters and other materials. Any additional incentives (“world records,” stickers, coupons, pencils, tee-shirts, etc.) that will be part of the system for rewarding levels of achievement in SUPERSTARS III. (1 Make the SUPERSTARS III center a happy place. Use bright colors, smiles, and cheerful expressions. Show confidence, friendliness, and encouragement to students. WK 1 Collect the letters that are sent home prior to the first worksheet. These need to be signed by each student and a parent. If, in the future, you have evidence that the work submitted does not represent the thinking of the student, discuss the situation with the classroom teacher. These situations are best handled individually, confidentially and in a firm, consistent manner.KK © Check the worksheets from the previous week uniformly. If you give partial credit for a problem with several parts do so in a fair way that can be understood by the students. Do not award partial credit for problems with only one answer. KKK C1 Have answer sheets available and encourage students to look at the solutions when they submit their worksheets. Allow them to explain their strategy or interpretation if they have arrived at a different answer. Award full credit if they show a unique and plausible interpretation of a problem and follow sound logic in arriving at their response. We 1 Leave extra worksheets with the classroom teacher for participating students who were absent on Monday. Accept a late-arriving worksheet only if the student was absent on Monday. Ifa student's name is missing or in the wrong place on the worksheet, check the paper but award stars to “No Name” on the STAR CHART. Adhering strictly to these rules will rapidly teach responsibility to the students and keep your work manageable. KWH © Keep all returned worksheets. As the same problems are used year after year, and many students have siblings who may later participate in SUPERSTARS IH, itis important that worksheets do not circulate. KEK G1 _ On weeks when SUPERSTARS III is not available post a notice such as “No star problems this week, but please come back after vacation for more!”SUPERSTARS III: Information for Teachers SUPERSTARS III is a program designed to complement your regular classroom mathematics curriculum. It offers a supplemental opportunity for students to practice mathematics skills appropriate for their grade level and at the same time to engage in challenging problem-solving activities. It is an additional challenge to those students who are self-directed learners providing them with an academic extracurricular activity. WE ‘Your involvement is essentially as a teacher. SUPERSTARS III will remain special to students if it is managed by someone outside of the classroom and if the teacher is viewed as a facilitator in the system, rather than as the authority figure. Your primary role is to monitor the system in your own classroom and to host a brief problem-solving session for SUPERSTARS III students on Friday of each week. You will also need to release the participating students from your class at a set time on Mondays to enable them to turn in completed work and receive new problem sets. You might make a special pin or banner for Mondays and Fridays to remind students that those days are special. ee |e — | | emo" | | Each student worksheet has an accompanying commentary page. This sheet provides hints on parallel problems which you might use in the Friday problem-solving session. It is important that students participate actively in this session, and that you xisolicit from them their unique and varied approaches to the problems discussed. Only after students have presented their ideas should you provide guidance on the problems and then only if they are having difficulty. Even though there is a commentary provided for each problem, you will have to decide which two to four problems you will cover during this brief session. Concentrate on those which provide a new or unfamiliar strategy. The problem-solving session should last no more than 15 minutes. we Do not be disappointed if a large number of your students begin SUPERSTARS Il and then significant numbers drop out after a few weeks. This is normal; problem solving requires a great deal of effort and not every student is ready for this challenge. On the other hand, you will notice that some students will choose to stay with SUPERSTARS III week after week even though they are not as successful as other students at earning stars. Their participation should be encouraged as they are certainly leaming from the experience. Under no circumstances should SUPERSTARS III be reserved only for the advanced students in your class. ww As a purely practical consideration, students are not to discuss the problems among themselves or with their families prior to the Friday cooperative group session. This allows the “think time” necessary for students to develop into independent thinkers; it also prevents students from earning stars for work that is basically someone else's — the surest way to disrupt the entire SUPERSTARS III program. As the teacher you must monitor this in your classroom and ensure that students abide by the established mule, It is important that you understand and support the overall philosophy of SUPERSTARS III. Do not worry if students encounter problems for which they have not been prepared in class -- such is the nature of true problem solving. Do not provide remedial instruction to ensure that students master certain types of problems. They will meet these same problem types repeatedly in the program. They will likely learn them on their own and from listening to other students at the problem-solving sessions. Enjoy ‘what the students can do and don’t worry about what they can’t do. Read the general information and philosophy of the program to see how your role fits into the complete system. xiiHere are some thoughts you might find useful in your support for SUPERSTARS Il: Gi Allow your students to leave the classroom at the designated time on Mondays to turn in their worksheets and pick up new ones. ww CI Read each week's worksheet and feel free to structure classroom activities that parallel those in the SUPERSTARS III problems. WW 1 During the school week students may be allowed to work on their SUPERSTARS ILI problems during their free time, but the only help they may receive is for someone to read the problems to them. Give the students one warning if you find them discussing the worksheets, and take away their papers for the next violation. If it happens another time, suspend them from the program for a month. we 7 At the Friday problem-solving sessions remember these points: + Students come to this session with their worksheets, but without pencils, + The session should be brief ~ 15 minutes at most. Discuss only the two to four most, difficult problems. + Help students summarize their own approaches to the problems in a non-judgmental fashion. Offer your own approach last, and only if itis different from the students’ strategies. Do not allow answers to be given to the problems. + End the session by encouraging students to complete the problems over the weekend. Put your initials beside any problem discussed in class which a student has already successfully completed. The assisting adult will award double stars for these.ww 1 Remember that part of the SUPERSTARS III philosophy is that students leam responsibility by following the rules of the system. If participation is important to them they will adhere to the rules about where their names go on each paper, no credit awarded if they forget their paper on Monday, and no talking about problems prior to the problem-solving session. C1 Enjoy SUPERSTARS III. Students will impress you with their ability to think and their creative ways to solve problems that appear to be above their level or beyond their experience.Wee Oe We Be Ye We Oe We Oe We We oe Oe eee Dear Student, Welcome to SUPERSTARS II, a program designed to enhance your journey through mathematics. Be prepared to face challenging problems which require thinking! As you work through the system you will experience many types of problems, stretching and expanding your brainpower in many exciting ways! Expect to receive one worksheet at the beginning of each week. You will have the rest of the week to think about the problems and come up with strategies for their solutions. The thinking and solutions must be YOUR VERY OWN!!! Once a week you will attend a help session to discuss the most challenging problems for the week. Your journey will be recorded by charting the stars you eam. Each problem is ranked according to its level of difficulty. The more stars you see beside a problem, the higher its level of difficulty and, of course, the more stars you can earn for solving it. You can earn double stars for solving a problem before the weekly sessions. Your signature is just the beginning. Good luck as you embark upon this mathematical adventure! The rewards will last a lifetime! ey ae oie oe a ae a ee oe oe oe ae ae ae ae i ak ae oe aa ae Iam ready to begin the SUPERSTARS III program. All of the answers I submit will represent my own thinking. ‘Name: Sie Vie Se ah eae Oe ee Wa Oe ee oe xvWee We ee We Oe Dear Parents, Welcome to SUPERSTARS III, a program designed to enhance your child’s journey through mathematics. By expressing an interest in challenging problem solving experiences, your student has taken the first step toward becoming an independent learner who is willing to address. many types of problems. On Mondays a SUPERSTARS II worksheet will be distributed to each child in the program. Each problem in the set is ranked according to its level of difficulty. As the number of stars increases, so does the level of difficulty and the earned stars to be awarded. Each Friday a help session will be conducted to discuss the most challenging problems of the week. Any problem solved prior to the session will be given double stars. After the session, problems may be reworked before they are submitted the following Monday. Your role in SUPERSTARS II] is to encourage and facilitate problem solving. Feel free to offer guidance toward certain strategies, to read the problems to your child, but please, do not give them the answers. In order for this program to be effective, the students must work independently. The thinking must be their own! It is normal for a student not to be able to complete every problem on every worksheet. The process of interpreting, understanding, and trying different strategies is valuable in the attainment of mathematical power. Remember, no student is expected to know the answer to every problem. Thank you for allowing your child to embark upon this mathematical adventure; the rewards should last a lifetime! signature Parent/Guardian of. a Sie oe oe oe oe oe oe ie oe ae oe Oe a ae eeeAfter you have had a chance to review and use these materials, please take a moment to let us know if the SUPERSTARS III material has been useful to you. Your evaluation and feedback is important to us as we continue to work on additional curriculum materials. Please respond to: Linda Patch Mathematics & Science Section NC Department of Public Instruction 301 N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2825 Indicate the extent to which you agree with statements 1-4. Neither Swongly Agree nor Disagree Disagree 1. The materials will be helpful in te teaching the mathematics goals and objectives set forth in the NC Standard Course of Study. 2. The materials are appropriate for the 1 203 grade level indicated. 3. The problems are interesting and 1 2s engaging for the students I teach. 4, The commentaries will 1 2 3 encourage use of this material. 5. [plan to use these materials with my students in grade, . 6. Have you ever used earlier versions YES NO of the SUPERSTARS material? 7. How was this program implemented with your students? Strongly Agree 8. Additional comments:SUPERSTARS Il Name: Jupiter, I (This shows my own thinking.) tek 1. The students in Mr. Renick's 4th grade class started a mathematics club and a science club. They drew a Venn diagram to show which students were in each club. Use the Venn diagram below to answer the questions about the clubs. (@) How many students were in the mathematics club? (b) How many students were in the science club? (©) How many students were in both clubs? (@) If one-half of Mr. Renick's class is in either the math club or the science club or both clubs, what is the total number of students in Mr. Renick’s class? 4x 2. How many right angles are in this picture of intersecting square frames, including the ‘background? Answer. right angles + 3. If the 7th day of a month is on Friday, on what day is the 24th day of the same month? Answer: Joptes 1 page 1kek 4, Think about the following list of number pairs. Three is the first number of a pair, and 8 is kk ak the second. 338 a>ar [Sa7e-] a. IFO is the first number, what is the second number? oo -———] _b. If 200 is the first number, what is the second number? c. If 89 is the second number, what is the first number? d. Ifa number n is the first number, what is the second number? 23 5. The sum of two whole numbers is 72. Their difference is 48. What are the two numbers? Answer: and 6. Henry was at the store, and used his calculator to add up the price for 2 loaves of bread. He got the number shown in the display, but he didn't know exactly how much money that was. How much money would those two loaves cost? Circle the correct answer below. a. $318 b. 3.18¢ c. $318.00 d. $3.18 7. In your class, 9 students received an “excellent” on a recent project. Your teacher would like to buy pencils for those 9 students. The school store sells them for 10 cents each or 3 for 25 cents. What is the least amount of money your teacher will have to spend in order to buy ‘one pencil for each of the 9 students? Answer: cents opines page 2Commentary Jupiter, T . (a7; b. 8; © 3; Gd. 24) Students could practice making up their own Venn Diagrams about the class by picking characteristics such as eye color and hair color, or clothing combination. In this problem, the difficult part is (d) ~ some students will try to use the numbers 7, 8, and 3 to get the total in the clubs. . (30) Dots have been placed in the figure below, to show the right angles. 8 dots inside each white square (totel of 16) 10 dots in the 3 inner black squares 4 dots in the corners of the big black square or (36) One could argue for a total of 36. There may be four more in the larger black squares — ‘two in each of the comers at the points of overlap. ‘There may also be two more in the V's ~ one at the top and one at the bottom of the figure where the white squares overlap. If students {justify their answers, they may receive credit. (Monday) Students might make a list —S, M, 7, W, T, F, S ~ and start counting with Friday as 7 until they get to 24. Students could think of Fridays as the 7th, 14th, and 2st and count on from the 2st. . (a. 149; b. 599; c. 30; d. 3xn- 1) The first two parts ask the student to notice that each second number is obtained by multiplying the first number by 3, then subtracting 1. Part (c) asks them to reverse this thinking, and part (d) asks them to generalize the pattern to any number n. The answer for (d) might be written in a number of different, equivalent ways. (60 and 12) Students may use “guess and check" by listing the pairs of addends whose sum is 72. Their guessing should get more precise as they get closer to finding the correct pair. They might get a hint about the starting point by noticing that the difference of 48 means that one of the numbers is above 50. . @. $3.18) The problem has students use their real-world number sense to get an answer. . (15¢) Three for 25¢ means that nine would cost 75¢; 10¢ each means that nine would cost 90¢. Jupiter page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, IT (This shows my own thinking.) +x 1. Hair grows about 5 inch each month. After you shave your head, how many years will it be until your hair is 1 foot in length? Answer: years ek 2. Robert received a weekly allowance of $6 on Monday. He put 50% of his money in his empty piggy back, but then took out 50% of that money to go to a movie. How much money was left in the piggy bank? Answer: §. + 3. Anarcade video game had a code built in. In order to play the game Tamika had to find the missing numbers. Help her by filling in the pattern below. 113, ___, 95, 86, 77, ___, 59, ___, 41, 32, 23, 14, 5. kkk 4, Sabrina used a calculator and started adding the whole numbers in order: 1424344454... ‘What is the last number she would add that would get the sum on her calculator ‘over 1,000? Answer: 4k 5, Marcus, Aaron, and Jason went to a double-feature movie. The show began at 1:45 pm and lasted for 4 hours and 27 minutes. At what time did the show end? Answer: Sopiter IL page 1* 6. Maria, Colleen, Patsy, and Kenyada are 8, 9, 10, and 11 years old. Maria is older than Patsy and younger than Kenyada. Colleen is younger than Marie and older than Patsy. ‘What is each gir’s age? ‘Answer: Maria: years old. Patsy: ___ years old Colleen: years old Kenyada: __ years old 4K 7, On a game board, landing on blue means to move ahead 1 space, landing on red means to move ahead 2 spaces, and landing on orange means to move back | space. If you took 30 spins, about where would you expect to be on the game board, relative to where you started? orange Answer: I would be about __ spaces (ahead or behind) kk 8. Margarit liked to balance things. She balanced 3 pencil sharpeners and 2 one-gram blocks with a 100-gram weight and another one-gram block. She let x stand for the weight of one pencil sharpener, and she claimed that x = 30 grams. Was she correct? If not, how much did each pencil sharpener weigh? Answer: Supter page 2Commentary Jupiter, If (2 years) One-half inch per month means 1 inch every 2 months. Students can therefore count month's “by twos” until they get to 12 inches. It would take 24 months or 2 years for the hair to reach 12 inches or 1 foot in length. . ($1.50) Students at this grade level know intuitively that 50% is 1/2, and they can find 1/2 of dollar amounts, usually without any actual computation. 1/2 of $6 is $3, and 1/2 of $3 is $1.50. . (104, 68, 50) The unusual thing about this pattern is that it is much easier to start at the right end and work to the left. You can see that you are adding 9 at each step. . (45) Students will likely use a calculator to solve this problem. A few might notice that the sum of the first n counting numbers is n x (n+ 1) +2. Therefore the problem becomes finding the first or smallest n such that nx (n+ 1) +2 2 1000. . (6:12 pm) This problem involves elapsed time. Students can add 1:45 and 4:27, but they must remember that they aren't in the decimal system. They should get 5:72, and since 72 minutes is 1 hour and 12 minutes, 5:72 can be rewritten as 6:12. (Maria: 10; Patsy: 8; Colleen; 9; Kenyad: they may make name cards and act the problem out. 1) Students might make a list, or . (20 spaces ahead) Each color should come up about 1/3 of the time. However, the orange moves and the blue moves cancel each other out. Therefore, about 1/3 of the time you would move ahead 2 spaces. 1/3 of 30 spins is 10 spins, and, at 2 spaces each move, you would be ahead 20 spaces. . (She was wrong. x = 33 grams) Students can see intuitively that 1 block can be removed from each side of the balance scale, leaving 3 sharpeners and 1 gram to balance 100 grams. Therefore, the 3 sharpeners must weigh 99 grams, and each would weigh 33 grams. x is used simply to introduce the idea of an unknown quantity as a variable. Spter page 3SUPERSTARS Ii Name: Jupiter, HL (This shows my own thinking.) x 1. After filling in the multiplication table below, Parker noticed some number patterns. Fill in the chart and follow the directions beneath it. 1|2/3|4/5/|6|7|8/9]10 oO] @lN ]o Jan [a joo |r |= |x Draw a circle around the line of numbers that has only square numbers in it. ek 2. Mr. Jackson is preparing bags of treats to give trick or treaters on Halloween. He has 48 pieces of candy and 60 pieces of gum. He uses all the candy and gum, and he puts the same ratio of candy to gum in each bag. What is the largest number of bags he could have made? Answer: + 3. Itis now 10:45. What time will it be in 2 hours and 15 minutes? Spter page 1** Jo yok ik Answer: 4, Six cars are parked in front of a local car dealers lot, “The red car is parked in front of the green car. “The black car is between the green car and yellow car. “The blue car is parked on the right (driver’s) side of the red car. “The orange car is parked in front of the yellow car. Color the cars to show how they are parked, or write the name of the color on each car. 5. Susan made $15.00 baby-sitting. She spent $11.15 on a birthday present, including tax. To the nearest dollar, how much does she have left ? Answer: 6. The Disney Golf Classic starts with 64 golfers. The golfers form pairs and each pair plays a match. The losers drop out and the winners of each pair then form new pairs and play again. Then those winners form pairs and play. This continues until there is one winner. a. Inhow many matches must the winner play? b. How many matches are played by all the golfers, to determine the winner? 7. Draw all the lines of symmetry for this polygon. 8. A number has 4 digits. No digits in the number are repeated. The digit in the tens place is three times the digit in the thousands place. The number is odd. The sum of the digits in the number is 27. ‘What is the number? Answer: Jupiter page 2Comment: Jupiter, i) . (The diagonal from upper left to lower right should be ringed.) Give students one star for having all the correct products in the chart and another for the correctly-ringed diagonal. . (12) The ratio of 48 to 60 is the same as the ratio of 24 to 30, or 12 to 15, or 4 to 5, He would get the most bags possible by working with the 4 to 5 ratio, putting 9 items (four pieces of candy and 5 pieces of gum) in each bag. This would give 12 bags, as 12x 4 is 48 and 12 x Sis 60. . (1:00) The only difficult part of this problem comes if students try to compute 10:45 + 2:15, because they are not in the decimal system with time. The sum of 10:45 and 2:15 is 12:60, which is 1:00. Students with good number sense will likely "count on” from 10:45, using hours and then quarter-hours. . Green Black Yellow Students can be encouraged to solve such logic Red Blue Orange problems by making a chart and proceeding by process of elimination, ($4) Students should have an intuitive feel for this type of problem, rather than subtracting $11.15 from $15.00 and rounding the answer. They should know that $11.15 is close to $11, and $15 - $11 is $4. (a. 6; b. 63) First 64 play. Then the 32 winners of those matches play. Next the 16 winners of those matches play. Then the 8 winners of those matches play. Then the 4 winners of those matches play, and finally the last two winners play. This is 6 rounds of golf, and the winner must play in all of those. Since there are 63 losers, and each one had to play a match to lose, there are 63 matches altogether. . There are 5 such lines of symmetry, as shown below. - (3,897) There are several clues that make this guess-check-revise problem a little friendlier. Since the sum of the four digits is 27, the average size of the digits must be fairly large. However, the thousands digit has to be either a 1, 2, or 3, while the corresponding tens di 3,6, or 9. Choosing the 3 for the thousands digit to begin the search would give 9 for the tens digit. Make the last digit a 7, since that's the largest odd digit not already used. If 8 is then put in the hundreds place, the sum will be 27, as required,. Jupiter page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, IV (This shows my own thinking.) 4x 1. Aschool bus makes 7 stops on its tip to school and 7 stops on the trip home. a, How many stops will the bus make in one full week of, school? b. How many stops will the bus make in the 180-day school year? + 2, When Michelle woke up yesterday, the temperature was 72° F. By lunch time, the temperature had risen 15°F. By dinner time, it had fallen 22° F. What was the temperature at dinner time? Answer: °F ik 3, Teresa has 4 flower pots in 4 different designs. She likes to display her flower pots in different positions on her window sill. How many different ways can she place her flower pots? Answer, ways wee ex 4, What is the mystery number x? +x has 3 digits. + The tens digit is half the hundreds digits. * The number is odd. + The sum of the digits is 9. Answer: x Sopiter TV page 1% 5. If the 7th day of the month is on a Tuesday, on what day is the 25th? Answer: ské 6, On the average your heart beats about 72 times per minute. At this rate, about how many times will it beat: a. ina 30-day month? b. ina year? c. in your lifetime, if you live to 72 years of age? kk 7. The volume of a shape is the number of cubes it will take, all the same size, to make the figure. Each figure is made of stacks of cubes that are 1 centimeter on each side. Find the volume of the figures below. y a. b. « 3 3 Answer: a. cm’ Answer: b, cm” Answer: ¢, cm keke 8. Ina tug of war, 5 donkeys are exactly equal to 2 elephants. In another tug of war, 3 elephants are equal to 1 car. Which team should win if a car and 3 donkeys are matched against 4 elephants? Answer: Spite 1V_ page 2Commentary Jupiter, IV (a. 70; b. 2520) The student can multiply 14 times 5 for (a), and 14 times 180 for (b). (65° F) Students can add 15 to 72, then subtract 22. (24) Students may want to make a list and establish a patter in order to solve this problem. ‘They might name the pots shown as A,B, C, and D, and then see how many lists they can make, such as ABCD, ABDC, ACBD, ACDB, ADBC, ADCB. Those six are all the orders possible if A is on the left. There would be 6 such arrangements with B starting on the left, 6 with C, and 6 with D also, for a total of 24. (423) Guess-check-revise is one way to solve the problem. A starting hint is that since the sum of the digits is nine, their average value is 3. Therefore all of the numbers are small numbers. (Saturday) Students might use a calendar. They may list S, M, T, W, T, F, S, start counting with 7 on Tuesday, and count to 25. They may realize that Tuesdays would also be the 14th and the 2st. Then they could count on to the 25th. . (a. 3 million; b. 36 million; c. 2 1/2 billion) The probiem situation calls for estimated answers, rather than exact numbers, which would be misleading in such a problem. Students should be allowed leeway in their estimates, since they can vary quite a bit. Hopefully, students will use a calculator to find (a) and continue to use it in finding (b) and (c) by entering only the non-zero digits to fit into the 8-digit calculator. |. (a. 10; b.93 ©. 9) Students may use cubes or blocks to construct models. Students with good spatial visualization can find the answers from the pictures. .. (car and donkeys) Students can approach this in a number of ways. Since the car matches 3 elephants in the second picture, three elephants and the car can be “removed” from the last tug of war without affecting the situation. Thus we are left with 1 elephant matched against 3 donkeys and asked which side would win. From the first picture, we see that an elephant pulls, as much as 2 1/2 donkeys, so 3 donkeys would out-pull one elephant. Therefore a car and 3 donkeys would out-puli 4 elephants. Jopiter IV page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: tek ok kk dot * Jupiter, V ” (This shows my own thinking.) 1. A normal person blinks about 25 times per minute when awake. a. How old will you be on your next birthday? b. To the nearest million, how many times will you have blinked on your next birthday? Assume you sleep 8 hours each day. ) Answers: (a) 2. Pablo has $3.15 in dimes and quarters. He has more quarters than dimes. How many quarters and dimes does he have? Answer: quarters and dimes 3. Use a centimeter ruler and a separate sheet of paper to draw an 8 cm by 6 cm rectangle. List its perimeter on the table below. Then cut out the rectangle and also cut along the diagonal as shown in the picture below. Use your two pieces to create 4 new geometric shapes. After making each shape, determine its perimeter. Below list the names of the shapes made and their perimeters. SHAPE PERIMETER . 4. Fill in the missing digits: 4Cles s[je6 +fJ94 Jui. Sopiter V_ page 15. Century is to decade as dollar is to: (a) penny (b) nickel (c) dime (d) quarter Answer: 4k 6. Roberto ate 3 pieces ofa pizza and then felt that he should pay only of the cost because that's the fraction he ate. Into how many pieces was the pizza cut? Answer: ____ pieces ek 7. Thomas is playing tic-tac-toe with a computer. It is the computer's turn fo place an "X" on the board. If the computer makes its moves at random in the open spaces, x! what is the chance it will win on this move? x i bs|| See Answer: 3 a eek 8, Answer the questions below using the Venn Diagram showing Ms. Berger's students musical preferences. COUNTRY ROCK CLASS CENSUS How many students took part in the all class census? ww How many students prefer only rap? How many students prefer only rock and country? How many students prefer rap or country but not rock? Sapiter V_ page 2Commentary Jupiter, V (a, Answers will vary -- 10 and 11 are the most common answers; b. Answers will vary.) Students should use a calculator to compute: 25 x 60 x 16 x 365 x (answer for part a) If part a is 10, the answer is 88 million; if part a is 11, the answer is 96 million. . (11 quarters, 4 dimes) Some students will randomly use guess-check-revise, while others realize that the amount of money in quarters alone should be fairly close to $3.15. Students may begin with 12 quarters (which will not work) and go backwards from there, using guess- check-revise. (rectangle: 28 cm; 2 triangles: 32 and 36 cm; 2 parallelograms: 32 and 36 em) ‘These are the four most likely answers, but a quadrilateral could also be built with a perimeter of 36 cm. Note: parallelograms cannot be named as rectangles. 5 +15] 9 i111 . (. dime) A century is ten times a decade; likewise, a dollar is ten times a dime. . (12) Students have to consider a problem that is not one usually asked. If 3 is 1/4 of some number, what number is it? - (2 out of 3 chances, or 2/3, or 67%) There are three spaces left, and two of those will result in a win for the computer. Any of the three spots is equally likely to be selected, so the chance is 2/3 of a win. (25, 3, 3, 9) Students familiar with a Venn Diagram should have little difficulty with this problem. ‘All the X's are counted for the first answer. Only 3 X's are in the RAP ring only. Three students are in the overlap between rock and country, but not in RAP. There are 9 students that are in the RAP and country circles together but not in the rock circle, Jupiter V_ page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ke ek tok tok Jupiter, VI (This shows my own thinking.) 1, Jean went on a vacation with her parents in their family car. They left their home in Florida ‘on Monday at 7:15 a.m. and arrived in North Carolina on Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. How long was their trip? Answer: hours and minutes 2. Mr. Brown wanted to put up a fence 185 ft. around his property. How many feet of fencing did he need? The lawn is outlined to the right, but the picture is not drawn to scale. ? Answer: feet 200 ft. 175 ft 150 ft. 3. Find the next number in the patterns below. (a) $32.10 + $32.30 + $32.50 -+ $32.70 -+ $32.90 (b.) 720+ 360+ 180-490 + _ as 1 1 1 @s7773 77 4, Box A has 3 red marbles and 2 yellow marbles. Box B has 2 red marbles and 1 yellow marble. If you have to pick a red marble to win a prize and you can not look in the box, which box would give you the best chance of, ‘winning the prize? A B Answer: Jupiter VI page 1ke 5. You can trace over this figure with a pencil without retracing any path, if you startin the right place. Find the two places where you can do this, and draw circles around them. % 6, If 5 is added to a number n and the answer is multiplied by 2, the result will be 24. What is the number n? Answer: ‘kk& 7. Estimate the answers below. Circle the best choice. a 342 + 2997 Choose: 4 or 5 or 6 oF 7 b. 5% -2a5 Choose: 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 © 6 x 7335 Choose: 42 or 49 or 63 or 213 sekk 8, You need } cup of sugar to make a three- layer cake. How much sugar would you need for a one-layer cake? Answer: __ + 9. Whatis the product of the ten one-digit numbers? Sapte VI page 2Comment Jupiter, VI . (28 hours, 30 minutes) Students will probably count from 7:15 one moming to 7:15 the next morning as 24 hours, and then count up by the hour to get to 11:15, finally counting a half hour to 11:45. (770 feet) Students may draw the diagram and sub-divide it into two parts. Also, students can figure out the missing lengths. 150 ft-+ 200 ft. + 185 ft. + 25 ft. + 35 ft. +175 f= 770 ft. Ttis interesting to note that the perimeter of this figure is the same as if the figure were a 185 by 200 foot rectangle. . (a. $33.10; b. 455. c. 1/32) The pattem for (a) is that each number increase by 20¢. For (b), each succeeding number decreases by half. Each next number in (c) is also half of the preceding number. |. (B)_ Box A has a3 out of 5 chances to win with red. Box B has 2 2 out of 3 chances to win with red. If students change ratios so that they are based on the same second number, the result will be obvious. 3 out of 5 is the same as 6 out of 10 or 9 out of 15. 2 out of 3is the same as 4 out of 6, 6 out of 9, 8 out of 12, and 10 out of 15. But then 10 out of 15 is a better chance than 9 out of ten. Students may run a probability experiment to verify this result. . (See figure below.) A network of paths such as the one below can be traced without lifting a pencil if ithas either 0 or two odd vertices. A vertex is odd if it has an odd number of paths going in or coming out. Furthermore, if you can trace the network you have to start at one of, the odd vertices, You will end up at the other odd vertex. Therefore, the two odd vertices circled below are the only places at which you can start and trace the path, & a . (7) This can be solved by guess-check-revise, or by working backward. 1. (a. 6; b. 3; ¢. 49) Students with good number sense will notice that the fractions involved. are either close to zero or close to 1. This means that each mixed number would be rounded. either to the whole number showing or up to the next whole number. In (a), 3 10/11 rounds to 4 and 2 1/101 rounds to 2, therefore the sum is close to 4 + 2 or 6. In (b), 5 2/47 rounds to 5, and 2 1/35 rounds to 2, so their difference is close to 5 - 2 or 3. In (c), 6 17/19 rounds to 7, and 7 3/290 rounds to 7, so their product is close to 77 or 49. . (1/6) Students might draw a diagram to show that 1/3 of 1/2 is 1/6 . (0) The ten one-digit numbers include zero. When any one of the factors is zero, the overall product is always zero. Jepter VI page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Jupiter, VIL (This shows my own thinking.) kkk — 1. One green, one red, and one blue marble are placed in a bag. ‘The days of the week are ‘written on seven pieces of paper and put in another bag. You can draw from either bag for a $1 million prize. To win, you must either draw a weekend day - Saturday or Sunday —- or a ‘blue marble. Which bag gives you the best chance of winning, the marble bag or the day-of- the-week bag? of BD + 2. One disposable diaper will stay in a landfill, without decomposing, for 2000 years. If you put 4 disposable diapers into a landfill tomorrow, how long will it be before they are all decomposed? Answer: Answer; __years eke 3, Faye has 20 feet of fencing to make a rectangular pen for her dog. What is the largest area that she can fence in? Answer: square feet +k 4, Herman's lunch came to $4.27, and he gave the clerk $5.02. Why did he give the clerk two extra pennies? Answer: Jopter VIE_ page 1Dok kk ak ak ke 5. Juan's age is 3 times Derrick’s age, and Tyrone is twice as old as Derrick. The sum of their ages is 30. How old is each boy? Answers: Juan is ; Derrick is ; Tyrone is 6. Maurice and his 3 friends ride their bikes to football practice each afternoon after school. ‘Maurice leaves his house and goes to each friend's house, and they travel on together. He has timed each part of the trip. Practice starts at 4:00 sharp. Write in each box below when ‘Maurice should arrive, so they won't be late for practice. Also write in the time he should leave his own house. fin 13min 25 min 28 min T2 min 4:00 7. This watch is unusual -- it runs counterclockwise. What time will it be 4 hours and 45 minutes from the time shown? For your answer, draw the hour and minute hands where they should be on this watch. 8. An adult has about 5 quarts of blood. When he donates a pint for a sick friend, what fraction of his blood does he give away? Answer: 9. The human body is about 70% water, by weight. a. How many pounds do you weigh? ___ pounds b. How many pounds of you is water? pounds Supter VIE page 2Commentary Jupiter, VIT . (marble bag) The chance of drawing a blue marble is 1/3; the chance of drawing a weekend day is 2/7. We must compare these fractions to see which is larger. Finding a common denominator (21) allows us to compare the fractions by comparing the numerators. 1/3 is 7/21, and 2/7 is 6/21; thus 1/3 is greater than 2/7. Another way to compare the fractions is to use a calculator, change both fractions into decimals, and compare the decimals. . (2000 years) Many students will think you must multiply 4 and 2000, but the problem doesn‘ call for any computation if you think carefully about the situation. . (28) Students can use grid paper to make the rectangles that have 20 as a perimeter. The one with the largest area can then be found by counting unit squares. . (To get back fewer coins) Many people use a method like that mentioned to avoid carrying extra coins around in their pockets. . (Guan is 15, Derrick is 5, Tyrone is 10) A suggested strategy is to use guess-check- revise. Guess the youngest person's age, double and triple that amount to get the other ages, and add to see if the sum is 30. If not, revise the youngest person's age appropriately. (2:38; 2:57; 3:20; 3) Students will have to either count backwards or subtract to get each new time. Subtraction involves subtracting across non base-ten numerals. . (See watch to the right.) The time shown is 2:55, and adding 4:45 to that gives a time of 7:40. Showing 7:40 will be a challenge for many students, on this watch. . (W/10) A quart is 2 pints, so 5 quarts is 10 pints. One pint is then 1/10 of 5 quarts. (a. answers will vary; b. answers will vary.) Whatever answer a student gives for (a), use a calculator to find 70% of that number. Be lenient in checking accuracy — give credit for being within one pound of the right answer for (b). Students will employ a variety of ‘methods for finding 70% of their weight if they don't use a calculator. For example, some might use reasoning and take 7 out of every ten pounds they weigh, adding on some extra for the pounds over the multiples of ten. Others might find 50% or 75% (1/2 and 3/4) of their ‘weights since those are intuitive numbers to work with for many weights. Then they may adjust their answers because 70% is between 50% and 75%, closer to 75% Jupiter VIE page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, Vill (This shows my own thinking.) ok 1. What number is as much greater than 36 as it is less than 947 Answer, ee 2. Find a pair of numbers for each sum and product. Write your answers in the blanks. Example + 5,3 8 15 — 10 24 = 12 20 — 14 48 Se 16 6 = 18 45 = 31 30 eek 3. Ashley, Jonathan, Sarah, Carlos, and Tanya ali made the finals of the National Math Fair Competition last year. Before the final round began, each one had to shake hands with all the others. How many handshakes were there? Answer: handshakes x 4, Karen's first five grades are: 92, 88, 99, 97, and 89. If she has an average of 94, she'll getan A on her report card. Find Karen's average. Will Karen get an A ora B? Answer: Karen will get a(n) _. Jopiter VIEL page 1* tok a 5. Find the missing digits. Write the completed problem below to the right. 1682 Answer: [6 6 5 a4 3.8 || Gr 78 6. On the Fourth of July, a typical temperature in Florida during the day would be: °. o o et geCe 2 21208 2 ic 368 C Answer: 7. Rachel mailed out 12 party invitations and the stamps cost $0.32 each. She aid for her stamps with a five dollar bill. How much change should she Teceive? Answer: 8, In these addends, each letter represents a single digit. Find the numbers. Write the completed problem below, on the right hand side. CENT Answer: CB ENED tS CENT 35128 9. To change “dog years” to “people years,” you multiply the dog's age by 7. tean join a. How old, in people years, is a e 10-year old dog? b. How old are you? ___ How old a dog is equal to you in age? Jpter VIL page 2Comment Jupiter, VIII . (65) Students may use the guess-check-revise method. Some students might get the answer by putting the 36 and 94 on a number line, and deciding the point half-way between. Some students may subtract 36 from 94 (94 ~ 36 = 58) and add 1/2 of 58 to 36 (29 + 36 = 65). 4,6 or 6,4 Perhaps the easiest way to solve each of these 2310 or 10,2 problems is to focus on the numbers that would give 6; 8 o 8,6 the indicated product, and then see which of those 7, 9 or 9,7 pairs of numbers would give the indicated sum. 3518 or 15,3 1,30 or 30,1 . (10) Students may act out this problem, or they might draw a diagram with A, J, 8, C, and T around acircle. They would then connect each letter with each other letter by a line, counting the lines. (B) This is a two-step problem. Students will first have to find the sum of Karen's grades: 92 “+ 88 +99 +97 + 89 and get 465. Then they will divide 465 by 5 to get 93%, which is a B. Students can use a calculator for such situations. . $0,682 The problem involves deducing the two missing numbers, and one way 43.896 isto work through the standard subtraction algorithm for the numbers. 6,786 Perhaps the easiest way is to add 6, 786 to 43, 8_ 6, using number sense to determine the result. . (6° C) Students should realize that 12°C is too cold, and 120°F is too hot. Therefore by process of elimination, 36°C is the correct choice. . (G1. 16) This is a two-step problem. Students first have to decide how much Rachel spent. ‘She bought 12 stamps at 32 cents each: 12 x $0.32= $3.84. Next, the students compute what her change would be. $3.84 from $5.00 is $1.16. 8376 Students can start by looking for the T value. Three such numbers must 8376 giveasumof8 in the ones place — 6 is a good choice. Then knowing that 18.376 1 is “carried” to the next place, the student can solve for N. Proceeding in 35128 this manner solves the problem. . (a. 70; b. answers will vary.) Part (a) involves multiplying 10 and 7. For part (b), take the number that the student put in the first blank, and, using a calculator, divide the number by To get the number in the second blank. The answers will most likely be 9 +7 = 12/7 = 1.3, or 10+ 7= 1 3/7~ 14, or 11+7=1 4/7 = 1.6. Be lenient in accepting reasonable answers for part (b), since some students will have the right idea but not know how to divide decimals or round their answers. Joptec VIL page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, IX (This shows my own thinking.) kk 1. The volume of a box is the number of cubes it would take to fill it up. If each cube is a centimeter on the edges, the volume would be given in cubic centimeters. What is the volume of the x4 cm x 6cm box to the right? 6cm Answer: cubic centimeters 40m seek 2. Mario got his $10.00 weekly allowance on Monday. He spent 25% of his weekly allowance on Tuesday, 15% of his weekly allowance on Wednesday, and 10% more on ‘Thursday. How much money did he have left to spend for the rest of the week? Answer: 4x 3, Shade in 2 of F of fof the circle. What fraction of the circle is shaded? Answer: is shaded Jokiek 4, How many outfit combinations are possible with 1 pair of sneakers, 3 tee-shirts and 2 pairs of jeans? Drawing a diagram might help to illustrate your strategy. DIAGRAM: Answer: outfits are possible soit IX page 1+k4k 5. Sonya has x amount of money. Bob has three times as much as Sonya has, less $14.62. kk ‘Write an expression, using x, that tells how much money Bob has. Answer $ 6, Mr. Harmen graded 56 papers Monday and 87 papers Wednesday. How many papers did Mr. Harmen grade in the two days? Answer: 7. Place the letter X on the number line where $ would be. +4444 4+ ++ +} 0 1 8. Use logic and the clues given to find out who will be sitting in what chair at the Halloween party. Fill each chair with the character's initia. CLUES ‘The Jack-o-lantemn sits on the Ghost's immediate right. Sleeping Beauty sits across from the Prince. The Witch is to the right of Sleeping Beauty. ‘The Prince sits between the Jack-o-lantern and the Fireman. ‘The Ghost sits at the head of the table with the wedge of cheese. ‘The Clown sits to the left of the Robot. opie IX page 2Commentary Jupiter, IX 1. (96) Students can count the cubes in layers. There would be 16 on each of the 6 layers, or 16 X 6 total cubes. 2. ($8) Students can compute 25% of $10, 15% of $10, and 10% of $10 and add to get $5 spent. Then $10 - $5 gives $5 left to spend. Another way is to add the 3 percents (25%, 15%, and 10%) to get 50% spent. Then 50% of $10 was not spent, and 50% of $10 is $5. 3. (See diagram below. 3/16) Students might show the circle ‘cut in half, then one of the halves cut in half to get fourths, then one of those fourths cut into four pieces, and three of them shaded (see below). If so, it would take 16 of the smaller pieces to make the whole circle, so each is 1/16. Three shaded sixteenths would be 3/16. 4, (© One possible diagram is: jems thi << jens ae, ‘pahirt Jems ems thins ~~ jeas 5. (3x - $14.62 or 3 x x - $14.62 or x +x +x - $14.62 or any equivalent expression) 6. (143) Students will add to find the answer. 7 44S > 0 1 8. We ‘SB q cl} © c Jupiter IX. page 3SUPERSTARS IIL Name: “Jupiter, X (This shows my own thinking.) «* 1, Draw the fifth and sixth figures to follow the pattern of dots below. 3k 2. Answer these questions about the pattem in problem 1 above. a. How many dots would it take to make the 10th figure in the pattern? b. What is the number of the figure that is made with 401 dots? _ ¢._Letn sand for any figure number. Use nto tell how many dots there would be inthe nth igure. ek 3. Margo's dog had a litter of 7 pups, all alike except for coloring. The mother and one pup weighed 15 pounds. The mother and two pups weighed 17 pounds. How much did the litter of 7 pups weigh by themselves? Answer: pounds kkk 4, Ina Magic Square, the sums of the columns, rows and diagonals are all the same. Using the digits 1-9 only once, fill in the blanks to make this figure a magic square with a sum of 15. Supiter X page 1hk to 5. Back in the old days, couples would enter marathon dance contests to win money. They would dance continuously, with only short breaks for food and drink. Some contests would go on for over a week. How many hours of dancing would there be in a 7-day week? Answer: hours 6. Mr. Trumpet would like to offer you a job. He will hire you for ten days. He will pay you one of three ways: a, $1.00 the first day, $2.00 the second day, $3.00 the third day and so on. b. 10¢ the first day, 20¢ the second day, 40¢ the third day, and each day twice the amount of the day before. . $6.00 each day for all ten days. ‘Which way would pay you the most money? Answer: 7. How many gallon jugs would you need to hold 3 and 3 gallons of lemonade? Answer, jugs 8. Your Mom is a sporting person, so when it's close to your bedtime, she will have a contest with you to see if you get to stay up an extra half-hour to play a computer gamé. You get to draw a card from a well-shuffled deck. If you draw a face card, an ace, or any hear, she'll “have a heart” and let you stay up. If you draw any other card, you lose and go ahead to bed. Who haas the better chance of winning, you or your Mom? Answer: SopiterX page 2Commentary Jupiter, X 1, Gee figures below) Note that each figure is a square with the same number of dots on each side as the figure number, plus an extra dot on top. 2. (a. 101; b. 20; nxn +1) This problem encourages students to generalize the number of dots for each figure, rather than drawing them. Each figure is made from this number of dots: the figure number, squared, with 1 dot added on top. 3 (14) If the mother and one pup weighed 15 pounds, and the mother and two pups weighed 17 pounds, then the extra pup in the second weighing must be 2 pounds. Since all the pups are the same weight, 7 pups would weigh 14 pounds. 4, (See below.) There are other solutions. Students may use Guess-Check -Revise. 5. (168) Multiply 7 by 24. 6. (b) Students might use a calculator for this problem. For plan (a), you would ean $55; for (b), you would eam $102.30; for (c), you would earn $60. Students are often surprised at how quickly an amount accumulates when doubled continuously. 7. (4) 8. (Mom) Students might take out a deck of cards and count the possibilities. Aces, face cards, ‘and hearts (when counted so that they aren't counted twice), make up 25 of the 52 cards in the deck. There are four aces, twelve face cards, and nine other hearts. The other cards (2 through 10 of spades, diamonds, and clubs) make up 27 of the 52 cards (nine in each suit). Since 27/52 is a better chance than 25/52, Mom has a slight advantage. SpiterX page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XT (This shows my own thinking.) x — 1. The comer of this paper measures 90 degrees. Fold the lower right-hand comer of this paper 50 it represents two 45 degree angles. “Trace the fold line with your pencil. x 2. Estimate the result of the following problem as a whole number. 1 aa 24 11 3 4% +276 7136 +592 > 3 or Answer: jek 3. How many ways can 3 students be arranged in three chairs? A A A Answer: ___ ways 7 4. Observe the circles in the triangle-shaped stacks. Fill in the missing numbers to show how many circles are in the last two stacks. ake dis BB 3k — 5. Follow the pattem above. Draw the next figure in the pattern to the right. sk 6. In the patter for problem 4, how many circles would be in the 10th figure? Sone X1_ page 1“kek 7. The Florida Lottery is made up of the numbers 1 - 49. My mother has observed that the winning numbers many times are prime numbers. a. List the prime numbers from 1 - 49: b. What is the probability of a prime number being picked randomly from the numbers 1 - 49? c. Is the probability of picking a prime number greater than picking a number that is not prime? deo 8. Put <, >, or = in éach blank below, to give true statements. (@) 3030 3300 (b) (345 +253) 600 © 1.09 1.090 ‘kk 9. Circle the following solid figures that have at least one square face. ihe ZN ek 10. Lu Win likes to balance things. She balanced three 20-gram weights with a 10- gram weight and two new tubes of glue. How much did each tube of glue weigh? Answer: grams 2 Jopiter XI pageCommentary Jupiter, XI . (The fold line should divide the corner in two equal parts as shown below.) v . (8) The fractions are either close to 0 or close to 1. The mixed numbers can then be rounded to produce the following whole number computation: 4+3-2 + 6 — 3, which gives 8. 3. (6 Calling the three students A, B, and C, there are 6 ways: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA S . (10, 15) The problem involves simply counting. The next two problems build on this one. . (See the shape to the right.) w 6. ($5) The number of circles makes the familiar pattern: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, .. To get each succeeding term, you add one more than that which you added in the previous term. To get from 1 to 3, you add 2 to 1. To get from 3 to the next number, you add 3. To get the next term, you add 4, then 5, then 6, and so on. ea - (@, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47; b. 15 out of 49 or 15/49 or any equivalent; c. no) The probability of picking a number that is not prime is 34/49, -(a<3 <3 ae) ° . (From the left, the Ist, 3rd, and Sth figures should be circled.) The first figure has two square faces at its ends. The third figure also has two square bases, although they are ‘‘ilted”. The fifth figure has only one square face, the one on which it rests, 10, (25) The problem will become, in later years, an algebraic situation of the form 60 = 2x + 10. In this case, the two tubes of glue must weigh 50 grams since 50 + 10 = 60. If two tubes of glue weigh 50, then each weighs 25. Jupiter XI. page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XI (This shows my own thinki 4% 1. A snail climbs up a wall 20 feet high. Each day the snail climbs 5 feet, but each night it slips backwards 4 feet. How many days will it take for the snail to get to the top of the wall? Answer: days 4k 2. Raoul got to spin this spinner, to see what chore he had to do Saturday mornings. He could wash the dishes, wash the car, wash the dog, or change the paper in the rabbit cage. What is the chance he will have to wash something Saturday morning, as a fraction and as a percent? ‘Answer: fraction: ___ percent: %* 3. After Halloween, the witches’ costume went on sale for + off the marked price of $25. How much did the costume cost? Answer: % 4, If today was October I Ith, how many days would be left in the current year? Answer: days Jpiter XII page 1akk 5. What Number Am I ? Jam a three-digit number. Tam less than 200. Iam divisible by 12, and by 9. ‘My units digit is less than my tens digit. Answer: Jekok 6. Some researchers estimate that humans walk about 10,000 miles in their lifetimes, on average. Assume that the average life span is 70 years. a, About how many miles per year does the average person walk? b. About how many miles per day does the average person walk? (Express your answer to the nearest tenth.) cc. How many feet per day does the average person walk? 4. Your average step is probably about 18 inches. If you are ‘an average person, about how many steps do you take per day? ex 7. Ifyou tend to be one of those people who tap their feet, pick their nails, drum their fingers, ‘of move around in their seats, there may be some good news. Although your fidgeting may be annoying to others, researchers at the National Institutes of Health report that one of these habits can bum as much as 800 calories per day. If you want to lose weight, this might help. For someone who fidgets as above, how many calories per hour are burned up? Assume the person sleeps 8 hours per day, and doesn't fidget while asleep. Answer: ek — 8. It costs Mr. Kringle $10 to make 100 giant pretzels for his bakery. If he sells his pretzels for 25¢ each, how much profit will he make after selling all 100 pretzels? Answer: $____profit Jopiter XII page2Commentary Jupiter, XI . (16) Students may need help recognizing that the snail is climbing and then falling. Students may draw pictures or use a number line. Some students will think the answer is 20 days because the snail is making progress at the rate of 1 foot per day. However, this discounts the fact that once the snail reaches the top on the 16th day, it won't fall back four feet that night. . (3/4, 75%) The circle is divided equally into four regions, so the chance of landing on each Of those regions is 1/4. The chance of landing on any of the three of them is then 3/4. . ($12.50) Some students will find half of $25 as $12.50, and then subtract that amount from $25 and get $12.50 again. Others will simply say that ifthe item is on sale for 1/2 off, the price you pay is also 1/2 of the price showing. . (81) Students may want to use a calendar or set up a chart in order to solve this problem. ‘There would be 20 days left in October, 30 in November, and 31 in December. . (180) Students may use the guess-check-revise approach. The 2nd clue says that the number is in the hundreds. It is possible then to write down the multiples of 12 that are in the hundreds, checking to see which are also multiples of 9 in which the units digit is less than the tens digit. . (a. 7 . about 1300 steps) art (a) involves dividing 10,000 by 70; part (b) involves dividing the answer for (a) by 365; part (c) involves multiplying (b)'s answer by 5280, and part (4) is found by dividing (c)’s Enswer by 15 (18 inches = 15 feet) |. (50) Students should divide 800 by 16, which is the number of hours the person is awake and burning calories by fidgeting. ($15) $10 for 100 pretzels means he makes pretzels for 10¢ each. If he sells them for 25¢ each, he makes 15¢ per pretzel. Therefore 100 pretzels would bring a profit of 100 x 15¢ or $15. Jupiter X01 page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XI (This shows my own thinking.) ek — 1. To win $1 million, you must draw two cards whose first card i]2]3]4]5]e[7[s]9 [10 sum is nine, from a stack of cards numbered 1 through 10. After the first draw, you replace the card and shuffle the stack again for the second draw. What is the chance that your two cards will have a sum of nine? Use the chart if it helps you think about the possibilities. Answer: second card * 2, Joey agreed to help his mom with the summer chores for $1.50 a day for 20 days. Susan agreed to water the neighbor's indoor plants and feed the cat while they were on summer vacation for $5.00 a week for 5 weeks. Who made more money over their summer vacation, Joey or Susan? Answer: x 3, Its time to planta spring vegetable garden. will be root plants, 3 will be stalk plants, and will be vine plants. t of the stalk and vine plants will be grown organically without fertilizer. What fraction of the garden will be grown organically? Fill in the rectangle to show how the garden can be set up. ‘Answer: ___ will be grown organically. + 4, Juanita has 35 pre-addressed post cards she plans to hand out to her friends so they will rite to her while she is away visiting her grandmother. She has 7 friends she'd like to give them to. Write a number sentence to show how Juanita can share her cards equally among her friends. Answer: Sopter XIN page 1ke ek kk 5. Mary Jane called UPS to find a cost estimate for shipping her racing bicycle from Florida to her sister's house in Vermont. a a, The first information requested by the UPS agent was for the dimensions of the bike. Circle the most reasonable answer. (@) 14 inches by 6 inches (b) 14 feet by 6 feet (© S feetby 4 feet (@ 5 yards by 3 yards b. The second question the agent asked was the approximate weight of the racing bike. Circle the most reasonable answer. (a) 300 grams (b) 15 kilograms (c) 1 metric ton (d) 225 kilograms 6. Felicia collected data from her classmates using a tally sheet. She asked each student what types of electronic appliances they had at home. Below are the data Felicia collected and recorded on a pictograph. Answer the questions related to the graph. (a) How many different types of appliances are listed? (b) What is the total number of all electronic appliances listed? (© According to the data collected, what are the three most popular electronic appliances? Answer: ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES AT HOME TEM _ NUMBER FOUND. [Hairdryer aoe [Television oeee [Washing Machine eee [Computer * [Food Processor * [Clock Radio oe [Stereo eee [Walkman e088 [Lamps. soeed ‘@ ==4 APPLIANCES 7. Write in the three missing numbers in the pattern. eee e171) 162,153,144, 125, 2120, Jupiter XIN page 2Commentary Jupiter, XI . (8 chances out of 100, 8/100, 8%, 8:100, or a reduced form of these answers, such as 4/50, 2/25, and so forth.) Students can obtain such an answer by making a chart of the possibilities. The chart below shows the eight possibilities of success, out of the 100 possibilities for the two cards. first card if2|sl4[slel7]s sro 1 2] 3 second card 2. (Joey) Joey earned $1.50 x 20 = $30.00; Susan earned $5.00 x 5 = $25.00. 3. (2/6 or 1/3) A diagram such as that below will help the student find the answer. The organic ‘portion is 2 pieces out of 6 that would make the whole garden, hence 2/6 or 1/3 is the answer. root | stalk vine organ |. (35+ 7 = 5) The problem is a simple partitioning interpretation of division. (a. 5 feet by 4 feet; b. 15 kilograms) Both problems involve number sense. Students can eliminate all the unreasonable answers simply because of what they know about the size and weight of a bicycle. - (@. 9; b. 104; c. Lamps, Television, and Walkman) Students can count the types of appliances directly from the chart for (a). For (b), the total number of # symbols in the chart is 26, and each stands for 4 appliances from the key, so the total is 104. Lamps are most popular with 5 # symbols, followed by Television and Walkman with 4 each. (189, 180, 117) The pattern involves subtracting 9 each time you move one term to the right. Jepiter XIN page 3SUPERSTARS IIT Name: Jupiter, XIV (This shows my own thinking.) +k 1. Charles likes to draw and thinks he will become an architect one day. He is always concerned about the size of the objects he draws. Charles said the areas of the window and. picture below were about 27 square units and 23 5 square units, respectively. Was he correct? ‘Why or why not? Answer: 4k 2. Farmer Brown had some animals. One-fourth were horses, one-half were cows, and the rest were pigs. He had 8 pigs. How many animals did he have altogether? Answer: sek — 3. To change a Fahrenheit temperature to a Celsius temperature, follow these steps: femperaiure. Use the steps to write the Celsius temperature for each of these Fahrenheit readings: a, 59°Fis__°C b. 86°F is °C ¢. 122°Fis__°C 4k 4, Marilyn used the steps above, and got a Celsius temperature of 60°. ‘What was the Fahrenheit temperature she started with? Jupiter XIV page 1* kk 1k Tok 5, How much is this stack of quarters worth? Answer: 6. The Adams family wants to take a trip to Disneyworld, but can't decide what month to go. They decide to write the names of the months on 12 pieces of paper and put them in a hat. ‘They will draw one piece of paper without looking — that is the month they will travel. a. What is the chance they will go during the summer months of June, July or August? 'b. What is the chance they will go during the school year, September through May? 7. Shown to the right is the way 1 square inch of a newspaper would look, when enlarged so you can see the tiny dots. About how many dots are there per square inch, in a newspaper? Circle the best choice. a. 100 b. 500 c. 1000 d. 1500 8. Consider each of the following. Can the equation 6 x 3 + 4 = 22 represent any of these statements? Circle “yes” or “no” beside each statement below. yes no a. Six tickets at $3 each plus a $4 ticket costs $17. yes nob. Six $3 lunches and a $4 tip come to $22. yes noc. Abike trip of 6 miles in 3 weeks, and 4 more weeks, is 22 miles. yes no d, Six 3-k races, plus a 4-k race, means he ran 22 kilometers that month. Jupiter XIV page 2Commentary Jupiter, XIV 1. (Charles was correct.) The window “edges out” on the right hand side about half a square unit, and there are six of those square units on that side of the window. Therefore the area is 24 square units, plus the six extra half-squares, or 27 square units altogether. The picture is a little short of taking up the sixth square unit on the right-hand end. Measurement shows that it's about 1/5 of a square unit short on that side, and there are four such squares on that end. Therefore its area is four 1/5's short of being 24 square units. Charles desire to be an architect means that he will probably be quite exact in his measurements, as this problem shows. 2. (32) The 8 pigs were 1/4 of the total number of animals, since that is the amount left when 1/2 and 1/4 are combined and removed from 1. Then the total number of animals is 4 x 8 or 32. 3. (a. 18; b. 30; ¢. 50) For (a), 59 32=27; 27+9= 54; 54+9= ; 5x 3=15. For (b), 86-32 = ; 6 X $= 30. For (c), 122 -32= 90; 90+9= 10; 10x5=50. 4, (140) Students might get this by working backwards. To end up with 60 after multiplying by 5, you must have had 12 at the previous step. To have 12 after dividing by 9, you must have had 108 in the previous step. To have 108 after subtracting 32, you must have had 140 to begin. 5. ($4.25) The 17 quarters would be $4.25. 6. (a. 3/12 or 1/4 or 0.25 or 25%; _b. 9/12 or 0.75 or 75%) In (a), there are 3 months being considered out of twelve, so the chance is 3/12 you will get one of those. In (b), the chances are 9/12 since 9 months out of 12 are being considered. 7. (€- 1000) Students can partition the figure into smaller equal-sized pieces, count those, and gain an estimate by multiplying. The figure below has about 120 dots in the section that has been counted, and there are 8 such sections, resulting in 120 x 8 or 960 dots. 8. (a. yes; b. yes; c. m0; d. yes) This problem will demonstrate that some students can translate a verbal situation into an equation, but others cannot. Jupiter XIV page 3SUPERSTARS IIT Name: tok kk kk tk ak Jupiter, XV (This shows my own thinking.) 1. You have been asked to paint the outside surface of this figure made of cubes glued together. It will take approximately one pint of paint per square face. You do not ‘have to paint the bottom. — a. How many pints of paint will you need?, | b. If the paint costs $4.99 per pint, estimate the cost of the paint to the nearest dollar. 2. Inthe space to the right draw a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides. ‘The name of this quadrilateral is a: 3. Ricardo bought one-half dozen donuts for his family. Family members ate one-half of the donuts. How many were left for Ricardo to eat? Answer: donuts 4. A commercial says “Four out of five dentists surveyed chose sugarless gum for their patients.” If 1000 dentists were surveyed, how many recommended sugarless gum? Answer: 5. What number from | to 25 has the most factors? List its factors: a Jupiter XV page 1«6, Fill in the bar graph below with the data given. Write a title and label the bottom axis. Antonio surveyed his 36 classmates to find the month of their birthdays. He tallied: 5 in January, 4 in February, | in March, 2 in April, 1 in May, 4 in June, 4 in July, 2 in August, 3 in September, 4 in October, 0 in November, and 6 in December. ‘TITLE: ANWAUAWOOS ek 7. A skating rink plays different songs during a two-hour skating party. The songs average 3 minutes each. There is a 15-minute break, without music, when the refreshments are served. How many songs do they need to have ready? Answer: songs ‘ek 8. A pencil can draw a line 36 miles long, according to research. Mickey decided to test that theory and draw his 36 miles in the shape of a square, so he would wind up back where he started. How long would each side of the square be? Answer: miles Spter XV page 2Commentary Jupiter, XV 1. (a. 32; b. $160) There are 10 faces on the side showing, giving 20 altogether on the two sides. There are 8 faces that make up the “steps,” and 4 more on the end. The estimate of the cost can be made by rounding $4.99 to $5, and multiplying 32 x $5. 2. (Any picture of a trapezoid is acceptable.) J\ dN 3. (3) One-half of a dozen is 6, and one-half of 6 is 3. 4, (800) Four out of five is the same ratio as eight out of ten, which is the same as 80 out of 100, which is the same as 800 out of 1000. 5. (24; its factors are: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24) Students will probably have to guess-check- revise to find the number with the most factors. 6. (See the graph below.) The title can be anything that makes good sense, such as “Class Birthdays.” ‘The labels on the bottom axis should represent the months of the year, probably with an initial. TITLE: Class Birthdays 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 JF MAM JJASOND 7. (5) Two hours is 120 minutes, and the 15-minute break means that 105 minutes are available for music. 105 +3 = 35. 8. (9) The perimeter of the square is 36 miles. Therefore the sum of the four equal sides is 36, ‘meaning that each side must be 36 +4 = 9 miles in length. Sopiter XV. page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XVI (This shows my own thinking.) 4 1, Shade part of the diagram below to show % of 5 of the whole rectangle kekok ee 2. The table below lists mid-season baseball won-loss records for the Central division of the ‘National League. Answer the questions based on the information provided in the table. it. Louis incinnati fouston jreago [Pittsburgh 30 37 a. Fill in the total games column on the table for each team. b. Which team has the highest winning percentage? c. Which team has the lowest winning percentage? 4. What is the average number of games played per team? 3, How many squares? Answer: squares Jopter XVI page 1ek — 4, The Fashion Store is having a Spring sale. The dresses are 3 off and the shoes are + off wk ok ak q the regular price. Sandy buys a dress that was regularly priced at $94.50 and shoes to go with the dress that were regularly priced $29.96. What was the total amount she spent on just these two items? (Assume that there is no tax.) Answer: 5. Make a graph to show the approximate position of the sun during a sunny summer day. ‘The sun rises at 6:00 AM and sets at 9:00 PM. Height in the Sk directly overhead ground "evel 6:00AM 10:00AM 2:00PM 6:00PM 10:00 PM 6. Kenis about to eat a bag of M&M's on the 4th of July. The number of each color M&M is listed in the table below. Answer the questions. reen ree ellow [tan Town jue a. If Ken picks the first M&M out of the bag without looking, what is the chance he will pick a brown one to match his eyes? b. What is the chance his first one will match a color in the American flag? 7. Mike needs to buy 4 packages of pencils at 89¢ each, 2 packages of paper at $1.19 each, and an eraser package for 95¢. He has $10.00. Estimate to the nearest dollar how much. money he will have left. EEE Ip Jpter XVI page 2Commentary Jupiter, XVI (Any model with one shaded cell is correct.) Students will likely think of dividing the rectangle into thirds either horizontally or Ba vertically, and then one of those thirds into thirds going in the other direction. . (a. 71, 68, 69, 70, 67; b. Cincinnati; ¢. St. Louis; d. 69) The total number of ‘games comes from adding each team's wins and losses. Students can find the winning ‘percentages by dividing the wins for each team by the total. When rounded off to two decimal places, these percentages are: 0.43, 0.63; 0.55, 0.53, and 0.45 for the teams as listed, top to bottom, in the chart. The highest of these percentages is 0.63 and the lowest is 0.43, corresponding to Cincinnati and St. Louis, respectively. The average number of games played is (68 + 69 + 70 +67 +71) +5, or 69. . (7) There are 3 large squares, and 4 smaller ones in the center. |. ($69.72) The students first need to find how much each item will cost on sale. They will probably divide the price of the dress by 2 to get the new price, $47.25. They will probably divide the price of the shoes by 4 to get $7.49, and subtract that from the regular price to get the sale price, $22.47. They then add these two sale prices. This is only one way a fourth ‘grader might approach this problem. . (See the graph below.) Height in the Sky] directly overhead sround Tevel 6:00AM 10:00AM 2:00PM 6:00PM 10:00 PM . (a. 10 out of $4, or 5 out of 27, which can also be written as a ratio, fraction, decimal or percent -- 10:54 or 10/54; 5:27 or 5/27; or 0.19 or 19%; b. 13 out of $4, which can also be written as a ratio, fraction, decimal or percent -- 13:54 or 13/54 or 0.24 or 24%) There are 10 brown M&M's out of 54 in the bag, so that there is a 10/54 chance of getting a brown one. There are 13 red or blue M&M's and no whites, so the chances of getting a color in the American flag is 13/54. . ($3) Four packages of pencils cost about $4, two packages of paper cost about $2.00, and the eraser package costs about $1. This totals $7, so he would have about $3 left out of $10. Jopter XVI page 3SUPERSTARS III oe eee ee eee ‘Jupiter, XVI (This shows my own thinking.) kk 1. Make big dots on the grid for the following ordered pairs, and label them A, B, C, or D. Ais (2,4); Bis (6,4); Cis (6,1); Dis (2,1) a. Connect A to B to C to Dto A with a heavy pencil line. . Name the shape you drew. vio a ¢. Give the area of the shape. __ square units +k 2, Write in the boxes the numbers to show the arrows’ positions on the number line. <+42—___»—__»+________+» 100 300 ek 3, The Guinness Book of World Records states that the largest pumpkin on record weighed 671 pounds. If this pumpkin was lifted onto the scales by 11 fourth graders, on average, how much would each student be lifting? Answer: pounds Jeék 4, The computer tables in a classroom were placed together to form the polygon pictured to the right. a, Name the polygon that was formed. b. How many angles does this polygon have? angles c. Are the angles acute, obtuse, or right? Sepiter XVIL_ page 15, In the United States, every 57 minutes an underage drinker is involved in a traffic fatality. ‘A recent report urges a crackdown on teen-age drinking and driving. Estimate the number of underage drinkers involved in traffic fatalities each day. Answer: + 6, Decide whether an estimate or a precise calculation is appropriate for each situation. Write “estimate” or "precise calculation” in the answer spaces. Use each term once. Situation 1: Checking the change you receive after paying for lunch. Answer: Situation 2: Planning the time it will take to travel from one town to another on a trip. Answer: eek 7. Fill in the total number of rectangles found in each pattern below. PATTERN NUMBER OF RECTANGLES LI TTI [TT 4% — 8, Describe how to find each “next number” of rectangles, without drawing the figure: Answer: ek 9, How many total rectangles will there be if 7 small rectangle are used in the pattern? Jupiter XVII page 2Commentary Jupiter, XVII . See below; b. rectangle; c. 12) A B . (150, 200) Students can measure, with a piece of paper and a pencil, the distance from 100 to the second dot and compare that to the distance from the second dot to 300. They will find the distance to be the same, indicating that the middle dot is half way between 100 and 300, at 200. A similar strategy shows that the first open box holds 150. . (61) Students can divide: 671 + 11 = 61 . (a. hexagon; b. 6; ¢. obtuse) (24 or 25) Students can round 57 minutes to 60 minutes or one hour. There are 24 hours in ‘a day; therefore an estimate of 24 fatalities per day is reasonable. If a student calculates that since 57 is 3 minutes less than 1 hour, there would be 24 x 3 or 72 extra unaccounted-for minutes, meaning another group of 57 minutes in 24 hours, then 25 is a reasonable estimate also. . (precise calculation, estimate) Either answer might be acceptable in each situation, ‘except that the directions say to use each term once. Therefore the student is forced to choose the more appropriate term for each spot. . A, 3,10, 15) . (The number pattern increases by adding one greater number to the total each time. See alternate formula below.) 1 +2 =3 (the next level); 3 +3 = 6 (the next level); 6+4-= 10 (the next level); 10+5= 15; and so on. Most students won't notice this, but they can find each new number without knowing the previous number. If there are n small rectangles, then the total number of rectangles formed is (n)(n + 1) +2. . (28) Following the lead from problem 8, the student can add 6 to 15 to get 21 rectangles with ‘6 small rectangles, then 7 + 21 to get the next total. Or, with 7 small rectangles, there are (1)(8) + 2 total rectangles. Jpter XVIL_ page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: tek ek tk Jupiter, XVIII " (ihis shows my own thinki 1. You are playing a card game with a full deck of 52 cards. You win. if you draw a red card that is a multiple of 5. What are your chances of winning on your first draw? Answer: 2. The Tappens ordered two pizzas for dinner Friday. Dad ate 3 of one pizza, Jenny ate of apizza, Danny ate ¢ of pizza, and Mom ate of pizza. What fraction ofa pizza was lft for a midnight snack? Answer: of a pizza 3. Leah liked to balance objects she found around the house using the science kit she got for Christmas. She found that 3 identical apples and a S-gram weight exactly balanced a 50-gram weight. Leah said she could tell how much each apple weighed by solving the equation 3a+5=50. Prove Leah was correct by finding the weight of 1 apple. Answer: a 4. Apalachee Elementary School has a total of 16 classes. The 104 fourth-graders are divided equally among 4 classrooms. How many fourth graders are in each class? Answer: Joptee XVI page 1* 5. If one or both of the numbers in a multiplication problem are even, the product will be even. Therefore if you open a book and multiply the facing page numbers together, the product will be an (even or odd) number. 4% 6. Tonya is making friendship bracelets for each girl coming to her sleep-over party. Each bracelet will be braided with 4 purple strings, 3 yellow strings, 2 green strings and 3 blue strings. She is expecting 8 friends to attend her party. Each string costs 10 cents. It takes Tonya about 20 minutes to braid each bracelet. a. How much will the string cost Tonya? b. How long will it take Tonya to make all the bracelets ?_ hours and __ minutes + 7. About how long is it around the outside edge of an ordinary door in your home? Circle the best answer below. (a) 10 meters (b)4meters (c) 15 meters (4) 6 meters ek 8, Below is a bus schedule showing departure times and arrival times from various cities in Florida to Ft. Lauderdale. How much time does the longest trip take? EPARTURES: ARRIV: jacksonville 530 AM jahassee 730 AM le E00 PM Lauderdale a Answer: hours and minuies Jpiter XVI page 2Commentary Jupiter, XVII (4 out of 52, 2 out of 26 or 1 out of 13, which could also be written as a fraction (4/52, e.g.), a decimal (approximately 0.08), or a percent (8%)) Out of each suit, there are two cards that are multiples of 5, the 5 and the 10. ‘There are two red suits, diamonds and hearts. Therefore the are four such cards out of 52 in the deck. . (18) The two pizzas shown have not been divided into eighths yet, as pizzas normally are. ‘The student can divide each of them this way and see that Dad ate 6 pieces, Jenny ate 1 piece, Danny ate 2 pieces, and Mom ate 4 pieces. Therefore 13 pieces were eaten, leaving 3 pieces. Three pieces is 3/8 of a pizza. (5) Students should solve this problem intuitively, not by trying to use the equation. The ‘equation is there simply for them to associate an equation with a real-life situation. They can ‘guess-check-revise to find the weight of an apple, or they can deduce the answer logically as they will be called on later to solve such equations. If three apples and 5 grams weigh 50 grams, then 3 apples by themselves must weigh 45 grams. Therefore each apple weighs 45 + 3 or 15 grams. . (26 students) There is extra information in this problem — 16 classes. The problem is solved by dividing 104 students by 4. . (even) Students might want to test this out, by opening a book to several different places and multiplying the numbers on the facing pages with a calculator. . (a. $9.60; b. 2 hours and 40 minutes) Students can first multiply each color string by 8, add those products to get 96, and then multiply by 10 cents. Or, they might add all the colors together for one bracelet and get 12, multiply that amount by 8, and then multiply by 10 cents, For the second question, students can multiply 20 minutes by 8 to get 160 minutes, converting that to 2 hours and 40 minutes. |. (6 meters) Students might estimate this amount visually ~ the height of a door is about 2 meters, and the width is not quite 1 meter. Therefore, the distance around the outside would be about | +2+ 1 +2 or 6 meters. Some students might actually measure a door and find approximately the same dimensions. Most interior doors in houses are about 5.5 meters around the outside, which is closer to 6 meters than any of the other answers. . (11 hours 30 minutes) The trip from Tallahassee takes the longest. Students will most probably "count up" from the departing time to the arrival time, getting 6 1/2 hours, 11 1/2 hours, 5 hours, and 8 hours, respectively. On the Tallahassee trip, some might get the time by realizing that a 12-hour trip would go from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM, and this would be 1/2 hours shorter than that, giving 11 1/2 hours for the trip. Jupiter XVI page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: * kk kk ‘Jupiter, XIX "(his shows my own thinking.) 1, Divide each of the squares below differently so they represent fourths. 2. Tiger roared every time someone passed its home in the 200. Tiger roared more than 39 times but fewer than 46. It roared an ‘odd number of times. You say the number when you count by 3's and by 5's. How many times did Tiger roar? Answer: times 3. Paul Lynch holds the world record for one-arm push-ups. Paul once did 3,855 one-arm push-ups in five hours. On average, how many did he do in 1 hour? Answer: push-ups 4, Trace over the figure of the kite below. Cut along the lines of your tracing that go from vertex to vertex so you have four triangles. Arrange these triangles so they make two quadrilaterals: a square and a rectangle. Find the perimeter of each quadrilateral. Perimeter of the rectangle: Perimeter of the square: Joptee XIX. page 1ek 5, ‘The bar graph shows the percent of members of elected parliaments or legislatures in 1988 and 1994 who were women. Fill in the graph to show the percent in the year 2000, if the decline is the same from 1994 to 2000 as it was from 1988 to 1994. 208 18 10R-- 1988 1994 2000 x — 6, Circle the figure below ~B, C, or D -- that shows figure A rotated 270 degrees clockwise. _ ts > B cl, D ttt lay _ 4k 7. During the last week of school, a few students got the silly willies on Monday. On Tuesday, 2 more students than on Monday caught the silly willies. Each day after that, 2 more students than on the day before caught them. On Friday, 12 students caught them. How many students caught the silly willies in 5 days? A ttt Answer: students ek 8. Arrange the digits 1-7 in the squares so that no two consecutive digits are connected by a line. JepterXIX_ page 2Commentary Jupiter, XIX (Four possibilities are shown below.) Students can show “fourths” in a number of ways. The square must be divided into 4 parts, and the parts must have the same area. However, the parts to not have to be the same shape. . (45) Students might start by listing the numbers greater than 39 but less than 46: (40, 41, 42, 43, 44, and 45}. The only number of the list that you count when you count by threes and fives is 45. “It roared an odd number of times.” is not necessary as a clue. . (771) Students might use a calculator to divide 3855 by 5, getting 771. Students might be challenged to find the approximate number of pushups per minute -- 13 ~ and to then approximate the rate of his doing push ups (about 1 every 5 seconds). . (square is 4 units; rectangle is 8 units) Some students might misinterpret the problem and try to use all four figures to make the square, and then all four again to make the rectangle. They will find they can't make such a square. . (The graph should be | approximately equivalent to se the one shown.) The change from 1988 to 1994 is from 15% to jog 11%. That same change from 1994 to 2000 would result in about 7% in gt 2000. 1988 1994 2000 (Figure B) Students might find the drawing by tracing over figure A, actually turning it three ‘90° tums, and matching it up with one of the given drawings. . (40 students) This problem cab be solved by working backward and then adding. On Friday 12 students got the silly wiles; therefore on Thursday, 10 students did; Wednesday, 8 did; Tuesday, 6 did; and Monday, 4 did. 12 +10+8 +6+4=40. . (One solution is shown.) Students might start 7 5 by putting 4 in the center and the two numbers that “Surround” it, 3 and 5, on the ends. 5 a 3 i z Jupiter XIX. page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: dk kk ik Jupiter, XX " his shows my own thinking.) 1, The owner of "Pets On The Go" pet store currently has the following animals in his store: 5 dogs, 4 cats, 12 birds, 2 turtles, 3 snakes, 2 giant lizards, 1 pot-bellied pig, and 4 spiders . How many legs were on the 33 animals? ‘Answer: legs spider 2. Mrs. Rickets is a farmer. She grows fruits and vegetables. The largest pumpkin she has ever grown weighed 68 pounds. The largest cantaloupe she has ever grown weighed 12 pounds, 8 ounces. What is the difference in weight between the pumpkin and the cantaloupe? Answer: pounds, _ ounces 3. If acustomer wanted to buy Mrs. Ricket's largest canteloupe and the price was 50¢ per pound, how much would the customer have to pay? Answer:, 4, Mark hid a $10 bill inside his favorite book. He forgot the pages where he hid it. If the sum of the pages where the bill is hidden is 177, on what pages will Mark find his money? Answer: page __and page 5. Mr. Dexter brought home 5 dozen eggs. He accidently dropped the carton on the floor and} of the eggs broke. How many eggs does he have left? Answer: eggs Jupiter 30% page 1ek 6, Ifyou startin the right place, you can trace this entire A Bc ‘map with your pencil without retracing a path between two points, Circle the two points where you can start to do this amazing feat! ok 7. The 6 fourth-grade classes at Marathon Elementary School are having a kick-ball tournament. Each class must play each other once in the toumament. How many kick-ball games must be scheduled? Answer: games kw — 8, The cafeteria staff at Fairlawn Elementary took a poll of its fourth grade students to find out how many students liked hot dogs, pizza, or tacos. The results are shown in the Venn diagram below. tacos 13 e " 8 | 29 21 hot dog: izza piz. 25 a. Sixty-eight students liked hot dogs. How many students like tacos? students . How many students liked both pizza and tacos, but not hot dogs? students c. How many students liked all three types of food? students Jupiter XX page 2Commentary Jupiter, XX . (112) Students may make a chart according to the animal's number of legs. Dogs, cats, turtles, lizards and the pig have 4 legs each, so the total number of legs on the 4-legged creatures is 4 x (5+4+2+2+ 1) 0r4x 14=56. The 12 birds contribute 24 legs and the 4 spiders have 8 legs each or 32 all together. Therefore there are 56 + 24 + 32 = 112 legs. . (5 pounds, 8 02) Students need to convert 1 16 ounces in order to be able to subtract. The 68 pounds become 67 pounds, 16 ounces, and then the student can subtract 12 pounds, 8 ounces. ($6.25) Students might multiply 12.5 x $0.50. They might realize that every 2 pounds will cost $1, therefore 12 pounds will cost $6. They then realize that 1/2 pound will cost half of 50¢, or 25¢, and combine that with $6. . (pages 88, 89) Students may need to be reminded that pages in a book are consecutive. If they divide 177 by 2, they will get a hint that the answer must be 88 and 89. (4) Drawing 1/2 dozen eggs, or 6 eggs, will lead to a solution. Then 1/3 of them, or 2 eggs, can be crossed out, leaving 4 eggs. . (E and F should be circled.) These two points are the only two with an odd number of paths going in and coming out. Consequently, these are the only two places at which you can begin such a network and trace it without backtracking. . (15) Students can make a chart or diagram to solve this problem. They could make a list such as the one below which uses A, B, C, D, E, and F to represent the six classrooms: AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, BC, BD, BE, BF, CD, CE, CF, DE, DF, EF . (a. 57; b. 8; ©. 29) For part (a) students add 7, 13, 29, and 8. For (b), they look for the number common to both pizza and tacos, but is not common to hot dogs. For (c), the students locate the number common to all three rectangles. Spite XX page 3SUPERSTARS III Name. kL kk tk “Jupiter, XX1 "(his shows my own thinking.) Accricket and a flea decided to hop on a set of stairs. The flea takes 2 steps in 1 hop. The cricket takes 3 steps in 1 hop. The set of stairs has 12 steps. el I b. On which steps will neither of them land? _ [ise step a. On which steps will both the cricket and the flea land? Answers: a, Both the cricket and the flea will land on these steps: b. Neither the cricket nor the flea will land on these steps: 2. Bill Cosby is one of the leading money makers in the entertainment business. If he eams $92 million for two years’ work, how much would he earn for five years’ work? Answer: $____million 3. The answer to problem 2 uses a short word name for a large number. Rewrite the answer to problem 2, but do not use “million.” Remember - this answer involves money! Answer: 4, Study the bar graph below which shows the average precipitation for the month of June in the United States. ‘Answer the questions pertaining to the graph. Average June Rainfall ininches 4.19 a, Was June 1995 drier or wetter than normal? Answer: b. What is the difference in rainfall between the wettest and driest Junes on record? Answer: inches c. How many years’ difference exist between June 1995 and the wettest June on record? 1995 normal driest wettest Answer: _____ years (1993) (1928) Jopter XX pagex 5, A bricklayer is working with bricks of the size shown to the 25cm right. She puts a 2-cm layer of mortar between each two rows of bricks, How high will the wall be when 10 rows have been laid? Answer: cm * — 6, Itis recommended that children from ages 7 to 10 eat about 2000 calories per day. Andy is 8 years old. Listed below is everything Andy ate Tuesday. Did Andy eat less than, more than, ‘oF equal to the recommended amount of calories? Bre: it Lunch Snack Dinner cereal (240 cal.) — Egg-salad sandwich (230 cal.) cheese ( _lasagna(330 cal.) milk ( applesauce (53 cal.) crackers (20 cal.) milk (150 cal.) banana (100 cal.) milk (150 cal.) yogurt (180cal.) pear (90 cal.) potato chips (105 cal.) ice cream (230 cal.) Answer: 4 7. You can roll two number cubes at a time, a white one and a —=— red one, and there are 36 different ways for the “up faces” to <== Jand. The pair of number cubes at the right shows the only ‘way that a sum of two can come up. How many ways will tok give a sum of 7 on the two up faces? Answer: __ ways 8, About how many people lying head-to-toe are needed to stretch around the earth? Is it closest to: (a) 1 million, (b) 25 million, or (c) 100 million? ( Hint: The distance around the earth is approximately 25,000 miles.) Answer: Sopter XI. page 2Commentary Jupiter, XXI . (a. 6th and 12th; b. Ist, Sth, 7th, and 11th) Students can draw the 12 steps and the two animals jumping as a concrete way to solve the problem. Or they might simply list the steps that each will land on and find the answer that way. Some might write the numbers from 1 to 12, and write “C” or “F” above each number as the cricket or flea lands on it. . ($230) This will probably be a two-step problem. Students will probably divide 92 by 2 and then multiply that quotient by 5. . ($230,000,000.00 or $230,000,000) In this answer, look for the dollar sign and the correct number of zeros. . (a. drier; b. 2.76; c. 67) Part (a) simply involves comparing the 1995 bar with the “normal” bar. Part (b) involves subtracting 1.43 from 4.19; part (c) requires students to subtract 1928 from 1995, . (118) Students may draw a picture; there are 10 bricks (10x 10 cm = 100 cm) and 9 sections of mortar (9 x2 cm = 18 em). The total is then 100 cm + 18 em. (more than) The total number of calories listed is 2217. Some students will be able to estimate accurately that the calories sum to more than 2000, without actually getting the total number of calories accurately. . (©) Out of the 36 ways the number cubes can land, these combinations give a sum of 7: (1,6), (6,1), (2,5), (5,2), (3,4), (4,3). (b. 25 million) Students can convert 25,000 miles into 132,000,000 feet using a calculator. If the average person is 5.5 feet tall, this number can be divided into 132,000,000 to get 24 million people necessary. An average height of 5 feet would result in a little more than 26 million people. Therefore the most reasonable answer is about 25 million. pte XX1_ page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XXII (This shows my own thinking.) ex 1, If the 24th day of the month falls on Saturday, on what day did the 6th fall? Answer: 4k 2, There are 4 six-packs of soda in a case. Chris bought 5 of acase and gave 5 of what he had to Dana. How many cans of soda does Chris have left? Answer: cans kkk 3. Together, 6 boys and 12 girls weigh 1050 pounds. The boys all weigh the same —x pounds. Each girl weighs 55 pounds. What is the weight of one boy? 6369 EIEIGED SIOGGISGIIGIIS Answer: x= pounds ek 4, The sum of 3 consecutive numbers is 276. What are the numbers? (Consecutive numbers differ by one: example: 8, 9, and 10) and Answer, 5 xk — 5, Ifa family of 12 spiders wore shoes, how many pairs of shoes would they need? % Answer: pairs. Jopter XXIL page 1ix kk ** ki 6. A tropical storm passed through the town. It began to rain Monday morning at 8:45 AM and did not stop until the next day at 2:30 PM. How long did it rain? 8 a Answer: hours and. minutes ate 4 7. There are 3 cars, 4 bicycles, 2 tricycles, and 1 unicycle in the neighbor's garage. How many wheels are there in all? Forget about any "spare tires"! Answer: wheels 8. Rosemary bought a sweater on sale for $6.98. She also bought a skirt for $9.99. She paid an additional $1.19 for sales tax. Rosemary gave the sales person a $20 bill. How much change should she receive? Answer: 9. Study this pattern. 25 and also 32 would be in column E, if the pattern continued. a. In which column would 100 appear? __ 21 22 b. In which column would 500 appear? _ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c. In which column would 1000 appear? _ 789 11 1213 01234 5 6 A BCDEFG Apter 100 page 2Commentary Jupiter, XXIL . (Tuesday) Students can use a calendar or make a chart with “Su, M, T, W, Th, F, Sa” at the top and begin numbering backward putting 24 under Saturday. They may also realize that the 7th and 10th fall on Saturdays and count back from the 10th. . (8) Students can solve this problem by drawing a diagram or by visualizing 24 colas. 1/2 of 24 is 12, and 1/3 of 12 is 4. Therefore Chris gave away 4 of the 12 sodas, leaving 8. . (65) Students will probably solve this by first finding the total weight of the 12 girls: 12 x 55 = 660 pounds. Then they will compute 1050 - 660 = 390 pounds, the weight of the 6 doys. Then 390 + 6 = 65 pounds per boy. (91, 92, 93) Students may use the guess-check-revise method. Some students might know that the numbers they seek are about 1/3 of the total, and approximate the numbers by dividing 276 by 3. This gives 92, which is the middle number. . (48) Students may want to draw a picture to help solve this problem. Spiders have 8 legs, which would be 4 pairs of shoes per spider. . (29 hours and 45 minutes) Most students will realize that from 8:45 AM to 8:45 AM the next day, is 24 hours. They will then “add on” 5 additional hours to get to 9:45, 10:45, 11:45, 12:45, and 1:45, and then 45 minutes to get to 2:30 PM. (27) There would be 12 wheels on the 3 cars, 8 on the 4 bicycles, 6 on the 2 tricycles, and 1 on the unicycle. ($1.84) Students will probably add $6.98 and $9.99 to get $16.97, then add the tax of $1.19 to get $18.16. They will subtract this amount from $20. . (a. C; b.D; c.G) Hopefully, students will notice that the multiples of 7 are in column A and use this fact to get “close to” the numbers 100, 500, and 1,000. Ninety-eight (14 x 7) is the closest multiple of 7 less than 100, so 98 would be in column A, forcing 100 to be in column C. Likewise, 497 or 71 x7 is in column A, putting 500 in column D. Finally, 994 or 142 x7 is in A, indicating that 1000 is in column G. Jupiter XI page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: Jupiter, XXMT (This shows my own thinking.) dex 1. The design to the right was drawn on a piece of clear plastic. The plastic was tumed 180° clockwise, which is half of a complete rotation. i twas then flipped over on the dotted line. Circle the picture below that shows how the design looks after these movements. + 2. If the heaviest dog in the world is 310 pounds and the next-heaviest is 14 pounds less, how much does the next-heaviest dog weigh? Answer: __ pounds %*k — 3. Sunae's group of close friends are going to fifth grade in September. All are going to Belleview Elementary and their homerooms will be rooms 12, 14, or 16. All of her friends but 4 are going to room 12, al] but 4 are going to room 14, and all but 4 are going to room 16. Not counting Sunae, how many children are in her group of close friends? Answer: friends dekk 4, Sam and Suzie are twins. Sam has as many brothers as he has sisters -- Suzie has at least 1 sister, and twice as many brothers as sisters. How many kids are in the family altogether ? Answer: kids x — 5. Josh bought a shirt for $12.95, a belt for $6.95, and a pair of jeans for $27.97. The tax came to $3.35. How much change did he receive if he gave the clerk 2 twenty-dollar bills and 2 ten-dollar bills? Answer: $ Soper XXIN page 1dek 6. Danny's age is 13 and his favorite sport is roller hockey. Answer the questions about roller hockey participants using the circle graph below. a. How many ages are included in Danny's age group? ®. List the age groups from grenest to least based ‘upon their percent of participation. AgeGroup _ % Participation Roller Hockey Participants| 45 By Age cc. Use the data from part (b) to make a conclusion about participation in roller hockey as you get older: Answer: ok 7. What number am I? Answer: Tameven. Tam not 7 x 10 or less. Tam not a multiple of 4. Tam not a multiple of 3. Tam less than 10x 10 - 20. Jekke 8, Four identical books and a 5-ounce weight balance 37 ounces. ‘The equation 4x +5 = 37 expresses this situation, where x is the weight of 1 book. How r Ff much does 1 book weigh? O CAO ‘ounces NS a Answer: Sept 300. page 2 — = =|Comment Jupiter, XXII |. Grd from the left is circled.) Students with good spatial visualization can find the right card by imagining the turns. Others might draw the figure on a card or sheet of paper, and make the turns. (296 pounds) 310 - 14 = 296. . (6) One way to begin the problem is to write down the room numbers 12, 14, and 16, and guess-check-revise. If there are 2 friends in each room, then there will always be four friends in the other two rooms. . (7 kids, 4 boys and 3 girls ) Sam and Suzie are included in the number of brothers or sisters. One way to begin is to write list “B” and “G” for boys and girls, and guess-check- revise. The number under B must be more than 1 since Sam has at least one brother, making 2 boys at least. So try 2 for B, which means Sam has | sister, giving Suzie 0 sisters. But this contradicts what is given, so revise the guess under B to 3. This gives Sam 2 brothers and 2 sisters, and Suzie 1 sister. But then Suzie has 3 brothers, which is not twice as many as her 1 sister. Revise the guess under B to 4, giving Sam 3 brothers and 3 sisters, and Suzie 2 sisters and 4 brothers. This meets the conditions of the problem. . ($8.78) He spent a total of $47.87 plus $3.35 in tax. This totals $51.22. Subtract $51.22 from $60.00. . (a 6; b. Age Group % Participation ; c. The older you get, the less 40% 71 likely you are to be in 12-17 37% roller hockey.) 18-24 10% 25.34 9% 35-up 4% . (74) Students can use the second clue and the last clue to list the numbers from 71 to 79. The first clue eliminates the odd numbers, leaving 72, 74, 76, and 78. But 72 and 76 are both divisible by 4, and 78 is divisible by 3. Hence, by process of elimination, 74 is the answer. . (8) Students should try to find the weight of a book without manipulating the variable x in the ‘equation. They can reason that the 4 books alone must contribute 32 ounces to the weight on the left, since those books plus 5 ounces weigh 37 ounces. Then if 4 books weigh 32 ounces, each book must weigh 8 ounces. Jepter 200 page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Jupiter, XXIV (This shows my own thinking.) kkk 1, The Daily News costs $0.35 at the news stand and is published Monday through Friday. ‘You can also buy a four-week subscription for $4.75. If you bought a four-week subscription, how much would you save over buying it for four weeks at the daily rate? Answer: ok 2. Put > or< inthe box. 3 +] L 2 wiry - nie 4k 3. Ifyou drink 1 can of soda each day, about how many milliliters would you drink in one year? (A can of soda is 354mL. Round your answer to the nearest ten thousand mL.) Answer: mL kkk — 4, There are 6 rectangles formed by the lines in this figure: How many rectangles are formed by the lines in this figure? Answer. rectangles kk OS. 4weeks 3 days 13hours 21 minutes = 2weeks 6 days 19 hours _31 minutes apts X00 page 1ek 6. Which pair of numbers, whose sum is 35, have the largest product? Answer: ex 7, Fill in the missing letter of the alphabet in this pattern: MVEMISUN ‘kok 8, Here are the first three triangle numbers: 3, 6, and 10. ‘What are the next four triangle numbers? Answer: ek 9. Everybody in the world has one of the ight blood types shown in the circle graph. The size of the region gives you an idea of the percent of people in the world with that type of blood. 0+ (read “oh positive”) occurs more often than any other blood type ~~ 36% of the people in the world have 0+ blood. Answer the questions below. Sy ABT a. About what percent have A* blood? __ NS . Whats the most rare blood type? _ >— ABT c. If aperson in your school were picked at random, would they be more likely to have ABt or O blood? JopterX01V_ page 2Commentary Jupiter, XXIV 1, ($2.25) Four weeks at a daily rate would be $0.35 x 5x 4 = $7.00. A 4-week subscription is $4.75. $7.00 - $4.75 is $2.25. 2. ©) 2+ 3/4is 5/4 or | 1/4. 2/3 + 1/2 is 4/6 + 3/6 or 7/6, or 1 1/6. 1 1/4 is greater than 1 1/6 since 1/4 is greater than 1/6. Some students will get the answer by focusing on 3/4 and 2/3 ~ since 1/2 is part of each side, it can be ignored. 3/4 > 2/3, so 1/2 + 3/4 must be greater than 12 +28. 3. (130,000) 354 x 365 = 129,210. When rounded to the nearest ten thousand, the answer is 130,000. 4, (18) Students need to draw figures and look for rectangles of different sizes. If, (7) = J uit, then the # of 1 unit rectangle: a # of 2 unit rectangle: # of 3 unit rectangle: # of 4 unit rectangles #of 6 unit rectangl Pens 18 total 5. (1 week 3ddays 17 hours 50 minutes) This problem involves “borrowing” in a non-base ten system. The time “4 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 21 minutes” can be rewritten as “3 weeks, 9 days, 36 hours, 81 minutes”. The the smaller number can be subtracted. 6. (18 and 17) Students can find the answer by making a list of pairs of numbers that sum to 35 ‘and comparing the products of those pairs. They will notice that the closer the numbers in the pairs become to each other, the higher the product. 7. (P) The pattern is not a numerical pattern, which will confuse some students. M VE M J ‘SUN P represents the first letter of each of the planets in our solar system, in order of their ‘position from the sun ~ Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Satur, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Many adults memorized a saying such as “My very educated mother just served us nine pickles” to remember this sequence. 8. (15, 21, 28, 36) Students may make a drawing of the next four triangular numbers and ‘count the dots in each. They will notice that each new figure in the pattern adds a row on the bottom, with one more dot in it than in the bottom row of the previous figure. 9. (a. about 25%; b. AB; c. O°) For part (a), students can turn the graph and readily see that A* is about 1/4 or 25%. The most rare type is the one with the smallest area. Careful ‘observation, or pethaps tracing the regions of each and comparing the tracing, shows that AB is slightly smaller than AB*. For (c), AB* is smaller than 0°, so the chances of O- are greater. Jopter XXIV page 3SUPERSTARS III Name: ‘Jupiter, XXV (This shows my own th ig.) ek 1. When the Space Shuttle lifts off, it has moved 3 km by the time you clap your hands once. By the time you clap twice, the Shuttle has moved 9 km. By the 3rd clap, it has moved 27 km, and by 4 claps and it has moved 81 km. If this pattern continues, how many km has it moved by the time you have clapped 10 times? Answer: km + 2. Maria needed some magazine pictures for a social studies project. She cut out pages 20, 21, 47, 48, and 104. How many sheets of paper did she remove from the magazine? Answer: ‘kkk 3. Draw four different ways to put four square tiles together. Each tile must be connected to at east one other tile along an entire side. What is the perimeter of each arrangement? What is the area of each arrangement? ? Drawing 1 Drawing 3 perimeter: perimeter: area: sq units area: sq units Drawing 2 Drawing 4 perimeter: perimeter: ‘sq units area: sq units Jupiter XXV_ page 14, Ms. Croskey has just put her students in groups of three. Tia, Jonathon, and Courtney are in a group together and are arguing over who is going to sit by whom. How many ways can the three students be arranged in the chairs? mop ft Answer: ways eke 5, Two pieces of cake weigh as much as one apple and one cherry. One apple weighs as much as five cherries and one piece of cake. How many cherries weigh as much as one apple? Answer: ___ cherries = 1 apple ek — 6. Fill in the Venn Diagram to represent the data provided. — Multiples of 2 1 from 2 to 20 Multiples of 5 from 5 to 50 Lif +x 7. Find two numbers that add to 19 and multiply to 84. Answer: and kk 8. Shirley has 18 coins. One sixth of the coins are quarters, one third of the coins are dimes, and one half of the coins are nickels. What is the value of Shirley's coins? Answer: Jupiter XXXV_ page 2Commentary Jupiter, XXV 1. (69,049) Students may make a list to find a pattern. The pattern is increasing: with each clap the previous distance is multiplied by 3. This is also 310, which can be computed quickly on a calculator with a repeating function by this process: claps - km. claps - km claps - km 1-3 4-81 72,187 2-9 5-243 8- 6,561 3-27 6-729 9 - 19,683, 10 - 59,049 2. (4) Pages 47 and 48 are back-to-back, but 20, 21, and 104 are all individual pages. 3. (There are 5 basic ways to arrange the tiles, as below.) Students can draw the five ‘basic configurations and count to find the perimeter ~ the area is always 4, since 4 tiles are used. One basic configuration is a square, another two are 3 tiles in a row and another one on the side somewhere, a fourth is 4 tiles in a row, and the fifth is a zig-zag shape a p=10 p=l0 p=8 = p10 p=l0 a4 at anh neal a4 4, (6 Students can use the first initials and make alist: TIC, TCJ, CIT, CTJ, ICT, ITC 5. (11 cherries ) Students may draw pictures or use letters. From the right-hand scale, we know that a of cake and 5 cherries can be substituted for an apple because they weigh the same. ‘Therefore a piece of cake and 5 cherries can replace the apple in the right-hand pan of the left-hand scale. Therefore 2 pieces of cake balance 1 piece of cake and 6 cherries. One piece of cake is removed from each side of this scale, leaving 1 piece of cake balancing 6 cherries. This means that 6 cherries can replace the piece of cake on the right-hand pan of the right-hand scale, leaving 1 apple to balance 6 +5 or 11 cherries. There are other ways to reach this same conclusion.’ Such problems are important foundations for later work with algebra. 6. (2, 4, 6 8, 12, 14, 16, and 18 in left area; 10 and 20 in intersection; 5, 15, 25, '30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 in right area.) A Venn diagram is a way to show visually the intersection of two sets. The intersection contains elements common to both sets. 7.7 and 12) Students may use trial and error with addends or factor pairs. Some may solve the ‘problem by listing the numbers that add to 19, checking to see whether their product is 84. 8. ($1.80) 1/6 of 18 is 3 quarters or $0.75; 1/3 of 18 is 6 dimes or $0.60 and 1/2 of 18 is 9 nickels or $0.45. Students might want to draw 18 coins and physically circle 1/3, 1/6, and 1/2 of the set. Japtee XV page 3w ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project, originally designated Sunshine Math, is the third in a series of problem solving programs. It was conceived, coordinated and developed through the Florida Department of Education with input from the mathematics staff members of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the South Carolina Department of Education. In addition, it was supported financially through a grant to the School Board of Polk County, Florida. The rich history of these materials and the predecessor programs, SUPERSTARS and SUPERSTARS I goes back to the early 1980°s. Many Florida teachers have been involved in developing and using these materials over the years. The original SUPERSTARS programs were adopted and adapted by North Carolina and South Carolina with their teachers contributing to revisions and personalizations for use in their states. Florida educators were primarily responsible for developing, field testing, and publishing Sunshine Math, Educators from the Carolinas developed the MathStars Newsletter to accompany and enhance this program. School districts in North Carolina have permission to reproduce this document for use in their schools for non-profit educational purposes. Copies of each grade level are available from the publications unit of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The contact for SUPERSTARS ITI and the MathStars Newsletter is Linda Patch, 301 North Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC 27601-2825 : (919-715-2225). Michael E. Ward State Superintendent North Carolina Department of Public Instruction> WK Preface « SUPERSTARS III encourages and enhances the positive aspects of students, parents, teachers and administrators working together. This program assumes that students, even young children, are capable of and interested in learning; that teachers want to help them learn to think for themselves; that administrators see their jobs as clearing the path so that quality education is delivered effectively in their schools; and that parents care about their child’s learning and are willing to work with the school system ‘toward that goal. Each of these four groups has a vital role to play in implementing SUPERSTARS IIL ‘The designer of this program has a long history of working with elementary children. He believes that they are capable of much more than we ask of them, and that many children are on the path to becoming independent leamers. A number of children in any classroom are bright, energetic and willing to accept extra challenges. The basic purpose of SUPERSTARS III is to provide the extra challenge that self-motivated students need in mathematics, and to do so in a structured, long-term program that does not impinge on the normal classroom routine or the time of the teacher. The system is not meant to replace any aspect of the school curriculum - itis offered as a peripheral opportunity for students who identify with challenges and who want to be rewarded for their extra effort. Participation in the program is always optional ~ only those students who voluntarily choose to participate will, in the long run, benefit from SUPERSTARS III. Any student, regardless of prior academic performance, should be encouraged to participate as long as interest is maintained. The predecessor program for SUPERSTARS III -- the SUPERSTARS II program -- has demonstrated that this concept can be extremely useful. What is required are several dedicated adults who devote a few hours each week to operate the system effectively in the school; an administrator who provides highly visible support; teachers who welcome a supplementary experience for their students to engage in higher-order thinking; and a typical classroom of students. If all of those ingredients are present SUPERSTARS III will become an integral part of the school fabric.ORGANIZATION OF THESE MATERIALS Section I 1, General Information Description of the SUPERSTARS III Program 2. Information/checklist for principals 3. Information/checklist for assisting adults 4, Information for teachers 5. Letter to participating students and their parents. Section IT Student worksheets for SUPERSTARS III Section III ‘Commentary for student worksheets for SUPERSTARS IISUPERSTARS III: General Information SUPERSTARS IIT is a K-8 program designed as an enrichment opportunity for self directed learners in mathematics. The levels of the program are named for the planets in our solar system: Kindergarten Mercury Fourth Grade Jupiter First Grade Venus Fifth Grade Satum Second Grade Earth Sixth Grade Uranus Third Grade Mars Seventh Grade Neptune Eighth Grade Pluto Students of all ability levels choose on their own to participate in SUPERSTARS III. Seeing their names displayed in a prominent place in the school, with a string of stars indicating their success, is one reward students receive for their extra work. In some cases the school may decide to enhance this basic system by awarding certificates of achievement or some other form of recognition to highlight certain levels of success or participation in the SUPERSTARS Ill program. SUPERSTARS III can function in a school in a number of different ways. A “tried and true” way is for assisting adults (volunteers, aides, etc.) to manage the program for the entire school, with support provided by school administrators and classroom teachers. This system has been adopted at the school level, with varying degrees of success, over the years. The basic model for conducting SUPERSTARS Il is discussed below, with variations described on the next page. The basic model The basic model for SUPERSTARS II is for a school to establish a weekly cycle at the beginning of the academic year according to the following guidelines: On Monday of each week student worksheets are distributed by the assisting. adults to students in the program. Students have until Friday to complete the problems working entirely on their own. On Friday the classroom teacher holds a brief problem- solving session for the students in the program. The more difficult problems on the worksheet are discussed with students describing their thinking about strategies to solve the problems. They do not share solutions, only strategies. ivStudents receive double credit for those problems they have successfully completed prior to the problem-solving session, and regular credit for those they complete successfully over the week-end. On Monday all papers are handed in, checked by the assisting adult, and stars are posted for problems successfully completed. This completes one cycle of the SUPERSTARS IIT program. SUPERSTARS III is not for every child — it is only for those who are self-motivated and who are not easily frustrated by challenging situations. This does not diminish the value of the program, but rather makes us realize that there are children of all ability and socio- economic levels who are self-directed leamers and who need challenges beyond those of the regular school day. These children will shine in SUPERSTARS Il. Variations of the basic model ‘The first variation that has been used successfully retains the weekly cycle and assisting adult role from the basic model. The teacher however, involves the entire class in the problem-solving discussions. For example, the teacher might select the four most difficult problems on the worksheet (indicated by three or four stars) and work a “parallel” problem with the entire class to open the mathematics lesson on Tuesday through Friday. Using this variation, all students are exposed to the problem-solving strategies, but only those who have chosen to participate in SUPERSTARS II will ‘complete and tum in the worksheet on Monday. A second variation has the assisting adult manage the entire program, including the Friday problem-solving session . This method has been used in situations where teachers lacked commitment to the program and thus implemented it inconsistently. In such cases, the assisting adult must have a progressive view of what constitutes problem solving in elementary mathematics. They should also receive extra assistance from the administra- tion to ensure that students are released from class and that the cycles proceed smoothly. Yet another variation is for a parent to manage SUPERSTARS III at home for his or her own child, The basic rules are the same ~ a child gets the worksheet once a week and time to work the problems alone. The parent sets a night to listen to the way the child thought about each problem, offering suggestions or strategies only when the child is unable to proceed. The reward system is basically the same, stars on a chart, but can be enhanced by doing something special with the child, such as a trip to the museum or to a sporting event when the child reaches certain levels of success. If this method is adopted, the parent must not try to teach the child, but rather to stimulate discussion of problem- solving strategies. SUPERSTARS IIT is not a program for adults to teach children how to think. Other variations exist. The basic model as stated is the best, all other factors being equal, for reaching more children in a consistent fashion than any of the other methods. However, we encourage individual schools, teachers, or parents to get some version started; some starlight is better than none.SUPERSTARS III: Information for Principals SUPERSTARS II is a K-8 enrichment package for mathematics designed to be managed by volunteer assisting adults with coordinated support from the classroom teacher and school administrators. The purpose of the program is to give self-motivated students of all ability levels a chance to extend themselves beyond the standard mathematics curriculum. The complete set of materials comes in nine packages, one for each grade K-8. The grade levels are identified by the names of the nine planets in our solar system and their order from the sun: araeaanaas \ Ct. UR SJ ) ~ ——_— Mercury - Kindergarten ‘Venus - First Grade Earth - Second Grade Mars - Third Grade Jupiter - Fourth Grade Saturn - Fifth Grade ‘Uranus - Sixth Grade Neptune - Seventh Grade Pluto - Eighth Grade. ‘Your support is vital if this program is to succeed. As the school administrator, you need to stay in close contact with the SUPERSTARS III program. A “checklist for success” follows: C1 Become familiar with the philosophy and component parts of the program. C1 introduce SUPERSTARS IIT to the faculty early in the schoo! year. Ensure that teachers understand the philosophy of the program and have copies of the student worksheets and commentaries appropriate for their grade levels. 1 Speak to parents at your school’s first open house of the year, explaining the purpose of SUPERSTARS II and the long term value of children working independently on challenging problems. Gi Recruit several assisting adults (PTA members, aides, senior citizens, business partners. church members, etc.) who are enthusiastic, dependable people who are willing to manage the program. Early in the academic year, meet with these assisting adults to plan such details as: . ¥ A prominent place and format for the STAR CHART.
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